Saxifraga: description, types and varieties, propagation, growing from seeds, planting in open ground, care (110+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews


Saxifraga belongs more to mountain plants, as its name suggests. It prefers to grow between stones with a minimum of nutrients and poor watering, but is a bright spot in any landscape design with stones. In addition, some varieties are used not only to create beautiful compositions; in medicine, medications necessary for many are made from all parts of the plant.

Saxifraga (Saxifraga Caespitosa)

The natural habitats of the species are Eurasia, Central America, and mountainous areas of tropical Africa; it is under such natural conditions that the trunk can develop perfectly. Saxifraga can be either an annual or a perennial; now there are more than 400 species of this plant. The trunks bloom from May to August.

They differ from each other in external characteristics:

  • come in different sizes
  • can be grown both in open ground and in pots

The leaves can also be a distinctive feature; in some species they are very small, and in others they are medium in size. There is a saxifrage whose foliage grows only 5 cm, some species can grow up to 70 cm in height. In this case, the bushes of the plant will completely cover the soil with a radius of up to 12 cm.

The leaves of saxifrage are collected in a basal rosette, usually green. Sometimes the leafy part may have a bluish tint; this occurs due to the plant’s ability to accumulate lime. Each leaf has several flower stalks, on which flowers of different colors with five petals open over time.

Saxifraga paniculata

Flowers usually have delicate shades: pink, white, purple, yellow, some varieties are distinguished by red flowers. Some species have paniculate inflorescences, are cold-resistant and differ from their relatives in their complex root system. After flowering, in place of each flower, a seed box with a large number of small grains is formed. When sowing, not all will sprout; many will die from excess moisture.

Indoor varieties are most often hanging, grow and develop well on northern windows, but they still need light. This flower is easy to care for and plant; even a novice gardener can grow it both indoors and in the garden. Saxifraga will do well without moisture and will grow even if it is not regularly fertilized.

Brief description of cultivation

  1. Bloom . From late spring to late summer.
  2. Lighting . Bright diffused light.
  3. Temperature . During the period of active growth - 20-25 ºC, in winter - 16-18 ºC, but green-leaved forms are more comfortable in winter at a temperature of 12-14 ºC.
  4. Watering . From March to October - regular and sufficient, then watering is gradually reduced to a minimum so that the earthen ball does not dry out.
  5. Air humidity . In spring and summer in hot weather, it is advisable to spray the plant with water at room temperature.
  6. Feeding . From spring to autumn - 2 times a month, and in winter - once every 6-8 weeks with a weak solution of mineral fertilizer.
  7. Rest period . From October to the end of winter.
  8. Transplant . As the roots fill the space of the pot. Several plants are usually planted in one pot.
  9. Substrate . From equal parts of sand, peat, humus and leaf soil.
  10. Reproduction . By cuttings.
  11. Pests . Thrips, mealybugs and spider mites.
  12. Diseases . Root rot.
  13. Properties . In folk medicine, the plant is used for medicinal purposes as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Saxifraga. Maintenance and care. Spring transplant

Types and varieties

There are more than 400 species of saxifrage in nature , some of them are grown in the garden, others are preferable to have on the windowsill. The plant is not picky in its care and endures all difficulties and hardships.

Saxifraga is often used in landscape design; with the help of the flower you can create magnificent compositions. It is often used as a border plant, sometimes flower beds are decorated with saxifrage so that it seems that a flower blanket has covered a certain area

Saxifraga alba

Rocky places can be improved with low-growing plants of mountain origin. The varieties feel great between stones and will gradually cover everything around with variegated small flowers.

Not all species are used by flower growers; some remain wild. No more than a dozen are popular, now we will look at them in more detail.


The low-growing hybrid is a great success among flower growers and landscape designers. It is used to add zest to classic front gardens; the plant also looks great in the modern design of flower beds in the yard.

Saxifraga Arends

With the help of the species, the effect of a flower carpet is achieved on any type of soil, even in the most remote and shaded corners of the garden. Arends' saxifrage is one of the decorative hybrids that are grown outdoors.

The hybrid feels best in the north, where the climate and soils are ideal for it. Saxifraga is planted in groups to quickly achieve the desired effect.

The main characteristics are:

  • the plant reaches 10-20 cm in height
  • bushes often intertwine with each other
  • the leaves are small, separate, have a rich green color
  • flowering occurs in May-June

Suitable only for growing in flower beds; as a houseplant it does not grow well. And then he dies.

Most often, the following varieties are used in garden and garden design:

  • Purpurmantel , whose name speaks for itself. The plant has low, up to 20 cm, stems with purple-pink tassels.
  • Bluetentheppich forms a 15 cm mat of bright red flowers. The plant's decorative properties are excellent; it is often used as a border plant, but excess bushes are regularly removed.
  • Schneeteppich will help create a snow-white carpet in the summer. The rich greenery of the leaves hardly breaks through the many white flowers; the leaves can reach 10 cm in height.
  • The flamingo has an identical color to the bird; the delicate flowers will fit perfectly into any landscape design and become an integral part of it. Seeds and seedlings of the variety are not yet very common in our country, but this will not last long, Flamingo is successfully gaining momentum.
  • Peter Pan will fit perfectly into an alpine hill with any other ornamental plants; small pink flowers with yellow centers will not leave anyone indifferent. The openwork of small leaves is visible between the flowers and this gives a special charm to the variety.


A herbaceous perennial, saxifrage, which is rarely grown for decorative purposes . The stem can reach 70 cm in height, has umbrella-like inflorescences that are not at all attractive, but is an indispensable raw material in pharmacology. The distribution area is limited to the European part of Siberia and the Caucasus. It is found in pine forests, in glades and forest edges, and on grassy slopes of mountainous areas.

