Zdraven turbo universal: advantages of use and instructions

"Hello turbo for indoor flowers"

To maintain the beauty and health of indoor flowers, the Zdraven Turbo mineral fertilizer will help. It is produced by a Russian company located in Nizhny Novgorod. The weight of the package is only 30 g. This amount is enough to prepare 20 liters of working solution.

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Complex mineral fertilizer “Zdraven Turbo for indoor flowers” ​​quickly dissolves in water without residue. By watering at the roots and spraying on the leaves, houseplants receive nutrients and essential microelements in optimal form for easy absorption.

As a result of using the drug, the following results can be achieved:

  1. The root system of plants develops better.
  2. The number of shoots increases.
  3. Indoor flowers receive balanced, nutritious nutrition.
  4. The flowering period becomes longer.
  5. Chlorosis and yellowing of leaves recede.

The composition contains a whole scattering of useful elements, including:

  • potassium – 20%;
  • nitrogen – 16%;
  • phosphorus – 9%;
  • magnesium – 1.5%;
  • iron (including in the form of chelates) – 0.05%;
  • manganese – 0.04%;
  • boron – 0.03%;
  • zinc – 0.02%;
  • molybdenum – 0.005%;
  • sodium humate.

Such a rich composition allows this product to be used as a replacement for several simple fertilizers at once.

An extremely valuable element is sodium humate. It improves the overall quality of the substrate, helps plants tolerate various stressful situations more easily, and accelerates flowering.

The drug does not contain chlorine and is safe for both people and plants (chlorine can suppress the development of the root system, as a result of which indoor plants will receive less nutrients from the ground).

“Zdraven” will prevent the appearance of chlorosis and yellowing of leaves associated with a lack or imbalance of nutrients.

Features of the product, composition and beneficial properties

Balanced feeding with a complex of minerals is the cornerstone in caring for your garden and garden. Plants of all types and varieties need adequate nutrition and fertilizer - this is the right decision if you need a product that has the optimal price-quality ratio.

The composition of multicomponent fat includes macroelements necessary for full development: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as a long list of microelements, the most significant of which are: iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, boron, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, etc. At the same time, the substances are translated into a chelate form that is easily accessible to the root system, which promotes rapid absorption and maximum saturation of plants with nutritional components. And, what is important, the list of minerals does not contain toxic chlorine, which opens up wide application possibilities: the product is suitable for crops that are highly sensitive to this substance: tomatoes, peppers, etc.

The drug also contains a unique natural growth stimulator, sodium lignohumate, which plays a leading soil-forming role. The substance helps to increase the moisture-carrying capacity of dense, heavy loams, and enhances the moisture holding capacity of light sandstones. In addition, sodium lignohumate stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora, enhances the activity of soil microorganisms and opens up the inherent potential of the soil by 100%.

Instructions for use

For root feeding, the fertilizer is dissolved in warm water. The day before, indoor flowers must be watered with clean water so that the soil remains moist.

Regular consistent root feeding is performed as follows:

  1. A week after transplanting the plant - 1 g of “Zdravnya” per 1 liter of water.
  2. 10 days after the first feeding - 1.5 g of “Zdravnya” per 1 liter of water.
  3. Next, the plants are fed once every 2-3 weeks in the warm season and once every 4-5 weeks in the cold season - 1.5 g of Zdravnya per 1 liter of water.

Foliar feeding is done by spraying the leaves. For 1 liter of water take only 1 g of mineral fertilizer.

It is worth noting that you can estimate the dosage yourself, without the use of measuring instruments. In 1 tsp. with a heap contains about 7-8 g of the drug, in a heaped tablespoon - from 20 to 22 g, in a matchbox - from 18 to 19 g.

Article on the topic: Sodium humate GREEN ISLAND Universal - reviews, description

You can also feed garden flowers grown outside with this mineral fertilizer. From my own experience, I will say that the effect was especially noticeable on tulips, peonies and roses.

Fatty Zucchini and Cucumber Company

Cucumbers, zucchini, squash and pumpkins are vegetables that are very responsive to proper care. They are able to overwhelm a caring owner with a harvest.

