How to replant a rose in a pot - step by step guide

Although indoor roses are small, decorative representatives of a garden crop known for its beauty, they can often be seen on the windowsills of experienced gardeners.
This flower allows you to create flower arrangements at home that are no less attractive than in the outdoor garden. Dear readers!
For you, we have created communities on social networks in which useful articles and interesting ideas are published several times a day! Subscribe and receive useful content in a convenient format! However, it is important not to forget that an indoor rose planted in a pot has a reputation as a rather demanding and fastidious plant to care for. It needs to be looked after competently, sensitively and in a timely manner - this is the only way to grow the real pride of a gardener on a windowsill or in a home greenhouse.

How to choose a flower in a store

Firstly, the basis of the correct choice of any indoor plant is its appearance . If an ornamental rose is sold in a pot (temporary or permanent), then it is important to inspect its leaves and shoots.

Indoor rose in store pots

Black dots on the back or outside are a sign of fungal diseases. Small white spots may be a sign of active development of powdery mildew. If dark or dry spots are noticed closer to the root collar, then this is one of the signs of putrefactive or fungal processes in the soil and on the roots.

It is BEST when the rose has dense leaves with a clear shine. Also a good sign of a healthy indoor plant is the presence of young shoots. Then you can be sure that the flower was well looked after and the conditions for it were ideal.

Finally, the rule is that it is preferable to purchase an indoor rose with fewer buds. The more flowers there are on a plant, the faster it will bloom, and the next period of budding will have to wait until the next season.

Well, yellowed, drooping leaves are a sure sign that the indoor rose lacks moisture and nutrients. You can make up for this yourself at home, but a rose in a pot will take time to get into shape.

How to save an indoor rose after purchase

The rose is a difficult flower to keep at home; it is quite demanding and capricious. It is not enough to become the happy owner of this beauty, you also need to preserve the flower and find an approach to it, otherwise sad consequences will not keep you waiting.

Yes exactly. The purchased plant usually looks fresh and full of vigor, blooms amazingly and it seems that it will always be like that.

In fact, the plants arrive on the counter fed with all kinds of stimulants; in addition, they have special packaging that retains high humidity. Once on our windowsill, roses are deprived of all this.

Almost immediately, inexperienced gardeners have problems: the roses begin to turn yellow, their leaves dry out and fly off, the buds fall off and turn black. Rosette orders to live long and disappears, leaving behind nothing but frustration.

It should be noted that the rose is considered an open ground plant. Some varieties are more suitable for indoor use than others. But this does not mean that keeping them in an apartment is an easy matter.

When purchasing an indoor rose, after purchase it is simply necessary to take a set of rescue measures, even if the plant looks healthy and strong. Believe me, it won't last long!

So, what steps should you take when you bring a rose home:

  1. Remove the packaging wrapper, if any. Although the packaging helps to retain moisture, it often causes the rose to become infected with fungal diseases while still in the store, because... packaging interferes with air exchange, creating an ideal environment for fungi.
  2. Use pruning shears or scissors to remove all wilted leaves, blackened and dried stems that are on the plant.
  3. Flowers and buds also need to be trimmed. Of course, for the sake of them we buy a plant and we would like to admire them to our fullest, but the plant, the flowering of which was stimulated by special preparations and greenhouse care, subsequently simply cannot withstand such abundant flowering, and, having given all its strength to it, dies. Therefore, we cut off all the flowers and buds that are present on the plant, along with the supporting stem.
  4. Pay attention to the number of bushes in the pot. Growers of indoor roses often plant several plants in one pot to create the appearance of a lush flowering bush. Crowded plants weaken each other and there is a lack of nutrients. Bushes, if there are several of them, must be planted in different pots.
  5. After transplantation, it is necessary to treat the rose with antifungal drugs (Fitosporin) and pest control drugs (Fitoverm).

Features of home care after purchase

IMPORTANT POINT: the favorable time for transplanting an indoor rose is March. But, of course, if the plant is purchased at another time and it is clear that replanting is necessary, then you should not wait specifically for the beginning of spring.

As a rule, on average, indoor roses at the time of sale are still very young bushes, 1-3 months old. In this case, they will definitely experience stress during the next transplant.

On the other hand, the most correct tactic is to wait. You should not replant the rose immediately after purchasing it and moving it to a new place. Firstly, it will help the plant adapt to a new place. Secondly, it will allow you to determine whether the plant has diseases or pests (within 1-2 weeks, possible problems will definitely make themselves felt). And you can replant the rose without fear immediately after this incubation period.

It is known that indoor roses have a very difficult time surviving new growing and caring conditions. During the first 2-3 weeks, the bush can shed not only buds and ovaries, but even leaves. However, this does not mean that the plant dies. You just need to wait for acclimatization and actively care for the new flower.

NOTE: immediately after purchasing a potted rose, you can water it in the bathroom with a warm shower. This will definitely help get rid of spider mites if they are found on the bush.

