When to sow phlox seeds for seedlings in 2022

Many summer residents and gardeners dream of decorating their plot or garden with some beautiful and bright plant, but without spending a lot of effort on growing and caring for it. We know the solution to this problem!

Phlox is an annual flower that will delight you with its bright colors and colors. The seeds of this flower can be sown directly into the ground, but if you are not interested, you can grow plants through seedlings. To help you plant and grow a flower correctly, we have prepared some tips and suggestions.

The numerous colors and types of phlox make it necessary to give preference to one or more, but not all at once. The most common is Drummond's phlox.

When to sow annual phlox seeds for seedlings: optimal timing in 2022

Before you start planting phlox, you need to determine the best time to sow seeds for seedlings. The best times in 2022 are the last days of February, all of March and the first days of April.

Planting dates are so unclear, because each region of Russia has different climatic conditions, so you need to rely on the weather in your area.

In addition, you can focus on the Lunar calendar, the most optimal dates for planting phlox in 2022:

  • in February -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28;
  • in March - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 29, 30, 31;
  • in April - 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25.

Not all gardeners have the opportunity to sow seeds for seedlings on these days; you can do this on other days, but do not forget that there are days on which you absolutely do not need to plant these plants:

  • in February - 9, 21, 22, 23;
  • in March - 9, 19, 20, 21, 24;
  • in April - 8, 15, 16, 17, 23.

Annual phlox seeds can be sown immediately in open ground in April-May if you live in the south or have had a very warm spring.

Reproduction of annuals

Annual phloxes reproduce by seeds. It was once believed that planting and caring for annual phlox was a very difficult task that did not always end successfully. Not everyone was able to see phlox sprout.

Phlox: planting and care in open ground

But then we noticed that sometimes in the spring self-sowing seedlings appear, the seeds of which fell to the surface of the soil in the fall and no one covered them with soil. And if rain and melted snow did not wash these seeds into the holes, they sprouted successfully.

Important! Phlox seeds require sunlight to germinate.

Phloxes are propagated in two ways. In southern regions and areas of mild temperate climates, seeds are sown directly on the soil surface. In areas with harsh winters, in the mountainous regions of the Urals and Siberia, seedlings are first grown. Annual phloxes, seedlings of which were grown from freshly harvested seeds, will be resistant to diseases and pests.

Necessary conditions for growing seeds

In order to successfully grow annual phlox, you need to follow several rules:

  • For sowing, only large seeds from fully ripened seed pods are selected;
  • to obtain large seeds on mother plants, several stems with inflorescences and stepsons are removed, half of the buds are left in the inflorescences;
  • Healthy, well-developed bushes are used as a mother plant; they are intensively fed and watered.

Additional information: if the seeds do not have time to fully ripen in the seed pods before the onset of cold weather, the branches with pods are cut off, tied into bunches, placed in a gauze bag and left to dry completely in a ventilated area at room temperature.

To form a spherical bush and form numerous side shoots, phloxes begin to be pinched at the seedling stage. After the 5th leaf appears, the top of the central stem is either cut off or pinched by hand.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Dried boxes with Drummond phlox seeds are stored in a cold place - the basement, the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Seeds are not removed from the boxes until they are sown. This is due to the fact that the seeds quickly dry out in the air and lose their viability.

A few days before sowing, the seeds are poured out of the testes and soaked in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 10-15 minutes. The floating seeds are discarded, the rest are washed in running water. Then they are dried, spread on a paper towel, and planted in a nursery.


How to sow seeds for seedlings

Phlox seeds take a long time to germinate - up to 3-4 weeks. Therefore, seeds for seedlings are sown in early to mid-March. Placement boxes must have sides at least 5 cm high and drainage holes. Moistened soil substrate is poured to 3/4 of the height of the box. The soil surface is compacted with the back of a tablespoon or scoop.

Using a damp toothpick, seeds are distributed over the surface of the soil in rows at intervals of 3-5 cm and lightly sprinkled with a thin layer of sand. Sowing can also be indiscriminate - for this, the seeds are mixed with sand and scattered around the box as desired.

Mini-greenhouse conditions are created in the boxes: they are covered with glass or transparent plastic. Periodically check for signs of mold and pests, ventilate and moisten.

Note! Seeds can be sown immediately in individual volumetric containers, in which case there is no need to pick seedlings.

What does phlox seedlings look like?

After the seeds hatch, it will take at least 2-3 weeks for 2 pairs of true leaves to grow.

