Juniper Prince of Wales - how to grow and care

Ficus Black Prince: tips for care, propagation and replanting

Ficus Black Prince is another variety of Ficus Rubber, which today is one of the most popular in home floriculture.
This plant with such a noble name came to us from Southern Indonesia, Northeast India, West Africa and Nepal. There, in its homeland, Ficus Elastica Black Prince grows up to 40 m in height - thus, it is used industrially to produce rubber. But how did he conquer flower growers involved in ornamental cultivation? It's simple - its large, rounded leathery leaves up to 25 cm in length and up to 20 cm in width, of a deep, dark green color, have done their job. In addition, the trunk and petioles have the same color with a reddish tint. The central vein is clearly visible from both sides of the leaf and has a brown tint. Ficus Black Prince photo

What is special about the variety?

The plant has all the characteristics of the parent varieties: the anthurium cob is yellow-green, but the spathe itself on the flowers of one bush can be either the same color or of different colors. During the budding phase, a rich cherry color predominates, but when the spathe is fully opened, it turns black with a dark red tint. However, there are anthuriums that can have flowers with both black and cherry stipules on one plant.

Black or red covers on anthurium cobs are in perfect harmony with dark leaves, which have a glossy sheen and are painted with lighter veins.

Connoisseurs of exotic plants try to get Black Queen into their collection, although some gardeners prefer to avoid it due to its almost mournful coloring.

Caring for ficus Black Prince at home

How this variety differs from Elastica is clear, but what are the similarities? But now the best part is that the Black Prince does not require special vigilance or strict care at home, and adapts quite well to life in a residential area.

  • Lighting : like other rubber plants, Ficus Black Prince loves bright, but diffused light. In the summer, you will be very grateful for the time spent in the fresh air.

Do not forget to shade the plant from direct sunlight, which can leave burns on the leaves.

  • Temperature : the most suitable temperature regime for Elastic will be +18 °C - +24 °C in the summer season and +16 °C - +18 °C in winter.
  • Watering : The Black Prince requires moderate watering - when the top part of the soil has already dried out.

Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged - this will lead to rotting of the root system.

  • Air humidity : with average humidity in the room, the ficus will be quite comfortable, but you can wipe the leaves from dust with a damp sponge. You can also add spraying on hot days or the heating season.
  • Transplantation : transplantation is carried out in the spring. Young plants need to be replanted every year, while enlarging the pot. Older ficus plants do not require frequent replanting; they can be replaced with a larger pot when the roots have occupied the entire earthen ball.

The most suitable soil for ficus will be one that contains equal parts of peat, leaf and turf soil, compost and coarse sand.

  • Fertilizing : fertilization is carried out during the growth period: from spring to autumn. For this purpose, universal mineral or organic substrates are used.
  • Reproduction : like its brothers, the Black Prince reproduces by cuttings and air layering. For the first method, you need to cut the cuttings to 15 cm with one or two healthy leaves. The cut must be cleaned of milky juice and powdered with a root growth stimulator. Next, the petiole takes root in water or an earthen substrate at a temperature of +22 °C - +25 °C.

When separating and working with the cut, do not forget to protect your hands with gloves, since the milky sap that ficus trees secrete can cause irritation or an allergic reaction.

When propagating by air layering, you need to make an incision on the trunk, insert a piece of glass, a piece of wood into it, or fill it with coarse sand. Next, you need to wrap the incision with damp sphagnum moss and polyethylene. As soon as the root system begins to develop, the shoot can be separated and transplanted into the ground.

Description and features

Under natural conditions, ficuses, without any obstacles, grow up to 40 meters in height , and outwardly bear little resemblance to the indoor specimens that flower growers are accustomed to.

Powerful aerial roots form the tree trunk and support its high branching crown. In the room, ficuses also begin to branch if there are suitable conditions for this , but small apartments do not contribute to this.

The height of the Black Prince will depend on the size of the pot in which it is grown and the height of the ceilings in the room. The root system of the flower is very powerful and branched.