It is also advisable to wait until most of the flowers, if any, have faded. Only after this should the transplant begin.

Soil for decorative roses: a mixture of turf, humus, peat and sand (4:2:2:1) . Be sure to line the bottom of the pot with 1-3 cm of drainage made of expanded clay or small stone.

Special primer

It is possible (and even advisable) to prune a rose bush before replanting. For future growth, it is enough to leave 3-5 buds on each shoot. The best method of replanting is transferring with the lump of earth that was in the pot.

It is advisable to choose a new pot according to the following principles:

  • Must be larger than the old one by at least 2 cm in diameter.
  • You can focus on the height of the bush - whatever the height, that’s how the pot should be.
  • Future watering tactics depend on the choice of pot material. In plastic containers, soil dries faster and the material is less reliable. Clay dishes also absorb some of the moisture.

In a new pot, the rose will need growth stimulants (Zircon or similar). Moreover, you may even need two treatments one after another with a short break of 3-5 days between them.

In the future, the bushes need to be replanted every 1-2 years, as they grow.

Care after purchase

From the moment they purchase a flower, many buyers think about how to preserve and enhance the beauty of the capricious beauty at home. Here you need a whole range of measures to care for a mini-rose growing in a pot, which should be carried out strictly to obtain the desired result after purchase:

  • As soon as the plant gets into the house, you need to immediately empty the pot from its special packaging, most often a plastic film that creates a humid atmosphere inside the bag. If left, the plant may become affected by mold and die.
  • All dry leaves and stems must be carefully cut off with a sharp knife. Sections can be treated with powdered activated carbon. Inspect the soil at the roots and remove fallen leaves to prevent them from becoming a source of infection.

  • Next, the rose must be given the opportunity to adapt to the conditions of its new home.
  • After 10 days, you can begin to transplant the plant into a permanent container. During the quarantine period, all possible diseases and pests will have time to manifest themselves.
  • An important point: replanting should not be carried out during the period of rapid flowering; it is better to wait until most of the buds open and bloom. Then you can carefully, without disturbing the integrity of the roots and the earth, transplant the flower into a new, more spacious container. An indoor rose can live in an apartment with good care for up to 20 years, so choose a container for planting that is high-quality and designed for a long service life, so as not to disturb the plant with frequent replantings. Make sure there is a drainage layer - it will protect the roots from rotting.

  • Immediately after the plant has been transplanted, as a preventive measure, it is better to treat it once with any fungicidal preparation. One of the most affordable and popular is Fitosporin-M. Aversectin, Agrovertin, Fitoverm and other insecticides and insectoacaricides will help against possible insect pests.
  • The last stage of planting is watering. Remember: it is better to underwater a rose than to overwater it. Place the container with the plant in a place protected from direct sunlight. The rose needs to get used to the new soil and environmental conditions.

Often, when transplanting, gardeners find not one large bush, but several young ones planted together to create the appearance of a lush plant. In this case, it is better to plant the plants in separate containers.

Growing conditions

Flowering roses
After purchasing and replanting a bush rose, all that remains is to get acquainted with the requirements and care conditions that should be observed for it. Many well-known indoor varieties are quite whimsical. They are critical of the temperature range, do not tolerate excessive dryness, but also high humidity, and do not survive drafts and direct sun well.

This is important to take into account if you want to see neat, beautiful, sophisticated bushes of indoor roses at home.


Of course, the indoor rose and its numerous hybrids are heat-loving plants . They tolerate heat well, but a moderate regime when caring for them is optimal:

  • In summer, it is optimal to maintain a range of +20-25С.
  • In winter, it is advisable to stick to +15С, but not allow it to fall below +10С.

Roses are heat-loving plants.
It can be immediately noted that the domestic rose will withstand a short-term increase in temperature. On the other hand, if the bush blooms, then the duration of flowering directly depends on the air temperature. The cooler it is, the more fragrant and long-lasting buds can be seen on the rose almost all summer.

Air humidity

Dry air is a common cause of most rose problems . Starting with withering foliage, falling buds, ending with the appearance of spider mites and some other pests.

Maintain moist air by regularly watering the soil (from 3 times a week in summer, 1 time a week in autumn and winter), installing a special saucer with water under the pot, and spraying the bush. In particularly hot weather, roses can be watered even twice a day - morning and evening. The main thing is not to flood the plant, but to add moisture only when the soil has dried 4-5 cm deep.

It is IMPORTANT to spray the bush during the flowering period, trying to get it on the leaves, stem, top layer of soil, but not on the flower petals. If drops of water get on them, you should immediately carefully remove them from the buds.

For watering roses, use only water at room temperature , settled and preferably filtered.


The basic rule for growing roses in pots is that they need enough indirect light, but not direct light. That is why the pots should, if necessary, be additionally shaded or covered with other plants.

During the flowering period, bushes need at least 14 hours of daylight. If such a long daylight hours are not typical for the region, then artificial supplementary lighting may be required.

