How to beautifully arrange flowers in an apartment. Flowers in the interior, modern accommodation options

How to arrange flowers in the kitchen

Everyone knows that women spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And the whole family often gathers in the kitchen. Therefore, this place must be properly decorated with indoor flowers.

Flowers for the kitchen

Indoor plants refresh the air, add comfort, color, and beauty. It is difficult to choose plants for the kitchen, because there are sudden temperature changes and high humidity. But still, there are indoor flowers that are even recommended to be grown in the kitchen.

The first flower is Chlorophytum. It absorbs all electromagnetic radiation that comes from kitchen appliances and harmful substances from plastic furniture.

This is a real air corpsman. They even find a place for it in spaceships. One or two copies will be enough. Hang it or place it closer to the light, then it will begin to bloom with small flowers and delight with the rich color of the foliage.

Golden scindapsus, nolinas, aglaonemas, philodendrons, cacti, pike tail and other unpretentious flowers will enliven any kitchen.

Where and how should indoor flowers be placed: according to Feng Shui, in the children's room, kitchen, bedroom

Indoor flower
It is clear that when a new flower appears in the house, the housewife tries to find the best place for it, i.e. so that it does not interfere with the inhabitants of the apartment or house, and, at the same time, it can be constantly admired. But the location of the flower can also enhance or, conversely, reduce the influence of certain aspects of life and the energy that is present in the home. Where and how should indoor flowers be placed?

To create positive energy, you need to follow several not very complicated rules according to Feng Shui:

  • There should be no artificial flowers in the house - they have very bad, one might even say dead, energy.
  • The same can be said about flowers that show signs of wilting - their influence will negatively affect the inhabitants of the house, they are immediately removed.
  • Indoor plants in the bedroom can negatively affect marital relationships because they enhance the yang energy in the room.
  • It is forbidden to place flower pots in open spaces ; their place is on special shelves or niches, where energy is retained and distributed throughout the space.
  • Relaxation areas seem to be specially designed for admiring flowers , but they do not need to be placed directly next to the sofa or lounge chairs. It is better to place them so that they are clearly visible, but at a slight distance.

in a children's room because there is a high risk of injury to the child if the pot turns over. In addition, some flowers may contain toxic substances in their leaves or stems, and children, out of curiosity, may chew a leaf and become poisoned.

The kitchen is a good place for flowers, but only if it is large enough. Otherwise, the hot air from the stove may damage the plants and they may die. On a kitchen window sill, large plants will shade the room, but small pots of violets or cyclamen are quite suitable for decorating window sills in this room.

Flowers in pots

Green pets in flowerpots will help decorate the interior. Flowers in pots that have leaves of different colors, shapes and sizes look most original. Tall plants are placed on low stands or on the floor.

But hanging decorative crops look better in hanging flowerpots. Cascades of curly branches, decorated with lacy foliage, create incomparable comfort.

When creating a composition for a home greenhouse, you can combine flowers in pots and mounted on floor stands. Plants will fill the room with oxygen and make any room cozy and cheerful.

If you have a small room and there is nowhere to put vases of flowers, make an airy greenhouse. Attach the flowerpot to the ceiling. They won't take up valuable wall and floor space. Ordinary pots can be entwined with ropes and diluted with beads to create an unusual design.

How to arrange flowers in the bedroom

Lovers of indoor flowers are afraid to place them in the bedroom. Indeed, not all flowers are suitable for this room. At night, when a person sleeps, it is necessary that the air in the bedroom be clean and filled with oxygen.

To achieve this goal, only those plants that can improve the microclimate are suitable. They must produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, increase air humidity. In addition, green pets must absorb harmful substances, filter the air, draw off bad energy, and improve a person’s emotional state.

In order not to spoil the atmosphere in the bedroom, there should be no sick, dried out, odorous, flowers with needles or poisonous plants.

Spathiphyllum - constantly produces oxygen, moisturizes and purifies the air of toxic impurities, and neutralizes allergens. At the same time, the flower blooms beautifully.

Chlorophytum is useful to keep both in the kitchen and in the bedroom, especially if you have a TV or computer there. It absorbs toxic compounds and inhibits the development of dangerous microbes.

Please note that if the seedling begins to develop rapidly, the room is contaminated with toxic substances. This is a signal. To make chlorophytum enhance its absorption effects, mix the soil in a pot with activated carbon tablets.

