Description of all types and varieties of spathiphyllum and their photos

Keeping spathiphyllum at home - care features

Caring for a flower at home is not difficult.
First of all, ensure a sufficient level of lighting and temperature in the room. It is important to water and replant the flower on time.

The plant must be placed so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. If you leave it in the shade, the quality of flowering will deteriorate. In summer, flowers are provided with a temperature of 22-24 ℃ above zero. In winter, when spathiphyllum enters a dormant period, it is reduced to +17 ℃.

Note! It is recommended to water the plant at least 3 times a week in summer; once is enough in winter. The humidity in the room should be 40%

At the same time, regularly spray the leaves or wipe them with a damp cloth.

The decorative appearance of the plant largely depends on the quality of the soil. You can make it yourself from leaf soil, peat, sand, humus and charcoal. Spathiphyllum requires sanitary pruning. It is performed after flowering is completed. All dried and withered elements are removed.


There are three methods of propagation, but seeds are rarely used. They quickly lose their viability. When sowing, a greenhouse is equipped immediately after harvest. Seedlings are not guaranteed even with proper care. It is also important that the characteristics of the variety are lost.


Cuttings are leaf rosettes separated from an adult spathiphyllum.
For rooting, wet sand or water is used, the room temperature is from +22°C. After rooting, the seedlings are planted in soil for adult plants. Sometimes rosettes produce roots on their own. In such situations, new spathiphyllums are immediately transplanted into separate pots.

Dividing the bush

When transplanting, in addition to separating the shoots, you can divide the bushes. To do this, the roots are cleared of soil, unraveled and cut, and the cut areas are treated with crushed coal. Each division must have a growing point and at least 3 well-developed leaves. The diameter of the pots is 15 cm. New plants do not need to be watered for several days after transplantation, but spraying is required. Flowering begins after about 8 months.

Description and types of spathiphyllum

Like most members of the Aronnikov family, spathiphyllum comes from tropical and subequatorial latitudes. Its natural habitat is the rainforests of Latin America, Indonesia, New Guinea, and the Philippines. There, evergreen thickets predominate in swampy areas, on the banks of rivers and streams.

Spathiphyllum is characterized by rather large lanceolate leaves with raised veins. In the absence of a stem, they grow directly from the soil, sending out many side shoots. Periodically, thin inflorescences-cobs rise from a dark green rosette, covered by one large petal. With its shape, the “blanket” copies the leaves, but differs from them in a more delicate texture and color. The most common shade is white, although as a result of selection or the addition of dyes, bright red, pink, and yellow varieties can appear.

A total of 50 species of plants from the genus Spathiphyllum are classified, which, in turn, are divided into five sections. Popular varieties include spathiphyllum cannofolia, spathiphyllum profusely flowering, Humboldt's spathiphyllum, charming spathiphyllum, spathiphyllum spoon-shaped, and Schlechter's spathiphyllum. Amateur flower growers prefer low indoor varieties.

Spathiphyllum profusely blooming

It compares favorably with its counterparts in its long flowering period and a relatively large number of buds. With proper care, white “flags” will decorate the plant all year round.

Spathiphyllum charming

It boasts large leaves (about 10 cm wide and up to 25 cm long) with a pleasant matte texture. The petal of the peduncle is not snow-white, but greenish, and after the cob withers, even more chloroplasts are synthesized in the 'veil'.

Spathiphyllum Picasso

Valued due to the unusual coloring of the sheets. In one plant they can shimmer in beautiful broad strokes - creamy white, light green, dark green, brown. This variety looks very picturesque in a home greenhouse, even when there are no blooming flowers on it.

Spathiphyllum domino

It also has variegated leaves, but light and dark veins alternate in them more often than in Picasso, and are located more symmetrically. On a two-color background, the white “spread” petals are not as contrasting as on a single-color background, so the fact of flowering has almost no effect on the decorative effect of this species.

Spathiphyllum Sensation

One of the largest indoor varieties, reaching up to 1.5 m in height. Its leaves are dark green, 40 to 80 cm long, and the flowers are large and long-lasting. Such a herbaceous “bush” will help create a tropical atmosphere in the interior; in addition, it perfectly purifies the air, turning carbon dioxide into oxygen.


