Indoor plants that will bring love and family happiness to your home

In fourth place among plants of happiness is hoya, or “wax ivy.”

This indoor vine has many varieties. For example, there is Hoya Kerry, which in some countries is given as a “Valentine” on February 14th. But in their homes, people most often grow beautiful hoya or fleshy hoya.

Hoya will bring you family happiness, especially if you put it in your bedroom.


If you lack vitality and energy, you are one of the pessimists for whom everything falls out of hand, get a begonia. It promotes success, balances internal chaos, gives positive emotions and lifts your spirits.

Begonia feeds its owners with energy, gives strength and determination, and helps the birth of new ideas. It will relieve you of indecision and doubt, stimulate you to take active action, and eliminate quarrels and disagreements in the house.

If you are running a business, the plant will help you correctly assess the situation, avoid failed deals, sharpen your intuition, and increase the speed of reaction and thinking.

Popular signs say: if begonia grows quickly and blooms profusely, success awaits you in all your endeavors. If you “settle” a flower near the family bed, it will remove everything superfluous and unnecessary from the relationship. By the way, if the begonia blooms at the wrong time, wait for the long-awaited addition to the family.

Myrtle occupies the golden middle of our list.

This evergreen shrub bears small white flowers. In addition to beauty, it also has healing properties. The word “myrtle” itself is translated from Greek as “balm”.

It is believed that myrtle makes a marriage successful, and brings happiness and peace to an already established family.

In some countries, this plant is even considered the best gift for newlyweds.


The second name of the flower is family joy. And the third - Vanka-wet - for the flower’s excessive love for moisture. It charges the house and its inhabitants with solar energy, and fills the surrounding space with active, invigorating vibration. Balsam attracts a peaceful, soft, enveloping energy of joy and harmony.

A houseplant not only smooths out the unpleasant moments of family life, but also generally tries to prevent them. It brings out the best qualities in household members, makes them soft, kind, and joyful.

Balsam is considered a symbol of family comfort and well-being. If he began to fade for no reason, it means that problems have arisen in his personal life, and trusting relationships have reached a dead end. If you can save them, Vanka-wet will “get better” on his own and will delight you with bright colors.

7. The next plant for those seeking happiness is the beautiful and unpretentious calathea.

This indoor plant with beautiful patterned leaves is native to America. Many people grow Calathea for its beautiful foliage. But you and I now know that calathea helps us in our family life, because it is a symbol of domestic happiness.


This indoor plant, comfortably located in a small pot, acts as an indicator of family relationships. Even if you surround it with care, follow all the rules of care, but at the same time constantly conflict with your loved one, the flower will wither.

If disagreements with household members continue, be sure to place chlorophytum in the house. His energy is capable of:

  • peacefully resolve misunderstandings and conflicts;
  • cleanse the house of negativity;
  • attract good luck;
  • improve relationships with your loved one, restore harmony and mutual understanding;
  • relieve depression;
  • protect household members from damage and the evil eye;
  • improve intellectual abilities, concentration.

In addition, the plant purifies the air from pathogens and chemical compounds. Care will not take much effort from you: abundant watering in the summer, spraying the leaves, good lighting and fertilization from March to August once a week.

9. The penultimate giver of happiness on our list is oxalis (Oxalis).

Oxalis juice contains oxalic acid, which is why it has this name. It can be grown both indoors and in the garden. And how many different healing properties it has!.. But that’s another topic.

If you want to find your love, then get a wood sorrel. If you want to save a family, then start one.


In China, dracaena is called the “bamboo of happiness.” Her energy helps improve financial well-being, strengthens friendships and love relationships, and gives longevity.

When purchasing, pay attention to the number of shoots:

  • 3 – will attract happiness;
  • 5 – will help open new sources of income and stabilize the financial situation;
  • 7 – improve health;
  • 21 – will give success in all areas of life.

According to esotericists, dracaena neutralizes negative energy in the apartment, helps to cope with depression and sudden troubles. The peacemaker plant “extinguishes” family quarrels and generational conflicts.

