Planting begonias with seeds and caring for seedlings at home: time and technique for sowing seeds, picking, disease control

Planting begonia seeds for seedlings and caring for them at home is a labor-intensive process that requires constant monitoring. However, by following all the rules of agricultural technology, you can get healthy and beautifully flowering plants for a long time.

Most often, decorative deciduous and ever-flowering begonia species are grown from seeds. However, tuberous varieties can also be obtained through seedlings, although this process is very long and labor-intensive.

Begonia seeds are recommended to be planted at the end of February or in the first ten days of March. At this time, daylight hours quickly increase and maintaining the required temperature becomes easier.

Description of the plant and popular varieties

Begonia is a low growing shrub or herbaceous plant with beautiful bright flowers. The leaves and stems differ in shape and color depending on the type of flower. The following types of begonia are most often grown at home:

Ampelous - it has cascading shoots up to 45 cm long. Flowers are formed after 5-6 leaf nodes in the leaf axils. Each flower lives up to 10 days, and after falling, a new one appears in its place. Thanks to this, the plant seems to bloom continuously until late autumn. The most popular variety of hanging begonia is considered to be Chanson; it has beautiful white or yellow lush flowers.

Tuberous - has a tuberous rhizome and a tall fleshy stem, which reaches a height of about 80 cm. There are varieties with simple and double flowers that resemble roses, camellias, carnations or peonies. Flowers can be small, up to 3 cm in diameter, or large, up to 20 cm in diameter. They can be located singly or in inflorescences. The most popular varieties of tuberous begonia are Duck Red, Picoti Harlequin, and Bouton de Rose.

Ever-blooming is a complex hybrid that combines all varietal qualities. It is a low-growing shrub with fleshy stems and smooth, heart-shaped leaves. Flowers can be painted white, pink and red, collected in various inflorescences. Among the ever-blooming begonias are terry varieties, the flowers of which have a huge number of petals. They resemble small roses. In total, there are about 600 varieties of ever-flowering begonia, among which the most commonly grown at home are Ray, Queen, and Cocktail.

Bolivianum is a tuberous plant with long drooping stems that grow up to 80 cm and hang down in several tiers. The flowers are formed in several pieces on short peduncles and have a bright orange color. This type of begonia is suitable for growing in pots and containers, as it grows well in a small amount of soil. The most common varieties of this species can be called Santa Cruz, Bonaparte, Belavista.

Variety selection

For the convenience of gardeners, breeders have tried to place the entire variety of begonias into three main groups: deciduous, bush and tuberous. This division makes it easier to choose the appropriate type for decorating flower beds, flower beds, terraces, loggias or rooms. Considering that begonia belongs to a certain group, it is much easier to choose the optimal breeding method and provide complete care that matches the preferences of the capricious plant.


All three groups are united by the possibility of obtaining new plants using the vegetative method. As for growing from seeds, this method is not always suitable. Thus, for the group of deciduous begonias, vegetative propagation is preferable. The reason is the difficulty of obtaining seeds at home. Deciduous begonias do not have particularly beautiful flowers. Moreover, flowering leads to a severe weakening of the plant. And an attempt to bring the matter to the ripening of seeds can lead to the death of the flower.

A species called Griffon

You can avoid unsuccessful experiments by using seeds sold in flower shops. The most popular remains the royal begonia. Among the new proposals of breeders is the Griffin hybrid, which attracts attention with the spectacular coloring of large, strongly dissected leaves.

How to properly grow deciduous begonia from seeds? The basic scheme remains unchanged, with the exception of a few features:

  • To obtain seedlings intended for planting outdoors, seeds are sown from mid-January to the end of February. Indoor begonias can be sown at any time.
  • The temperature required for active seedlings ranges from 22-26 degrees.
  • After each transplant, the new plant requires a decrease in temperature. The first pick (carried out in March - April) is 17-18 degrees. Second pick (April - May) - 15-16 degrees.
  • Young deciduous begonias can be planted in open ground 4 months after germination.


In this group, in addition to fuchsia and coral, the favorite of flower growers, the ever-blooming begonia, has settled. Unlike tuberous begonias, ever-flowering begonias cannot boast of particular originality and impressive flower size. The exception is the winter begonia Elatior, which is distinguished by an abundance of large flowers and enviable resistance to fungal diseases. However, flower lovers are happy to leave room for ever-blooming specimens, due to the lack of a winter dormancy period and long flowering.

