Ornamental plants - 140 photo options. Review of the most popular plants with names and descriptions. Gardener's recommendations + reviews

In modern apartments and houses, many people strive to create coziness and a comfortable environment with the help of ornamental plants. In addition to their beautiful appearance, indoor flowers also have a number of healing properties that have a beneficial effect on others.

While some actively saturate the room with oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, others release substances that repel insects. However, some of them can negatively affect the health of humans or pets.

Decorative garden plants

Planting ornamental shrubs can transform a former construction site or wasteland into a luxurious oasis in a few hours, if they were purchased in pots already grown. After purchase, they are replanted with a lump of earth.

In this case, all conditions regarding the characteristics of the soil and the degree of frost resistance should be taken into account. In view of this, you should choose those plants that will feel most comfortable on your site.

All trees and shrubs are divided into three types: beautifully flowering, evergreen and decorative deciduous garden plants.

Almost every person is familiar with such flowering ornamental shrubs as white acacia, perennial rose hips, and medicinal fragrant lilacs. Let's talk about other garden plants that have a more exotic appearance.

Decorative foliage plants

The diversity of this species is simply enormous. It is often difficult to choose which varieties of foliage plants to use.

These include dwarf trees and bushes. But they are difficult to care for.

Beginner gardeners are better off choosing deciduous species with easy care.

In each article, we present a brief description of each plant, where the complexity of care is indicated in a separate column.

Shrubs are one of the most unpretentious species and are easy to care for. The following can be noted: Barberry Wilson, Barberry Juliana, Boxwood tolerates frost well and can exist in the shade.

Trees include willow, variegated maple and Norway maple.


These shrubs and trees are divided into deciduous, semi-deciduous and evergreen. According to various sources, this genus has more than a thousand species, including azaleas, popular among gardeners.

Literally, “rhododendron” is translated as “tree with roses” or “rose tree.” The reason for this name lies in the fact that azalea flowers look very much like roses.

This plant loves the climate of the coastal sea or river zone, therefore in the wild Rhododendron is most common in the south of China, the Himalayas, Japan and North America.

Some species can reach a height of more than three hundred centimeters, and the flowers vary in shape, size and color.

It blooms in large clusters of flowers that have an incredibly beautiful pink or purple hue.

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It requires warm temperatures and therefore can freeze in winter. And only a few varieties are adapted to the climatic conditions of the middle zone.

Annual garden flowers

Annual flowers make it possible to change the look of the flower garden every year, select a good color scheme, and quickly replace a dead plant.


Persistent Verbena. The plant is 20-40 cm high. The flowers are white, red, pink, blue and other shades, fragrant, collected in inflorescences-corythes with a diameter of 5-8 cm. Blooms from June to October.


Friendly Eschscholzia. Openwork leaves of a green-bluish hue. The flowers are yellow, orange, less often white, pink, open in clear weather. Blooms from June until frost.


Graceful alyssum. Small flowers of white, pink, purple flowers are collected in brushes with a thick, honey aroma. The height of the bush is 15-20 cm.


Nondescript matthiola. An elegant aroma, intensifying in the evening, is emitted by inconspicuous, medium-sized flowers of a lilac-pink hue. Flowering begins in May and is replanted to prolong it.


Attractive aster. The height of the bush is up to 80 cm. The inflorescence is a basket, the color ranges from snow-white to blue, red. Demanding on growing conditions. Flowering - July - September.


Unassuming marigolds. Simple, semi-double and double inflorescences of lemon, yellow, brown, orange color, velvety petals. They have a sharp, specific aroma. They bloom from June until frost.


Hardy zinnia. Powerful, compact bushes up to 100 cm tall. Double flowers up to 12 cm in diameter. Drought-resistant and unpretentious plant with flowering until frost.


Simple-minded balsam. Neat bushes with fragile, watery stems. Flowers are solitary on a short peduncle. Colors from white, pink to cherry. Blooms until autumn.


This evergreen garden plant belongs to the tea family, which includes more than eighty species of different plants. They were named in honor of the priest and naturalist G.K. Camelius, who first brought these plants from the Philippines to Europe.

This genus consists of compact evergreen shrubs and trees with simple glossy leaves that are ovate in shape.

The leaves come with pointed and blunt ends; they grow separately from each other in two or three pieces. Numerous stamens are pink, red or white

The plant needs careful care, and lack of light, high temperature, lack of humidity or an unsuitable soil mixture can cause the death of the flower.

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Where and how to buy ornamental plants

Planting can be done in autumn and spring, of course it is better in spring, the root system will not freeze and the seedling will take root better. You need to purchase planting material from an ornamental plant nursery.

When buying a seedling in a container, pay attention: if the seedling with soil is easy to pull out of the container, this indicates a recent transplant, which means the survival rate is low; reconsider the roots: they come out above the ground or through holes, which means they need nutrients or there is not enough space; a good seedling has small roots coming out.

For a seedling with an open root system, the roots should be covered with moist, dense soil; a healthy root has small spots, and it is difficult to remove the soil from them. All planting material must have living buds.

Ornamental plants for the garden create beauty. It is impossible to imagine a holiday without flowers, or a residential area without landscaping.


Another lovely ornamental plant, shown in the photo, is beautifully called Beadweed or God's tree. Tamarisk took its scientific name from the Tama Riz River, which flows in the Pyrenees Mountains.

Bisernik mainly grows in deserts and sand dunes. It can be found in Africa, Asia and southern Europe.

