When and how to sow godetia for seedlings in 2022, features of planting and growing from seeds at home

Godetia is a plant crop that is used to improve dacha areas and personal plots. Any novice gardener, whose knowledge about plants is kept to a minimum, can grow Godetia. To obtain a productive result, you will need to comply with sowing dates, rules for growing seedlings and subsequent care of Godetia.
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How to determine the sowing time of Godetia

Plant seeds are planted when warm days arrive. Small cold snaps are possible, which will only harden Godetia. In regions with a harsh climate, planting is carried out after the soil has completely warmed up and the air temperature has normalized. Flower crops are mainly planted in the spring, but some gardeners practice autumn planting in regions with warm climates.

Importance in landscape design

More and more gardeners are falling in love with this unpretentious, beautiful annual. Tall varieties of godetia need support, but look great against the background of openwork fences, large boulders and in alpine slide compositions.

Medium-height godetia look advantageous on the lawn, while low-growing varieties look great in flowerpots and pots in combination with other annuals. Godetia is great for growing in flower pots on the balconies of city apartments. If you transplant godetia into a flower pot for the winter, it will delight you with its marvelous blooms for a long time.

Some sources:

  • Bible of garden plants / I. Berezkina, N. Grigorieva
  • House in the garden No. 2 February 2018

Elena Chursinova A practical gardener with twenty years of experience. I prefer organic farming and lazy gardening.

Godetia varieties, which one is better to choose

Godetia grandiflora
Most often, gardeners grow two types of Godetia: Large-flowered and Pleasant. Large-flowered is distinguished by large inflorescences and a pink hue. This subspecies can reach a length of 30 cm. Popular varieties of Large-flowered Godetia are:

  • Sweet summer.
  • Memory
  • Orange room.

Godetia Pleasant is distinguished by alternately arranged linear leaves. The height of the crop reaches 60 cm. The inflorescences themselves are of medium size and have a velvety surface of the petals. This subspecies blooms almost continuously from July to September. Popular varieties of Pleasant Godetia are Satin, Pink Grace.

Popular varieties with photos: choose to your taste!

Low, lush godetia bushes are completely covered with large flowers during flowering from mid-summer until frost. Depending on the type and variety, the appearance and color of the buds differ.

Large-flowered godetia bushes have a height of more than 50 cm. The flowers of this species are double or simple, shaped like bells. The flowering period occurs in the second half of summer and September.

A striking representative of the large-flowered godetia is the Motylek variety. The length of its stems is 50 cm. With the beginning of flowering, they are covered with large double flowers with wavy edges of the petals. The color of the buds varies.

Godetia Moth

The Rembrandt variety belongs to the same group. The height of its bushes reaches 35 cm. It has large double flowers with pink petals, on which there is a bright crimson spot in the center. The variety has a long flowering period.

Godetia Rembrandt

To decorate borders, gardeners often use a varietal mixture of Godetia Klumbovaya. It has large flowers with bright, varied colors.

Godetia Klumbovaya

The varietal mixture Inspiration forms compact bushes up to 40 cm high. During flowering, they are covered with large buds in white, pink and lilac tones.

Godetia Inspiration

Godetia azalea flower forms lush, low bushes with large buds. It blooms profusely all summer until the first cold weather arrives. This species is suitable for growing in an open flower bed, but it can also be found as a houseplant.

One of the most popular varieties is called Monarch. It forms low-growing bushes with shoots no more than 25 cm in length. During the flowering period, the shoots of godetia of this variety are covered with flowers with silky petals in white, crimson or pink shades.

Godetia Monarch

Godetia terry does not exist in natural conditions. This species includes hybrid varieties with double flowers. The shade of the buds varies.

The Beauty variety grows up to 45 cm in length. It has red double flowers with a silky surface.

Godetia the Beauty

The Red Wine variety belongs to the same group. Its bushes grow up to 35 cm in height. The flowers are double, in red shades, up to 8 cm in diameter.

