The meaning of the orchid flower, what does the orchid symbolize?

Wild orchid is found in various parts of the planet. The only continent where you cannot meet such a beauty is Antarctica. It doesn’t matter at all in which country the orchid is found; in the language of flowers, it personifies warm and tender feelings. Just recently, every gardener dreamed of adding this tropical beauty to his collection, and today she can be found not only on the windowsill in homes and offices, but also in bouquets.

Orchid flower meaning

In different countries, an orchid can mean completely different things.

Vietnam. Symbol of love, renewal, warmth. Flowering, according to the lunar calendar, occurs on the New Year.

Countries of Europe. Symbolizes elegance, perfection, innocence.

Latin American countries. Actively used for making amulets. The flower carries not only a symbolic meaning, but is also a national symbol.

Greece. Here the orchid is equated to a sacred flower. The plant is not just part of the culture, it has a significant place.


In a bouquet for a woman

When choosing a bouquet for a woman, you should be guided not only by your taste, but also understand that each flower carries its own message .

Since orchids are the embodiment of sensuality, awe, tenderness and passion, you should not give them to women you don’t know, and even less so just to colleagues.

An elegant bouquet will be a wonderful gift for your beloved woman . With the help of bright and rich colors you can express your fiery feelings for the lady.

These exquisite flowers will be an excellent choice for the bride’s bouquet, which the groom presents to his chosen one before registration.

An orchid as a gift to a woman is a very nice gesture on the part of a man. It is customary to give orchids in special floral tubes . Such flowers can please the eye for a long time without requiring any special care.

There are hundreds of reasons why you can give orchids as a gift, for example :

  • Birthday;
  • March 8;
  • Anniversary;
  • Engagement;
  • Birth of a child.

    A bouquet of orchids is best given to a close and dear woman.

Advice! You don’t have to look for a reason to please a woman; you can please her with these wonderful flowers at any time.

But before you give a woman a bouquet of orchids, you need to find out what color means what.

In a pot

If a person is given an orchid in a pot, it means that he is considered close .

You can beautifully decorate an orchid in a pot and give it to your loved one.

Such flowers have the same properties as cut flowers and do not differ from them in terms of meaning.

Symbolism of colors

Considering the meaning of an orchid flower, it is worth noting that each shade can symbolize something different.

Blue, blue - uniqueness and originality, since this flower is very rare (given to parents, chosen ones).

Red – passion, fire (given to loved ones).

Motley - passion (unspoken meaning - a man offers a serious relationship).

Green – happiness, good luck.

Orange – courage, enthusiasm (suitable for any event).

Yellow – positive (suitable for colleagues, friends).

Orchids in interior and design

It’s rare that a flower will fit into any interior. Either the texture of the petal will not fit, or the leaves will not fit into the strict style of the high-tech interior, or the lighting requirements will be unnecessary. In this regard, the orchid is perhaps the only flower that magically bypasses all the “sharp corners” of the requirements for interior compatibility.

This flower (especially some of its species) is capable of growing in conditions of very poor lighting, this is especially true for people from the tropical jungles of Southeast Asia, where an eternal green twilight reigns under the forest canopy. These varieties of orchids will feel great both in the back of a room with windows facing north, and in an eternally dark bathroom, where natural light does not penetrate at all, and the lighting is turned on 3-5% of the time during the day. Here, of course, you can’t do without additional lighting at all, but how great does a ceramic pot look against the background of the same ceramic tiles on the walls! Especially if the color scheme is well chosen.

In living rooms and living rooms, a vessel with any type of orchids will fit perfectly into the cells of unglazed shelves and walls. It would be appropriate on a hanging shelf next to books, small intimate figurines or fancy-shaped flowerpots.

Esoterics and plant energy

Many novice gardeners wonder whether orchids have healing properties and, if so, which ones. Since ancient times, phalaenopsis has been considered to have the healing energy of nature itself.

Flowers grown at home can:

  1. Bring harmony if a person has upset energy.
  2. Bring complete order to your head and thoughts.
  3. Owners of such a culture receive new vitality.

Is it possible to keep an orchid at home?

The flower is non-standard, but the orchid can be a house plant. You just need to place it correctly according to Feng Shui:

  • Placed in the southeast, it will draw the attention of Fortune to you and give you financial well-being;
  • In the southwest - it will strengthen the family and give health to children;
  • In the east - will increase the overall tone of the body and psyche;
  • In the north - will give success in business;
  • In the north-west - allow you to restore damaged relationships with relatives, stop quarrels in the house.
  • But all this has to do with orchids that are healthy and strong, and not stunted and sickly. Take care of it by feeding, watering and replanting in a timely manner.

An orchid is a capricious flower; it is afraid of direct sunlight, drought and overwatering. Needs to maintain constant high humidity in the room.

Orchid energy

Sometimes it is called an insidious flower, a real energy vampire, sucking all the strength from the inhabitants of the apartment where the orchid lives. In the old days, people were simply scared that this flower could grow without soil. And several decades ago it was discovered that pollen in some varieties of orchids causes drowsiness and acts as a sedative.

