Recommendation for gardeners: how to replant an orchid at home

The beautiful and delicate orchid gradually stops flowering, and the pot becomes noticeably cramped for it. To prevent problems with growing and wait for future flowering, you need to know how to replant an orchid at home. The editors of will tell you in the article what pitfalls can await you during transplantation.

With proper care, the plant will delight you with beautiful flowering

Why you need to replant - the main reasons

The recommended schedule for replanting phalaenopsis into a new container or other substrate is every 2-3 years. This is due to the stress the plant experiences during this process.

Any variety of orchid needs timely replanting

The urgent need for a new pot or soil is due to the following factors:

  • soil depletion;
  • disturbance of the balance of mineral substances in the substrate;
  • change in acidity level;
  • loss of breathability;
  • soil compaction does not allow the root system to develop optimally and even causes root rot;
  • replanting after 3 years is necessary if the main component in the substrate was bark. If it was sphagnum moss, then the soil needs to be replaced within 2 years after planting.

A cramped pot, from which roots stick out in all directions, needs to be replaced with a more spacious one.
If the pot has become cramped, the roots will begin to push the soil out of the container, which will undoubtedly affect the health of the flower.

Which one doesn't fit?

But there are a number of pots into which you should not replant a delicate orchid . In them, the tender roots of the plant can begin to rot and it will eventually die.

  • For an orchid, transplanting into a glass container is unacceptable, as it will not allow the roots to “breathe.” Such a container can only perform a decorative function.
  • For the same reason, a ceramic pot that is covered with a layer of glaze is not suitable: there is absolutely no chance for air to penetrate to the roots.
  • You should not take an excessively large container for the flower; it is enough that the new pot is 1-2 cm in diameter larger than the old one.

Is it possible to replant a flowering plant?

An emergency transplant during flowering can be done for a number of reasons: an army of pests has appeared on neighboring plants, you notice signs of rotting or other diseases. An orchid is also replanted after purchase, even during flowering, if it is obvious that the flower does not feel well in this soil. We will tell you how to do this below.

Sometimes you have to make a choice: a long life of a plant with delayed flowering or short days in bloom and the death of the orchid. If you want to see your plant healthy and pleasing to the eye for many years, then do not ask whether it is possible to replant the plant during flowering. It’s better to cut off the peduncle and replant the beauty.

Why replant an orchid after purchasing it?

IMPORTANT! You need to replant your orchid immediately after purchase!

1. Update the substrate.

Over time, the qualities of the substrate necessary for the growth of the orchid are lost.

Hard mineral salts accumulate and air permeability deteriorates.

2. Remove the peat (coconut) cup

Very often, in the roots of an orchid there is a peat (coconut) cup or a lump of pressed moss.

3. Inspect the roots

Orchid roots are an indicator of plant health.

It is unknown how the orchid was cared for during transportation and sale in the store.

What kind of pot is needed - capacity requirements

A pot for orchids must be transparent. This condition is necessary in order to observe the development of roots and monitor the condition of the soil. If desired, transparent containers are placed in a pot that is pleasing to the eye. We recommend choosing a larger pot. It will be enough if the new container is several centimeters wider than the previous one.

Before replanting, the new container is disinfected, and then only a layer of drainage is laid out.

How to choose a substrate and which soil is suitable

The beautiful orchid needs a loose substrate. It is preferable to purchase a ready-made mixture in a store. If you undertake to prepare the soil yourself, then take expanded clay for drainage, sphagnum moss or crushed conifer bark and charcoal.

The substrate should not only provide the flower with nutrition and oxygen, but also help secure the plant in the pot

After a couple of years, you will notice that the coal and bark have turned into dust, the soil has become dense and settled - it’s time to replant. To help you appreciate the benefits of breathable soil, we offer an introductory video on how to replant an orchid at home:

How to properly water a home orchid flower?

Well-groomed orchid flowers
Watering a home orchid flower is carried out by immersion in water, the temperature of which is not lower than +20°C , so as not to cause stress to the plant. How to do this correctly? Here is the answer:

  • To do this, take a cup with warm liquid and place the container with the plant in it for 20 minutes .
  • Then take it out and place it on a wire rack to drain off excess water.
  • Then place the flower in its usual place.

