Houseplants in gift wrapping

Money Tree

Such a plant carries a serious semantic charge - it attracts financial resources to the house! Its other name is Crassula, Crassula. It is a symbol of wealth, stable income and prosperity. They say that the older and stronger the money tree, the stronger the financial position of the person who owns it.

However, there is one detail - only young plants should be given as a gift. The owner must grow the plant himself, caring for it and decorating it. Thus, it creates an aura of financial prosperity in the home and in life.

A money tree is easy to care for, and you can give it even to a person who is not a professional in the field of growing plants, and in addition to the tree, a ten-ruble coin will be a good addition, which the hero of the occasion will bury himself in a pot of soil in which the money tree grows.

A money tree makes a great housewarming gift!

However, the magical charms of the Crassula plant will be revealed only if it grows in a red pot and with good care, so that it produces not small (small) leaves, but large thick leaves (large bills)

Compositions of potted and indoor plants

In any interior, decorative flowers in pots are always relevant. With their help, you can create a unique style, a truly good mood, and, in addition, thanks to such exclusive decorations, emphasize the high status of the room.

Recently, there are more and more suppliers of such goods as potted flowers. That is why choosing a truly reliable supplier in this field of activity is truly difficult. But experienced market specialists analyzed this area specifically for the convenience of potential buyers.

After the researchers examined a large number of sellers who sell such goods as decorative flowers, they came to the unequivocal conclusion that the Green Street online store occupies the highest positions in the ranking, where you can buy both live and artificial compositions .

Potted flowers from the Green Street Flower Atelier - elegant and inexpensive

The Green Street online store offers a large assortment at relatively low prices. Here you can buy not only decorative flowers in pots, but also living compositions. They are usually used to decorate the interior of both the office and home. They are also widespread in decorating a wedding evening or other special event.

Wedding celebration with compositions from “Green Street”

As we know, a wedding is an unforgettable celebration that radiates the triumph of beauty and love. That is why every couple wants to make this event as individual, colorful and sophisticated as possible. By ordering fresh flowers in pots or other compositions from the Green Street online store, you will get what you wanted.

Fresh flowers will become a win-win and necessary element when decorating a wedding, and their excellent combination with exquisite fabrics provides unlimited possibilities in decorating the wedding table, the suits of the bride and groom, the festive procession, as well as in the decoration of the room.

You should also know that decorating a wedding with floral arrangements is a rather delicate art. That is why it is best to entrust it to real professionals from , who will do everything not only with the highest quality, but also thoughtfully, taking into account every smallest detail.

The main thing about interior decoration

As a rule, the objects present in the interior are different. Some are used to create certain nuances, shades, to emphasize the beauty and style of all the details operating here. Others will participate as one of the main elements.

Perhaps both fresh flowers in pots and artificial ones belong to both groups. A huge range of various stone, ceramic and natural wood models, which are presented in the Green Street online store, will allow you to choose them depending on their purpose.

Have you already created your interior? But do you feel like you're missing something? Then it’s worth taking a closer look and buying potted flowers that best suit the created style of your interior. A pair of flowerpots with selected compositions (no matter live or artificial) will add the necessary shades to office rooms or rooms, and create a special mood in restaurants, salons or clubs.

In general, the potted flowers that the online store offers to buy will be able to bring your interesting idea to stunning success and a victorious end. If you have not yet decided whether you need them or not, then do not hesitate and purchase this exquisite product. After all, many consumers have decided to buy potted flowers and are already enjoying the beauty created.

Selection of pots and flowerpots for flower arrangements

The interior has not yet been completely created, but floral arrangements are already asking for it? Then you probably need a large model, maybe even a floor-standing one. Nowadays, modern technological and production possibilities are limitless. That is why in the Green Street online store you can choose any product you like from a rich assortment.


This indoor flower has similar properties and is called by its second name the dollar tree.