Esotericists believe that an orchid can bring harmony if your energy is upset, restore order in your thoughts, increase your tone and give the will to win. If the orchid in your home begins to wither or hurt, try to promptly detect the emerging conflict in the family and neutralize it now.

The orchid is an exquisite and luxurious flower. But there is no need to be afraid of this, because any life requires beauty.

The orchid flower is endowed with many legends and mysterious meanings, which fuels interest in the flower and encourages people to talk, convey their feelings and emotions through bouquets of orchids.

With proper care and handling of the flower, it will bring exclusively positive energy to the home and soul of the person for whom the flower is purchased. The orchid is found throughout the world and has gained popularity among flowers.

What does an orchid symbolize in the language of flowers?

Depending on the specialist, an orchid for the home has different meanings. However, one thing is worth knowing for sure - the plant allows you to get rid of negativity and attracts positive energy. Thus, if a person with a bad plan enters the house, he will quickly be driven out by the plant. Phalaenopsis provokes bad health among enemies using pollen.

The orchid symbolizes balance, sophistication, charm, youth, love, passion. With its help you can express admiration and respect.

Orchid color meaning

According to esoteric florists, the color of orchid petals can have both positive and negative effects on the owner of the flower.


They symbolize purity and sincerity. But only suitable for women. Single men, no matter how aesthete they may be, should not keep white orchids at home.

Soft pink

Ideal flowers for a married couple. This color of orchid petals will guarantee marital peace and harmony.


They will open the way to wealth and income into the house.

Spotted (speckled)

It has been noticed that such orchids are drawn to people who are close to government power and act as a guarantor-amulet of maintaining their position.

Red, crimson, fuchsia

They help to endure trials and blows of fate. Will serve as a guarantee of easy childbirth and baby health for pregnant women.


Despite all the positive energy for career growth, in a family such orchids can cause discord in relationships. And the higher the intensity of the scandals, the more magnificent the flowers.

Burgundy with brown tint

Helps preserve memory. A good comforting gift for those who have lost their loved ones.

Olive color petals

It will ensure fertility (in every sense, from a good harvest to childbirth), and will bring prosperity and good luck in business.


A companion of cooled passion that has abandoned love. Poets of the East often compared the petals of a purple orchid with a broken heart. However, purple orchids are considered the best gift for the boss - unless there are selfish motives in the soul of the giver.


It stands apart and is considered a powerful barrier against stress and negativity. But the effect of black color is peculiar: the petals themselves attract black energy that has penetrated into the house. In this regard, it is worth listening to the Taoist teachings of Feng Shui, which not only regulates the placement of such a flower in the home, but also indicates the correct place where it will be safe.

Why is the orchid considered an insidious plant?

The flower, symbolizing passion, love and tenderness, has a centuries-old history. But there are so many bad rumors around it that the desire to buy phalaenopsis disappears altogether. However, not a single speculation has any real evidence.

Thus, the flower is often called an energy vampire, which drains all the energy from the inhabitants of the house. Flower growers have found that pollen has a soothing effect.

Some varieties can grow without soil, attaching their roots to a tree trunk or rocks. For a long time, people believed that in this way orchids could parasitize people and animals.

Is the orchid a female flower?

The increased emotional excitability of women is relieved by the presence of certain types of orchids in the house. Only recently it became clear why this happens - and it’s not so much the calming aesthetics of the flower, but the composition of its pollen, which has a slight sedative effect. And another belief is associated with this same property - that it is a flower that separates married couples. It’s simple: the calming effect of pollen also calms the ardor of love. The woman becomes “cold”.

So it’s enough just not to keep certain types of orchids in the marital bedroom. Interestingly, pollen has no effect on men! Even as an allergen.

And you shouldn’t keep orchids in the children’s room if the spouses have boys - however, if they want to preserve the masculinity in them, and not grow pampered “orchids”.

The relationship of Taoist practice to orchids

Feng Shui teachings have a positive attitude towards this plant variety. If you take into account the recommendations of the Taoists, then phalaenopsis can be grown at home, but provided that certain conditions are met. If you provide proper care, the flower will become not only a decoration, but also a kind of amulet.

A sick orchid is not able to bring happiness and peace to the house. A healthy orchid is a symbol of youth and good mood.

History of the origin of the orchid

This elegant flower has ancestors - a very ancient, 130 million years old, orchid family. That is, as a species, the orchid began its formation in the Cretaceous era. The existence of the first flowers of this species is directly related to the “greenhouse” conditions of that time. That is, with a hot climate with constant humidity. This is why many orchids of the tropical zone (in which most plants of this species are now concentrated) are still epiphytic. That is, living in symbiosis with other plants that are higher in relation to them. But they are not parasites. Basically, they “perceive” their neighbors as a frame, supporting form.