Godetia Red wine

Godetia Gofre differs from other species by its very large, brightly colored flowers. The height of the bushes of this plant reaches 40 cm. The buds with double petals can be up to 8 cm in diameter.

Godetia Gofre

When to plant depending on the region

The timing of planting seeds to grow seedlings can vary significantly depending on what region of the country the gardener lives in.

In Moscow and Moscow region

In Moscow and the region, you can plant flowers in mid-late April, when the soil warms up to 15 degrees.

In the middle zone

In the regions of Central Russia, Godetia is planted for further cultivation in May-June.

In the Urals

Seed material is pre-planted in boxes in early March, and only after the soil has completely warmed up (by mid-June) is the crop transplanted into open ground for further cultivation.

In Siberia

In Siberian conditions, it is also prohibited to plant the plant directly in open ground. Initially, it is placed in small pots in mid-March, and then the crop is planted in open ground in May-June.

In the Leningrad region

When grown in the Leningrad region, Godetia can be planted in late April / early May.

Features of the plant

Depending on the type, godetia forms an elongated or spreading bush of small size. The length of the shoots does not exceed 60 cm. The leaves of the erect stems are arranged alternately and have a lanceolate shape. During flowering, the bush is completely covered with cup-shaped or bell-shaped flowers. The diameter of the buds ranges from 3 to 10 cm. The flowers are simple or double, collected in brushes. Their color can be any shade in the red and white color scheme.

Godetia is grown only from seeds. This plant does not reproduce vegetatively. The ripening of small seeds occurs inside a cylindrical tetrahedral capsule. They remain viable for three years.

Planting Godetia with seeds step by step

How to plant godetia seedlings when growing at home:

  1. Prepare and disinfect the container for sowing.
  2. Place a drainage layer on the bottom of the vessel and pour loose soil on top.
  3. Add a little sand on top and smooth it over the surface.
  4. Place the seeds in the ground.
  5. Sprinkle them with a small amount of soil.

IMPORTANT! To retain moisture and heat, the planting containers will need to be covered with plastic wrap.

When and how to collect your seeds

When godetia fades, seed boxes form in place of the buds. In a month the seeds will ripen. They can be collected to sow your own seeds next year for seedlings or directly into a flower garden.

As soon as the boxes darken, they are cut off. At home, these boxes are dried until they are completely dry. After this, the box is opened, the seeds are poured out and stored in a paper bag.

Such seeds are also used for pre-winter sowing. Seeds remain viable for 4 years.

How to plant Godetia in peat tablets?

To plant seeds in peat tablets you will need:

  1. Prepare a suitable large container. You need to focus on plastic vessels with high sides.
  2. Place peat tablets in a row at the bottom of the vessel.
  3. Pour some warm water to cover the bottom of the container.
  4. Leave the peat discs for 10 minutes to swell.
  5. Remove the tablets and discard the remaining water from the container.
  6. Place seed material one by one into the recess of the washer.

If the washers are small, you can use a toothpick to plant the seeds.

Pest and disease control

Godetia has many large leaves, so its main problem is leaf-eating insects. They need to be combated by preventative spraying with insecticides and washing the plants with a soap-ash solution. And don’t forget to regularly remove weeds that contribute to the spread of parasites and diseases.

Due to excess moisture, godetia suffers from root rot, but such a plant cannot be saved and must be removed immediately. The leaves are affected by powdery mildew and other fungal diseases. Fungicides and antiseptics are needed against them, and in extreme cases, radical measures.

Photo: 2sotki.ru

Purslane (80 photos): types, reproduction and care

How to care for Godetia seedlings, what are the tricks?

Godetia seedlings require careful care. Therefore, the gardener will need to follow the rules of watering, fertilizing, and lighting.

The seeds of Godetia have sprouted, what to do next?

After the seeds germinate, you will need to monitor the lighting and watering of the crop. Seedlings should be stored in a well-lit place with an acceptable level of humidity. The gardener must take care that when growing the flower there are no strong drafts. Any exposure to cold air masses can lead to the death of the crop.