At this time, the plants are planted - transplanted into larger boxes; a distance of 8-10 cm is maintained between the bushes.

In three months, the plants will already have 5-6 pairs of leaves and the first buds.

Young seedlings

Popular types


This is one of the most popular and frequently used types of phlox; this variety is a perennial plant that delights gardeners with its fragrance. Their peculiarity is a very powerful and long root system, thanks to which they can grow more than 150 cm in length.

The paniculate appearance of phlox attracts with its incredibly beautiful inflorescences, which glow with bright colors in your flower beds. In addition, their flowers are fragrant with a pleasant honey aroma.

paniculate phlox


The main distinguishing feature of this species is its miniature size; the neatly folded branches of this plant give the impression that the flowers are in a small basket.

Subulate phloxes are bush-like plants with sharp and hard leaves. Very small but incredibly cute buds grow on the branches. Phloxes of this species delight gardeners twice a year, from May to June and from August to September.

Subulate Phlox


Plants of this type have numerous advantages, for example, they do not fade in the sun and have amazing frost resistance and drought resistance. They amaze not only with their resistance to stress, but also with their beauty.

Drummonda is a small bush; it will fit perfectly into any landscape design, since you can choose absolutely any color.

This plant will free you from any worries, since it is completely easy to care for and can independently spread throughout your site or garden.

Phlox annual drummonda

What to plant next to phlox

The various varieties of Drummond complement each other well.

Phlox star rain

For example, the colorful colors of the Star Rain variety allow you to create compositions only from plants of this species.

But still, if you plant chrysanthemums, delphiniums, aquilegias and double Drummond phlox nearby, the flower garden will become a decoration for any garden plot or flower bed in a park area.

This is interesting: when planting these plants, gardeners often use the recommendations of the lunar calendar so as not to miss the most favorable dates for planting seedlings.

Popular varieties

star Rain

Star Rain is a popular Drummonda variety, its distinctive feature is the unusual shape of its petals, usually they have a sharp or slightly pointed shape. Thanks to this handicap, the flowers resemble stars; with the help of this variety you can create a real starry sky in a flowerbed.

Phlox drummond starry

Tetra Riesen

This group of varieties belongs to fairly tall plants; they have fairly large flowers; they can reach 6 cm in diameter.
The variety of colors allows you to choose a plant that will exactly suit your landscape design.

Phlox Tetra Riesen


If you are a lover of red shades, then this variety is for you. Phlox of this variety is a plant up to 30 cm in length, which has large flowers of only a red-pink hue. Shades may vary in color intensity.

Phlox paniculata Feuerbahl

Twinkling star

It is not for nothing that this variety was given such a name; its flowers resemble twinkling stars due to the pointed shape of the petals and unusual coloring. Often their color is a gradient, from bright colors to soft pink or white.

Phlox drumonda twinkling star

Varieties of flower plants

Refers to annuals. Phlox Drummodont is one of the best annual varieties, and is most often grown by gardeners to decorate garden plots; Texas is considered the birthplace of this flower. The height of this bush with branched branches is small and reaches only three tens of centimeters. The most popular varieties of this annual plant species are the following phloxes:

  1. Promise pink is a low-growing plant with double pink flowers. It looks beautiful in flower beds and is grown on alpine hills both as single bushes and in flower arrangements.
  2. The constellation has large flowers of bright colors located on a lush bush. The inflorescences are corymbs with a pleasant aroma; it can be used as a cut flower to make flower arrangements.
  3. New varieties of annual low-growing phlox are used for growing on balconies and loggias. The branched bushes are heavily pubescent with leaves, no more than two tens of centimeters high, and create a beautiful flower garden.
  4. Terry phlox, even the name of this species speaks for itself, the inflorescences consist of large double flowers, the flower petals are colored from cream to bright red. The bushes are compact, no more than three tens of centimeters high, and can be grown on balconies, loggias, flower beds, but they are also suitable for growing indoors, planted in flower pots.
  5. Twinkling Star is a miniature variety that grows well in flower beds and can be used as a houseplant. With proper care, it blooms throughout the summer.
  6. The Star Rain variety is a fairly large plant and can grow up to half a meter. This is a drought and frost resistant plant, with fragrant flowers that look like stars, it blooms for a long time and profusely, only on the sunny side of the plot, in shady places, due to the lack of sunlight, there are practically no flowers on it.