This tree has more than fifteen species, and in the Caucasus it rises to a height of over six hundred meters. Deciduous or evergreen shrubs grow in a bush-like manner, reaching a height of one and a half to twelve meters. Their trunk, as a rule, is no thicker than half a meter.

Its crown has many twig-like stems, on which small leaf blades that look like scales are alternately located. Their color can be light or dark green, as well as emerald blue.

Low growing plants

Low-growing flowering plants are very popular in landscape design. They act as edging for garden paths, country flower beds, and essential members of rock gardens.

In cities, low-growing annuals are planted in large flower beds, mainly in squares; they are used to create long ridges in parks and squares, placed in the form of bright ornaments and three-dimensional figures, and used to decorate the slopes of embankments.

They also solo in container culture. A variety of flowerpots, flower stands, and wooden boxes with short flowers are displayed near cinemas and art galleries, shops and entertainment complexes, along the perimeter of summer cafes and restaurants.

Alyssum, evergreen begonia, brachycoma, bacopa, graceful gypsophila, lobelia, lobularia, nemesia, petunia, eschscholzia, Drummond's phlox, low-growing varieties of marigolds, snapdragons, gillyflower, zinnia and salvia - this is a list of continuous flowering annuals.


Previously, alyssum and lobularia were classified as one genus of the Brassica family, then they were divided into two closely related taxa: white, lilac, pink annuals began to be classified as the genus Lobularia, perennial yellow and white ones - to the genus Alyssum, such as rock alyssum. But the confusion continues to this day. So, in the spring of this year I purchased a bag of agro seeds, on which it is written: Alyssum maritime “Mountain Snow”, and below is the Latin name Lobularia maritime.

Disputes are disputes, but this plant, along with alyssum, should definitely be in your flower collection. It is propagated by sowing seeds through seedlings and in open ground. Grows in light and partial shade. Forms whole clouds of small flowers with a honey aroma. Trimming in mid-summer is guaranteed to prolong flowering time. I removed the last two pots with flowering plants from my open balcony only at the end of November (Tver region).

Producers of seed material offer a small variety of varieties, but there is a choice: “Rosie O’day”, “Oriental Nights”, “Royal Carpet”, “Purple Queen”, and new products - “Sweetie Lavender” and “Bronze”.


Salvia belongs to the genus Sage of the Lamiaceae family. Various varieties of salvia shiny (sparkling) are grown in cultivation. She loves a sunny location, moderate watering and feeding. It has compact, pyramidal bushes, opposite leaves and racemose inflorescences consisting of a large number of large flowers. Popular varieties with red coloring: “Scarlett Piccolo”, “Vesuvius”, “Fire Magic”; orange "Reddy Salmon", lilac "Reddy Lavender", pink "Vista Rose Elite".

Phlox Drummond

Phlox or Drummond's flame, a representative of the Sinyukhov family, has many varieties, forms, and varieties. It has a straight, dividedly branched stem, covered with hairs, oval-elongated, fleecy leaves. The flowers are medium-sized, tubular, with a bend, five-lobed, collected in fairly large umbrella-shaped shields, noticeable from a distance. The coloring is very diverse: there are single-color, two- and multi-color phloxes, with an eye, a spot, stripes, and a border. The shape of the corolla is also different: from simple to star-shaped. The flowers have a pleasant aroma.

Low-growing and dwarf phloxes are planted in flower beds, rockeries, boxes, and pots; hanging forms - in balcony boxes, flowerpots, flower pots.

Among the low perennials you can plant rock alyssum, pinnate carnation, sunflower, false sedum, and some varieties of saxifrage.


This evergreen coniferous plant is great for the garden because it provides year-round greenery on the site. About eight species of trees and shrubs belonging to the Yew family are characterized by rather slow growth.

This crop is in particular demand among gardeners who use coniferous plants in landscape design.

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Despite the fact that yew is an unpretentious and highly ornamental plant, year after year it becomes less and less in natural conditions.

Yew has a red-brown scaly bark, a multi-vertex cylindrical crown, and dark green soft needles. Thanks to its valuable wood with antibacterial properties, the plant is listed in the Red Book.

Planting ornamental plants

Ornamental plants should be grown in the following order:

  • Planting time:
    spring and autumn. It is better to buy ornamental plants for the garden in a specialized nursery; they take root well.
  • Place for planting:
    prepare a planting hole 2 times larger than the root of the seedling, make up to 30 cm of drainage at the bottom from expanded clay, gravel or crushed stone. Then the hole is filled with prepared soil.
  • Soil:
    If the soil is dry and poor, you need to enrich it with humus to maintain moisture and nutrients. To lighten wet and heavy soil, you need to add sand.

Coniferous and heather plants are prone to soil with the addition of acidic peat; you can purchase special soil, or collect rotted pine needles in a pine forest.

Root preparation, planting

If the seedling is in a container, it must be taken out with a lump of earth and kept in water for several minutes before planting. Plant in a prepared hole at the same depth as in the container, sprinkle with earth and tamp around the trunk and water generously with warm water with the addition of root. Saplings with an open root system are planted with material to wrap the root.

Decorative indoor plants

Growing beautifully flowering plants in pots began to be practiced back in the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries. Today, caring for indoor plants is a passion for millions of people around the world.

Flowers vary in shape, color and foliage characteristics and may be of local or distant origin. In any case, in the bustle of the city, they remind you of the enchanting delights of nature.