This plant gives status and prestige to its owner, works wonders in financial matters, brings good luck and wealth


Balsam, which has been known since ancient times for its powerful magical properties, can be equally effective for cleansing the home aura.

Other names for this plant: touch-me-not, light, Vanka wet. This is a flower that can get rid of negative emotions and replace them with a good mood, stop arguments and soften misunderstandings.


Bright and expressive anthurium flowers attract a happy life to the owner's home.

With such a flower, a man can be confident in his strength, love, family and sexual life.

Just one look at this flower and it immediately becomes clear why it is so named: powerful leaves are topped with tough red flowers, and at their core there is a main strong core, symbolizing masculinity.

Passion, strength and freedom - such associations are evoked by the anthurium flower. Anthurium can be given to both a young guy and a mature man - both will like it and find it useful.

When presenting a gift, talk about its purpose, or even better, give a description of the gift, perhaps even in a humorous form.

The flower is easy to care for. However, to make it “work” for its owner, a little knowledge, skillful watering and regular feeding are required.

How did the flower get the names “male happiness” and “male flower”? There is a beautiful legend associated with it. In ancient times, when ruthlessness and greed ruled, people in search of a better life were divided into separate groups - tribes, which were led by ruthless leaders. One of these leaders, making a friendly visit to a neighboring tribe, one day noticed a beautiful girl, fell in love with her and decided to marry her. The girl did not like this prospect and she refused.

The leader was not discouraged by the refusal and went to war against his neighbors, conquered the tribe and set a date to marry the chosen one who attracted him. However, she remained true to her principles and refused to marry someone she did not love. On the wedding day, when the flames of the festive bonfire rose almost to the sky, the girl threw herself into the flames. Only her rich red wedding dress towered over him...

The gods, seeing such courage, took pity. And they turned the brave creature, whose life was cut short so early, into a beautiful, bright flower. Many years have passed since then. A dense tropical forest has grown on the site of the village, and thick dew covers it in the morning, like tears of sadness.

Spathiphyllum or Women's Happiness

A popular unpretentious plant with white flowers and glossy leaves, it is considered a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

Interesting article: Kalanchoe care at home after purchase, reproduction, diseases and pests

Ideal as a welcome gift, which, according to popular belief, brings joyful emotions to the home.

Legend has it that unmarried girls who received spathiphyllum as a gift will soon meet their soulmate, and married women will improve family relationships and feel the joy of motherhood.

Advantages of buying flowers from us

  1. More than 15 stores throughout Moscow - both delivery and pickup are available.
  2. Convenient and secure payment through the website - in cash and by bank transfer. In addition, payment through electronic services is possible.
  3. Favorable wholesale prices.
  4. Great discounts for regular customers.
  5. Urgent flower delivery if necessary.

In our online store you will find any flowers and bouquets for a holiday or wedding bouquets, as well as much more.


The orchid is charming, sexy, charming, mysterious and somewhat whimsical. It symbolizes harmony and perfection, feminine delicacy and beauty.

Any representative of the fair sex will be happy to receive a housewarming gift in the form of blooming orchids.

An orchid will add aesthetics to the room. But it also requires attention, so it's worth spending a little time caring for it.

For the first time after purchasing, the orchid should be left alone, not fertilized, not watered, and protected from direct sunlight.

Phaleopsis flowering can continue almost all year round. And plants often feel more comfortable in cold winters than in hot summers.

If flowering begins in the fall and continues throughout the winter, phaleopsis plants look like floating fairies or butterflies. They look especially good in festive decorations, adding charm and liveliness to the interior.

In winter, the orchid must be kept under humidity control and protected from radiators, otherwise the flowers will not last long.

Mother-in-law's tongue

The funny name of this unpretentious plant lies in its external form. What mother-in-law doesn't like to talk about her son-in-law?

Dense, rather tall leaves are shaped like a tongue. Just kidding, but mother-in-law’s tongue is a wonderful plant that strengthens the family. This happens because it feeds on negative energy.

