How to transplant an orchid at home into another pot

Photo: Flower growers recommend disturbing delicate orchids less often, but they still need to be replanted periodically. Flowers are not sold in the most suitable soil and flowerpots. And in the future they will grow and require expansion, because if the roots are constantly cramped, you can forget about flowering. We tell you how to properly transplant an orchid at home and not injure it in the process!

Replanting after purchase

In stores, orchids are most often sold in a special transport soil, but it is not suitable for permanent use. Therefore, the flower will definitely need to be replanted, and the sooner the better. But first, keep it in quarantine for at least 5-7 days without watering or fertilizing in order to identify possible diseases and pests.


Planned orchid transplant

In normal conditions, indoor orchids are replanted when they grow out of the flowerpot. On average, this is once every 1-2 years, when the root system clearly no longer fits. A planned transplant is carried out in early spring or a couple of weeks after the orchid has completely bloomed.

It is imperative to replant the plant at the first sign of rotting of the root or neck. If there is moss or other moisture-intensive components in the flowerpot, you need to look after it especially carefully. It is recommended to grow such orchids only in transparent pots so that you can see how the soil dries out.


Growing conditions, care, watering and propagation

The orchid does not like high humidity and does not tolerate sudden changes in room temperature. The ideal temperature is from 20 to 24 degrees. In winter, it is advisable to illuminate this plant and reduce watering. In summer and spring, the inside of the leaf can be moistened and wiped with a cloth. After flowering ends, the dried part of the peduncle is removed.

You only need to water the orchid with warm water. The same temperature as the air in the room. Water should only fall on the soil; there is no need to wet the roots.

If drops of water are visible on the walls inside the transparent pot, there is no need to water the orchid yet. You can test the soil with your finger. If the soil is wet, it is too early to water. You can also determine the watering time by weighing. Remember that orchids need to be watered less often in winter.

Orchids are propagated by cuttings. The cuttings with aerial roots are laid horizontally on the surface of the sphagnum and placed in an indoor greenhouse until new plants begin to develop from the cuttings.

Soil requirements

Garden soil is not suitable for an orchid - it is too heavy and the roots will quickly rot. You need a special substrate made from pieces of oak, aspen or pine bark. You can use fern roots, charcoal, moss, cork or foam chips, pieces of chalk, granulated clay or perlite. If you prepare the mixture yourself, be sure to first boil the bark twice to kill bacteria, fungus and pests.


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Choosing a pot

Orchids need constant air circulation, and some varieties can even be grown without pots in special blocks. Baskets, wicker flowerpots, and wooden boxes with slots are perfect. A convenient option is a transparent plastic pot with holes on all sides to monitor the condition of the roots and soil.

To make drainage holes in a plastic flowerpot, use a soldering iron or a hot nail. When replanting, fill any new pot one-third full with foam or fine gravel. In the future, when watering, always wait until the orchid has completely drained.


Taking the orchid out of the pot

Your main task is not to damage the delicate root system, closely intertwined in the lump. If you cannot remove it carefully, it is better to break or break the entire flowerpot. Under no circumstances try to get the orchid by force, otherwise it will be injured and later die.

To make the roots slip out of the pot more easily, briefly soak the orchid in warm water. They will be saturated with moisture and become more elastic and elastic, so there is less risk of tearing or damaging something. Carefully shake out all the contents along with the soil onto a clean surface.


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Pruning flower stalks

We would like to write separately about pruning flower stalks. It’s not difficult with Phalaenopsis - after flowering we simply cut the bare peduncle as short as possible. Someone gives the peduncle a second chance if green buds are still visible on it. In our experience, these buds have never blossomed again, so we do not leave them. New flower stalks come out quite quickly, sometimes even two at once.

Preparing the root system

Before replanting the orchid, be sure to rinse the entire root system in warm water to get rid of adhering soil residues. Using a sharp knife or garden shears, cut off all rotten, dry and damaged fragments. Sprinkle the cuts with crushed charcoal or treat them with special floral antiseptics. Dry the plant for 10-20 minutes on a paper towel.


