Fantastic violet LE-Winter's Tale (E. Lebetskaya) and EK-Winter's Tale (E. Korshunova)

Violet LE-Winter's Tale

Author of the variety

The magnificent violet LE-Winter's Tale of the most delicate shades is a representative of many years of breeding developments by Elena Anatolyevna Lebetskaya , a passionate florist from Vinnitsa and a master of creating new varieties of Saintpaulia with a name widely known among violet lovers.

Its portfolio already includes more than four hundred different varieties of exotic beauties, which enjoy constant success among violet growers.

The variety has regularly participated in flower exhibitions since 2008.


LE-Winter's Tale according to taxonomic classification represents the genus Saintpaulia, belonging to the Gesnerieceae family .

The diameter of the medium-sized leaf rosette allows us to classify the variety as a standard type, the shape of the corolla is determined by the “star” type, and by the color of the flowers it is a fantasy group.

Photo and description of appearance

The violet forms a magnificent rosette of a standard type with a symmetrical configuration, which especially distinguishes the E. Lebetskaya variety, and is lushly filled with leaf blades.

Quite large leaves are supported by strong petioles , which allows you to create a high bush outline. The petioles of the lower, more mature leaf blades are somewhat elongated - this can lead to the tips of the leaves being tucked towards the flowerpot.

The leaf blades are distinguished by their summer green color, brightly pressed venation, quilted surface structure and wavy-curved side edges with rounded serrations.

Violet flowering occurs in a bouquet type with long-term preservation of the fresh and decorative state of each bud, but without particularly large numbers of buds. The corollas are large stars of single or semi-double fullness, to which additional volume is given by the densely corrugated edges of the petals.

The coloring of the corollas is distinguished by the transitions of the main white color into pink waves of the edge with spots of the same scale of various shapes throughout the flower and bluish-lilac fancy strokes and specks concentrated closer to the fringe.
Important! The thin contour of the edge of the petals at the beginning of flowering is often painted in a salad color; over time, this color disappears completely.


The variety belongs to a surprise group - it produces numerous sports in almost half of the cases. According to the breeder’s descriptions for sporting, there are two varieties:

  • sport 1 gives a bluish-purple edge around the white main background of the petals with a thin green border;
  • sport 2 is distinguished by its chic colors in the style of a Venetian masquerade: along the pink field of large corollas of terry or semi-double fullness, lilac specks, lines, dots and spots are abundantly distributed, sometimes turning into small sectors. The picture is completed by a thick frame of a salad shade along the contours of the petals;
  • but sometimes it sports not according to the description of E. Lebetskaya , but with the formation of a simple border of lilac tone of varying width and intensity.

All changes during the formation of sports at LE-Winter's Tale concern only the color of the corolla.

New varieties of violets

Launched in 2016

Since 2016, many beautiful varieties of violets have been bred; below, only the brightest new varieties of 2016-2017 and photos with short descriptions are presented.

From Fialkovod (prefix AB-)

During the year, the breeder presented 86 varieties , all of them are beautiful in their own way, so it can be considered fruitful. Among the most popular are:

From E. Lebetskaya (prefix LE-)

Among Elena Lebetskaya’s achievements in 2016, it is worth highlighting the following varieties:

  • LE-Brilliant Tiffany - wavy leaf, light green, regular shape, abundantly double flower, corrugated at the edges, pale yellow in color;
  • LE-Irish Rose - a round, regular-shaped, wavy leaf with double flowers that have a very rich, pink color, a white center (sometimes the edges of the petals), along the edge of the border, like a dusting, fuchsia color;
  • LE-Angel's Wings - an almost light green, variegated rosette with a double, large snow-colored flower with a corrugation along the edge of the petal;
  • LE-Marzipan Rose - emerald leaves, with creamy-pink, slightly terry, large buds with fancy crimson inclusions and the same coating - border;
  • LE-Flower Fairy - very large flowers, white with a border, like a coating along the edge, raspberry-colored, double, olive-colored leaves.

From E. Korshunova (prefix EK-)

Among those bred by Elena Korshunova in 2016 it is worth noting:

  • EK-Blue Asters - flowers are large, stuffed, azure in color. The rosette of the exhibition version is well formed, regular, malachite-colored leaves, serrated;
  • EK-Cozy Happiness – inflorescence up to 7 cm in diameter, semi-double shape, with a corrugated frame, white with a blue-violet spot, horizontal rosette, suitable for exhibitions, easy to form, bottle-colored leaves;
  • EK-Snow and Sky - inflorescence on average 6-7 cm, semi-double, snowy petal with a light blueberry finger in the center, leaves pointed at the ends, emerald color;
  • EK-Spring Laughs – huge flowers, semi-double with ruffles, white with marshmallow streaks, whole clusters of buds on the peduncles, bottle-colored leaves;

  • EK-Green Cockatoo - a double flower, shaped like a pansy, the color is very pale, light green with a darker fringe of the same color, the leaf blades are green, slightly black, wavy.