It is recommended to replenish the ranks of the inhabitants of the home flower garden with decorative flowering specimens in two ways - buy evergreen begonia in the form of ready-made seedlings or sow the seeds yourself. Although in this case no one is immune from surprises. The plant, especially during flowering, often reacts negatively to a change in location. Attempts to extend its life by rooting cuttings often end in failure. And flowers grown from seed purchased in a store may surprise you by not being 100% similar to those shown on the packaging. And yet, evergreen begonia from seeds is the best and relatively easy way available to any gardener.

Basic rules for propagating ever-flowering begonias with seeds:

  • Neutral or slightly acidic soil (it is better to use a ready-made mixture).
  • The optimal choice of containers is shallow boxes for seedlings.
  • Sowing time is January.
  • For sowing, small seeds must be mixed with sand.
  • Cover the box with the crops with glass. It is important to prevent condensation from forming. After 12 days, the glass needs to be lifted (place small stands between the sheet and the box). When the sprouts get stronger, remove the glass completely.
  • Shade the emerging shoots with paper laid on top of the glass.
  • The temperature required for the development of seedlings must be maintained within 21-24 degrees.
  • The temperature in the room, after the final removal of the glass, drops to 17-19 degrees.
  • The first picking is carried out after the formation of the 3rd true leaf.
  • You can plant seedlings in pots a month after the first picking.
  • Feed plants with organic fertilizers.

Seed selection

To grow beautiful and healthy plants, you need to choose high-quality seed material. When choosing them, you should consider the following:

  • Packaging time. It is recommended to choose fresh seeds that were collected this year. The longer the seeds are, the less similar they will be, even if the expiration date indicated on the package has not yet expired.
  • It is more convenient to plant granulated seeds in peat tablets. They have a dense coating of nutrients that make the seeds larger.
  • It is more convenient to sow simple seeds in containers or seedling boxes.

Preparing the soil and planting seedlings

The beginning of June is the time to transplant grown and hardened seedlings into open ground, balcony boxes or indoor pots. If you plan to plant the plant in a pot, it must have a capacity of at least 0.5 liters; a 2 cm drainage layer of broken brick or other suitable material is required at the bottom.

The place of future development of tuberous begonia should be well lit, but without direct sunlight. In active sun the plant will wither and turn yellow. Good flowering can be achieved in a semi-shaded place, protected from the wind, which is a common cause of stem breakage.

What kind of soil does begonia like? The plant will not grow in heavy and clay soils. Their structure needs to be improved by adding sheet soil, sand and peat. This plant will not be comfortable in infertile sandy soil; peat, organic matter and humus must be added to it.

Garden decoration with begonia

After the soil has thawed, the following must be added to each square meter of the ridge: 1 bucket of rotted manure and 60 g of nitrophoska. For good drainage, the ridge is raised and watered daily 5 days before planting.

In the finished soil you need to prepare holes. The distance between them is maintained based on the final size of the plant. For tall begonias leave 30-35 cm, and for compact plants 20-30 cm. Ampel forms intended for planting in containers are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm. At the bottom of each planting hole you need to make a drainage layer of 3-5 cm.

Seedlings are buried by 2 cm, and tall specimens by 3 cm. Weak solutions of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added to the planting holes at the rate of 100 ml per bush. After this, the seedling is watered with warm water, and the circle around the trunk is sprinkled with soil.

Boarding time

Begonia seeds can be sown for seedlings from the end of January until April. Everyone determines the exact sowing time independently, depending on the characteristics of the plant development cycle. To ensure that begonia blooms as early as possible, planting is carried out in January. Then, by the time the seedlings are transplanted into the ground, they will have a well-developed root system and the seedlings will quickly take root in the new location.

Begonia will produce its first flowers 5 months after sowing the seeds, so it is worth sowing them as early as possible. However, this process should not be carried out before the end of January, since weather conditions do not correspond to the natural needs of the plant.

Do not forget about the specifics of different varieties of begonia. If you sow an ever-flowering begonia early, the seedlings will already be overgrown by the time they are transplanted into open ground. It will be difficult for it to take root in new conditions because of this the plant will lose its decorative properties. The plant will begin to bloom too early and the number of buds will be much smaller. It is recommended to plant the seeds of ever-flowering begonia in February.