In winter, the number of waterings should be reduced, but in summer, on the contrary, this should be done more often, at least twice a week. It is necessary to monitor the pseudobulb - if it has lost turgor, then watering is necessary.

Important: It is forbidden to take long breaks between waterings. The orchid is a tropical plant that naturally lives in times of frequent rain and high humidity. Therefore, drought is detrimental to it.

When to act immediately

If you notice that the soil has become dense, all the large components are more like dust, the orchid has become a refuge for aphids, thrips, scale insects and other “cute” guests, then it won’t be long until the plant dies completely. Sometimes you can notice rotting of the roots, or the green mass of leaves has become much larger than the size of the pot, which means you need to urgently replant the orchid, and we will tell you how to do this correctly at home.

If your orchid has just arrived at its new location from the store and looks completely healthy, replanting is not required. But when your ward looks unwell after purchase, it is better to start replanting it immediately.

How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers using simple methods. In a special publication on our portal, we will talk in detail about how to get rid of pests in indoor plants. You will learn the reasons for their appearance, the types of midges and their signs and measures to prevent the appearance of midges.

Containers for orchids

To choose the right pot for growing orchids at home, you need to consider how their root system provides nutrition: if the roots are photosynthetic, the planting container must be transparent so that they can perceive solar energy.

Photos of what pots are needed for orchids with photosynthetic roots.

When determining what size pots orchids need, it is worth remembering that the volume of the pot must correspond to the size of the root system : if it is too large, it can slow down flowering.

Regardless of what type of orchid is - lithophyte or epiphyte - it is very important that the pot facilitates the outflow of excess liquid and good air exchange , because stagnation of water and insufficient aeration can lead to rot and other fungal diseases of the root system.

Important! Whatever material the pot is made of, it is important that it be equipped with special holes for water drainage.


The more responsibly you approach the transplant, the more successful the process itself will be. Before you get started, prepare everything you need: disinfected scissors or a sharp knife for cutting faded peduncles, a new transparent pot, fresh loose substrate, an activated carbon tablet.

If the orchid has just finished delighting you with its flowering, then the peduncle needs to be cut off. After this, you can begin the process of replanting the plant.

Step by step guide

To make the process of transplanting an orchid at home easy, we suggest studying all the key points step by step.

We remove the flower from the previous pot. The more careful the better. The root system must remain intact

For trouble-free removal, it is recommended to knead the pot with your hands.

If the soil or pot is too dense and the plant does not give in, then it is better to sacrifice the container rather than the flower and cut it with scissors. Since the process can be messy, we recommend laying out a large newspaper or heading to the bathroom.

It is generally preferable to remove a plant from a pot under running water, so the roots can be removed painlessly and immediately inspected for pests or rot

Now we will tell you how to properly plant an orchid in a pot. Expanded clay is placed in a new container and lightly sprinkled with substrate. Then you need to carefully plant the orchid, spreading the roots evenly. Hold the plant by the root collar. The remaining space is filled with substrate, the pot is tapped and the plant is watered.

The upper aerial roots should not be forced into the pot; leave them on the surface of the soil.

When examining the roots during transplantation, rotting processes or parasites can be detected. Diseased parts of the roots are cut off and thrown away, the sections are treated with Kornevin and sprinkled with charcoal. The same applies to dried roots. If you notice pests, the plant must be placed in a container with warm, clean water for 2-3 hours, and then treated with a suitable insecticide.

Planting into new soil after washing the roots is carried out only after the root system has completely dried

The lower yellowed leaves of the plant are also removed.

Now you know how to painlessly transplant an orchid into another pot

Features of transplantation

While observing the specifics of transplantation, it is important to know how to properly transplant an orchid. You should not always replant after purchase, but only when the plant dies. If the pot has a good substrate, then replanting is not required.

If the bark is damaged, replanting is required: after flowering or 2 weeks after purchase.

