Is it possible to grow rose of Jericho at home?

Legends about the flower

The biblical version of the appearance of this flower claims that Mary discovered the unusual plant on her way to Egypt. She blessed him with immortality. Therefore, it is sometimes called the “hand of Mary.”

The second legend is described in the famous story “The Rose of Jericho” by Ivan Bunin. It says that the name of the herbaceous plant was given by the Monk Savva, who settled in the Judean desert.

Description of the plant

Rose of Jericho (spike moss) is a species of herbaceous annuals of the Brassica family, a member of the genus Anastatica (“the only one”).

This is a small plant, no more than fifteen centimeters long. Small leaves of a grayish tint. The flowers of the plant are very small and white. The Rose of Jericho, the photo of which you see in our article, grows in the desert in early spring, and flowering and fruit set begin very quickly. At this time, there is still enough moisture in the desert for the plant. Like other herbaceous annuals that grow in drought conditions, the rose of Jericho is an ephemeral plant.

With the onset of drought, the tiny stems dry out and begin to curl inward. A kind of ball is formed. Strong gusts of wind easily tear off the top part of the plant, and it rolls along the sand. Along the way, it collects the same tangles and forms very large tumbleweeds. They move around until they get stuck in some wetter place. Due to humidity, the stems swell and begin to straighten, and the seeds spill out of them.

It should be noted that the seeds of this amazing plant remain viable for several years, but when placed in a sufficiently humid environment, they germinate in just a few hours.

You need to know that there is another representative of the flora with similar properties - squamosal selaginella. The Rose of Jericho is a completely different, unrelated plant, although the Hawaiian club moss is very similar in its life cycle and appearance to the anastatic plant.

How to grow rose of Jericho at home

Typically, rose of Jericho “balls” are sold in stores in dried form. Take it and put it on a plate and pour lukewarm boiled water over it. You will see an amazing process, as a seemingly dead plant begins to come to life and move. These are the seeds that started to grow.

Add a little water every day. But do not overdo it - the roots of the plant may rot. Less is better, namely, the “bottom” of the flower should be slightly in the water.

After a week of watering, you need to let the plant dry out a little again - for about half a month. If it is dry, nothing will happen to it - in this case it will not rot. And minor problems with fungus can be solved by spraying with a weak solution of fungicide. Just a few drops per liter of water and the fungal mold disappears.

Next, Anastatica can be grown in a pot with a substrate of expanded clay and soil on top - turf and moss would be ideal.

Selaginella is even more unpretentious and interesting. If in Anastatica dead leaves are straightened due to the energy of living seeds, then in Selaginella dry leaves actually come to life. Dry selaginella can simply be thrown into water, and it will turn green and straighten out before your eyes. It can also be thrown into a pot with a substrate based on moss and turf (pH should be slightly acidic, around 5-6) and it will grow and multiply. At the same time, this “false” rose of Jericho must also be given a period of drought, otherwise it will simply die.

These plants are usually propagated either by fragments of old branches or by cuttings. The process of propagation by cuttings is quite capricious, so you can carefully break off a couple of branches from the ball, although the cuttings can separate on their own and take root next to the plant on the ground.


There are several types of Rose of Jericho, so it is important to know their differences before deciding what kind of care a particular plant needs.

The most common type is Martens rose. It has erect stems that can reach a length of thirty centimeters, but gradually they become lodging. Its branches are slightly reminiscent of ferns, but the tips of the leaves are silvery-white in color.

Selaginella squamofolia has stems that do not grow more than ten centimeters in length. If the humidity in the room is insufficient, they curl into a ball, but as soon as the plant is watered, it immediately comes to life and scatters its leaves.

Silaginella squamofolia

Because the store sometimes sells silaginella squamofolia under the name Rose of Jericho.

It is displayed for sale in the same way as anastatica, rolled up into a ball. When placed in a humid environment, silaginella opens up and the leaves gradually turn green, with a beautiful emerald hue. It can be grown in soil with the addition of sand, sphagnum moss and peat.