From S. Repkina (prefix RS-)

Among the many varieties bred by Repkina, the most popular in 2016 were:

  • RS-Star Expanses - dark blue, double flowers with pink drops, reminiscent of an endless galaxy with stars, malachite-colored leaves;
  • RS-Sea Walk - cloudy, light, double flowers, the color of snow with a blue border, which sometimes turns into light green, the edge with a thick corrugation, a malachite rosette with smooth, rounded leaves;
  • RS-Sorceress - the color is mesmerizing with a mixture of neon blue, light green and white, where there is a corrugated edge, the shape is closer to a simple than double flower, the leaves are evenly green;
  • RS-East Bazaar – variegated, with a large amount of pale part on the leaves, semi-double flowers, up to 6 cm in diameter, cloudy white with a crimson border;

  • RS-Hippie - stars of two or three rows of petals, small in size, blue-violet flowers with a lemon edge and light green fringe, leaves the color of dark emerald.

From K. Morev

In 2016, breeder Konstantin Morev presented only one variety on the official website.

Raspberry Soufflé - a double-shaped flower, pink, with a darker (crimson) border, dark green leaves. The name was chosen competitively and came up with Olga Savich and Natalya Selikhova.

Launched in 2022

2017 pleased us with an even greater number of new products, among them there were some unsuccessful ones, but many excellent options.

From Violetkeeper

A total of 110 varieties were presented , the most striking were:

  • AB-Eggplant - a double flower, dark purple in color with a corrugated edge, an indigo-colored rim, closer to black, emerald leaves;
  • AV-Geisha – milky color, stuffed (double) flowers with ruby-crimson with a strong corrugation along the edge, the leaves are large, medium green, produces many buds, the rosette is horizontal;

  • AV-Lake Fairy - double flower, amethyst-colored petals with corrugation, purple border and white pencil edge, leaves light green, wavy;
  • AB-Birth of Aphrodite - a large inflorescence with a large number of corrugated petals, white with stains the color of dusty lilac and a dark purple border, the leaf is jagged, wavy, light;
  • AB-Inkheart - a semi-double flower, black with a cherry tint and a white, thinly shaped border (sometimes a white-light green fringe may appear), the leaves are medium green, pointed.

From E. Lebetskaya

Lebetskaya in 2022 gave a large yield of new varieties, among which the following are worth highlighting:

  • LE-Melody of Rain - a flower similar to a corrugated bell, purple in color with white and pink dots along the petal and a cream eye in the center, medium green leaves;
  • LE-Cabernet – the inflorescence has a lot of densely placed petals, which create a very double flower, dark ruby ​​color, with light green leaves;

  • LE-Sapphire - a star-shaped flower, slightly folded into a bell, blue color with a chimeric, darker stripe along the petal and a green wide edge, variegated leaves, emerald with creamy pink;
  • LE-Gold of the Nibelungs – lemon-white, multi-row flowers, a color gradient moves from dark to light, from center to edge, respectively, with blue fringe, emerald leaves;

  • LE-Roman - bronze-red, densely packed flowers with a light green border, sometimes there is a slight corrugation, the leaves are rich green, a protruding, thick pistil can be considered a feature.

From E. Korshunova

Korshunova brought out many beautiful varieties in 2022, among them the most beautiful are:

  • EK-Rain Fairy - semi-double flower of pale lilac color with a fantasy pattern of blue dots, light green leaves;
  • EK-Melody of the Soul - heavenly colored bells with light corrugation, variegated bottle-colored leaves with a white-pink edge;
  • EK-Crimson Flame - the inflorescence consists of two or three petal rows, dark crimson in color, with an almost undarkened border, the leaves are light, variegated;
  • EK-Curls of Poseidon – a flower of ultramarine color and white-light green ruffle, heavily double, leaves are rich green, variegated;

  • EK-Love Story – densely packed flowers, snow-colored with a ruby-crimson print in the center of the petal, variegated leaves.

From S. Repkina

Repkina pleases with unsurpassed varieties every year and 2022 is no exception, here are the brightest:

  • RS-Armida - stuffed flowers, the color resembles a cloudy sky, sky-blue stains on white petals, very large, leaves are dark green, variegated;
  • RS-Samurai - blue, almost black flowers, simple star-shaped, with slightly noticeable waviness along the edge, dark green leaves;
  • RS-Joker – dark wine color, slightly wavy along the edge, simple flower, variegated leaves, dark green;
  • RS-Adjutant – sapphire terry bells with a white underside, a light green-white ruffle along the edge, malachite leaves, wavy;

  • RS-Polet Flamingo - pink small roses, oval-rounded leaves, from light green to dark, depending on the lighting, blooms profusely.