Choosing a place to put it

Rose on the windowsill
Since decorative roses do not like overheating, they should be kept on southern or eastern windowsills most of the year.

In summer, it is recommended to move roses in pots to open areas or to summer verandas, if possible. In this case, it will be possible to provide the bushes with enough coolness, and this will improve the condition of the flower and flowering will last longer.

What does it look like in the interior?

Perhaps it will not look untrue that the rose is the most famous flower that is grown to decorate gardens, galleries, greenhouses, and rooms. Therefore, miniature roses are, first of all, wonderful decorations that can enhance any interior and attract a person’s attention.

Of course, a rose in a pot is best suited for classic interiors, antique motifs in the design of rooms, and rich decorations.

Modern minimalism is less focused on the use of different types of indoor flowers, however, even in this case, with careful thought through the interior, you can achieve high-quality, interesting combinations.

Preparing the root system

Even a cutting of a rose taken from a bouquet can be planted in soil prepared according to the rules. If greenhouse conditions are created, it may well take root, although success is not 100% guaranteed. A full-fledged bush will definitely take root in it.

What does “full” mean? It happens that a rose sold in a store is planted in such soil that its composition is not intended to preserve the vitality of the plant for a long time. This is usually noticeable by the appearance of the roots. There is no guarantee that a plant with very thin, almost black roots will take root in the new pot. It is in this case that it will be safer to cut cuttings and try to root them.

If the damage to the roots is minor (it often happens that they are slightly rotten), such areas are cut off with pruners or scissors. Before transplanting, many gardeners treat the root system with solutions of root formation stimulants, but this makes sense if all the old soil has to be removed (for example, a rose for sale is planted not in soil, but in peat). If it is clear that the roots are healthy and the soil is good (however, only an experienced gardener can evaluate the latter), it is better to replant the flower using the transshipment method.

It happens that the root system, on the contrary, is so powerfully developed that the roots are twisted together. In this case, you need to separate them and give them freedom. They often sell several plants in one pot. Of course, when transplanting, each of them should be provided with a separate container.

If you had to get rid of the old soil, then when replanting:

  1. Pour the nutrient mixture into the pot over the drainage, make a hole of such a size that the roots can easily fit in it.
  2. Place the plant in the hole, gradually add fresh soil, shaking it periodically so that the air voids are filled. In this case, the planting depth should be the same as in the old pot. There is no need to compact the soil too much.
  3. Water the rose with water at room temperature.
  4. Cover the bush with a plastic bag and place the pot in partial shade.

Keep the rose under the bag for a week or a week and a half, ventilating it daily and, if necessary, spraying the soil with water. At the same time, it is worth irrigating the leaves, but you should put the bag on only after they have dried.

If the transplant is performed with a clod of earth (transshipment method), then the process is even simpler. Place the plant in a new pot with a small layer of soil and add new soil on all sides, slightly compacting it. After watering, you don’t even have to cover the bush with a bag, but it’s better to place the pot in partial shade for 3-4 days.

Read how to help a rose after winter.

Rules of care at different times of the year

As has been noted more than once, indoor roses are too sensitive to indoor conditions. Therefore, caring for flowers at different times of the year has its own key features that are important to know and observe.

in spring

So, spring is considered the time when the rose is prepared for summer flowering.

To do this, a bush is formed, old or dried shoots are pruned.

At this time of year, it is important not to let the rose suffer from lack of moisture. The plant needs to be watered (up to daily frequency, if it is very hot), and in the evenings the bush must be sprayed with a spray bottle. Also in the spring you should leave the plant where the most indirect light is concentrated.

IT IS NO SECRET that a rose is drawn to the light. In order for the bush to grow in the correct shape, you must not forget to turn it a third or a quarter of a circle from time to time.

Of course, in no case should you deprive the rose of fertilizing in the spring. They should begin with the first heat and alternate: either with organic mixtures or with mineral ones. By the end of spring, the optimal frequency of fertilizing is once every 2-3 weeks.

In May or early summer, it is recommended to move the rose pot to a cool, shady place: to the balcony, veranda, or, if weather permits, to the garden.

In summer

Summer is a time of active flowering and growth. But this does not mean that you can only admire the rose, although caring for it at this time of year is very simple.

First of all, it is not recommended to completely abandon fertilizers. Organic mixtures are the best option throughout the season. Secondly, it is very important to monitor your indoor rose for pests or diseases. If necessary, carry out timely treatment with insecticides or folk remedies (all strictly according to recipes).

Of course, in extreme heat, indoor roses are watered more often. Sometimes up to twice a day.

in autumn

With the onset of autumn, reduce fertilizing to a minimum and gradually reduce the frequency of watering. In mid-autumn, when the plant fades, 1-2 waterings per week will be enough for the rose.

If the plant is taken out of the room, then at the end of summer or beginning of autumn - as weather permits - it is returned to winter on the windowsill or in the room where it stood before.

Just before the onset of winter, prune the rose (most varieties require this), leaving up to 5 buds on the shoots.