In nature it grows up to 10 cm in height, at home even less. Its diameter is about 40 cm. Silaginella has delicate leaves, giving it a fluffy appearance. It has this appearance during the rainy season; in hot weather the branches curl into a ball.


Rose of Jericho needs high humidity (at least 60%), so it does not feel very comfortable in indoor conditions. If you want to place this plant not in a florarium, but in an ordinary container, then you should know that with high humidity, good ventilation must be ensured. Place the pot in a tray with peat, sphagnum or expanded clay, which need to be moistened regularly.

It should be noted that the rose of Jericho is a shade-tolerant plant, so you can create a mini-garden placed in a bottle. It will feel fine even on the north side, and if your windows face south, then the plant should be placed away from the window or slightly shaded with gauze or tracing paper.

Another important argument in favor of placing a plant in a bottle is the need to constantly maintain a certain humidity of the substrate (over-drying it is unacceptable). And in an open container, constantly wet soil will be harmful to the plant and can even kill it.

The composition in the vessel (as in the container) should be watered with settled and soft water. Its temperature should be room temperature. The soil for growing roses should be slightly acidic; do not forget to place good drainage at the bottom of the bottle or aquarium.

For better growth, your green pet should be fed from time to time. This is usually done in spring and summer. Use diluted nutritious fertilizer (in a ratio of 1:3). Using a long wire, you should loosen the ground so that air penetrates better into the soil.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

Most often, the Egyptian rose becomes infected with fungal diseases. To avoid this kind of problem, you should periodically treat the plant with fungicides. To prevent the flower from rotting, the condition of its inflorescences must be monitored especially carefully. The formation of mold is strictly prohibited.

If you take good and proper care of a flower brought from Egypt, it will practically not hurt.

There are situations when spider mites appear on a dry rose. You can cope with the problem using a solution of laundry soap. These pests appear as a result of being in a room with dry air.

Important! After the life cycle, the plant requires a period of rest, which must be carefully ensured. You can prepare a flower for the dormant period in the fall by stopping watering it and reducing the humidity. As a result, the rose will take the shape of a ball, which can be stored in a dark place until spring.

The exquisite and amazing rose of Jericho is rightfully considered an amazing plant that can exist for a century without water and then be reborn in just one day when moisture is supplied. Despite its name, the flower has absolutely no external resemblance to the usual rose. In nature, the plant travels across endless sands, attracting the attention of plant growers for many centuries. At the same time, it still remains a mystery how a plant can be lifeless, and then, when interacting with water, so quickly revive and bloom.

Such exotic plants from tropical and subtropical zones require certain conditions for care and growth. Many gardeners grow the Jericho rose not so much because of its beauty, but because of its unique abilities. This flower perfectly purifies the air in the room from cigarette smoke, helps reduce allergy attacks and strengthen the immune system. This is a natural air humidifier. And its subtle scent helps you quickly fall into a sound and healthy sleep. But even in dry form it is beneficial, namely, when it is in the closet: it helps in the fight against moths and harmful insects.

Rose of Jericho: care

This is a rather whimsical plant, so certain recommendations must be followed.


The optimal temperature can be considered +18 degrees. The flower loves warmth, but the indicated indicators should not be exceeded, that is, the room should not be warmer than +20 °C.


Rose of Jericho does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight; light partial shade is much preferable.

Feeding and replanting

The soil should be fed monthly. You can use nitrogenous fertilizers. Once every two years (in spring), the rose of Jericho requires replanting to improve growth.

It must be said that the plant is resistant to various diseases and pests. Its only enemy is dry air, which can provoke the development of spider mites. A regular soap solution will help get rid of it.

The plant is propagated by green cuttings. To do this, in early spring, plant them in a small greenhouse and place it in the shade. The cuttings will take root in two weeks.

Beneficial features

Rose of Jericho humidifies the air in the room and serves as a natural freshener, as it emits the aroma of steppe herbs. The plant has bactericidal properties and disinfects the air. In addition, it absorbs tobacco smoke. If a flower is placed in the bedroom, it will promote better sleep. In dried form, the annual can be used to combat moths in the closet.

