10 flowers that can kill you. Poisonous indoor plants

Poisonous flowers

10. Kalmia latifolia

This plant is also known as mountain laurel, and it begins to bloom with soft pink or white flowers in late spring. This flower is magnificent, but underneath its graceful appearance beats the heart of a killer.

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The flower produces two toxins - andromedotoxin and arbutin. The first is much more dangerous because it simultaneously provokes one part of the heart to beat faster and the other slower. In a healthy person, the heart has a natural “gate” that blocks half of the electrical impulses entering the organ.

Andromedotoxin causes the development of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, which destroys this gate, allowing all impulses to enter the heart. Result? Sudden cardiac death.

But this only happens when you receive too large a dose of this toxin. If you receive a smaller dose, you will also die, but this will not happen so quickly. Vomiting appears first. After about an hour, your breathing will slow, you will lose the ability to control your muscles, then you will fall into a coma and die.

The whole problem is that you can’t even eat honey from a bee that lands on this flower, because all the toxic properties of the flower are transferred to honey.

The Greeks called this kind of honey crazy, and used it to defeat Xenophon in 400 BC.

9. Godson

Ragwort is a very common wildflower and an important part of the local ecosystem. Almost 80 species of insects feed on this plant, and for 30 species it is the only source of food.

Therefore, conservation of this plant is important.

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This is good news for insects, but bad news for everyone else. The World Health Organization has confirmed that ragwort contains at least 8 toxic alkaloids, and possibly as many as 10.

The problem is that unlike most poisons, which leave the body quickly, godson alkaloids accumulate in the liver over a long period of time. The buildup of toxins leads to cirrhosis of the liver, a condition in which healthy cells begin to slowly degenerate into unruly masses of scar tissue.

The liver is a very strong organ and will continue to function normally until 75 percent of it is destroyed.

But by the time symptoms begin to appear, the damage is usually irreversible.

The main symptoms include loss of coordination, blindness, stabbing pain in the abdomen, and yellow eyes due to bile pigment that fills the surface membrane of the organ of vision.

Unfortunately, this is another toxin that can end up in honey.

, it is also sometimes present in the milk of goats, which love to eat godsons. Moreover, during attempts to remove this plant from the fields, toxins can enter the farmer's body through the skin of the hands.

Poisonous flowers: photos and names

8. White hellebore

It can be found in almost every mountain range of the northern hemisphere. Hellebore blooms with beautiful heart-shaped flowers.

The plant is usually grown for ornamental purposes, but is often confused with garlic.

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However, despite its beauty, every part of this plant, from roots to pistils, is poisonous. The first symptom of hellebore poisoning is an unexpected stomach cramp that appears approximately 30 minutes after eating.

Once toxins enter the bloodstream, they immediately release sodium ions into the bloodstream. Sodium ion channels serve as gates that allow sodium to pass through nerves.

For example, the opening of sodium ion channels in muscle cells triggers a process that leads to involuntary muscle contraction. The body does not understand what to do with this, so the heart begins to speed up and slow down.

During this period, the muscles of the whole body are in convulsions. Eventually, the toxin leads to either a heart attack or coma. The poison contained in this plant is believed to have killed Alexander the Great.

7. Zantedeschia

The magnificent perennial Calla plant can be found on every continent and is typically a staple in ornamental gardens. It is often called calla lily, although it does not even remotely look like a lily, and is in no way related to it.

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Light, tubular flowers come in a variety of colors.

Some types of these plants contain calcium oxalate, a chemical that forms needle-like crystals in internal organs.

Calcium oxalate is found in approximately 1,000 plant species on the planet, but calla lilies are among the most dangerous due to their ubiquity.

Even a small dose of this substance is enough for a person’s throat to swell and cause an intense burning sensation. The higher the concentration of the toxin in the body, the more the throat will swell.

Sometimes the tumor in the throat reaches a size that blocks the airways. One day, an incident occurred in a Chinese restaurant. The cook prepared the dish by adding a toxic plant to it. Everyone who ate it ended up in the hospital.

Calla, or calla lily

The plant contains pungent compounds (like saponin) and volatile substances such as aronine with irritating properties. The berries and rhizomes of calla lilies are especially poisonous, but when boiled and dried, the toxins partially evaporate, so these parts of calla lilies are widely used for medicinal purposes.

When poisoned by this plant, vomiting occurs, the heart rate slows down, and convulsions may begin. If the juice of calla leaves gets on the mucous membrane, it can lead to inflammation and even burns of the mouth, tongue and throat.

