8 plants that, according to legend, can bring misfortune to the house


It is believed that Cyperus has very strong energy that suppresses the human biofield.

The plant negatively affects the health of residents. Anyone who keeps Cyperus in his room usually gets sick a lot and often.

To date, there is no scientific evidence that the plant can cause illness in humans, but people continue to be afraid to have a flower in their home.

Signs about home flowers

The common belief about the death of flowers in a house filled with negative energy is far from the truth. Plants are able to process negative energies and even feed on them - they extinguish quarrels and conflicts.

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The death of one plant in the house indicates that it has taken on the owner’s strong negativity. But this does not mean that the whole house is filled with negative energy. The withered flower should be thanked for your help and buried. However, if all the flowers in the house die - one after another - you should seriously think about damaging the house. If the question does not concern poor flower care.

With the help of plants, you can identify areas of trouble in the apartment. If a previously healthy flower begins to fade when moved to another place, it means there is a zone of negative energy there. Also considered an unfavorable omen is the unexpected flowering of a plant out of season.

Never accept a flower in a pot as a gift - it is believed that all the failures of the giver will pass on to you. If it is impossible to refuse a gift, give the donor a symbolic payment - a ruble or kopecks. Thus, you will buy your way out of trouble.


Monstera is a plant with carved leaves. In China, it is customary to give Monstera to older people to increase the number of days they have left before death.

However, in Russia there is an opinion that this flower is a vampire plant that drinks human energy. It is strictly prohibited for families where people with heart and respiratory diseases live. People are afraid that Monstera will “strangle” them at night.

What flowers should you not keep at home according to feng shui?

According to Feng Shui, green is the color of life. Despite the uniform coloring, not all representatives of the flora correspond to the ancient teachings. According to Feng Shui, home flowers should stretch upward, thereby activating energy and a surge of vitality.

Ivy and other climbers whose branches hang down from the pots are not recommended to be kept at home.

The shape of the sheets should be round or oval. Such leaves characterize the integrity and self-sufficiency of a person. According to Feng Shui, it is better to exclude flowers with thin or sharp, “carved” leaves, they will create an imbalance in the life of the owner.

Withering flowers take away vital energy and health; it is better to get rid of such specimens. A large number of plants with thorns leads to quarrels.


Scindapsus is popularly called the muzhigon flower.

There is a belief that the vine can affect the relationship of spouses. Families in whose homes the plant lives often and loudly argue. As a result, eternal quarrels lead to divorce and the man leaves home.

Some superstitious ladies claim that scindapsus “drives out” not only husbands, but all males (grandchildren, sons, brothers, etc.) from the house.


Hibiscus is called the flower of death because it blooms out of season. This phenomenon indicates an imminent death in the family.

Hibiscus is also not recommended for unmarried ladies, otherwise they will never meet their love. If a girl already has a boyfriend, then soon he may leave her and leave forever.

How to improve your well-being

The very name of the plant “Money Tree” hides its influence on the home environment and well-being of the owners. The leaves of the money tree are shaped like coins. That is why people start it in their homes, hoping for help from a “green friend” in the financial sphere of life. There is a sign that if you plant such a tree with your own hands and put a coin at the bottom of the pot, then good luck in money matters is guaranteed.

Lush and green bamboo completely changes the energy in the house. If household members constantly swear, quarrel and feel unhappy, then in this case it is worth getting this particular plant. Bamboo fills the house with happiness and positivity.

It’s not for nothing that clivia was included in the list of “positive” ones. According to signs, it also brings prosperity to its owner. It is believed that if you put a coin in a pot with a flower while it is blooming, the plant will help replenish the owner’s budget. The place of clivia in the house can be a room for receiving guests or a study, but it is not recommended to place it in the bedroom.

“Money” helpers also include plectranthus, or indoor mint. The plant can be placed not only in offices, but also in houses and apartments. Its pleasant, gentle and unobtrusive aroma will help you concentrate on doing your work and achieve success in your career. There are signs and superstitions about plectranthus related to the financial sector.

It is believed that aloe and Kalanchoe in the house will help the owner get what he wants and speed up the process of fulfilling his plans. Signs and superstitions associated with Kalanchoe indicate that this plant is a human home helper. The flower will perfectly help restore strength lost during a difficult day at work. Also associated with Kalanchoe are signs that it is by growing on the windowsill in the kitchen or dining room that the flower protects the hearth and family idyll. But signs and superstitions about the presence of an aloe flower in the house indicate that the useful plant protects the house from accidents.


There are two completely opposite opinions about ferns.

In our country, people believe that along with a flower, troubles come to the house. While the fern lives in the family, it attracts difficulties and troubles into the house.

In other countries, people believe that the plant, on the contrary, brings happiness to the house.

Fern: energy vampire in the apartment

The most powerful energy vampire among indoor plants. It deprives a person of vitality and emotions. The owner of the fern becomes withdrawn and stops bringing friends to the house. Family bonds weaken, children in the house often get sick, and men may begin to look elsewhere. Over time, activity disappears, people get sick more, and their performance decreases. There is no strength left to do household chores, and joy in life disappears. A person stops monitoring his own life and attracts misfortune.