Aloe - releases oxygen at night, absorbing harmful compounds from furniture made of MDF or chipboard. Aloe also eliminates electricity and saturates the air with phytoncides, which prevent microbes from multiplying.

Ficus - releases oxygen, disinfects the atmosphere, collects dust, absorbing its molecules into its tissues. It has been noted that the bioenergy of ficus has a positive effect on people’s mood and well-being.

Hamedorrhea – intensively absorbs harmful compounds, moisturizes the air. As you know, in winter, when the heating is on, people lack atmospheric humidity, hence constant headaches and depressed mood.

Hamedorea will improve your condition by releasing ozone into the atmosphere of the room. Fatigue and headache will be relieved “as if by hand.”

Sansevieria absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night. useful for all rooms in the house, as it fights dangerous bacteria and traps dust and toxic fumes from synthetic flooring.

Kalanchoe - calms, relieves anxiety, protects against nightmares, and lifts a person out of depression. All this is due to the fact that the flower releases natural healing compounds. At night, Kalanchoe produces more oxygen than during the day.

Geranium not only decorates the interior, but also treats insomnia. The flower releases a large amount of oxygen and ozone, which has a calming effect on the body, and helps the female body restore hormonal balance.

Dracaena - effectively cleanses the atmosphere and is considered a leader in the production of oxygen and the absorption of formaldehyde and other toxic compounds.

Rosemary - can be placed in rooms where people suffering from respiratory diseases sleep. The flower releases calming substances.

All these plants can be placed in the living room and recreation rooms.

Dieffenbachia, Japanese rhodea, orchid, dwarf cellar, tuberose, croton, lily, oleander, monstera, fern cannot be placed in the bedroom, otherwise you will get up broken and tired in the morning.

Easy breath

We are all aware of the fact that we breathe oxygen while plants produce oxygen, so they are our natural partners. It is considered beneficial to go for a morning jog in the park, but plants can be grown indoors and will work in a similar way.

Look carefully at the flowers and choose the ones that are most suitable for this purpose. These will be those that produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, such as orchids and epiphytic bromeliads. You can keep them in your bedroom, thereby improving your breathing.

Living room decoration

Recently, tillandsia, which does not require soil, has been used to decorate the living room. The flower takes food from the atmosphere: microparticles and droplets of moisture.

Tillandsia is able to create living curtains and beautifully delimit space.

Vertical gardening is a new fashion trend for living rooms. A vertical green corner with tall flowers that grow upward fits harmoniously into a modern interior.

Types of vertical compositions: phyto-paintings, ceiling installations, green walls, hanging or mobile compositions.

The green wall looks very elegant. The selection of plants is unlimited. A hanging arrangement of hanging flowers and unpretentious house plants looks surprisingly impressive. The composition will look even more impressive if you include flowering orchids, arrowroots, and phytonias.

To change the interior of the room, the greenhouse can be arranged on a mobile table.

When creating your living room interior, try to also use useful crops. The following will help relieve anxiety and improve sleep: lavender, valerian, citrus fruits, laurel, myrtle, gardenia, begonia.

Indoor flowers that must be in the house: 15 best flowers for home and apartment

Experienced flower growers know that some flowers have a good effect on the energy and atmosphere of a home and a person, while others are best avoided and not planted in a living room. This is due to various factors, including the fact that plants can be simply poisonous and emit substances harmful to humans or domestic animals. Below you will find a list of indoor flowers that must be in the house. These are the 15 best colors for home and apartment:

Aloe is an indoor flower that must be in the house

  • ALOE

This green plant is not very impressive in appearance, but its benefits significantly outweigh this drawback. This is a medicine flower. With its help you can cure colds and inflammations, heal wounds, and stop bleeding. It has a very good effect on the skin. Therefore, it is often used in cosmetology; it is part of cosmetic masks for aging skin.

Violet is an indoor flower that must be in the house


A little was said about this plant above, but it is used not only for beauty. It can quite effectively clean the kitchen of carbon monoxide, and slightly humidify the dry air. The wide palette of colors of modern varieties of violets even relieves depression.

Geranium is an indoor flower that must be in the house


The lush greenery of this plant and highly decorative flowers have made it popular among gardeners. Geranium can also rid your home of moths and pathogens. Fragrant inflorescences will help with headaches and relieve nervous tension, helping you to sleep peacefully.