Some gardeners divide annual phlox into two types based on their height and flower size: large-flowered and dwarf. Large-flowered varieties include such varieties as Tall White, Bright Red and Fiery Red. For low-growing dwarf varieties, Snow Globe, Shamoa, Isabella and other varieties.

Types of phlox

Step-by-step instructions for planting annual phlox seedlings

In order for incredibly beautiful flowers to appear in your garden or vegetable garden, you must know how to properly plant phlox seedlings. You can learn all the secrets and tricks from us; below you will read step-by-step instructions.

Selection of capacity

There are no strict restrictions in choosing a container for seedlings; any container is suitable for these purposes; you can take a cut bottle or milk carton.

There are also no special restrictions on whether to produce seedlings in a common container or individually. Phlox will grow well in both cases.

When preparing and choosing a place for planting Phlox, you should pay attention to the groundwater level: it should be low, since the plants do not welcome

Seed selection and preparation

The further growth and development of the plant depends on the quality of the seed, so you need to buy seeds from reliable producers. You need to ensure that the seeds are of high quality.

Phlox seeds do not necessarily need to be treated before planting, but if this is important to you, you can soak them in a soluble growth preparation. The dosage should be indicated on the drug packaging.

Growth stimulating drugs help plants sprout faster and young shoots to be stronger.

Soil preparation

To grow phlox, you need to prepare loose soil into which air and water can easily penetrate.

If you don’t want to bother and prepare the soil yourself, then you can buy a universal soil that is intended for flower crops. But if you want to make the soil yourself, then you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • peat
  • humus
  • sand
  • perlite

Direct sowing

Before sowing, you need to make sure that everything you need is ready: container, soil and seeds.

  • Place drainage at the bottom of the container

Drainage will help avoid waterlogging of the soil; you can do without it, but the roots will definitely not rot. You can use broken brick or expanded clay as drainage.

There is no need to put too much drainage material, a layer of 1 cm will be enough.

  • Fill the container with prepared soil

Place the prepared soil in a container, making sure there are no empty spaces. Also, do not fill the container to the very edges, leave 2-3 cm.

  • Moisten the soil in the container

Watering is best done from a sprayer, but this is not the main thing, the main thing is that the water is clean and infused. Never water the soil and sprouts with tap water.

You can only use clean water, it should be a little warm and settled, and in no case from the tap.

  • Planting seeds

Here it is necessary to evenly distribute all the seeds over the surface, it is best if the distance between them is a couple of centimeters.

You can distribute it with your fingers, since phlox seeds are quite large in size. If you are not comfortable with your fingers, you can use tweezers.

Phlox seeds

  • Soil compaction

After planting the seeds, you need to compact the soil a little; this can also be done with your fingers.

  • Watering

Water the seeds with clean, infused water in a thin stream.

  • Greenhouse effect

To prevent moisture from evaporating too quickly, you need to create a greenhouse effect, this can be done using a regular plastic bag.

The main thing is that the material with which you cover the container is transparent; not only a bag, but also a piece of glass is perfect

  • Transferring a container

After all the procedures, you need to move the container closer to sunlight, for example, to a windowsill. The main thing is that the temperature is within 25 degrees.

Main types and varieties of phlox

Numerous varieties of phlox differ in flower color, leaf shape and stem height. Tall varieties are usually tied to a special support so that the stems are not damaged.

Phlox annuals

The most famous garden annual is Drummond's phlox. It received its name in honor of the British naturalist and traveler, who in the 19th century brought this plant to his homeland from Texas, America. Beautiful bushes quickly gained popularity among English gardeners. Flowering of this species lasts from June until autumn frosts. The foliage has a lanceolate-oval shape. The stem is not very thick, but branches well. The size of the bush is quite compact - only up to 30 cm. The flowers exude a pleasant aroma and are pink, deep red, yellow, lilac or white.

This type of phlox has two main varieties: large-flowered and star-shaped. The first of them forms bushes up to 30 cm tall. Phlox drummondii mixed is distinguished by its relatively large flower sizes and a wide range of shades, the brightest and most striking of which are the red inflorescences. Star phlox can form slightly taller (up to 40 cm) bushes or, on the contrary, more compact ones (up to only 12 cm). Phlox drummondii cuspidata is distinguished by dissected petals, thanks to which each flower resembles a small star. In the center of each of them there is usually a peephole.

Various varieties of Drummond phlox are also often divided into two main groups:

  • Large-flowered (Tall white, fiery red and bright red)
  • Dwarf - plants not exceeding 20 cm (Buttons - bicolor phlox with an eye, Defiance with a fiery color, Isabella with yellow flowers, Salmon-colored Salmon, white-flowered Snow Globe and Shamoa with pink inflorescences).

