The best seeds on Aliexpress: TOP 20 popular seeds for growing plants and crops

Growing an orchid from seeds is a very labor-intensive process , but it is worth it. A successful result makes the grower very happy with the number of children and their parameters.

But in this matter it is very important to decide on the seeds , you can buy them and this is the easiest way, but not the most reliable.

When buying seeds, especially abroad,
you need to be sure of the quality . Among active Internet users, most are familiar with the Aliexpress platform and many have bought something there at least once.

Most often, orchid seeds are ordered from Aliexpress.

And the variety of seeds on the site makes you hold your breath, including the many different varieties of orchids. But is it worth ordering them?

Let's find out whether it's worth ordering orchid seeds from Aliexpress from China: let's read the reviews and what we grew from them.

Rating of seeds on Aliexpress

Vegetable seeds

Balcony tomatoes⭐ 5 / 5Find out the price

Hot pepper Cayenne Golden⭐ 4.9 / 5
2 - votes
Find out the price

Caramel purple carrots⭐ 4.8 / 5Find out the price

Rainbow Tomato Seeds⭐ 4.7 / 5Find out the price

Cabbage Stone Head⭐ 4.6 / 5Find out the price

Cucumbers Topolek F1⭐ 4.5 / 5Find out the price
Fruit tree seeds

Winter Welsey apple tree⭐ 5 / 5Find out the price

Watermelon cucumber⭐ 4.9 / 5Find out the price

Amur grapes⭐ 4.8 / 5Find out the price

Peach⭐ 4.7 / 5Find out the price
Ornamental tree seeds

Sequoia red evergreen⭐ 5 / 5Find out the price

Siberian cedar⭐ 4.9 / 5Find out the price

Mountain pine Mugus⭐ 4.8 / 5Find out the price

Larch⭐ 4.7 / 5Find out the price

Blue spruce⭐ 4.6 / 5
1 - voice
Find out the price
Houseplant seeds

Banana decorative⭐ 5 / 5Find out the price

Shy Mimosa⭐ 4.9 / 5Find out the price

Washingtonia Robusta Indoor⭐ 4.8 / 5Find out the price

Begonia tuberous ampelous sunny yellow⭐ 4.7 / 5Find out the price

Kalihavia orchid tree⭐ 4.6 / 5
1 - voice
Find out the price

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This rating is objective at the time of its preparation. Here are the most popular seeds with a high rating and a large number of positive reviews. However, you need to understand that over time this rating may become outdated as other seeds become more popular. That is why it is important not only to focus on the TOP lists, but also to independently understand what to look for when choosing.

Miracle plants from Chinese seeds (updated 05/02/2017)

In the wide expanses of Aliexpress, selling seeds of plants of extraordinary beauty is quite common. Flowers of unusual colors, vegetables of bizarre shapes, abundantly flowering bonsai trees, variegated ornamental grasses and shrubs look at the buyer from bright images... Beauty!.. And the most interesting thing is that according to Chinese sellers, it all grows from seeds!

After reading reviews about this kind of product, I was almost unable to glean any useful information - the seeds arrived, packaged, clean (or, less often, with some debris in them)... and that’s it! And it’s impossible to write about what grows out of this and whether it grows at all - time is running out for writing and editing a review

Yes, in principle, it is problematic to return money for such a product: you need to be well versed in the appearance of the seeds and sometimes it takes a decent amount of time to see what is growing from them. And by this time, the order is usually closed and all protection periods are a thing of the past... Quite a profitable business, isn’t it?

As an experiment, I ordered different types of plants from different stores. And so I waited for the seeds - everything was packaged and signed, and some even looked like the right ones... Then the sowing season began.

I decided to divide the seeds from each bag into several parts and germinate them in different ways. I will not describe all these perversions with cotton pads, peroxide, primer, stratification in the refrigerator, etc., but will move on to the results.

It was possible to grow only a few types of plants, and the rest, if the seeds did not rot, then gave wonderful shoots that appeared within a week or two and also rotted...

In total, in a year, I have not yet been able to grow a single plant even remotely similar to what the sellers offered.

Next, I’ll tell you more about fraudulent stores, especially since they are still thriving and successfully increasing their ratings.