From T. Pugacheva

T. Pugachova’s refinement does not contain as many varieties as previous breeders, but among them it is worth highlighting the four most popular:

  • PT-Julia – light green leaves, abundant flowering, huge, double flower, pale pink with a raspberry-lilac coating in the form of a border;

  • PT-Shah Shahriyar - lilac with blue, large, double flowers with a green-brown corrugated border, dark leaves;
  • PT-Pink Velor – simple, pink-barbie color, inflorescence with a strongly ruffled, light green ruffle, dark green leaves;

  • PT-Bells - a variegated variety, bell-shaped flowers with a variety of shades, from white to lilac-blue and green.

From K. Morev

There is only one variety in Morev’s development, according to information from his official website, but it is worthy of attention.

Blueberry dessert is a semi-double flower, with a white eye in the center and a white border around the edge, a purple petal in the center, a round, light green leaf.

Launched in 2022

New varieties of violets for 2022 have greatly pleased their fans with the variety of shapes and colors.

From Violetkeeper

2018 was a very productive year for the Violet Grower, more than 100 varieties , some of them do not yet have names, but only numbers, but among those named the brightest:

  • AB-Barberry - semi-double, large flower with a fiery eye and dark crimson fantasy, dark green leaf, serrated;
  • AB-Yellow Rose – flowers reminiscent of a rose, multi-rowed, medium-sized, but collected in abundant clusters, sunny in color with a slight darkening towards the center and a pink border, leaves with a slight waviness, medium green;

  • AV-Flight of the Valkyries – huge, two-tiered flowers, purple-beige with a green, neon edge, medium green leaves;

  • AB-Northern Arctic – double flower, the color resembles ice that floats on the ocean, despite the fact that the main color is white, there is a lot of blue, and it is placed in the form of streaks along the petals, a ghost variety, not repeated when propagated by leaves;

  • AB-Hipster - the flower is small, indigo color with a dark lilac underside, and the petals, turned inward at the tips, bloom profusely, the leaves are quilted, medium green.

From E. Lebetskaya

In 2022, Lebetskaya, like others, pleased us with a large number of new varieties, among which stand out:

  • LE-Wild Hops - trailer semi-miniature Saintpaulia, blooms profusely and almost without interruption, flowers are small, but very beautiful double in shape, pale lime color;
  • LE-Diamond Dust is a semi-miniature variety with a beautiful cap bloom, which consists of snow-white pansy flowers that have a blue ruffled border, a variegated green-gold rosette;
  • LE-Alpine Bell - a large flower, the shape is similar to a bell, densely filled with petals, the color is lilac-blue, and the leaves are light;
  • LE-Sergey - blue, like the night sky, almost black double flowers with a thin white border, as if drawn with a pencil, the leaves are very variegated;
  • LE-Daisy - star flowers with narrow petals, like daisies, the color is ruby ​​red with a white border only at the tip of the petal, the peduncle is tall, the rosette is even, medium green in color.

From E. Korshunova

In 2022, the breeder developed many varieties, and flower growers liked the most:

From S. Repkina

Each variety bred by Repkina is beautiful, but the most beautiful ones for 2018 can be identified in the list:

  • RS-Contrast - white flower, single or semi-double, with an inky eye in the center, dark green leaves;
  • RS-Atoll - a densely double flower, dark blue with a golden-light green fringe along the edge, the leaves are dark, slightly wavy;
  • PC-Black Rose - the flower is unusually dark, black and burgundy, the shape resembles a rose, has a light green fringe along the edge, the leaves are dark green, variegated;
  • PC-Sorcerers – a simple flower, half bell-shaped, rich blue color with light pink peas, dark, variegated leaves with white-lilac;

  • RS-Beating of Hearts - simple cherry flowers with a white border and a corrugated edge, shaped like a pansy, leaves are light green, variegated.

From T. Pugacheva

Her varieties are beautiful in every way, and here are the top five for 2018:

  • PT-Chief Vizier – the flower is very large, simple with a corrugated edge, dark blue, gives a green border in cool weather, dark green leaves, blooms profusely;
  • PT-Enchantress - the largest flower, cherry-colored with a white corrugated border, which in places shows a green color, a variegated rosette;
  • PT-Maldives Reef - a very large flower with a corrugation, white color with an ultramarine sheen in the center, the leaves are strong, rich green;
  • PT-Polar Night - a simple, large flower, blue-violet with a white, wavy edge, blooms for a long time, with a cap, deep green leaves;
  • PT-Ruzhena - soft pink, very double flowers, with a wavy edge and light green border, dark green leaves.

