Your plant is a flower according to the zodiac: Virgo

Women born under the Virgo zodiac sign (August 24 – September 23) are naturally wise, calm, balanced, responsible, and kind. These people are creative, with a rich inner world, so they often withdraw into themselves. They need constant energy supply, and this is what plants can give them.

What flowers suit Virgo?

Representatives of this sign adore flowers and literally cannot live without them. But for each species they have their own season. In spring, they rejoice at hyacinths and tulips, because, like Virgos, these bulbous plants belong to the earthly element. In the summer they admire field bells and daisies, considering them perfection, and in the fall - chrysanthemums, connecting them with space. But there are also flowers that Virgos favor out of season:

  • The white lily is the talisman of the sign, like other bulbous plants. It has a special charm. This is a symbol of prosperity, luxury and prosperity, which suits Virgo perfectly, because material things are extremely important to her.
  • The carnation is also a talisman, but much stronger than the lily. She does not allow a woman to commit rash acts or make spontaneous wrong decisions. Carnation symbolizes the comfort of home, abundance of love and passion, and saves from unreliable people with malicious intent.
  • The poppy is a symbol of fertility, recognition of the beauty of the one to whom it is presented. Usually it is given to a woman who has been offended, with words of apology.
  • the rose will reveal to Virgo the tender feelings of the giver, his love.
  • aster is the personification of purity, so it is perfect for the modest representative of this sign.

But let’s return to seasonal flowers and try to uncover the “secret” of why Virgos love them so much. It's all about practicality: such women enjoy simple things because they are in harmony with nature.

Zodiac sign Virgo

Virgos are distinguished by a real perception of the world, logic and clarity of mind. They are very careful in everything that concerns not only the material world, but also relationships. These are insightful people who see through their partner’s shortcomings and treat them calmly.

Virgos strive for perfection, but understand that it is impossible to achieve it. They are practical, truthful, bright individualists with a huge spiritual world. Their only drawback is that they do not see their own shortcomings.


Charming representatives of the Virgo sign suffer from shyness. At the same time, they have an iron will when defending their interests. Pretense and hypocrisy are not their element. They will look for their prince until they find him or they just get tired of doing it. Virgos are among the zodiac signs that incomprehensibly combine romance and practicality.


Men under the sign of Virgo are accused of lacking romance. They are sincerely surprised by this. After all, only he can choose gifts for his beloved with such diligence and remember all the significant dates that are written in his organizer.

This is an ideal partner for those who strive for stability in a relationship. He has a heightened sense of duty towards his loved ones. Virgo will never abandon the weak and helpless, but with full confidence in his rightness he will part with a woman who will arrange dramatic scenes for him.

How to choose a bouquet?

Flower arrangements are selected for Virgos of any age and for various occasions according to the rules of floristry. Picky Virgos will not like expensive, complex, exclusive large bouquets; they will consider them vulgar. No decor is needed either. But a stylish and simple, but elegant, pleasant-smelling floral gift will appeal to them. For example, it could be a mix of flowers in a hat box or a basket filled with plants and fruits. They will also be pleased with a neat bouquet of wildflowers, albeit very modest, but stylish.

Virgos like shades in soft pastel colors that are pleasing to the eye. It can be cream, avalange (milky), white, light pink, blue. It is important to remember: the flowers must be fresh and free from even the slightest flaws. You need to carefully examine the stems - if they taper towards the bud, this indicates that the plant was cut a long time ago. Their tips should be dense and durable. The buds of fresh flowers are dense, and their petals are glossy and clean. The leaves are uniformly colored, not curled. So, it’s worth repeating some truths and remembering a few tips:

  • girls are given a bouquet of wildflowers, often accompanied by a soft toy;
  • a colleague is presented with a modest floral arrangement wrapped in craft paper or sisal;
  • a mixed bouquet of her favorite flowers is made as a gift to her beloved;
  • As an apology, the woman is presented with a flower mix, which must include poppies.

Virgos do not tolerate sloppy compositions, flashy accessories, stale flowers, or sloppy packaging. This will offend them and push them away from the donor.

To make the task easier, of course, it is most advisable to ask what flowers the person for whom they are intended prefers. It is not recommended to do this directly; it is better to ask friends and mutual acquaintances. If it is difficult to make a bouquet, then the right solution would be to turn to florists: they know exactly which flowers suit the energy of a Virgo woman and how to make her delighted.

Where there is a lot of love, flowers are never enough

Quotes and aphorisms about flowers and love


My soul is a basket of flowers that is filled with the scent of your love. Feng Jicai


Where there is a lot of love, flowers are always few. Leonid Sukhorukov


Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect. Anton Ligov


Love is like a flower - it takes time to bloom.


Without love, people wither like cut flowers, no matter what crystal vase they are in.


One modest flower and many feelings are better.


Love is not a flower; you cannot transplant it from one pot to another. And you can’t uproot it and then throw it away and plant another one in its place. For some reason it doesn’t take root. Although everything passes.


Chamomile is a flower that fights for its love until the last petal. Boris Yuzefovich Krutier


Love is just like the scent of a flower. She doesn't create relationships; it does not require you to be this or that, to behave in a certain way, to act in a certain way. She doesn't demand anything. She just shares. Osho


There are some flowers of love that bloom only after a long period of intimacy. There are also annual flowers; For six weeks they bloom in the sun, but after six weeks they are gone forever. There are flowers that take years to bloom, and there are flowers that take many years. The more time it takes, the deeper the love. But it must be the devotion of one heart to another heart. Osho


Love is a very fragile flower. It needs to be protected, it needs to be strengthened, it needs to be watered; only then does he become strong. Osho


Love is the most personal thing in a person. She is like a flower that can only be given to one person at a time. Richard Aldington

Quotes about flowers and women. Give women flowers!