It begins with increasing daylight hours - the first flowers appear in May, abundant flowering continues throughout the summer, and ends almost at the end of September. The flowers are small, light yellow in color, collected in an inflorescence spadix, covered with a white round perianth. After flowering ends, the perianth does not dry out, but changes color and becomes green. Seeds ripen on the cob, which can be collected and planted to obtain a new strong plant adapted to the conditions.

Main diseases and pests

  1. Young shoots are affected by spider mites. It is very easy to detect thanks to the web that it produces. Eliminate this nuisance by treating the leaves with soapy water. In cases of severe infestation, insecticides will have to be used.
  2. Scale insects are one of the very insidious pests that can destroy spathiphyllum. If you find raised spots on the back of the leaf, you should immediately transfer the flower to a quarantine zone located away from other plants. Next, the leaves are rinsed in a soapy solution and treated with tobacco crumbs. Elements affected by the pest are removed. If necessary, chemicals are used.
  3. In summer, houseplants are attacked by aphids. The destruction of this pest is carried out by repeated treatment of the leaves with special chemicals.
  4. Mealybugs can also cause plant damage. It hides between the leaves and is easily detected upon careful inspection of the plant. Single pests are removed with an alcohol swab, and large-scale infestations are recommended to be eliminated using special chemicals.

If certain conditions are met and quality care is provided, spathiphyllum Domino will delight you with flowering almost all year round, which will undoubtedly decorate any room.

Problems when caring for a plant

Despite the simplicity and unpretentiousness of caring for spathiphyllum, there are often complaints about the lack of flowering, yellowing of leaves and other troubles. Possible problems:

The leaves are turning yellow. This occurs due to lack of moisture. Hard water also leads the plant to a similar state. It is recommended to establish a watering plan and allocate a separate container in which the water will settle. If the color of the leaves has become darker, even brown, then the reason is most likely due to excessive feeding of the plant and an excess of nutrients. The leaves are turning black. This indicates that the plant does not have enough water or, conversely, there is an excess of it. It can also be assumed that there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. When these points are corrected, the leaves of the plant will gradually renew themselves. The tips of the leaves dry out. This indicates a lack of moisture and excessively dry air. Don't forget that Spathiphyllum Domino is a tropical plant. Constantly spraying the leaves with water will solve this problem. The procedure is alternated with a seven-day shower. Does not bloom in adulthood. The reason may be a lack of water or insufficient feeding of the plant.

In addition, a lack of minerals slows down the development of spathiphyllum, but this problem should be eliminated very carefully. Temperature is also of great importance; it is very difficult to achieve flowering in a cool room. Inflorescences that have already wilted must be removed and the stem cut off at the very roots.

Inflorescences that have already wilted must be removed and the stem cut off at the very roots.

Various difficulties with growing plants can be caused by diseases and pests. To ensure that spathiphyllum Domino (variegated) does not die, you need to constantly monitor the quality of the leaves and soil.

Is the houseplant poisonous?

Spathiphyllum Picasso contains poisonous juice, which can cause severe poisoning if parts of this plant are accidentally consumed.

Therefore, care should be taken when growing this hybrid if there are small children and animals in the house. If its juice enters the body, it can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and severe stomach pain.

A houseplant can also cause allergies in adults and children during its flowering period. Considering that it blooms for quite a long time, you should not leave it in the house if you have an allergic reaction to it.

How to care for spathiphyllum


Spathiphyllums prefer to grow in well-lit places, especially in winter. In summer, you need to avoid direct sunlight on the plants so as not to cause burns to the leaves. You should not move the flower from place to place unnecessarily; spathiphyllum does not like frequent movements.


In summer, the most comfortable temperature for the plant will be in the range of 24 - 27°C. In winter, the optimal temperature is 16 - 17°C. At this temperature, the plant begins a period of winter dormancy, it rests and will bloom better in the summer. At temperatures below +15°C, the root ball may freeze and the plant will die. Also avoid sudden changes in temperature and cold drafts in the room where spathiphyllum grows.


Although spathiphyllum is considered a marsh plant, you should not over-water it; in summer the soil should always be moderately moist, but not flooded with water. Excessive watering can lead to root rot, blackening and death of leaves and flower stalks. In winter, the intensity of watering should be reduced, but the soil in the pot should not be allowed to dry out more than 1 cm in depth.