Saxifraga Bedrenets

Flowering occurs in May-June; the flowers themselves are unremarkable, small, white, collected in large umbrellas. All parts of the plant are used to produce medicines, the seeds and leaves are especially valued.


The soddy type of plant came to us from the northern regions of Eurasia and North America. The trunk is characterized by a dense basal rosette of leaves, the lower ones have significant branches, the lower ones are more dense and erect. The leaf plates are painted dark green, the lower ones have pronounced veins.

Saxifraga Soddy

The flowering of Saxifraga turf is not long, usually no more than three weeks, but very beautiful. Small flowers can be pink, red, white. During the flowering period, the stem looks like a large pillow with a colored print. You can admire the beauty in June; depending on weather conditions, sometimes flowering is postponed to July.

Indoor view

Indoor saxifrage varieties are ideal for growing by amateur gardeners . Its unpretentiousness and excellent decorative qualities allow it to be used in the most northern and dimly lit rooms. The ideal microclimate for the plant will be dry and cool air, which is often observed in our apartments in winter.

Homemade look

The homeland of the trunk is the mountainous regions of Japan and China, where with the help of shoots the plant clings between stones, then small roots are formed, which obtain food for themselves on these poor soils. Gradually, the roots stimulate the growth of new leaves, and a new bush is formed.

The indoor species differs from other varieties of saxifrage in having larger leaf blades; in addition, the staff will have a large number of tendrils, which look very impressive in a hanging pot.

Indoor saxifrage can be combined indoors in multi-level pots with petunias, such a neighborhood will have an excellent appearance.

The only important condition for home cultivation is minimal lighting; in bright light, the leaves of indoor saxifrage will become faded and inconspicuous. Gradually the flower will begin to hurt and may die. The plant needs minimal watering; it is better to use light soils with a high sand content.

Some species of saxifrage are listed in the Red Book and are protected by law.

Outdoor and home care

A flower grown at home requires additional lighting. You need to turn on fluorescent lamps for several hours. If the saxifrage does not receive enough light, it stretches, losing its decorative effect.

Saxifraga takes root in conditions of high humidity. I spray it with cool boiled water. I advise you to water this crop using the sprinkling method.

Add water carefully! Do not allow moisture to stagnate at the roots, otherwise the plant will suffer

Water the plant as the soil substrate dries out. As I already said, saxifrage is a tenacious flower. Its roots suppress the roots of weeds.

Care at home and in open ground involves the application of fertilizers. I recommend feeding saxifrage in early spring and early summer. Fertilizers should be applied once every 15 days. The plant positively perceives organic matter, as well as mineral mixtures.

Let me remind you that saxifrage has a dormant period in winter. At this time you need to feed it once every 2 months. In the conditions of central Russia, saxifrage does not need to be covered. The plant is adapted to harsh winters.

For those who grow saxifrage at home, I advise you to trim it by 15-20 cm. As this crop grows, it stretches out, and therefore, after 5 years, it is necessary to carry out a rejuvenating haircut.

Reproduction methods

To get a good, healthy plant, you need to propagate it correctly. Saxifraga is no exception to this; simply tearing off a branch and sticking it into the ground will not work. There is only a small chance that the plant will take root after this method; in order to be sure to have saxifrage in your garden or home, you will have to study all known methods of its propagation.

Young plant seedlings

The standard is propagated in several ways:

  • seed, carried out by sowing purchased seeds in the ground or through growing seedlings
  • by cuttings, through planting young branches with roots taken from whiter adult plants
  • layering, when the side branches are cut off and transplanted to the right place
  • dividing the rosettes, it is important to preserve the rhizome on each part

Each of the methods is carried out in early spring or before winter , but it is worth counting so that the cutting or divided bush has time to take root in a new place.

You should not expect sprouts from seeds sown before winter; the plant will make itself known in early spring. The bole will bloom in June-July; in the first year it may not be abundant. In the future, the saxifrage will only grow and delight the eye with a colorful blanket.

Propagation by seeds

Growing by seed

The seed propagation method most often involves growing seedlings in closed ground, and then planting young plants in open ground . But some gardeners practice sowing seeds directly into the ground.

For that. To obtain the maximum possible number of saxifrage seedlings, it is necessary to sow the grains correctly.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • It is first necessary to statify the seeds; to do this, add a little ordinary sand to them, pour them into a container and place them on the top shelf of the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks;
  • the next step will be direct sowing into a container with soil; for this, the soil is lightly compacted and sprinkled with seeds and sand, watered;
  • It is advisable to cover the container with glass or wrap it with film, this creates a greenhouse effect that accelerates the germination of plants;
  • the first shoots will hatch within 10 days, then the plant will begin to develop more rapidly;
  • When the trunks have four true leaves, it is advisable to plant them in separate pots, this will allow them to grow faster and simplify transplanting into open ground.

After this, they wait until the soil warms up enough and plant the saxifrage babies in the prepared soil. The first days you can water the plants moderately, and then you should exclude water altogether for the benefit of the plants.

It is worth understanding that the plants will show themselves in all their glory only in a year; this season will pass without flowering.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Although saxifrage is considered a frost-resistant plant , seedlings are planted only after frosts on the ground have passed. After this, young plant seedlings can be planted in the prepared area of ​​the flowerbed or garden.

Plant ready for transplanting into open ground

To do this, the pots with seedlings are well watered, the soil is loosened in the chosen place and depressions are made. A seedling with a lump of soil is placed in each hole, sprinkled with soil from the garden bed, and lightly compacted.

There is no need to carry out additional watering; the moisture already received will be enough for the trunk. The next watering can be done after 5-7 days if there was no precipitation during this period. The bushes should be placed according to a 20x20 cm pattern, so that they have room to grow later.

