Why do spathiphyllum leaves and their tips dry out? What care does a plant need at home?

What is leaf drying out?

Leaf drying is the process of complete dehydration of the plant cells of the leaf, which can lead to the complete death of the plant.
Most often, drying of the leaves appears due to inadequate care of the flower , its inadequate hydration.

The dried leaves of spathiphyllum look far from aesthetically pleasing. They become lifeless and dark brown or black (read about why spathiphyllum leaves turn black and dry here, and from this article you will learn what to do if the flowers turn black).

Cause of leaf curling, how to fix it

It happens that the leaves of the spathiphyllum begin to shrink, and the remaining foliage curls into tubes. The plant signals that it urgently needs care and a change in watering, nutrition, and lighting regimes.

Leaf curling

The reasons for this process are:

  • Low air temperature. In addition to the fact that the foliage becomes too dark, burgundy-green, it also seems to be trying to “warm up” by wrapping itself in a kind of cocoon. Perhaps the pot is on a windowsill where there are drafts or direct exposure to fan flow.
  • Lack of sunlight. This often happens during winter cold or with constant rainfall. You can save the plant by installing a special lamp with ultraviolet radiation.
  • Flower damage by aphids. The entire plant is urgently treated with the modern drug Actellik, which is effective after the first exposure to the pest.

Additional Information. It should be taken into account that indoor species of spathiphyllum have a predisposition to leaf curling. However, this process is not constant. Usually the leaves straighten out on their own soon.

Why does this problem occur?

Spathiphyllum is an unpretentious plant to care for, but there are many reasons for the dehydration of its cells. The main reason for leaf drying is the wrong location of the plant. Spathiphyllum does not tolerate darkness or drafts.

The most suitable location would be a bright, warm room or even a kitchen.

Improper watering and lack of air humidity

  • Lack of moisture and its excess are harmful to the plant. “Women's Happiness” must be watered when the top layer of soil dries out. When several hours have passed since watering, drain the water from the pan.
  • Due to its tropical origin, “female happiness” does not tolerate too dry air. If you notice drying of the flower tips, you need to thoroughly humidify the air in the room.
  • Not a single indoor plant tolerates direct sunlight and spathiphyllum is no exception. If you place the spathiphyllum in a place where direct sunlight falls, then soon the condition of the plant will deteriorate significantly, the leaves will begin to dry out and turn yellow (why do the leaves, flowers and stem of spathiphyllum turn yellow?). This plant is not too light-loving, so it can easily be kept in a room with shade.

Excess or deficiency of microelements

To avoid withering of the plant during its flowering period, you need to feed the flower with microelements. Liquid microelements intended for indoor plants are suitable for fertilizer. It is necessary to fertilize strictly following the instructions.

In winter, spathiphyllum does not require fertilizer . If you overdo it with fertilizing, there will be an excess of microelements, which will negatively affect the plant.

Why do spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow?

I will tell you about the general rules of care below, and first I will immediately answer your questions.

With a lack of moisture, spathiphyllum leaves may turn yellow. Give him baths in warm water more often. And once a month it is useful to take a hot shower. Such baths not only additionally moisturize the leaves, but are also a good preventative against the appearance of all kinds of pests.

Leaves may also turn yellow from being burned by too much sun. In this case, choose the right location for the plant.

Another reason for yellowing of leaves may be a lack of microelements, i.e. poorly fed or the soil is already depleted and the flower requires replanting.


Next you can see a photo of “female happiness” whose leaves are drying:

Pest Control

In pest control you can use:

  • folk remedies;
  • chemicals.

If the flowering part is affected

  • Aphid infestation can cause flowers to dry out . It settles on the underside of leaves and feeds on plant juices. Flowers under its influence turn yellow, curl and dry out. In the early stages, the plant can be treated with a soap solution. If it does not destroy the aphids, the spathiphyllum should be treated with Aktara or Fitoverm.

  • Scale insects also contribute to drying . It forms dark spots on the plant. It's quite difficult to get rid of it. If “Women’s Happiness” is not severely affected, it can be treated with a tobacco-soap solution. However, if the pest has severely attacked the flower, you should purchase a special preparation to destroy the scale insect (for example, Actellik, Aktara or Confidor).