Air humidity

Spathiphyllum is a plant native to the tropics and therefore loves a humid atmosphere of at least 70%, so it is recommended to regularly spray the leaves with warm soft water from a spray bottle at least once or twice a day, and install a humidifier in the room where spathiphyllum grows. It is also recommended from time to time, but at least once a week, to wipe the leaves of the plant from dust with a damp cloth.

Top dressing

In order to prevent spathiphyllum leaves from becoming covered with yellow spots and losing their gloss, during the active growing season it is necessary to feed the plant with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers at least once every two weeks. During winter dormancy, the plant is fed less frequently, once a month is enough.


Young plants are replanted once a year, preferably in early spring, adults - as necessary, as the rhizome fills the volume of the pot, usually after two to three years. The substrate for replanting the plant is prepared from a mixture of turf soil, peat, humus, sand or perlite in a ratio of 2:1:1:1. It has been noticed that spathiphyllums bloom more readily in cramped flowerpots. To avoid possible waterlogging of the soil, take care of good drainage.


The simplest and most popular way to propagate spathiphyllum is to divide the bush in the spring when replanting. The most convenient way is to wash away the rhizome with a stream of running water, carefully separate it and plant it in different pots. For planting, you can use the same substrate or simple peat; on the bottom of the pots you need to lay out a drainage layer of fragments of ceramics or expanded clay.


Spathiphyllums are usually well resistant to pests and diseases, but with improper care, excessive or insufficient watering, the plant can be affected by spider mites, scale insects or root rot. A sign of plant damage is curling and drying of the leaves, the appearance of brown spots on the glossy surface, and thin whitish cobwebs. To control pests, you need to spray the plant with an insecticide solution according to the instructions for the product. You can use tobacco infusion with soap; to do this, you need to soak a rag in the soap-tobacco infusion and thoroughly wipe the leaves and flower stalks.

If you love the plant and care for it properly, then spathiphyllum will gladly answer you with wonderful flowers and a delicate aroma.

How to propagate?


It should be carried out in spring or summer. Procedure:

  1. Cut off the leaf rosette and place in water. You can use raw sand. Wait until roots form.
  2. If they are already formed, then direct planting into the ground can be carried out.

Dividing the bush

It is better to divide the spathiphyllum bush in the spring. The separated part of the plant should have 3 strong leaf rosettes and part of a healthy rhizome.

Deepen the cuttings to the same depth as in the previous pot. Before dividing, soak the roots with water, wash them and untangle them. Then clean and powder the sections with crushed charcoal.



  1. Plant the planting material in a container with moist soil, which consists of sand and peat. Cover the seedlings with polyethylene.
  2. Maintain soil moisture by spraying.
  3. Open the film every day until seedlings form.
  4. Plant them in separate containers when 2-3 leaves are formed.

Long-blooming babies

Compact spathiphyllums grow only 15-40 cm. With high air and soil humidity, these little ones are able to bloom without interruption throughout the year. The most common types you can find are:

The variety "chopin" (sometimes called "chopin") is a derivative of the Wallis species. Spathiphyllum "chopin" has dense, glossy, dark green leaves with lighter depressed veins. Fragrant, with a delicate lily scent, the flower consists of a creamy spadix and a white spathe. In bright light, the back of the bedspread may appear greenish. When the spadix fades, the entire bract becomes green and loses its decorative effect. It is better to remove peduncles with such flowers from the plant in time, cutting them to the level of the leaf petiole, which fits the stems at the bottom. This provokes the formation of new flowers appearing from the axils of other leaves.

Spathiphyllum "domino" belongs to the variegated forms. This means that, due to the special infection of the flower with the variegation virus, it has unevenly colored foliage. Even when there are no flowers on the plant, it looks elegant and exotic: the leaves have many small dots and strokes from dark green to white. Sometimes you come across spathiphyllums with a bluish pattern. The main requirement for caring for such forms is compliance with lighting conditions, because in bright light the leaves lose all their beauty, becoming ordinary green. The height of the “domino” reaches 30 cm.

Spathiphyllum profusely blooming is not named so in vain. Compact bushes (25-35 cm) can be constantly covered with a large number of snow-white flowers. Young foliage usually has a lighter shade, which gives the plant additional charm.

If the room allows, you can choose larger varieties.

Detailed description

Spathiphyllum Strauss is a perennial evergreen plant. Dwarf flower, the height of an adult flower is 30 cm.