Autumn pruning of roses

in winter

There are no serious rules for caring for roses in winter, since the plant sheds its leaves and is dormant. It is important to water and spray the bush occasionally. After the soil dries, it is recommended to wait 2-3 days, and only then moisten it moderately.

Optimal air temperature for a flower: +15С. That is why it is recommended to leave the pot away from radiators and other heating devices.

Anything less than +10С will be destructive for the rose.

Possible problems in growing

Mistakes made when caring for a rose cause its poor health. It is often disturbing to see the absence of flowers on a plant whose main purpose is to bloom and smell fragrant.

Yucca: home care and plant propagation methods

There are several reasons for this:

  • The most common is the absence of a rest period;
  • Insufficient lighting;
  • Inappropriate soil composition;
  • Lack or deficiency of nutrients in the soil;
  • Inappropriate pot size.

A weakened plant is susceptible to attack by pests and diseases.

The plant dries up

The rose dries out in a room that is too hot. You can save the situation by moving the flower away from the heat source or placing it in a tray with wet expanded clay, not forgetting to moisten the soil. It is useful to spray the leaves.

Quite often, the pet dries out and the leaves begin to fall off due to rotting of the root system caused by excessive watering, which leads to waterlogging of the soil, or the use of cold water. Too dense soil does not have time to dry out before the next watering, which also causes rotting of the roots. The problem can be solved by clearing the roots of the old soil and removing rotten roots; they are soft and transparent, and rinse the remaining ones in a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Then soak the roots in a solution of the fungicide “Fitosporin-M” for half an hour, then air dry for 2 hours. Transplant into another container with fresh, loose and nutritious soil.

The foliage is turning yellow

If the leaves turn yellow, the cause may be waterlogged soil in the pot. To restore the flower, watering is stopped for a while, only spraying the leaves.

If signs of soil acidification appear, the flower is transplanted into a rose substrate purchased at the store.

Note! It is useful to feed the yellowing flower with complex fertilizers, for example, Bona Forte or Greenwold.


If a newly acquired flower begins to shed its leaves, it thus reacts to a change in its environment. It is enough to find a corner for it on a warmly lit, draft-free window sill to restore its former lively appearance.

Wilting of flowers and buds, blackening of leaves and their falling may indicate a fungal infection, pest invasion or frostbite of the rose. That is why a flower brought from a store is not placed where green pets are located, setting up a two-week quarantine.

Spots on the leaves appear due to too high a temperature and high humidity, very dense soil in a pot, or dense plantings. Brown spots grow and parts of the plant die. The affected areas should be removed immediately and the entire plant should be treated with a preparation containing copper or sulfur.

Does a rose bloom at home?

Flowering is the main quality for which a rose is valued . Getting a rose to bloom is relatively easy. Another question is how to improve the quality and duration of flowering. There are some truisms for this:

  • The cooler the summer, the longer the roses bloom. If the bushes are placed in the shade, where the temperature almost always stays around +20°C, then the roses will delight with flowers most of the summer.
  • After watering and spraying, remove all drops from the buds, otherwise they will crumble faster.
  • If treatment for pests or diseases is required, it is not recommended to increase the doses prescribed by manufacturers (many people think that, since roses are grown exclusively for decorative purposes, there is no need to save the poison). Otherwise, insecticides will harm the plant too.
  • The more abundant the fertilizing, the more optimal the watering, the longer the bushes bloom.

Home rose in spring

In early spring, decorative roses begin to come to life. They throw out new leaves and shoots, which soon turn into full-fledged branches. At this point, the plant requires more frequent watering so that the soil in the pot does not have time to dry out.

Now the flowers can be fed again - this will provide the ground for proper and rapid development. You can fertilize the soil in a pot with a mullein solution: 1/3 mullein to 2/3 water is thoroughly mixed and left for 4–10 days until the end of the fermentation period, then used in a solution with tap water (1:15). You can fertilize the soil near the plant with a solution of bird droppings: infuse 1 part of the droppings in 200 parts of hot water, leave for two days, dilute the solution with clean water (1:25) and use it to feed the plants.

What to feed

Growing roses at home involves systematic feeding, so take them very seriously. But remember that if the flower turns yellow, withers or even dries out, this may be due to the fact that the wrong fertilizer was used or its dosage was exceeded.

If everything is followed according to the rules, then for good flowering the plant is fed once a week. This should be done after watering the plant.

In the spring, when the home decorative rose comes to life again, it should not lack sunlight or moisture. Therefore, the plant is transferred to a bright window and constantly watered, as in summer, as the top layer of soil dries. Next, the leaves are sprayed and washed.

Now that the spring frosts have gone and the warmth is intensively returning, the domestic or Chinese bush rose can again be placed on the balcony, but first in the shade, since it needs to get used to the bright sun. This will take 2–3 weeks.


It is necessary to replant roses as the bush grows and there is not enough space in the pot. This process is carried out by ordinary transshipment , trying to harm the root system of the flower as little as possible.