Decorative low-growing trees

Coniferous trees

In order for each type and variety of plants to find its place in the garden, you need to draw up a plan for their placement, taking into account the characteristics of each crop. After all, some plants need more open sunny places, while others need only partial shade or shade. These features have a significant impact on the development of plants, and, accordingly, on the design of the garden.

Low-growing plants are divided into: coniferous and deciduous trees, as well as shrubs.

Coniferous varieties

Ornamental plants with coniferous legs are used to decorate the garden and are also used as hedges. All of them are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and do not require special care. Can grow in any soil.

By the way, if you are interested in landscaping your site, we recommend looking at landscaping options from a professional landscape designer. Go here: Landscape Studio.


. Plants, with the exception of some species, love lighted places, drained, slightly moist soil. Planted in rockeries and tall flower beds. It is found among Russian summer residents of several species, for example:

  • Chinese juniper has many varieties, grows on average from 1 to 2 meters, the color of the needles is green with bronze-yellowish hues.

  • Juniper is horizontal, the crown height does not reach higher than 40-60 cm, spreads over the surface up to 2-3 meters, the needles are bluish in shade.

  • Juniper is scaly, spreads on the ground like a carpet, does not grow higher than 30-35 cm. The photo shows juniper halter.


These beauties remind us of the magic of Christmas and New Year's celebrations.

  • Canadian spruce Picea Glauca Conica. It grows slowly, 4 cm per year, which is why it is classified as a low-growing plant. It has the correct cone shape, the needles are soft, light green in color. The height of an adult spruce is 4 meters.
  • Spruce Push, a bush tree with a dense crown. An adult tree has a height of 30 cm and a crown diameter of 60 cm. The fruits are red-violet cones.
  • Spruce Nidiformis, an adult plant resembles a nest, with a height of 1.3 m, a diameter of up to 2.5 m. The needles are a rich light green color.

  • The Little Jam spruce grows only 2 cm per year, and its shoots form a crown resembling a ball.
  • Low-growing spruce Lilliput, an adult plant reaches a height of 60 cm, the crown has the shape of a ball.

Low-growing thujas are popular among ornamental trees for the garden. They have a spectacular appearance and do not require special care. They allow you to create chic compositions, because you can choose thujas of different shapes and sizes for your dacha.

  1. Thuja Danica, spherical crown, height of an adult plant no more than 60 cm. Planted in a group composition or individually.

  2. Thuja Teddy grows slowly, an adult bush is 60 cm high. In summer, the coniferous legs are light green, becoming bronze closer to winter.
  3. Thuja Golden Tuffet reaches a height of 60-65 cm. The needles have a golden-orange color at any time of the year.

Arborvitae in the landscape design of a summer cottage and a country house: photos of implemented solutions


These owners of smooth, strict forms or fancy curves will decorate any garden.

  • Weymouth pine, there are many varieties that differ from each other in the shape of the crown, the color of the needles, and the speed of growth.

  • Mountain pine grows slowly, an adult plant reaches 2 meters. The color of the needles is light green.

Deciduous ornamental plants

There are a huge number of varieties of low-growing deciduous shrubs and trees. These are some of the most beautiful and easy to grow species:

  • Variegated dogwood or dogwood includes more than 30 varieties of shrubs. There are both miniature, up to 50 cm tall, and tall trees. In the photo: shoot turf, its height is 3.5 m.

  • Barberry Thunberg, a gorgeous shrub, all covered with emerald green, reddish leaves with a yellow border. The bush does not grow higher than 3 meters. Planting requires sunny areas, without drafts. Virtually no watering required.
  • The evergreen mahonia is holly-leaved, belongs to the shrubs and grows up to 2 meters. It blooms with bright yellow flowers, and there are varieties that also bloom in autumn. The fruits are edible, bluish-blue in color.


This decorative flower is incredibly popular due to its unpretentiousness, almost constant flowering and easy propagation.

People call it affectionately the sparkle, impatiens or evergreen. Having appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 16th century, it was subsequently quite quickly spread throughout the world.

Its branched, succulent stems, depending on the variety, reach a height of fifteen to fifty centimeters. And the fleshy leaves with wavy edges are green-red, green or bronze in color.

Catalog of ornamental trees and shrubs

Azalea Japanese Azalea Anouk Japanese Azalea Konigstein Japanese Azalea Cannon's Double Japanese Azalea Parkfeuer Hybrid Azalea Mandarin Lights Japanese Azalea White lights Japanese Azalea Gibraltar Hybrid Azalea Schneegold Japanese Azalea Cecile Japanese Azalea Satomi Japanese Azalea Kermesina Rose Japanese Azalea Panda Japanese Azalea Anne ke Azalea japonica Sarina Azalea hybrid Silver Slipper Hybrid Azalea Feuerwerk Hybrid Azalea GoldTopas Hybrid Azalea Apricot Hybrid Azalea Limetta Hybrid Azalea Juanita Hybrid Azalea Elite Japanese Azalea Yellow Pom Pom Japanese Azalea Arneson Gem Hybrid Azalea Homebush Hybrid Azalea Glowing Embers Hybrid Azalea Golden Eagle Hybrid Azalea Jolie madame Hybrid Azalea Lemonora Hybrid Azalea Satan A zalia Molly Koster's Brilliant Red Japanese Azalea Arabesk Japanese Azalea Fiener Japanese Azalea Geisha Purple Japanese Azalea Geisha Rosa Japanese Azalea Georg Arends Japanese Azalea Kermesina Japanese Azalea Multiflora Japanese Azalea Rosalind Azalea kiusianum Album Azalea kiusianum Alpinum Azalea hybrid Anne Frank Azalea hybrid Fri doline Hybrid azalea Petticoat Hybrid azalea PurpertraumAronia (Chokeberry) tree-like Amit

