Succinic acid for growing capricious orchids: how to use correctly

Proper care of indoor plants helps to avoid a lot of hassle. But if mistakes were made during the courtship process, succinic acid can help quickly revive any plant. It is especially often used in caring for orchids.

Orchids are beautiful flowers, but they are quite finicky to grow and care for. With proper planting and watering, they can bloom for 10-12 months.

But it is often quite difficult to create comfortable conditions for flower growth , and many people only admire the foliage of the plant. However, today there are many drugs to stimulate and strengthen the growth of any plant. One of them is succinic acid.

Properties of succinic acid

Succinic acid is a colorless and odorless powder that is highly soluble in aqueous or alcoholic media. Its beneficial properties are used both in the field of medicine and in the field of floriculture, horticulture and gardening.

Useful properties include:

  • normalization of the natural microflora of the soil: promotes better absorption of nutrients and fertilizers, increases productivity, seed germination and plant growth, has a beneficial effect on indoor flowers;
  • increasing the stress resistance of plants to unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • promotes rapid recovery of sick and damaged plants;
  • prevents the accumulation of harmful substances in plants;
  • improves the taste of fruits.

For your information! Succinic acid is not a fertilizer, but an auxiliary material for better absorption of nutrients and an obstacle to the accumulation of toxic substances.

An aqueous solution of the drug is used in flower care. For orchids, this is an ideal watering agent. An orchid is a beautiful flower, but very finicky to care for and takes a long time to adapt to changes in microclimate and changing pots. Therefore, the properties of the acid help the flower to remain strong, healthy and irresistible in the best possible way.

In what cases should it be used?

  1. If the plant is damaged after a disease or as a result of improper care, is overmoistened or overdried, this is a reason to use succinic acid.
  2. If the stems and leaves are drooping and limp, and flowering is delayed, then the use of “amber” is simply necessary.
  3. The drug can also be applied to the soil to help microorganisms concentrated in the soil quickly destroy toxic organic substances.
  4. If the plant is healthy, additional treatment with succinic acid will increase the flower’s resistance to negative environmental influences, accelerate growth, and strengthen the roots and aerial parts.

What is it used for?

The benefits of amber for plants are undeniable. It is affordable and easy to use and is suitable not only for orchids, but for almost all plants.

In flower care, the drug is used in cases where:

  • rapid regeneration of leaves is necessary in case of frostbite or overheating;
  • it is necessary to speed up the adaptation period after transplantation so that the plant does not die;
  • the orchid experiences moisture deficiency, is exposed to sunburn or low temperatures;
  • increased photosynthesis and saturation of leaves with chlorophyll is required;
  • weak root system and cuttings need growth stimulation;
  • the substrate needs healing;
  • I would like to increase the duration of orchid flowering.

How does it work on orchids?

Succinic acid is an environmentally friendly drug, as it is produced from natural raw materials, which is another advantage. The influence of amber on an orchid significantly improves its condition and stimulates its development. An orchid is a very capricious plant and can hardly tolerate replanting, especially at the time of flowering. Succinic acid helps it quickly cope with new growing conditions and adapt to the microclimate.

The use of the so-called medicine in caring for orchids contributes to the growth of green mass. New roots begin to form, the leaves of the plant become strong and elastic, and more and more beautiful buds appear.

For your information! It is necessary to take into account that the use of succinic acid is cumulative. It takes time to see the positive effects of its use. But you shouldn’t get carried away with it. It has the property of acidifying the soil.

Correct dosage

The solution for orchids must be prepared immediately before use, since the active substance disintegrates very quickly and loses its properties. To achieve a pronounced effect, it is necessary to follow the correct dosage. For an orchid, one gram of the substance should be diluted in one liter of water.

To do this, pour a little warm water into the container, add the drug and then add the rest of the liquid. There is no need to be afraid of high concentrations of succinic acid, since its toxicity is zero.

How often to feed?

Despite the fact that succinic acid is a harmless drug, its intensive use is often not recommended. Being a stimulant, it will bring a positive effect with infrequent use - once every one to two weeks. During the feeding period, it is important to monitor the condition and reaction of the plant.

How to dilute succinic acid for orchids?