The leaves are dark green, narrow, oblong, slightly wavy. The structure of the leaves is leathery, pointed at the top. The leaves are marked by a longitudinal central vein and lateral, parallel veins.

There is no stem, a basal rosette - a bunch is formed from basal leaves. The petioles are long, bifurcated to half. The flower is a long, curved spathe, larger in size than the inflorescence. The inflorescence is pale yellow and has the shape of a spike. The seeds are smooth and small. The root is short.

Popular varieties and their photos

To date, botanists know more than 40 varieties of “female happiness.” And only a few of them are used in the field of landscaping and home germination.

Spathiphyllum Wallis

It was named after the discoverer G. Wallis. This species is the most common variety. It is most suitable for growing in apartment conditions, as it is characterized by small dimensions.

The size is 20-35 cm in height. It has a white cob, a narrow oblong veil, which is three times longer than the cob. Spathiphyllum Wallis is unpretentious in care.

profusely blooming

The ancestor of this species is considered to be wild spathiphyllum, which grows in tropical forests, and hybrid descendants are commercially available. It grows up to half a meter in height, that is, medium size.

The leaves are green, oval-shaped, up to 20 cm long. The spathe reaches 12cm, and the peduncle is 25cm. It stands out among others for its abundant year-round flowering.


This species is much larger than the previous one. The difference lies in the shape and structure of the leaf. The lovely spathiphyllum has an elliptical leaf with visually noticeable veins.

The length of the leaf plate is about 30cm. The stalk connecting the root to the leaf is the same length. In nature, this species can be found in Suriname.


A tall flower, reaching 1 meter in height. The leaf shape is oval, its width is 15 cm. The color of the leaf blade is bright green with a glossy sheen. The petiole grows upward by 50-70cm. Found in tropical forests of Brazil.

Anyone who likes white varieties of spathiphyllum will be interested in reading about such varieties as Alana and Domino, the extraordinary Sweet, the mysterious Chopin, the gentle Sensation, the lovely Cupido, the miniature Strauss and the beautiful Picasso.

Features of variegated flower varieties

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Variegation in nature is an unhealthy phenomenon, and in order to achieve a pronounced effect, breeders “infected” experimental spathiphyllums with the variegation virus. That is why these plants have such variegated foliage; they combine both normal cells and mutated ones (not producing chlorophyll). The most famous variegated variety of spathiphyllum is Domino.

There are several types of variegation. It is divided into groups based on external signs and localization:

  • purple (red);
  • yellow/white media variegation;
  • yellow/white marginal (bordered) variegation;
  • yellow/white splash (uneven) variegation.

Varieties of spathiphyllum and numerous varieties

There are many different types and varieties of spathiphyllums (according to the latest data, up to 45 species), from the smallest to the giant. They differ in size and color of the spathe and cob. Spathiphyllum hybrids (“Mauna Loa” with leaves often more than 70 cm long) are often found on sale; they are more hardy and bloom all year round.

  • Wallis Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum wallisii) - the whole plant is 30-40 cm high, with a short rhizome and a rosette of dark green oblong-lanceolate graceful leaves. The cob is white, the spathe is narrow, three times as long as the cob, at first pure white, then turning green. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. The plants are unpretentious and shade-tolerant.
  • Spathiphyllum floribundun is a medium-sized plant 50-60 cm tall, oval-lanceolate leaves 15-20 cm long, 9-12 wide. Peduncle up to 25 cm, spathe 10-12. Blooms profusely and for a long time. Flower buds are laid in the axils of healthy leaves, on which the harvest of next year's inflorescences depends.
  • Lovely or pleasant spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum blandum) - larger than the profusely blooming one. A plant with dark green, elongated lanceolate leaves with an extended tip. The petioles are long and strong. The inflorescence is a spadix, surrounded by a greenish-white blanket, which is shaped like a small flag, so the second name of this flower is flagolist. It blooms very profusely (April-June) and has a large number of inflorescences. With good care, flowers appear 2 times a year.
  • Spoon-shaped spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum) is a large plant, reaching a height of one meter, with oblong-elliptical leaves. Leaves length 30-40 cm, width 15-20. The leaf blade is dark green, glossy, wavy at the edges, supported by a long (50-70 cm), strong petiole. Inflorescence spadix, white. The bedspread is oval, long.
  • Spathiphyllum cannifolium is an excellent houseplant with large, bright green, ovate leaves similar to canna leaves. White-green spathe with very fragrant flowers on a yellowish-green spadix

Many varieties can become a worthy decoration for any interior, adding unique sophistication. Some of them reach about one meter in height, sometimes more, and are widely used as solitaire floor compositions and phytodesign of rooms with limited lighting.