Therefore, in any house where such a flower has settled, there will be no place for quarrels and scandals - everything superfluous and unnecessary is taken over by Sansevieria (this is the second name of the plant), and its owners can only enjoy the energy of peace, inspiration and good mood.

The most important thing is that this plant is completely undemanding in terms of care and sunlight, and the less attention is paid to it, the more comfortable it will feel. It will look spectacular in almost any room.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower is a suitable housewarming gift for a young couple.

What flower in a pot to give to a girl - TOP 15 original indoor plants

Modern flower growers have created many new representatives of the flora, which amaze with their diversity and beauty. Most of the fair sex love flowers in pots, and regret those that wither in bouquets. If a lady of your heart or a beloved relative likes to care for blooming representatives of the flora, then you don’t have to worry about a gift for memorable dates by giving her a rare specimen of a plant that she has long dreamed of.

Flowers in pots as a gift to a woman can be rare or original. The TOP 15 by unusualness included:

  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • peach;
  • gerbera;
  • bamboo;
  • dracaena;
  • Cyperus;
  • orchid;
  • reo;
  • Money Tree;
  • violet;
  • Sansevieria;
  • fuchsia;
  • hibiscus;
  • bonsai.

Citrus fruits and other fruit-bearing trees in pots are a pleasant surprise for the fair sex at any age. They bloom and their fruits smell pleasant. Citrus fruits saturate the room with healthy essential oils.

Gerbera is a beautiful plant that is sold not only in a bouquet, but also in a pot. It blooms with large buds that look like bright, colorful sunflowers. Such a flower in a pot as a gift to a woman will show how strong the tenderness of the giver is.

A green native of China, bamboo, at the beginning of the 21st century. became a sign of the owner's wealth. The plant is sold as individual sticks in all major flower hypermarkets, and you can give this flower in a pot to a girl. Bamboo is unpretentious and will complement the interior of the room well.

Dracaena is a mini-palm tree in a tub that brings love and harmony to the house. This green “friend” is given to women on their birthdays.

Cyperus is a green umbrella that is designed to protect the owner and bring joy in sad moments of life. Syt, as it is also called, loves bright window sills.

The queen of flowers is the orchid, or Phalaenopsis sanderiana. The tropical flower blooms long and brightly. It does not require special attention from the owners, and can be given to your mother for her birthday.

An unusual reo flower is presented as a gift to a middle-aged woman. The plant is a deep green bush on top and purple at the bottom of the leaves, blooming with inconspicuous but cute white flowers peeking out of the box.

In a pot, you can present a money tree or crassula as a gift to a woman. The succulent symbolizes wealth and prosperity. When choosing a fat plant, you need to choose a young tree with healthy and fleshy leaves.

A bright and delicate representative of the flora is the violet. The flower symbolizes tenderness, and when thinking about which flowers in pots are suitable for a girl, you need to choose this flower.

Mother-in-law's tongue, or sansevieria, has long leaf stems, colored in alternating light and dark tones of green, also popularly called “pike tail.” Sansevieria can be given to a woman who is in a relationship, as the plant absorbs negative energy, and quarrels in houses where a pike tail is displayed on the window are reduced to a minimum.

Fuchsia is a bright flowering plant, from an esoteric point of view, it brings order to the living space of its owner.

An attractive green flower with bright red or pink buds - hibiscus, or tea rose - is considered a noble plant and brings joy and harmony to the home.

When thinking about which indoor flower in a pot to give as a gift, you can opt for a mini-pine or mini-willow. A bonsai, or mini-tree, in a pot is a good gift for a woman of any age.


It has been noticed that in a house where there is an azalea, the amount of household waste is significantly reduced.

This plant not only has a positive effect on a person’s mental state, but also regulates the functioning of energy channels and cleanses the paths of subtle energies, which leads to the normalization of the functioning of internal organs.

The powerful positive energy of azalea makes this plant an indispensable inhabitant of the home, and even more so a wonderful housewarming gift.

