Saxifraga: when to sow seedlings, planting and care, photo of seeds

What do saxifrage seeds look like?

Photos of saxifrage seeds show that the grains are small in size, no more than 1 mm. Their shape is round, with a slight point at the tip, the shell is dark and hard.

Saxifraga from seedlings is a perennial ground cover up to 20 cm tall. It has flexible thin stems and carved leaves and bears red, yellow or white flowers. It quickly spreads throughout the area, for which it is valued by gardeners - with the help of the crop you can quickly cover empty lawns.


There are three ways to sow seeds:

  1. In purchased soil.
  2. In peat tablets. To plant 2-3 seeds you will need 1 piece.
  3. In a self-prepared mixture.

Saxifraga is a typical calciphile, that is, it needs calcium for normal growth and development. Therefore, when preparing the soil mixture, it is necessary to add chalk or limestone to it. The soil should have approximately the following composition:

  • 2 parts peat soil;
  • 1 tsp sand;
  • 0.5 tsp vermiculite;
  • 0.1 tsp chalk.

When to sow saxifrage seeds for seedlings and in open ground

To properly sow saxifrage for seedlings, you need to choose the appropriate timing. Usually the crop is planted in mid- or late March at home. First, the perennial seeds are stratified in the cold - the process should take at least a month.

Planting in open ground is carried out in late autumn just before the onset of cold weather. In this case, the seeds undergo natural stratification during the winter, and in the spring they sprout vigorously immediately after warm weather sets in.

Methods of propagation of saxifrage

Saxifraga can be propagated in several ways. Collecting and sowing seeds is only one of them. The material can be prepared independently after flowering.

A combination of saxifrage of different colors is effective - you can buy a mix of seeds or make your own

When planting and caring for perennial saxifrage, it can be propagated by rosettes, that is, by dividing the bush. This method is suitable for adult plants. Carry out the process when flowering is completed. Algorithm:

  1. Mark healthy bushes. They must have at least three sockets.
  2. Water the selected plants well.
  3. Carefully separate the additional sockets from the main one with a knife or a sharp garden spatula.
  4. Cover the cuttings of the mother plant with soil.
  5. Bury the separated rosettes in fertile soil. Choose a shaded place.
  6. Water.
  7. In spring, plant in open ground.

Comment! When propagated by division, saxifrage is more vulnerable. It takes longer to take root and spends more energy on it.

Before transplanting, rooting rosettes must be protected from the scorching sun. Regular watering and loosening is required.

After flowering, saxifrage can be propagated by cuttings. Algorithm:

  1. Select long side tendrils.
  2. Clamp them to the ground with staples.
  3. Cover the fixatives with soil.
  4. Water generously.
  5. Regularly moisten the soil so that the cuttings take root better.
  6. In the fall, mulch the ground, sprinkle the cuttings with leaves, sawdust or cover them with spruce branches.
  7. In the spring, separate the rooted shoots and replant them in a permanent place.

You can take cuttings and root them in a box. For the winter, it is better to place them in a cool room in the house. Saxifraga is transplanted in the spring.

Reproduction by cuttings or dividing the bush should be done not only for the sake of obtaining new plants. This also allows you to renew perennials that lose their decorative effect over time. The reason is excessive growth of stems and loss of leaves close to the ground.

How to grow saxifrage from seeds

Planting saxifrage seeds and caring for it is not associated with great difficulties. Most often, during the spring, the perennial is grown in seedlings, and then transferred to open soil.

Growing conditions

To plant saxifrage from seeds for cultivation, you need to prepare a wooden or plastic container with sides no more than 10 cm high. Drainage holes are made at the bottom of the container, and then scalded with boiling water for disinfection.

The crop needs nutritious and loose soil. To prepare it, lowland peat, vermiculite and river sand are mixed in a ratio of 6:2:1. Like containers, the soil must be disinfected before planting seeds; a solution of potassium permanganate can be used for this purpose.