Any type of indoor flower harmonizes family life, restores happiness and well-being.

Dracaena rarely blooms, but if this happens, you can get ready for a career boost and large incomes.

Important. Dracaena is very jealous and can “expel” a person she doesn’t like from the house. Therefore, pay enough attention to it and provide proper care.

And finally, the last of our list (may men forgive me!) is anthurium, or “male happiness.”

This flower comes in a variety of varieties. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, requires frequent spraying and is sensitive to high humidity (especially during growth). And what is very important - it is poisonous! (Our spathiphyllum next to it is an angel.)

But it gives men masculine strength. And all together - success and happiness in love.

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List of lucky flowers

What green spaces will bring love and happiness to your home?


First place should be given to spathiphyllum. People call it “Women’s Happiness”. It came to us from the southern forests of America. Caring for it is not difficult: it likes daily spraying, watering not from above into the soil, but into the pot.

Who will he help help:

  • unmarried girls will find their destiny;
  • if you have not had children for a long time, then you will soon have offspring, you just need to properly care for them and believe in their strength;
  • “Women’s happiness” has a positive effect on family people, bringing love, respect, and mutual understanding into the home.

Next to the female one, there lives “Male Happiness” or anthurium. This passionate flower is believed to increase male strength.

Usambara violet

Second place in the flower “rating” is given to the Uzambara violet, or Saintpaulia.

To ensure that this delicate plant pleases you with lush bouquets, do not be lazy to care for it. Violets love a lot of light and do not tolerate cold, hard water. The violet is a symbol of great love; it maintains peace in the family and does not allow people to be offended or quarrel.

Many flower growers note the ability of violets to relieve stress and calm the soul. If you are going through a difficult period in your life, then plant a violet. It will help you get out of the “dark streak” without mental loss.

It is important to consider the shade of the plant:

  • whites are favorable for families with children;
  • violet absorbs bad energy;
  • blue violets stimulate creativity;
  • pink ones help you lose weight!

Experts remind that Saintpaulia can be a vampire. At night, the flower emits carbon dioxide, so you should not keep more than 15 pots in the bedroom.

Chinese rose

Third place will be given to the Chinese rose or hibiscus, which has beautiful, rather large flowers. The plant loves warmth and proper watering.

As soon as the Chinese rose begins to bloom, expect the height of passion and love between spouses.

Plants that bring trouble

However, it should be remembered that not all plants can only bring happiness; there are also those that are better not to grow in your home.

So, for example, ivy can “survive” a man from an apartment who cannot be relied upon. This plant has strong energy, and therefore in the room where it grows, little children sleep very restlessly.

Another strong flower is the monstera. However, it may not benefit everyone. So, it should not be kept in a house where there are people with throat diseases. To weaken the power of the flower, it is recommended to tie a blue cord to it (best with a piece of rock crystal).

If you decide to buy a plant, then you need to do it with a pure soul. That is, you cannot buy a flower just to attract wealth or love to your home. The plant must be loved and cared for, and then it will answer you in kind.


This indoor plant will bring happiness, comfort and joy to your home, and relieve negative thoughts and bad mood. He will teach you how to properly distribute your strength and not shoulder unbearable responsibilities. You can finally relax and enjoy life.

If you don’t know how to clearly express your thoughts or are afraid to share your opinion, ficus will teach you this. There is an opinion that it also improves diction and helps control speech. Now, you can convey only necessary and useful information to your loved ones. Believe me, they will definitely hear you and meet you halfway.

Also, ficus is considered a tree of fertility. If you really want to become parents, but for some reason it remains a dream, be sure to place a plant in the bedroom.

Calathea: protection against premature divorce

This flower protects family happiness and love. It is especially useful to grow calathea for breaking up families.

For example, it happens that for some spouses literally all efforts aimed at the common good and improving relations lead to the opposite result.