Cucumbers are big water drinkers; they can grow in soil filled with raw, unrotted manure; they simply thrive on nutritious compost. They go well with corn and sunflowers, entwining their stems like supports.

Pumpkins, zucchini and squash are also not indifferent to nutritious compost; they love to grow on moist heaps with organic matter.

Zdraven Turbo fertilizer for cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini and squash has been developed especially for this friendly company.

, having a high content of nitrogen and other macro- and microelements necessary for growth and fruiting.

The effect of fertilizing is noticeable already on crop seedlings: they do not stretch, become strong, and tolerate transplanting well. The plants are watered for the first time in the phase of 3-4 true leaves. After being sent into the ground, the plantings are fed after 10-15 days, continuing to do this until the end of fruiting once every 2 weeks. It is important to remember: foliar spraying should not be carried out in the heat, so as not to burn the foliage.

Liquid form of complex organomineral nutrition - “Zdraven Aqua for cucumbers, pumpkins and melons”

. Both types stimulate the development of the root system, increase the number of ovaries and greens, guarantee a rapid supply of nutrients, improve taste and productivity.

Zdraven turbo universal: advantages of use and instructions

Zdraven fertilizers are an effective means for feeding both ornamental and vegetable plants. You should pay attention to the fact that these fertilizers dissolve very quickly in water, so all the beneficial substances penetrate the plant very quickly.

Zdraven turbo is an excellent solution if you need to provide comprehensive plant nutrition. This is explained by the fact that this fertilizer contains almost all the useful substances that are needed for the normal growth and development of the plant. This is evidenced not only by the instructions, but also by real reviews from agronomists.

One hundred green clothes

There are a lot of varieties of cabbage, and each one is good - Savoy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red cabbage. The main thing in its agricultural technology is to ensure sufficient watering, because without excess water there will be no heads of cabbage. It is better to sow cabbage seedlings in separate cups so that when transplanting there is less damage to the “burdocky” leaves (you may lose part of the harvest).

The optimal set for feeding these vegetables contains the mineral fertilizer “Zdraven Turbo for cabbage and green crops”

and two types of liquid organomineral con
, “Zdraven Aqua for green crops”
. The latter’s special formula with a reduced nitrogen content and balanced microelements reduces the risk of nitrate accumulation in products.

Fertilizing accelerates the development of seedlings, increases the weight and density of the head of cabbage, improves the taste and increases the safety of the crop, promotes the development of strong and juicy plants, and ensures early readiness for cutting or harvesting.

Description of the drug

This agricultural product has a balanced chemical composition , so it will help replace several fertilizers at once. And this is its main advantage, why buy many different drugs and try to mix them correctly if all this was done by professionals. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that the drug is completely soluble in water, thereby it is absorbed by the plant as quickly as possible.

In order to prepare the solution, you will need warm water. It is desirable that the temperature be from 30 to 50°. And when the solution has cooled completely, you can water the plant with it.

The peculiarity of Zdravna turbo is that it does not contain chlorine. And this is very important, since chlorine inhibits the absorption of nutrients. In addition, this remedy helps improve the plant’s immunity, and also makes the plant resistant to various temperature changes and sudden changes in weather conditions.

Please note that when using this drug, yield increases by almost 20%.

What components are included in Zdraven turbo?

The fertilizer consists of the following components :

  1. Nitrogen. This is the main active ingredient. It is noteworthy that nitrogen is part of chlorophyll, which, in turn, ensures photosynthesis. In addition, nitrogen helps form protein molecules and is also involved in tissue regeneration.
  2. Phosphorus is one of the key elements that affects the rapid and proper absorption of nutrients. In addition, phosphorus ensures rapid growth and vigorous flowering of flowers.
  3. Potassium. This component helps improve the metabolic process and also increases the water level in cells. Potassium is of great importance for the growth and normal development of both the plant itself and its fruits.
  4. Manganese is actively involved in the process of photosynthesis.
  5. Iron is an essential element that helps form chlorophyll. If a plant lacks iron, growth slows down greatly.
  6. Boron increases the amount of sugar and starch in ripe fruits. If a plant lacks boron, it will have an untidy appearance, and its leaves and shoots will be distorted.
  7. Copper takes an active part in normalizing water balance.
  8. Zinc helps to absorb all the necessary components for plant growth. It is this component that affects the size of the fruit.
  9. Cobalt is an essential element for the normal growth and development of crops such as potatoes, peas and cucumbers.

