How to propagate a money tree at home?

Process Features

Before planting a shoot, you need to acquire an adult tree, take into account the subtleties of choosing a container, the condition of the plant, and buy or prepare your own substrate. Only after this can you proceed to the process of plant propagation.

Age and condition of the tree

The optimal age for collecting cuttings or leaves is 3-4 years, but no less.
The indoor flower should be strong and healthy, without signs of disease or the presence of pest larvae. The best option is when there are aerial roots on the cuttings and leaves. This indicates that the Crassula seedling will quickly and successfully take root.

Choosing a pot

The container for the shoot is selected based on the size of the mother bush. Since the root system of the fat plant does not spread deep, but branches out to the sides, the diameter of the pot should correspond to the crown of the money tree. This is the case if you initially plant a leaf or cutting directly into a permanent container. If you are planning a further transplant, you can take a plastic glass - for the first time it is quite enough.

Soil selection

Crassula prefers loose and light soil, otherwise the plant will die. This is especially important during propagation, since the root system has not yet been formed. Consequently, it will be difficult for young roots to break through heavy soil.

If possible, purchase a soil mixture intended for succulents at a garden store or prepare the substrate at home. Choose one of the options:

  • soil from the garden - 4 parts, special baking powder (or vermiculite, river sand, peat) - 1-2 parts, depending on the type of soil;
  • turf soil and sand – 1 part each, leaf soil – 2 parts.

Do not forget to disinfect the soil taken from the garden before mixing the components. This is done in different ways - roasted in the oven, doused with boiling water, and poured with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Seed method

Reproduction of the fat plant is possible in three generally available ways: seeds, shoots or leaves. Each method has its own characteristics that should be taken into account when planting and rooting a plant.

One of the most difficult propagation methods is the seed method. Typically, this method is practiced by breeders to create new, hybrid varieties. This method requires a lot of time.

How to properly plant a money tree seed in a pot? You can purchase ready-made seeds in the store or collect seeds during the flowering of Crassula. The optimal time of year for planting is the beginning of spring.

Instructions on how to step by step propagate a money tree at home using seeds:

  1. Prepare a wide container with a flat bottom, where to place a drainage layer, and then suitable soil. The soil should be slightly moistened.
  2. The seeds must be placed on the surface of the soil and lightly pressed into the ground. However, there is no need to deepen the seeds into the soil.
  3. Cover the container with film or glass to create greenhouse conditions.
  4. The covered container should be placed in a warm, well-lit place.
  5. Ventilate the crops daily, as the seeds need air saturation. Spray the soil with water at room temperature. The soil should not be dry.
  6. In a few weeks the first shoots will appear. You need to wait until they finally get stronger and only then can you plant the seedlings in separate containers.
  7. After transplantation, make sure that there are no strong temperature changes and protect the seedlings from drafts. Moisten the soil periodically to prevent the sprouts from drying out.

Propagation of Crassula by cuttings

Cuttings are the best method of propagating a money tree, especially compared to seed planting. In the second case, the process is delayed for 1-2 years, and it is problematic to collect planting material yourself.

The main advantage of cuttings is that the plants grow completely identical to the mother Crassula.

How to take a shoot correctly?

For propagation, cuttings of 2 types are used - apical and stem. The first ones can be taken when forming the crown of the tree, but for the second ones you will have to cut the stem. To ensure that the shoot meets the standards and requirements of planting material, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • time of year - spring (March-April) is considered the most favorable, since it is at this time that the root system will grow at an accelerated pace;
  • cutting size – minimum 10 cm, maximum 15 cm;
  • number of leaves on the stem – 3 pairs;
  • nodes – 3-4 pcs.

The cutting procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Choose the strongest and most developed shoots.
  2. Using a utility knife, make a cut just below the knot. It is advisable to cut at a slight angle.


Preparatory activities involve the following actions, carried out immediately after cutting the cuttings:

  • Treat the cut area with any antiseptic, but it is better to powder it with powdered activated carbon.
  • Place the cuttings on a woven towel and let dry.
  • This usually takes about 24-48 hours.
  • If possible, provide air access.
  • Plant dry elements using the chosen method.