  • As a result, the husband and wife cannot understand how it is that they try for each other, but mutual understanding only worsens.

Calathea will help maintain family happiness in the house, improve relationships and drive away bad thoughts from spouses.



Items in everyday life that are amulets

Symbols of family and marriage: bast shoes, figurine of a house, linen, horseshoe, donut, chain. Onion is a talisman against tears. Bread means prosperity and harmony in the home. Sunflower seeds promise health for children. Corn – family cohesion, procreation, protection from diseases, mutual understanding. Female and male figurine tied with strings - inextricability of bonds and love. The knot is a talisman against scandals.

What do folk signs say?

Many flowers of good luck have surrounded themselves with various superstitions and signs. To believe in them or not is up to each person, but they exist and live among the people. Positive indoor flowers include spathiphyllum, bamboo, aloe, myrtle, and crassula.

People associate many signs with aloe:

  • If bad luck often visits your home, place several pots of this plant on the eastern windowsills. They form a strong aura, protect, and drive out trouble from the family.
  • In ancient times, dried parts of aloe were used as a talisman; bags of dried aloe were worn around the neck.
  • If you cut off the leaves of an aloe, then ask the plant for forgiveness, otherwise it will be offended by you.

There is a sign regarding myrtle. It cannot be thrown away. A discarded tree will take away your luck.

When the time comes to transplant the spathiphyllum into a new pot, say this:

“Just as spathiphyllum moved to a new house, so it moved to my house with new happiness.”

The spell will definitely drive away troubles.


Currently, in our country, the sign of pure love is chamomile; in addition, it also signifies fidelity, tenderness and simplicity. Its white color represents purity, and its yellow center represents home. The petals seem to unite into one whole - into a strong family. This flower has become a symbol of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, celebrated in Russia since 2008. It reflects a pure and great feeling. It is recommended to keep bouquets of daisies at home in the summer, and in other seasons it would be nice to hang an ikebana at home consisting of at least 5 chamomile flowers.

Open palms are also a symbol of family, implying the unity of relatives and the warmth they give each other.

Indoor plants for family luck

There are a number of well-known plants, and if they are grown in the house, it will help save the family and improve mutual understanding:

  1. Balsam or Vanka wet has been known for its magical properties since ancient times. He is able to improve the atmosphere in the family, helps get rid of negative emotions and come to agreement and understanding.
  2. Geranium or pelargonium. It is believed that red geranium has the greatest energy. It protects family members from the evil eye and allows them to solve financial problems. White pelargonium is recommended for married couples experiencing difficulties with childbearing. She should grow up in the marital bedroom.
  3. Cyclamen has such strong magical properties that it can even neutralize black magic spells. It protects against the intrigues of ill-wishers and fills the house with an atmosphere of happiness.
  4. Saintpaulia or Uzambara violet strengthens marriages and improves relationships between spouses.
  5. Eucharis or indoor lily. This flower is especially recommended for women who want to protect their family from adultery. In order for the plant to perform its functions, the pot must be placed in a place where it will regularly receive moonlight.


Aloe or agave is one of the most common indoor plants. It is widely used for medical purposes: it has bactericidal properties, relieves pain and has a healing effect on almost all systems and organs of the human body.

But in addition to these functions, the agave also has many magical functions:

  • protects from the evil eye and misfortunes;
  • helps in solving love affairs;
  • attracts good luck and success in all matters to the house.

It is not for nothing that in ancient times the agave was considered a sacred plant and was always present in the house.

Caring for aloe is easy. The plant prefers to grow in well-lit places, so in summer it is advisable to place it on the balcony. Agave does not require abundant watering and is resistant to short-term drought.

Peculiarity! Aloe blooms very rarely, so if its owner is lucky enough to see an agave bloom, then this is a definite success.


Anthurium is a beautiful flower with bright red, pink or white inflorescences, for which it has also received the names “devil's tongue” and “flamingo flower”. For comfortable growth, it requires a warm and well-lit place, as well as regular watering and spraying.

