Joy fertilizers: effective products for all types of plants and crops



Orchids are self-sufficient plants, capable of extracting nutrients literally from the air. However, to accelerate growth, enhance the intensity and duration of flowering, they need to be fed regularly.

Important! Unlike other houseplants, orchids are not suitable for complex homemade mixtures. An unbalanced composition of fertilizers can cause a decrease in the viability of the orchid. These plants need specific fertilizers designed for epiphytes.

JOY brand drugs

Among the abundance of all kinds of fertilizers, stimulants and growth activators offered by various manufacturers, orchid growing specialists highlight the products of the JOY brand. The line developed for orchids includes special fertilizers, pest and disease control products, activators and growth stimulants. The composition of the preparations is balanced taking into account the different stages of orchid development, which allows them to be used throughout the year.

JOY preparations for orchids:

A drugPreparative formActive substancePurpose
Elixir for orchids Extra-bloomAqueous solution in plastic ampoules of 10 ml (2 pcs per package)Chitosan, lactic acidPromotes healthy growth and intense flowering
Ready-to-use spray in plastic bottles with a spray nozzle of 400 ml
Growth and flowering activator for orchidsWater-soluble effervescent tablets, 3 g (2 pieces per pack)Chitosan, succinic acid-activates the growth of roots and leaves;
-increases resistance to stress, pests and diseases
Fertilizer for orchidsConcentrated liquid in plastic bottles of 250 mlLignohumate, humic acids, potassium, copper, molybdenum, boron, cobalt, macro- and microelements in an easily accessible form-activates growth;
- ensures the harmonious development of all parts of the plant;

-stimulates the formation of buds;

-promotes long and abundant flowering

Water-soluble tablets are used for root and foliar feeding.
Advantages of JOY preparations for orchids over similar products:

  • Can be used for all types of orchids;
  • environmental Safety;
  • absence of growth hormones that deplete the plant;
  • pronounced effect 2-3 days after use.

There are special requirements for fertilizers for orchids. The acidity level should be between 5 and 7 pH. The concentration of nutrients should be reduced compared to fertilizers for other indoor plants. It is desirable that the composition include microelements in chelated form, amino acids and vitamins, as well as substances that prevent the deposition of salts. The JOY brand produces drugs that meet all these requirements. JOY orchid care products ensure optimal absorption of nutrients and stimulate the plant’s immune system. It is very convenient that when using these drugs there are no difficulties with dosage accuracy.

Author and host of a video channel about orchids Elena Lobacheva.

JOY fertilizer is recommended for feeding all types of orchids.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

The product range includes natural organic, mineral and organomineral fertilizers. Compositions can be single-component or complex. Therefore, both experienced gardeners and beginners can use them. Each package indicates the detailed composition and method of use of the product.


Fertilizers of organic origin are represented by compositions based on vermicompost. It is a completely soluble, natural and environmentally friendly substance. It is a product of manure processing by California worms. In this form, beneficial substances reach the roots and stems of the plant faster and more efficiently. Available in two forms - liquid (water extract) and bulk.

Fertilizers are balanced in composition, contain all the necessary macro- and microelements for nutrition, growth hormones, as well as additives that improve soil properties: humic substances, enzymes, soil antibiotics.

They are universal in use. Suitable for soaking seeds, seedlings and fertilizing in open ground. They increase germination, improve the vitamin composition of fruits, accelerate growth and resistance to pests and diseases. They have a prolonged effect.


Organomineral fertilizers are represented by humic compositions with added microelements. They are designed for specific types of crops, so the choice of such drugs is very large.

Humic fertilizers are products based on organic substances. They are made from peat, silt, sapropel.

Joy's assortment includes humic fertilizers for vegetables and root crops, fruit and berry crops, flowering plants, conifers, lawns and indoor flowers. They provide the plantings with all the substances necessary for growth, so organomineral fertilizers are used for basic feeding. They are applied mainly in the spring, since the drugs have a short period of action. The substances in them are present in chelated form - they are easily accessible for absorption.