Watering should be regular but moderate. In order not to overdo it with water, it is recommended to use a spray bottle for these purposes. It will help not only nourish the root system, but also moisturize the stems and leaves of the plant. It is better to water the flower 3-4 times a week.

IMPORTANT! If the soil does not have time to dry out between irrigations, then it is better to skip 1-2 waterings and wait until it dries completely. Otherwise, the plant may be subject to rot.

How to feed Godetia seedlings?

It is worth feeding seedlings infrequently - 1-2 times a month. In the future, when growing flowers, when the flowering period begins, the frequency of procedures can be increased to 1 time in 10 days. The choice of fertilizer depends on the type of soil in which the crop grows. Most often, complex or mineral fertilizers are used.

Rules for picking Godetia

2 weeks after the first shoots of the plant appear, you can remove the plastic film. If the first leaves have already formed on the plant, you can start picking. To carry it out, you will need to prepare a soil mixture and a sterilized container. How to carry out the procedure step by step:

  1. Using a small shovel, place the seedlings on a flat surface.
  2. Separate seedlings that are entangled with each other.
  3. Trim the roots of Godetia by 2 cm. This procedure stimulates the growth of new shoots.
  4. Plant seedlings in larger containers.

During the process, the same soil composition is used as during planting.

Seedling care

Godetia grows slowly. Plant care must correspond to the stage of their development. Small seedlings are watered with a syringe or syringe. Only when the bushes have grown leaves can you use a small watering can with a narrow spout for watering. The earth should not dry out, but it should not be turned into a swamp either. Watering should be uniform and moderate.

Calibrachoa from Seeds: 5 Helpful Tips for Growing

At the initial stages, seedlings do not need fertilizers, since the soil contains everything necessary for the growth and development of plants. The first feeding can be done 8-10 days after picking, but only if the godetia slows down its growth. A complex fertilizer for flowers in a reduced dosage is suitable for this.

After moistening the soil, it is necessary to loosen its surface, preventing the formation of a hard crust. It is important that oxygen reaches the plant roots. Loosening is carried out carefully, trying not to damage the root system of growing godetia.

When to plant seedlings in open ground?

You can replant flowers in open soil after they have grown sufficiently and the ground has warmed up to 15-18 degrees. This is approximately May-June (for the Urals and Siberia). If the gardener has doubts about the readiness of the seedlings for transplanting, then you can measure its height using a ruler. If the readings exceed 6 cm, then it’s time to plant Godetia in a permanent place. If the stem height is still small, you should wait a few more weeks to replant.

For transplantation, choose a sunny area that is protected from drafts. It is recommended to plant the flower in places where weeds grow to a lesser extent. Otherwise, at the first rain, they will begin to grow abundantly and interfere with the full development of Godetia. Planting is carried out in previously prepared and loosened soil. It will also need to be mixed with sand and peat.

IMPORTANT! The owners will need to make small holes at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, plant seedlings in them, compact the soil and water the plant generously.

Seed cultivation of godetia in a flower bed

Godetia can be sown directly into the ground at different times of the year. But when choosing the time of year, take into account the climate of your region and the possibility of using shelter:

  1. Sowing before the onset of frost is suitable for those climatic zones where winters are mild and warm. In a flower garden in warm weather, while the soil is not yet frozen, make grooves no deeper than 1 centimeter. Seeds are sown in November. But before this, they must undergo pre-sowing treatment in advance. Treated and dried seeds are placed in the groove. They are sprinkled with dry soil on top, mulched and covered with protective material (for example, agrofibre and spruce branches on top).
  2. Some flower growers sow godetia in early April. After sowing the seeds into the soil, a temporary greenhouse is set up on top. And as soon as warm weather sets in, the greenhouse structure is dismantled. It is only important to fertilize the soil under the garden bed and dig it up in the fall. As soon as the temperature rises to 6-9°C in spring, make furrows, spill them with warm water and sow the seeds. The seedlings are not afraid of small short-term frosts, but with such early sowing, mandatory covering will be required. Considering that godetia does not tolerate transplantation very well, the seeds are sown immediately in a permanent place in the flowerbed.
  3. Traditionally, in the spring, godetia seeds are sown in May. The soil is dug up, loosened and moistened. Then they make grooves where the seeds are laid to a depth of 1 centimeter. To prevent later sprouting seedlings from diving, immediately maintain a distance of 20 cm. Otherwise, when sowing densely, the plants will need to be thinned out.