Tuberous begonia, on the contrary, must be sown before mid-January. Then, by the time of transplantation, the leaves and buds of the flower will have time to form.

The main thing to remember is that by choosing the right time for sowing seeds for seedlings, you will ensure the normal development of tubers and the root system of plants.

Watch the video! Growing begonia from seeds

Tuberous begonia: how to plant plants in the ground in the garden?

Begonia is very thermophilic, so wait until the end of spring frosts (late May - early June). Pre-harden off the plant by placing the pots in the shade outdoors during the daytime. During hardening, tuberous begonia leaves may fall off (this is normal).

To increase immunity during the adaptation period, you can treat young plants with “Epin” or “Immunocytophyte”

Planting and care in the garden

The flower loves areas well lit by sunlight.
But they should not be straight, as this will damage the foliage of the plant. For begonia to grow successfully, it needs diffused lighting or slightly shaded areas in the garden. A properly selected place will allow the flower not only to grow quickly, but also to bloom magnificently and for quite a long time.

Begonia is a flower that is very picky about the composition of the soil in which it will grow.

So that it can please you with its abundant flowering, you need to choose a place with nutritious, loose soil that has neutral acidity.

An adult plant thrives in soil that contains:

  1. deciduous ground
  2. sand
  3. peat
  4. humus

Be sure to maintain a ratio of 3:1:1:1.

Tuberous begonia: planting and care after planting

If you plan to plant begonia in a flowerbed, then choose a semi-shaded place for it with drained, light and fertile soil. But keep in mind: it is much more convenient to provide the necessary care and select suitable soil for plants planted in separate containers. Therefore, even as a garden decoration, it is better to keep begonia in a container culture.

The planting distance is determined depending on the variety: 15x15 cm, 20x20 cm or 30x30 cm. After planting the begonia, mulch the soil around the tuber and sprinkle it with ash.

If you follow these simple steps for planting and caring for a young tuberous begonia, it will bloom throughout the second half of summer and early autumn. Good luck!

Growing begonia with seeds

The technology of growing begonia from seeds differs from the well-known methods of growing seedlings for flowers, since the seeds of this plant are not like ordinary seeds from flower boxes. Begonia seeds are very small, more like dust than balls. Even poppy seeds seem large in comparison.

Preparing containers for seedlings

It is very important to choose the right container for seedlings so that they are strong and healthy. She must be:

  • compact sizes;
  • shallow.

The following containers are suitable for growing begonia seedlings:

  • Containers for seedlings, which can be purchased at garden stores.
  • Shallow wooden boxes.
  • Peat tablets.
  • Plastic cake molds.

In such a container it is convenient to care for seedlings and carry out picking.

Soil selection

It is from the soil that the plant receives all the necessary nutrients. The best results can be achieved using soil:

  • slightly acidic;
  • neutral.

This soil is sold in gardening stores, but you can prepare it yourself. To do this take:

  • 2 parts of leaf soil obtained from rotting a large amount of foliage;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part sand.

All components are thoroughly mixed and sifted through a sieve to remove excess lumps and impurities.

Seed preparation

Begonia seeds are so small that they are very difficult to work with. However, knowing some tricks, even a novice gardener can cope with this at home.

Due to its small size, the seed material cannot be soaked and disinfected. Therefore, it is necessary to disinfect the substrate.

Therefore, it is necessary to disinfect the substrate. Can:

  • steam in a steam bath;
  • calcine by placing the soil in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees;
  • pickle by treating the mixture with a strong solution of manganese.

Important! No manufacturer can guarantee 100% seed germination. Pay attention to the harvesting date; hybrids are stored for no more than 1 year, varieties - up to 3 years).

It is better to buy seeds from a company that is already known to you or someone you know.

Sowing seeds

Begonia seeds are placed on the surface of the soil in pots; there is no need to cover them with soil on top.

To evenly distribute the seed over the surface of the ground, place a small even layer of snow on top and sprinkle the seeds on top. When the snow melts, the seeds will be distributed naturally on the ground.

If the snow was not used, after sowing the seeds, the soil must be moistened with warm water using a spray bottle. It is necessary to create a greenhouse effect in the container with sowing; to do this, cover it:

  • glass;
  • film;
  • plastic cap;
  • package;
  • wet gauze, etc.