Chokeberry (Chokeberry) chokeberry

Barberry Barberry (berberis) warty Barberry (berberis) interposita Wallich's Purple Barberry (berberis) common Barberry (berberis) Ottawa Auricoma Barberry (berberis) Ottawa Silver Miles Barberry (berberis) Ottawa Superba Barberry (berberis) boxleaf Nana Barberry (berberis) medium Red Jewel Barberry (Berberis) Tunberg Barberry (Berberis) Tunberg Admiration Barbaris (Berberis) Tunberg Atropurpurea Nana Barbaris (Berberis) Tunberg Atropurpurea Barbaris Aurea Nana Barbaris Auure A Barberis (Berberis) Tunberg Bagatelle Barberis (Berberis) Tunanza Gold Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Boum Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Carmen Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Concorde Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Coral Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Coronita Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Dart`s Purple Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Dart`s Red Lady Barberry (berberis) Thunberga Dart's Defiance Barberry (berberis) Thunberga Darts Red Lady Barberry (berberis) Thunberga Dart's Red Lady Barberry (berberis) Thunberga Diabolicum Barberry (berberis) Thunberga Erecta Barberry (berberis) Thunberga Fireball Barberry (berberis) Thunberga Flamingo Barberry (berberis) Thunberga Florence Barberry Thunberga Goldalita Barberry Thunberga Golden Carpet Barberry Thunberga Golden devine Barberry Thunberga Golden Dream Barberry Thunberga Golden Nugget Barberry Thunberga Golden Ring Barberry Thunberga Golden Rocket Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Golden Ruby Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Golden Torch Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Green Carpet Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Green Ornament Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Harleqiun Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Harlequin Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Helmond Pillar Barberry (berberis) ) Thunberg Inspiration Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Kelleriis Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Kobold Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Kornik Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Lutin Rouge Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Maria Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Orange Dream Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Orange Rocket Barberry ( Thunberga berberis Orange Sunrise Thunberga berberis Pink Attraction Thunberga berberis Pink Perfection Thunberga berberis Pink Queen Thunberga berberis Powwow Thunberga berberis Red Carpet Thunberga berberis Red Chief Thunberga berberis Thunberga Red DJ Barberry Thunberga Red Dream Barberry Thunberga Red Pillar Barberry Thunberga Red Rocket Barberry Thunberga Rose Glow Barberry Thunberga Rosetta Barberry Thunberga Rosy Rocket Barberry Thunberga Ruby Star Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Selekt Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Sensation Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Silver Beauty Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Silver Pillar Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Smaragd Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Special Gold Barberry (berberis) Thunberg Starburst Barberry (berberis) Thunberga Tiny Gold Barberry (berberis) Thunberga Venice Barberry (berberis) Thunberga Natasha Barberry (berberis) Juliana

Euonymus European Euonymus European Euonymus Red Cascade Winged Euonymus Winged Euonymus Chicago Fire Winged Euonymous Compactus Flat-petiolate Euonymous Euonymus Fortune Canadale Gold Euonymus Fortune Emerald Gaiety Euonymus Fortune Emerald 'n Euonymus Fortune Emerald'n'gold Euonymus Fortune Minimus Euonymus Fortune Sunspot

Privet Privet (Wolfberry) common Aureum Privet (Wolfberry) ovate Privet (Wolfberry) common Vicaryi Privet (Wolfberry) common Privet (Wolfberry) common Atrovirens Privet (Wolfberry) common Lodense

Hawthorn Hawthorn (Boyarka) blood-red Hawthorn (Boyarka) morden Toba Hawthorn (Boyarka) common Hawthorn (Boyarka) monopistillate Hawthorn (Boyarka) cocky Hawthorn (Boyarka) medium Paul's Scarlet Hawthorn plumifolia

Buddleya Buddleya (Autumn Lilac) Davida Dart's Papillon Bleu Buddleya (Autumn Lilac) Davida Fascinating Buddleya (Autumn Lilac) Davida Mix Buddleya (Autumn Lilac) Davida Purple Prince Buddleya (Autumn Lilac) Davida Summer Beauty Buddleya (Autumn Lilac) red-yellow Flower Power Buddleia (Autumn lilac) red-yellow Sungold

Elderberry Red Elderberry Sutherland Gold Black Elderberry Black Elderberry Aurea Black Elderberry Black Beauty Black Elderberry Black Lace Black Elderberry Black Tower Black Elderberry Eiffell Elderberry black Eva Elderberry (buzok) black Gerda Elderberry (buzok) black Golden Spark Elderberry (buzok) black Laciniata Elderberry (buzok) black Madonna Elderberry (buzok) black Obelisk Elderberry (buzok) black Pulverulenta Elderberry (buzok) black Thundercloud Elderberry Golden tower

Weigela blooming Weigela Ebony and Ivory Weigela blooming Elvera Weigela blooming Golden jeans Weigela blooming Looymansii Aurea Weigela blooming Olympiade Weigela blooming Pink poppet Weigela blooming Snowflake Weigela blooming Sunny Princess