And aerial roots also grow, designed to collect moisture from the atmosphere and maintain the crown. If a leaf or petiole is cut, a white milky sap will appear.

The distinctive features of the Black Prince are its large leaves of a dark green color, which in certain lighting look almost black , for which it received its name. In the morning and evening, in diffused light, the plant looks dark; in bright sunlight, the color becomes lighter. The upper leaf, while young, is colored reddish . The length of the leaves is from 15 to 25 cm, and their width is up to 20 cm; in the center of each leaf there is a burgundy vein, as in the photo.

Botanical characteristics

In its natural environment, the Black Prince grows up to 40 cm. Other names for the variety are elastica, rubbery, elastic.

At home it is grown on an industrial scale.

  • the foliage is large in size, up to 25 cm long, up to 20 cm wide, oval in shape, fleshy structure, glossy surface, dark green color with a black-red tint, the main red vein is clearly visible in the central part of the leaf blade, the arrangement of the leaves has a certain sequence;
  • the root system is well developed, highly branched, formed by aerial shoots;
  • secretes milky juice on cuts;
  • fruits are yellow-green, diameter up to 1 cm.

The wild Black Prince is characterized by flowering, which is observed extremely rarely at home.

When grown indoors, the height depends on the contents. Extends to the maximum possible length. The lifespan of a houseplant reaches 40 years.

Varieties of ficus

There are more than 1 thousand ficus trees in nature, but not all of them are suitable for breeding at home. This evergreen plant belongs to the mulberry species. The homeland of ficus is in countries where it is always warm and has high humidity. This is the coast of the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean, South Africa. Some varieties grow in our country, for example in Crimea.

In their natural environment, ficus trees grow to a full-fledged tree. In an apartment or office, with good and proper care, they can reach impressive dimensions, but most often ficus is grown in a limited space, giving it a resemblance to bonsai-style trees.

Popular plant types:

  • Ficus benjamina. There are several types, they differ in the color and shape of the leaves. To give the plant the desired shape, it is recommended to trim it regularly. Suitable for growing as bonsai.
  • Rubber-bearing. It got its name for its elastic, elastic dark green leaves.
  • Creeping. Looks like a vine. The roots have suction cups that allow them to deftly “climb” on any surface.

Ficus tree and its aerial roots

At home, it is unlikely that you will be able to get such a powerful tree, but ficus is a grateful plant and readily responds to proper care, watering and the necessary humidity.

Growing conditions

Ficus does not like rearrangements, so it is better to immediately choose a permanent place of growth for it - well-lit, with diffused sunlight, protected from drafts.


Optimal temperatures:


For indoor Mulberries, maintain humidity at 50-60%. In winter, when central heating is actively used, to maintain the required indicators, place a container of water near the flower pot.


Good lighting from the east or southeast side will provide the plant with a comfortable stay.

Lack of light adversely affects the appearance: the leaf mass loses its color saturation, the trunk bends when drawn to light, and the shoots stretch and weaken.

Benefits and harms

The benefit of the plant lies in its ability to purify indoor air from various harmful impurities. Since furniture, linoleum, carpets and other interior items are made from synthetic materials, the need to have atmosphere-cleaning flowers in the house becomes obvious.

However, ficus can cause harm to people who are prone to allergies . It releases substances into the air that cause allergic reactions.

Therefore, if a ficus was brought into the house, and someone in the household began to sneeze , itching, runny nose, and difficulty breathing appeared, then an allergy to the plant is quite possible.

Landing Features

For planting you need to use special soil

For planting the young Black Prince, a ready-made substrate designed for growing Mulberries is suitable.

You can also make your own soil from turf, leaf soil, coarse river sand, compost and peat (taken in equal parts).

An actively growing ficus is transplanted annually. They plan it for the spring, when, after a state of dormancy, the growth of green mass in the indoor flower is activated.

Plant care

How attentively the gardener approaches the issue of care directly determines whether he will be able to see the extraordinary beauty of the Prince this year.