Sowing in the ground

It is also practiced to sow seeds in open ground; for this, it is also necessary to prepare the grains . There is no need to statify them, this process will take place naturally during the wintering period, but it won’t hurt to disinfect them.

Sowing seeds in open ground

To do this, the grains are soaked for several days in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or any fungicide . Afterwards it is dried and mixed with sand. In the selected area, shallow furrows are made, up to 1.5 cm, and the seeds are sown. The furrows are lightly covered with garden soil and watered.

It is best to carry out the procedure in early spring, but sowing is also possible before winter. You should not expect 100% germination; saxifrage does not reproduce well using this method. In the spring, after 25 days after the procedure, no seedlings have appeared, you can safely plant other plants in this place, saxifrage will no longer appear.


Cutting scheme

Using this method, propagation is carried out in July, after the end of the flowering period of the trunk.

To do this, do the following:

  • wet sand is collected in a box or container;
  • in an adult plant that is more than two years old, several young side shoots are cut off;
  • It is advisable to treat the cut with crushed charcoal to protect both the plant and the cuttings from diseases and pests;
  • the cut parts are rooted in a container with sand, and in the fall they are planted in a permanent place;
  • You can leave young seedlings to overwinter in the sand; for this, select a cool place with low light;
  • In the spring, overwintered cuttings are planted in open ground in the same way as saxifrage seedlings.

Update the plant stems in a timely manner, then the flowerbed will always look great. Saxifraga has a spectacular appearance for 5-6 years, then it needs to be replaced with a young plant.

Dividing the bush

This method is the most common; most often, gardeners renew saxifrage or share plants with just a piece of the bush. Every spring, warmth and moisture stimulate the plant to send out additional side shoots and roots. Gradually they turn into a full-fledged plant, which is connected to the main trunk by leaves. It is in this place that it is worth separating the young growth, but this should be done only after the end of flowering.

Bush division scheme

A shoot is cut off from an adult trunk with a sharp knife; it is advisable to treat the cut site with wood ash. The resulting plant is treated with fungicides and planted in pre-prepared soil according to a 20 cm x 20 cm pattern. By winter, the young plant will take root, and in the spring of next year you can expect the first flowers.


Reproduction by layering is quite popular; it does not require a lot of time and effort. It is enough to take a longer side branch, make a small depression under it, and water it . Next, lay the cuttings and lightly sprinkle them with garden soil and press down a little.

Reproduction scheme by layering

Periodically, in the absence of precipitation, the cuttings must be watered with small portions of settled water. In the fall, the cuttings will already have their own roots, but there is no need to trim them; it is better to do this in the spring. It is advisable to sprinkle the cuttings with ash, and transplant the cuttings along with the earthen ball to a permanent place of residence.

To ensure reliability, the cuttings can be pinned with small spikes made of wood or metal, and mulched with peat for the winter.

Reproduction of saxifrage

Without exaggeration, this is one of the easiest indoor crops to propagate. To get new saxifrage, it is enough to separate and root those same baby plants at the ends of its shoots. Reproduction by layering is such a simple method that the other two options (separation of bushes and seeds) are practically not used, although if you wish, you can experiment with them using standard methods.

Before separation, cuttings can be rooted in a small attached pot, lightly digging the shoot into the soil for rooting, and then separating the resulting baby from the mother plant, or simply cut it off and place it in water or substrate under a hood for rooting.


Saxifraga is considered a favorite of flower growers because of its ease of care, but in order to have a beautifully designed ridge, an alpine hill, or just a certain area of ​​the garden, the plant must be surrounded with care. There are no particular difficulties in this, but the process must be taken responsibly.

Saxifraga Peter Pan

In order for the selected saxifrage variety to bloom and grow, it is necessary to provide it with the following conditions:

  • First of all, we choose the right place, it should be shady; direct sunlight will soon destroy the garden flower.
  • Before planting, pay attention to the soil; it should not be heavy or have stagnant moisture.
  • During the growing season and flowering, saxifrage is rarely watered. It is necessary to moisten the soil only in cases where there is no precipitation for more than a month. But at the same time, moderate watering is carried out, preferably flowing, but this depends more on the soil.
  • Loosening the soil around saxifrage plantings is necessary; this will protect the trunk from stagnation of moisture. Provides oxygen access to the root collar.
  • Weeding is also an important element of care; weeds will not contribute to the growth and development of the flower carpet, so it is better to remove them promptly and regularly.
  • Pruning will help maintain the attractive appearance of garden plantings; after flowering, it is necessary to remove all dry flower stalks and leaves.

In addition, a couple of times a month, adult trunks need to be fed to stimulate flowering and better growth to the required areas. It is worth considering that not everything is suitable for saxifrage; first carefully study the necessary information. Universal garden products will not be suitable, but now we will find out which ones will be ideal.

Plant nutrition

It is necessary to stimulate growth and support the plant during the flowering period with fertilizing, but it is important to know which ones are suitable and will not destroy the plant. Saxifraga is picky; nitrogen-containing substances have a negative effect on it; a complex of mineral substances would be an ideal option.

Saxifraga oppositeifolia

But they must be introduced using a special method:

  • The fertilizers chosen for saxifrage must be applied along with watering.
  • Before preparing the solution, be sure to read the instructions and use exactly half the specified amount of the substance for the indicated amount of water.
  • Mix thoroughly and water the plants.

It is advisable to loosen the soil well before applying, remove weeds and excess plants from the flowerbed area.

Much does not mean good, this rule is effective for feeding saxifrage. Excess nutrients will only harm the plant, can cause diseases, attract pests, which will completely destroy the plantings.

Preparing for winter

All varieties of saxifrage tolerate winter cold and frost well, since most varieties come from ancestors from the north. But still, some varieties need help in wintering in order to protect and preserve them.

