Pelargonium April Snow: a bright representative of rosaceous varieties

Pelargonium April Snow - what kind of flower is it

The culture belongs to the genus Pelargonium from the Geraniaceae family. This genus includes a large number of different plants that grew naturally or were bred by breeders. Some flower lovers, unknowingly, call it April Snow geranium; it belongs to the zonal type.

The culture is characterized by lush inflorescences of a delicate shade

This geranium variety was obtained from the Swedish nursery Sutarve. The plant belongs to the rosebud species. It grows quickly, but at the same time maintains a compact structure.

The color of the petals of the crop depends on the growing conditions. In limited light, the petals become white. If the flower is in a sunny place it becomes soft pink with a red border. The center of each bud is dark green. There are delicate petals around.

This is interesting! Russian lovers of indoor flowers call the plant differently - on the Internet you can find the following names: geranium April snow, pelargonium April dreams or April seam. Sometimes you can see that people write arctic snow pelargonium and look for a description of this flower.

According to the description, April Snow pelargonium is characterized by the following features:

  • dense and lush inflorescences, which include a large number of buds;
  • different shades of petals - white, light green, pink;
  • lush and low bush;
  • tricolor buds;
  • large, light emerald leaves.

Important! The bushes of the plant are compact in size and grow in width. The flower pot can easily be placed on a narrow windowsill.

The bushes are compact in size


Let's consider the main points for caring for this beautiful plant.


April Snow needs regular but moderate watering. The plant reacts quite sensitively to the quantity and quality of water, so you need to be more careful in this regard.

Important! Overmoistening is unacceptable: the roots of the plant are quite tender and are susceptible to putrefactive diseases. In summer, watering can be more abundant and frequent as the top layer of soil dries, but in winter it is necessary to significantly reduce the number of moisturizing procedures.

It is recommended to loosen the soil after watering the plant to ensure the soil is light and breathable.

This measure will prevent the development of root and stem rot, which is so dangerous for April Snow.

It is recommended to loosen the soil after watering the plant to ensure the soil is light and breathable. This measure will prevent the development of root and stem rot, which is so dangerous for April Snow.


As for additional nutrition, April Snow has standard requirements in this regard. Feed your beautiful pelargonium with complex mineral formulations intended for this type of plant. In winter, April Snow does not need feeding.


To ensure that the plant overwinters safely if it is grown outdoors, do not forget to bring the pot indoors in the fall.
It is better to overwinter April Snow at cool temperatures: if this condition is met, numerous lush inflorescences are more likely to appear. It is important to provide the plant with a room with good ventilation and not too humid air. Following these recommendations will help prevent fungal rot, which is so common in rosebuds. A little crowding of plants will also help protect April Snow from fungus: you should not place pots close to each other in winter

A slight crowding of plants will also help protect April Snow from fungus: you should not place pots close to each other in winter.

The dormant period for these pelargoniums lasts from two and a half to three months: from approximately November to February. As soon as the daylight hours noticeably increase in mid-to-late February, April Snow begins to come to life and wake up.

Other points

In addition to the listed care measures, it is also necessary to regularly remove dried leaves and inflorescences of the plant in order to preserve the decorative appearance of the bush and nutrients for its healthy parts. In winter, it is not recommended to place the pot with this plant too close to the window glass, since such proximity to the street cold can cause frostbite on the leaves.

Features of growing this variety

Pelargonium ivy - home care

Pelargonium April snow must be pinched. Otherwise, the stem of the crop will begin to stretch upward. With proper formation, the bush will become lush and neat.

It is recommended to use special soil for planting. It can be purchased at a flower shop. Before planting, it is recommended to disinfect the soil - heat it in the oven or pour it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Preparation for the procedure

In order for pelargonium from seeds to delight you with beautiful flowering for a long time, you need to carry out the preparatory work correctly.

Selection of containers

Geranium seeds can be planted in boxes or individual containers. For group planting, shallow wooden or plastic containers are used.

Peat pots are very popular among gardeners. In this case, the grown bushes can be planted in new containers along with a shell of peat.

Geranium seeds are planted in light, fertile soil.

Soil preparation

The substrate for sowing geraniums must be loose, air- and water-permeable. You can prepare it yourself from the following ingredients:

  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • river sand.

You can purchase ready-made nutrient soil for geraniums at a flower shop.