Watering rules and humidity

Rose Jubilee of the Prince of Monaco (Jubile du Prince de Monaco) - what kind of variety is it

Watering is carried out throughout the warm season. As soon as the soil dries 5 cm deep, you need to pour 10 liters of water under each bush. Sprinkling is not recommended during flowering, but in the interim it is done in the hottest months in the early morning or after sunset.

Fertilizing and soil quality

In total, up to 7 feedings are carried out per season:

  1. The first consists of ammonium nitrate in the amount of 20 g per 1 m².
  2. The subsequent ones alternate: organic (solutions of mullein, humate) and mineral (potassium and phosphorus in a 3:1 ratio in an amount of up to 30 g per 1 m²).

Pruning and replanting

Shoots are pruned in spring, summer and autumn. Their goal is to form a strong and symmetrical bush with a large number of young shoots.

Once every 3 years, rejuvenation is practiced, when the shoots are shortened in the spring, leaving no more than 3-4 buds on each. In the first year, all buds are removed to build up skeletal branches. Autumn pruning prepares the bush for wintering, so all unripe branches and buds are removed.

The Prince is a rose that does not like transplants. The procedure is carried out only in case of emergency: in the spring before the buds open, or in the fall in the first half of September.

Features of wintering a flower

For the winter, in regions where the winter air temperature does not drop below -10°C, you can do without shelters. In the zone of winter minimums down to -23°C, the bush is hilled with a thick layer of peat, on top of which spruce branches are laid.

Important! In more northern areas, the Prince rose is dug up for the winter and kept in boxes with sand. Basements are chosen for storage, maintaining a temperature of about 0°C.

Rules of care

Home care includes regular watering, fertilizing and pruning. Flower growers independently grow new plants from cuttings and air layering.


Watering is carried out as the substrate dries 2-3 cm.

  • In summer, the number of procedures is increased to 2-3 times a week.
  • In winter, at the dormant stage, reduce to once.

Every other day, the substrate is slightly loosened to remove the created crust that does not allow air to pass through.

When keeping an indoor flower in a plastic pot, it is necessary to water it more often than when growing it in a clay container, because in the first case, water evaporates only from the surface of the soil, and in the second, through the air-permeable walls.

In the hot season, they resort to additional spraying on the foliage. It is not recommended to increase the number of waterings.

Top dressing

The rubber-bearing species is fed in spring and summer once every 2 weeks, using ready-made nutrient mixtures with minerals and organic matter. In winter, no fertilizing is applied.

Crown formation

The procedure helps side shoots grow

The Black Prince is formed in three available ways:

  • removing the top shoots and nearby internodes up to 3-5 pieces;
  • fixing the trunk by tilting it at the desired angle to replace the lateral growth point with a dominant one;
  • by puncturing the trunk to a third of its thickness in order to stimulate the development of fresh shoots.

Sanitary pruning is carried out in spring and autumn. It includes the removal of dry and damaged branches. To grow an indoor flower in breadth, the central shoot is shortened; to stretch it in height, the side branches are cut off.

Rose Prince (The Prince) - what kind of variety is it

The variety was obtained in England in 1840. It was created specifically for cultivation in parks without shelter, as well as in greenhouses for cutting. Author: Graham Thomas. The unique shade of the petals is close to Gallic roses (Rose Gallica) and is not found in modern hybrids.

English Rose The Prince

The park-shrub rose Prince is formed by a low bush - up to 75 cm in height, quite small by today's standards. The shoots are straight and brittle, covered with thorns. The leaf is large, dark green, with a slight gloss. The flower consists of more than a hundred petals of a complex velvety raspberry-purple-violet hue. As it finally opens, the large (up to 8 cm in diameter) cup-shaped flower bends its petals back. 3-5 buds are formed on each stem.

Flowering is renewable with a large intermediate interval (up to 2.5 months).

For reference: the English name of the variety English Rose The Prince is often translated or misread. On forums and in reviews from gardeners, you can find the names rose The Prince (in fact, the is not readable here) or rose Prince.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Valuable advantages of this rose:

  • A strong and long-lasting classic rose scent.
  • Unique petal color.
  • Suitable for growing in open ground and in a greenhouse.
  • Frost resistance - up to -23 °C.
  • Not prone to shedding petals.
  • Propagates well by cuttings.