Florist advice on combining orchids with other flowers in bouquets

Orchids are self-sufficient flowers and do not need much supplementation. However, in combination with other plants they can look good in a bouquet:

“It’s better for the orchid to be the soloist in the bouquet. The rest of the flowers should just “sing along” with her. The classic combination is with chrysanthemums. The green chrysanthemums Owl Green very well highlight and emphasize the nobility of the orchid flower. But it is better to combine with roses carefully, especially if you lack experience. In a bouquet, these plants conflict, and often such compositions end up looking tacky and tasteless.”

I. Volkova, florist

The combination of roses and orchids should be chosen so that the flowers do not “crowd”, but complement and shade each other.

Which countries are orchids a symbol and what is this connected with?

  • After winning the artificial flower competition, "Vanda Miss Joaquim" became the state symbol of Singapore;
  • Skinner's Cattleya is the national symbol of the Republic of Costa Rica and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela;
  • Skinner's Lycasta - "White Nun" - is the generally recognized flower of the Republic of Guatemala;
  • The Panamanian national symbol is the “Holy Spirit Orchid,” which resembles a dove in appearance. Officially it is called Peristeria high and is a very rare species.

Wanda Miss Joachim.

Cattleya Skinner.

Lycast Skinner.

Peristeria is high.

What do orchids mean:

As a gift?

  • Giving an orchid to a woman means admiring her beauty and attractiveness;
  • For a young girl, a gift of a flower is a symbol of purity and integrity. He also indicates her readiness for married life;
  • received by the housewife indicates harmony in the house. The flower symbolizes comfort and well-being, which are created through the efforts of a woman;
  • An orchid is rarely chosen as a gift for a man , since the plant is considered female. Such a gift may offend a representative of the stronger half of humanity.

Important! An orchid given to a married couple or future newlyweds becomes a symbol of strong feelings and long-term relationships.

In the bride's bouquet

If an orchid is in a wedding bouquet, then it becomes a symbol of a serious and thoughtful decision . With the help of a flower, a girl can emphasize her readiness for marriage.

A beautiful bouquet of white phalaenopsis.

Orchid tattoo: the meaning of the design

Such a drawing is interpreted in different ways. In China, it symbolizes human perfection. In the East, such a tattoo is a symbol of wealth and luxury, and in Vietnam - spring and youth.

For a woman, this plant is a talisman that protects its owner. An orchid on a girl’s body means her innocence, tenderness and sexuality.

If we consider the meaning of a tattoo in relationships between partners, then it is a symbol of harmonious and tender feelings, as well as intimacy. An orchid is a tattoo that, regardless of the design and location of application, has an erotic hint.

Europeans believe that such a pattern is a symbol of friendliness and the exhaustion of conflicts. It is also believed that the orchid carries with it creative energy.

Symbolism of the orchid in different cultures

The orchid family is very diverse and covers a large distribution area. Orchids of various types are found in the wild in both tropical zones and temperate latitudes. It is not surprising that the beauty and unusual appearance of flowers are reflected in the symbolism of different countries:

  • Ancient Greece. The very name “orchid” came into our language from Greek. The Greeks used the word “orchis” to describe the male gonads. Modern flower growers will find such a parallel strange. However, in ancient Europe, people were not familiar with epiphytic orchids that had taken root in indoor culture. They knew only terrestrial species - in particular, from the genus Orchis. And orchises form underground tubers of a characteristic shape.

The shape of the tubers of terrestrial European orchids gives the entire orchid family its modern name. In Ancient Greece, these plants were a symbol of male sexual energy. Decoctions of orchis tubers were even used to increase potency, and garlands of orchids were given as gifts to the fertility goddess Demeter.

  • Amazon countries. In this region, on the contrary, epiphytic species of orchids are common. Local peoples called them “daughters of the air” and attributed divine origin to them.
  • India. Since ancient times, orchids here have been considered a symbol of healers and snake charmers. In the sacred Hindu Vedas you can find advice on curing various ailments with the help of flowers and pseudobulbs of orchids. Pseudobulb necklaces were worn to protect against snake bites.
  • China. In Chinese culture, the orchid, along with bamboo, plum and chrysanthemum, was considered one of the “four noble plants”. Here it symbolized the awakening of yang energy, early spring, modesty and conciseness.
  • Japan. Since ancient times, in the Land of the Rising Sun, a rare orchid of the species Pecteilis radiata, which is found only in the Far East, has been revered. Here it was called “white heron” for the unique shape of its petals and was considered one of the sacred flowers of Buddha.

In many cultures, orchids were credited with the ability to scare away evil spirits and attract good luck. In medieval Europe, tubers of terrestrial orchids were carried in pockets as amulets, hidden under the threshold of the house, and taken with them on searches for treasures and treasures.

Important! Despite cultural differences, peoples all over the world considered orchids to be symbols of light, divine and earthly power, protection from disease and adversity.

The amazing ability of orchids to decorate dead tree trunks with flowers, to “resurrect” them, was considered in mythologies as a sign of divine protection.

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