Why indoor plants don't bloom and how to fix it

Indoor plants can stop blooming for various reasons, but, as a rule, the set of these reasons is common to all. Accordingly, the algorithm for further actions to eliminate the problem is in most cases identical.

Have you noticed that all flowering plants are usually in a blooming state when they are put up for sale? And what about the fact that each of these plants, in most cases, appears in the store exclusively during its flowering season (hyacinth, orchid, aphelandra), and after its end is usually marked down? This is exactly the nuance that you should first know when looking for an answer to the question of why the plant has not bloomed since you brought it home. But first things first. There may be several reasons why your flower was last in buds exclusively in a flower shop.

plant flowering stimulants

This is precisely what they do to sell you a plant covered in flowers. As a rule, flowering stimulants are not widely available, so you are unlikely to be able to repeat the trick with lush flowering, and there is no need to do so. The fact is that after a period of active flowering, especially if it was stimulated with special preparations, the plant weakens. In order to return to normal, it takes a long period of time. Which, of course, will not happen if you try to stimulate the flower again. Moreover, your new indoor “pet” may even die.

In this situation, you need to let the plant “come to its senses”, if necessary, transplant it into new soil in the spring and care for it, observing the conditions it needs.

Fertilizing time

In order for fertilizing to have the desired effect, it is important to choose the right time for it. Most often, decorative flowering species form flowers in the same season once a year. In some plants, flowering can occur in 2-3 waves per year, and individual indoor flowers (for example, cacti) bloom only once every few years. The more exotic the plant, the longer the period of its adaptation to new conditions may be.

Actively developing indoor flowers growing in small containers significantly deplete the soil within a few months. For such bushes to bloom after feeding, they must be old enough and have a developed root system. Usually she should have time to fill the pot.

During the dormant period, fertilizing should not be carried out - the internal development regime of the bush can be disrupted. Typically, the rest period ends by mid-spring - the foliage begins to resume growth during this period. Then you can carry out fertilizing. It may already contain potassium and phosphorus. After 3 weeks, the bushes are fed a second time. If after this buds have already appeared on the plants, then fertilization should be suspended.

Before using flowering stimulants, it is important to evaluate the general conditions in which the flower is kept. Buds may not appear in areas that are too cold, dry or dark. The correct watering regime also plays an important role. For each plant, the set of conditions may be individual, but most plants develop best on the well-lit south or east side of the house. If you create all the necessary conditions for the bush and follow the schedule for adding nutrients, it will certainly delight you with good health and lush flowering.

Indoor plants Features of plant care

The plant is dormant

Usually this period falls during the cold season. In winter, most plants do not bloom, they do not grow leaves or shoots. At this time, gardeners traditionally reduce watering and various types of processing. Of course, among the plants there are exceptions that can bloom in winter - some types of orchids, Schlumbergera (Decembrist), amaryllis and hippeastrum, cyclamen, azalea and some others. If they don’t bloom or suddenly drop their buds, it means you are violating the conditions of care (in most cases). We will talk about this below, but for now let’s return to “relaxing” plants. The main thing you should do at this stage is not to interfere with their rest. A new stage of growth and flowering awaits them next season.

How to care for hoya during the flowering period

During the flowering period, it needs special attention. In hot weather, it is necessary to increase the number of waterings and irrigations, since hoya does not tolerate it well.

It’s better not to touch the inflorescences, otherwise they will fall. When flowering, ivy spends a lot of energy, so it needs to be fed with fertilizers.

With proper care, Hoya can live for a very long time and every year delight the household with lush and bright flowers and a delicate aroma. You should adhere to the listed rules and pay attention to the life hacks of experienced flower growers.

An experienced gardener about the blooming of hoya:

The plant does not have enough fertilizer or there is too much of it

Let's move on to what you're doing wrong. The lack of any type of care or its excess directly affects the development process of the plant and - directly or indirectly - the process of its flowering. If your flowers lack the necessary substances, this is logical. It's another matter if they are overfed. In particular, some novice gardeners literally “flood” the plant with nitrogen fertilizers necessary for growth, but at the same time forget about phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, which are needed just for flowering to begin. Everything is good in moderation - this is the main thing to remember when choosing fertilizers for indoor plants. And it is also very advisable to carefully read the instructions supplied with them.