When preparing a solution of succinic acid, both powder and tablet forms are used.

Tablet solution

To prepare a solution from tablets you need:

  1. Take the required amount of the drug and crush it into powder.
  2. Add a little hot water and mix well until the tablet is completely dissolved.

3. Dilute the resulting mixture with water at room temperature. For preventive watering - 1 tablet per 500 ml of water, for urgent help to the plant - 1 tablet per 250 ml of water.

Powder solution

The solution is prepared in the same way as from tablets. The calculation should be carried out as 1 g. powder (about the tip of a kitchen knife) per 5 liters of water.

Both solutions must be used warm.

Attention! If the drug solution gets on the skin, it must be washed with soda, then rinsed under running clean water.

Cooking recommendations

When preparing a useful solution, you must follow certain rules:

  • pay attention to the shelf life of the drug: in dry form, succinic acid can be stored in a dark, non-humid place at a temperature of 25ºC for up to three years; prepared solutions can be stored for up to 2-3 days. But it is recommended to use them within several hours, since the beneficial properties are quickly lost in air;
  • To prepare a life-giving tonic, you cannot use metal utensils, only plastic or glass;
  • use non-transparent containers to store the prepared solution;
  • Succinic acid should not be stored near possible sources of ignition or at high temperatures.

Methods of preparation and release forms of the drug

On pharmacy counters and in specialized flower growing stores you can find succinic acid in the form of white crystalline powder or tablets.

It is sold both as an independent drug and together with other components. For example, the acid is mixed with vitamin C and glucose.

The additive is obtained in two ways: by chemical synthesis and by processing amber. The production method only affects the price of the finished product (chemical is cheaper), while the effectiveness in both cases will be the same.

How to treat an orchid with succinic acid?

Succinic acid has a very beneficial effect on the growth and development of the orchid, helps it adapt to a new pot, strengthens the root system and prolongs flowering. To feed and treat different parts of the plant, the drug is used in different dosages.

Root treatment

  • when replanting an orchid: after the plant has been removed from the old pot and its roots have been cleared of the remaining substrate, the root system is soaked in a solution of succinic acid for 30 minutes. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tablet per 0.5 liters of water. Then the roots are dried in the open air, and the plant is transplanted into a new pot.

Attention! If the root system is severely damaged and urgent renewal is required, then the roots are soaked in succinic acid for about 2.5 hours.

  • during planned root treatment: when planned stimulation of the root system is necessary, the orchid is watered with a 0.2% aqueous solution of the drug until the substrate is soaked to a depth of 15-30 cm 2 times a month.

Watering. How to properly water orchids with succinic acid

Watering orchids with a stimulant is advisable when the root system needs to be revived. The irrigation solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter of water.

Watering is carried out from a small watering can with a small stream until the soil is completely saturated. Leave the orchid for 15 minutes, then drain off excess moisture to prevent root rot.

Watering phalaenopsis differs from standard watering of orchids. After a 30-minute treatment with succinic acid, the flower pot is turned over to remove excess moisture. This procedure is carried out due to the lack of drainage holes in the phalaenopsis pot. The frequency of such processing is 2 times a month.

Attention! Treatment of phalaenopsis by watering with a solution of succinic acid should not be carried out during flowering and rest after it.

Leaf processing. Do I need to remove the solution from the leaves?

Orchid foliage needs to be treated with succinic acid no less than other parts of the plant. Through their pores, beneficial substances are quickly absorbed and distributed throughout the flower. Treatment consists of wiping the leaves with a solution of the drug in a ratio of 1 tablet per glass of water. This procedure is necessary when:

  • the leaves began to turn yellow and wither;
  • the appearance of the orchid has deteriorated significantly;
  • propagation of an orchid by the apical part.

Frequency of treatment – ​​1 – 2 times a week. During the procedure, the orchid must be protected from direct sunlight to avoid burns on the leaves. Wipe the orchid leaves on both sides.

After treatment, the solution is not removed from the leaves, but all the beneficial substances are allowed to be absorbed. If the solution gets on the inflorescences, it must be wiped off.


The procedure is similar to processing leaves, only less time-consuming. You need to spray the orchid with a solution of succinic acid carefully, without getting it on the inflorescences.