Juniperus saxifraga

An important point for her will be the preservation of the shoots during reproduction; they must be mulched for the winter with peat or dry small sawdust, and covered with leaves or spruce branches on top.

Well-rooted plants tolerate winter well; their preparation consists of completely cutting off the above-ground part of the plant and covering it with dry leaves or spruce branches. The layer should not be very thick so that air flows normally, otherwise the plants can support and provoke the development of putrefactive diseases.

The soil

The saxifrage plant came to our gardens and flower beds mainly from mountainous regions or from very poor soils that were not suitable for most plants. She learned to take the most from such soil, to survive on it and at the same time to bloom. On good soils rich in nutrients, the plant is unlikely to please with lush greenery and flowering.

Saxifraga Arends

To give the hybrid the opportunity to fully develop, provide it with the right soil, on which it will please the eye for a long time. To do this, it is advisable to remove the top layer of garden soil before planting seedlings, and fill it with a specially prepared soil mixture.

It is unlikely that you will be able to find such a composition in the store, so it is better to make it yourself, for this you will need:

  • peat
  • greenhouse or garden soil
  • lime
  • sand
  • fine gravel

The first four ingredients are taken in the same proportion, and it is enough to add a handful of pebbles to 5 liters of ready-made soil mixture. The prepared soil is laid on the places where saxifrage grows in the fall, during the winter and early spring it will become compacted, after which it will be possible to plant the plants.

Remove the soil to a depth of 20-30 cm, it is no longer worth it, the roots of decorative saxifrage do not penetrate very deeply.

When sowing seeds and propagating by cuttings, it is advisable to use the same soil; on heavier ones, young plants may not take root or may constantly get sick and wither.

Rules for caring for indoor flowers

Saxifraga is an unpretentious plant. But it will show all its beauty, the variegated, rich color of the leaves only with proper care.

Illumination and temperature conditions

Saxifraga can be grown in partial shade. The pots will be placed on windows located on the west or east side. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. This will lead to the leaves losing their juiciness; they will become faded, limp and wrinkled. Saxifraga acquires the greatest decorative effect, depth of color and clarity of pattern in diffused lighting.

During the growing season, the plant needs to maintain a temperature range from +20 C to +25 C degrees. With a greater increase in temperature, frequent ventilation or transfer of plants to fresh air (outside or onto the balcony) is necessary.

Saxifraga tolerates wintering well. But one condition must be met - a temperature that is comfortable for the plant during this period is not higher than +12 C, +15 C degrees.

How to water

In winter, watering should be done carefully, taking care not to get water on the densely pubescent foliage. Otherwise, fungal diseases will quickly develop and the plant will simply rot. In summer, moderate but regular watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries. Use soft, settled water at room temperature. When watering, it is extremely undesirable to “flood” the plant or allow water to stagnate.

See also

Characteristics and description of petunia variety Sophistry, planting and careRead


Saxifraga is characterized by excellent tolerance to dry air. During cool winters, you can do without spraying with a spray bottle. But in the hot summer months, systematic but light spraying is necessary, with a frequency of 2-3 times a week.

soil mixture

In nature, saxifraga grows in harsh conditions, so when grown as a houseplant, it is not particularly demanding on the soil mixture. But for its good development, the soil must be air and moisture permeable. It is easy to prepare the substrate yourself or purchase it ready-made at the garden center. The correct soil mixture should consist of:

  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part turf;
  • 1 part non-acidic peat;
  • 1 part coarse sand;
  • and finely detailed stones.


Fertilize saxifrage only during the period of active growth. Moreover, it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. Nitrogen fertilizers are practically not used, but using phosphorus-potassium fertilizers several times a season will only be beneficial.

Features of transplantation

Replanting of bushes is carried out when the roots of the plant peek out en masse from the drainage holes. This means that there is no longer enough space for the root system in the old pot. The flower is replanted at any time while the plant is in a state of active growth.

Diseases and pests

Plant requiring attention

All varieties and types of saxifrage are characterized by increased resistance to many diseases and plant pests.

But sometimes, under certain circumstances, the trunk can be affected:

  • fungal diseases
  • root rot
  • powdery mildew
  • mealybug
  • spider mite
  • aphids

Root rot is a consequence of fungal diseases that occur as a result of improper watering or poor soil drainage . The methods of combating these diseases are drastic; diseased plants, along with their rhizomes, are removed from the flowerbed. The vacated space must be treated with fungicides and the soil replaced.

Using saxifrage in the garden with photos

All perennial saxifrage flowers, regardless of type and variety, look bright and beautiful in the garden. They look most advantageous in rock gardens, parterres and ridges. This plant is planted in rock gardens, mixborders in the foreground, and used to create carpet beds. It goes well with heuchera, lobelia, sedum, thyme, irises, muscari and other low-growing crops. Very unusual combinations with lingonberries and similar berries.

Arends saxifrage is suitable for forcing.

Looking at the above photo of saxifrage growing in a garden with other ornamental crops, we can come to the conclusion that this flower is appropriate in almost any planting.

Interestingly, saxifrage smells a little like cucumbers, but the smell of pure essential oil is rather unpleasant.

The taste of berenka leaves is a little tart, but pleasant. Young leaves and roots are added to salads, vinaigrettes, soups, and used as a seasoning in sausage production.

The inflorescences, along with dill, are used for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. The aerial parts, and especially the fruits, are used to flavor wines and beer. Vodka is infused on the roots and flowers. Vodka tincture is considered one of the noblest, has a golden color.

In homeopathy it is used for headaches, tinnitus and nosebleeds. It is well eaten by cows and sheep on pasture and in hay. This crop is an excellent honey plant.