Prince rose bush in bloom

There are quite a few shortcomings, which indicates more of the shrub’s demanding care:

  • It does not tolerate strong winds, which break branches and even buds. It should be planted in a protected place.
  • The English Prince rose does not tolerate rain on its buds, whose appearance very quickly deteriorates because of this.
  • Prefers partial shade; in the hot sun the flowers burn and dry out.
  • Average resistance to powdery mildew and black spot.

Rose Prince should be planted in the shade of large trees, not in the foreground of mixborders. The amazingly beautiful flowers are very delicate and do not tolerate rain, direct sun, or strong wind. If you want to get beautiful shoots for cutting, it is recommended to plant the bush in a greenhouse or conservatory.

Reproduction methods

At home, the crop is propagated in two ways - cuttings and air layering.


When propagated by cuttings, the blanks, which have 1-2 healthy leaves, are cut into 10-15 cm long. The sections are washed under running water and powdered with root-forming preparations.

When working with elastic fixation, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment and cover your hands with gloves, because The milky sap secreted by the plant causes allergic reactions.

You can root ficus cuttings in vermiculite or plain water with the addition of activated carbon (1 tablet per 200 ml). ABOUT

The optimal temperature at which rooting shoots should be kept before transplanting into the substrate is 22-25°C. Some gardeners prefer to immediately transplant the workpieces for rooting in sphagnum moss mixed with river sand.

Air layering

The second method of propagation is based on growing cuttings with roots, followed by pruning and transplanting them into a pot:

  • an incision is made on the trunk and a foreign object (a piece of wood or polyethylene) is inserted into it so that the wound does not heal;
  • the cut is wrapped in a layer of moss and covered with plastic wrap on top;
  • When roots appear, the cuttings are cut off and replanted for independent growth.


    Reproduction of ficus elastica involves the following steps:

Cutting cuttings (9-15 cm) with 1-2 healthy leaves on the stem.

Do not forget to take precautions in the process and protect the skin of your hands as much as possible, since the toxic juice released from the plant can be dangerous.

  • Rinse the incision site with clean water and dust with a root formation stimulator.
  • Rooting cuttings in vermiculite or water with the addition of activated carbon and a temperature of +22-25 degrees.
    You can also plant a young shoot in sphagnum, which is mixed with sand and soaked in water.
  • Careful control of temperature and proper lighting.
  • Sometimes the plant is propagated by air layering.

    To do this, you need to cut the trunk and insert a small wooden stick into the hole, then wrap it in damp moss and polyethylene on top.

    After a few weeks, you will see new roots, that is, the formation of another shoot that needs to be cut and replanted.

    Prevention of diseases and pests

    The Black Prince is sometimes affected by spider mites, scale insects and thrips.

    Avoiding the appearance of harmful insects on indoor plants helps by following the basic rules of care, especially maintaining them at the required level of importance, and treating them with insecticidal preparations at the first signs of damage.

    Ficus gets sick rarely. Problems faced by flower growers:

    • Massive falling of the leaves of the lower tier and complete exposure of the trunk, which is associated with irregular watering, lack of moisture and sudden temperature changes. Growth stimulants Epin and Zircon help restore vegetative mass.
    • Lethargic and pale foliage, drooping down and the appearance of brown spots, which may indicate overwatering and lack of nutrition due to untimely feeding and poor soil. First of all, it is necessary to change the substrate and adjust watering. Leaves affected by spotting are cut off.
    • The appearance of white spots on the inside of the leaf blades, the possible cause of which lies in the plant being affected by powdery mildew. Rotting of the roots, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, the source of which is often a developed fungal disease. Fix is ​​treated with fungicidal preparations against infectious diseases. When the root system rots, the indoor flower is replanted, removing the affected fragments, treating healthy branches and changing the substrate.

    The cause of the unhealthy appearance of the vegetative mass will be the dust accumulated on the leaf blades, which prevents the penetration of sunlight and, as a result, disrupts photosynthesis.