If the tips of the plant are affected

Read more about why the tips of spathiphyllum leaves and its other parts dry out here.

What are the consequences of improper care for “women's happiness”?

Any biological species requires attention, including plants. Spathiphyllum is no exception. Despite its unpretentiousness, this plant still needs to be provided with the required, proper care.

The consequences of inadequate care can be many factors:

  • A weakened plant will become easy prey for insect pests.
  • Due to the too low air temperature and excess moisture in it, the leaves of the plant begin to turn black.
  • Excessively abundant watering causes slow growth of the plant (what to do if spathiphyllum does not grow?). Before watering, you need to look at the air humidity and at the tips of the plant. If the tips look up, then the soil has not yet dried out for new watering, if the tips are down, then you need to water the plant (why can spathiphyllum drop its leaves?).
  • Excessively dry air causes the tips of the leaves to quickly become limp and brown, and then completely.
  • The leaves begin to turn yellow.
  • Due to the wrong pot size, the plant may not bloom for a long time. The peculiarity of spathiphyllum is that it does not bloom in a pot in which the roots do not fill all the free space.

What does spathiphyllum want?

Spathiphyllum has earned its reputation as an easy-to-grow plant. In order to avoid problems, it is enough to take care of several points in growing:

  • choose a bright or semi-shaded place with diffused lighting; many spathiphyllums grow well even in the shade;
  • monitor the temperature, which even in winter should not fall below 16 degrees;
  • protect spathiphyllum from drafts, the proximity of heating devices and hypothermia of the pot;
  • maintain stable light moisture in the substrate with moderate, light watering, do not allow water to stagnate in the trays and always allow the soil to dry out in the top layer;
  • provide at least average air humidity;
  • regularly shower and clean the leaves from dust;
  • rotate the plant in relation to the light source;
  • Fertilize from March until October with special fertilizers for decorative foliage plants every 2 weeks, but reducing the standard dosage. If spathiphyllums continue to bloom and grow in winter, it is worth reducing feeding, but not stopping them;
  • replant only when necessary, into a high-quality loose substrate.

Read more about plant care in the material Spathiphyllum, or “Women's Happiness.”

In order to never encounter the problem of spathiphyllum leaves drying out, you just need to remember the golden rule of growing them - the more stable the environment, the more decorative the plant.

What to do to revive a plant at home?

If there is a problem with the sheet plate

If the leaves of the plant are dry, first of all you need to normalize the watering of the plant. Understand in which cases it is necessary to water and in which cases it is not. It is important to eliminate all the reasons due to which the leaves of the plant dry out . To create additional moisture for the plant, you need to pour wet moss into the vase. A nearby room humidifier won't hurt either.

Under no circumstances should you use cold water for irrigation. She is the enemy of any plant. The ideal water temperature is room temperature, at which the plant will not become hypothermic.

When the ends dry out

How to care for the “female happiness” flower if the tips of the leaves dry out? Drying of the ends of the leaves of a plant can occur due to an excess of water in the pot. First of all, in this case it is necessary:

  1. Move the plant from this pot.
  2. Wash the pot itself thoroughly with laundry soap.
  3. If the plant has rotten roots, they should be cut off.
  4. Place sand and stones at the bottom of the pot (the height of the mixture should not exceed 5 cm) and lay new soil.
  5. Then replant the previously damaged flower.

If the air in the room is too dry, the plants in it will need spraying. But what if it doesn't help? It is worth trying to use pallets with gravel or expanded clay at the bottom . Flower pots are placed on these pallets.

The only way to prevent sunburn on plants is to move the pot with the plant to another place less accessible to the sun. It is also possible to curtain the window with fabric, which will not let in as much sunlight. If there is an excess of fertilizers, it is also recommended to replant the plant in new soil. In case of pest damage, it is recommended to treat the above-ground part of the flower with a soap solution or fungicide.

If the disease even affects the flowers and the plant turns yellow

If even the flowers of your plant begin to turn yellow, then you should immediately begin to save it, because this can even lead to the complete death of the plant.

The appearance of dried flowers on a plant is a sign of insufficient feeding. This problem can be solved using any chemical fertilizers for indoor plants or using traditional methods of feeding plants.