This cover is removed after the seedlings appear on the surface of the earth. In about 2-3 days. Before germination, crops must be kept in a room with an air temperature of 23-25°C.

Growing in peat tablets

If peat tablets are used for sowing seeds, then it is better to buy granulated seeds. This kind of sowing is much easier to carry out; moreover, there is no need to prepare containers and soil, and then pick up the seedlings.

Step-by-step technology:

  • Peat tablets are placed in a tray and filled with water at room temperature so that they swell and increase in size.
  • Granulated seeds are placed in the middle of the tablet without pressing the soil into the body. One tablet contains 1 granule.
  • Moisten the seed from above with warm water from a spray bottle, since there will be little moisture in the peat tablet.
  • To create a greenhouse effect, seed tablets are covered with a plastic container, bag or glass cup.
  • Watering the plants must be done regularly through a tray so that the peat does not dry out. To do this, use a spray bottle so as not to pour too much.
  • The tablets are kept in a room with an air temperature of no more than 20°C.

High-quality seeds should germinate 7-10 days after sowing, some varieties - after 2 weeks.

Next, it’s worth talking about why the seeds don’t germinate. Let us explain the most common reasons that affect the germination of seed.

Features and differences between wintering home and garden begonias

November is the beginning of the rest period, but this is an approximate period. It all depends on where the plant spent the summer. What is the goal, to extend flowering or reduce it. But in any case, the flower needs to rest for at least 3 months.


When storing domestic plants in winter, they are not removed from the pot, but cut off, leaving a shoot of 1 cm. They are kept under the conditions described in the seasonal table.


At the end of October, garden specimens are dug up, the roots are shortened, treated with a fungicide (Fitosporin), dried, and placed in a container with peat. Place in a dark, dry room until spring. They can also be stored on the refrigerator door, wrapped in sphagnum moss or in a cotton bag.

In the spring, they are planted in a pot, and after germination, they are planted in open ground.

What affects germination

Begonia does not germinate for the following reasons:

  • Old seed – flower seeds can be stored for 1-3 years, so it is better to sow seeds collected last year.
  • Substrate drying out - peat should always be moist; if it dries out, it will be difficult to wet it again.
  • Temperature below +25° C - it is necessary to maintain the desired temperature in the room, if necessary, use additional heaters.
  • Dry air – the air in the room should have normal humidity. If it is so dry and hot, it is recommended to spray the plant with water from a spray bottle or install automatic air humidifiers.

Storing tubers in winter

Begonia tubers do not tolerate frost, so you need to know how to preserve tuberous begonia from winter until spring. Among begonias grown on terraces or balconies, two types are most popular: ever-flowering begonia (Begonia semperflorens) and tuberous begonia (Begonia tuberhybrida). Always flowering begonias are considered annual plants in our climate and are not suitable for wintering. Only tuberous varieties are suitable for wintering, the rhizomes of which can be stored in winter.

When to dig?

When to dig up begonia tubers? Tubers are sensitive to frost. In our climate, the plant cannot overwinter outdoors, so the tubers are dug up in late autumn - late October-early November. In cold regions - earlier, immediately after the first frost.

How to store tubers

  1. Immediately after the first frost, when the leaves wither, the rhizomes should be dug up. We dig the plants out of the ground along with the root ball and put them in a dry place.
  2. For wintering, we choose healthy tubers, without signs of disease, visible damage, stains, or rotting. They will overwinter better and will definitely bloom in the second year.
  3. The tubers need to be dried in a dark, well-ventilated area. When the leaves dry and the stems easily separate, carefully clean the tubers of old soil, remnants of shoots, flowers, and leaves.
  4. Then the tubers are laid out in one layer in a box with holes for ventilation and sprinkled with peat or sawdust.

Under what conditions should it be stored?

Tubers overwinter in boxes at a temperature of 5-10 °C. You can leave them in a garage, basement or other dry room where you do not need access to light. It is important that the temperature never drops below 0°C.

In February we begin to germinate begonia tubers at a temperature of 18 °C. To do this, we lay them tightly, so that the top side with the eyes is facing up. It can be recognized by a small indentation, and upon careful examination, by small buds. After laying the tubers, lightly sprinkle them again with a mixture of peat and sand in a 1:1 ratio, and move them to a bright place.

When the first shoots 10 cm long appear, we plant the plants one at a time in pots with a diameter of 10 cm. In May, when the risk of frost has passed, after appropriate hardening (that is, the plants gradually get used to outdoor conditions), you can plant begonias in pots or flower beds .