After the purchase

Replanting is stressful for the plant. After suffering stress, a flower can shed its flowers. There are rare cases when a plant needs to be saved even immediately after purchase. This is rotting of the root system, plant disease, drooping foliage. Save it urgently, it doesn’t matter whether it’s time to replant or not.

If there is no urgent need, then orchids after purchase are replanted 2-3 weeks later. During this time they will get used to the new conditions.

in spring

Spring is the best period for transplantation. This is the end of February or the beginning of March. Daylight hours are increasing, all nature is awakening, which means the orchid will begin to develop. It is better to replant an orchid after purchase in the spring. This means that you need to buy flowers around the end of February.

In a glass vase

Some gardeners began to plant the orchid in a glass vase. This method is good because the flower can be watered very rarely. If you choose the right substrate, the moisture will gradually begin to rise from the bottom of the vase and supply the roots with everything they need.

From such nutrition, the root system will develop so much that it will look like a thick beard.

Old orchid

First, let's find out which orchid is considered old. If 2-3 years have passed since the purchase and the flower lives in one pot, then it’s time to replant. In addition, the flower looks completely ugly, the roots are coming out from everywhere. It's time to transplant the old orchid into a larger container.

Take the size of the new dishes 1-2 sizes larger so that the roots are well located there. If their resuscitation is required, then a smaller pot is selected. Orchids like containers that are tighter than larger ones that are too spacious.

Transplant process:

  • Place the pot in a basin, fill it with water, hold for 10 minutes until the roots become flexible.
  • Remove the plant from the old pot. Inspect the root system. Trim the rotten shoots and sprinkle the cut areas with cinnamon or charcoal.
  • If it is difficult to remove the stuck parts of the bark, then the lower part of the seedling must be kept in water again.
  • After trimming the roots, leave to dry for 6 hours.
  • Pour disinfected pine bark into a new pot.
  • Place the root system inside, then fill in the substrate. Shake the pot slightly to better fill it with substrate. Do not bury the seedling too deeply.
  • After transplanting, water only after 5-7 days: this is how long it takes for the injuries on the roots to heal.

The old bush should be sprinkled with Epin and the pot should be placed in the shade for 2 weeks. Reduce watering. If the leaves wilt, this is normal after suffering stress. Increase the humidity around the orchid and it will come to life.

Cuttings will help save an old plant. Cuttings are obtained from flower stalks, then they are dried for a day and rooted in water.

The cut sites are treated with brilliant green or cinnamon, and the dormant bud is lubricated with a paste containing cytokine. After this procedure, the peduncle is lowered into a jar, at the bottom of which 3 cm of boiled or rain water is poured. Activated carbon tablets or powder are placed at the bottom.

Scion transplantation

How to transplant children and where to find them? The young shoot can form on the stem, peduncle or near the roots of the plant. Most often, the baby grows at the base of the roots or on the peduncle when the orchid fades.

You can get a new orchid shoot in this way:

  • When the plant finishes flowering, it is necessary to cut off the faded peduncle, leaving 2-3 cm of it; In order for a new shoot to start growing, the flower must be provided with a level of illumination by turning on a fluorescent lamp;
  • It is necessary to water once every 5-6 days;
  • After flowering, provide the orchid with the required temperature conditions - above 20 degrees;
  • Hormonal preparations for flowers will help speed up the process of creating children.
  • When the baby grows up, it needs to be transplanted.

How to replant a baby orchid at home? The shoot must first be cut off from the mother bush using sharp, disinfected tools. Then prepare the soil and a pot with a diameter of 7 to 10 cm. You must immediately add mineral fertilizers and moss to the soil.

When you transplant the sprout into a container, you can make a greenhouse on top. The shoot will grow in this pot for about 6 months until it has 4-5 leaves. During this same time, a root system should form. When the roots grow to a length of 5 cm, the plant is transplanted into another pot. If the roots have not formed, then it is too early to replant the orchid.

If the baby has formed at the roots of the orchid, then you need to remove the top layer of soil and look: the roots of the baby should be 2-3 cm. After that, separate the shoot and plant it in a new container so that the neck of the roots is on the surface of the soil. If the roots do not fit into the vessel, then they are left on top, covered with moss.