Give women flowers. Not only on holidays, - As usual, But in the midst of worries and bustle, for Brides, wives, Young fashionistas.


When a woman is given flowers, her joy knows no bounds. The secrets of happiness are extremely simple, Flowers brighten your soul!


You took your purple color from the tulip, The Lily gave you the essence of youth. There was a rose, she looked like you - Having passed on her life to you, she timidly left. Omar Khayyam


You managed to get me to bring flowers. You are an amazing woman.


Women are like flowers, if you don’t want them to wither, don’t rush to pick them.


The ideal woman resembles a mysterious flower.


Every woman loves being given flowers until she finds out that others are given diamonds.


A woman is a flower. And the man is a gardener. A gardener cares for and grows a flower. The flower, in turn, thanks him, giving him its tenderness and beauty. The most careful gardener has the most beautiful flower.


A woman withers without love, like a flower without the sun.


A woman shouldn't work. A woman is a flower. You wouldn't sweep the floor with a flower, would you? Mirzakarim Norbekov


Give women flowers! And even if there is no reason, Give women flowers, Like real men. Anatoly Burov

Quotes about flowers and girls


There are no girls who don't like flowers, there are men who think so. Johnny Depp


Girls remember roses that were not given for a long time.


Loving a girl and not telling her about it is like smelling flowers through a gas mask.


The girl is as beautiful as a flower. And each flower should be a little loose. Eva Longoria


Flowers and girls do not always tolerate transplantation to new soil well. Sometimes richer soil and a more favorable atmosphere are required in order for at least natural growth to continue.


I don’t believe girls who say they are indifferent to flowers. They just didn't receive them from the men they loved.


Flowers in the city are like a girl’s lipstick: with a little color you look more interesting. Lady Bird Johnson

Quotes about flowers from a loved one


A man will never say “I was wrong”, he will simply send flowers.


When a man sends flowers, it is a clear sign that he has already been admired by others. Somerset Maugham


We need someone who will understand, And love, and cherish feelings. We need a home where people will wait... And a bouquet of daisies... from the heart. Violetta Anatolyevna


If for every thought of you I received a flower, I could walk around my garden forever.


In love, a man should give a woman not only flowers, but also the feeling that everything is just beginning for them. Elchin Safarli


Why do you need flowers without your beloved man? Isn't it better the other way around? Madonna


Dear, beloved men, hurry to give us flowers for no reason! Or rather, you will always find the reason if you come to your dear one with a bouquet...” Natalya Rozbitskaya

Plants for the home

Indoor flowers are also a priority for the representative of this earth sign. She will be incredibly happy about such a gift.

According to astrologers, such women need to have a plant in a pot at home, either fruiting or climbing. They create a strong energy field around themselves, and its vibrations have a beneficial effect on Virgo, improving her physical and mental state. Great options for green “pets” are:

  • monstera. Virgo’s favorite flower, balancing her, bringing goodness into her home. It helps the scrupulous housewife to accustom her household to order and cleanliness. At the same time, Monstera softens a woman’s stubbornness, expands her horizons of perception of the world, and reveals hidden internal reserves;
  • Japanese akuba. Its mission is to create an aura of calm in the home, reconciliation and unification of like-minded people. In addition, akuba does not allow those in the home to show aggression or get carried away by excessive narcissism. She directs the somewhat petty Virgo in the right direction, not allowing her to quibble over trifles. This plant can also contribute to the development of some kind of creativity;
  • Syngonium has strong energy, which gives the owner freedom of thought and consciousness, and accelerates perception. It fills a woman with vitality and a positive attitude. Syngonium pushes for change, forces you to boldly move forward, getting rid of negative memories from your past life;
  • Dracaena is a talisman for traders, apprentices, students and those whose work involves close communication with people. And for sad, gloomy, pessimistic Virgos, she will give an impetus to get out of this unpleasant state;
  • Devil's ivy (scindapsus) will help you to fully develop in any profession and achieve great success in it. It will save a conservative woman from excessive rationality and pickiness.

There are several more interesting explanations for why Virgo is also suitable for other climbing and weaving plants besides ivy, for example, liana or cucumber. Firstly, it is ruled by Mercury, which belongs to the air element, while the sign itself is earthly. Secondly, representatives of this sign are also flexible and cling in life to any support that will help them rise to heights. All plants of this sign are useful for them in their own way, so they will be a wonderful and pleasant gift.

Flower talismans

Which flower suits Libra according to the horoscope? flowers according to the zodiac signs Libra

In most cases, talismans are minerals, sometimes wood. Few people know that flowers can also be amulets. This talisman grows in an apartment or on a personal plot. The more a person cares about it, the more the flower gives to the person. According to the horoscope, the Virgo flower, if she chose it herself, will meet all the requirements. But when they try to give her a living talisman, it would be better to first consult on this issue. The requirements for flowers from the sign of the earth element are distinguished by such properties as:

  1. The beauty and unpretentiousness of the plant.
  2. The flower must be iconic, that is, suitable for this zodiac sign.
  3. The benefits of a plant talisman.
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