Scarification, disinfection and soaking of pelargonium seeds

To facilitate seed germination, a scarification procedure is carried out. To do this, lightly rub the seeds with fine-grit sandpaper. Carefully remove only the top layer of seeds.

To disinfect, seeds are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate before planting in a container. It is capable of destroying 100% of bacteria that cause various diseases. Geranium seeds are soaked for 20 minutes, then washed with water and dried with a napkin.

To stimulate growth, seeds can be placed in a Zircon solution. It is prepared at the rate of 4-5 drops of the drug per 100 grams of water. The seed material is soaked for 7-8 hours.

How to care for April snow at home

In order for April Snow's pelargonium to develop normally and bloom luxuriantly, it must be properly cared for.

Illumination and temperature conditions

Ampelous pelargonium or geranium - growing and care at home

Culture needs bright and diffused lighting. In winter, there may be a need for additional lighting.

Almost all varieties of pelargonium require high temperatures. At the same time, +17-18 degrees is enough for the April Snow culture. In winter, the parameters should be +12-15 degrees.

Watering rules and humidity

The plant needs systematic soil moisture. However, it should be moderate. The culture has delicate roots. If there is excess moisture, there is a risk of rotting processes.

Important! In summer, watering should be quite abundant, especially during drought. In winter, the amount of water must be significantly reduced.

The need for watering is reduced in the following situations:

  • growing in a plastic container;
  • state of winter dormancy;
  • first week after transplant;
  • decrease in temperature parameters, winter period of time;
  • high humidity, lack of sufficient lighting;
  • insufficient ventilation in the room.

In any case, the bush should be watered at the root. To better moisten the soil, it is recommended to pour water into a tray. Excess moisture is prohibited. This needs to be monitored based on the condition of the soil. If it is dry at a depth of 1 cm, the soil should be watered.

Fertilizing and soil quality

To fertilize pelargonium, it is recommended to use combined formulations. They are sold in all flower shops. Fertilizing should be done exclusively in summer. This should not be done in winter.

Flower container size

The culture does not require a large container. The faster a plant develops, the more space it requires. Therefore, transplantation is carried out into a looser pot.

Pruning and replanting

It is recommended to form the bush systematically. In this case, shoots should be cut and pinched. The plant needs to be pruned at the end of February or at the beginning of March. As they develop, regrown shoots should be shortened.

The plant must be pruned correctly, taking into account the basic rules of the procedure

Before replanting, the soil must be disinfected. This can be done in different ways:

  • heat in the oven or in a frying pan;
  • to freeze;
  • water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • water the soil with fungicides.

To replant a crop, you need to remove it from the old pot, shake off the soil and move it to a larger container.

Important! When disinfecting, there is a risk of death of not only harmful, but also beneficial bacteria. That’s why it’s so important to monitor the condition of the crop and periodically feed it.


In order for Lake pelargonium to delight with elegant flowering, it is important to surround the flower with competent regular care


Pelargoniums (pelargonium) came from the hot climate of the South American continent. This is why they need the right temperature.

In summer it should be +23..+28 degrees, during the rest period (autumn, winter, early spring) - +12..+15 degrees.

Attention! In winter, you cannot place the pot on the windowsill above the radiator - dry air is harmful to the plant

Watering and spraying, humidity level

The plant is moisture-loving; the soil is irrigated when the earthen clod dries out. Spraying is not required, but some gardeners use a spray bottle as a way to kill dust.

To maintain a comfortable level of humidity, you can place a container of water next to the flower.


After each watering, you should carefully loosen the soil to ensure oxygen access to the roots. This is done carefully, since pelargoniums have a superficial root system.


The soil for Laque pelargonium should be fertilized from March to September. In this case, ready-made mineral complexes for flowering plants are used.

During the flowering period, they are fed with potassium fertilizers, without using nitrogen-containing ones - they cause rapid growth of foliage to the detriment of budding.

The plant needs high-quality care, only in this case it will not lose its decorative effect.

Features of plant flowering

Pelargonium April Snow is characterized by lush flowering, so it has gained great popularity all over the world.

  • Period of activity and rest

Geranium diseases, geranium leaves turn yellow and dry - what to do?

Pelargonium of this variety can bloom almost all year round. That is why it is popular with many gardeners.