These plants can have both simple flowers and those with varying degrees of doubleness. Among the latter, the most spectacular are the multi-colored Promise variety mixtures. There are also tetraploid varieties with especially large flowers and increased resistance to unfavorable conditions. These include Grandiflora and Tetra Riesen.

Phlox perennial

Among the perennial types of phlox, the awl-shaped one is considered the earliest to bloom. The species gets its name from its narrow foliage. Its flowers appear at the end of spring - in May. This plant has many branches and blooms very luxuriantly: the bush is almost completely covered with flowers ranging in color from burgundy to snow-white. Such phloxes are often used for rockeries and alpine slides.

A couple of weeks later, the spreading phlox begins to bloom. This is a fairly shade-tolerant plant with sparse but also larger foliage. Forms small bushes with woody shoots and delicate flowers of blue and lilac shades. Such plants do not produce seeds.

Around the same time, creeping phlox also blooms. Its bushes reach only 20 cm in height. They are distinguished by many branches and umbrella inflorescences, which have a bright red, pink or purple color. An even more miniature species is Douglas phlox. Due to its tiny size (up to 5 cm), it functions as a ground cover plant and blooms twice: in late spring and autumn. Small gray-green foliage is set off by small flowers of white, blue, soft lilac or pink.

In mid-summer, one of the most popular garden species, paniculate phlox, begins to bloom. It is distinguished by beautiful green foliage and lush fragrant inflorescences. Many decorative varieties have been created on the basis of this phlox. Among them:

  • Natural Feelings - individual flowers of this variety resemble lilac flowers. They have a variegated color with a predominant lilac-pink hue, against which there are white and green inclusions.
  • Pure Feelings - double flowers of unusual multi-colored colors. Each flower has a slightly twisted shape and is white with pale green stripes and cherry flecks. The height of the bush is average - up to 80 cm.
  • The King is one of the most famous varieties, forming meter-long bushes. Flowers up to 4 cm in size can have a variety of colors, most often purple-pink.
  • The Orange line (Orange Spat and Orange Perfection) are unpretentious frost-resistant plants, undemanding in care and with bright red-orange flowers that do not lose their rich color even under the scorching sun.

Caring for phlox seedlings after germination

  • The first thing you need to do is place the container in a bright and warm place, this was discussed earlier. You also need to turn the container in different directions towards the light during the day and ventilate the greenhouse once a day;
  • You will be able to see the shoots in a week; after they appear, you need to remove the cover and lower the temperature by a couple of degrees;
  • At each stage of plant growth, the soil should be kept sufficiently moist and watered with a sprayer before germination. When the seedlings appear, you need to water them using tweezers and try not to get water on the plants themselves.

It is also recommended to highlight the plants, since the normal daylight hours are 12-14 hours

Growing and care


Despite the fact that phlox does well during the summer drought, watering is necessary. Otherwise, the plant will interrupt the flowering period and will begin to bloom again only when the temperature drops and the amount of water in the substrate increases. Plants need to be watered systematically as the soil dries, pouring water carefully at the root, trying not to wet the leaves.

However, excessive humidity harms the plant. In wet and cool years, it grows poorly and gets sick.

Growing phlox in containers will require more frequent watering. In summer, even 2 times a day, otherwise the plant will die out very quickly. In the summer heat, it is worth placing the pot in a place where there is sun only until noon.


If the soil is poor, you can feed the phlox with liquid fertilizer for flowering plants. Phlox grown in boxes should be fertilized once every 2 weeks.

When grown in containers, phlox should be fertilized a month after planting. As a standard, we fertilize once a week with half the dose recommended on the product packaging.

Removing inflorescences after flowering

If phlox finishes its first mass flowering, it is worth pruning the plants and removing faded flowers in order to see another mass flowering after a short period of time.

Diseases, pests

If the summer is quite wet, or the plantings are too thick and there is dampness in the garden, phlox is susceptible to powdery mildew. Excessive soil moisture can cause gray rot or rust. These diseases are controlled using appropriate fungicides. In dry summers, if you do not provide enough water, spider mites will appear on the plant.