Maintaining a warm, friendly atmosphere creates favorable conditions for the peaceful resolution of most everyday conflicts and disputes.


Many gardeners are convinced that the benefits of this tropical plant are enormous. But there are also skeptics who believe that this flower does not have very good properties. Fortunately, there are not many of them. So what does the guzmania flower bring into the home?

Benefits of flowers:

  • purifies the air, disinfects;
  • the substances that gusmania releases during flowering have bactericidal properties, ridding the environment of microbes, including pathogens;

Interesting article: Replanting indoor plants: terms and rules; transplanting flowers according to the lunar calendar 2022

  • and even if guzmania blooms only once in its life, it blooms all autumn and until spring;
  • it brings harmony to the family and creates a positive aura in the home. This activates male power. This is a great way to stimulate creativity and inspiration at home;
  • attracts financial prosperity.

Guzmania will make a wonderful housewarming gift.

Is it possible to give a plant in a pot to your girlfriend?

You can give a flower in a pot to a girl if she is interested in home gardening. If a dear person is indifferent to the green “friends” on the windowsill, then, as a last resort, you can present your loved one with a cactus, which does not require careful care and timely watering.

You can make it nice and give a woman a flower on any holiday or just for no reason.
If the plant is chosen correctly, then the dilemma of which flower to give for a birthday will bring joyful moments. Reason 2019-07-30 admin


According to ancient beliefs, a miniature tree will grow only among wise people, because it requires an atmosphere of attention and endless love. Bonsai trees bring peace and prosperity to the home. It drives away anxiety and discomfort. Growing real bonsai is a whole philosophy.

With such a gift you will emphasize your relationship with the gifted couple and tell them that you do not doubt their rich inner world. Bonsai never loses its significance.

The most prestigious category of indoor plants, bonsai are true works of art that take a lot of time, love and effort to shape into miniatures.

Unique silhouettes of myrtle, elm, and olive in the form of bonsai are the main candidates for the role of a status gift for a special occasion. Bonsai should be chosen wisely as they can be either unpretentious or quite whimsical. But you won’t find a more elite option for plants for gifts.


Durable bamboo symbolizes good luck. By giving such a gift, you can be sure that both men and women will like it. Bamboo brings an aura of peace and tranquility to your home.

It serves as a reliable talisman for all occasions. His power is to create happiness, strengthen relationships, prosperity, success in business and all endeavors.

Bamboo is a symbol of infinity! Who wouldn't want such a friend in their home? Bamboo is easy to care for and not at all fussy.

When buying bamboo for a gift, you need to know what the different numbers of stems mean. For example, three stems represent family prosperity, and seven stems represent health and longevity.


Fuchsia is not only an attractive houseplant, but also a real home amulet. It is believed that the flower is able to protect its owners from damage, the evil eye and other harm, and fill them with energy to overcome any difficulties.

Given as a welcome gift to the home, fuchsia creates a harmonious, comfortable and cozy atmosphere in a new place.

Fuchsias bloom almost all year round and bring joy to their owner as a keepsake. In addition to its beauty, fuchsia has a certain magical power.

Fuchsia is ideal for creative people. In a house with fuchsia, people will definitely find a way out of difficult situations.

Failures of the previous owner

Re-gifting indoor plants has become almost a tradition: the flower doesn’t take root, but it’s a pity to throw it away. And “green decorations” wander from house to house!

Popular signs say that plants wither from negativity, quarrels and failures. The danger is that such plants transmit troubles and negative energy to new owners.

You should not take “old” plants for yourself, because you do not know what kind of energy and in what quantity it is saturated. In addition, flowers get used to a certain environment and, most likely, will die in a new place.


Callanchoe is one of the most beneficial plants for humans. It is able to absorb human negativity, jealousy, ward off damage, the evil eye and block the effect of a spell. Never forget that this is the best way to create a talisman for your life.