Rooting in the ground

The procedure for rooting a shoot in the soil is simple, but it is important to follow some rules. For example, you need to place pebbles or expanded clay at the bottom of the pot, which will create a drainage system. If this is not done, then from excess moisture, the money tree will rot.

How to plant cuttings correctly:

  1. Place drainage on the bottom of the pot, in a layer of about 2-3 cm.

  2. Fill a little more than half the pot with substrate. Make a recess for the process. Insert the cutting. If you want to use growth stimulants, soak a cotton pad in the preparation and treat the cut area with it. To do this, you can buy Epin and dilute 1 ml in 2 liters of water.

  3. Sprinkle fine river sand on top, which will prevent mold from forming and will maintain an optimal level of humidity in the soil.

  4. Lightly compact and moisten the substrate.

  5. Cover the cuttings with a glass jar (or use cut plastic bottles).

Be sure to remove the cover daily to allow oxygen to flow. As soon as the plant begins to grow, remove the jars completely.

Rooting in water

Making cuttings in water is the simplest procedure, since you do not need to make or buy a substrate or strictly monitor the level of humidity.
Unlike ground planting, the first roots appear in just 7-10 days (in the first case, the time needed is almost 2 times longer). How to propagate by cuttings in water:

  1. Prepare the container. Usually for this they take a plastic glass, a cut bottle or a small container.
  2. Pour enough warm, settled water to cover about 4 cm of the stem. But the main thing is that the kidney must be in water.
  3. Place the shoot.

Transplantation is carried out when the length of the roots reaches 5 cm. This will be clearly visible through a transparent container (as opposed to cuttings into the ground).

Rules for caring for cuttings after rooting

The main indicator of the success of money tree propagation is the formation of the root system. But this is noticeable only when the stalk is in a glass of water. If you immediately planted it in a pot with soil, pay attention to the green mass - the top should rise up and the leaves should grow.

Regardless of the rooting method, proceed as follows:

  • Place the plant in a bright place, for example, on a windowsill;
  • do not expose to direct sunlight;
  • for the first 6-8 months it is forbidden to apply fertilizers;
  • water the cuttings so that the liquid does not stagnate;
  • for watering and replacing water in a glass, use only settled and warm water;
  • to stimulate the growth of the cutting, add 0.5 tablets of succinic acid per 100-125 ml of water to the water with the shoot or for watering the soil;
  • at the germination stage, you can fertilize 1 time with one of the preparations - Agricola Ava or Fusco Flower Happiness (they are intended for succulents and cacti), the dosage depends on the instructions.

How to take a cutting from a money tree

To propagate Crassula, leaves and small twigs can be cut off or plucked off. A thick shoot must be separated with a sharp blade. Hands must be clean and instruments sterile.

You can take a cutting for propagation from any part; if you need a lot of plants, it is recommended to divide long ones into pieces with one or several pairs of leaves. The lower cut should be approximately 5 mm below, and the upper cut above the internode.

The plates located below are removed so that they do not end up in the ground or under water. They can also be used for reproduction.

The leaves are easy to pinch off with your fingernails; when trimmed, a column usually remains. It is not recommended to break them off - the epidermis from the branch may be pulled behind the plate, and the fat plant will receive unnecessary injury.

You need to take leaves from the middle or base of mature shoots located in the center of the bush. The lower ones of an adult plant are old, have finished their life, are ready to dry out, and are unlikely to produce children, even if they take root.

Those located at the tops of the branches are too young and have not yet finished developing. When planted in a substrate, they, like violets, will first take root, continue their own growth, and only then produce daughter rosettes. If they don't disappear first.

Reproduction by leaves

This is also a simple and quick way to propagate a succulent. Used when cuttings are not possible. As in the previous case, you need to act step by step and in strict compliance with the requirements and rules.

How to choose the right sheet?