This is not a complete list of poisonous plants that are found in our gardens. There are a lot of beautiful, but very dangerous flowers. To protect yourself, your children and pets, never taste plants and wash your hands thoroughly after each trip to the garden. Teach your child hygiene and fence the flower garden to prevent your curious pet from getting to the toxic flowers.

Poisonous flowers and plants

6. Autumn colchicum

The birthplace of this plant is Great Britain, but today it can be found in most European countries, as well as in New Zealand. One of its simple names is “naked lady”,

which is very tempting for such a cold-blooded killer.

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After contact with him, a slow, painful death awaits you. The most dangerous chemical contained in this plant is colchicine, a poison that kills like arsenic.

, gradually turning off the work of all vital functions of your body.

How to protect yourself from dangerous plants

You can protect yourself from the influence of poisonous flowers in the following ways:

  • It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room with house plants.
  • All transplantation and cultivation manipulations must be performed with gloves.
  • After working with any indoor or garden crops, be sure to wash your hands.
  • If signs of poisoning appear, you need to rinse your stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and drink activated carbon every two hours.
  • For serious symptoms, call an ambulance or go to the nearest medical aid station.
  • Egg whites or black coffee will help neutralize the effects of poisons. But drinking milk is under no circumstances recommended.
  • In case of an obvious heart attack, Corvalol will help.
  • If poisonous juice gets into the eye mucosa, it should be rinsed with plenty of running water.
  • The affected skin of the hands should be washed with soap and additionally treated with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate.
  • We must teach children not to put unfamiliar plants, their flowers, buds or berries into their mouths under any circumstances.
  • You should not fill a room, especially a bedroom, with a large number of green spaces, creating a kind of home garden. Such a greenhouse can harm your health.

Dangerous plants are often very attractive in appearance and pleasant to the taste. This is where the deceit lies. You can't tell from its appearance that the plant is poisonous. Of course, no one wants to put their lives and those of their loved ones at risk. If you are careful and careful when breeding plants, you don’t have to worry about negative consequences. It is better, before growing a particular indoor flower, to carefully study its features in order to know in advance which ones you can buy and give to loved ones, and which ones are best kept at a distance.

Dangerous flowers

5. Laburnum

The brain of each of us is designed to perceive nicotine through receptors that have the same shape as nicotine molecules. Despite the name, nicotinic receptors can also form bonds with other chemicals. One of them is cytisine.

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In small doses, cytisine does not cause harm. It is often used as a means to help people quit smoking, and all because of its ability to “bind” with nicotinic receptors.

However, in large doses, its use will definitely lead to death.

Cases of laburnum poisoning have been recorded for many centuries. In most cases, these were children who ate flowers or seed shells that looked like pea pods.

Cytisine, which is present in every part of the plant, begins to act within minutes of entering the human body.

It all starts with intense vomiting followed by a stream of foam from the mouth. After about an hour, cramps appear.

As a rule, convulsions occur periodically, affecting a person from time to time. However, with cytisine poisoning, convulsions occur so frequently that your muscles constantly contract voluntarily. This process is called tetanic contraction.

All suffering ends in deep coma and death. Fortunately, today almost no one dies from poisoning from this flower. The main thing is to get to the hospital on time.


Seventeen India, May 2004

Amrita Rao about the millions of thoughts and emotions that engulf a girl. From a simple and devoted girl in a salwar kameez paired with Ajay Devgn in “The Legend of a Hero”, “Miss Prude” in “What Love She Is”, a suspicious young wife in “Having a Real Time” and a tomboy in “I'm Next to You” — Amrita Rao talks to us about the versatility of a girl’s personality. In her life she has always been surrounded by female society, she studied at a convent school for girls, she has a sister with whom she is very close and, in fact, she is a “mama’s girl”, her mother plays a key role in her life and always supports her in everything. Amrita says that growing up, she, like all teenagers, was confused and wanted to become a psychologist. But fate had other plans and, soon, she entered the modeling business. Today, after appearing in 30 commercials and having 4 films under her belt, Amrita shares her thoughts with us as a member of the fairer sex.

Fairy tales... I think Cinderella is every girl's dream, when all things fall into place. Where pumpkins turn into carriages, and glass slippers are just right for you. In a way, I had a dream of one day becoming an actress, but when I grew up, I didn't even think it would become a reality. I was focused on my studies and plans for the future. But then I entered the world of modeling and everything happened so quickly that it was like a fairy tale.