Since saxifrage loves calcium very much, lime or chalk is also added to the substrate

Stratification of saxifrage seeds

When grown, perennial seeds germinate rather slowly, so they need to be stratified before planting. In mid-February or early March, the grains are mixed with clean river sand on a saucer and generously sprayed with a spray bottle. After this, the dishes are placed in a plastic bag, tied and placed in the refrigerator.

From time to time, the seeds are opened for ventilation and, if necessary, re-moistened. Planting material needs to be stratified within 1-1.5 months.

How to plant saxifrage seeds for seedlings and in open ground

Videos about sowing saxifrage seeds for seedlings show that the algorithm consists of several stages. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Place perlite or expanded clay on the bottom of the growing container in a layer of 2-3 cm.
  2. Fill the container with substrate and level its surface.
  3. Moisten the soil generously with a spray bottle.
  4. After stratification, the seeds are mixed with a fresh portion of river sand.
  5. Grains are sown evenly over the surface of the substrate.
  6. Spray again.

There is no need to bury the seeds when planting or sprinkle them with soil on top. The container is covered with film or a piece of glass, and then placed in a warm room with moderate lighting.

The optimal temperature for growing saxifrage from seeds is 22 °C

Caring for seedlings and planting in open ground

Until the first shoots appear, the box with seedlings is kept under film or glass and ventilated daily. As soon as green sprouts appear, remove the cover and move the container to a lighted windowsill.

Further care comes down to carefully moistening the seedlings with a spray bottle as the soil dries. When the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, they will need to be planted in plastic or peat cups. After this, the seedlings are protected from the bright sun for 3-4 days for quick establishment, and then they continue growing according to the previous scheme.

It is necessary to transfer seedlings into the ground in the second half of May, when the soil warms up and recurrent frosts have passed. The area for planting and growing the crop should be moderately lit, with light shading. The soil must be alkaline in composition and fertile; if necessary, it must be preliminarily limed.

Attention! With proper planting, saxifrage sprouts after 1-2 weeks of cultivation.

It is recommended to transfer the perennial into the ground using the transshipment method. In the selected area, several holes are dug, which should be approximately three times the size of the plant’s root system. After this, the seedlings are planted in prepared holes along with an old lump of earth. Plants are watered and mulched generously to slow down water evaporation.

When planting saxifrage in a growing area, you need to leave 20 cm between individual seedlings from seeds.


After planting saxifrage from seeds in open ground in the spring, it is necessary to provide the perennial with quality care. It comes down to several procedures:

  1. Watering. It is necessary to moisten saxifrage moderately as the top layer of soil dries. During periods of drought, spraying is also recommended. But they are not performed at the height of the day, but only in the evening or morning.
  2. Feeding. Three times per season, when growing, the crop is fertilized with potassium-phosphorus mixtures. For the first time, fertilizing is applied a couple of weeks after planting in open ground, and then during budding and during flowering.
  3. Mulching. To make saxifrage less susceptible to drought and weeds, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil under it with wood chips or sawdust. You can also use gravel or expanded clay.
  4. Trimming. When growing saxifrage, dried inflorescences are removed to free up resources for new buds. At the end of the decorative period, you can cut off the entire above-ground part - this stimulates the growth of fresh leaves.

Before the onset of winter, the perennial is covered with spruce branches or straw in a layer of at least 10 cm. This will protect the plant from wind and frost.

Advice! After snow falls, a dense snowdrift can be built over the saxifrage. It will also help insulate the perennial.

Diseases and pests

Saxifraga has good immunity, but this does not provide an absolute guarantee of the absence of diseases and pests. Often they are caused by improper plant care or unfavorable climatic conditions.

One of the problems is powdery mildew. This is a fungal disease provoked by high humidity, excess nitrogen, and strong thickening of plantings. It is expressed by a white coating of mycelium on the leaves. When the spores mature, droplets of liquid appear. The affected parts of the plant turn brown and fall off.