Several suitable ways:

  1. Feeding with yeast : yeast contains hormones that stabilize cell division, thereby promoting the growth and full development of house plants. Recipe: for 10l. water at room temperature - 3 tablespoons of sugar and a bag of dry yeast, let it brew for 4 hours, then mix in equal proportions with water and water the plants.
  2. Onion peel fertilizer provides protection against many pests and diseases (you can learn more about how to treat spathiphyllum for leaf diseases and what the affected areas of the plant look like in the photo here). Recipe: pour a liter of boiling water over a handful of onion peels. Boil for about 10 minutes, then leave for 2 hours, pour into a container and spray the plants and top layer of soil.

Causes of leaf tips drying out, how to eliminate them

Spathiphyllum domino flower - home care

There are frequent requests to specialists: “Spathiphyllum care at home, why do the tips of the leaves dry out?” The reasons may be the following:

  • Not enough moisture. First, the foliage begins to quickly lighten and turn yellow, then it also quickly dries. Dry air is very destructive for the flower, because it comes from a tropical marine climate. To compensate for the lack of moisture, the leaves are wiped of dust and sprayed with a spray bottle. You can also place the pot on a tray, which is covered with a drainage mixture (sand, pebbles, expanded clay) and filled with water.
  • Too much moisture. Oddly enough, but for this reason the tips of the leaves also dry out. The housewife, believing that the flower needs abundant watering, can provoke stagnation by excessive moisture. As a result, the roots cannot cope and begin to rot and the leaves dry out. It would be better to put a layer of moss moistened with water in a pot or take a double container. The flower is placed in a large container, and wet peat is placed in the space between the two containers.
  • Incorrect feeding. Most likely, the plant lacks minerals. It is worth adding nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus to the soil.
  • Bad place for a flower. Check whether the flower is standing in the scorching sun or, on the contrary, is overcooled.

The ends of the leaves have dried out


After eliminating the problem of drying out and yellowing of the plant leaves, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures to prevent the problem from reoccurring. First of all, to prevent repeated drying out, you must follow all the rules for caring for the “female happiness” flower.

  1. It is necessary to determine a permanent place for the flower where it will not be harmed by the sun's rays.
    To prevent direct sunlight, move the flower half a meter from the window and cover the window with tulle.
  2. It is necessary to regulate the air temperature in the room.
  3. Also, for prevention, it is necessary to periodically fertilize the plant, preferably with organic rather than chemical fertilizers.

If you follow all these simple tips, you can easily achieve the ideal condition of your spathiphyllum and maintain it all year round.

The main thing is only to fulfill and observe the basic growing conditions:

  • choose a suitable place to place the plant;
  • maintain the correct humidity and temperature in the room;
  • water the plant correctly; Don't do it too much or too often.

Thanks to these rules, spathiphyllum will always be healthy, look beautiful and well-groomed.

Causes of pale leaves, how to fix them

Another result of improper care of spathiphyllum is paleness of the leaves. They begin to turn pale at the very beginning of the disease, then the pallor is replaced by yellowness, black spots, rotting, drying out and complete death of the plant.

Pale leaves

First of all, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of this factor, since all the signs are similar to each other. If everything is done in a timely manner and with high quality, the plant quickly returns to normal.

The flower becomes sluggish, the green color is lost - this is the first sign of the disease. After the leaf loses its turgor (elasticity), the first rudiments of yellowness appear.

The reasons may be:

  • Incorrect watering (either too much moisture, or, conversely, not enough), or dry air,

Note! The flower needs regular ventilation, but not drafts. In winter, the rooms are often stuffy, which is very detrimental to spathiphyllum. It is worth removing the plant from heating devices in a constantly ventilated room.

  • Fungal diseases
  • Pests attack the plate,
  • Lack of nutrition and minerals,

Important! The flowering period exhausts the plant. After it, it experiences an urgent need for feeding. You need to choose balanced formulations that contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphates. All these mineral elements will help saturate the flower, promote flowering and its prolongation, and also maintain your favorite plant in good conditions.

  • The need for replanting due to the growth of roots or depleted soil.

Excess moisture is one of the most common causes of leaf discoloration. It’s not so difficult to understand: just feel the soil itself. It should be loose, light, moderately moist.