    The foliage is wiped with soap solutions (50 g of crushed laundry soap per 1 liter of water). This method also acts as a preventive measure against pests and removes adult insects and their larvae in a timely manner.

    Plant diseases

    Yellow spots on leaves. Their appearance indicates that the plant has been infected by a fungus. Over time, the spots will grow and the leaves will die. This may happen because the flower is overwatered, or it is in the wrong place. Therefore, first of all, try to choose a new place for the pot, change the soil and change the watering regime. Remove all affected leaves with pruning shears or sharp scissors. There is no need to spray a diseased plant with water.

    Leaves are falling. An imbalance that occurs in temperature conditions, especially in winter, can affect the thickness of the ficus leaf cover. Dry air and insufficient humidity can lead to complete dehydration of the plant, then it will begin to get rid of leaves. In order to stop this process, purchase effective products “Epin” or “Zircon” at the flower shop, which will help develop resistance to adverse external factors.

    Inspect the root system for pests. If any are found, then you should definitely get rid of them and carry out large-scale processing.

    The leaves are drying. The main reason why ficus leaves dry out is dust. If it gets on the plant, it stops receiving nutrients. Therefore, the leaves should be wiped from dust once a week with a dry, clean cloth.

    Drafts can be another reason for the foliage to dry out, so place the flower pot in a warm, poorly ventilated place.

    Ficus "Black Prince", or as gardeners call it - "Elastica", will help give your home fresh air and serve as a wonderful green interior decoration. Proper care of the plant, which is described step by step in this article, will help you enjoy the appearance of your ficus for many years.

    History of the origin of the plant

    The plant belongs to the Mulberry family. In natural conditions, this is a tall tree with a lush crown . The main range is the countries of South and Southeast Asia. Information about the plant came to Europe after the campaign of Alexander the Great, which occurred in 327 BC.

    Theophrastus, the founder of botany, who took part in this campaign, returned from it with a description of new plant species, among which was ficus. However, only at the beginning of the 19th century AD this species began to be grown in pots . In the middle of the 20th century, rubber-bearing ficus can be seen in almost every home.

    Benefits and harms

    The main advantage of ficus elastica is the unique function of the leaves to purify polluted air from harmful impurities and gases.
    Wood can stabilize the microclimate of any room and remove vapors of benzene, trichlorethylene, and phenol that are harmful to humans.

    In its homeland, a tincture of plant juice is used in the fight against colds and malignant tumors.

    In terms of healing properties, ficus elasticus is not inferior to Kalanchoe, as evidenced by numerous traditional medicine recipes.

    In the Ayurvedic tradition, it is recommended to keep a tree in the house of childless women and married couples, as it improves the energy shell of the space.

    The only harm that ficus elasticum can cause is the appearance of a burn from contact with the milky juice.

    Caring for ficus Black Prince at home

    The Black Prince responds with gratitude to proper care at home, delighting the owners with healthy glossy leaves and vigorous growth. All it needs is the right soil, a comfortable location and a well-chosen flowerpot .

    Purchase and aftercare

    Before buying, you should carefully study the external signs of this type of ficus, so as not to buy something similar, but not the same. Young plants in stores are kept in temporary pots with a nutrient substrate.

    At home, you need to transfer the flower into a pot that is 2 fingers larger than the volume of the plant’s root system . However, before this, a number of important preparations are necessary.

    Planting and transplanting

    So, the pot for planting has been selected. Now you need to fill it out correctly. First, add a layer of drainage (you can use expanded clay). Then add a little soil and lay the roots of the plant, add the remaining soil and sprinkle sand on top.

    For the young Black Prince, soil made up of equal parts of peat, sand and humus is suitable. As they grow, they are replanted once a year. When the plant reaches 5–7 years, the composition of the soil needs to be changed . For an adult ficus, take 2 parts of humus and 1 part of turf soil and sand.

    Both young and adult plants love light, loose soil, so pieces of charcoal and coarse sand are added to the soil mixture.


    To propagate ficus, you can use two methods: cuttings or air layering.