Hoya, like other indoor plants, has pests. These include:

  • Shield. You can notice that the plant has been attacked by this pest by the brown tubercles with a red rim that have formed on the leaves. You can fight them with folk remedies: wipe the affected leaves with vinegar, and after a couple of hours wash them with soapy water. After that, rinse off the soap with running water and treat the plant with Aktara using a sprayer. This procedure needs to be done three times at intervals of a week.
  • Whitefly. It is not difficult to notice - small white insects will fly over the pot with the plant. It is necessary to treat the plant with Tanrek or Lepidocide three times with an interval of 10 days.
  • Spider mite. The plant is entangled in cobwebs, and the lower leaves are covered with a white coating. You need to remove cobwebs with cotton wool soaked in alcohol tincture. After which the plant must be washed with water. Then the vine should be wrapped in film along with the pot to maintain high humidity, which the mite does not like. If this does not help, spray the flower with Fitoverm solution 4 times over the course of a month at equal intervals.

Pests spoil the plant starting from the soil, so you must sterilize the pot and take new soil for replanting.

The plant was sprayed incorrectly

If the air in the room with indoor flowers is dry, then they need not only more frequent watering, but also spraying. However, if this spraying is carried out incorrectly, some plants may drop their buds (for example, Chinese rose or begonia). The secret is simple: during standard spraying with water, as well as foliar feeding or treating flowers against diseases and pests using a spray bottle, try not to get on the buds or completely isolate them from the liquid. When humidifying the air, you can spray water indoors, near the flower, but not on it. Also check the leaf axils: water should not stagnate there, because this provokes rotting of the plant and thereby indirectly affects its flowering.

Optimal conditions

First of all, ivy needs to create conditions favorable for its development.

Table 2. What rules to pay attention to.

Watering The soil should be moistened only after it has completely dried. Significantly reduce the number of irrigations and the volume of water in the autumn-winter season.

In summer, water more often and spray regularly. If you dry the soil well in the pot in winter, the ivy will bloom profusely in spring.

Air humidity Hoya easily tolerates dry air, but for better growth and normal flowering it must be sprayed regularly.

During the flowering period, replace spraying by wiping the leaves with a damp cloth. Water should not be allowed to get on the flower petals.

Temperature Comfortable temperature for the plant is +18-25 degrees in summer, +15 and slightly higher degrees in winter.

If you lower the temperature in winter, the hoya will shed its leaves and take a long time to recover.

LightingIn winter, when there is not enough light, the plant should be placed on the south side. She needs light for at least 10 hours at any time. In winter it is necessary to illuminate with a fluorescent lamp.

The plant has recently been repotted or pruned

It is generally accepted that after such procedures flowers need a lot of time to adapt, and therefore they will have to wait a very long time for re-blooming. But this is not an entirely true statement. Firstly, each plant has its own period of adaptation, and secondly, it is possible to stimulate the flowering of some of them by replanting (the same phalaenopsis). The main thing is not to replant plants directly during their flowering, although some experienced gardeners claim that if you use the transshipment method for this, then nothing bad will happen to the buds. This is especially true for low-maintenance flowers, such as begonias or pelargoniums (popularly known as geraniums).

If you constantly form a bush by cutting off the shoots of the plant, then you deprive it of several areas at once where flowering could begin. And here the question of choice arises: a beautiful crown or luxurious flowers.

The right pot

Hoya does well in a small pot. Its root system should completely fill the entire space. Therefore, adult plants should be replanted rarely so that the roots have time to grow throughout the entire container. The dimensions of the pot for an adult plant are 15-20 cm in diameter. A cramped pot is the best option for hoya.

The soil or pot is not suitable for the plant

Each plant requires a certain soil composition of suitable acidity. For example, among flowering plants, gardenia and camellia like acidic soil, slightly acidic soil - fuchsia, anthurium, jasmine, spathiphyllum, alkaline - adenium, neutral - aphelandra, pelargonium, rose and others. Over time, any soil, even universal soil, begins to change its properties under indoor conditions and home care of plants due to applied fertilizers or hard water. That is why each plant needs to change the soil at least once every two years, and renew it annually in the spring. Particularly careful owners periodically additionally measure the acidity of the soil in which their flowers grow.

Now about the potty. When replanting, it is recommended to choose a pot whose diameter is only 2-6 cm larger than the previous one (depending on how much time has passed since the last transplant and how the plant has grown during this period). The main condition is that after transplanting the plant into a new pot, its roots should fit there freely, maintaining some distance from the walls of the container. But this distance should not be too large - otherwise the roots of the flower may begin to grow, and it will spend the bulk of the reserves on their development, and not on flowering.