Unfortunately, rhizomes are not always stored well; it happens that the growing season does not begin in the spring. It is often not possible to preserve plant tubers obtained from sowing, since after planting in the ground they will not have time to grow sufficiently before the onset of autumn. If conditions for proper wintering are not very good, in the spring it is better to buy already flowering plants that can be planted immediately.

Seedling care

  • For full development, begonias require regular watering, which is carried out with warm water in a tray or using a syringe under the root.
  • Until the seeds have sprouted, the film or glass must be wiped daily to remove accumulated condensation. Plantings also need to be ventilated regularly.
  • The seedlings should receive enough daylight, but they should not be exposed to direct sunlight so that the young seedlings do not get burned. Additionally, lighting is provided with fluorescent lamps. If the plants do not have enough lighting, they will begin to stretch out and lose their decorative appearance.
  • At first, it may seem that the seedlings are practically not growing. There is no need to worry, since begonia first grows its root system and then begins to develop its above-ground part.
  • 2 weeks after the emergence of seedlings, the seedlings need to be fed; for this purpose, fertilizer for deciduous and ornamental plants is used. The fertilizer solution is diluted 3-4 times the dosage recommended in the instructions.
  • The soil around the grown seedlings must be loosened periodically.
  • After 1-2 true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted.

Growing and caring for gardens and pots

Growing begonias is extremely simple. By following simple requirements, you can enjoy its beautiful flowers for a long time. With proper care, it does not develop fungal diseases and is not attacked by pests.


The most important job of caring for begonias is regular watering. The plant reacts poorly to a lack of water; as a result of drought, the flowers dry out and lose turgor.

These tuberous plants accumulate water in their rhizomes, and flooding usually results in tuber rot and death. It is almost impossible to save a completely flooded plant. Therefore, you cannot overdo it with watering - the water should not stand in a container, pan, or soil. If you water too hard, the plant may become infected with fungal diseases and, consequently, rotting of the underground part.

To determine the moment when a plant needs water, you just need to touch the ground with your fingers and if it is still wet, just don’t water it. Dry soil is a signal to water. Water again after the substrate has completely dried. The water must be drained from the pan. However, in practice the matter is more complicated. Especially if the summer is humid, it rains constantly. During such periods, the pots need to be moved under a canopy.

The frequency of soil moistening should depend on environmental conditions. Houseplants usually require watering twice a week in summer. In hot weather, it is necessary to water 2 times a day, unless gel balls are used, which collect water and then release it to the plant. In winter, watering should be limited - it is enough to do it once every 7-10 days.

When planting, you need to remember that the pot must have drainage. Avoid soaking leaves, do not spray plants with water, this promotes the development of powdery mildew.

In flower beds, good results are achieved by mulching the soil; this helps limit the growth of weeds and retain moisture in the soil.


Begonias can be fed with complex fertilizers for indoor flowering plants. In garden stores you can purchase special liquid fertilizer for begonias. You should choose formulations that contain less nitrogen and more phosphorus. It is important to avoid intensive fertilization of begonias with nitrogen - then the leaves grow luxuriantly, but the plants bloom poorly, and the tubers are poorly stored in winter.

Feeding begins 3 weeks after planting and is carried out every 2-3 weeks until the end of flowering. From mid-August, feeding is stopped; the plant must be given the opportunity to prepare for rest.

Diseases, pests

Plants are not capricious if you do not allow the tubers to rot from standing water and protect the flowers from direct sunlight and gusts of wind. However, problems can arise when growing begonias.

The most common problem is powdery mildew, which readily attacks plants in damp, cool weather. Powdery mildew is easily recognized by a whitish fungal coating on the leaves. Therefore, begonias should not be planted too densely, and during the growing season it is worth prophylactically spraying them with environmental plant protection products or homemade preparations (for example, decoctions or extracts of onions, yarrow, horsetail, nettles, or a preparation of baker’s yeast).

In the initial stages of powdery mildew disease, fungicidal preparations can help, but in more serious cases it is better to get rid of whole plants to avoid infecting others. A good prevention of fungal diseases is the frequent removal of yellowed leaves and dried flowers.

New varieties from the Apadana series are resistant to powdery mildew. These begonias feature large double flowers in six colors, from light yellow to apricot.