Hibiscus Syrian Hibiscus Duc de brabant Syrian Hibiscus Mix

Goji vulgare Sugar giant

Hydrangea Hydrangea tree Candy belle Hydrangea tree Gold annabelle Hydrangea tree Together Hydrangea large-leaved Ankong Hydrangea large-leaved Belle Seduction Hydrangea large-leaved Big Data Hydrangea large-leaved Endless Summer Love Hydrangea large-leaved Endless The Bride Hydrangea large-leaved Mix Hydrangea large-leaved Romance Hydrangea large-leaved Wudu Hydrangea large-leaved Xian Hydrangea paniculata Big Ben Gore tensia paniculata Bobo Noble Hydrangea paniculata Early Harry Hydrangea paniculata Little Spooky Hydrangea paniculata Pastel Green Hydrangea paniculata Strawberry Blossom Hydrangea paniculata Summer Snow Hydrangea paniculata Touch of Pink Hydrangea paniculata Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea paniculata Annabel Hydrangea serrata Rosalba Hydrangea petiolate Cordifolia Hydrangea I'm petiolate Take a chance

Derain Derain (dogwood) male Derain (dogwood) male Jolico Derain (dogwood) male Volgograd Derain (dogwood) male Pear-shaped Derain (dogwood) male Firefly Derain (dogwood) male Amber Derain (Svidina) blood-red Compressa Derain (Svidina) blood-red red Midwinter Fire Derain (Svidina) blood red Winter Beauty Derain white Derain white Argenteomarginata Derain white Aurea Derain white Bailhalo Derain white Cream Cracker Derain white Elegantissima Derain white Gauchaultii Derain white Gouchaultii Derain white Gouchaulty Derain white Ivory Halo Derain white Kesselringii Derain white Minbat Derain white Siberian Pearls Derain white Sibirica Derain white Sibirica Variegata Derain white Spaethii Derain white Variegata Derain white Westonbirt Derain Canadian Derain Couse Derain blood-red Anny's Winter Orange Derain blood-red Compressa Derain blood-red Magic Flame Derain scion Flaviramea Derain scion White Gold Derain scion Winter flame Stolon dogwood Silky dogwood Hedgerow's Gold Silky dogwood Kelseyi

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle Goldflame Honeysuckle Graham Thomas Humitory Humback Honeysuckle Elegants Himony Maigrun Maigrun Honeysuckle Blanche Sandman Hemstry Dropmore Scarlet Hemes Hemes Variegota Hemes Hone Orena Honeysuckle Blue, subspecies Kamchatka Altai Honeysuckle Tatar Honeysry Tatar Rosea

St. John's wort

Irga grandiflora Forest Prince

Viburnum Viburnum Burkwood Viburnum viburnum Charles Lamont Viburnum bodnatena Dawn Viburnum buldenezh Roseum Viburnum gourd Aureovariegata Viburnum viburnum Aureum Viburnum gorodina Mogican Viburnum serrated Viburnum compact Compactum Viburnum compact Nanum Viburnum wrinkled Viburnum folded Kilimandjaro Viburnum viburnum Rotundifolium Viburnum folded Watanabe Viburnum edible Viburnum edible Pomegranate bracelet Viburnum edible Red coral Viburnum Farrera

Clethra alnifolia Pink Spire

Cinquefoil Snowflake

Hazel (Hazel) Scooter

Podbel (Andromeda) Blue iceNEW


Cotoneaster Cotoneaster Variegata Cotoneaster brilliant Cotoneaster horizontal Dummer's cotoneaster Major Dummer's cotoneaster Mooncreeper Cotoneaster recumbent Queen of Carpets Cotoneaster recumbent Streib`s Findling Cotoneaster small-leaved Cotoneaster vesicular Cotoneaster rooting cotoneaster Eichholz Cotoneaster rooting Eicholz Swedish cotoneaster Coral Beauty Swedish cotoneaster Ski Skogholm

Cypress Pea cypress Gold Spangle Pea cypress White Beauty Blunt cypress Fernspray Gold Blunt cypress Kamarachiba Blunt cypress Saffron Spray

Buckthorn Brittle buckthorn Brittle buckthorn Fine Line

Microbiota Microbiota cross-pair Microbiota cross-pair Carnival Microbiota cross-pair Gold Spot Microbiota cross-pair Jakobsen