Crassula is an indoor flower that must be in the house


Or money tree - this plant is more familiar under this name. It is called so because of the similarity of the small round leaves with coins. The stems of the crassula are densely hung with these “coins”. Because of this, it is believed that the plant can attract banknotes.

Citrus fruits are indoor flowers that must be in the house


A blooming lemon or orange is simply a fantastic sight, not to mention the amazing aroma of the flowers. True, only owners of fairly large kitchens can afford such a luxury - citrus fruits in adulthood are quite large plants. The fruits and leaves release essential compounds that can relieve stress and soothe irritation.

Anthurium is an indoor flower that must be in the house


When people see this flower for the first time, they confidently say that it is artificial. The spectacular red inflorescence seems to be made of plastic. Beautiful dense leaves, if they are healthy, also look like artificial ones. But these leaves can absorb harmful impurities released by modern finishing materials.

Calla is an indoor flower that must be in the house


A bouquet of these graceful flowers is often held in the hands of the bride at a wedding ceremony. Now varieties not only of white, but also of other colors have been bred. But only the white calla is a royal flower. It can be grown at home on a windowsill, although only experienced gardeners can do this.

Camellia is an indoor flower that must be in the house


An elegant, but rather capricious flower that requires special attention. The inflorescences of this plant resemble miniature peonies. Shiny leathery leaves add decorativeness to the entire flower. This is an infrequent guest in apartments, due to its demands on environmental conditions.

Kalanchoe is an indoor flower that must be in the house


Another “family doctor” who helps to cope with certain diseases. Only, unlike aloe, it belongs to a different family - Crassulaceae. Some species are so decorative that they began to be sold in bloom, along with miniature roses, orchids, and azaleas, at New Year's flower shows.

Cyclamen is an indoor flower that must be in the house


Another frequent guest at New Year and Christmas flower sales. It blooms mainly in winter with beautiful, butterfly-like flowers in delicate shades of pink. The difficulty in keeping this flower lies in preserving it during the dormant period, which occurs in the summer, when the flower must be stored at low temperatures.

Orchid is an indoor flower that must be in the house


For some flower growers, this is a real antidepressant, capable of distracting a person from negative thoughts and giving joy simply by its presence. One of the best indoor flowers with very high decorative flowers and leaves.

Dracaena is an indoor flower that must be in the house


Feng Shui experts often recommend having this flower at home. He is able to accumulate positive energy and give it to his owner. Quite unpretentious in maintenance, but rarely blooms, but has decorative leaves.

Monstera is an indoor flower that must be in the house


Large flower for large rooms. The leaves require constant attention - they need to be frequently wiped with a damp sponge, sprayed, and watered. But the plant is majestic, it gives a feeling of being in the jungle, where, in fact, it came to us.

Azalea is an indoor flower that must be in the house


A flower that loves cold and shade. Having created such conditions, you can admire its spectacular flowering for a long time. But this is difficult to achieve in summer. Therefore, the plant is not very popular and you rarely see it on windowsills or shelves. Although experienced gardeners grow azaleas and are not going to give them up.

Fern is an indoor flower that must be in the house

  • FERN

It has decorative foliage, never blooms, and reproduces only vegetatively. Several types of fern are grown at home. This plant does not like heat or direct sunlight; it needs to be sprayed frequently to increase the humidity of the surrounding air. Such conditions are comfortable for him, and he can live in the apartment for decades.

Filter flowers

Excellent air purifiers, which will not only decorate the house, but also remove toxins, dangerous fumes, heavy metals, smog, dust, are a must-have in the living room and other rooms. Filter flowers can destroy germs and also prevent the growth of mold on walls and in corners.

The following types of indoor plants perform this “work” best of all: chlorophytum, spathiphyllum, ivy, ficus, pelargonium and other flowers. If the whole family often gathers in the hall, then place the graceful chamedorea nearby. Even looking at the lush greenery will give your eyes and brain a rest.

Likes or dislikes (fortune telling with chamomile) or is it possible not to love indoor flowers?

Indoor flowers litter the apartments. Definitely. What's the point of arguing with this? Dry leaves and flowers fall, leaves turn yellow, plants get sick, the soil can wake up, water can spill when watering, while spraying plants, nearby papers curl, insects can appear, replanting is generally a dirty task, etc. and so on. All this requires constant care and constant cleaning.