    If your flower has grown well and has side branches, you can take cuttings from them for propagation. To do this, cut a piece of a twig 20 cm long so that it remains with the apical leaf and 2-3 already developed healthy leaves.

    By the way, it is precisely because of the juice secreted by the plant that the question is often asked about whether it is possible to keep a ficus at home. Let’s say right away that it is possible, but taking some precautions, which we’ll talk about a little later.

    The cut on the cutting must be cleaned of any sap that has emerged and sprinkled with a growth stimulator for the root system, then planted in a container with a damp substrate. During rooting of the cuttings, the temperature should be within 23...24 °C.

    To obtain air layering, a place is marked on the trunk and an incision is made. A piece of glass or wood is inserted into the wound to prevent it from healing. Then this place is wrapped in sphagnum, a plastic film is placed on top and left in this form for 1 month. During this time, a shoot with roots will form at the site of the wound. It is separated from the mother plant and transferred to a temporary container with nutrient soil. When the new plant is securely rooted, it can be transferred to a stationary pot.

    Benefits and harms

    The beneficial properties that the Black Prince ficus has can be divided into two areas: household and medicinal. The first includes its ability to cleanse the atmosphere of a room from toxins accumulating in it.

    Furniture coverings, synthetic carpets, linoleum - all these items emit harmful impurities into the air. The plant converts them into hydrocarbons.

    Ficus in the house: good omens

    Hardworking residents of the Middle Kingdom, who invented the teaching of Feng Shui, consider the ficus to be a talisman that creates comfort and cleanses the apartment of negative energy.

    The Chinese sincerely believe that a green assistant attracts money and good luck into life. Feng Shui masters recommend the tree to everyone who is experiencing financial difficulties.

    Ficus is useful from the point of view of official science; it purifies the air from harmful impurities contained in furniture or wall decor.

    Video review of useful indoor plants:

    How to care for ficus “Black Prince”

    The tropical plant ficus today can be found in almost every apartment or house. He does not need special care or scrupulous attitude. The flower is not capricious and unpretentious, but at the same time it has magical beneficial properties that have a positive effect on human health and the energy of the entire room.

    The leaves of all types of ficus perfectly filter oxygen, purify it from dust and harmful microorganisms, as well as gases. The plant is widely used in folk medicine. Its juice is used to make infusions for arthritis, radiculitis, mastitis and other bone, muscle and inflammatory diseases. In ancient times, it was believed that ficus drove away evil spirits and attracted positive energy into the house.

    This is interesting : ficus became popular at the end of the 19th century. It was used to decorate various halls and rooms. In humid climates it can reach up to 40 meters in height.

    In our article you will find not only a photo of the ficus “Black Prince”, but also detailed instructions on how to properly care for this interesting and unusual plant at home.

    Is it possible to keep a ficus at home - good omens

    Only the Slavs had a negative attitude towards this plant.
    Most foreign omens consider it the best plant for strengthening the family and creating a harmonious atmosphere in the home. For example, Ayurvedic practitioners claim that ficus has a beneficial effect on the energy of the home. According to the signs and superstitions of Thailand, Ficus Benjamin is considered a sacred plant. It is not only a symbol of this country, but also a plant that brings happiness and good luck.

    In China, they believe that ficus in the house gives comfort and a pleasant atmosphere to anyone. It helps solve problems in one way or another related to family and home, for example, finding money for repairs or a new car for family trips. The Chinese believe that ficus clears space of negativity.

    This home plant does a good job of cleaning the air from harmful substances and saturating it with oxygen. There will be less phenol, formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful substances in your home. This is especially true for residents of large cities, whose ecology leaves much to be desired. Ficus kills almost half of the harmful bacteria that can cause unpleasant diseases.

    If you place a pot with any variety of this plant in the kitchen, you will always have food and will not experience hunger or need. Ficus brings prosperity to the family that owns it. It will give you good luck and improve family relationships, making the atmosphere of your home more cozy and comfortable.