About girlfriends... ...For most of my life I was surrounded by girls and, unfortunately, it was not the best experience for me. A lot of girls can't accept or appreciate other girls and so they become terrible... if five girls are chatting and one of them gets up and goes home, the other four start talking about her. Only two of them can be best friends in the group, but the rest have some claims against each other.

Gossip... ...Yes, we love to gossip, but guys love to gossip just as much, if not more, than we do. At work, I can see this firsthand as guys, including makeup artists, love to gossip.

Sisters... ...My sister is my best friend. We share absolutely everything with each other. There is always something you can only share with your family.

Telephone conversation... ...Only parents who have daughters know how high phone bills can be! It's easier for me to talk to guys on the phone, maybe because I'm a little shy. Now, with SMS, you can talk about things that you could have kept silent about before.

Guys... ...Everyone is in a hurry to fall in love, but it is important to know what kind of relationship you are entering into. Sometimes it's funny to watch schoolchildren enter into relationships; they are still too young for anything serious.

Tears... ...Perhaps we cry more than the guys. When I was a child I didn't cry a lot, but now I think I'm more sensitive. Maybe because now that I'm an actress I have to listen to my emotions more, so now I can cry just watching a good movie.

Career... ...Now parents accept the fact that their daughters work. My parents never forced me to study as they never put pressure on me to be first. I've never been told, "If you do this well, we'll buy it for you." But my father always told me that he achieved everything himself. He started his own business and I, looking at him, thought: “I hope one day I, too, will achieve everything myself.”

Home... ...Your upbringing is always very important. I think it's important to understand the value of money and not just buy things on a whim. Be honest, appreciate other people, be in tune with your religion and learn from your prayers. School teaches you a lot, but some things only parents can teach you.

Pink color... ...I think it all starts from the hospital, when you are born, it is more convenient for the doctor to think that pink is for girls and blue is for boys. I believe color is used to help bring out the feminine side of girls, it complements them...makes them shine.

Addiction... ...I think all girls love to talk about food. Luckily for me, I don't gain weight and can eat whatever I want. I really love chocolate and Thai cuisine and my appetite is the same as everyone else's.

Special days... ...This is suffering that is truly unfair. We experience cramps and don't even realize it, and then we feel weak. But if I’m working at this time, and I have dance numbers coming up, I have to be prepared and try to forget about what time of the month it is.

Sports... ...I'm not very athletic, but I more than made up for it in I'm Next to You. I really admire girls who do extreme sports, bungee jumping, parachute jumping and others... but I myself can’t decide to do this.

On a date... ...You just need to be yourself. You don't have to pretend, you have to eat whatever you want, dress the way you want. Otherwise, you spend so much time worrying that you forget to have a good time.

Going to the restroom with a friend... ...I think we girls are always in our own world and it is better to have a friend nearby because at least once in her life, a girl may mistakenly go into the men's room. Thus, it is always better to be with someone.

Hen nights... ...They're so much fun! And, of course, the main topic of conversation is guys. Nobody sleeps and you can eat all night. I really love them and haven't had anything like this in a long time.

Romantic films... ...I believe they inspire and influence our attitude towards life. But guys should definitely watch them because it will help them understand the way us girls think and feel. (Next time your boyfriend complains that he doesn't understand women, you know where to send him). "Bridget Jones's Diary" is my favorite movie. I can really relate to Renee Zellweger.

Flowers... ...They're just so beautiful, but they seem even more beautiful when guys give them to you. Especially on Valentine's Day. Valentina! Even though this doesn't happen to me often, I remember one time when I was sent three roses and my father received them while we were having a family dinner. I was so embarrassed!

Translation: Savitri specially for bollywoodtime Thanks to AlexBio for the original text

Related posts:

The most poisonous flowers

4. Cerberus odollamensis

Cerberus probably has the most apt name in the entire plant kingdom: Indian locals nicknamed it the “suicide tree.”

However, everything is much more complicated.

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According to data obtained by a team of researchers who studied a number of deaths in the southwestern region of India, Cerberus is an ideal murder weapon.

Over the course of 10 years, at least 500 deaths “hung” on the conscience of this flowering tree.

It kills thanks to a powerful glycoside called

Once in the body, cerberin manifests itself within an hour. After some mild abdominal pain, you slowly fall into a coma and your heart stops. The whole process takes no more than three hours.

This chemical is quite difficult to detect in the body, so it is often used as a hidden murder weapon. A research team working in India believes that the plant actually killed twice as many people.

than they discovered, because in many cases the cause of death could not be determined.

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