You can find out even more useful and interesting information about the amazing flower - saxifrage by watching the video below:

Compatibility in landscape design

The low-growing flower is often used in landscape design in various combinations . Its excellent ability to survive and grow on the poorest soils allows it to improve and tidy up the most unfavorable areas of the garden. It is enough to sprinkle rocky areas with a thin layer of garden soil and plant a couple of saxifrage bushes there; in a couple of years there will be a dense carpet of lush greenery and variegated small flowers.

Alpine slide

In addition to single plantings, saxifrage is actively used for ridges and alpine slides; the trunk looks especially impressive with low-growing flowering specimens. Ideal options would be irises, phlox, tiarella.

As borders, saxifrage is combined with purslane , but this proximity will not last long; purslane must be constantly reseeded.

Large tubs with saxifrage are very popular ; in winter they are admired indoors, only the temperature is selected accordingly.

Growing and care in open ground

Growing saxifrage is not difficult. It tolerates frost and prolonged drought well, blooms almost all summer and easily reproduces in different ways.

Propagation by seeds

Seedlings are grown this way, but you can also sow the seeds directly into the ground. Before sowing seedlings, the material must be stratified - kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. When sowing in the ground, seed stratification is not required, since this process occurs naturally.

The next stage is sowing the prepared seeds. The containers are filled with a soil mixture consisting of greenhouse soil and sand. Before use, the substrate is disinfected. Small seeds are scattered over the surface, lightly pressed, sprayed with a spray bottle and covered with glass.

Sprouts appear after 10-14 days. When the first 2-4 leaves appear, they are dropped into peat pots. The seedlings are transplanted into well-warmed soil no earlier than the beginning of June. If the sowing was done in early March, then by this time the sprouts will already be strong enough and quickly take root, but the bushes will bloom only next summer.

Vegetative propagation

It is much easier for saxifrage to reproduce vegetatively. Creeping shoots take root on their own. Upon contact with soil, roots form in the axils of the leaves; such a shoot can be separated from the mother rosette and rooted elsewhere.

Cuttings are carried out in mid-summer, after flowering. Cuttings 8-10 cm long are rooted in a sand substrate. By autumn, they have built up a fairly strong root system, but they still cannot survive the winter, so planting in the ground is carried out only in the spring, and before that they are kept at home in containers.

An equally simple way to renew plantings is to divide the bush. Over the summer, the plant develops many side shoots and root shoots. If you dig up a bush, you can see several full-fledged rosettes connected to the main stem by thin branches. At this point, young specimens are separated. Rhizomes are divided at the end of summer, after flowering has ended.

The crop can be propagated by dividing the bush

Features of care

Saxifraga does not require any special conditions. Garden care comes down to infrequent watering, fertilizing and loosening the soil until the flower grows. The soil can be any, but in the presence of humus, saxifrage develops and blooms much better. You can extend the flowering period by adding a mineral complex once a month.

Water the saxifrage little by little. Moisture is well retained under overgrown bushes, and overwatering is dangerous for the development of fungal infections. But you cannot allow it to dry out - the flower may not recover. You need to pour water carefully, trying not to get into the middle of the outlet. In summer, you can sprinkle, making sure that moisture does not accumulate inside the sockets.

To maintain decorativeness, it is recommended to regularly remove dead leaves and inflorescences. There is no need to thoroughly cover the saxifrage for the winter. It is enough to simply cut off the unearthly part and sprinkle the roots and cover with dry leaves or spruce branches.

The covering layer should not be dense, otherwise a putrefactive process may develop under it. Author's advice

Plant properties

Saxifraga shady variegata

Almost all types of saxifrage from the garden have medicinal properties; everything useful for the human body is found in the leaf blades:

  • alkaloids
  • flavonoids
  • organic acids
  • vitamins
  • fatty acid

These substances have antitumor, antihemorrhoidal, and antiseptic properties. The decoction calms exacerbation of asthma, relieves symptoms of vomiting and infectious diseases, inflammation of the genitourinary system and liver. Fresh leaves will alleviate the condition and help eliminate purulent rashes on the skin.

You can use saxifrage as a medicine only after consulting with a specialist; uncontrolled use can negatively affect human health.

Saxifraga: varieties and varieties

The name of this beautiful herbaceous plant hints at the fact that saxifrage grows and develops even in hard-to-reach places. Its sophisticated bright flowers can easily destroy the strongest stones and “settle” in the resulting cracks. The Saxifraga family is diverse and multifaceted, it has about 200 species. The beauty and unpretentiousness of saxifrage contribute to their active use in modern landscape design. The most popular today are 2 types of these perennial plants.

Soddy saxifrage. It looks like a dense turf of rosettes with dissected leaves. This species does not bloom for long, only 3-4 weeks in June. For it, planting in slightly acidic open ground rich in humus will be optimal.

This type of saxifrage boasts the following varieties:

  • Rose-koenigen (bright pink shade);
  • Purpurmontel (purple color);
  • Triumph (ruby red hue).

Arends saxifrage. This plant will delight you with its rich green color all year round. Its leaves form a continuous carpet up to 15 cm high. The flowering period is late spring - early summer.

The most popular varieties of this saxifrage:

  • Peter Pan (bright red buds);
  • Sleeping Beauty (red flowers);
  • Floral Carpet (a scattering of pink and purple flowers);
  • Snow carpet (white buds).

In addition, there are shadow, Manchurian, reed, paniculate, round-leaved, wicker and other types of saxifrage. Some of them can be seen in the photo.

How saxifrage blooms and how to care for it

However, the rays of the sun will still be beneficial for this plant. It is best if they are morning or evening. But direct sunlight on the leaves is extremely undesirable. This will cause them to become lighter or completely faded.

Therefore, saxifraga should be placed on northern windows, which are not exposed to scorching midday rays. If your apartment or house does not have a suitable window, the plant can be placed in the back of the room, away from the window and the scorching sun.