How to transplant a baby at home?

How to replant a baby orchid at home? This procedure is identical to transplanting an adult plant. The only difficulty is the correct separation of the baby from the mother specimen. Let's look at how to properly separate a baby that has formed:

  1. On a peduncle. It is necessary to carefully cut it off with a sharp disinfected device so as to capture about one or two centimeters of the mother tissue. The cut areas must be treated with a suitable product (brilliant green, iodine, crushed activated carbon or ground cinnamon).
  2. In the root zone. It is cut off, capturing up to two centimeters of maternal tissue. The procedure is performed exclusively with a sharp, disinfected device, and the cut sites are processed and dried.
  3. In the leaf axil. The plant is cut out with a sharp disinfected device, capturing up to two centimeters of tissue from an adult plant. The cut areas must be treated and allowed to dry for at least twenty minutes.

Note! You can trim only those children whose roots have formed (at least three or four and three to five centimeters long). Without this, the plant will not be able to live in an ordinary substrate and will die.

If it so happens that the baby does not have roots, then you will have to wait up to six months for their appearance. If nothing happens, then you can try to cut a small plant, capturing up to two centimeters of mother tissue, and plant it in a greenhouse in a container with a small amount of substrate or in polystyrene foam (a hole is made in it and placed above a container of water so that the leaf rosette barely touches the liquid ). In the greenhouse, you need to maintain a temperature (28-29 degrees), humidity (about 90%), and illumination (at least 12-14 hours a day) that is comfortable for the growth of the root system. The root system should form within six months. To speed up the process, stimulants are used (succinic acid, Kornevin, etc.).

Remember that a basal baby may also appear. This is a plant that grows directly from the peduncle of the mother specimen. Roots do not form on it. Such a baby feeds from the root system of an adult plant. It will not be possible to remove such a child, since she simply will not survive alone and will die. It's better to leave everything as it is. You will have two orchids blooming in your pot at once.

Transplanting an orchid into a new pot

Place the roots vertically in the new pot and carefully fill in the soil, filling all the cavities. If the old substrate is definitely healthy, in good condition, without signs of rotting, fungus or plaque, you can use it. But it’s better to replace it with a new one just in case, carefully tapping the pot to seal it.



For the first time, before rooting and adaptation, it is better to tie up the orchid. It is important that it stands tightly in the pot and does not wobble from side to side. When installing the support, try not to damage the roots, because all cracks and injuries are potential sources of rot.


How to care for an orchid at home

Don't make mistakes

The situation is more complicated with Dendrobiums and Cattleya. At one time, we made a big mistake by cutting off all the “bulbs” of Cattleya after flowering, only when we saw a new sprout. As it turned out later, this could not be done until the new bulb grew and released a peduncle. The older bulbs seem to feed the younger generation. As a result, the growth of the flower slowed down so much that in a year and a half, the only bulb grew only 15 centimeters. The peduncle is not even visible yet. Dendrobium has a similar story. The flower stalks on the bulbs had faded, but we, having already learned from bitter experience, did not trim anything. So take it on board! Now, out of three old bulbs, as many as 4 sprouts are actively growing.

Caring for an orchid after transplantation

Water the orchid with warm water immediately after transplanting, move it to a bright, warm place and do not touch it again for another 2 weeks. You cannot place such a flowerpot on a cold surface, near an open window or in direct sunlight. Try not to turn, rearrange or disturb the flower at all. After 2 weeks, you can add a little fertilizer, water the plant and go back to your usual care regimen.


The Importance of Sunlight

Don't forget that these flowers love sunlight. If there is a lack of it, the flower stalks come out thin and weak, and the buds can dry out without even blooming. However, we do not recommend leaving the plant in the scorching rays of the sun - the leaves begin to turn yellow and wither. Our beauties bloom beautifully all year round on the west side of the window.

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