There are several methods to combat saxifrage powdery mildew:

  • fungicide preparations – Topaz, Fundazol, Fitosporin, Alirin-B, colloidal sulfur, copper sulfate;
  • folk remedies - whey, iodine, potassium permanganate, onion peel infusion.

To prevent powdery mildew, it is necessary to destroy the affected residues and use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers

Another fungal disease is rust. It appears as pads on the leaves, from which orange powder spills out after cracking. These are fungal spores.

Leaves affected by rust dry out and fall off, and the plant’s immunity decreases. You need to fight the disease with fungicides: Topaz, Fitosporin-M, Baktofit, colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux mixture.

To prevent rust, you need to burn plant residues, water the saxifrage moderately, and do not overfeed it with nitrogen.

Rust affects all above-ground parts of the plant and can destroy it.

With excessive watering and poor drainage, saxifrage can suffer from root rot. At the same time, the above-ground parts of the plant wither, the flowers fall off, and the entire bush gradually dies. For treatment, fungicides are used - Alirin-B, Diskor, Glyokladin.

Root rot is transmitted through soil and various equipment - sterilization is necessary for prevention

Among the pests, saxifrage can be affected by the mealybug. The size of the insect is only 5-10 mm.

The mealybug attacks the above-ground parts of the plant. The sign is a white cotton wool-like waxy coating. You can remove it with a cotton swab dipped in soapy water. Then spraying is needed:

  • drugs – Aktara, Fitoverm, Biotlin, Tanrek;
  • folk remedies - infusion of garlic or tobacco, decoction of cyclamen.

To prevent mealybugs, it is necessary to promptly remove dried leaves.

Saxifraga can be affected by aphids that feed on plant juices. At the same time, the flower begins to dry and wither and slowly dies. There are many ways to combat the pest:

  • drugs – Tornado, Tanrek, Biotlin, Aktara, Apache;
  • sticky traps;
  • folk remedies - solutions of garlic, onion, tobacco, chamomile, potato tops
  • plants that repel aphids with a strong smell - garlic, fennel, mint, coriander, basil, marigolds.

The color of aphids depends on its type and can be black, red, green, brown, yellow

Another enemy of saxifrage is the spider mite. It is difficult to see, but can be identified by a thin cobweb on the undersides of the leaves, white dots, and causeless drying. To combat ticks, the drugs Fufanon, Kleschevit, Fitoverm, Bitoxibacillin, and Iskra Bio are used.

The size of a spider mite is less than 1 mm; the pest is not dangerous for people, animals and birds

Recommendations and common mistakes

When growing saxifrage from seeds, you must follow important rules. This will allow you to avoid serious mistakes that can destroy the plant:

  1. When growing, saxifrage should not be over-watered. The soil should always remain slightly moist, but not waterlogged, otherwise the perennial roots will begin to rot.
  2. After planting saxifrage seeds at home, it is necessary to carefully control the temperature in the room. In conditions above 25 °C the plant will begin to stretch and weaken.
  3. Watering and spraying the crop cannot be done during the daytime in clear weather, as this will lead to burns of the roots and leaves. Procedures are performed only on cloudy days or in the evening and morning, when there is no bright sun.

When growing saxifrage after planting in open ground, you need to carry out rejuvenating procedures for the plant every 4-5 years. An adult bush is dug out from the old place, divided into several parts and transferred to new holes. Without rejuvenation, old saxifrage stops blooming and loses its attractiveness.

Before planting, it is recommended to treat saxifrage seeds with a weak manganese solution for disinfection.


  1. After completely opening the container, careful monitoring of the condition of the soil mixture is required. If necessary, perform moderate warm watering.
  2. Perform the dive at the second leaf phase. Each seedling must have an individual cup filled with a sand-peat mixture.
  3. Make sure that the seedlings do not lack nutrients.
  4. Choose a bright place for the seedlings, but without direct sunlight.
  5. To avoid damage, water very carefully.

Next, it's time to plant the saxifrage in pots. Pour a little expanded clay onto the bottom, add soil (purchased or prepared yourself) and plant several rosettes in the container.