Article on the topic: Housing and communal services Flower happiness for Orchids - reviews, description

The orchard is ok

Apple trees, pears, cherries, plums, raspberries and strawberries - the soul sings when the orchard looks beautiful and well-groomed. This is what happens when the correct algorithm is found in planning, crown formation and fertilizing.

For the garden, it is worth adopting a few simple rules:

  • that which bears fruit or produces a harvest - always feed, water and fertilize with microelements;
  • It is better to wrap the trunk circles with a thick layer of humus, and on top with foliage, straw, and living plants;
  • under fruit trees and raspberries, it is good to sow bentgrass, which forms a soft mulching carpet that makes the soil loose and fertile;
  • form the crowns according to the principle so that a sparrow flies through it without slowing down.

As for fertilizing, there are ready-made and easy-to-use options:

"Zdraven Turbo for fruit trees and berry bushes"


"Healthy Aqua for fruit trees"


A balanced composition of macro- and microelements has a positive effect on the growth and development of garden and ornamental trees and shrubs:

  • improves the root system, the formation of adventitious roots;
  • increases powerful leaf mass, promotes the formation and formation of fruit buds and ovaries;
  • increases productivity and content of sugars, vitamins and other useful substances in berries and fruits;
  • increases winter hardiness;

The feeding scheme is traditional:

  • first spring - after buds open;
  • the second - immediately after flowering;
  • the third - during the period of harvest formation, 2-3 weeks after the second.

After harvesting, it is also recommended to feed all berry bushes, cherries and plums. In this case, 3–4 g per 10 liters of water of potassium sulfate are added to the fertilizer solution.

What are the advantages of using this product?

Firstly , Zdraven turbo universal is capable of replacing many fertilizers that are simple in their composition.

Secondly , this fertilizer does not contain chlorine, so it promotes rapid growth of the root system.

Thirdly , the composition contains many necessary components. For example: nitrogen, potassium and many other useful substances.

Fourthly , the drug quickly and completely dissolves in water.

Benefits of fertilizer

On sale you can find a huge number of mineral fertilizers with a similar composition. However, Zdraven fertilizing has several advantages, thanks to which many owners of indoor plants, garden and cereal crops choose it:

  • a wide variety of varieties;
  • rich composition that includes all the necessary minerals;
  • ease of use and low consumption;
  • lack of chlorine, which can reduce the defenses of some plants.

Dry and liquid forms dissolve well in water for irrigation and are quickly absorbed into the soil. The main advantage of the product is its rich and varied composition, thanks to which crops grow large and healthy, tolerate temperature changes well, bloom and bear fruit profusely.

What is fertilized with this drug?

crops with Zdravne Turbo such as:

  1. Tomatoes and peppers. The drug helps make tomato ovaries larger.
  2. Onion and garlic. This product has a good effect on the taste of onions and garlic, and also makes them look more marketable.
  3. Cucumbers and pumpkin. Watering seedlings with this product can provide a large number of ovaries in cucumbers, and also protects against parasites and various diseases.
  4. Strawberries and raspberries can also be watered with this fertilizer. So, the lands will be large and juicy.
  5. Potato. By watering potato seedlings with fertilizer, you stimulate the growth of root tubers.

Hello turbo for indoor flowers

It is noteworthy that this fertilizer can be used not only for economic plants, but also for ornamental ones . Thus, the balanced chemical composition of the drug allows you to saturate the flower with all useful components.

Personally for strawberries and raspberries

Providing your family with sufficient quantities of strawberries and raspberries is a great success. No artificial vitamin complex can compare with a basket of berries: the vitamins in berries are created by nature itself.