It is important to select high-quality planting material - the speed of rooting and the process of plant development depend on this.

What should be the leaf for planting:

  • surface – shiny;
  • color – plain, tinted;
  • dimensions – volumetric;
  • structure – dense;
  • condition – no breaks/cuts, signs of disease or eating by insects;
  • the optimal cutting location is the middle of the shoot on the mother bush;
  • age – the tree must be at least 3-4 years old.

It is very good if aerial roots are formed on the leaves. Dried, wilted and damaged leaves are unacceptable for rooting.

Rooting in soil

The first thing a gardener does is prepare the soil and pot. A short but wide glass, for example, a yogurt cup, is suitable for the leaf. What to do next:

  1. Place expanded clay stones (small) on the bottom. Sprinkle substrate on top. After it 1 tbsp. l. crushed charcoal. Moisten with a spray bottle.

  2. Cut the leaf, pollinate the broken area with activated carbon, turmeric, or treat it with any garden antiseptic.

  3. Let the leaf dry, then make a small depression in the soil and insert the cut side of the leaf into the ground. Make a retainer from any plastic lid. To do this, cut the middle so that a leaf of the money tree fits into the gap. Lock the element.

Features that are important to pay attention to:

  • instead of a lid, you can use a toothpick or a match as a support;
  • water once every 2 days and in small doses, since unlike a stem on a cutting, a leaf is more susceptible to rotting;
  • when shoots form near the leaf, remove the clamp;
  • 1-2 leaves or several can be planted in one pot at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other;
  • deepen the sheet by 1/3;
  • Before the shoots appear, it is advisable to cover the container with a jar or plastic wrap.

To see how experienced gardeners root leaves in the substrate, watch our video:

Rooting in water

Not exactly a recommended method for leaf propagation, as the leaf is subject to rotting.
Despite this, it is possible to control this process. The planting procedure is completely identical to rooting a cutting in water, but there are some features:

  1. Insert the leaf into the water.
  2. Change the water once every 2-3 days.
  3. As soon as you see roots, transplant the plant into soil mixture for permanent cultivation.
  4. When replanting, do not bury the bush - only the roots should be in the ground.
  5. Immediately after transplanting, cover the fat plant with a jar for 2-3 days.

Rooting on moss

An unusual method of rooting money tree leaves, but no less effective.
The main advantage is that the roots will develop in a natural environment, so the risk of rotting is reduced. For planting, use forest moss or sphagnum (sold in a flower shop). The landing process is as follows:

  1. Form a piece of moss of the required size (for the container).
  2. Treat it with a specialized anti-fly product (the range is very rich) and always with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. This is especially true for moss that is collected in the forest.
  3. Place the moss in a container and moisten it with a spray bottle so that water does not flow out of it.
  4. Insert a crassula leaf.
  5. Moisten the moss every day, and when the root appears, immediately transplant it into the substrate.

Proper care after planting

Rooting a crassula is not so difficult, but in the future, after planting young plants in pots, they need to be provided with proper care. As soon as the seedling begins to actively grow, a growth shoot appears, and lateral branches begin to develop, it must be moved to a bright place with bright sunlight, but without direct rays, which can cause burns to tender leaves.

Changing the location of the plant is not recommended.

In the first 8 months after planting, the seedlings are not fed, since all the nutrients are in the correct soil. An excess of fertilizers will have a very negative impact on the development of the fat plant.

Watering should be carried out only when the soil in the pot dries out, adding warm water in small quantities.

You should not overwater the money tree to prevent rotting of the root system. There is no need to spray the Crassula, as this will lead to an excessive level of humidity, but once every 2 - 3 weeks, the Crassula needs to be given a soft, warm shower to clean the leaves of dust.

How to propagate by seeds?

This method is used extremely rarely, since the process is long and complex. Crassula blooms once every few years, so collecting planting material is problematic. The optimal solution to the problem is to buy store-bought seeds.