Launched in 2022

2019 has already begun to delight flower growers with new products. Most flower growers are announcing a very fruitful year, and some breeders are already exhibiting new creations for review. Despite the number of colors and varieties known to the world, breeders manage to surprise everyone again and again.

From Violetkeeper

This season he has already distinguished himself and presented the first 20 varieties on his website. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • AV-Gourmand – medium flowers, wavy edge, double, red with white edging, in the heat the white turns into lilac, leaves are quilted, light green;

  • AB-Psychedelica - a simple blue bell with light pink and light green stripes, very unusual, ghost, serrated leaves;
  • AB-Persimmon is a large, double, coral flower with a ruffled, golden-green ruffle, the leaves are wavy, rich green.

From E. Lebetskaya

Lebetskaya also put up some new products for review, and among them there are also special beauties:

  • LE-Vanilla Parfait – white, large, double bloom, has a slightly milky tint, dark, variegated leaves;
  • LE-Wild Herbs - large, double, blooming of pom-pom flowers, with a ruffled edge, white-green color, variegated leaves;
  • LE-Shimmering Rose – a rose flower with corrugated edges, pink, very delicate color, variegated leaves.

From S. Repkina

Repkina also keeps up with her colleagues, and since the beginning of the year has already presented several compelling varieties:

  • RS-Success – variegated standard, the flowers are simple in shape, but have an indescribable color, consisting of white, blue, cherry and ink flowers, the edge of the petal is slightly wavy;

  • RS-Zateinitsa - the owner of girl-leaves, has double flowers with a white center and a purple edge, along the contour of the petal there is a thin white rim;
  • RS-Pearl of Sinai - double, large, white flowers have an unsurpassed outline of blue color, the corrugated edge gives it even more charm, the leaves are dark and variegated.

Violet EK-Winter's Tale

Author of the variety

The gorgeous variegated Saintpaulia EK-Winter's Tale was obtained by a domestic breeder from Tolyatti with the name Elena Vasilyevna Korshunova, .

The master has been engaged in selection since the last decade of the last century; he has an extensive selection line of varieties with the branded prefix EK, many of which are popular with Russian and foreign flower growers.

The variety was introduced to a wide range of gardeners in 2010.


According to scientific classification, EK-Winter's Tale is a variegated variety belonging to the genus Saintpaulia from the Gesneriev family .

It belongs to the standard type according to the characteristics of the leaf rosette, to the semi-double group - according to the fullness of the corolla with petals, and to the fringed type of corolla - according to the ruggedness of the edges of the petals.

Photo and description of appearance

The violet forms a magnificent standard-type leaf rosette with a symmetrical configuration, an even contour, an average degree of fullness and a mosaic distribution of leaves.

Based on the type of leaf color, the variety belongs to the variegated group of the bordering species.

The rounded leaf blades are characterized by a smooth surface, finely notched serration of the lateral edges, a lighter venation pattern and the color of the main background in the tone of dark green with white patterns running along the edge of the leaf in the form of ribbons, strokes and specks.

Attention! With age, the pattern acquires a delicate lemon tint.

The violet blooms in a cap type , forming a mass of gigantic diameter corollas that retain their decorative properties for a long time with semi-double fullness and heavily fringed petals.

The color of the buds is dominated by white tonality , smoothly flowing into the central eye of the pink range and intersected by diametrical stripes of weak blue intensity. Pale blue fantasy strokes flicker throughout the space of the corolla.


Saintpaulia E. Korshunova is distinguished by her ability to frequently engage in sports , which are of two types:

  • the sport described by the author forms not white, but completely lilac-colored corollas with blue fantasy strokes on all petals;

  • There is another variant of the sport: almost the entire surface of the corolla is painted in bluish-gray shades with rays and fancy specks.

When sport forms in violets, the variegation and shape of the rosette do not change; all transformations affect only the color of the corollas.

Violet SM-Miracle Pea (Seedling Morev)

Beautiful violet Miracle Pea.


A fabulous violet with an exotic shape and a unique color scheme of corollas was the result of varietal experiments by the Moscow master to create masterpieces of the Saintpaulia family, Konstantin Lvovich Morev, who learned the basics of the school of selection under the strict guidance of the master in this field of knowledge B. M. Makuni.

Konstantin Lvovich has been transforming the decorative appearance of Uzambara violets for almost 25 years, adhering to the principles passed on by his teacher in his work :

  • Responsibility;
  • And professionalism.

It was these principles that did not allow the author to register the “Miracle Pea” violet as a proven variety .

But flower growers favorably accepted the new variety of Saintpaulia and gave it its original name, after which it was distributed among collections as a seedling with the abbreviation “SM” (Morev’s seedling).