Mineral fertilizers are suitable for experienced gardeners, as they require certain knowledge on the use and combination of such preparations with other fertilizers.

They contain the essential nutrients for all plants: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Joy brand drugs can be single-component, consisting of one element, or complex, containing their combinations in different ratios.


These are the same mineral fertilizers based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. But the ratio of all three components is different in the compositions for individual crops. Fertilizers in this form are recommended for beginning gardeners, since they are already ready for use, and there is no risk of overfeeding or underfeeding the plant with certain substances.

The Joy brand produces complex fertilizers for berries, root crops, vegetables, lawns, flowers and conifers. A separate line of Joy products – TRIO mixes – is intended for feeding indoor and balcony flowers, improving flowering and stimulating growth.

Plant protection products

To ensure that plants are not only provided with nutrients, but also protected from the negative influences of the environment, the Trading House produces special products:

  • Glyfor – for removing weeds;
  • Accord and Kalash - from insect pests (Colorado beetle, aphids and others);
  • AGB is a protective and therapeutic drug against common diseases;
  • Milekons - a remedy for protection against fungus, bacteria and mold;
  • Paint for trees and shrubs - a breathable composition for painting the root part of the trunk, provides protection against pests, mold, mildew, and sunburn.

All compositions are environmentally friendly and do not harm plantings. After using anti-weed agents, the land can be planted within 7-10 days.

Activators and elixirs

Products in this category belong to express care products. The effect can be noticeable within 2-3 days after use. They are used in cases where plants do not take root well, grow slowly or do not bloom for a long time.

General properties of the drugs:

  • relieve stress during transplantation;
  • improve the appearance of the plant;
  • stimulate and support flowering;
  • promote rooting;
  • recover from illness.

The products in this line are produced on the basis of lactic and succinic acids and chitosan. They are safe for humans and the environment.

Plant care kits

Ready-made kits for caring for certain types of plants are easy-to-use preparations packaged in one box. Depending on the needs of the culture, it may include different means. For example, in a box for orchids, there are sticks and shoot holders, flowering spray, fertilizer and paste for awakening dormant buds.

Such sets are suitable for those who do not want to spend a lot of time buying all the care items. One pack is designed for a season, so it is enough to purchase it only once a year.

Household chemicals and biological products

Manufacturers took care not only of the vegetation, but also of those who care for it. For summer residents, they produce products that make their stay on the site or in the garden more pleasant and safe:

  • means for treating the area from mosquito larvae and flies;
  • preparations for protection against ticks;
  • compositions against cockroaches;
  • protective sprays against blood-sucking insects;
  • fly strips;
  • cesspool cleaners.

All these products are environmentally friendly for the environment and humans, and are produced on the basis of natural substances.

The effect of the elixir for flowering orchids JOY

Elixir JOY Extra-blooming refers to express care products for orchids, which are used for problems with rooting, slow growth, and persistent refusal to bloom. The drug is an aqueous solution of chitosan gel based on lactic acid. Chitosan is a cationic polysaccharide that is obtained from chitin contained in the tissues of insects, marine crustaceans, some types of fungi and algae. The basis of the compound is the elements vital for the development of the plant - nitrogen, oxygen, carbon. The second component, lactic acid, is a powerful natural antibiotic. The complex effect of the elixir’s components on the plant is noticeable after the first use:

  • appearance improves;
  • the flowering phase is extended;
  • the number of buds increases;
  • relieves stress from transplantation and other negative factors;
  • the process of root formation is activated;
  • provides biological protection against viral, bacterial and fungal diseases.

Under the influence of the JOY elixir, flowering is activated even in older orchids.

Mode of application

Elixir JOY is available in the form of a spray or water-soluble gel. Each package is supplied with detailed instructions for use.

Release formApplication rateFrequency of useMode of application
Ampoules1 ampoule per plantOnce every 1-2 monthsCut off the tip of the ampoule along the notch, bury it neck down into the substrate
SprayUntil the sheet surface is completely wettedIn summer – once every 2 weeks;
in winter – once every 30 days
Spray evenly onto aerial roots and both sides of leaf blades, avoiding the leaf axils, growing points and flower stalks with buds.