One of the active amulets is an amulet made from a dried Kalanchoe flower, coated with epoxy resin. Such an amulet has magical powers and should be worn under clothes on a cord.

It is believed that Kalanchoe improves the atmosphere in the family, minimizes conflicts, and blocks the flow of negative energy and aggression. The wilting of a plant indicates that it has taken a negative blow and protected the house from troubles.

When appropriate

Despite all the signs and superstitions, friends and acquaintances will rejoice at a beautiful flower when they receive it for their birthday.

It is better to find out in advance what kind of flowers the birthday boy likes, whether he is sick, and whether he believes in such signs. If you are healthy and ignore signs and are not superstitious, then your gift will bring joy and good mood.

But if a person is sick, there is no need to make such a surprise - a flower can both take away strength and charge with energy. It's impossible to predict, so give something else.


Geranium has long been considered a flower with positive energy. Just think about village windows, where geraniums always bloomed profusely, bringing comfort and coziness to your home. Crushing its fragrant leaves in your hand makes you feel good.

Interesting article: The most popular flowers in pots for New Year and Christmas

Geranium can help relieve stress and depression, as well as reconcile quarrels. But most importantly, it serves as a talisman and amulet for love.

Give white geraniums to a young couple who does not yet have their first child - white geraniums attract attention during pregnancy. You can also bring red geranium into your home where guests are always welcome.

There is not a single bad omen associated with this flower, so feel free to buy geranium as a gift! She is not at all capricious in her care, and her flowers can decorate any windowsill all year round.

Assortment of flowers in the online flower store Megatsvet24

If you have visited our catalog of bouquets for the first time, viewing it will give you great pleasure, and the prices will please you with their affordable prices. The range of colors in our online store is incredibly wide. We offer Moscow residents:

  • the freshest roses;
  • exquisite varietal lilies;
  • charming spring tulips;
  • mysterious irises;
  • bouquets of chrysanthemums;
  • colorful compositions with wild and garden flowers;
  • magnificent baskets with exotic plants and much more.

We collect skillfully selected fresh flowers into original bouquets, almost each of which has its own name and mood. You can give your beloved “Happiness” or “Eternity”, please her with “Confession”, “Ode to Love” or “Memory”. And if you want, come up with your own name for the flower gift.

In the bouquet catalog you can choose and buy flowers of pink, red, white and dozens of other shades to create a composition yourself. All plants are distinguished by impeccable freshness and will delight you for a long time with their enchanting aroma or perfection of form.


There are many different signs associated with dracaena. Most often, this flower is believed to attract good luck, prosperity and love to the home. A large part of Asian superstition is that the dracaena plant maintains positive energy in the home.

Most of the signs say that dracaena is the tree of love and family ties. This flower supports the family hearth, protects spouses from troubles and misfortunes and protects all family members from illnesses.

Some folk signs closely associate the dragon tree with growth and accumulation of wealth in the home.

This is a good gift for a young (unmarried) guy or an unmarried girl. Dracaena will help them find their soulmate. The better you care for your dracaena, the more beautiful it will be, and with each new leaf the feeling of two hearts in love will become stronger.


This indoor flower is a powerful magician and wizard, filling the house with happiness and joy. It reliably protects its owners from bad wishes, removes bad wishes and curses, and neutralizes black magic spells.

A pot of cyclamen placed in the bedroom will protect against bad dreams, as well as maintain ardent passion and increase the fertility of lovers.


Gerbera is a flower with positive energy. They symbolize happiness, so they are presented in such a way that joy, fun and a carefree life reign in the new apartment.

Gerbera in a pot is a good gift idea. She gives maximum smiles, joy and fun, everything that many people lack in everyday life. A sunny flower - this is the taste of the beautiful gerbera in the heart. It fits perfectly into any interior.