After transplanting, place the pot in the brightest window. Water the plant with warm, settled water and care for it in the same way as for adult orchids. Spraying the orchid is allowed.

Important! The first watering after transplantation is carried out only three days later. By adding mineral fertilizers and growth stimulants to the water, you will speed up the rooting process. The second watering is carried out only when the soil is completely dry. You will receive your first luxurious flower from a child 3-4 years after planting.


When replanting a diseased plant, you have to get rid of a large number of rotten, dried roots. In this case, the root system becomes smaller, which means it requires a small pot, the size of which should correspond to the size of the remaining root system.

During flowering

Many gardeners are interested in: is it possible to replant a blooming orchid? It is better to wait until flowering is over, otherwise the plant will simply drop its flowers.

There are types of this flower culture that bloom non-stop. In such cases, you can make an exception by replanting even a flowering bush.

By replanting according to all the rules, it is sometimes possible to extend the flowering period. What to do with the peduncle? Before carrying out this procedure, the flower stalks need to be shortened by 2 cm so that the root area can quickly acquire roots. And the flower will grow several more lateral peduncles.

In general, you need to be more careful with flowering seedlings. You should not replant shoots from a blooming orchid. If the shoot has formed good roots and has 3-4 leaves, then it can be planted. But it is better to wait until the flower crop enters the dormant stage.

After flowering

We found out whether it is possible to transplant during flowering. Now we will find out when to proceed with the transplant. After the plant has flowered and entered the dormant stage, you can begin replanting.

Post-procedure care

The period after transplantation is called recovery for a reason. Any major intervention in the life of a plant creates stress for it. So, a few rules on what to do after transplantation:

  • the pot is placed in a shaded place, closer to the eastern window;
  • air temperature is maintained within +21°C;
  • watering after transplantation is done after 5 days;
  • leaves can be sprayed daily with warm water;
  • after a month they begin to apply fertilizers.

Simple care techniques will allow this beautiful flower to quickly gain strength.

Orchid transplant in February. What are the favorable days for orchid transplantation in 2022?

Without exception, all exotic domesticated plants need special care - if you make even the slightest mistake, the beautiful flower will inevitably die. In addition to the basics of caring for pots of orchids on the windowsill, experienced gardeners now rely on other, more ancient knowledge. Wanting to protect their Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium from possible diseases and drying out, people are increasingly paying attention to the lunar calendar.

So, in every year there are a number of the most favorable dates for replanting orchids and caring for them, and there are also days when you should refrain from any work with home ornamental plants.

Favorable for orchid transplantation in 2022

First of all, it is important to remember that any orchid is a plant with a fairly powerful root system, which often looks quite massive and impressive. This means that the underground part of the orchid is just as important as the outer part - the green shoots and flower arrows.

Thus, orchid houseplants certainly cannot be classified as green flowering plants with a weak or underdeveloped nutritional system - rather, everything is quite the opposite here.

As you know, it is the thick and long root shoots of an orchid that allow it to survive in the wild - an exotic beautiful plant clings with its roots to stones, rocks and other soil that is unsuitable for most flowering plantings, literally being held in place by this method. Therefore, orchids are usually classified as varieties of domestic plants with a very developed root system, which plays a primary role in the health of the flower.

That is why orchids are replanted according to the lunar calendar, along with tuberous and bulbous flower plants. In a word, with those that are distinguished by powerful roots.

For this reason, the days most suitable for transferring ordinary cultural plantings in the house to new pots will not be as favorable for orchids. The thing is that plants with large leaves or a massive upper part and weak roots are transplanted into other flowerpots at the peak of the waxing moon.

But this rule does not apply to an orchid - it has a very solid underground part. That’s why planting her in a “new house” is at the peak of the waning, old moon.

An exotic plant is often replanted in September or spring, however, the lunar phase calendar for 2022 suggests that there are actually year-round availability of especially suitable dates for this manipulation. Therefore, you can easily choose the next favorable day and transfer your orchid to a new pot.

What problems may arise

Let's consider possible problems that may appear after transplantation.