The cut ampoule is buried into the substrate with the top down.
The principle of operation of the ampoule with the elixir is based on small-droplet dosing. The contents of the ampoule slowly seep into the substrate, providing nutrition to the plant's root system for 3-4 weeks.

The spray bottle is equipped with a convenient fine spray.

Special series for indoor flowers

When choosing a reliable preparation for your plants, you should pay attention to the limited line of SEDA products, which includes highly effective multicomponent substances with a universal spectrum of action.

Light feeding

An off-season preparation is a highly concentrated mineral liquid for decorative foliage and flowering indoor plants.

The composition includes three main components: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in a ratio of 7:5:5, as well as trace elements: boron, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum.

Regular use allows you to bring closer and prolong the phase of budding and flowering, helps to impart rich color to the buds and foliage. The drug increases the immunity of ornamental crops and activates their development.

Feeding is carried out once every 10...14 days from April to October, and once a month from November to March. For irrigation, use a solution of 150 ml per 10 liters of water, for foliar feeding 100 ml per the same volume of water.

Supplied in a plastic bottle of 0.25 or 5 liters at a price of 140 rubles.

Basic food

For all seasons, an environmentally safe universal concentrated preparation with a wide range of effects.

Includes the main macro- and microelements: NPK 8:8:6, as well as B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Mo, necessary for the full growth and development of decorative foliage and flowering indoor plants.

Systematic use of the product helps strengthen the immune system and imparts intense color to foliage and flowers.

Use a solution with a concentration of 15 ml per liter of water for root nutrition, or a weaker dilution (10 ml per 1 liter) for spraying on the leaf. The procedure is carried out once every 1.5...2 weeks in the spring-summer period, or once every 20...30 days in the autumn-winter season.

Delivery in plastic containers of 250 ml or 5 liters costing from 160 rubles.

Orchid care kit

The use of balanced, properly selected fertilizers and care products guarantees the harmonious development and high-quality flowering of orchids. For the convenience of flower growers, JOY offers a complete set of its products in one package.

The package includes:

  • elixir “Extra-blooming” to activate growth and increase the number of buds – spray 400 ml and 2 ampoules of 10 ml;
  • fertilizer for complete nutrition in an easily accessible form (humic substances and microelements) – 250 ml;
  • cytokinin paste to stimulate the formation of flower stalks – 1.5 ml;
  • set for fixing the plant – holder + 2 clips.

The JOY orchid kit provides comprehensive plant care.

Personalized series

Owners of a collection of various house plants from the same family are advised to pay attention to products from a specialized series:

  • “For orchids” is a growth activator in tablet form. Accelerates the growth of the root system, increases the number of buds and the intensity of flowering, increases resistance to stressful situations, diseases and pests. Suitable for root feeding and spraying.

  • “For cacti and succulents” – a concentrated liquid with a lignohumate base. Contains a full complex of substances necessary for the growth and development of agave, adenium, aloe, Kalanchoe, croton, living stones, euphorbia, sansevieria, Crassula, Decembrist, etc. Strengthens the immune system, increases the duration of flowering. Used for watering and spraying. Economical consumption.

  • “For garden and indoor roses” is a highly concentrated complex preparation based on lignohumate. Increases the number of buds, strengthens the strength of the stems, and improves the quality of cutting. Promotes intense and long-lasting flowering. Used for spraying and root feeding.

A real find for beginning plant growers will be special sets of various products for comprehensive flower care. Of particular interest are the “Express care” and “Extra flowering” kits with a price ranging from 500...700 rubles. The set includes drugs to combat stress, growth activators and root stimulators, as well as additional accessories such as clips or garters to support flowers.

JOY brand preparations are quite popular among experienced gardeners and summer residents due to their availability. In addition, Joy fertilizers are effective means for all types of plants and crops, promoting active vegetation and protection from unfavorable factors, which guarantees increased flowering and fruiting of both indoor and garden plants.