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There is a miniature variety 'Mini', reaching a maximum of 10-12 centimeters in height; 'Chopin' – an elegant variety with round, juicy-bright green leaves, a large snow-white inflorescence cover; 'Sensation', “sensational” - this variety is irresistible - simply a giant, with a large inflorescence, reaching more than one and a half meters in height. The flowering period of some varieties reaches up to six months!



This rare variety of spathiphyllums is called Charming. The height of the flower is 40 - 50 cm. The leaves are large, wide, light green, and have a light longitudinal stripe - a vein in the center of the leaf. It has a special aroma that appears in the early morning hours. The root is small.


Low-growing evergreen hybrid variety of indoor spathiphyllums. The height of an adult flower is 30–40 cm. The leaves are shiny, bright green, oblong, distinguished by depressed veins on the leaf plate.

Leaf with a pointed apex. The inflorescence is yellow, covered by the flower itself - a sail . The perianth is white, curved, with a pointed end. Has a subtle aroma.

You will find a more detailed description, photos and secrets of growing the Chopin variety here.

Spathiphyllum Domino. Types of popular house plants

In general, there are approximately forty species of this plant, but much fewer types of spathiphyllum are suitable for home use:

  • Wallis. It is an example of plants of its family. Most of the species were bred directly from him. The flower is 45 cm high, and the length of the inflorescences ranges from 4 to 10 cm. Spathiphyllum Wallis is the most unpretentious for home keeping.
  • Abundantly flowering. It has a fairly long flowering period, which explains the popularity of the house pet. But the flowers are mostly small - 4–6 cm. The older the plant, the darker the oval leaves become. The stem of the peduncle is approximately 15 cm above the leaf part.
  • Domino. A very attractive and memorable plant. The leaves are dark green in color, on which snow-white stripes of an oblong shape are randomly located. The tips of the leaves are pointed.
  • Chopin is a small plant, 30–35 cm high. This species has neat elongated leaves with veins. Chopin has a pleasant aroma, which is not typical for artificially bred flowers.
  • Cupido. A plant that has become popular due to its abundant flowering, during which 8-10 inflorescences appear. The flowers look gorgeous against the background of green leaves.
  • Gemini. The bract is oval-shaped with a sharp end. If you compare Gemini and Domino spathiphyllums, the difference can be seen in the oval-shaped bract. The similarity between varieties is in the spots on the leaves.
  • Picasso. It is large in size. The leaves are mesmerizing with their attractive colors; in addition to completely green leaves, there are also completely white leaves. Picasso looks very original and impressive.
  • Alana. Has larger sizes. The leaves are bright green, slightly pointed. They are located perpendicularly.
  • Mauna Loa. Excellent for home growing. It has a fairly long flowering period, and when cut, the flower will remain fresh for a whole month.
  • Sensation. Considered one of the most attractive house plants. If you care for it properly, the flower grows up to 50 cm. The inflorescences also have impressive sizes and a long flowering period.
  • Red. This is another spectacular type of plant. According to the classification, it can be defined as anthurium. In some flower shops, sellers water the soil with colored water to create a more refined color of the perianth. It is extremely rare for sale.

Spathiphyllum Domino, which is not particularly difficult to care for at home, is unpretentious to grow, which is especially appreciated by flower growers. Despite the fact that in the wild the flower grows in the tropics, it is not picky about lighting and humidity. The main thing is not to forget to water and replant annually.

History of origin

In nature, spathiphyllums live in the tropical forests of South America, Brazil, the Philippines and South Asia. Back in the 19th century, it was brought to Europe as an ornamental plant. The Domino species appeared through selection, bred by Dutch breeders, based on the species Spathiphyllum Wallis. The inflorescence - a yellow spadix - is placed on a petiole and covered with a white round perianth, popularly called a sail. Has a pleasant smell.

The plant is very decorative, so it is often used to decorate various rooms.

Benefits and harms

In addition to its aesthetic value, one of the positive qualities of spathiphyllum is its ability to purify the air from harmful substances that its leaves absorb.