The optimal time is early March . However, you can replant a rose in the summer if it very quickly filled the entire space in the pot with roots and noticeably slowed down in growth.


Are there dark spots on the shoots of the rose? This could be necrosis, find out how to save the plant

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Does the rose begin to wither and die for no apparent reason? It could be root rot, find out control and prevention measures

Root rot of roses

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Infectious rose burn

Are there growths and cracks on the rose? It could be cancer, read what to do next

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If you received a miniature rose as a gift or bought one from a flower shop, place it in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight, “East” or “Southeast” is best. When placed on the south side, during the day they need to be shaded from the scorching sun.

  1. Choosing a pot. For the shortest varieties, growing up to 35 cm, a pot with a height of 20-30 cm is sufficient. For larger ones, you need to take a pot of about 50 cm, but for all plants it is important that each pot has a hole in the bottom, as well as a drainage layer (pebbles , expanded clay, coarse gravel). This will prevent the roots of the roses from standing in water, which is very harmful for them. The pot should be large, preferably with double walls (they protect against excessive freezing and heating of the soil and drying out). It is better to plant miniature roses outdoors no later than August. Thanks to this, they will gradually go into a dormant state - they will become woody, stop blooming and shed their leaves. In addition, they will take root better before winter.
  2. Substrate selection. Miniature roses purchased in the store are already planted in special substrates with the addition of long-lasting fertilizers. Such substrates dry out quite quickly, so you need to take care of systematic watering. Since the volume of the pot is small, the nutrients run out quite quickly. Therefore, roses should be replanted in fresh soil and larger pots. They tolerate this procedure very well during flowering. For planting and replanting roses, it is best to use a specialized substrate; it must be fertile, preferably with humus, light, breathable and slightly acidic. Proper pH (pH 5.4-6.2) ensures proper growth, lush flowering and greater disease resistance.
  3. Transfer time. It is best to replant roses 3-4 weeks after purchase, but here you need to take into account the time of year, because miniature roses are sold all year round, including in winter. Of course, the winter months are not the best time for roses to bloom in our climate. These are specimens grown in greenhouse conditions. Therefore, it is better to postpone their transplantation until the turn of winter and spring. In winter, bushes are replanted solely when necessary, for example, when the root ball has grown so large that it “crawls out” of the pot and dries out very quickly.
  4. Watering. The rose loves moderate but constant humidity, so we water it often, but not too much. The water in the pan should not stagnate.

If possible, it is best to transplant a miniature rose into the garden. It would also be a good idea to place it on the balcony.

Growing roses in apartments is more difficult because in winter they are too warm and dry. As a result, roses do not “go to sleep” for the winter, which makes them weaker and more often affected by diseases and pests. If possible, provide them with rest in a cool area, such as an unheated room. It is better for them to spend the summer outside, for example, on a balcony or terrace.

Why indoor miniature roses dry out and how to prevent this you will learn from the video.


Basically, ornamental roses are propagated by cuttings . By the way, parts of the shoots remaining after annual pruning are suitable for this purpose.

The cuttings should have at least 2-3 buds and preferably several leaves. It is placed in water (it is better if a growth stimulator is diluted there). The first roots appear within 1-2 weeks. After this, the cuttings are planted in loose and nutritious soil, covered with film or a glass jar to create greenhouse conditions.

The first flowering can occur as early as a year after rooting.

Propagation by cuttings

Reproduction methods

How to grow a home rose? Roses are propagated by seeds and cuttings. The first method is used by breeders to develop new varieties. It is easier to grow roses yourself from cuttings. This method not only preserves the varietal characteristics of the parent plant, but also produces a specimen adapted to the conditions of the home.


Cuttings are prepared from branches remaining after pruning. Cuttings with 3-4 buds up to 15 cm long are selected from healthy, well-developed branches; the lower cut should pass clearly under the bud. Remove buds and lower leaves. The prepared cuttings are placed for a day in a container with a solution that stimulates the formation of roots.

Rooting can be done in several ways:

  • Place the cuttings in a container of water and place them in a well-lit, warm place.
  • Make a hole in the potato tuber and insert the stalk. Plant the tuber in the sand, leaving a small part above the surface, and cover with a glass jar. Don't forget to water and ventilate.
  • Plant the cuttings at an angle directly into the prepared soil (humus + peat), sprinkling sand on top. Cover with a jar.

Cuttings in water

After the roots and leaves appear, the cuttings are transplanted into separate pots.

Planting a cutting in a potato tuber

Despite the capriciousness and demanding care of indoor roses, its popularity among professional and amateur gardeners is constantly growing. Along with hibiscus, oleander and hydrangea, the rose occupies one of the leading places in the ranking of the most popular flowering house plants.

Is pruning necessary?