Juniper Juniper Blue Compact Juniper Bonsai Juniper virginiana Blue Cloud Juniper virginiana Canaertii Juniper virginiana Golden Spring Juniper virginiana Gray Owl Juniper virginiana Hetz Juniper virginiana Hetz Variegata Juniper horizontal Juniper horizontal Agnieszka Juniper horizontal Alpina M juniper horizontal Andorra Compacta Juniper horizontal Andorra Variegata Juniper horizontal Bar Harbor Juniper horizontal Blue Chip Horizontal Juniper Blue Forest Horizontal Juniper Conglomerata Horizontal Juniper Emerald Spreader Horizontal Juniper Glacier Horizontal Juniper Golden Carpet Horizontal Juniper Gray Pearl Horizontal Juniper Hughes Horizontal Juniper Icee Blue Horizontal Juniper Jade River Horizontal Juniper Lime Glow Horizontal Juniper Limeglow Horizontal Juniper cake Juniper horizontal Prince of Wales Horizontal juniper Turquoise Spreader Horizontal juniper Variegata Horizontal juniper Wiltonii Horizontal juniper Yukon Belle Dahurian juniper Expansa Variegata Dahurian juniper Leningrad Cossack juniper Arcadia Cossack juniper Blaue Donau Cossack juniper Blue Sparkle Cossack juniper Buffalo Juniper Cossack Juniper Knap Hill Cossack Juniper Rockery Gem Cossack Juniper Sabina Cossack Juniper Tam No Blight Cossack juniper Tamariscifolia Cossack juniper Variegata Chinese juniper Chinese juniper Blaauw Chinese juniper Blue Alps Chinese juniper Expansa Aureospicata Chinese juniper Expansa Veriegata Chinese juniper Goldfern Chinese juniper Keteleeri Chinese juniper Kuriwao Gold Chinese juniper Robusta Green Juniper Chinese juniper San Jose Chinese juniper Spartan Chinese juniper Spearmint Chinese juniper Stricta Chinese juniper Stricta Variegata Chinese juniper Variegata Recumbent juniper Kishiogima Recumbent juniper Nana Common juniper Arnold Common juniper Barton Common juniper Bruns Common juniper Compressa Common juniper Corielagan Common juniper Cracovica Juniper common spruce Depressa Aurea Common juniper Gold Cone Common juniper Goldschatz Common juniper Green Carpet Common juniper Greenmantle Common juniper Hemson Common juniper Hibernica Common juniper Hibernica Variegata Common juniper Horstmann Common juniper Jako Common juniper Kalebab Common juniper Kenwith Castle Common juniper Repanda Common juniper Sentinel Juniper common juniper Silver Surprise Common juniper Spotty Spreader Common juniper Suecica Common juniper Wallis Common juniper Wilseder Berg Coastal juniper All gold Coastal juniper Blue Pacific Coastal juniper Emerald Sea Coastal juniper Schlager Juniper Pfitzeriana Arctic Juniper Pfitzeriana Compacta Juniper Pfitzeriana Glauca Juniper Pfitzeriana Gold Coast Juniper Pfitzeriana Golden Saucer Juniper Pfitzeriana Goldkissen Juniper Pfitzeriana ana Mint Julep Juniper Pfitzeriana Pfitzeriana Juniper Pfitzeriana Pfitzeriana Aurea Juniper Pfitzeriana Wilhelm Pfitzer Rocky juniper Juniper rocky Blue Arrow Rocky juniper Blue Heaven Rocky juniper Moonglow Rocky juniper Skyrocket Medium juniper Juniper Medium Blue and Gold Medium juniper Daub's Frosted Medium juniper Gold Coast Medium juniper Gold Star Medium juniper Goldkissen Medium juniper King of Spring Medium juniper Mordigan Gold Medium juniper Old Gold Medium juniper Pfitzeriana Medium juniper Pfitzeriana Compacta Medium juniper Pfitzeriana Glauca Medium juniper Pfizeriana Aurea Medium juniper Saybrook Gold Medium juniper Wilhelm Pfitzer Scaly juniper Scaly juniper Blue Carpet Scaly juniper Blue Spider Scaly juniper Blue Star Scaly juniper ovoid Blue Swede Juniper scaly Dream Joy Juniper scaly Floriant Juniper scaly Golden Flame Juniper scaly Holger Juniper scaly Hunnetorp Juniper scaly Little Joanna Juniper scaly Loderi Juniper scaly Meyeri Juniper scaly Meyeri Compacta

Broom Hybrid broom Boskoop Ruby Hybrid broom Hollandia Hybrid broom Lena Hybrid broom Zeelandia Purple broom Early broom Albus Early broom Allgold Early broom Andreanus Early broom Vanesse Black broom Cyni

Rhododendron Rhododendron hybrid Andantino Rhododendron hybrid Blurettia Rhododendron hybrid Cosmopolitan Rhododendron hybrid Hachmann's Charmant Rhododendron hybrid Libretto Rhododendron dense Rhododendron dense Ramapo Rhododendron obtuse Canzonetta Rhododendron obtuse Melina

Rose Main groups of bush roses Three-forked Miniature Shrub Park Polyantha Climbing Tea-Hybrid Ground cover Spray Floribunda English bush Prickly Hybrid Patio Femoral leaf Shiny Virginia Carolina Wrinkled Grandiflora In total, gardeners know more than 1,500 varieties of bush roses

Boxwood Evergreen boxwood Evergreen boxwood Angustifolia Evergreen boxwood Blauer Heinz Evergreen boxwood Rotundifolia Evergreen boxwood Suffruticosa Small-leaved boxwood Faulkner Small-leaved boxwood Golden Dream