If you decide to collect your own seeds, you can speed up the flowering process. Features how to do it:

  • use a bush that is at least 5-6 years old;
  • transplant the tree into a very spacious pot (wide and not deep);
  • in winter, keep the temperature to 14-16 degrees, and in spring and summer always take it outside/balcony;
  • do not allow sudden changes in air temperature;
  • do not feed from mid-September until the last days of February, that is, during the dormant period (water at this time twice a month and not more often);
  • in March, apply fertilizer intended for succulents (or cacti);
  • place only on a sunny windowsill, but without direct rays;
  • It is useful to wipe and water the plant with succinic acid (1 tablet per 250 ml of water).

When the flower blooms, apply appropriate fertilizer and wait until the flowers fade. This is the time of seed ripening. Collect them and start planting, which involves several stages:

  1. Disinfect planting material. To do this, prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dip the seeds in it for 15 minutes, then rinse. Do the same with the soil - pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

  2. Place the substrate in a wide but low container (you can use special containers for seedlings). Sprinkle a thin layer of wood ash on top of the soil. Moisten the soil mixture with a spray bottle. Sow the seeds without digging - just on top of the soil.

  3. Cover loosely with plastic wrap.

Open the created greenhouse every day for ventilation, moisten the soil mixture as it dries, but do this only with a spray bottle. When sprouts appear (and this will happen on days 14-18), remove the cover completely.

When the sprouts reach 2-3 cm, plant them in separate pots, selecting the strongest and most durable elements.

Proper plant care

To ensure that the money tree always looks healthy and blooming, it is enough to follow these simple rules:

  • The money tree loves to be in the sun, but also tolerates light partial shade;
  • an adult plant does not like abundant watering, otherwise the foliage will begin to actively fall off and the root system may become sick;
  • The tree should be watered in small portions once a week, and in winter, reduce watering to twice a month;
  • It is enough to apply fertilizers once a month and only during the growing season;
  • spraying with melt water will emphasize the beautiful glossy shade of the Crassula leaf;
  • in the summer, the flower will grow more actively in the fresh air.

The flowering of a money tree is quite rare, but if it happens, consider yourself lucky. A blooming money tree portends good luck and wealth to its owner in the near future.

A blooming money tree promises wealth

The fat woman is unpretentious in care, reproduces easily and is considered a talisman for the family hearth. It is also interesting to grow a plant for the sake of stimulating flowering, which will herald quick wealth and financial well-being.

Possible problems and solutions

The money tree is one of the indoor flowers that require a special approach, so when propagating crassula, beginners often make a number of mistakes, which is why the seedlings simply die. To prevent this, use the following recommendations:

Problem encounteredWhy did this happen?How to fix the error?
Weakening and stretching of the plantToo little light.Place it on a lighted windowsill and additionally turn on the fluorescent lamps so that the light remains on for 12-14 hours until the seedlings are restored.
Yellowing leaves, falling stemsExcess moisture, which causes the root system to rot.There are several ways to solve the problem:
  • stop watering completely;
  • remove the plant from the soil, add a very dry soil mixture and plant the bush again;
  • if a leaf or cutting is in water, remove it and dry it, then replant it in the ground.

Be sure to remove any yellowed leaves.

Drying out foliageInsufficient watering.In this case, you need to moisten the soil abundantly.
Formation of dark spotsFungal diseases that arose due to the fact that disinfection was not carried out before rooting.You will have to treat with fungicides in accordance with the instructions for the specific drug.
Roots do not form for a long timeLack of lighting, low air temperature.Provide the bush with light, increase the temperature to +18...+25 degrees. Additionally, add a growth stimulator (Zircon, Epin).
The stalk leans to one sideLack of lighting.Install lamps and periodically turn the pot with the seedling in different directions.
The roots are growing back, but too slowlyToo dense soil.Be sure to replace the soil mixture with loose substrate. Add peat, sand, etc. to this soil in a 1:1 ratio.

Never replant a cutting or leaf if the plant is not yet fully established. In this case, it will be difficult for the fat plant to adapt and take root, so the tree will begin to hurt or die.

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