The most common pests that attack phlox are:

  • Spider mites. Signs of damage: phlox leaves become covered with small spots and dry out, cobwebs are visible on the underside. We fight parasites with chemicals, for example, Omite, VE or other acaricides.
  • Slugs seriously threaten seedlings growing in open ground. We fill the beds with material that will prevent pests from approaching the plants - fine gravel, ash, sawdust, broken eggshells.
  • Thrips - silvery spots appear on the leaves. Spray with Sumicidin or Sumi-Alpha.
  • Phlox can be attacked by soil nematodes. Treat the soil with an insecticide suitable for organic farming.

How to properly pluck phlox seedlings

Phloxes tolerate diving very well, so feel free to take on this task. From the general container you need to move them into single cups, which should be quite large.

The same soil can be used, but it must be sprayed with Fitosporin-M solution.

The time of replanting can be determined by the appearance of the plant; it can be replanted when two or three leaves appear on it

Step-by-step instructions for picking seedlings:

  • During transplantation, you can damage the roots; to avoid this, you should water the plants several hours before the procedure;
  • Drainage material must be placed at the bottom again;
  • Next, add the prepared soil, but do not fill the container to the very brim;
  • Make a hole in the center of the cup;
  • Then pick up the plant along with the root and a piece of soil; this can be done with a fork or some kind of stick;
  • Place the plant in the hole, cover with soil and compact;
  • At the end of the picking, water the roots, but try not to get it on the plants themselves.

When picking, weak and rotten shoots should be discarded.

Phlox annual: growing from seeds

Phlox are very attractive flowers, of various shades (beige, chocolate, peach, coffee, pink and others), with a rare aroma. They have an unusual structure of their flower: it looks like a snowflake. Such a plant will undoubtedly decorate and delight the owners and their guests.

Phlox annual: growing from seeds

You may come across the opinion that annual phlox, growing it from seeds is a thankless task: at best, out of a hundred seeds there will be only a few shoots. But knowledge is important in this matter: if you know the characteristics of phlox seeds and how to properly handle these characteristics, then the seeds will grow wonderfully. So, how to plant seeds correctly?

First, note that phlox seeds are large, with a dense shell. And the opinion that they need to be buried to a depth of 3-5 mm in the soil is completely wrong. So they just won’t germinate. They must be placed on a surface and in the presence of light. That is, we spread the phlox seeds on the surface of the ground, water them with a sprayer, and cover them with a transparent film. And every morning we remove this film to ventilate and shake off the condensation that has formed. If you follow the rules, phlox shoots will definitely appear in friendly rows.

For seedlings, annual phlox should be planted in March, picking after two weeks. Young phlox plants will tolerate it well. But for the first three days, do not allow them to be exposed to sunlight: they can get burned. To do this, phlox seedlings can be covered with newspaper or opaque film.


Sowing in open ground in autumn

When sowing seeds in autumn, you need to remember a few important rules that will help you grow beautiful and healthy plants.

  • It is necessary to sow seeds at a great distance from each other, as they can grow to very large sizes;
  • Planting depth – 25-30 cm;
  • You should also add a little peat.

In winter, do not forget to cover the crops with film

Preparation and planting

If phlox is grown from seeds for seedlings, then the seed must be pre-soaked. You can use a specially prepared solution of potassium permanganate or soft water. Soak the seeds for a day, then take them out, dry them, put them on gauze and put them on the windowsill to warm up. Seeds should be sown every 3-4 cm, not buried in the ground, but sprinkled on top. Next, spray with a spray bottle and cover the container with glass.

It is important not to forget to regularly water and ventilate the seedlings

Seed germination depends on temperature and humidity. The temperature should be between 17-20 degrees, it is also necessary to maintain high humidity

It is important not to forget about timely watering. Before planting phlox in open ground, you need to prepare the soil

The soil must be fertile and moist.

Mix everything well and add a little sand, potassium sulfate and nitrophoska, 30 g each, to the mixture. Apply the prepared fertilizer to the soil and dig up the ground. After 2-3 weeks you can plant the plants

It is important to know that it is forbidden to apply manure under phlox, as the plant can be affected by various rots. It is recommended to sow seeds or plant seedlings in shaded areas

This way you can admire the flowering of phlox for a long time.

Sowing seeds into the soil is carried out to a depth of about 1-1.5 cm. In the spring, the seedlings will sprout, and it will be necessary to pick. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 18-20 cm. After a week, young plants should be fed with saltpeter. It is better to plant the plant in the evening or in cloudy weather. Low-growing varieties are planted at a distance of 40 cm from each other, plants of medium length - 50-55 cm, and tall ones - 60-70 cm. The depth of the hole is about 15-20 cm.