It is important to remember that the indoor saxifrage plant needs fresh air, so the room in which it grows should be well ventilated. In summer, it can be taken out onto the balcony or terrace

The optimal temperature for growing saxifrage bells in summer is 20-22 °C. If the air in the room is dry and the temperature exceeds the norm, then the plant must be sprayed and the soil must be kept moist, but watering must remain moderate. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 12-14 °C, but too warm air near central heating radiators will have a detrimental effect on the leaves of the plant. Therefore, next to the flower you need to place some container filled with clean water.

As spring approaches, watering becomes more frequent and fertilizing is introduced. It is recommended to use liquid fertilizer once every 10 days. In winter, you can also feed the plant, but less often - once every 1.5-2.0 months and the solution should be less concentrated

It is important to take into account the fact that indoor saxifrage flowers respond well to feeding only when the ambient temperature does not drop to 10 °C

They go well with carnations, low conifers and heathers, gentians and irises.

Typically, garden saxifrage has beautiful openwork rounded leaves, sometimes with a whitish edge. This flower produces beautiful rosettes that quickly develop into attractive turf. If the soil moisture is insufficient, “bald spots” may form inside these sods, which gradually heal over the course of one season when growing conditions normalize.

After flowering ends, dried flower stalks are removed in order to return the saxifrage to its decorative properties. In addition, timely removal of faded flower stalks will help stimulate the active growth of new shoots and prevent uncontrolled self-seeding.

How to care for saxifrage in the garden? There is no need to weed these plants to remove weeds, since not a single weed is able to break through the clumps formed by saxifrage. 3-4 years after planting, the flowering saxifrage needs to be rejuvenated, otherwise the bushes will lose their decorative appearance and shape. The plant can be propagated by seeds and daughter bushes, which can take root both outdoors and in a pot.

Studying the video of growing saxifrage, which is presented below, will help you understand what conditions should be created for this plant:

Features of reproduction

In most cases, saxifrage reproduces by seeds. Preservation of germination for three years and a high percentage of germination make this method a good way to acquire a flower if it is not possible to obtain seedlings.

In indoor conditions, saxifrage is propagated not only by seeds, but also by dividing bushes. Every year the plant produces new shoots. After the mother specimen has flowered, the “young plants” are carefully separated and rooted in a shaded place.

But the “mother of thousands” has a more profitable method. She grows long thin shoots on which her descendant clones appear. If indoor saxifrage grows in the garden, and the “cubs” have the opportunity to take root, the plant acts as a ground cover. At home it is an ampelous flower. And it is not leaves or stems hanging down from the pot, but stolons with new clones that do not have the opportunity to take root. Reproduction by rosettes is so successful that other methods are no longer used for indoor saxifrage.

Carrying out the procedure using clones is very easy. It is enough to place the pot on a suitable surface and place it around the container for young plants. After this, each tendril is placed one at a time in a new pot and lightly sprinkled with earth. The bottom of the socket should be pressed firmly against the wet ground. After a few days, the clones take root and the stolon is trimmed.

Roots often form on rosettes of indoor saxifrage hanging in the air. In this case, you don’t even need to wait for rooting to trim the shoot. You can immediately carefully plant the new plant in another pot.

Usually, when propagating, the stolon is cut off immediately, since clones take root well even without “insurance”

Care after purchase

The newly acquired indoor saxifrage is placed in partial shade. Stores do not always monitor soil moisture, so dry substrate must be moistened. Transplantation is carried out if necessary and no earlier than 7 days after purchase. At the same time, popular and convenient transshipment cannot be done. Before planting in a new container, the saxifrage roots are completely cleared of old soil.

Attention! Before planting in a new pot, the root system is soaked in a solution of insecticide and fungicide to protect the plant from diseases and pests.

The rules for planting and caring for saxifrage at home after an acclimatization period also have their own characteristics. In order for a plant to develop well, it needs to create conditions similar to natural ones.

What does saxifrage look like?

Many gardeners, both experienced and beginners, decorate rockeries and rocky gardens with saxifrage. Its popularity is explained by its bright and long-lasting flowering, as well as the ability to adapt to a wide variety of growing conditions.

Saxifraga Arends

For your information! Saxifraga is a flower that is completely unpretentious, and at the same time it does not allow weeds to grow next to it.

The charming plant does not take up much space, grows and reproduces quickly. Saxifragas in landscape design are used to decorate borders and as a ground cover plant.

The leaves of the flower are olive green with a reddish tint and silver veins. The leaves of saxifrage are pressed tightly to the ground and are mostly round in shape, but plants with heart-shaped, diamond-shaped and pinnate shapes are also found. They grow up to 6 cm in diameter. Most species reach a height ranging from 15 to 20 cm. The exception is long-leaved saxifrage, which grows up to 60 cm. From the dense mass of leaves in early May, shoots with buds at the end begin to rise, which subsequently open . The flowers are small, often collected in small inflorescences, and sometimes solitary.

Note! Saxifraga is classified as a medicinal plant and belongs to the Saxifraga family. Only saxifrage leaves have a healing effect, since they contain substances beneficial to the body.