Saxifraga will feel great on a windowsill located in the western or eastern part of the house. You can also place a container with saxifrage on a windowsill that faces north. However, if you decide to leave the flower on the south side, you will have to make sure that the plant does not receive direct sunlight. In winter, saxifrage, like many other plants, needs additional lighting. As for the warm period, saxifrage can be taken out to the balcony. The main thing is to choose a place where neither bright sun nor rain will disturb the delicate saxifrage.


After stratification, the seeds are spread on the surface of the moist soil mixture. To avoid the appearance of mold on them, you should use containers with drainage holes, ventilate the containers twice a day and remove condensation from the lids. Until the seeds germinate, the crops do not need watering. The containers are covered with polyethylene or transparent lids and taken out into the light, for example, placed on a windowsill. For seedlings to germinate, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature in the room at approximately 20 C. Provided that all rules for processing and germinating seeds are followed, the first shoots can be expected in another week.


Diseases can be treated in various ways, but it is much easier to prevent their development. To do this, it is important to remember that even the most moisture-loving plant can die from too much water. To treat the most common diseases, such as fungi and rot, you need to carefully examine the plant affected by the disease and carefully separate the damaged parts. There are also some products that help very well in destroying fungus (HOM, topaz, etc.).

Treatment of saxifrage

Arends' saxifrage is a flower for all occasions: both practical to use at home and beautiful for design. If all conditions are followed correctly, the plant will delight residents and guests with its variegated, lush color.

The best ornamental varieties of saxifrage plants

Cultivated varieties of saxifrage can improve the appearance of any area. Ideal for growing in flower beds, in flowerpots, as well as for organizing organized flower beds and large stones. To grow saxifrage in the garden, choose varieties of soddy saxifrage Arends. The best varieties of Arends saxifrage include:

  • Variety “Purpurmontel” - plant height does not exceed 20-25 cm. The flowers are medium bright, purple-pink in color, forming a very dense green carpet. Blooms in early June. The “Purpurmontel” variety is not afraid of frost; when grown as a perennial plant, it does not require shelter.
  • Variety “Snow Carpet” - plant height does not exceed 15 cm. The flowers are medium bright, white, forming a dense green carpet. Blooms in mid-May. The “Snow Carpet” variety forms a dense cushion up to 3-5 cm in height. Ideal for decorating rocky areas.
  • Variety "Flora Carpet" - plant height no more than 20 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, white-pink. Blooms beautifully on alpine hills. Blooms in early June. The "Flora Carpet" variety forms a dense cushion up to 3-5 cm in height. The only variety that prefers to grow on the sunny side of the site
  • Variety “Flamingo” - plant height no more than 20 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, white-pink. Planted in small groups in garden plots and flower beds. Blooms in early June.

The Flamingo variety is most often grown as a perennial plant. Winter-hardy variety.

Rules for growing perennial saxifrage

Saxifraga is a fairly common perennial flower, which is often used as an ornamental plant to decorate gardens and household plots. Since this herbaceous plant grows naturally in cracks in rocks and cliffs, it is usually used as a decoration for alpine slides and retaining walls. Therefore, saxifrage has become one of the popular flowers, the cultivation of which from seeds, for further use in landscape compositions, is quite accessible at home.

Advantages of the plant

The advantage of saxifrage is not only the attractive appearance of the flowering carpet. But also such features as compactness, frost resistance and durability. And after it fades, you can collect a lot of seeds, which will become planting material for further propagation.

The Saxifraga family, to which this flower belongs, has more than 350 species found throughout the world. Both perennial and annual saxifrages belong to this type of plant, differing in the height of the stems and the color of the flowers, which can be white, pink and even red.

In general, saxifrage is a small bushy carpet, the leaves of which are collected in basal rosettes and have a green color with a silvery tint. Saxifraga stems can grow up to 70 cm in height, depending on the plant variety. The flowers of this garden crop are five-petalled and up to 2 cm in diameter.