Additional Information . When replanting, it is important to make drainage holes in the soil. If they are not there, the plant will simply be planted in a pot. There is nothing strange that moisture will stagnate and roots will rot. The soil deteriorates very quickly. You also need to immediately drain all excess water in the pan - the liquid should not stand.


Spathiphyllum is often affected by fungi, the spectrum of which is very wide (the most popular diseases are rust and black spot). They are usually controlled with fungicides. Moreover, you need to act quickly, and not wait until the flower withers completely.

As soon as the leaves begin to fade, spots of gray, yellow or black colors appear, treatment begins. The affected areas are cut off, the sections are treated with activated carbon and potassium permanganate. All foliage is then treated with a chemical antifungal agent (can be purchased at any flower shop). In addition, the soil must be changed, since the fungus damages it too. During the treatment process, the preparations “Epin” or “Zircon” are added to the water for irrigation; they help to activate the remaining vital forces.


Pest control is carried out in a somewhat simplified form: simple laundry soap is enough. A warm solution of soap is made, after which the flower is completely processed. Don't forget about the soil and even the windowsill, pot and tray. The solution is left on the plant for about two hours, then washed off generously in the shower. If there are a lot of pests, then folk remedies are unlikely to help. Then you have to fight with the help of insecticides. They act very quickly and effectively. The treatment should be repeated no earlier than after 5-7 days. This will save time and effort, and the life of the plant will quickly return to the right direction.

Spathiphyllum is not only a beautiful and elegant flower, but also a useful helper. It is known to destroy toxins, benzene and even formaldehyde. This is truly one of the most colorful and beautiful air purifiers. Therefore, there is no doubt that such a handsome man is worth taking to your home or office.

The main causes of drying and blackening of spathiphyllum flowers and leaves

If the growing technology is not followed, the ends of the spathiphyllum leaves dry out or turn black. Spathiphyllum has long become an integral part of indoor design and has proven itself well when grown in indoor floriculture. If the ends of the leaves of a spathiphyllum dry out or the color of the flowers changes, the plant quickly loses its visual appeal and needs proper treatment.


Why do spathiphyllum leaf ends dry out?

Quite often, if the growing technology is not followed, the ends of the leaves of Spathiphyllum dry out or turn black. Only by understanding why the tips of the leaves change color can you develop the most effective treatment regimen for a houseplant.

The main and most obvious reason why the tips of the leaves of spathiphyllums begin to dry is that the air humidity level is too low. In apartment conditions, this situation is most often observed in winter, when the air becomes drier under the influence of central heating batteries. In this case, it is very important to follow the regime of daily spraying of the above-ground part of the indoor crop. It is also recommended to pour sand or expanded clay into the trays, and then pour clean, settled water. It is allowed to use special natural fillers that help maintain stable soil moisture levels.

The main and most obvious reason why the tips of leaves begin to dry on spathiphyllums is too low a level of humidity in the air.

Drying of the tips of spathiphyllum foliage can also be observed as a result of too little or, on the contrary, excessive watering. Another reason why indoor plant leaves dry out is the negative impact of direct sunlight on the plant. The problem will be solved by shading Spathiphyllum or moving the plant to a less lit place.

Why do the leaves turn black?

If the spathiphyllum exhibits blackening of the foliage, then you should pay close attention to the fertilizing and composition of the soil in the flower pot. The characteristic color change requires immediate application of high-quality floral nitrogen-containing fertilizers. In addition, throughout the year it is advisable to feed the ornamental plant with complex nutritional compositions. Blackening of the foliage can also signal significant hypothermia of the root system or the negative impact of a draft.

Spathiphyllum: care and reproduction (video)

The main reasons for flowers drying out

Unusual in shape, white flowers are the main pride of spathiphyllum owners. The reasons why the whole plant dries out or the flowers dry up can be different. The recovery period of the plant, as well as its further flowering, depends on how correctly the treatment regimen is chosen. If the flowers wither or are completely dry, then it is advisable to reconsider some conditions for growing an ornamental crop:

  • the reason may lie in a flower pot that is too spacious, and a signal for the need to replant may be the root system of the plant that has completely occupied the soil ball;
  • a complete lack of flowering or drying of flowers may be a consequence of low temperature;
  • the cause of plant malaise may be insufficient air humidity in the room;
  • excessively frequent watering with not very good light levels can also have a negative impact on flowering indoor crops;
  • Drying of Spathiphyllum flowers may also be the result of a lack of sufficient nutrition for the indoor crop.