Lilac Amur lilac Hungarian lilac Josiflexa lilac Agnes Smith Josiflexa lilac Anna Amhoff Josi lilac Meyer's lilac Palibin Meyer's lilac Red Pixie Common lilac Common lilac Captain Balte Common lilac Nikitskaya Common lilac Russia Common lilac And. an Ludwig Speth Common lilac Aucubaefolia Common lilac Belle de Nancy Common lilac Edward Harding Common lilac Marchal Lannes Common lilac Minuet Common lilac Miss Canada Common lilac Primerose Common lilac Saturnale Common lilac Common lilac Amethyst Common lilac Andeken an Ludvig Shpet Common lilac Andryusha Gromov Common lilac Anna Shiach Common lilac Bogdan Khmelnitsky Common lilac Buffon Common lilac Victor Lemoine Common lilac William Robinson Common lilac Violetta Common lilac Dresden China Common lilac Ekaterina Havemeyer Common lilac Joan of Arc Common lilac Banner of Lenin Lilac about common lilac Abundance common lilac India common lilac John's night common lilac Karl X Common lilac Katerina Havemeyer Common lilac Kolkhoznitsa Common lilac Comtesse Arcturus common lilac Beauty of Moscow Common lilac Red Moscow Common lilac Le Notre Common lilac Lebedushka Common lilac Liega Common lilac Madame Casimir Perrier Common lilac Madame Lemoine Common lilac Madame Florent Stepman Common lilac Maksimovich Common lilac Marshal Lann Common lilac Dream Common lilac Mrs. Edward Harding Common lilac Michelle Buchner Common lilac Montaigne Common lilac Nadezhda Common lilac Moscow sky Common lilac Olympics Kolesnikova Common lilac Memory of Vavilov Common lilac Memory of Kolesnikov Lilac about common lilac President Grevy common lilac Prince Volkonsky common lilac Rum von Horstenstein Common lilac Russian song Common lilac Sensation Common lilac Stefan Makovetsky Common lilac Souvenir of Alice Harding Common lilac Morning of Russia Common lilac Fantasy Common lilac Frank Paterson Common lilac Charles Joly Common lilac Charles Joly Common lilac Charles Suchet Lilac by niklaya Lilac of Preston Lilac of Preston Elinor Lilac of Preston Minuet Lilac spreading Miss Kim

Spiraea Spiraea Fujino Pink Spiraea Arguta Spiraea birch-leaved Spiraea birch-leaved Islaind Spiraea birch-leaved Island Spiraea birch-leaved Tor Spiraea birch-leaved Tor Gold Spiraea birch-leaved Torgold Spiraea Billard's Spiraea Billard's Triumphans Spiraea Boumald's Denistar Spiraea Vangutta Spiraea Vangutta Gold Fountain Spiraea densely flowered Spiraea willow-leaved Spiraea Willow-leaved Alba Spiraea nippon June bride Spiraea Nipponian Gerlve's Rainbow Nipponian Spiraea Gilvers Miles Nipponian Spiraea Halwards Silver Nipponian Spiraea Snowmound Nipponian Spiraea White Carpet Nipponian Spiraea White carpet Gelspir Gray Spiraea (Bride) Graciosa Gray Spiraea (Bride) Grefsheim Creeping Spiraea Thunberg's Spiraea Japanese Spiraea C Japanese pyraea Albiflora Japanese spirea Anthony Waterer Japanese spirea Brolanspi Japanese Spiraea Bullata Japanese Spiraea Candlelight Japanese Spiraea Crispa Japanese Spiraea Darts Red Japanese Spiraea Dart's Red Japanese Spiraea Double Play Artist Japanese Spiraea Double Play Big Bang Japanese Spiraea Double Play Gold Japanese Spiraea Firelight Japanese Spiraea Froebelii Japanese Spiraea Genpei Japanese Spiraea Japanese Golden Carpet Spiraea Japanese Golden Flame Japanese Spiraea Golden Princess Japanese Spiraea Goldflame Japanese Spiraea Goldmound Japanese Spiraea Green and Gold Japanese Spiraea Hubert Gold Japanese Spiraea Japanese Dwarf Japanese Spiraea Little Princess Japanese Spiraea Macrophylla Japanese Spiraea Magic Carpet Japanese Spiraea Manon Japanese Spiraea Nana Japanese Spiraea Nana var. Alpina Japanese Spiraea Neon Flash Japanese Spiraea Odensala Japanese Spiraea Pink and Gold Japanese Spiraea Shirobana Japanese Spiraea Sparking Carpet Japanese Spiraea Sparking Champagne Japanese Spiraea Superstar Japanese Spiraea Zigeunerblut

Forsythia Korean Forsythia Kumson Intermediate Forsythia Courtasol Intermediate Forsythia Curtalyn Intermediate Forsythia Flojor Intermediate Forsythia Golden Bells Intermediate Forsythia Golden Times Intermediate Forsythia Goldzauber Intermediate Forsythia Liliane Intermediate Forsythia Lynwood Intermediate Forsythia Lynwood Gold Intermediate Forsythia Minigold Intermediate Forsythia Spectabilis Dark Green Forsythia Bronxens is Forsythia dark green Weber's Bronx

Bird cherry Virginian bird cherry Schubert Bird cherry Common bird cherry Colorata

Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) crown Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) crown Aureus Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) crown Bialy Karzel Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) crown Dame Blanche Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) crown Girandole Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) crown Innocence Mock orange ( Chubushnik (Garden Jasmine) crown Schneesturm Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) crown Starbright Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) crown Variegatus Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) crown Airborne Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) crown Komsomolets Chubushnik (Garden Jasmine) virginian Justynka Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) virginian Snowbelle Chubu shnik ( Virgin jasmine Virginal Mock orange (Garden jasmine) hybrid Beauclerk Mock orange (Garden jasmine) hybrid Bialy Karzel Mock orange (Garden jasmine) hybrid Bouquet Blanc Mock orange (Garden jasmine) hybrid Dame Blanche Mock orange (Garden jasmine) hybrid Erectus Mock orange (Garden jasmine) hybrid Girandole Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) hybrid Kalina Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) hybrid Karolinka Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) hybrid Lemoinei Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) hybrid Limestone Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) hybrid Limestone (Alabasrite) Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) hybrid Minnesota Snowflake Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) ) hybrid Mont Blanc Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) hybrid Rosace Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) hybrid Silberregen Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) hybrid Starbright Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) hybrid Virginal Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) hybrid Yellow Cab Mock orange (Garden Jasmine) hybrid Yellow Hill Mock orange ( Garden jasmine) hybrid Snow Storm Mock orange (Garden jasmine) hybrid Yunnat Mock orange (Garden jasmine) Lawson Watertoon Mock orange (Garden jasmine) Lemoine Mock orange (Garden jasmine) Lemoine Belle Etoile Mock orange (Garden jasmine) Lemoine Bouquet Blanc Mock orange (Garden jasmine) Lemoine Manteau d 'Hermine Chubushnik (Garden Jasmine) Lemoine Mont Blanc Chubushnik (Garden Jasmine) Lewis Waterton

Exochord carpal Magical Springtime


The name of this floral and ornamental plant dates back to the 17th century thanks to the monk Charles Plumier. While collecting plants in the Antilles, he discovered six species of flower of incredible beauty with decorative leaves and flowers.