    Home care

    If you purchased a ficus during the frosty season, you must quickly bring it home, since the plant does not tolerate low temperatures. Next, you need to accurately determine the location of the flower pot. With proper and proper care, the “Black Prince” can live from 30 to 40 years.

    Lighting. This variety of plants is especially unpretentious at home, as it has a distinctive black tint of leaves. That is why it will grow both in dark places where light can hardly penetrate, and on the windowsill where the sun's rays constantly fall. In the first case, the plant will develop more slowly due to adaptation, in the second, the leaves will grow vigorously and quickly. But with any placement, the ficus will be able to take root in almost all corners of the apartment.

    Advice : it is best to place “The Black Prince” in places where the light does not fall directly, but is scattered, that is, near glass and windows.

    Watering will depend on the room temperature in which the ficus is kept. If it is standard - 20-22 degrees, then moderate watering is recommended - once a week. And when the house is stuffy and there is not enough humidity, then you need to “water” the plant twice as often.

    In winter or when the heating is turned off, watering should be kept to a minimum, as the flower stops its development and, in some way, “hibernates”. The plant should be fed once every 2 weeks. In greenhouses during cold times, it is better to leave irrigation moderate, since temperatures there are quite high - up to 35 degrees.

    Important : excessive moisture is fraught with rapid rotting of the roots, and, consequently, the death of the plant.

    What should the humidity be? If we talk about the state of the air, the ficus does not tolerate dryness, so the humidity should be relatively high. The recommended value is 60%, but if the dampness reaches 80-90 percent, then this is not a problem - the flower will be quite comfortable.

    Ficus in the house - bad omens

    Almost every plant affects human life in some way. There are plants that help you achieve success, get rich and recover from most diseases. And some of them can interfere with personal life, worsen health and family relationships. The Slavs have always been wary of ficus, despite the generally positive opinion about it in other countries. In the past, it was believed that it contributed to the flourishing of not the best feelings - envy, a tendency to scandals, sorting out relationships out of nowhere, a love of gossip. If you believe Slavic signs, then in the house in which this plant is kept there will be no love and harmony.

    In addition, ficus is called one of the muzhegons, along with ivy . Many believe that he not only drives away potential husbands from a woman, preventing her from starting a serious relationship that will lead to marriage. Also, he spoils the character of all the men who live in the same house with him. It is for these reasons that many people wonder whether it is possible to keep a ficus at home, and what signs can tell about it.

    How to propagate ficus

    “Black Prince” propagates by air layering and cuttings, just like other types of this flower. To transplant using the first method, first make a middle cut on the trunk. Carefully insert a thin glass or small piece of wood into it. Then wrap the cut area with polyethylene or slightly damp sphagnum moss. After a few days, the root system should begin to develop, then the shoot can be transplanted into a separate pot.

    The second method of propagation involves cutting cuttings up to 15 centimeters with one or two healthy strong leaves. Clean the cut from the milky juice (be sure to wear gloves for this procedure) and powder the area with a root growth stimulator. Next, transfer the cutting to an earthen substrate and keep it at a temperature of no more than 22 degrees.

    Aesthetic value and other advantages of the variety

    Thanks to its excellent aesthetic qualities, moderate floral aroma and ease of care, this variety can be grown as a cut flower for making bouquets and for garden decoration. Purple Prince is often used in landscape design due to its good compatibility with other ornamental plants.

    The advantages of the variety include high resistance to diseases and pests. The tree lily tolerates frost well and can be grown in any climate. With proper care, a lily tree can become the main decoration of any garden.

    Transplantation of the “Black Prince”

    Ficus is not a capricious flower at all in terms of transplantation. It can be moved from pot to pot at any time of the year, and it will take root, however, for better development and growth, it is still recommended to carry out this procedure in the spring, namely, from April to May.

    In addition, replanting must be done at least once a year so that the new soil nourishes and supports the plant.

    You can replant ficus in any universal soil purchased at a flower shop. Do not forget that the root should occupy only 50% of the space in the pot, the rest of the space should be reserved for the soil.

    Important : monitor the acidity level in the soil of the flower; it should not exceed pH 7.