Violet was bred by Konstantin Morev.

ATTENTION! Violet has been seen at exhibitions since 2011.

Taxonomy of the variety

Adhering to the official - hierarchical principles of taxonomic systematization of botanical objects, breeders classify Saintpaulia "SM-Miracle Pea" in the unformed status of a "seedling" as extremely numerous due to the constantly appearing new varieties and spectacularly magnificent due to the abundance of decorative silhouettes of the violets representing it in the genus Saintpaulia (from the family Gesneriev):

  • Seedling specimens, based on the digital values ​​of the overall diametrical coefficients, represent a section of the standard subspecies;
  • And according to the type of flower coloring - finger varieties.
    By color, Senplia belongs to the finger varieties.

Photo and description of the variety

The seedling belongs to a group of violets especially loved by gardeners, which, without outside help, are able to lay out their growing leaf plates in neatly decorated tiers . As a result, a rather decorative bush with smooth and compactly outlined contours is formed due to the dense filling of leaves.

NOTABLE! In terms of overall dimensions, the seedling is included in the group of the standard subspecies, but with proper care and a comfortable microclimate, many specimens of this Saintpaulia variety easily outgrow the conventional digital boundary, forming rosettes of considerable size.

Large size leaves of the seedling have:

  • Uneven - an elongated configuration due to the strong waviness of the side edges with a wide, rounded tip;
  • Bright venation graphics with an emerald-colored main vein;
  • Quilted surface with shiny reflections;
  • Coarsely rounded, distinct teeth along the edges;
  • And the coloring is in rich shades of summer greenery.
    The leaves of this violet have rounded tips.

The seedling blooms in the standard time for Saintpaulias, waves of flowering are formed quite often , giving flower growers lush volumes of significant flowers. But flower caps usually reach their maximum decorative value by the third flowering.

The corollas are distinguished not only by their large dimensions, but also by their curly texture due to semi-double and terry filling with wavy petals with charming frills. Each petal is located in its designated place , complementing the already formed volume with its folds. At the same time, double and simple “stars” can coexist on the bush - this gives the seedling even more sophistication.

The seedling's color type is a striking representative of the finger group of violets . Almost the entire surface of the petal is occupied by the main background of violet-blue, shaded:

  • Along the contour with a narrow white ribbon;
  • And the central spot of the same white color.
    Saintpaulia flowers have a violet-blue hue.

The dark background print is decorated with rather large peas of various diameters and silhouettes , shining with delicate tints of pinkish shades.


For violet seedlings, it is not correct to mention the presence of sports , since such plants:

  • Not recognized by the breeder as a variety;
  • And they do not have an author’s description or photographically recorded features by the author.

All variations in the shape of the corollas and their color are considered simply changes due to the conditions of detention .

Two variations were observed in the seedling :

  • With almost white petals and no signs of “peas”;

    The sport variety is white in color.

  • With strongly double flowers of an even blue color without a hint of pink “peas”.

    Saintpaulia's sport is almost blue in color.

Care in indoor culture

Violets of the “Winter Tale” variety are not flower whims - they easily adapt to the proposed microclimate, bloom well under the classic set of maintenance regimes, but still have minor differences in the care system.

Indoor conditions

The place for violets in indoor culture is determined in accordance with their relationship to lighting:

  • on north-facing window sills, the plant will require additional illumination with fluorescent spectrum lamps;
  • on the south side there will be a need to shade the violets from the hot rays of the sun;
  • It may be ideal to place violets on windows facing east or west - here they will have enough light for growth and development, but there will be no danger of overheating or burns, since direct rays of the sun do not reach here.

IMPORTANT! Both varieties of “Winter's Tale” violets bloom more readily and more luxuriantly on window sills - they do not really like to be on shelves indoors and can stop or delay flowering.

Watering and fertilizing mode

For violets to feel comfortable, the watering regime should include a set of various measures :

  • watering is carried out after the substrate has sufficiently dried, which is determined visually;
  • a good drainage system in the flowerpot must be provided;
  • one of the types of watering is selected - top under the root, wick or through a tray;
  • Monitoring is carried out to ensure that drops fall on the leaves and that excess water is drained from the pot.

Preserving the decorativeness and health of violets requires mandatory feeding once a month , but only if absolutely necessary - the varieties do not tolerate overfeeding.

It is worth feeding violets once a month.

Fertilizing rules guarantee synchronization of the application of certain elements with the life stages of violets:

  • to increase the growth of the leaf rosette, increase the percentage of nitrogen;
  • When buds form, more potassium and phosphorus are needed.

For variegated varieties, control over the amount of nitrogen - with a large proportion of it, the variegated pattern may disappear, since nitrogen is responsible for the formation of chlorophyll.