Make sure that there are drainage holes at the bottom of the pot - otherwise the liquid will stagnate in the soil and the plant will begin to rot. The latter is unlikely to promote flowering.

Reasons for lack of flowering

Epiphytes bloom beautifully 2-3 times a year. Moreover, each period of their flowering can last up to four months. The absence of flowers is a signal that the plant has problems. The reasons may be different. Let's list the most common ones.

Too young plant

Orchids bloom for the first time between the ages of one and a half to three years. Those who grow a flower from a child need to know this. The absence of flower stalks at this age is the absolute norm. We must be patient and wait. True, there are plants that produce flowering arrows even in the unseparated baby phase or immediately after transplantation. Such flower stalks must be removed; their further development will destroy the young flower.

Watering errors

Proper watering is necessary for the normal development of epiphytes. Overmoistening and overdrying of the roots are dangerous for them. The best option is to water on demand rather than on a schedule. If the surface of the roots has acquired a gray-silver tint and the substrate is completely dry, it’s time to water. This is best done using the immersion method: the pot is placed in a bowl of water for an hour and a half, immersing a third of it in the liquid.

3. Pests and diseases

If the phalaenopsis is struggling to survive, it will not bloom. The initial signs of diseases, with the exception of those caused by viruses, are clearly visible. Making a diagnosis is not difficult. The appearance of pests is also difficult to miss. Therefore, you should not neglect regular examination; when the first alarming symptoms appear, it is necessary to begin treatment. It is even better to carry out preventive maintenance periodically.

Instagram tattis_garden

Instagram my_orchid_diary

  • House plants

    Pests of indoor plants: names, photos and how to deal with them

Incorrect substrate composition

Errors in soil selection lead to waterlogging of the root system, its decay and death. The composition of the “correct” substrate includes bark, sand, coconut fiber and peat. Any flower soil mixture and soils with sphagnum are absolutely not suitable for epiphytes. Only a special mixture is used.

Cold and excess humidity

Phalaenopsis grows year-round; they do not require a decrease in temperature during the dormant period. The optimal temperature for them is 20-30°C. Differences between night and day temperatures of 5-7°C are desirable. Humidity is best maintained at 70-80%. A value of 40% is considered critical for an orchid.

Lack of lighting

A flower does not need a lot of light to develop and grow, but flower buds awaken only with sufficient lighting. Phalaenopsis needs 10 hours of daylight. Therefore, in winter, especially after the appearance of the peduncle, the plant must be illuminated with a phytolamp. The light source is placed above the pot, but so that the leaves are not heated. In summer, epiphytes are shaded so that direct sunlight does not cause burns. The roots also need light, so it is advisable to select transparent pots for planting.

The plant does not like the indoor air

Too high humidity or, conversely, dry air, as well as constant drafts interfere with the normal development of the plant, and therefore its flowering. You can control air humidity by spraying, but if the plant suffers from air currents, then it needs to be moved to another place suitable for full development, but at the same time devoid of drafts.

By the way, a houseplant can shed unopened flowers for other reasons. For example, it did not calculate its strength and tied too many buds, which simply did not have enough available moisture. In this case, it simply gets rid of the “extra” colors, which means there is no need to worry. The main thing is to understand that you, as its owner, did everything you could.

When and with what frequency does hoya bloom?

In good conditions, hoya should produce buds every year and bloom from May to October. With age, flowering becomes more abundant and longer. The flowers emit a pleasant, very strong aroma, which becomes even richer at night.

Each bud blooms for several weeks and then dries up, only to be replaced by the next one. There is no need to pick off faded flower stalks; flowers will bloom on them again next year.

By autumn, hoya slows down the intensity of flowering and goes into a dormant state. But with good care, it can bloom again in the fall. You can achieve constant flowering if you create summer conditions in the house, but this will lead to depletion.

The liana will not have time to gain strength from flowering to flowering. Each subsequent swelling of the buds will be less intense, the plant will be more susceptible to disease and its condition will deteriorate greatly.


The condition of the plant largely depends on how often you water it. There is no single formula for the frequency of watering, since each type of plant needs a different amount of moisture for normal functioning. When caring for plants, you need to follow the rules for each of them. Otherwise, the flower can simply be ruined.