    Planting and transplanting

    Before planting or replanting ficus elastic, it is necessary to prepare the soil containing equal proportions of turf, peat and leaf soil, coarse sand, and compost.

    You can also purchase specialized soil at any flower shop.

    The alkaline balance should be between 5 and 7 pH.

    Transplantation is carried out in the spring.

    For this procedure, you should choose the right size of the pot, which should be 2-6 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

    In the photo is the ficus "Black Prince":

    How to use the Purple Prince lily in garden design

    A large lily tree in itself can be an excellent decoration for a garden plot. Large bright flowers surrounded by green leaves represent a complete decorative composition. If there is free space, Purple Prince lilies can be used as a natural fence if the plants are planted in a single row.

    Large erect stems make it possible to plant the plant for zoning the garden. Hybrid lily goes well with other varieties and ornamental plants. They coexist well with phlox, hydrangeas, anemones and barberries. They can be used to create decorative flower beds and flower cascades.


    Diseased branches should be removed.

    Needles are often affected by rust, a fungal disease that appears as red or yellow growths on the surface of the shoots. Over time, they turn black and the affected organs die.

    The main reason for the occurrence of fungus is frequent watering, thickening of crowns and plantings, as well as growing near other coniferous trees.

    To prevent the disease, it is necessary to treat with copper chloride. For treatment, the same preparation is used, irrigating the above-ground part and the soil below it. Alternatively, burgundy mixture or copper sulfate can be used for treatment.

    Sometimes juniper is damaged by powdery mildew - a whitish coating on the surface of the needles and shoots becomes wet and then rots. Infected parts die. To combat mold, you can use a solution with a concentration of 2%.

    Features of cultivation

    Creeping juniper "Prince of Wales" grows well in all types of soil, so even a novice gardener can cope with it.

    The best time to plant this plant is late April or early May. By this time, the last frosts will have passed, and the earth will warm up to 10-12°C. The risk of young plants freezing is minimal.

    Selection of seedlings

    If you want to get a beautiful and healthy plant with all varietal characteristics, you should purchase a seedling from a specialized nursery.

    There are several criteria that must be taken into account when choosing.

    1. It is best to purchase young specimens, 1-2 years old, with a closed root system. Juniper has very delicate roots that quickly dry out and die when damaged. The root ball will keep them intact until transplanted into the ground. Alternatively, you can purchase shrubs planted in pots or containers.
    2. When purchasing, carefully inspect the above-ground part - it should be alive, without bruises or cracks on the branches.
    3. Healthy specimens have dark green needles, tightly adjacent to the shoots, without red, yellow or black spots.

    Preparing the site and soil

    Unlike other varieties, Welsh juniper can grow anywhere in the garden - in full sun or partial shade. It tolerates a lack of light without losing its decorative effect.

    The planting area must be level to avoid waterlogging and further death of conifers.

    If you do not have such a place, ensure good drainage using vermiculite or sand - 20 kg per 1 m².

    If planting on sandy loam soil, add a few buckets of clay. In addition, use two more ingredients - peat and humus (3 buckets of each substance per 1 m²). They increase its nutritional value.

    Conifers do not grow well in acidic soil, so add 350 grams of calcite, dolomite or quicklime. There is no need to fertilize the soil with organic and mineral preparations, since this variety grows well in poor soils.

    Landing technique

    Juniper can be planted in shady places.

    It is important to plant this coniferous plant in a 50 x 50 cm grid. Use no more than two seedlings per 1 m², as they will fully develop, remain disease-free and decorative throughout the year.

    Dig holes slightly larger than the roots, approximately 60 x 70 cm. Fill the bottom with half a bucket of gravel or brick chips and cover with a nutrient mixture of turf soil, peat and sand (2:1:1).

    Lower the plant with the root ball, cover it with soil mixture, press down, water - 5 liters of water per plant. Mulch each seedling with peat moss or pine sawdust to prevent rapid drying out.

    Follow one important rule: the root collar should not be immersed in the soil, otherwise the bush will quickly rot and die.

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