I’ll probably start with the Seed supermarket store

The stores of the same seller can safely include Beauty Trusty Flower Bonsai Seeds, jiaqi's Store, Wholesale flowers fruit vegetable seeds, Flowers Garden NO.1, Best Chinese Seeds (seeds from them came in one parcel). I was very impressed by the grown flowers from this store.

"Netherlands tulip seeds, 24 colors" This is a photo of the seller

And then what has grown. And it didn’t even smell like a mix of flowers – they were all the same, but there were a lot of them. For some time, this something was on my windowsill (I left one prototype at home in case the others died in the ground) and in the flower bed. However, sellers from China have a strange concept about tulips.

South African Iris , Dietes bicolor, 50 seeds, yellow flowers, graceful foliage” The foliage of my “iris” may be graceful, but judging by its appearance, I will not be able to see yellow flowers.

"5 types of freesia "

There were a lot of seeds and the shoots turned out to be friendly. You could even say 99%. But I don’t quite understand why bulbous plants sprout with cotyledon leaves... A lot has grown, now I’m waiting for this miracle to bloom (if this happens, I’ll be sure to add a photo). On the street, this “miracle” safely disappeared.


This plant behaved in a very original way - its seeds zealously tried to get out of their shell, but as soon as the “cap” flew off, they rotted safely.

"Rare bonsai rainbow azalea "

Seed germination is good, but survival rate is not very good. Not a single plant survived from the cotton pads, but 11 plants survived the picking from the soil. Very similar to miniature acacia leaves.

"Colorful Boinevillea Spectabilis Willd"

Of the entire abundance of seeds, three sprouted in the ground. Only one plant survived. Let's see what grows out of it.

"Garlands flame lily brownii"

Only 4 sprouted. It is immediately clear that this plant has no connection with lilies and their relatives. I left one copy at home - I’m waiting for flowers... I waited:

These stores included gloxinia , calla lilies, purple violet, gazania, and sakura. The seeds of these plants did not even try to germinate - they were simply covered, some with moss, some with mold, and that was all! The “deciduous bonsai plant maple seeds” safely rotted without any signs of awakening to life.

Another interesting store is Flower seeds Vegetables seeds Fruits seeds. What I got from him was mostly vegetables and berries.

“Red white green cucumbers ” - all the seeds have rotted clean.

Purple tomato Instead of 20 pieces, about 100 arrived. Not a single seed out of 50 sprouted. On July 1, I poured the remaining ones into the soil - no results yet.

I ordered yellow and red cherry tomatoes About 6 of them even sprouted, but I couldn’t wait for a single true leaf - the shoots fell and never grew again. I still have a few seeds left, if they suddenly grow, I will definitely add a photo.

I was pleased with the friendly shoots of “super giant strawberry fruits Apple seeds.” But the joy did not last long - the sprouts were frail and died immediately at the slightest drying. Then I adapted (there were a lot of seeds for experiments - I took all the colors in a bag). I had to keep the seedlings under cling film until 3-4 true leaves appeared.

Oddly enough, the leaves are even very similar to strawberry or strawberry leaves. As a result, my surviving strawberries ended up in the ground and that’s when the real horror began! And it even bloomed. It became clear that the strawberries were not lying nearby. I waited for the “fruits” - something like strawberries, round, red, up to 1 cm in diameter. It tastes like wow! grass-grass, but did not get poisoned (which is already pleasing). After googling a little, I decided that it was the Indian duchesne strawberry, or rather the Indian cinquefoil - a plant that is more of an ornamental weed than one cultivated in the garden for the purpose of producing large, sweet strawberries. After a week or two, this “happiness” filled the entire garden bed and began to creep into the neighboring ones, sprouting a crazy number of mustaches. At first I tried to fight the mustache, but then I couldn’t stand it and uprooted this disgrace (fortunately, I sat on spunbond and it wasn’t very difficult to destroy the entire area).

" Plants aquarium decoration"

Having a small aquarium at home, I couldn’t pass up these seeds. In theory, it was supposed to be a mixture of 9 varieties, but based on the types of seeds, I counted 4 of them. Only one type sprouted - ordinary green grass.