Pruning roses is a necessary step for almost all hybrid ornamental varieties (there are exceptions). There are several seasons for active pruning:

  • Before winter, the bush is pruned almost completely. Only up to 5 buds remain on each shoot. Leaves and buds are shed.
  • In early spring it is allowed to form the crown. To do this, wilted shoots and dry leaves are removed.
  • in summer . Mainly for decorative purposes. All drying parts are removed, as well as faded buds.

If you do the pruning correctly, the rose bush will always evoke only positive emotions and grow correctly and aesthetically.

How to store miniature roses in winter

Miniature roses need a winter rest to grow healthy and bloom profusely. They winter poorly in heated apartments, where it is difficult to provide them with adequate winter rest. Weakened plants are very often attacked by spider mites and fungal diseases. As a result, they either dry out or are in very poor condition.

Therefore, you should avoid wintering miniature roses in apartments. It is safer for them to overwinter, for example, in an unheated room or garage with a window. A balcony is also suitable for them. However, then the pot should be placed on a board or polystyrene foam and covered, for example, with cardboard. The surface of the ground should be covered with materials such as bark or deoxidized garden peat. The above-ground part of the rose is covered with fabric or agrofibre.

If the rose was planted in the garden, it should be covered with a mound of earth for the winter.

Miniature roses have different frost resistance. But if you don’t know the exact name of the variety, it’s impossible to check what the lowest temperature it can withstand. Therefore, it is better to protect all miniatures from frost if they spend the winter outside, that is, on the balcony or in the garden.


Beginners may have problems with watering indoor roses. Among professionals - rarely.

THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE: focus on your feelings. It is important to water the rose when the soil dries out (if you press your finger on the soil, the soil feels dry). After drying out in the summer, water immediately, in the cold season, after waiting a 2-3 day break.

Thus, a lot depends on the specific conditions in the room. But most often, domestic roses are watered 2-3 times in the summer (every day if it is very hot), and about 1 time a week in the fall and winter.

It is also advisable to prepare the water. Firstly, stand for at least 24 hours. Secondly, water with cool (about +20С), but not cold water.

Caring for a home rose in winter

The indoor rose does not grow or bloom in winter; it looks very sickly, constantly shedding its leaves. During this period, it is advisable to prevent the air in the plant space from drying out - place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles, water the rose every 2-3 days.

Caring for flower crops in winter also involves spraying the plant, especially in a room where there is additional heating and the air constantly dries out.


Flowering plants spend a lot of energy during the entire flowering period, drawing most of their supply of nutrients from the soil. In the case of roses in pots, for this reason the plants are fed from March to October .

Any complex, universal fertilizers, as well as organic mixtures, are suitable.

In spring, plants are especially responsive to foliar application of fertilizers.

During the period of active growth, roses should be fed every 8-10 days. Alternate organic and complex mixtures.

Fertilizers for roses are needed until the end of flowering. And an important rule of care: at the end of summer and autumn, nitrogen should be completely excluded from the composition of fertilizing.

Growing and care


If the rose dries out, this is the first sign of lack of moisture, so try to ensure timely watering as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. Sometimes, on very hot summer days, the rosette has to be watered even twice a day, but remember that watering is carried out only with clean, well-settled water at room temperature, at the root and in more or less cool times of the day.

Fertilizing at home

Typically, caring for Chinese indoor roses involves, among other things, adding fertilizer to the soil . This should happen approximately twice a month and during the active growing season of the plant. Watering is carried out with mullein or a solution of complete mineral fertilizer. Foliar feeding is also carried out - spraying with special weak solutions.

It is not recommended to fertilize in rainy or very cold weather, as well as fertilize sick or newly transplanted plants.

Different varieties (We make a short overview of the most popular varieties)

Varieties of decorative roses can differ greatly from each other. Moreover, this concerns not only the appearance, the height of the bush, the abundance of greenery, but also such an important factor as aroma. It can be rich or barely noticeable.

  • “Angela Ripon” is an almost classic rose with soft pink flowers, but smaller in size than garden varieties (flowers up to 4 cm in diameter). When flowering, the variety emits fragrant, persistent aromas. The bushes grow up to 35 cm and do not require pruning when caring.

  • ' Yellow Doll ' is one of the oldest hybrids and has a distinct scent when flowering and the bush produces many flowers with a pale yellow tint. The variety has earned popularity due to the abundance of petals in the bud (up to 50 on each flower).

  • " Green Ice " . This variety produces white flowers with a clearly visible green tint. The flowers do not smell strongly, but the most important features of the variety are tall bushes of regular shape (up to 60 cm), extreme resistance to diseases.

Types of domestic roses with photos and names

There are many types of domestic rose. At home it is convenient to grow compact bushes with miniature flowers: patio roses (grow in paved courtyards and at home), polyanthus (multi-flowered) roses, Cordana roses.

Variety "Baby Masquerade"

A narrow bush up to 0.3 m high with branched shoots. There are few thorns. Small dark green leaves. Small flowers form inflorescences of 6–10 pieces. During flowering, the color of the petals changes (chameleon flowers) from lemon to pink and red. Subtle smell of fruit. Resistant to diseases.