Place the seedling in the prepared hole and cover it with soil. In this case, the stems should be buried 3-5 cm. This is necessary so that the root collar does not get sunburn, and the plant does not freeze in winter. After this, water and mulch.

Sowing time

Perennial seedlings are best planted in the spring, but when the air warms up to a fairly comfortable temperature. If the spring temperature in your region is not warm enough, you can cover them with film.

Perennial plants can be planted either using seedlings or directly in open ground.

The main thing is to choose the right place for planting; it should be protected from the wind and be sufficiently lit and warm. You also need to ensure that there is not too much groundwater at the planting site.

Features of growing phlox as a perennial garden crop

Phloxes look good as single plantings, as well as in combination with astilbe, marigolds or cosmos

The main thing to keep in mind when growing perennial phlox is that they will bloom only in the second year after they were planted in the ground. According to the timing of flowering, three groups of plants are distinguished:

  • early (flowers appear from May to mid-summer);
  • average (July - end of August);
  • late (flowering lasts from August until frost).

The duration of flowering varies among different varieties: some phlox bloom for 1 month, others for 2–2.5 months, and others enter the flowering phase twice per season. By wisely combining varieties, it is possible only with the help of these flowers to create the illusion of constant flowering in the garden - from spring to the first cold weather.

It is best to grow phlox in open ground.

It is important that the place is sunny and protected from the winds. If you need to place perennial phlox under trees or shrubs, you need to select shade-loving varieties

But in flowerpots and tubs this plant does not feel the best, and all because the limited space of the container does not allow maintaining constant heat and humidity that is comfortable for the flower: on sunny days, phlox leaves quickly begin to wither, even if the flowers are watered twice a day .

What climate is this plant suitable for?

Phlox grows best on loam or fertile sandy loam.

Perennial phlox can be grown in any climatic zone of Russia. However, if we are talking about territories with a sharply continental climate - the Urals, Siberia, Altai, where the average July temperatures are +18°C, and in January drop to an average of -18°C (on the coldest days the temperature can reach - 50°C), you need to focus on varieties with early flowering periods. For winter in these regions, plants need to be thoroughly prepared - covered with non-woven material, in several layers, or sprinkled with peat.

Phlox is much more comfortable in the European part of Russia: already in May the average maximum temperature is +19°C, in July it is +23°C and in September +18°C. Winter indicators are in the range of –8…–13°C

The soil requirements are as follows: it must be sufficiently loose and nutritious. It is good if it is loamy soil that gives a neutral or slightly acidic reaction (optimal pH values ​​are from 5.5 to 7.0). If it is not possible to allocate such an area for phlox and the soil is too acidic, the best solution is liming. Among fertilizers, the flower responds well to compost, manure, and wood ash.

Caring for young animals in open ground

In open ground, young animals should be watered only in dry weather; the soil should not be allowed to flood, otherwise fungal diseases may develop.

Fertilizer and top dressing will also not be superfluous, but you need to choose them based on their purpose. If you want to increase the green mass of the plant, then you need to use nitrogen fertilizers. And, if you want to increase the number of buds and flowers, then use phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

In order to avoid drying out of the plant, it is necessary to remove dry leaves and flowers. Otherwise, they can take away moisture and nutrients.

Diseases and pests

If the conditions of agricultural technology are not observed, plants may encounter fungal diseases and parasites. Most often, Drummond phlox is affected by one of the following problems.

  • Powdery mildew manifests itself as a white coating on the leaves. To revive the plant, you can use activated carbon, crushed wood ash, or treat the crop with fungicidal preparations, for example, Strobe or Alirin-B.
  • Root rot - in this case, the stems begin to soften and turn black, brown spots appear on the leaves, and mold forms on the ground around the bush. This plant cannot be resuscitated; it must be dug up and the soil treated with copper sulfate. To prevent root rot, even at the moment of moving the bush into the ground, “Enterobacterin” or “Trichodermin” is added to the hole.
  • Thrips - appear as yellowish spots on stems and leaves. The bush becomes deformed, and the leaf plates on the underside become gray. In order to cure the plant, the ground around it needs to be treated with “Aktara” or a decoction of garlic. All damaged parts must be cut off to prevent the development of the disease.
  • Spider mite. The pest itself is invisible, but damage to it can be guessed by the whitish small cobwebs on the inflorescences and leaves. To treat the plant, “Aktofit” and “Kleschevit” are used.

Annual Phlox - Phlox Drummond

Phlox Drummond is a beautiful herbaceous flower that amazes with its rich palette of shades.