This topic was once discussed on a forum in a group of indoor and garden plant lovers. And there were more comments than in other topics dedicated to flower care, so flower growers were hooked!

I wanted to know how my readers feel about indoor plants.

All people are different, some don’t like pets, some don’t like cars and motorcycles, and some are indifferent to flowers. Probably, people who do not recognize flowers at all need to understand: well, this is a category, a psychological type.

Each of us likes something and doesn’t like something, and this is quite normal.

And there are those who simply hate flowers, even if you give a flower, they don’t water it on purpose so that it disappears.

In some families, the husband grows flowers. They have a lot of flowers at home, all well-groomed and beautiful. The wife doesn’t even look at the flowers, doesn’t water them, because, as she says: whatever living plant she touches will definitely die. So she doesn’t touch it at all. And he doesn't like them.

Many people don’t want to grow flowers, not because they don’t like them, but the rhythm of life doesn’t allow it: busy work, business trips, vacation trips.

There is also such a contingent: according to them, they are big flower lovers, but in reality it turns out that flowers from violets to dieffenbachia and crassula grow in plastic cups with dry soil!

At the above forum, lovers of indoor floriculture unanimously expressed their positive attitude and great love for flowers. After all, flowers and a woman are two inseparable concepts!

It’s not flowers that litter apartments, but people themselves. If in the apartment there is a battery of strange pots filled with earth, with 2-3 leaves sticking out!

Only sick, unkempt flowers can give the impression of clutter, but if they are properly cared for, if each flower is in its place in a beautiful pot - this is a sight for sore eyes!!! A house without flowers is like a person without a soul.

Without flowers, the apartment is boring; flowers enliven the interior.

You can invite a designer and make renovations according to the latest fashion and technology, but without flowers in the apartment - it’s like at some exhibition, empty and uncomfortable.

Flowers in the house means there is a housewife who manages everything and loves the earth, loves beauty, beauty.

Many people buy ready-made flowers abroad, and when it fades or

grows, throws it away, buys a new one. We, residents of the CIS, want to grow and produce every flower.

On the other hand, it is a great responsibility to grow flowers. It's better not to start it than to throw it away later.

“Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me maintain self-respect, because they prove that I am not shackled hand and foot by everyday worries. They are evidence of my freedom."

(R. Tagore)

Here’s what Tatyana S. wrote: “ Looking at my flowers, some of which are already 20 years old, everyone urgently starts asking for shoots and starts working on flowers themselves... Everyone says that it’s very cozy here, although I live quite modestly. And I just love my flowers very much and I even talk to them and get angry at them if they don’t bloom for a long time!!!


Here I am talking to my flowers. I can’t even imagine how you can not love flowers... After all, this is our mood, our health. Flowers are the soul of a person, and the more flowers there are in the apartment, the purer the soul.

«Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live».

(Hegel G.F.)

Love flowers!

Author Olga Smirnova

General rules for arranging colors

In order for flowers to decorate a room, flower growers recommend adhering to the following general rules:

  • Before immediately arranging flowers, check which ones are light-loving. Leave a sunny place for them.
  • Using color combinations you can create a calm or formal atmosphere. For bright walls, choose light-colored pieces. For pastel interior colors, on the contrary, bright flowering plants.
  • The best interior decoration is shelves with flowers of different levels.
  • To add a classic style, ceramic pots are suitable. Avant-garde style will help you create gardens in glass.
  • Place rare flowers separately to highlight their exotic beauty.
  • The material from which the shelves are made should not deteriorate or become deformed from water. If the shelves are made of wood, then you need to place a container under the pot.
  • In order for each specimen to receive more light, it is necessary to make the shelves with a ladder. In this case, tall flowers are placed downwards, and low ones, on the upper shelves.

Oasis in glass

Another fashionable trend is the creation of florariums. Flowers are grown in glass.

How to fit a garden in glass into the interior of a room:

  • Most often they replace boring vases and figurines.
  • Florariums look beautiful on desktops, coffee tables, bedside tables, open shelving, suspended from the ceiling at different levels. This way you can create a fabulous effect of “gardens” floating in the air.
  • Integrated directly into the furniture, they create a fantastic look.

Depending on the size of the florarium and the plants inside, a glass garden can be used for different design purposes. It all depends on the designer's imagination.

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