Complete absence of flowering or drying of flowers may be a consequence of low temperature

To get abundant and long-lasting flowering of spathiphyllum, you can place the indoor flower in a room with a temperature regime of no higher than 10-12°C with a reduction in irrigation activities. With the subsequent application of fertilizers and the creation of conditions comfortable for flowering, the plant most often blooms in a short time.

It is very important to regularly inspect indoor plants for disease or plant parasites. At the first signs of the presence of diseases or pests of Spathiphyllum, you should isolate the indoor crop from other house plants, and also carry out the whole range of therapeutic measures. If the flowering problem is caused by a failure in microclimatic conditions, it is enough to adjust the watering regime, using only settled water at room temperature for the procedure.

To get abundant and long-lasting flowering of spathiphyllum, you can place the indoor flower in a room with a temperature regime of no higher than 10-12°C with a reduction in irrigation measures

Proper care at home

As a rule, proper care of ornamental crops at home is not difficult even for novice amateur gardeners. The technology for caring for spathiphyllum is quite simple and is based on compliance with the following rules:

  • throughout the entire autumn-winter period, the flower should be provided with slight coolness, and the temperature should not be lower than 16-18°C;
  • The most comfortable temperature for the growth and development of a houseplant is 20-24°C;
  • indoor culture, regardless of the season, needs high air humidity and systematic spraying;
  • in the cold season, it is recommended to reduce watering and spraying, and fertilizing is not carried out at all;
  • It is advisable to carry out a planned spring transplant of Spathiphyllum when the root system is strongly growing;
  • from spring to autumn, spathiphyllums should be fed once a week with low concentration mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.

How to water spathiphyllum (video)

Spathiphyllum is an incredibly elegant indoor plant that can decorate almost any modern interior. Graceful sails of flowers against the backdrop of attractive and sophisticated dark green foliage look very decorative, and following the rules of care will preserve the attractiveness of the plant for many years.

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The first sign of future leaf dryness is dry ends. In the future, if no measures are taken, the leaves may dry out completely and fall off. If the cause of this process is aging, then it’s okay. A new young shoot will appear in this place.

It’s bad when very young shoots dry out. This is a serious reason for decisive action. With complete passivity, you can lose the plant. Drying of the roots entails the drying out of the green mass, subsequently the death of the exotic.

What is this problem?

A dry state is a sign of leaf dieback. A harbinger of this phenomenon is a change in the color of the leaf plate, when, as a result of unfavorable factors or natural aging, the flower stops producing chlorophyll. As a result, it is colored in the color of auxiliary pigments, mainly yellow.

If the leaf is dry, then it cannot perform its direct functions:

  1. photosynthesis;
  2. gas exchange;
  3. transpiration.

The structure of the sheet plate becomes brittle, crumbles easily, and cracks may appear. Over time, such a leaf falls off.

Growing conditions

Spathiphyllum does not have a stem, so the basal leaves grow in a bunch directly from a short rhizome, reaching a height of 15 cm to 1 m, depending on the type and variety. Spathiphyllum leaves are whole, lanceolate or oval, the veins are prominently expressed. The inflorescence looks like a spadix on a long stalk, wrapped in a blanket similar in shape to a spathiphyllum leaf, only white, although over time the blanket gradually turns green. Spathiphyllum blooms for several weeks, usually in spring, but it happens that with good care the plant blooms twice a year. The evergreen beauty of spathiphyllum leaves, the graceful shape of the inflorescence, as well as the undemanding conditions of its maintenance have made spathiphyllum so popular among lovers of indoor plants.

  • Orchid transplantation: when to replant, reasons for replanting

Despite the fact that in nature spathiphyllum grows in the lower tier of tropical forests and is a shade-tolerant plant, it is best to keep it under bright, diffused light, for example, in an eastern window. If the lighting is insufficient, the flowering period of the spathiphyllum will be shortened, and it may happen that the spathiphyllum will not bloom at all. As for the air temperature, the extreme limits for keeping the plant in both winter and summer are 15-32 ºC. Drafts and a cold winter window sill are dangerous for it - so that the plant does not suffer from the cold, place a circle of foam under the flowerpot with a flower.

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