The monk named his discovery in honor of his best friend, the governor of the island of Haiti, M. Begon. At the moment, there are about a thousand species of this plant and more than two thousand hybrids in nature.

Begonia is light-loving, but it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Due to the fact that the plant is tropical, it requires high air humidity.

Summer perennial flowers

Summer varieties are planted to replace spring flowers, so that the plot pleases the eye with flowers throughout the summer season.


Arabis will be a good choice for those who do not want to plant a large number of successive flowers on the site. Arabis spreads along the ground and has a large number of leaves, so it completely covers the ground and does not require the proximity of other flowers.

It begins to bloom in April and blooms until frost.


Bright and rich doronicum flowers will be a wonderful decoration for the garden. It is worth considering that when they fade, the greenery will also fade, so it is worth planting a decorative fern nearby so that the area is not empty.

Doronicum blooms from mid-May to June.


There are several varieties of summer roses that are especially popular among summer residents.


Highly decorative and winter hardiness. Reaches 1.6 m. Large red and yellow flowers bloom in summer. Helenium has a weak rhizome and highly branched shoots. Reproduction is carried out through young shoots and seeds.


The bushes are tall, the stems are straight and strong. The diameter of the small lilac-pink corollas of the monarda is 7 cm. It blooms in July.

Ayuga or tenacious

The height does not exceed 25 cm. The plant is highly frost-resistant and shade-tolerant. The survivor prefers sandy soils. The small blue corollas remain open for 2 weeks.


Peduncles reach 35 cm. Capitate inflorescences consist of pinkish, dark red, lilac or white corollas. Armeria loves loose, light soil and sun.


Coffee, yellow and orange corollas are collected in complex umbrellas. The diameter of the inflorescences is no more than 10 cm. The bush is 1.5 m. Additional characteristics of the buzulnik include its demands on soils, frost resistance and moisture-loving properties.


Decorative leaves in green, yellow and blue. Frost-resistant, unpretentious plant. The height of the bush is 90 cm. Hosta can grow in one place for 15 to 20 years. Requires sun and fertile loamy soil.


This ornamental houseplant is also called Egyptian Star. It blooms at a time when there is practically no greenery outside the window, there is a lack of sunlight and one feels the imminent approach of winter.

The bright flowering cap of Pentas pleases the eye and lifts the mood from October to February, when it is cold and windy outside.

The flower can have different colors, it is not afraid of drafts, but after a long winter you should not expose it immediately to direct sunlight in order to avoid burning the leaves.

The flower should be accustomed to light gradually. It is worth considering that the most suitable place for it is the south window in the house.

Herbs and grains

Herbs include not only decorative lawns, but also crops for stylish design of the area around an artificial reservoir, pond or slope to the river.

Plants such as spreading Miscanthus or Heather are currently ornamental grasses that decorate any garden plot.

In addition to aesthetic indicators, these crops do not have special care requirements, are easy to transplant and grow quickly.

Flowers for garden decoration

The most popular decoration for a site in the summer season are flowers. It is important to choose the right flower varieties for a harmonious combination with other plants. Flowers for the garden are divided into two groups: annuals and perennials.

Annual representatives of the flower family are:

  • Crocus is an annual bulbous flower that belongs to the Iris family. Its stems and leaves are covered with translucent scales. Flowers are pollinated by insects and can be colored in both cool and warm shades. It is best to grow crocuses in a well-lit place where moisture will not linger for a long time.
  • Brachycoma is a visitor from Australia and belongs to the Aster family. The plant is small, and most often the length of the stems does not exceed 12-30 cm. Despite its small size, brachycoma is spreading, making the crop look “fluffy”. The flowers of the plant also do not differ in size and do not exceed 3 cm in diameter. Brachycoma blooms until the end of September, which is good news.
  • Lavatera is an excellent option for arranging flower beds and flower beds. The bushy plant blooms almost the entire summer season. Lavatera flowers are cone-shaped and cover the area with a carpet of different colors.

Popular perennials that are popular with gardeners are:

  • Daisy is another representative of the Astrov family. The plant is native to Southern and Central Europe. The height of the bush reaches 18−30 cm. Flowers can be reed or tubular in shape. In gardening, the plant is used for group plantings and as a greenhouse decoration.

  • Phloxes are beautiful and bright flowers of the Cyanaceae family. The plant has high decorative properties, as well as unpretentiousness, which allows flowers to grow on almost any soil, with any lighting. Phlox has many types, which differ from each other in the color and height of the bush.
  • Hydrangea is part of a family that has about 80 species of flowers. It blooms from spring to late autumn. Its inflorescences are located at the ends of its stems and have a spherical shape. Most often the plant is white, but there are specimens with other shades.
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