Anthurium is often called “male happiness.” It is believed that this flower is especially favorable to men:

  • brings them good luck in all areas of life: both in their career and in their personal life;
  • gives confidence in one’s abilities;
  • brings success with women;
  • helps to create a family.

However, anthurium will be useful not only for single men, but also for long-established married couples. It brings back the former passion, gives harmony and mutual understanding.

Important! Anthurium is poisonous, so for safety reasons it is necessary to place the flower pot in places inaccessible to children and animals.

Aucuba japonica

Aucuba japonica is an evergreen shrub from the dogwood family. There are several varieties of this plant, but all of them are easily recognizable due to the small pale yellow spots on the leaves. Aucuba is resistant to both low and high temperatures, does not require bright lighting and retains its attractiveness under almost any conditions. All these qualities make aucuba a favorite among plant growers.

In addition to being easy to care for, aucuba is considered a very strong talisman of family relationships:

  • creates a friendly atmosphere in the house;
  • helps to unite family members;
  • attracts happiness and wealth to the house;
  • promotes career growth and success.

Aucuba will be an excellent gift for shy and complex people. Surprisingly, this flower has the ability to give a person self-confidence and helps to reveal previously unknown abilities and talents.

Ancient family symbols

The Slavs worshiped the forces of nature, and this was reflected in the making of amulets. Such symbols could be found everywhere: they were not only a means of decoration, but, according to legend, they provided certain protection and attracted good luck.

So, among these signs that our distant ancestors used, we can distinguish such as Solard, Ladinets, Colard, Bunny, Svadebnik. They provide protection to family members. Let's take a closer look at them.

Solard - marks prosperity, wealth. The Colard sign is a similar symbol, the difference is that the swastika of these signs is located differently: clockwise and counterclockwise. It helps strengthen the family unit and gives health to the offspring.

These two signs are solar and fiery, they are aimed at maintaining well-being in the home, and patronize those who live in peace and harmony.

Ladinets symbolizes happiness, love and harmony in the family. It is a truly feminine amulet, for example, it provides protection from the evil eye. For married women, it becomes important to protect the family hearth, well-being and prosperity in the home. Often the pair of this amulet was the Kolyadnik, who was the personification of male power. In those days, the goddess Lada was considered the patroness of women, and the god Kolyada was considered the patroness of men. The combination of these two signs represents the unity of the two sexes, mutual understanding between them, the strengthening of marriage bonds, and, of course, true love.

The bunny personifies renewal and is considered a family talisman. During pregnancy, it was customary to wear a belt with this sign; it was believed that it endows mother and baby with light, sunny energy.

Landing algorithm

The Family Happiness flower (photos of the plant will tell you how to correctly implement the planting technology) should be planted in a pot in the spring.

To do this, it is recommended to perform the following steps:

  1. During planting, it is imperative to place drainage at the bottom of the container to increase the required throughput of the soil mixture. This will require several centimeters of a drainage layer, thanks to which all excess moisture will move into the pan, and the root system will not begin to rot.

  2. When the flower is planted, the upper part of the soil layer should be compacted a little and irrigated with water.
  3. Then you need to place sphagnum moss or expanded clay in a small amount on top. The coating will retain moisture for a longer period.

If the temperature outside exceeds +16 ℃, the flower can be cultivated in the fresh air on a balcony, terrace or flowerbed without any problems.

You can plant a plant in a garden bed by following these steps:

  1. Initially, you need to dig a hole 2 times larger than the root ball.
  2. Then you will need to lay out clay shards, gravel or quartz sand on the ground as drainage, at least 2 cm thick.
  3. Afterwards, the plant should be placed in the hole so that the base of the root is 2 cm below the level of the soil cover.
  4. Compost and sand mixed with the soil layer should be poured into the hole around the plant and pressed down a little with your hands.
  5. At the end, you will need to carry out abundant irrigation without creating waterlogging.

During the first 4 weeks after planting, the plant does not require fertilizer.

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