Unlike perennials, a flower can have a peach, chocolate, beige, coffee, or creamy color.

The plant has thin branched stems that can reach a height of 60 cm.

Drummond can be:

  1. Star-shaped. Drummond's star can reach 40 cm in height. But you can find a low-growing flower that will reach 15 cm in height. The buds of the star annual have dissected petals that resemble a star with a bright center.
  2. Large-flowered. It has simple, double or slightly double inflorescences. The height of this species can be about 30 cm.

Benefits of annual Phlox

Considering the features of the annual variety, you can find advantages over perennials:

  1. To begin with, annuals are rich in bright and varied colors, shapes
  2. In addition, Phlox Drummond is not whimsical or capricious; it tolerates drought and light frosts well. The plant is more resistant to diseases and pests.
  3. And unlike perennials, annuals bloom longer.
  4. This annual has small buds. But since they grow in inflorescences, the flower looks lush and decorative.

Benefits of phlox

In addition, the opposite, slightly oval leaves emphasize its individuality. It is these qualities that make the flower look like a colorful blanket, so it is an excellent option for designing and decorating garden plots, loggias, and balconies.

Star fdoxes

Perennial varieties

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When choosing the design of a future flower bed, it is recommended to pay attention to the height and color of representatives of different varieties of phlox. There are more than 1500 varieties

They are conventionally divided into groups: awl-shaped, splayed and paniculate.

Subulate phloxes are low-growing specimens that are ground cover. They are usually used to decorate rock gardens and rockeries. There are even dwarf representatives of the variety. The main signs of awl-shaped phlox are:

  1. 1Small height (no more than 20 cm).
  2. 2Lifespan (perennial plants).
  3. 3Narrow, needle-shaped leaves up to 2 cm long (always remain green, even when frost begins).
  4. 4Presence of one inflorescence (less often the number reaches 2 or 3).
  5. 5Long flowering period (from mid-May to the end of June, then such phloxes can bloom again in August).

These varieties create a beautiful flower carpet of different shades - lilac, raspberry, white, pink and blue. There are no varieties with yellow inflorescences.

The following varieties are known:

  1. 1Purple beauty. The inflorescences have a delicate lilac hue. Flowering usually occurs in May. Height - up to 17 cm.
  2. 2Pitticoat. The flower is white, forked, and resembles a moth.
  3. 3Red wings. The inflorescences have a bright pink hue. Such plants tolerate frost, so they can be grown in the Urals.

The next group is splayed phlox. They are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, as well as a pleasant and strong aroma. They usually have a height of 20 to 40 cm.

Main varieties:

  1. 1Blue Dream. It is a winter-hardy variety. Easily propagated by using shoots growing on the sides.
  2. 2White Perfume. The name is associated with an unusual pleasant aroma. White flowers create a beautiful carpet in the garden; the height of the bushes is no more than 30 cm.

Another type of phlox is paniculate. They are considered quite common. Many domestic varieties belong to this group.

The main features are:

  1. 1Small height (from 40 to 60 cm, less often - up to 1-1.5 m).
  2. 2Elongated leaves (length - 6-15 cm).
  3. 3Straight stem (usually it becomes woody in autumn).
  4. 4Ball-shaped (most common, but it can also be different).
  5. 5 Flowering begins in July.

Various representatives of perennials are popular. Among the white varieties, the most famous are:

  1. 1Foerster - refers to late flowering.
  2. 2Heaven - usually blooms within 6 weeks, with the first buds appearing early.
  3. 3 Sea foam - the bush begins to bloom in mid-summer.
  4. 4 Swan - the first buds appear in July.

Of the multi-colored phloxes that look very unusual, the most popular are:

  • Larisa (early variety);
  • Blue Paradise;
  • Margarita;
  • Davis Lavender (blooms from mid-summer to early autumn).

Separately, spotted paniculate phloxes are distinguished, which differ in different color options. For example, interesting varieties are Miss Pepper, Europe, Ivan, Bright Eyes. Fillings, which were created by breeders from the Netherlands and England, are considered a separate subspecies. Some species are called buds because their buds do not open.

Perennial phloxes and their cultivation

Perennial phloxes are valued by gardeners for the reason that they bloom profusely and for a long time from June to September. In addition, they belong to low-pretentious plant varieties. But phloxes, the care of which includes following basic rules, still require some attention.