The answer to the question whether spathiphyllum is harmful to human health can only be positive.

The flower is especially dangerous for people with weak immune systems and children. If you accidentally eat any part of this plant, you may experience burns to your mouth and esophagus, severe cutting pain in the abdomen, and indigestion.

The situation may also be complicated by inflammation of the airways and difficulty breathing. People prone to allergies are at risk of getting skin rashes or other allergic reactions. As a rule, this happens only during flowering; it is the flowers that cause an allergic reaction. At the same time, it manifests itself in the same way in children and adults:

  • fear of light;
  • sweating;
  • convulsions;
  • labored breathing;
  • weakness;
  • skin rashes.

The rest of the time, spathiphyllum, if precautions are taken (limiting access to the flower for animals and children), does not pose any threat, but on the contrary, helps purify the air, remove carbon dioxide from it and saturate it with oxygen

Signs and superstitions

There are many myths and legends about the magical properties of Spathiphyllum. They all tell how women, with the help of this plant, got rid of loneliness and found family happiness. With the advent of Spathiphyllum, amazing things begin to happen.

There are many beliefs associated with this plant:

  • Gifting a girl “Women’s Happiness” makes her more attractive, gentle, and feminine to men.
  • The flower gives girls the opportunity to start a family.
  • In the bedroom of spouses, Spathiphyllum helps get rid of quarrels and conflicts.
  • Spathiphyllum helps pregnant women endure pregnancy more easily.
  • Single women find their soul mate.
  • For childless women, Spathiphyllum gives hope for motherhood.

According to superstitions, with the appearance of a flower, prosperity, happiness, and love reign in the house. But this only applies to feminine energy.

For the owner of the house, everyday life begins to bring more joy. According to one superstition, the best energy comes from a flower that was given by a loved one.

According to signs, miracles begin as soon as the plant begins to bloom. Therefore, the owner will have to take care of him. The flower “Women's Happiness”, one might say, fully lives up to its name. By purchasing Spathiphyllum, women and young girls hope for a happy personal life. Judging by numerous reviews, hopes are not in vain.

It is important to understand that happiness is an energetic substance that you need to believe in. Therefore, there is no need to perceive the flower as a magic wand; you just need to concentrate your positive energy in the right direction. If the flower dries, then happiness will leave the family. Spathiphyllum does not tolerate quarrels or scandals, dropping lifeless leaves.

Although the mystery of the magical power that Spathiphyllum possesses remains a mystery today, quite quickly women who grow this plant at home find peace and well-being in the family.

It is recommended to place it on the windowsill, next to the “Male Happiness” anthurium. Many people plant them in the same pot to achieve maximum harmony.

Flower care at home

Temperature. Spathiphyllum is a heat-loving and light-loving plant.

The most comfortable temperature for its living indoors is from +18 to +24ºС. Particular attention should be paid to the air temperature in winter. A decrease in the indicator to +10ºС can be detrimental to the plant.


A very dry environment can cause leaves to turn yellow. To maintain humidity, frequent spraying with water is necessary; you can install a vessel with water in the room.

Lighting. Place the flower pot in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight, otherwise the leaf plate may burn. And in a poorly lit place, the leaves will become pale. The most acceptable option is the eastern and western sides.

Watering. Be sure to monitor the moisture content of the soil in the pot. With insufficient watering, the tips and edges of the leaves begin to dry out, and black spots appear. Excessive watering can cause root rot - this is the most common problem with spathiphyllums.

Fertilizer. In the autumn-winter period, it is necessary to fertilize plants with complex fertilizers once every ten days. Before flowering, it is imperative to increase the amount of potassium and phosphorus and fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. When the flowers appear, stop feeding, leaving only abundant watering. Brown spots often appear on the leaves due to a lack of nitrogen.

Location and lighting

To make the plant feel comfortable, experts recommend placing it in rooms facing north or south. Shaded places should be avoided, since the crop loves light, the lack of which can lead to a lot of problems, for example, deformation of leaves and changes in their color. In addition, you should carefully monitor the absence of drafts, as the flower may simply die from them.

If a pot with a plant is placed on a windowsill on the south side of the house, you need to take care of a little shading. Direct sunlight can also cause significant damage to the plant.

Spathiphyllum Domino: home care

Spathiphyllum "Domino" leaves have an original pattern of white specks or spots on a green background.