The saddest part of the seed topic for me is growing roses . In principle, it all started with them. In the last-minute items, I first saw Abracadabra rose seeds from the Seeds shop . Now this is the only store where I ordered seeds that is completely out of stock. In it, I then ordered black roses with red and blue edges, blue-pink and a mix of simply multi-colored roses.

From the flower fruit vegetables Seed bonsai store I received “Golden Rose” seeds, 8 types of two-color “Rainbow Rose” and “rare Holland Rainbow Roses Lover multicolor”.

Now briefly about the results - out of about 1000 seeds and all sorts of germination methods (I tried all the methods that I could find on the global network) from September 2015 to July 2016, not a single seed even hatched. Those that were left with peroxide eventually bloomed, those without peroxide turned black and many also became covered with mold. Neither stratification nor stimulants helped.

Here are two more stores of the same seller - Seeds Party, Happy Gardens. And these two are from another - Hanging Garden, Flower & Story. Of the latter, I ordered seeds for my mother-in-law - so far nothing worthwhile has grown. When I go to the dacha, I will definitely take pictures of the “tulips” and 2 more types of what has sprouted (especially since one miracle plant should have already bloomed).

In winter, I decided that I would not return to the Chinese for seeds, but in the spring I became bored. And I went for a test purchase of seeds to the Yachan Fashion Line Co., Ltd store . And this time, after receiving the seeds, I did not close the order, but asked to extend the protection (to which the seller agreed) and immediately sowed what arrived. An interesting review awaits the seller and of course with photographs.

cucumbers , 10 pieces each (1, 4, 6, 7).

After 3-4 days they sprouted (which made me very happy after the previous ones). But for some reason they seem too big to me.

And here are the fruits - green...

"Amethyst small tomato " and "Purple Rose small tomato"

Something sprouted safely already on the 3-4th day. Until they fell. Over time, tomatoes appeared - small, round, red...

"Dahlia flower Mixed Flowers Dahlia "

They sprouted on the 5th-6th day.

Venus Flytrap ” - painfully familiar seeds arrived. They sprouted amicably on the 2nd day and I had no doubts left - the already familiar “South African Iris” is growing (see photo above). It was not possible to diversify indoor plants. :D

" Petunia big flower" and "Petunia duet"

They have sprouted and are growing little by little.

“Little rare phantom petunia” ordered number 12 (as in the picture). They sprouted, grew, bloomed...

"Cypress Seeds Conifers "

After a week, only one seed sprouted. After some time (almost a year) the plant looks like this.

Crocuses come in 5 different colors - the seeds instantly turn black and rot.

The hazel grouse “Yellow Imperial Crown Seeds Fritillaria imperialis” is not going to sprout yet.

“Strawberry Seeds Rare Color” are somehow strange with a reddish tint. They haven't risen yet.

Well, I couldn’t do without roses: “ Rose is a type of tree color”, “Beautiful Black Rose Flower with a Red Edge” and several types of “Lady of the Most Fevorite”. They haven't changed much yet. But it’s too early to expect germination from these seeds.

The conclusion suggests itself - the Chinese are fooling us with seeds as best they can. But I really want to believe that there are honest sellers and that from the seeds they send, what you need grows. If this is true, please post links to their stores in the comments. Unfortunately, I cannot share such links yet.

How to choose seeds on Aliexpress

Despite the large number of products, some lots are popular, while others are not. There are several rules when choosing seeds on Aliexpress:

  1. The product rating must be more than 4.5 stars. This practically guarantees that you will receive a quality product.
  2. The seller's rating must be at least 95%. Practice shows that a lower figure is a big problem. There is a chance that the supplier will not ship the item or will ship the wrong product.
  3. It is important to study reviews. Only they will allow you to make an objective conclusion about the quality of certain seeds.


. If you buy the highest-rated seeds, you shouldn’t be sure that they will germinate. The fact is that everything depends not only on the seeds, but also on the conditions of their growth. It is necessary to provide them with ideal conditions to obtain the desired result.

Thus, it is not necessary to be guided by such ratings if you know how to choose the right products. The main thing is to be extremely careful and cooperate exclusively with reliable suppliers.