Light level control

Violets "Winter's Tale" love fairly long-term illumination with a diffuse spectrum . The better the lighting, the stronger the manifestation of the fancy coloring of the corollas and the variegation of the leaf blades.

But it must be remembered that the close placement of daylight lamps for additional illumination can provoke the disappearance of the framing contour and spotting of the petals and leaves.

Controlling the level of light also involves systematically changing the position of the flowerpot relative to the light source to form a beautiful rosette.


Classic temperature indicators for violets usually range between +20 + 24°C , although in winter they can be reduced by 2 - 3°C. The same indicators will help the violet maintain the freshness of its buds longer during flowering.

Fantasy and variegated varieties of violets feel much more comfortable in a cooler microclimate - within +18 + 20°C.

With this content, the color of the corollas and the variegated patterns of the leaves will be much brighter and more expressive than in warm conditions.

ATTENTION! At any period of life, plants should be protected from sudden changes in temperature and drafts.

Effect of air humidity

Violets prefer ambient humidity slightly higher than normal room humidity. Therefore, it is imperative to increase the humidity:

  • using various humidifiers;
  • frequent spraying near the violet, but not on it.

Soil requirements

The substrate for Saintpaulias is light, nutritious due to the optimal content of macro- and microelements in it, permeable to water, with good aeration.

The soil for violets should be very light.

All these qualities can be improved with the help of a well-designed drainage system, as well as by adding drainage materials and antiseptic substances to the soil.

Pruning and hygiene

To preserve decorativeness and prevent decay, preventive cleaning to remove old, diseased or damaged leaves and stems, faded buds and excess shoots that interfere with the optimal development of violets.

Transplant rules, rejuvenation

Young specimens of violets are usually replanted once a year, after flowering, older plants - as needed.

Before transplantation, the following preparatory measures are required:

  • choosing a plastic pot of the desired diameter;
  • purchasing fresh soil in the store;
  • arrangement of drainage.

CAREFULLY! The choice between transplantation and transshipment is made in connection with the objectives:

  • if it is necessary to increase the volume of the pot, transshipment will do;
  • To fully diagnose the root system, a transplant is needed.

Rejuvenation of the plant is carried out approximately in the fifth year of the violet’s life - the smooth, healthy top is cut off and rooted in a new flowerpot. During rejuvenation, varietal qualities are preserved.

Features of flowering, growth and reproduction

According to these life cycles, both “fairy” violets have many common characteristics, although they still differ in some nuances.

Plant development in home collections

Violet LE-Winter's Tale develops and grows easily , but at a somewhat slower pace, forms a rosette with an even contour and bright greenery.

LE-Winter's Tale independently forms an even rosette.

It does not form a large number of buds, and the corollas remain fresh for a long time.

The variety is not distinguished by a large number of children produced; it loves to exercise.

Violet EK-Winter's Tale does not require special care, grows calmly, and forms an exhibition-looking rosette of gorgeously colored variegated leaves.

Forms very large corollas , gathered into a cap in the center of the rosette, which are capable of not losing their decorative appearance for a long time. It tries to bloom almost without interruption.

For the brightness of fancy shades and variegation in the color of the leaves, violets need coolness and good lighting; for more luxuriant flowering - location on the windowsill.

Varieties tend to exhibit their specific characteristics with increased intensity as the number of blooms increases. In young children, the fancy coloring of the corollas and the variegation of the leaf blades is very weak.

The fantasy color becomes brighter with each flowering.

Time of formation of an adult plant

The duration of obtaining an adult plant capable of forming buds depends on the source material.

When growing a violet using a leaf, it will take about two months for the formation of young layers on it and about another eight for the growth of a leaf rosette. If rooting begins in early spring, the first flowering may occur by mid-winter.

to form an adult violet from a ready-made baby , since you do not need to wait for the young plant to grow, it is already ready.

Reproduction methods and features

To obtain a young plant, various propagation methods are possible:

  • seeds, that is, the sexual method is complex, time-consuming, and is used by breeders when breeding new varieties. It is not used in common practice, since it does not retain parental characteristics when propagating hybrid forms;
  • leaf cuttings;
  • dropping off stepchildren.

ADVICE! To preserve the qualities characteristic of hybrid varieties of violets, it is most advisable to use the rejuvenation method. If it comes to variegated varieties, then you should definitely choose green leaf blades on the violet - they are able to feed themselves through photosynthesis until rooting.

Flowering in hot and cool conditions

Violets of the “fairytale” group belong to the fantasy and variegated types, which grow and bloom more readily in a cool microclimate : at the same time, the decorative characteristics of the varieties are better and brighter preserved (fancy specks and variegation of the leaf plate), and the flowering period increases due to better preservation of decorativeness buds.