Growing Phlox

So, first, let's understand the soil. Phlox loves light loamy soil, the acidity of which varies from slightly acidic to neutral. If your site has clay soil, then it needs to be prepared. It is necessary to add granular river sand, gravel, compost, ash, and peat to it. After this, the resulting composition is carefully dug up and mineral fertilizers are added to it.

Phlox, the cultivation of which will be successful with proper care, requires regular watering. The soil should be constantly moist. After all, annual and perennial phlox have a branched root system that goes 15 cm deep. Accordingly, these plants are especially sensitive to lack of moisture.

Phlox, which are propagated by seeds and cuttings, must be fertilized. These procedures must be carried out during the growing season. If the summer is rainy, then apply fertilizers in dry form.

By the way, phlox flowers cannot be watered with running cold water. This causes the development of a fungal disease such as powdery mildew. The soil should be watered around the bush itself, and not on top of the plant.

As you can see, caring for phlox is neither simple nor difficult. You just need to pay due attention to the plants, and then they will delight you with abundant and lush flowering.


Autumn care

Already in mid-autumn it is necessary to begin preparations for wintering. October is a good month to trim stems. This procedure will allow all the beneficial substances accumulated over the summer to go to the root, thereby strengthening the plant. In addition, pruning stems prevents diseases. Even if there are some pests in the green mass, you can get rid of them by burning them.

There are 2 types of pruning:

  • Level with the ground. Recommended for pest control.
  • At a height of 10 cm above the ground. Recommended for snow retention.

After cutting, you need to not only burn all the stems, but also treat the area with insecticides or fungicides. It is also necessary to insulate the bushes so that they survive the winter safely. To do this, phloxes are mulched with horse manure or humus. The optimal layer is 10 cm. Additionally, you can cover the area with spruce branches and fallen leaves. This coating will retain snow and prevent the soil from freezing.

Rules of care

Phlox are considered relatively unpretentious plants, resistant to many negative environmental factors. Caring for them includes such simple procedures as:

  • timely watering;
  • periodic application of fertilizers;
  • pruning


These beautifully flowering perennials are moisture-loving plants. With a lack of moisture, their leaves wither and dry out, and the flowers become small and faded. Experienced gardeners recommend watering phlox 2-3 times a week. In dry summers, the frequency of watering should be increased; in cool and cloudy summers, the frequency should be reduced.

Fertilizer application

Periodic fertilizing is necessary for phlox to actively build up root and green mass, form strong buds, and long and lush flowering.

  • Gardeners carry out the first fertilizing in early spring when the snow melts. At this stage, the plants are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which stimulate the growth of young green shoots.
  • The second feeding is carried out before the flowering phase begins. For most species and varieties of phlox, it begins in July. At this stage, the plants are fed with potassium-phosphorus complexes. Feeding phlox with a solution of ammonium nitrate (20 grams of the drug per 1 bucket of water) gives good results.
  • The third time, fertilizers are applied at the end of the flowering phase. This fertilizing allows you to restore the plant strength spent on the formation and development of buds. As a top dressing at this stage, it is recommended to use a solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate (1 tablespoon of each substance per 1 bucket of water).

Pest and disease control of phlox

A perennial flower gets sick very rarely. The main problem that gardeners may encounter is rust. It appears if the bush is constantly in the shade.

The flower may be affected by stem blight. This is a dangerous disease that quickly spreads to other plants. Signs of its manifestation include curling of the leaves on the flowers and yellowing of the tops. To prevent the pathology from spreading throughout the entire garden, you need to immediately remove the damaged parts, then treat the flower with special preparations purchased in the store.

Important! Of the pests, nematodes are considered the most dangerous for phlox. They settle in the roots of the plant

To get rid of it, you need to treat the soil three times a season with Phosfamide, Lindane or Actellik.

Knowing some simple rules will help you create a unique flower garden in your garden.

Diseases of annual phlox

They are divided into viral and fungal. Here are photos of the diseases.


  • rattling. Light spreading spots on leaves;
  • necrotic spotting. Dark brown spots on petals;
  • ring spot. White spots covering the plants deform the leaf shape over time;
  • leaf curl. The leaves become covered with tubercles, the stems become brittle.


  • septirosis. Leads to the death of leaves due to the appearance of gray spots. Then the foliage turns yellow and red;
  • powdery mildew. Spider-web spots cause leaves to dry out;
  • rust. Brown spots that appear and spread lead to the death of phlox foliage.

In addition, caterpillars, nematodes, slobbering pennies and other pests threaten.

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