For example, azalea needs abundant watering. She always needs moisture to live. Lemon, ivy, and begonia also require regular watering. But a little less compared to azalea. Epiphyllum and philodendron are watered rarely. And plants such as cacti feel great without any moisture for several weeks.

Aftercare and re-blooming

After such abundant flowering, the violet bush needs rest to grow new foliage . After all, a peduncle can appear from the leaf axil only once.

Therefore, they begin to prepare the bush for repeated abundant flowering only after six months, so as not to completely deplete the Saintpaulia bush. During rest, fertilizing with a predominant proportion of nitrogen particles is used to increase green mass.

Fertilizing with nitrogen must be used carefully so that the growth of the violet does not become too fast and does not turn the rosette into a huge bush to the detriment of the formation of flower shoots.

Read more about how to water violets to bloom in this article.

Money tree according to Feng Shui philosophy

According to Feng Shui, wealth is attracted to plants that have fleshy, rounded leaves.

Feng Shui considers the money tree in two versions: Crassula, or Crassula, the most common plant, and Zamioculcas, the dollar tree. Crassula has round leaves that look like coins, and zamioculcas has oblong green leaves. This flower is believed to attract dollar bills.

The main condition for money feng shui to work is the correct location of the tree. It must be placed in the wealth zone, which is located on the southeast side. It is also necessary to surround him with care, love and good care, and then the results will not keep you waiting.

Money tree according to Feng Shui - Crassula

In matters of how to grow a money tree, Feng Shui has certain rules. And the first of them is that it is best to plant the fat plant yourself. There is also a belief that it is the stolen shoot of this money flower that gives the most tangible results in attracting material wealth. Therefore, discreetly pinch off a leaf or root from a neighbor, friend, friends or relatives. Or maybe you have such a plant at work, just look around.

Before planting, dry the roots a little, put drainage at the bottom of the pot, and bury a couple of coins in the soil mixture, as in the fairy tale about Pinocchio. When the flower grows and gets stronger, you can decorate the trunk by tying it with a red ribbon - this ritual works flawlessly, and income streams will not be long in coming.

On New Year's Eve, decorate the tree with coins on colorful ribbons. You can use chocolate candies. Don’t forget to water your “finance expert”, talk and be friends with him, ventilate the room well, and this miracle talisman will immediately begin to bear fruit in the form of income to your bank account.

Many people have already become convinced that the flower is sensitive to the financial situation of the family. If your income grows, then the tree grows, the leaves increase, if your income decreases, the tree withers and needs to be urgently revived. There is also a belief that when the owner makes a large purchase, the tree simply sheds its leaves. It is important not to forget about the tree that brings prosperity to your home, and not to leave it unattended.

Zamiocalcus - Feng Shui dollar tree

The dollar tree has become increasingly popular in recent years. Its name means to attract, to help in earning dollars. It is best if this flower is given to you for your birthday, New Year, wedding anniversary, housewarming or other holiday associated with the beginning of something.

The dollar tree is a symbol of prosperity. Caring for it is not difficult; you must adhere to the same principles that are important in caring for the fat woman.

Feng Shui Artificial Money Tree

The teaching of Feng Shui for money also uses artificial analogues of money trees to attract wealth. There are a huge variety of them on store shelves now, but it’s best to make a money tree with your own hands. Turn on your imagination, imagination and this tree will definitely attract monetary energy to you.

You can decorate a tree you made yourself with coins. It is best if the coins are real and from different countries - this way you will also attract travel and foreign business trips.

Make holes in the coins and hang as many of them as possible on the tree, but so that they look harmonious. You can place a small dragon figurine on the branches of a tree. This will enhance the symbolism and fill the tree with additional energy. For Lunar New Year, hang red lanterns on tree branches. They will foretell prosperity and well-being for you in the coming year. Feng Shui also suggests placing an artificial money tree in the wealth zone.

Believe in miracles and they will definitely come to you!

You may also find the following materials useful:

  • How to grow fuchsia in the garden
  • Hydrogen peroxide for indoor flowers: dosage and use
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  • Is it possible to keep a money tree at home, why do some people think it’s not worth it?


All indoor plants can be divided into those that love shade and those that love more light. Flowers such as lungwort, phlox or violet should be placed in more shaded areas. It is better to leave the windowsill for more light-loving plants. The same goes for ivy.

In a bright place you need to place hibiscus, agave and hyacinth. Only in this case will they grow and develop well.

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