Rose of Jericho is a very interesting and spectacular plant. With proper care, it will delight you with its exotic beauty.

Symbolism and virtues of the rose

Silaginella squamosal is a symbol of longevity and resurrection.

  • This is a long-lived flower, so it can be inherited as a symbol of the family.
  • It is customary to give it on the day of the Resurrection of the Lord, as a reminder that after death the resurrection of the soul will come.
  • The dried ball is given to each other by lovers, placed inside the ring. When the flower opens, the rings are taken out.
  • When placing a rose inside a cabinet, it will repel moths.
  • The bush thins out the light aroma of meadow herbs, so it is used as a natural air freshener.
  • Disinfects the air from harmful microorganisms and absorbs tobacco smoke.
  • The mechanism of opening and closing branches may be interesting for children.

Additional Information! In the story “The Rose of Jericho,” I. Bunin talks about a legend that says that the name of the flower was given by the Monk Savva when he was in the Judean desert.

The bush does not come to life in the literal sense of the word; dried shoots do not become green again, as flower catalogs sometimes promise. When placed in a humid environment, they open, and the seeds remaining inside begin to turn green. But even the process of opening and closing branches is interesting to observe.


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Resurrection plant Rose of Jericho, Selaginella Lepidoma, Selaginella Lepidophylla, Rose of Jericho.

This plant can remain alive without water for up to 50 years.

It needs very little water. Without water, selaginella curls into a tight ball, but unfolds and grows after watering. The process can be repeated endlessly.

The Chihuahuan Desert, which straddles the US-Mexico border.

Selaginella lepidophylla is a desert, perennial, shade-loving plant that has existed for about 290 million years. Dry persists for decades, so it can be passed on from generation to generation. Sometimes a gift, such as a ring or necklace, is placed in the open Rose of Jericho and then allowed to close. As soon as the rose is placed in water, it reveals its secret.

Place the rose in a bowl, pour in some water and witness the magnificent natural miracle of the awakening of Jericho. Within an hour it will turn green, and its shade will depend on the water temperature.

The Rose of Jericho also has practical usefulness.

When wet, it absorbs tobacco smoke, humidifies and improves the air. Dry, destroys pests in the place where it is stored (for example, moths in a closet).

It usually grows on rocks or dry soil in deserts. Under such conditions, most other plants will die, while the Rose of Jericho survives and manages to grow. When the soil is dry, the plant cannot store water, such as cacti. In this case, the stems are formed into a ball to retain some moisture in the center.

All metabolic functions are reduced to a minimum, and the Rose of Jericho appears to be a dry and dead tuber.

In fact, this plant can remain in this state for up to 50 years. When the rains begin, its cells are moistened, the plant straightens its stems and opens in full. Her metabolism increases and she regains her height.

Pour 1 cm of water into the thicket and place Selaginella in it;

The temperature of the water will determine the intensity and shade of the green color; In 60-90 minutes it will bloom;

Add water daily so that the roots are completely submerged;

Do not keep the Rose of Jericho in water for more than seven days at a time, otherwise it will rot;

After this period of being in water, the plant needs a period without water; To do this, remove the plant from the water and keep it dry for at least 2 weeks. If your Rose becomes infected with mold, buy a fungicide, dissolve a few drops in half a liter of water, and spray the resulting solution on the Rose of Jericho.

Dry Selaginella can be stored in a closet as it prevents the proliferation of parasites. You can decorate a decorative terrarium, a pot filled with pebbles, shells, dried flowers or other decorative material with a rose.

Rose of Jericho does not require:

– Care – Fertilizers – You can calmly go on vacation and not worry about the fate of the plant – Planting in the ground and appropriate feeding with fertilizers, transplants, etc. – Rose of Jericho is a very interesting flower for children – An interesting element for interior decor

Place the rose in a bowl, pour in some water and witness the magnificent natural miracle of the awakening of Jericho. Within an hour it will turn green, and its shade will depend on the water temperature


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