Mistakes when feeding orchids

Even the most effective orchid care product can cause irreparable harm instead of the desired result. This is exactly what happens to inexperienced gardeners, when the purchase of advertised products is followed by disappointment in their effectiveness. To prevent this from happening, you should follow simple rules for feeding orchids:

  • Do not fertilize or use stimulants immediately after transplantation.
  • Fertilizing is indicated only during the growing season, excluding the resting phase.
  • It is strictly forbidden to stimulate plants weakened by disease or pests.
  • It is unacceptable to water a dry substrate with a fertilizer solution without first moistening it.
  • During periods with the highest (+24°C and above) and minimum low (+15°C and below) air temperatures, fertilizing should be suspended.

Tip No. 1. Do not rush to treat your entire collection of orchids with a new product at once. It is advisable to test the effect of an unfamiliar drug first on one plant. And only if there are no side effects, you can safely use it on other orchids.

Answers to flower growers' questions

Question No. 1. Different sources contain conflicting opinions about the advisability of feeding orchids during flowering. Does increased nutrition really reduce flowering?

Fertilizers and stimulants are used depending on the flowering stage. While flower stalks are forming, flower buds are being laid, buds are forming, additional nutrition is vital for the plant. During this period, the orchid is fed every 2 weeks. With the opening of the first flowers, feeding is stopped, and after dissolution, more than a third of the buds are stopped completely. An overfed plant can actually stop the process of bud formation and drop the already blooming flowers. If the orchid blooms for a long time (more than 3 months and up to six months), you can apply fertilizer at intervals of 1.5-2 months.

Eco-farming and subsistence farming

For adherents of exclusively organic fertilizers, there is also a separate “Eco” series, which includes highly effective preparations in liquid and dry form, which allows them to be used for any gardening and ornamental crops:

Organic universal fertilizer JOY “Biohumus”

A ready-to-use, environmentally friendly product for processing cattle manure and waste from Californian worms.

The fertilizer is well balanced in composition and includes important minerals, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and microflora beneficial to the soil. Has a prolonged effect.

Excellent for feeding seedlings, vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as ornamental and flowering plants. Promotes accelerated growth and development, abundant flowering and the formation of a high, stable yield. Suitable for open and closed ground.

It is used for growing seedlings, for which a soil mixture is prepared: garden soil and vermicompost 4:1.

When planting in the main soil, a preparation of 250...500 g per 1 square meter is added to each hole or furrow. m. (depending on soil quality).

To feed fruit trees, apply 1...3 kg (depending on age and size) of the product for each fruit unit.

On depleted soils, it is recommended to increase the dosage by 1.5...2 times.

For seasonal feeding of garden plants, use solutions of 0.5 kg of product per 10 liters of water, water at the root level at a rate similar to normal watering.

Supplied for sale in 3 liter plastic bags at a price of 170 rubles.

Organic universal fertilizer JOY “Biohumus”

A highly concentrated extract from vermicompost promotes accelerated growth, stimulates flowering and increases productivity. The environmentally friendly drug works as a growth activator and protects against most diseases.

Used for soaking bulbs, seeds and tubers before planting in a solution of 40 ml of the drug and 2 liters of water for 6...24 hours. As a root feeding every 7...10 days. For foliar spraying in a weaker concentration (40 ml per 6 l) every 12...14 days.

Available in 40 ml portions at a price of RUB 30. There is also a less concentrated water extract with a volume of 500 ml at a price of 90 rubles per bottle.

Biostimulator JOY “Elixir”

Environmentally safe, natural product based on chitosan lactate. Activates the growth and flowering of vegetable, fruit and berry crops, reduces stress under unfavorable factors.

Used in the form of working solutions per 1 liter of water for: soaking (20 ml) for 12...18 hours, watering (10 ml) and spraying (15 ml) every 10...12 days.

A 40 ml bottle will cost 50 rubles

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