Common varieties

Saxifraga flowers are very popular ornamental plants. Due to their unpretentiousness, they are grown both indoors and in garden conditions. Today there are about 450 varieties of these plants, but the following are considered the most popular:

  • Saxifraga paniculata is a perennial ornamental plant, which is also called forever living. In nature, the flower can be found on limestone slopes, rocky soils, granite ledges and rocks. It grows up to 10 cm in height. The leaves are oblong, pointed, blue-green or gray-green in color. As the flower grows, it forms an evergreen thick carpet. During flowering, it shoots out shoots on which small flowers are formed, collected in paniculate inflorescences. Saxifraga blooms with white or whitish-yellowish flowers;
  • Saxifraga shady is a frost-resistant, evergreen, herbaceous plant that grows mainly in moist soil in shady places. It has dense dark green foliage. The leaves have a rounded shape at the ends and grow no more than 5 cm in length. The flowers are small, collected in light pink inflorescences. Flowering duration - 30 days;
  • soddy - a plant with short but very beautiful flowering. The flower reaches a height of 20 cm, forming dense turf. The stem is erect, grows from the center of the rosette, forming a flower shoot on which one or several small flowers bloom. Blooms for three weeks. Leaves are basal, short-petioled, divided into lobes of 3 to 5 pieces. The leaf blades of Saxifraga turf are densely drooping with smooth edges and rounded tips;

Saxifraga paniculata

  • Arendsa is a perennial ornamental herbaceous plant. The leaves of the variety are separate, glossy, collected in a rosette of rich green color. The flowers are round in shape with a double perianth. The calyx of the flower is dark green, and the saxifrage flower itself is pink, white, purple, yellow or lilac. The plant grows from 10 to 20 cm in height. During the growth process, dense thickets of moss are formed, which in appearance resemble forest moss, covering the entire ground with a mantle. The flowering period lasts 30 days, blooming in late May - early June. The plant thrives ideally in semi-shaded, moist areas;
  • cotyledon has high decorative qualities. The leaves are fleshy, dense, tongue-shaped or oval-shaped with small teeth along the edges. The leaf color is green with a glossy sheen and a white limescale coating on the edges. Flowers are formed on peduncles from 20 to 60 cm high, they are collected in paniculate inflorescences. The shape of the flowers is smooth, star-shaped, whitish-pink in color. This variety belongs to indoor saxifrage, so it can feel great both at home and in open ground.

Note! In addition to the varieties listed above, varieties such as hawkleaf, Cesia, opposite-leaved, juniper-leaved, Manchurian, etc. are very popular.

Saxifraga cotyledon

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties are explained by the diverse organic and chemical composition of saxifrage. The flower is believed to have the following effects on the body:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • antifever;
  • soothing;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-infective.

In addition, in small doses, the herb increases lactation in women, and a decoction prepared from the leaves relieves fever and helps with frostbite.

Note! Some varieties of saxifrage are protected by law and are listed in the Red Book.

History of appearance

They began to grow saxifrage quite a long time ago, in 1600. A full botanical description appeared in 1779. The French scientist D. Villar studied this plant. He devoted almost his entire life to studying and growing this unique plant.

Problems during cultivation

The most common difficulties are spider mites and fungal diseases (powdery mildew). Copper-containing preparations will help to effectively cope with them.

High temperatures and too humid air are the best environment for pests to breed.

Scale insects can be easily destroyed manually, and the plant itself must be treated with anticoccidal drugs. “Pirimor” will help against green aphids. The greatest danger is root rot. It is practically not displayed. Solving this problem requires radical measures - healthy cuttings are separated from the diseased plant, which are then planted. Usually, problems that arise when growing saxifrage are easy to solve; it is enough to eliminate their causes.

Knowing how to care for Saxifraga at home, you can grow an unusually beautiful plant that will decorate your room for many years.

Unpretentious plant in the house - video

Indoor saxifrage: photo and description of the plant

There are more than 400 species of saxifrage, belonging to the Saxifraga family. Some plants are perennials, others are annuals or biennials. In the wild, they grow in regions with harsh climates on rocky embankments, in rock crevices, and in lowlands.

The root system of saxifrage is poorly developed and has only a few small roots. Its leaves are either densely erect or collected in rosettes. Peduncles are long and solitary. At the ends of the branches there are small daughter rosettes. Separately, such sockets are ways to independently release trunks. Saxifraga flowers are symmetrical and consist of 5 petals. Flowering lasts for 4 weeks.

The content of nutrients in the soil is not very important. In nature, the plant is not planted. It grows independently, in open ground, forming moss. Then, the plant is similar, you can hear the name “mossy saxifrage” among people. The earthen stone grinder is sprayed at home, since the plant does not have the opportunity to feed on its own.

In nature, the color of a plant provides an opportunity to see the most pronounced shades of inflorescences. Each of them is unique. In open ground the plant grows easily, rooting occurs from the mother stem.

Pests and diseases

The greatest danger to saxifrage is from dangerous pests such as aphids, spider mites and scale insects. They quickly occupy the plant. Therefore, when the first signs are detected, the leaves are immediately wiped with a damp cloth soaked in a soap solution. If the infection is severe, then they resort to more complex methods, for this they use insecticidal preparations.

If improperly maintained, the following problems arise:

  1. Lack of flowering. It happens due to insufficient lighting and during warm wintering. The plant is moved to a brighter place or additional lighting is installed in the form of phytolamps. In winter, they are transferred to a cool room where the temperature is 12–15 degrees.
  2. Leaves turning pale. This happens if saxifrage grows in dense shade. Reviewing indoor lighting.
  3. Powdery mildew. Increased air humidity in the room or overwatering of the plant. Change the watering regime.
  4. Rust on leaves. It happens due to fungal infection. The saxifrage is urgently transplanted.

And also with excessive and uncontrolled watering, as well as keeping them in a cold room, rotting of the roots occurs. In this case, for resuscitation, the plant is removed from the pot, the roots are examined, damaged and rotten areas are removed, and then transplanted into a new container with nutrient soil or its healthy rosette is rooted.

Growing saxifrage

It is impossible to give the same recommendations for growing all saxifrages. Various species require very different conditions. Saxifragas, which can now be found in the gardens of amateur gardeners, are usually winter-hardy species that are undemanding to growing conditions. The main thing they need is a bright place and light, moderately fertile and moist, well-drained soil. More demanding species of saxifrage may prefer shady places to protect delicate leaves from sunburn.