This variety was bred from Spathiphyllum Wallis and is therefore similar in size and type of flower care.

Next, we will show a few photographs and talk about caring for spathiphyllum “Domino” at home.

Spathiphyllum "Domino" is considered a rather unpretentious plant in terms of care and responds responsively to the care of the grower.

The “Domino” variety is great for beginners or slightly “forgetful” people, but at the same time, with proper and regular care, spathiphyllum reveals itself in all its beauty.

So it is much better to follow a few simple rules for caring for spathiphyllum “Domino” and enjoy the splendor of the flower and benefit for yourself.

LIGHTING. The Domino variety prefers a large amount of diffused light with minimal direct sunlight. The flower can grow in partial shade, but the quality of flowering deteriorates and the decorativeness of the leaves decreases.

We talked about the optimal cardinal directions for flower placement in the main article on caring for spathiphyllum.

TEMPERATURE. Spathiphyllum "Domino" must be provided with a certain temperature regime: 18-24 degrees throughout the year. Protect the plant from sudden temperature changes and drafts.

HUMIDITY. Spathiphyllum "Domino" needs fairly high air humidity - at least 40%. In summer, spray spathiphyllum every day, at least every two days.

THE SOIL. Spathiphyllum "Domino" loves a light, loose and nutritious soil mixture. Use a universal substrate with a peat content of at least 25% or prepare it yourself (the substrate recipe is described in the main article).

WATERING. During active growth and development (spring-summer) of the spathiphyllum “Domino”, the soil mixture should be kept moist at all times. In the autumn-winter period, water the flower after the top layer of soil has dried 1-2 cm.

The watering schedule is approximately this: in the summer every 2-3 days, and in the winter every 7-8 days. Water the plant only with soft water at room temperature.

What to do if you are going on vacation or a business trip, see the special article: “HOW TO WATER FLOWERS DURING A LONG ABSENCE.”

Spathiphyllum Domino: feeding, propagation, replanting, pests

We continue the story about caring for spathiphyllum “Domino” at home and then there are no less important and useful tips.

FEEDING. In spring and summer, feed Domino once every two weeks. As a top dressing, use half the dose of liquid complex fertilizer.

REPRODUCTION. Spathiphyllum is most convenient and easiest to propagate by dividing the rhizomes during the next plant transplant in the spring.

Read more about this and other methods of reproduction in the main article, so as not to repeat it for those who have already read.

TRANSFER. Replant young spathiphyllum "Domino" every year (preferably together with a clod of soil), and after 4 years you can replant the flower every 2-3 years. The plant has rather fragile rhizomes, so carefully remove the flower from the pot.

PESTS and DISEASES. To prevent the occurrence of diseases and pests, proper care of spathiphyllum “Domino” plays a key role.

Inspect the plant regularly, especially the undersides of the leaves, using a magnifying glass.

BLOOM. Spathiphyllum usually blooms for 6-8 weeks from March to September. A plant may not flower for various reasons.


Spathiphyllum "Domino" does not bloom, as a rule, due to: too much or too little light, nutrients, drafts or root rotting.

Changing the location of the flower, trimming old leaves, changing the frequency and abundance of watering in one direction or another can help you.

With proper care, according to experienced gardeners, sometimes the shock method helps: reduce watering for 3 weeks, then do not water it at all for 8-10 days, and after that the plant is fed and watered as before. However, be careful not to overdo it.

We discussed possible problems with spathiphyllum in detail in the main article.

We recommend you take a look – there are a lot of useful points there!

Here is a spathiphyllum Domino and care at home, which we hope did not seem difficult for you.

In practice, you will see for yourself that the spathiphyllum “Domino” variety does not require so much effort and attention, but in return it cleans our home and brings beauty to it!

We wish you a luxurious spathiphyllum and many positive impressions!

Spathiphyllum Domino: home care

This flower is quite unpretentious in maintenance; even a novice gardener can handle it. It is also suitable for absent-minded people who may sometimes forget about watering. But, of course, if you care for it correctly, the flower will look much more beautiful.