Flowering is observed until frost. And even if you immediately sow godetia into the soil, you can still admire its flowering.

Growing without seedlings is more suitable for gardeners in the southern regions. And since the growing season lasts almost 90 days, it is better to grow godetia from seeds using seedlings.

Answers to constant questions

Below are the most popular questions from novice gardeners who decided to improve their plot with Godetia.

What soil should I buy for growing seedlings?

It is recommended to use ready-made flower soil combination kits, sold in hardware stores. You can also make your own mixture for planting. To do this, you need to combine loose soil with a mixture of peat and a small amount of sand. Mix all components and use as intended.

How can you stimulate seeds for further growth?

You can stimulate the seeds with ready-made solutions (for example, Energen for garden crops or potassium permanganate) or use organic means - ash, onion peel tincture, honey solution.

Why don't the seeds germinate?

Lack of growth indicates the following reasons:

  • Incorrect landing technique.
  • Lack of watering or excessive watering.
  • Lack of fertilizing.
  • Using unsuitable fertilizers.
  • Lack of good lighting.

Also, poor seedling growth may indicate unsuitable soil for Godetia.

Why are seeds soaked?

Soaking is necessary to soften the outer shell of the seeds, remove essential oils (which slow down growth) and disinfect the planting material. There is no need to soak only those seeds that were purchased in stores. Most likely, they have already been processed at the enterprise.

How to harden Godetia?

Hardening is used 1-2 weeks before planting seedlings in open ground. To do this, you need to take it out into the open air every day, gradually increasing the amount of time spent in it.

What to do if Godetia seedlings do not grow?

It is necessary to loosen the soil and look at the condition of the stem. Perhaps it began to rot from excessive watering or, on the contrary, to dry out due to lack of moisture. You should also feed the plant with mineral fertilizer, which stimulates shoot growth. The reason may lie in the lack of light. Then you will need to move the pot for growing strong seedlings to a more illuminated part of the house.

Beauty formula

Like any representative of the flora, godetia belongs to a specific family. This annual flower belongs to the fireweed family. She is a relative of the well-known medicinal Ivan tea. The genus Godetia includes about twenty species found throughout America. The plant originates from southern California. It is named after the botanist Godet, who first “tamed” this marvelous flower, studied it and included it in the classification.

It has an erect stem that branches from the base and barely reaches 40 centimeters in height. The bushes are spreading, the crown is pyramidal. Leaves lanceolate, alternate. Nothing remarkable, just like many other flowers. The most magnificent thing about godetia is the flowers. The shape of the petals, their delicate silky texture, the most delicate color, like a hint of color - this is the beauty formula by which nature created this plant. Godetia flowers are not just large, but very large. They can reach 10 centimeters in diameter in a certain variety. Godetia has very short peduncles. The flowers appear as if attached directly to the leaves or stems. They are shaped like a bell or form a cup.

Godetia flowers are not just large, but very large

After flowering, a fruit is formed - a seed capsule with four sides. The seeds in them are not very small, and their germination persists for four years.

Today, various godetia hybrids have been developed:

  • azalea;
  • bushy;
  • dwarf;
  • terry.

Despite the delicate appearance of its graceful flowers, godetia can bloom all summer and autumn until frost, easily overcoming all the difficulties associated with summer drought, autumn rains and temperature changes.