Pistils and stamens

What this online store has in abundance is a variety of colors. What woman can resist? Moreover, if her vegetable seedlings are already “blooming and smelling”? I want something not only for the stomach, but also for the soul. I ordered exotics with caution, but, in the end, knowing everything about pistils and stamens is my job, right?

The first thing I wanted passionately was roses. I wanted to see them in my “garden”, even if it was tiny. Oh, what photos were in the reviews of rose seeds from Aliexpress! What I decided: “I will have this flower!”

True, I had to fight local battles with my husband Vasya, who demanded that the flower beds in front of the house be planted with his “namesakes” - cornflowers. Then I had to tinker with the capricious women for a long time. In the end, they even sprouted and blossomed in the flowerbed, but the process of nurturing the ever-withering plants muted the joy. I would give it a C, with a plus.

Rose Seeds “Black Pearl”

I was impressed by only one variety, although I had to struggle with it for a long time. The rose is called “Black Pearl”. Remember the song that “there are different girls - black, white, red”? Roses, as it turns out, are like that too. Have you ever seen a black, white and red rose? And I raised her. The flower is incredibly original and beautiful; if you are planning to plant a Japanese-style bonsai garden, you need it, but be prepared to sweat. Yes, it is better to buy here and plant in early summer.

“It’s surprising people who try to grow plants in conditions that are absolutely not intended for them. And when they begin to wither and wither, they panic. Comrades, be realistic. In Siberia, where the temperature is below zero in the summer, an exotic rose will not please you!”

With the onset of autumn, I wanted two things. First, create a green corner at home so you don’t miss your dacha so much in winter. Second, something less “original” and capricious. I chose the most famous plant of all times - geranium.

Geranium seeds - Thyroid pelargonium - 17 colors!

I chose the most unpretentious variety of geranium - thyroid pelargonium. The package costs about 30 rubles and contains 17 colors – from traditional white and pink to multi-color combinations. Then I tried other varieties. I gave white geranium to my mother, they say it brings good luck. My mother was also absolutely delighted with the geranium seeds from Aliexpress - I later bought her purple and green ones.

Yes, yes, such people exist. And special thanks for such interesting things, high five.

User voting

What seeds would you choose or recommend?

Balcony tomatoes

0.00% ( 0 )

Hot pepper Cayenne Golden

50.00% ( 2 )

Caramel purple carrots

0.00% ( 0 )

Rainbow Tomato Seeds

0.00% ( 0 )

Cabbage Stone Head

0.00% ( 0 )

Cucumbers Topolek F1

0.00% ( 0 )

Winter Welsey apple tree

0.00% ( 0 )

Watermelon cucumber

0.00% ( 0 )

Amur grapes

0.00% ( 0 )


0.00% ( 0 )

Sequoia red evergreen

0.00% ( 0 )

Siberian cedar

0.00% ( 0 )

Mountain pine Mugus

0.00% ( 0 )


0.00% ( 0 )

Blue spruce

25.00% ( 1 )

Banana decorative

0.00% ( 0 )

Shy Mimosa

0.00% ( 0 )

Washingtonia Robusta Indoor

0.00% ( 0 )

Begonia tuberous ampelous sunny yellow

0.00% ( 0 )

③ Watermelon cucumber or Melotria rough - seeds

Rating: 4.9 Price: 320.00 rub.
Go to the store Unusual small cucumbers, similar in color to watermelons, have an excellent taste, especially when pickled. Melothria rough can also be grown at home on a kitchen window sill - since the crop is a vine, it will fit into any interior in an original way. Caring for the plant is no more difficult than caring for simple cucumbers. Packaging: 18–20 seeds per bag.


  • many seeds sprout;
  • The seller adds thuja or acacia seeds as a gift.


  • You can find it cheaper in offline stores.

Buy on

Cortaderia seeds (pampas grass) cortaderia selloana 100 pcs/bag

Reviews (Russia): 1,680 / Orders (World): 8,500

Cordateria, or also called pampas grass, is an ornamental and perennial plant. It has long curved leaves that are green, cream or white striped. During the flowering period, fluffy luxurious panicles of different lengths and colors bloom. The package contains 100 pieces of seeds of this grass, which will decorate the front garden, the local area of ​​establishments and institutions.

Buy on Aliexpress


( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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