  1. If the leaves look lethargic, it means you are being greedy with watering: the substrate should not dry out completely. Another reason may be exposure to direct sunlight. Try putting the plant in the shade for a week.
  2. The plant does not bloom for a long time: if the establishment process is delayed, start feeding earlier.

The more carefully and accurately the transplantation process is completed, the less chance there will be problems after it.

What to do if your home orchid withers after transplantation?

A home orchid withers after transplantation.
Most likely the plant is sick. If planting rules are violated, when mechanical damage to the roots occurs, the leaves do not receive full nutrition. What to do if your home orchid withers after transplantation? Here are the tips:

If you watered a lot, replant the plant:

  • With good watering and stagnation of liquid at the bottom of the container, especially if there is no drainage, the roots may begin to rot.
  • Then the wilting will soon be replaced by yellowing of the leaves and the plant may die.
  • Here an emergency orchid transplant will be needed to save it.

Control pests:

  • Another reason could be a pest attack.
  • Spider mites, the worst pests of indoor plants, thrive in dry air.
  • It can be difficult to notice them right away - they are very small and the bad effects begin to appear when there are a lot of them.
  • Whiteflies and scale insects also harm orchids. Providing optimal air humidity will help to significantly reduce the number of these insects.

Protect from the sun:

  • If the orchid is not protected from direct sunlight, its leaves will begin to wilt.
  • This indoor flower feels best on windows that face east, where the sun appears only in the morning and for a short time.

Containers must be provided with drainage holes, and they need to be made not only at the very bottom of the container, but also on the sides to ensure good air exchange for the roots.

Reproduction at home

The royal flower is the orchid. Care and reproduction at home. In a special publication on our portal, we will talk in detail about how to care for and propagate an orchid at home. You will learn how to properly water an orchid, the nuances of caring for different varieties of orchids, and how to make an orchid bloom at home.

If your plant is mature and you know how to plant an orchid at home, you can start propagating it by getting several flowers at once.

If you have an unusual variety, share it with friends or exchange it with others. This is common on flower forums and is a great chance to add to your collection.

Despite the known four methods of reproduction, two are usually used at home: by children and by dividing roots. After the orchid has bloomed, you can find children from it - side shoots. They are planted in a new small container, maintaining high temperature and humidity in the room.

After some time, the babies take root and turn into an ordinary orchid.

The plant is propagated by dividing the roots, provided that the bulb grows well. It is cut in half, treated with charcoal and planted in different pots. Whatever method you choose, you will need to maintain high temperature and optimal air humidity around the indoor plant for some time.

We can say that the orchid is an amazing plant, and you should not be afraid of the difficulties in growing it. If you want to learn more about how to replant an orchid at home, in addition we offer another educational video where you will hear a lot of tips:

How to replant an orchid flower if the root is rotten: tips

Replanting an orchid flower if the root has rotted
Infrequently, but there are cases when novice gardeners, as a result of improper care, have the roots of an orchid rot. This can happen to all the roots or to a large part of them at once. Is it possible to save the plant then? How to replant an orchid flower if the root is rotten? Here are the tips:

  • To revive orchids whose roots have completely died, you need a small window greenhouse.
  • In the container where the leaf rosette will be located, you need to pour a small layer of drainage - this can be expanded clay or pebbles.
  • Place sphagnum moss on top, which is previously kept over steam and dried.
  • Now moisten the substrate and place the leaf rosette in it.
  • Transfer to a greenhouse, where a constant temperature should be maintained within +21 - +27°C and high humidity of about 100% . The light should be bright, but diffused - direct sunlight is detrimental to leaves during this period.

After 3-4 weeks of this regime, root rudiments will begin to appear at the base of the leaf rosette and then they will begin to grow. Epin , to the water for irrigation .

If a diseased orchid has several living roots left, or even just one, the chances of saving it increase:

  • After trimming the rotten roots, you need to rinse the remaining living roots under warm water and sprinkle the cut areas with charcoal.
  • A pre-prepared pot up to 8 cm in diameter is filled with ordinary substrate and a leaf rosette with roots is planted in it.
  • Next, the plant is treated as in the first case, placing it in a greenhouse.

If everything went well, new roots will begin to grow in 2-4 weeks .

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