What indoor flower to give to mom - 15 ideas

It is customary to give greenery in pots to parents, and indoor plants for mom are no exception. For your beloved woman’s birthday or March 8th they will present:

  • orchid;
  • geranium;
  • hoya;
  • aloe;
  • Christmas Day;
  • dieffenbachia;
  • rose;
  • Saintpaulia;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • azalea;
  • crocus;
  • cactus;
  • cyclamen;
  • live rocks;
  • Golden mustache.

Older women love geraniums. Its flowers and the smell of its leaves relieve headaches and are pleasing to the eye. The indoor flower is unpretentious, and in the summer it can be taken out onto the balcony. Such gifted flowers are suitable for home and garden.

Hoya, or waxweed, is interesting for its flowers, as if made of wax. And the Christmas tree, or crayfish, will delight you with its bright color in the winter.

It is customary for parents to give useful representatives of the flora, so aloe or golden mustache are suitable for those women who care about their health. An evergreen specimen with healthy juice is a houseplant for mom that she will appreciate.

Dieffenbachia can be given to a woman for her living room. An unusual green plant with different colored leaves is poisonous to the bedroom, and its juice is corrosive. Its integument can be either soft green or alternate between light and dark spots. The bush reaches 1 m in height.

A rose in a pot is a good gift for mom for a holiday or to lift her spirits. The flower is pretty, delicate, beautiful and has a subtle aroma. The rose lives on the windowsill for a long time with proper care and several times a year is covered with buds ranging from white to deep red. The color of a rose depends on the variety. The plant occupies a leading position in the list of “Flowers in pots as a gift for a woman.”

Saintpaulia domestica, Kalanchoe, azalea, crocus or cyclamen will be a bright addition to the flower garden on the windowsill.

It is fashionable to give cacti and living stones. When choosing a present for your mother, it is better to pay attention to plants with buds and non-sharp thorns. And living stones or succulents will add unusualness to any interior and will not take much time for watering and care.

Lemon Tree

What person wouldn't want to enjoy aromatic lemon picked from their own tree?

Lemon tree increases the thirst for knowledge, strengthens independence and increases activity. During fruiting, the lemon tree releases so much positive energy that it is enough for all family members.

The fragrant fruits of the lemon tree will protect their owners from adversity.

The donated lemon tree should be placed in a large family, where children's laughter can be heard - it will definitely protect the children and will not leave them unattended.

The lemon tree at home is still considered by many to be an exotic plant, but in recent years its popularity has increased. The lemon houseplant is a great gift for the home.


Even if everything is fine with the gifted flower at first glance, it is worth remembering that diseases and illnesses are transferred to the new owners of the plant. So, if the donor or members of his family suffer from illnesses and, even worse, give with malicious intent, with a desire to cause harm, be careful.

A houseplant as a gift for a sick person would also be out of place, especially if the soil in the pot is wet.

According to popular belief, this is a wish for death (to grow into the ground, like the roots of a plant). Wet soil is associated with a grave, cemetery.

Replace the soil with a special soil mixture - this way you will avoid an awkward situation and leave no reason for negative judgments and thoughts.

bay tree

Laurel is one of the most noble plants. The bay tree is very easy to care for and can be planted by anyone without much difficulty.

Laurel should be placed in your home if you want to attract good luck. It can protect your home from negative magical influences and the penetration of otherworldly entities.

It is believed that this plant is able to absorb and neutralize energy that is released in excess during disputes and scandals.

A bay tree makes a great housewarming gift.

Rosemary in pot format

Thanks to its woody shoots and beautiful bush shape, rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) looks stunning in decorative containers. Its pubescent, silvery, flat-needle-shaped leaves, sitting tightly on the branches, and colorful spikelets of inflorescences are equally fragrant. Rosemary can be placed in the kitchen and used in culinary experiments. This natural aromatherapist easily forgives mistakes in care and only needs warmth and bright lighting.

If the idea of ​​rosemary seems interesting, you can take a closer look at other herbs - from marjoram and tarragon to mint, lemon balm and even lavender and santolina.

Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus)

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