To have a good and stable harvest of berry delicacies, you need to stock up on fertilizers specially designed for berries and berry bushes - “Zdraven Turbo for strawberries and raspberries”

“Zdraven Aqua for strawberries”
“Zdraven Aqua for berries and berry crops”

Mineral fertilizer and organomineral liquid concentrate will provide complete nutrition to the plant for the entire growing season:

o will increase the number of ovaries and berries, healthy leaf mass;

o the berries will ripen earlier, and remontant varieties will bear fruit more abundantly and longer;

o the content of sugary substances, vitamin value in fruits, as well as the winter hardiness of plants will increase.

In English, strawberries are called “strawberries” because that’s how they were grown – on straw. Therefore, mulch, which maintains stable moisture and airy soil structure and prevents the berries from rotting, is one of the important conditions for its cultivation. The same goes for raspberries.

Plants need to be fed in the spring (before flowering) and during the fruiting period - 2-3 times a month. When feeding before flowering, you can add urea to the fertilizer - 5 g per 10 liters. And after the end of the harvest - potassium sulfate in the same proportion.

Instructions for use

You should start fertilizing both indoor and ground plants from the moment when the first leaves appear on the seedlings. Before the first feeding, you should water the emerging sprouts with plain water. This should be done 2 days before fertilizing. The procedure for watering seedlings should be repeated every 1.5 or 2 weeks.

When planting seedlings, I always fertilize them with Zdraven turbo fertilizer. The harvest is always pleasing, and the plants practically do not get sick.

I have been using Zdraven turbo for many years now. I don’t remember the last time I fought late blight on tomatoes. In this review I definitely recommend the Zdraven turbo fertilizer; there is also an equally effective product, Zdraven aqua.

I really love working in my garden, growing my own vegetables and berries. However, lately I have been having problems with seedlings, and a neighbor suggested that I try a drug such as Zdraven turbo. I fertilized potatoes with it, you know, my results exceeded all expectations.

Signor-tomato and pepper-well done

There can never be too many tomatoes and peppers; these are the most popular vegetables after potatoes on our table. In summer they are good in salads, in winter – in preparations.

The couple is demanding regarding watering and nutrition, spring temperature changes, and agricultural technology. For all types of tomatoes (vine, tall, bush), for example, it is important to remove the lower leaves: from the very beginning of growth, remove one lower leaf every week. When tomatoes stand “on bare legs”, they get sick less, are well ventilated and lit.

It is better to leave no more than 3-4 fruits on the cluster; the weight of the removed ovaries will not change, but the fruits will become larger.

Peppers love even more food and water, otherwise they grow poorly.

All the necessary nutritional elements in the correct proportions for these crops are contained in the mineral fertilizer “Zdraven Turbo for feeding tomatoes and peppers”

and identical liquid con
Fertilizing promotes the formation of a powerful root system, increases the number of ovaries and fruits. Thanks to a balanced diet, early ripening varieties ripen faster, and more sugars and vitamins accumulate in the fruits.

The first watering with fertilizers is carried out two weeks after planting, the second - at the beginning of flowering, then until the end of fruiting - every two to three weeks. It is better to water tomatoes under the root. For greenhouses during the fruiting period, the dose of dry mineral fertilizer should be increased from 15 to 30 g per 10 liters.

About seedlings - with love

Good seedlings give a good harvest. According to gardening experts, the seed itself is already a plant. If you get defective ones, it’s a big deal, they won’t sprout, so you need to purchase seeds from trusted manufacturers.

Seedlings need additional light: in our apartments for plants it is 20 times less than required. Special lamps will help with this, as well as seedling boxes covered with foil - an additional reflector.

Heat from radiators is another inconvenience for gardening on a windowsill. It is advisable to place a large container of water (10 liters) nearby, into which the end of a thick cloth draped over the battery is lowered. This method allows you to increase the humidity in the room and reduce the effect of indoor “desert”.

To prevent the crops from stretching, it is worth trying to remove large lower leaves as soon as they begin to come into contact with neighboring ones. It is the lower leaves, once in the shade, that give the plant a signal that it needs to reach up. In this case, the seedling freezes, does not lengthen, and the stem continues to thicken. Then such strong seedlings are planted deep into the soil, form many adventitious roots, and grow quickly.