The soil's degree of fertility can also vary. For some, dry and rich in humus is preferred, for others - moderately fertile with an alkaline reaction. Saxifraga obtufolia prefers acidic soil; for long-leaved saxifrage, the area needs to be limed, and for paniculata, it will grow well in both neutral, calcium-rich soil and slightly acidic soil.

Saxifraga with pink flowers

It is important to ensure that the soil around the plant is always moderately moist, but without stagnant water. Spraying (sprinkling) plants is also useful, as they like high air humidity

It is enough to feed saxifrage twice a season with complex mineral fertilizers.

You should know that these plants are very sensitive to various plant residues getting on their pads. For example, if tree leaves fall on saxifrage, their damping off will begin.

Delicate saxifrage

Mulching with light crushed stone is useful to retain moisture. This also protects the plants from overheating, and the root collars of saxifrage from getting wet. Species that require special conditions are grown by amateur collectors.

Vegetative propagation

Saxifragas easily reproduce by dividing the bush in August. The bush is dug up and broken into several sections, which are planted in new places.

In June-July, some types of saxifrage, which form long side shoots, can be propagated by cuttings. Branches up to 10 cm long are cut and planted in loose peat-sandy moist soil and shaded from above. Over the summer, the cuttings take root and form small independent rosettes, which are covered with a layer of leaves for the winter.

Planting saxifrage

You can transplant the plants into pots and put them indoors for the winter. Next year they are planted in the garden, and they will already bloom.

Saxifragas themselves reproduce by rooting cuttings. Their creeping shoots, when in contact with the ground, give roots and form new plants.

Propagation by seeds

For propagation, fresh (maximum three-year-old) seeds are used. Since most species require stratification, they can be sown in open ground before winter or kept in the cold at home.

The seeds (very small) are placed superficially on the soil and lightly sprinkled with sand. The box is covered with film and placed in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. By the way, some rare species require a longer period of cold.

After stratification, the crops are taken out and placed in a bright place. After 1-2 weeks, germination begins. When 2-4 true leaves appear, the seedlings dive into separate cups.

Saxifraga seedlings in pots

In May, seedlings are hardened off by opening a window or taking them outside. At the beginning of summer, grown plants can be planted in the ground. In the first year, saxifrage will gain vegetative mass and bloom the next season. Some species may take a year to germinate, so pots of ungerminated seeds should be kept moist during this period until germination.

Seeds of Arends' saxifrage hybrids are usually available for sale. They do not require special preparatory measures. Seeds are sown in March for seedlings or in early May directly into open ground.

You can choose saxifrage seeds on our market, where saxifrage seeds from different manufacturers are presented. View a selection of saxifrages for rocky gardens.

Description of the saxifrage flower

The family to which the plant belongs is called saxifrage. There are more than four hundred types of culture. The saxifrage flower usually grows in the northern regions. Sometimes it can be seen in Africa.

The name of the plant comes from two Latin words: rock and break. The fact is that culture can grow in the most difficult places. Usually it is located between stones in narrow crevices.

The maximum height of the crop is seventy centimeters. Perennial grass. The leaves form rosettes from the root. They can be either dense or loose. The shape is also different. It all depends on the type of plant.

The plates are oval, diamond-shaped, or heart-shaped. The shade can be blue, green, dark green. The plates often have a gray coating.

Small flowers in the shape of stars. They can grow singly, but often grow in groups. The shade can be white, pink, purple, yellow.

  • Saxifraga rentsa. The most popular type of plant for gardeners. The height of the crop is about twenty centimeters. It looks like a round green pillow. It begins to bloom in summer. Inflorescences are white. They grow on stalks that rise high up. The plant withstands winter and cold. In good conditions, the culture quickly develops, grows and multiplies. If the saxifrage does not have enough moisture, then empty spaces without leaves will appear on its pad. Caring for indoor saxifrage is not difficult. The most important thing is to water the plant on time. The crop needs to be planted in open ground where there is sun. The soil should be moist. Transplantation is carried out once every five years.

Popular varieties:

  1. Purpurmantel . Pink flowers. Maximum height twenty centimeters.
  2. Blutenteppich . Red flowers. The maximum height is fifteen centimeters.
  3. Schneeteppich . White inflorescences. Maximum height twenty centimeters.
  4. Flamingo . Pink flowers. Maximum height twenty centimeters.
  • Three-forked saxifrage . The maximum height of the plant is seven centimeters. The leaves are thick and have a light green tint. Peduncles appear in spring and have a brown tint. The inflorescences are white with five petals.
  • Paniculate saxifrage . Leaves are bluish in color. Limescale deposits appear on the plates. The second name of the culture is living saxifrage. The leaves gather in rosettes. Its diameter is on average five centimeters. Inflorescences bloom in early summer. Several popular varieties can be distinguished from this species: Macocha and Balcana minima. The first variety - rosettes of leaves fifteen centimeters in diameter, the flowers are white and have a yellow disk in the center, begins to bloom in late spring. The second variety is considered a rare variety. It is grown mainly by flower collectors. Leaf rosettes with a diameter of no more than two centimeters.
  • Shadow saxifrage . The name of the plant speaks for itself. Culture loves shade. It grows like a carpet. The maximum height of the shadow species is fifteen centimeters. The leaves are spade-shaped and green all year round. Inflorescences bloom in late spring. Some varieties of this species have pink flowers that appear on stalks. Their height can reach forty centimeters.
  • Cortusifolia saxifrage . The maximum height of the crop is thirty centimeters. This is one of the large plant species. Flowers appear in early autumn. The leaves grow on bright stems. The plates are painted green on top and crimson closer to the bottom. White inflorescences.
  • Wafer saxifrage . This species belongs to indoor saxifrage. It does not require much care. The leaves are round in shape. Stripes form on the plates. They form rosettes. Small shoots appear at their tips every year.
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