In hot conditions, flowering may not take place or may move to a cooler time; small flowers may form, and their color will be faded, with an inexpressive pattern.

Appearance of peduncles

In violets of the “Winter's Tale” variety, the peduncles are not too long, strong, and able to withstand the weight of large corollas . Due to this, the flowers do not fall onto the leaf plates, but rise directly above the rosette.

“Fairytale” violets have strong, powerful peduncles.

Flowering type

Saintpaulia LE-Winter's Tale blooms in a bouquet type, and EK-Winter's Tale - in a cap type. At the same time both varieties do not form too many buds ; their flowering occurs with modest forces, but with a chic decorative effect of each individual corolla.

Bud lifespan

“Fairytale” varieties are distinguished by a very long-term preservation of the healthy appearance of each bud. The corollas of these varieties can last on the peduncle for up to two and a half months without losing their decorative properties.

Description of varieties and photos

"Elixir of Beauty"

The rosette of this variety is neat, variegated with white and pink bordering . The flowers are large and delicate, white with soft pink markings and a darker halo on the ruffled petals. Up to five buds are formed on the peduncle.

Depending on the conditions in which the inflorescences were formed, the color of the petals can vary significantly. The hotter and drier the climate, the more pink the petals are. In cold weather, the flowers are almost white, with rare splashes of pale pink.

"Refined taste"

The rosette is medium-sized (about 30 cm) light green in color. The flowers are very large (up to 7 cm), simple and semi-double, wavy along the edge of the petals. The color of the buds is white, with soft peach prints. The peduncles are long and powerful, each with 4-5 buds. The cap is spreading, which allows you to see and examine each flower. The variety has a long flowering period. The lifespan of each flower is at least 6 weeks .

“RS-Refined Taste” is easy to care for. It feels good both on the windowsill and when grown on shelves with additional lighting. When propagated by leaves, it transmits its varietal qualities well. It takes root easily and produces a large number of children.

The first violet flowering occurs 7-8 months after planting . As they fade, the old buds are removed. If the buds were formed at elevated temperatures, the petals will be pink; at lower temperatures, they will be almost white, with pale pink imprints.


Variety selection 2009. The rosette is small, with upright cuttings. The leaf is large, hard, slightly wavy along the edge, so it seems like there are a lot of them. The flowers are simple, semi-double, very large. The color of the petals is dark purple. The edges are very wavy, curly, several shades lighter than the petal itself.

The variety blooms profusely and for a long time, the cap is dense and does not fall apart. At the first flowering, most of the flowers are without pronounced curling. These varietal characteristics are fully manifested in the second and third flowering.

"RS-Georgette" is a very spectacular and decorative Saintpaulia . The color of the petals does not depend on the temperature during bud formation.

"Golden Dragon"

The rosette is large with large, slightly wavy leaves, the petioles of the leaflets stretch upward. All this could create a bulky effect if the flowers were smaller. But “RS-Golden Dragon” pleases with huge double flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. Therefore, overall the plant looks harmonious.

The color of the petals is white, with lemon prints . Closer to the center the shade is more saturated. The yellow tint appears already at the first flowering. In the second, it becomes more saturated. The good news is that the yellow remains yellow, without turning into a dirty brown, which often happens with other varieties of this color range.

After the first flowering, the plant begins to “grow a trunk”, and after the second it is necessary to rejuvenate the bush, otherwise the next flowers may not be seen.

"RS-Golden Dragon" actively responds to lighting changes . The less light, the more vertical the leaves are. When grown on racks with additional lighting, the petioles can be “pressed” down with additional lighting.

Attention : Violet takes root well when propagated by leaves, but the children grow and develop slowly, gradually increasing their green mass.

"Precise Strike"

The rosette consists of small, slightly wavy, boat-shaped leaves . The foliage color is light green with white edges. Looks very elegant. The flowers are large and simple. They resemble five-petaled white stars, with slightly wavy edges. The center of the flower is purple with darker halos around it.

It blooms often, but the flowers do not last long - up to 10 days. This variety is very responsive to growing temperature. In a cool place, the blossoming flowers can be almost white with a slight bluish tint, and in the heat the petals float an inky blue color, leaving no hint of a white background.

"Green Lagoon"

Green Lagoon is a very beautiful variety of Saintpaulia, a favorite of many flower shows . Released in 2007. The socket is small. The leaves are medium sized, slightly wavy, light green in color. According to reviews from flower growers, the petioles tend to be vertically positioned. They do not go down even with additional lighting.

The flowers are quite large, double, distinctly fringed. The color of the petals is white with bright blue streaks and a greenish tint on the outer petals. Depending on the temperature at the time of bud initiation, the greenness on the petals may decrease during hot periods.