For proper nutrition of home crops during this period, it is good to use special fertilizers “Zdraven Turbo for seedlings”

“Zdraven Aqua for seedlings of flower, vegetable and green crops”
. They ensure stable plant growth and create the basis for future good harvests, as well as:

improve the survival rate of seedlings during transplantation;

increase resistance to diseases;

promote the development of a powerful root system.

The formula for feeding a mini-garden is balanced with all the necessary nutrients - a high need for nitrogen, potassium and magnesium. Traditional feeding schedule:

the first - in the phase of 2–4 true leaves until the soil is completely moistened;

the second - after 10–12 days;

the third - two weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground.

A walk through the dacha red forest

Red forest is called a pine forest (the bark of this tree, adjacent to the trunk, has a red, terracotta tint). It releases a huge amount of phytoncides, and the air in it is cleaner than in a medical operating room.

Nowadays it is very fashionable (and useful) to plant conifers in your garden. Spruce, juniper, thuja, yew, larch, pine - will create a cozy corner of natural redwoods, in which walking is a pleasure, and even healing!

Zdraven Turbo fertilizers for coniferous plants have been created to help gardeners.

“Health Aqua for garden ornamental and coniferous crops”
. Fertilizers guarantee:

  • active growth and harmonious development of trees;
  • quality, density and richness of color of needles;
  • strong root system, strong plant immunity.

Indoor coniferous plants are fed once a week in spring and summer, and once a month in autumn and winter. In open ground, the feeding schedule is once every two weeks from May to August.

Flower Waltz

One of the saints called flowers the remains of heaven on Earth. It is impossible to imagine a garden without a variety of flowers. But these beautiful creatures also need care and attention. A good help in organizing a flower bed, which pleases the eye with inflorescences and buds throughout the summer, will be Zdraven Turbo fertilizers for flower beds and flower beds.

“Hello Aqua for garden flowers”

Thanks to the complete microelement composition, the flower garden:

  • will increase the duration of flowering, flower size and number of shoots;
  • will provide adequate nutrition;
  • enhances the brightness of the color;
  • strengthens the root system, increases immunity and resistance to disease;
  • will reduce the loss of planting material.

We water our flower beds correctly with the nutrient composition:

  • flower seedlings for the first time 10 days after planting in a permanent place;
  • annuals sown in the ground, in the phase of 3–4 true leaves;
  • biennials and perennials at an air temperature not lower than +18 ° C - at the beginning of regrowth after winter;
  • bulbous and rhizomatous - at the beginning of the formation of the aerial part;
  • roses and other shrubs - 20 days after planting, or after buds break;
  • continue to feed every 2 weeks.

Note: it is especially important to fertilize during budding and the beginning of flowering.

On the green carpet

The emerald lawn in the garden is a favorite place to relax. It can even be grown from weeds that do not tolerate mowing at all. If you trim a patchy lawn every two weeks (not allowing it to rise above 15 cm), the growth of weeds is retarded, and the growth of silky meadow grasses, on the contrary, is stimulated. It is better to pick out and remove especially the worst offenders of the picture (hogweed, horse sorrel, burdock). Next summer you can get a beautiful mixed-grass lawn.

“Zdraven Turbo for Lawns” will help maintain strong and stable turf.

. It increases the decorativeness and winter hardiness of the lawn, as well as:

  • makes the green coating thick and uniform;
  • enhances color intensity;
  • increases drought resistance.

Typically, 3 feedings are carried out per season:

  1. the first - 3-4 weeks after the snow melts;
  2. the second - after the first mowing of the lawn;
  3. the third - in mid-August.

Foliar feeding can be done every 2 weeks.

Hello for cucumbers

The use of fertilizer increases productivity; this is the main result of using Zdravnya when growing cucumbers.

  • Accelerates the ripening time of cucumbers;
  • Increases the number of greens;
  • Improves salad properties;
  • Increases vitamin content;
  • Increases fetal immunity and its resistance to disease.

The composition of the fertilizer is selected taking into account the microelements that cucumbers need, the proportions are shifted towards potassium to accelerate ripening:

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