Begonias should be moved indoors before thunderstorms and hail - precipitation can lead to the destruction of flowers. Some varieties, such as multi-flowered tuberous begonia, do not tolerate heavy rains well, so even outdoors they should be kept under a roof.

If pests (aphids, spider mites) appear, you can spray with garlic infusion or insecticides.

Picking seedlings

Picking begonia seedlings is carried out in 2 stages.

Stage 1

At the first stage, seedlings are placed with a gap of 6 cm between seedlings and between rows. A small amount of humus must be added to the soil, and after 2 weeks, complex fertilizer must be added, which can be bought at a garden store.

Stage 2

At the second stage, the seedlings are planted in separate cups or pots, the diameter of which should not exceed 8 cm. This procedure is carried out a month before transplanting the plants into open ground. The seedlings are kept in a room with a temperature of 18°C. When the weather conditions are good outside and the risk of frost returning has subsided, the seedlings are transferred to a permanent location.

Watch the video! Begonia pick

How to grow tuberous begonia at home

To successfully grow any crop, it is important to maintain optimal conditions for its growth. This is the organization of the microclimate, the correct selection of containers and soil, proper watering and fertilization. Let's take a closer look at these aspects.

Pot for tuberous begonia

Begonia does not have a very large root system, so it needs a small pot, preferably wide in diameter. A container depth of more than 20 cm is extremely undesirable. An important condition for a pot is the presence of large drainage holes, since begonia is extremely sensitive to flooding and waterlogging of the soil.

When planting a bulb, try to immediately plant it in a permanent place, this applies to both the pot and the location of the flower in the house. This plant is very calm and does not like to be disturbed, and this applies even to simply touching the stems, flowers and leaves of the plant.

Important! Begonia should not be planted with several plants in one pot. As a result of joint planting, a situation almost always arises that one of the “individuals” will be the strongest and will begin to displace the other specimen. If this planting option is absolutely necessary for the owner, then the distance between plants in one container should be at least 15 cm.

Soil for tuberous begonia

The soil composition should include soil, peat and sand. An industrial substrate for begonias is ideal. You can add vermiculite (or perlite) to the soil for better porosity.

By the way, ready-made soil for roses is quite suitable.

A thick layer of drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot.

Caring for tuberous begonia

  • The best location for a pot with begonia will be a south-east or south-west window; begonia is very photophilous, but does not tolerate burning direct rays of the sun. To fully exist, the flower requires a very long daylight hours - up to 16 hours. Therefore, many owners of begonias provide additional illumination of the plant with phytolamps.
  • Since this flower grows naturally in tropical rainforests, it is logical to require that it be provided with comfortable, humid and warm conditions.
  • The optimal temperature for begonia is about 20 degrees Celsius. A rise in temperature above 25 degrees is extremely undesirable, as are temperature changes.
  • Air humidity must be ensured by installing an air humidifier or a container of water next to the pot, but in no case by spraying. Spraying causes brown spots to appear on begonia leaves.
  • Begonia loves attention to itself. During flowering, if you want it to bloom long and profusely, it is necessary to promptly remove fading flowers and dried leaves. This way the plant will be freed from everything unnecessary, and it will look beautiful and neat. Formative regular pruning is not required.
  • At the end of the growing season (by December), the plant sheds its leaves and goes into a dormant state. Withered stems are cut off.

How to water tuberous begonia

This plant is moisture-loving, but very sensitive to overwatering. Begonia is watered quite often in the summer, and watering is almost eliminated in the winter. In winter, wait enough time between waterings for the substrate to dry to a depth of several centimeters.

Water for irrigation should be warm and softened.

Transplanting tuberous begonia

Begonia is rarely replanted, once every few years, if the pot becomes critically crowded.

A complete replantation with replacement of the substrate is carried out only in the spring, when the sprouts on the tuber have grown no more than 5 cm. If this period is missed and the plant requires replanting, then you can transship it, that is, remove the begonia along with the substrate and place it in a new pot, empty spaces cover with fresh soil.

Begonia fertilizer

In order for begonia to bloom long and abundantly, it must be fed with fertilizers (a complex containing manganese and boron). Fertilization is recommended every 14-20 days.

By the period of winter rest, fertilizing (as well as watering) is reduced and then completely stopped.