Violet does not bloom very often, but the flowers last a long time . The peduncles are long, but powerful and do a good job of holding large flowers.

We recommend watching a video about the violet variety “Green Lagoon”:

"Miracle Lily of the Valley"

Variety 2011. The outlet is not large and not very neat. The leaves are slightly wavy (there are specimens with an almost smooth edge) of a lush green color. The cuttings are a little long, and in insufficient light they lift the leaves upward. The flowers are unusual, shaped like bells with a lace-like edge.

The color is light pink with a darker border around the edge of the petals and an unusual light green fringe. The buds do not fully open . When grown in high temperatures, the green fringe almost disappears and the petals become a deeper pink color. In cool times, the flowers are lighter, the pink border and greenish fringe are pronounced.

"RS-Miracle Lily of the Valley" is easy to care for. It produces babies quickly and does not keep you waiting long for the first flowering.


Large, pointed leaves of medium green color are collected in large rosettes, which will require additional growing space. Rich flower caps with double stars of soft pink color balance the rosette, making the appearance of the plant more harmonious. A thin dark pink outline runs along the edge of the petals .

Important : Violet blooms long and profusely. As they fade, old buds should be removed. If there is insufficient lighting, the leaves may rise vertically, which means it is worth taking care of additional lighting.

"Aurora's Smile"

Variety 2014. The socket is neat and even. The leaves are rich green with a chic variegated white border. The leaf shape is round, slightly pointed, with a slightly wavy edge. The flowers are very large and can be either simple or semi-double . They are shaped like white stars with bright pink markings.

The petals have a well-defined border of fantasy blue and fuchsia specks. The plant looks very decorative and delicate.


The outlet is large and not very neat. The foliage is medium green, round, slightly wavy at the edges. The flowers are large (up to 5 cm), distinctly double, similar to garden roses. The petals are plum-red with white edges and a light central eye. Peduncles are low. There are a lot of buds, flowering is abundant and long lasting .

"RS-Enchantment" is sensitive to light and temperature. To display all the decorative qualities of the variety, coolness and moderate lighting are required. Otherwise, there is no white left on the flowers, the color of the petals seems to be faded.


Variety 2012. The socket is average, neat. The leaves are round and dark green. The petioles are a little long. The flowers are large, semi-double, deep burgundy in color with an intermittent white border along the edge of the petals. The peduncles are short, each producing 3-4 buds. "Othello" blooms with a lush cap for a long time .

The variety feels good both when grown on a windowsill and on shelves with artificial lighting. It easily takes root when propagated by leaves and quickly produces babies.


A very beautiful Saintpaulia variety. Released in 2007. The rosette is large and spreading. The foliage is medium green in color and wavy at the edges. The petioles are long, and in insufficient light they stretch even more and lift the leaves upward.

The flowers are very large (up to 7 cm), double, with pronounced curling along the edges of the petals. The color is white with blue streaks and a central eye. At elevated temperatures, the flowers turn blue . It is not uncommon that during one flowering there are white flowers with blue streaks and almost blue flowers among the buds.

It blooms profusely and often, forming a dense cap of inflorescences. Each flowering lasts up to 2 months. The flower stalks are powerful and easily hold such large flowers. The variety is sensitive to changes in temperature and light. Easily takes root when propagated by leaves.


The variety was released in 2014. The rosette is smooth and obedient. The leaves are medium green, boat shaped. The cuttings are a little long. The flowers are large, semi-double. The color of the petals is soft pink, with a green ruffle on the upper petals. At higher temperatures there is almost no green on the petals .

When propagated by leaves, it conveys varietal characteristics well. During the first flowering there may be no fringe along the edge. It's worth waiting for the next colors.


Marina Valentinovna. “I’m sharing my joy - the first buds of the “LE-Winter’s Tale” violet have opened. This is a breathtakingly beautiful variety! The flowers are huge, white in color, with rare and small pinkish spots running along them, and the edge is a lush frill of a pink shade with a purple splash. I admire and rejoice, I understand that the violet is close to ideal. I bought the baby according to the description and was very afraid of sport, although they say it can be even more gorgeous than a varietal bush.”

Pelageya Anatolyevna. “I have been collecting a collection of Elena Korshunova’s varietal successes for many years. The violet “EK-Winter's Tale” has long attracted my attention, but I have never been able to get a specimen with flowering purely according to the varietal description. For some reason, the resulting leaves always produce a sport of lilac shades. The first two flowerings of the purchased baby revealed white buds with minimal hints of blue rays and fantasy, there was no pink eye, and from the third flowering the violet again formed a sport. I’ll have to buy an adult flowering plant - I’d really like to have this violet in my collection.”

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