Godetia blooms until frost

Selection and preparation of soil for sowing

The soil for sowing must be of mixed type. To do this, you can buy a ready-made mixture or prepare it yourself from:

  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • perlite.

All parts are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture should be well moistened, free-flowing and loose so that the roots can grow easily. They don't like soil that is too alkaline, so it should be slightly acidic. It can be deoxidized with lime or dolomite flour. These mixtures are added to the soil for planting.

Optimal conditions for germination

In order for all the seeds to germinate, the following care measures must be taken:

  • ensure average humidity of the air and the soil itself, regardless of drying out or excessive moisture;
  • ensure the temperature does not exceed 16 °C, freezing for several days or more is unacceptable;
  • Flowers require sufficient lighting up to direct sunlight. If this is not possible, you can set the lamp to a temperature of 20-22 ° C after the first shoots appear;
  • you should periodically loosen the soil and weed out the weeds, since heavy soil and competitors on the site will not allow the seeds to hatch;
  • you need to apply fertilizers with a low nitrogen content, which will allow the flower to grow faster and avoid many diseases.

If all conditions are met, the seeds will quickly sprout, after which the seedlings can be transplanted into open ground.

Godetia is a flowering plant that can be grown at home or in the garden. For its growth, you need to follow certain rules of care, but some violation of them will not lead to the death of the flower. The planting and care processes are elementary, so even a beginner in floriculture can handle it.

Rules for watering, fertilizing, pruning

Watering activities must be carried out responsibly, since godetia is very demanding about this. Excessive moisture is as harmful to it as its lack. The best option would be to use the drip irrigation method.

The first time will have to be spent deciding on a watering schedule, observing the reaction of the flower. The moisture will be better distributed and it will be easier to monitor the condition of the soil if you loosen the soil and remove weeds from there. Before watering, you need to let the water settle and warm up in the sun; this is especially important for young plants.

In order for the plant to grow and develop well, it is necessary to regularly feed the soil with complex fertilizers, taking a break of 21 days.

Godetia reacts very well to nitrophosphate; for this you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon in a bucket of water and water the bushes. As soon as the first buds appear, mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium are used for feeding. The use of such fertilizers will allow you to enjoy more abundant flowering. You should not use nitrogen-based fertilizers, as this promotes the growth of green mass, depriving the plant of flowering.

Cow manure and bird droppings are also good for good flowering.

You can stimulate abundant flowering without pruning the branches, but only by removing those flowers that have already withered. Forming for the purpose of giving shape is almost never carried out, as this can cause the death of tender shoots. Tall varieties, whose height exceeds 60 centimeters, need additional support in the form of small pegs. If this is not done, then beautiful and large flowers will be able to lay on the graceful stems of a beautiful flower.

Reviews of Godetia from gardeners

Flower growers note that godetia is an interesting and beautiful plant

Alena, Rostov-on-Don. My godetia is red, last year I bought ready-made bushes in the store, the “Meteor” variety. So already at the end of June the first flowers appeared: very beautiful, double, dark red. I kept Godetia on the balcony, but was afraid to plant it in the flowerbed in front of the house. I tried to follow all the care rules, but fleas still appeared in the middle of summer. We had to treat them with insecticide, thank God we recovered.

Anastasia, Kirov. Godetia has gorgeous flowers, I’ve already tried to grow several types. I really like the dwarf variety “Monarch”, it looks as if it only has flowers growing, the leaves are almost invisible. Very good for growing in pots. There were no problems with pests, so we enjoy its beauty all summer long.

Natasha, Moscow. Godetia didn’t do well for me, I tried to make seedlings myself, apparently she damaged the roots. Now some nice bushes have grown, but they don’t bloom much. Still beautiful and with big flowers. I bought different seeds, so now my godetias bloom in different colors: white, pink with spots, soft purple, several shades of red. Next year I plan to plant all the seeds directly into the flowerbed to make a flowering carpet.

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