Variety "Angela Rippon"

A miniature bush (height - up to 40 cm) with branched shoots and many flowers, formed in inflorescences of 5 pieces. The width of the flowers is up to 4 cm. They have a strong smell. Dark green small leaves. No pruning needed; Feed often little by little. For prevention, they are treated against black spotting and powdery mildew.

Variety "Easter Morning"

The dense, straight shoots bear hard, dark green, glossy leaves. The flowers are soft cream, densely double, form large inflorescences of up to 27 pieces. It blooms almost without interruption. Has a subtle aroma. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases.

Compact bushes of the Fire Princess variety

The height of compact bushes is up to 40 cm. Branched shoots look upward. Glossy green leaves with jagged edges. Double orange-red flowers on the tops of the shoots form inflorescences of 5 pieces. Possible damage to powdery mildew and black spot.

Compact rose bushes are popular among indoor flower lovers. They are easy to care for and pleasant to watch. Despite its wide distribution, the domestic rose continues to remain a uniquely beautiful flower, delighting and surprising with its variety of species.

Diseases and pests

The sensitivity of an ornamental rose is expressed in the fact that it gets sick or is attacked by pests at the slightest deviation from normal conditions around it. Most often, problems come from too dry air, excessive soil moisture, or insufficient fertilizing .

  • Spot is a fungus that appears on the leaves, less often on the stem. It usually occurs due to excess moisture.
  • Powdery mildew is another popular disease for indoor roses. On the contrary, it appears due to dry air in the room.
  • Spider mites are a pest that reproduces in very dry air.

Not all diseases of ornamental roses can be easily eliminated. However, some techniques exist.

Diseases and pests

Homemade rose tree

The domestic rose tree (Chinese rose, or Chinese hibiscus) is an evergreen shrub of the Malvaceae family and has nothing to do with a real rose. Can grow up to 3 meters in height.

The leaves are similar in shape to birch, but much larger in size, shiny, smooth. The edge of the leaf is jagged or wavy.

The flowers are single, large, funnel-shaped (up to 16 cm) - very beautiful. Depending on the variety, they can be simple or double, and have a color from red to white. The lifespan of each flower is 1-2 days, but despite this, proper care and maintenance can ensure the plant blooms from spring to autumn.

The domestic rose tree or Chinese hibiscus is one of the best plants for both experienced gardeners and beginners. Good adaptation, easy care, resistance to high and low temperatures, unusually beautiful flowers are the undoubted advantages of this plant. This wonderful tree can decorate a home, office, study, hall or hall of any building.

How to resuscitate?

One of the biggest problems with indoor roses is spider mite damage. They get rid of it either by increasing the humidity (including frequent bathing of the bush in the shower) or with a “ Fitoverma ” solution (2-3 treatments will be required with a break of a week between them).

A regular soap solution helps against aphids and other pests (it is preferable to use laundry soap).

If the leaves are affected by fungus, then they need to be plucked. Treat healthy leaves or the entire bush with “ Fitospirin ” or similar fungicidal agents.

If the plant suddenly begins to wither and dry out, it means that it does not have enough watering. Dried parts must be removed immediately and the rose placed in a tray with water. At first, spray the entire bush more often.

Errors in care

Problems with indoor roses most often arise due to improper care. This is fraught with the following consequences:

  1. The growth and development of the plant stops . This is the result of poor nutrition. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to fertilize regularly.
  2. Leaves are falling . This often occurs due to increased acidity of the soil. Adding lime to the soil will help eliminate the problem.
  3. The leaves turn yellow, wither and fall off . This is the result of a lack of light. You need to choose a suitable place for the plant, and light it with lamps in winter.
  4. Lack of flowering . This happens when there is no transplant. And although the rose doesn’t like it, events need to be held once every 2 years.

No less attractive are other indoor roses, reviews of which you will find on our website. Read about the bush variety, as well as Mix and Cordana roses.

A mini rose is a great opportunity to create a mini greenhouse in your home. Of course, it is difficult to care for such a plant, but this is only at first, so you will first need to gain experience with one flower, and only then buy other interesting varieties.

Common mistakes

Knowing that roses are very demanding to care for, it is logical to assume that there may be plenty of mistakes when growing them. However, some of them are the most common:

  • Wrong location (a place that is too sunny or too dark will not work).
  • Suboptimal irrigation tactics (it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil, and not develop a standard frequency).
  • Lack of fertilizing (roses spend a lot of energy on flowering).
  • No pruning (the bush will become ugly and will bloom less).
  • Enhanced treatment against pests and diseases, mistakenly assuming that since the plant does not bear fruit, it can be poisoned more abundantly.

How to care for a home rose in summer

In summer, the flower loves good watering, timely application of fertilizers, spraying, washing the leaves and removing dead leaves from the shoots. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the plant - it should not overheat or show signs of disease (with proper care and prevention). If in the summer you notice that the rose in the pot does not feel very comfortable, since it has managed to grow during the warm season, you need to wait for the moon to grow and transplant it again into a freer pot.