  • Temperature. The spathiphyllum should be provided with a stable temperature from 18 °C to 24 °C. He doesn't like drafts and sudden changes in temperature.
  • Lighting. The best option is a lot of diffused light, but without direct sunlight. Partial shade is also acceptable for Domino, but it makes its leaves less bright and negatively affects flowering.
  • Watering. In spring and summer, the plant should be watered once every 2-3 days so that the soil is constantly moist, because active growth and development occur during this period. In autumn, the soil should dry out 1-2 cm deep, so the frequency of watering is reduced to once a week.
  • Humidity. An air humidity of 40% is suitable for spathiphyllum. To maintain it at this level, in the summer you will have to spray the flower every day.
  • Soil and fertilizing. Domino needs light, loose soil rich in nutrients. At least a quarter of its composition should be peat. Fertilizing is best done in spring and summer, approximately once every two weeks. 1/2 dose of liquid complex fertilizer is suitable.
  • The only difference between summer and winter care is watering. In winter, you should not water the plant abundantly, so as not to freeze its roots. It’s also not worth fertilizing, because at this time it is in a dormant period.

Step-by-step instructions for care at home

Selecting a location

Spathiphyllum Domino is planted in bright places, on window sills without direct sunlight. Dry air and drafts should be avoided. It is forbidden to keep the plant under direct air conditioning.

What should the soil be like?

The best soil for growing plants is a special mixture. Sold in a flower shop. You can make the mixture yourself, for this you will need to combine in equal parts:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • leaf soil;
  • charcoal;
  • fine tree bark.


  1. When planting a plant, the bottom of the pot is filled with expanded clay.
  2. Soil is poured out to half the container.
  3. Having distributed the roots, the plant is installed and covered with the remaining mixture.
  4. The soil is lightly compacted for stability and watered.


The most optimal temperature for keeping Spathiphyllum Domino is from 18 to 24 degrees.

In winter, avoid temperatures below 15 degrees and reduce watering, and in summer, avoid direct sunlight, which burns the leaves, and water more often. Temperatures above 28-30 degrees are dangerous for both the plant and the soil.


Watering is carried out with room water. In the hot season, one watering and spraying every three days is enough. Depending on the climate, increase the amount of watering, but not water, so as not to contribute to rotting of the roots. In winter, the plant only needs 1 watering per week.

Top dressing

Fertilizing is only needed during flowering. Use calcium and phosphorus or complex fertilizer. When choosing mineral fertilizers, you should avoid nitrogen in the composition - because of it, the plant stops blooming.

Important! Fertilizer is applied at a concentration of one and a half grams per liter of water.


Spathiphyllum Domino does not require mandatory pruning. Only dead leaves and flowers are removed. If there are too many leaves for the size of the pot, it is better to replant the plant.


The plant is replanted at the end of winter, when the nutritional system has not yet awakened. The pot should be 4-5 centimeters larger than the root of the plant. Due to the thickness of the root part, the flower is replanted with soil. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, the plant is installed and covered with earth, compacted. After transplantation, it requires abundant watering.

Possible difficulties during cultivation

Spathiphyllum Wallis is quite resistant to various infections and fungi, as well as attacks from harmful insects. However, there is a possibility that the plant can be damaged by spider mites, which can cause the foliage to become covered with rusty spots. To get rid of these parasites in the room where the plant is kept, it is necessary to restore the optimal humidity regime. You can also spray with insecticides such as “Aktara” or “Aktellik”. Mealybug attacks, which can gradually destroy the flower, are also common. To eliminate the insect, use special preparations - “Calypso”, “Fitoverm”, “Biotlin”, “Confidor”. An effective folk remedy is alcohol: soak a cotton swab in it, then wipe the affected areas of the plant. Treatment is carried out until the parasites are completely eliminated. If the leaves curl into a tube, check to see if aphids have settled on the foliage. If a parasite is detected, treatment with appropriate drugs is required - “Iskra”, “Tanrek”. If the tips of the leaves turn black, reduce soil moisture to a minimum until the spathiphyllum is completely restored. All blackened foliage should be removed.

We recommend that you find out why spathiphyllum leaves turn yellow.

There can be more than one reason for yellowing foliage - either low air humidity or nutrient deficiency. In the latter case, you cannot do without transferring it to a new pot with fertile soil. There may be a need to increase watering for a short period and also check for harmful insects. You can carry out preventive treatment with light anticoccidal agents. We hope that caring for indoor spathiphyllum Wallis will not be difficult for you. In return for your care, the flower will give you all its beauty and beneficial properties.

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