Saxifraga is a rather unique plant, because its cultivation at the initial stage involves treating the seeds with cold. It is this interesting feature that affects the germination of seedlings.

A short video instruction will introduce you to some of the plant’s features and help those who have not previously heard of it get a general idea of ​​saxifrage.

Preparing for sowing

You can start sowing seeds at home as early as April. Purchased seeds are treated with cold. This process consists of placing a small amount of soil in a small container, preferably light and slightly moist. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil, after which the container should be placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

At the end of the period, the container with the seedlings is removed and placed on the windowsill of a bright window. To create greenhouse conditions and for rapid seed germination, the container should be covered with plastic wrap. Next, it is worth maintaining the temperature for this mini-greenhouse in the range from 18 to 20 degrees. If the processing time and temperature conditions are followed correctly, the first shoots will appear within a week and will be the same as in the photo.

Further cultivation consists of waiting for the strong leaves of the plant to appear and planting the seedlings in boxes with a large volume.

As a rule, the first leaves of saxifrage seedlings are very weak, so the picking process should be done after the second leaf appears.

Among experienced flower growers, one sign has taken root, which concerns the timing of seed germination. If the seedlings do not germinate within 2 - 2.5 weeks, then, unfortunately, they will not germinate.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Seedlings obtained from seeds can be planted in open areas at the beginning of summer. For saxifrage, medium-fertile soil with good drainage will be excellent. It is precisely because such plants do not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil that they are grown on slopes and in rock crevices. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other so that as they grow, the flower carpet appears continuous.

When planting saxifrage seedlings, it is advisable not to remove soil from the roots of the plant. If the capacity parameters of the mini-greenhouse allow, you can try cutting the soil like a pie to divide them into shares. Subsequently, using a spatula, the shares are planted along with a piece of earth.

Saxifraga will also easily take root in soil with a light composition. One might say, even with the poor. This flower responds well to the presence of limestone in the soil.

It is important to remember that water should not stagnate in the ground.

How to care for planted flowers

Further care is simple. In general, what will need to be provided to saxifrage flowers is:

  • Regular watering. The plant needs to be provided with moderate regular watering, but so that the soil has time to dry out. Do not allow soil to flood, so as not to harm the flower. Lack of watering can be noticed immediately by the condition of the plant. In particular, the size of each flower will begin to decrease, and brown spots may appear on the leaves.
  • Feeding. Complex fertilizers are perfect for saxifrage. The first fertilizing can be done 7 days after transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place in the garden.
  • Loosening and weeding of the soil.

True, the flowering of saxifrage will occur only in a year. However, if you plant seedlings in a sunny place and do not provide good care in terms of watering, then the flowering carpet may become scarce and develop “bald spots.”

Flowers in the garden

In general, each type of saxifrage requires special care. For some varieties, moist soils are more suitable, for others - dry soils. In temperate natural conditions, the most common saxifrages are Tenistaya (urban) and Arendsa.

It is the Arends saxifrage that is most often found in gardens and has become an indispensable attribute of alpine slides. Perennial Saxifraga Arends can grow both in partial shade and in open sunny areas. This type of plant blooms from late May to early June. Flowers of this species can be white, pink and purple, as in the photo.

In one place, Arends' saxifrage can grow for quite a long time, which can last up to several years. But still, care for such a plant must be properly organized. And when the cushion of the bush begins to age and “fall apart,” it is worth rejuvenating the plant.

As you can see, caring for saxifrage does not require special knowledge. And growing it can be a fun and exciting process for you.

Saxifraga in landscape design

With its mesmerizing beauty, saxifrage has earned its rightful place in modern landscape design. It is placed in rock gardens, on artificial slides, embankments and rocks, where it looks very stylish and impressive. This plant will instantly turn an empty and unattractive rocky place into a chic flower garden. The richness of its varieties and shades will fill the surrounding space with bright, rich colors. That is why saxifrage is absolutely irreplaceable for landscape design.

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