Spraying young orchid cuttings is most useful. This promotes the rapid development of plant shoots. Frequency of treatment – ​​1 time per week.

Resuscitation of the root system of orchids

If the orchid is not properly cared for or its substrate is over-moistened, the root system of the plant begins to rot. If drastic measures are not taken in this case, the plant may die. Then succinic acid comes to the rescue.

To begin with, remove the orchid from the pot and cut off all damaged and rotten areas of the roots. Then all cut areas are treated with brilliant green and activated carbon. The roots of the orchid are placed in a solution of succinic acid and placed in a bright place, maintaining a suitable microclimate with temperature and humidity.

The solution must be changed every 2 - 3 days for 3 months. This is exactly how much an orchid needs to develop new young roots. When the young roots reach a length of approximately 5 cm, the orchid is transplanted into a permanent pot.

To stimulate flowering

For an orchid to bloom long and beautifully, it needs proper care. The condition of the roots and leaves affects the budding of the flower. Treatment with succinic acid promotes better flowering of the plant. To do this, treat the orchid with a 1% solution of succinic acid (1 g of the drug per 1 liter of water) should begin in early spring by spraying or wiping the leaves. Contact of the solution with the petals is not allowed.

The first spraying should be done before the plant begins to flower - 2 times a day. Next, once every 2–3 weeks on an orchid that is not yet blooming.

How to treat seeds?

A 0.2% aqueous solution of succinic acid is used to soak the seeds. After this procedure, their germination rate increases. This is especially necessary for stale old seeds or seeds that require special conditions for germination, for example, orchid seeds.

To obtain a 0.2% solution, you need to dissolve 2 g of the drug in 1 liter of water. The seeds are soaked in the resulting solution for a day. Then they need to be dried on a dry cloth in a place out of direct sunlight. After this, the seeds are sown in the prepared soil.

Precautionary measures

Watering decorative orchids with succinic acid requires compliance with special safety rules.

A natural biostimulant in the dosage form of tablets makes orchids stronger and more beautiful. It is completely safe for the flower and is perceived by it as a food product. It is not harmful to humans, but if the product gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it causes an allergic reaction.

To avoid acid contact with the skin, gloves should be used when working. To protect the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose - a gauze bandage. This drug is non-toxic. The only danger is getting the product into the eyes (irritation of the eye membrane appears).

If the solution gets on your skin or eyes, wash them with water. If necessary, it is important to consult a doctor.

Solutions with other substances

Since succinic acid is an enhancer for various types of fertilizers, it can be used in conjunction with mineral and vitamin supplements, growth stimulants, etc.

In turn, you can enhance its effect:

  • using ammonia: when ammonia is mixed with succinic acid, ammonium salts are formed. They have antioxidant and anti-stress properties and have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. For 1 liter of aqueous solution, take 2-3 ml of ammonia and 2-3 g of amber and mix everything well. Pests are repelled by the smell of ammonia;
  • If you mix the drug with potassium humate in equal parts, you will get a mixture that promotes the development of microorganisms in the soil. This improves soil breathability and moisture absorption;
  • By adding vitamins B, PP and C to a solution of succinic acid, you will get an excellent product for spraying and wiping orchid leaves. With its help, flowering is stimulated and the process of root system formation is accelerated.

How to replace succinic acid for orchids

The drug "Yantarin" is one of the most popular analogues of succinic acid. It is designed to stimulate growth, accelerate flowering, improve the general condition of the plant, resistance to disease and exposure to adverse environmental conditions.

Plants are sprayed with a solution of amber during the flowering period. It is prepared at the rate of 12 ml of amber per 1 liter of water.

How dangerous is an overdose?

With moderate use of the solution, there is practically no risk of overdose. The substance is safe for plants, even if its content in water is several times higher than the recommended level. But sometimes the use of succinic acid can be harmful:

  1. When treated during the dormant period, processes are disrupted and the plant begins to awaken earlier than necessary.
  2. During the period of active flowering. The composition provokes the growth of the root and ground parts, which is why the buds simply fall off.

It is worth adhering to the recommendations outlined above, then any problems can be completely eliminated. This is an advantage of the composition, because even a novice gardener can use it without fear that the plants will die.

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