  • Types and shape of flowers

In one bud there are 3 flowers resembling roses. There can be up to 20 buds on 1 bush.

Attention! The brighter the lighting in the room, the more saturated the shade of the petals turns out.

Pelargonium has lush flowering and is highly decorative

Flower propagation methods

April Snow is a pelargonium that reproduces well by cuttings. You can also use the seed method. The procedure is carried out in the spring. This must be done when the weather warms up. It will take some time for the culture to take root.

Propagation by seeds

First you need to prepare and disinfect the soil. It should have a loose consistency. The seeds of the plant must be ground in the palms of your hands and soaked twice. First, they should be immersed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 1 hour. After this, keep in the growth stimulator for the same period of time.

Then you need to make small depressions in the ground. Their size should be 0.3 mm. You need to maintain a distance of 5-6 cm between the holes. Place the seeds in the resulting depressions and thoroughly water the soil. Then cover the container with glass or film. It needs to be ventilated daily.

Important! When 2-3 small leaves appear on the sprouts, they can be moved to a pot. This method can only be implemented by experienced gardeners.

Geranium can be propagated by seed

Reproduction by cuttings

Cuttings are considered a simpler and more affordable way to propagate pelargonium. Before planting, the soil must be disinfected.

From the shoots of healthy bushes you need to cut cuttings measuring 7-8 cm. It is advisable to clean them of all leaves and dry them in air for several hours. After this, place the plant in moist soil.

Almost all varieties of pelargonium are kept in water before rooting. However, when propagating the April Snow variety, this is strictly prohibited. Water will lead to rotting and death of the cutting. Therefore, it must be rooted in the ground immediately.


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Let's find out what conditions need to be provided for April Snow in order for this pelargonium to feel good.

Lighting and location

Pelargonium April Snow needs plenty of light - this beauty will grow well in the summer and outside. If the plant is grown indoors, place the April Snow pot on the most well-lit windowsill.

Advice! To ensure even formation of the bush, when growing April Snow on a windowsill, rotate the pot from time to time. This measure will help the side shoots grow evenly on all sides.


Pelargonium does well in moderate temperatures. This plant does not need heat; severe cold snaps are also undesirable for April Snow. The optimal average daily temperature is +15-18 degrees: due to this resistance to moderate temperatures, April Snow can grow safely in the summer even in gardens in the middle zone and Siberia.

In winter, it is necessary to provide the plant with an even cooler temperature: +12+15 degrees. The measure will help April Snow form a sufficient number of flower buds during the dormant period for the next growing season.

The soil

the plant needs nutritious, loose and well-drained soil

It is recommended to purchase ready-made soil - in stores it is sold labeled “for pelargoniums.” Such soil contains all the necessary components in optimal quantities, is fertilized and disinfected.

If you need to prepare the soil mixture yourself, take the following components:

  • turf - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part.

This composition is optimal for April Snow. Just remember to disinfect the soil when preparing the soil mixture yourself so that the plant does not get sick in the future.

It is customary to change the soil for April Snow once a year - usually the procedure is carried out in the spring, if necessary, replacing the old pot with a new one of larger volume. However, it is necessary to remember that the new pot should not be too large - otherwise April Snow may refuse to bloom and become a green mass. It is optimal to take a new container 1-2 cm in diameter larger than the previous one.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

Pelargonium can hardly tolerate excess moisture. Therefore, when watering, you need to control the volume of water. Excess fluid provokes the development of fungal infections. In addition, the crop may be damaged by viruses. The key symptom of such pathologies is dry and yellow leaves.

As diseases develop, the leaves become spotted and turn yellow.

If a fungal infection develops, it is recommended to remove the foliage and treat the crop with fungicides. After this, it needs to be fed and transplanted into new soil. If the culture is severely damaged, it will not be possible to correct the situation. You can try to cut off healthy branches, treat them with an antifungal drug and grow a new bush.

Attention! Pelargonium that has been affected by a viral infection is prohibited from propagation. All foliage and flowers must be cut off from the affected crop.

Pests practically do not affect this crop. It has an intense aroma that repels parasites.

Pelargonium April Snow is popular with many gardeners. This culture can be kept in a variety of conditions. To avoid problems when growing a plant, you need to establish a watering regime and apply fertilizers in a timely manner. Treating bushes against diseases is of no small importance.

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