In ancient times, ivy was a symbol of devotion, as well as a talisman for all unmarried girls. Ivy helped ladies get married successfully and attracted wealthy and strong men.

Today in post-Soviet territories there is a widespread belief that ivy attracts only misfortunes to life. It is prohibited from being placed in apartments where newlyweds live. Otherwise, the newly made spouse may leave the family.

What flowers should you keep at home to get married?

Flowers - matchmakers are the best option for decorating the home of an unmarried girl. Plants delight with their beauty and attract love to the owner’s home.

So that Cupid does not pass by, single girls should have:

  • Oxalis is popularly known as sorrel. The amorous plant “falls asleep” at night, closing its petals, and opens them only with the dawn of the sun. The petals of the flower resemble a heart and promise success in matters of the heart.
  • Chinese rose (hibiscus) is a truly mystical plant. According to legends, in order for a flower to bring results, you need to care for and grow it yourself. The blooming of the Chinese rose will mark the beginning of a new relationship and success in love.
  • Hoya is a symbol of sincere feelings, declaration of love and fidelity. In many countries, a gift of a sprig of hoya is considered a declaration of love. It looks like ivy and belongs to the liana family. Hoya has green, fleshy leaves and blooms with white flowers that form a ball. The flower ball symbolizes a strong union, and the branches, a strong connection, between a man and a woman.


There is a well-known superstition according to which a young girl should not place a violet in her room. If she does this, she will never get married, or she will, but for convenience.

In addition, it is not recommended to keep violets in the house, so as not to expose the girl to diseases of the reproductive system.


In pre-war times, ficus was considered a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Almost everyone tried to get their hands on this plant, as it was believed to attract wealth and prosperity into the home.

But after the war it turned out that there were never ficus trees in the houses to which the men returned from the front. From that time on, the flower began to be called the “widow plant.”

Of course, you can not believe in superstitions and signs and plant any plant at home. But why tempt fate and go against popular wisdom when there are so many other beautiful flowers in the world.

Indoor plants with friendly energy

Many plants can be called green friends. Some bring good luck in your personal life, others in business. Many are strong amulets.

Money talismans

A fat plant planted in a red pot or at least tied with a scarlet ribbon will help to attract wealth and financial well-being into your home. The bottom of the pot should be covered with coins of different denominations. You cannot buy an adult flower. It is better to “steal” a leaf of a mature plant from the house of a wealthy family.

Oxalis is ruled by the zodiac sign Taurus. Gives owners practicality and prudence. Helps improve the financial condition of the family.

To always have money in the house, you need to acquire a pakhira. Signs about home flowers claim that a tree-like plant from the American continent helps to overcome a bad streak in life and establish a successful business.

Harmonizing space and improving relationships

The magical properties of aloe lie in its ability to destroy any negative energy influences. If you place the plant near the entrance to the house or room for receiving guests, it will drive away all visitors who wish harm to its owners.

Geranium is also good at clearing space of negative energy. It is a powerful protector against the human evil eye and envy if you place a flower pot near a window that faces the street. In cases where you are tormented by disturbing dreams and nightmares, you need to place a geranium bush in the bedroom.

Violet has a lunar nature. Has soft, calming energy. Sets up family members for understanding and trust, helps to avoid quarrels and conflicts. Pink inflorescences relieve feelings of dissatisfaction and the desire to criticize. Violet - tunes to sublime thoughts. White helps relieve tension, overcome stress and fatigue. Blues give creative inspiration and promote the discovery of talents.

Attracting love

Spathiphyllum is a plant that can bring female happiness. It helps unmarried girls acquire character qualities that attract the opposite sex and meet a man suitable for marriage. Married ladies - to achieve mutual understanding with their spouse, to strengthen the marriage union. For those dreaming of adding to their family, the flower helps to conceive a child.

By giving his girlfriend a blooming spathiphyllum, a man can test the strength of her feelings. Signs about flowers say that if a girl really loves the giver, the plant will continue to bloom and exude a subtle aroma. If the spathiphyllum begins to wither, her feelings are insincere or are fading away.

Hibiscus helps strengthen the element of Fire in the home. Fills with vigor, love of life, increases sexual energy. Ideal for the bedroom of an elderly couple. It is also believed that hibiscus helps to make profitable business connections and acquaintances. However, single women are not recommended to purchase a flower. The feelings of men attracted by the energy of hibiscus will fade away as quickly as they arise.

A home rose bush preserves love between spouses and prevents infidelity. White roses are a symbol of purity and chastity. Parents who are worried about their teenage daughter should place a box with these flowers in her room.

Chinese folk signs about indoor plants claim that bamboo is a flower that can bring happiness and good luck in any area of ​​life. A flower arrangement of five shoots will give you financial well-being, of seven - health and longevity, of twenty - will help you find true love and build harmonious relationships with relatives. Tying its stems with red and gold ribbons will help enhance the magical properties of the plant.

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