Lush bushes

Many home plant breeders have the following question: how to grow an indoor rose into a lush bush? One answer may be the point of summer care: it is necessary to constantly rotate the plant so that it receives light from all sides of the bush. In this case, it will not be one-sided.

Answers to popular questions

After the purchase, the rose dropped all its buds and leaves.

A very common situation that occurs mainly due to the acclimatization of the rose. There is nothing wrong with this process. Unless the plant blooms next time soon (perhaps only next season).

When should you water a flower?

There's a big problem with this. Often people are looking for a certain periodicity, a kind of rule, but it is best to feel the soil (or poke it with a small wooden stick). If the soil does not stick, then it is time to water the soil.

Where is the best place to place the pot?

If the pot will be placed indoors, it is better to leave it on the southern or eastern windowsills. In the summer, it is advisable to try to take the rose out into the fresh air and leave it in a shady, cool place for the entire season.

Why did yellow stripes appear on the leaves?

Perhaps the bush is affected by bacterial cancer. In this case, it is almost impossible to save the plant. It will have to be dug up and destroyed (burned).

How to plant a rose in a pot

A rose at home will not grow into the same chic bush as in the fresh air, but if you create the right conditions, it will be able to decorate your apartment for a long time.

Soon after purchase, a transplant is required because:

  • the composition of the soil in which the flower is sold in the store is selected in such a way that there are enough nutrients for the rose to look impressive at the time of purchase, but is not suitable for its long-term maintenance;
  • The size of the pot is not enough to provide room for the roots to grow, and the earthen ball does not dry out quickly.

Careful transplantation of roses using the transshipment method is possible at any time of the year, but it is better to do this in early spring or late summer. It is not advisable to transplant while the rose is blooming. You need to wait until the flowers begin to wilt, then trim them, new buds and dried leaves, and wash the bush with soapy water and then with clean warm water. Instead of soap, you can use a solution of phytosporin. With this treatment, possible pests remaining on the plant and not noticed by the owner upon purchase are removed.

It is advisable that from the moment of purchase until replanting the pot is in the place where it will remain in the future. After all, it won’t be easy for a transplanted rose anyway; it will “sick” and adapt for a long time, up to a month and a half, so it should be accustomed to a new place right away.


On the one hand, it may seem that opinions about indoor roses are completely true - caring for the plant is difficult, it reacts to the slightest unfavorable factors.

However, another opinion is also relevant. If you follow the necessary care conditions (and although there are many of them, they are doable), then a decorative rose will absolutely become a worthy decoration for a flower lover’s garden or room; it will bloom for a long time, abundantly and with high quality, delight the eye and bring pride in the work done every year.

Characteristics of a miniature or dwarf indoor rose

Botanical description

The mini rose is a member of the Rosaceae family. Like other types of ornamental plants, it can be climbing, shrubby, standard and ground cover.

About 250 types of roses have been developed for home cultivation, all of them differ in flower shape, color and size.


A distinctive feature of the indoor plant is its miniature size. Compact sizes allow you to grow roses in small, confined spaces. An indoor rose in a pot will become a real decoration for any windowsill. The culture is distinguished by hard, dark green carved leaves, which are located on thick shoots with thorns.

Pros and cons of growing

The advantages of home cultivation of mini roses include:

  • decorativeness;
  • ease of care;
  • frost resistance (even if the flower freezes a little, it will still produce many new shoots in the spring);
  • resistance to many diseases;
  • long flowering;
  • a variety of colors to suit every taste.

This plant has practically no disadvantages, if you do not take into account its small size, since not every gardener likes it. But this is a great opportunity to plant flowers in any area.

Origin story

Until the end, the history of the origin of the indoor rose is unknown. Some sources say that the birthplace of the flower is Europe, while others say it is Southeast Asia. But the classic version is that the mini rose comes from China.

Rose varieties for growing in containers

There are many varieties of roses that can be grown on a balcony, patio or in an apartment, but miniature roses are best suited for such purposes. They are no higher than 30-40 cm, have a compact growth and take up little space. There are many varieties of this species. The most compact: Mandy, Pepita, Roxy, Apricot Clementine, Charmant or Zwergenfi.

If we have more space, we can grow large-flowered varieties up to 50 cm. We recommend Aladdin Palace or Samba, as well as ground cover roses: Meidrifora, Meigalpio or Purple Rain.

When and how to prune miniature roses

Small roses are always pruned in the spring - at the turn of March and April. First of all, you should remove all dried and broken shoots. Trim the rest at a height of 3-5 buds. Pruning is necessary to ensure that roses branch correctly and bloom profusely. During the growing season, it is also worth trimming faded flowers. This simple procedure guarantees the constant appearance of new flower buds and the flowering period is extended. You can use pruning shears or flower scissors to trim bushes.

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