Diseases and pests

By following all the rules for growing begonia from seeds, you can significantly reduce the risk of seedling disease. However, you need to be aware of possible problems in order to see them in time and take the necessary measures. When growing begonia from seeds, the following diseases and pests may appear:

  • Root rot, to get rid of this problem it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse more often and reduce watering.
  • Powdery mildew.
  • Aphids and spider mites are controlled with insecticides and fungicides.

Features of keeping tuberous begonia

Wintering tuberous begonia at home in a pot

After the plant has shed all its green mass, the stems have withered and been cut off, the pot with the tuber is moved to a dark, cool room for the winter. In March-April (after 3 months of rest), the pot is again moved to warmth and light and watering is resumed.

During the rest period, it is important not to allow the earthen ball to dry out completely. Watering in winter is scarce and rare, but it is not completely excluded.

Young plants of the first year of life are not removed for the winter in darkness and coolness - first-year plants are only just increasing the volume of the tuber and may not survive the winter in such conditions. Many plants do not even shed their leaves, but continue to grow.

Diseases and pests of tuberous begonia

What is a plus for begonia owners is that they are not too susceptible to diseases and pest attacks. Of course, if there is a lack of care, problems can arise.

  • Most often, tuberous begonia at home suffers from insufficient watering and dry air. It can shed leaves and buds. The problem can be solved by establishing irrigation and providing humidity.
  • In the opposite situation, when the substrate becomes waterlogged, the plant can be affected by various rots, root infections, and powdery mildew. Begonia is treated with fungicides, transplanted into a healthy substrate and watering is regulated.
  • In some cases, the plant may be attacked by pests. In this case, the plant is separated from healthy plants and treated with insecticides.

It is also advisable to carry out preventive treatment of plants adjacent to the diseased ones.

Having learned in advance how to grow tuberous begonia at home, you can prepare for the nuances of caring for this plant. And you will be able to fully enjoy this wonderful and brightly flowering plant all summer long.

If you are a fan of indoor floriculture, we recommend that you look at other articles on our site dedicated to caring for indoor flowers. You will find the section HERE

Scheme for planting begonia seeds for seedlings

It is no secret that different vegetable and flower crops are sown at home with different nuances and characteristics. It is very important to follow the sowing pattern, because if it is violated, germination will be very low, or the seeds will not sprout at all, or the seedlings will be too thick. To avoid problems specifically with this flower crop, it is recommended to sow begonia seeds according to the following instructions:

  • Prepare seeds, container, soil mixture, drainage material.
  • Apply a drainage layer evenly to the bottom.
  • Pour the soil into the container, level the surface of the earth, pressing it very lightly.
  • Generously moisten the soil by spraying from a spray bottle (the water must be warm and clean), wait until the moisture is absorbed.
  • Plant begonia seeds. Since the seeds are very small, for convenience it is better to mix them with a handful of sand and scatter them evenly over the surface. There is another convenient way: transfer the seeds with a damp toothpick to the surface of the ground at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. Dried seeds should be planted at intervals of 2 cm.

Note! Sowing begonias is strictly superficial, that is, there is no need to deepen or cover the seeds with soil!

  • Afterwards, moisten the soil surface again with a sprayer (watering cannot be done in any other way, otherwise the seeds may go deeper or become displaced).
  • Cover the container with a suitable lid or cling film.

By the way! Begonias can also be planted in peat tablets. Fill the tablets with warm water; when they swell, drain off the remaining water. The part of the tablet not covered with non-woven material should be on top; it should be loosened very slightly with a toothpick and 2-3 seeds should be placed there (after germination, you will need to leave one of the strongest seedlings and pinch the rest).

When and how to collect seeds

Begonia seeds are very small, 1 g contains, depending on the type, up to 40-50 thousand pieces. The fruit is a capsule covered with a parchment shell, which opens independently and releases tiny grains.

In nature, self-seeding is of great importance for begonias. Therefore, the seed pod itself is surrounded by a thin sail. As soon as it dries, the wind, a person touching the plant, or an animal running past, picks off the fruit, and it is carried away to “develop” other territories.

So you can be left without your seeds. When the box turns brown, but does not completely dry, it is torn off, transferred to a dry, warm room, and placed in a deep bowl lined with paper or another vessel with sides. There the begonia fruit will finish its ripening.

You can clean it at any convenient time and store it for no more than 3 years in a cardboard box or paper bag.

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