Extraordinarily beautiful - tulip-shaped pelargonium. Description, varieties, rules of care and reproduction

Characteristics of varieties

All varieties of tulip-shaped pelargonium are bred only in nurseries, because the closed shape of the bud makes pollination difficult under natural growing conditions.

Marbacka Tulpan

Marbasca Tulip is distinguished by abundant year-round flowering.

A variety with surprisingly delicate flower colors. Plump, pot-bellied buds with terry petals will decorate any flower collection.

On a note! Pelargonium Marbacka Tulpan has a standard bush shape, but it requires shaping pruning.

Description of Marbaki Tulip:

  • leaves – glossy, dark green;
  • petals – curved, terry;
  • color – white and pale pink;
  • flower size – 9-10 mm.

This elegant inflorescence, due to the specific shape of the flowers and their splendor, has a second name - “Indomitable Blonde”.

Pelargonium Lilian Andrea

Important! Refers to a variety of miniature pelargoniums. Bushes very well, many flowers are formed on the stems, grouped into inflorescences

The distinctive features of pelargonium Linea Andrea and Lilian Andrea are the same:

  • bush – low-growing, no higher than 20-25 cm;
  • color – pronounced bright crimson for Lilian Andrea;
  • color – soft lilac from Linea Andrea;
  • petals - with a pointed top;
  • leaves are green, covered with small fibers.

Interesting! Pelargonium Lilian Andrea has a very festive look; flowers with sharp tips resemble a decorative tulip.

Marbacka Sorgardens pelargonium

Refers to the standard zonal view. Marbacki Sorgardens has pelargoniums:

  • large inflorescences of pink or peach flowers;
  • petals – delicate, terry;
  • green leaves with shallow veins;
  • The bush belongs to the dwarf plant species.

The delicate inflorescences of this bush look like a bride’s wedding bouquet. This type of geranium must be provided with the necessary temperature conditions and timely watering, otherwise the flowering will not be so luxurious.

Pelargonium Marbacka Rose

It has a neat bush structure that does not require formative pruning. Distinctive features of Marbasca Rose pelargonium:

  • bushes well;
  • flowers are flesh-colored and soft pink, closer to the core - rich coral;
  • inflorescences are large, fluffy, airy and at the same time dense;
  • It grows quickly and begins to bloom from the very beginning of the buds.

Important! Pelargonium Marbacky Rose is distinguished by its extreme unpretentiousness and undemandingness, it is problem-free, takes root in any conditions and decorates the windowsill with its delicate bouquets throughout the year

Overview of varieties

Star pelargonium is a fairly large category that includes a large number of varieties. Before making your choice, you should study their main characteristics in more detail. Only in this case will you select truly worthy specimens that will harmoniously complement your flower collection.

Among the popular varieties, it is worth highlighting Golden, Green, Joann, Jean cows, Lawrence, Lisa Jo, Pink, Polestar, Rhapsody, Rushmoor golden ruffles, Sagitarius, Sutarves bosna, Joanna, Diana, Caroline, Hudson, etc.

Lotta Lundberg

Such pelargonium with bright pink petals will certainly not leave anyone indifferent. Its buds resemble sharp miniature stars. The peduncle of this specimen is quite strong, but has a shade more prone to brown. As for the leaf plate, it is covered in places with dark stains.

This star-shaped shrub is compact, making it a great addition to any home collection. But if you eventually want to arrange a flowerbed or some kind of alpine hill in your garden, be sure to give preference to this variety.

Bob Newing

This flower specimen primarily stands out among the entire variety of varieties for its bright pink-red petals. The buds form lush inflorescences, which are also openwork. The main characteristics of this variety also include a high peduncle. The leaves of this geranium are tricolor.

Bronze Butterfly

This variety of star pelargonium is valued by domestic flower growers not only for its beautiful and bright inflorescences. The foliage of the plant deserves special attention. It has a rich green color, and in the center there is a darker pattern, reminiscent of a butterfly, which turns bronze in the sun. The star-shaped inflorescences of this specimen are quite large and peach-colored. They are also terry, so they look very voluminous.

Rushmoor Bondi Blue

This flower specimen is worth paying attention to not only because its buds are very beautiful. The leaf plate of such a plant also looks aesthetically pleasing. It has a peculiar pattern in the center that complements the miniature composition. The inflorescences of the Rushmoor Bondi Blue variety are double, their shape is somewhat curved, but looks elegant. Those who want to add a specimen with delicate purple petals to their flower collection should pay attention to this variety of homemade geranium.

Little Linda

What is primarily notable about this variety is its golden foliage. Its petals are double and light pink in color. Moreover, the buds consist of narrow, elongated petals, which look quite aesthetically pleasing. It’s worth purchasing such a flower specimen, if only because it blooms very often, so it will delight you with bright inflorescences almost all year round.

Bev Foster Stellar

The Foster Stellar variety of geranium is a miniature specimen. The leaf blade of such a flower is green, but its zonal ring is usually darkened. You should definitely include this plant in your collection, because it has very beautiful, bright, double buds. Moreover, the color of the petals in this case is multifaceted, therefore it includes pink, crimson, orange, and red shades.

This compact variety of homemade geranium will appeal to many. It does not develop very intensively, but does not require special care. In addition, you will certainly be satisfied with the bright and abundant flowering.

Tulip geranium - what kind of flower is it, what family does it belong to?

Mallow: beautiful, medicinal, nutritious
The flower belongs to the Geranium family. Tulip-shaped varieties have several differences from ordinary geraniums. The inflorescences of the species consist of numerous flowers that look like tiny tulips.

Geranium tulipum

On a note! There is a misconception that tulip geraniums are very difficult to care for. Flower growers prove the opposite. Compliance with basic rules of care will preserve the individual characteristics of the species.

Brief description, history of origin and selection

Tulip-shaped geranium was bred by breeders. The first mention of the species was found in the editorial of a gardening magazine published in 1966 in Boston. In Europe, geranium first appeared only 10 years later. Flower growers believe that this species was obtained as a result of a natural mutation of other varieties.

Plant characteristics

A wide variety of pelargonium species allows you to choose a suitable variety with lush inflorescences for home breeding.
A distinctive feature of such flowers is a large number of double petals, which form beautiful elegant corollas, similar to small roses. The peculiarity of rosebud geranium is the absence of odor in the inflorescences. The rosebud variety owes its appearance to a random mutation, which dates its history back to the distant 18th century. Selection work continued, and only quite recently the flower of this variety received the appropriate aesthetic appearance.

Growing geranium indoors has a very important advantage - the plant purifies the air from pathogenic bacteria.

Biological description of tulip geranium

Sinningia is beautiful

This variety of geranium was bred about half a century ago in the United States of America in the nursery of the Andrea family of breeders. What is so unusual about the tulip geranium variety? It turns out that the flowers of this variety are shaped like small tulips, which remain unopened to the end throughout their entire flowering period.

The flowers on this type of geranium do not grow one by one, but are collected in inflorescences. Based on this variety, Andrea's breeders created several other similar new varieties of tulip-shaped geranium. They named most of the varieties bred in honor of their beloved women.

In Europe, these varieties of pelargonium appeared two decades after their breeding.

These flowers almost immediately attracted the attention of flower growers and began to gain popularity on the European continent, but at the same time they also served as a reason for controversy.

Unfortunately, these varieties of pelargonium are very difficult to breed, because they have a unique structure of flowers and inflorescences, and pistils and stamens are difficult to obtain. Therefore, breeders managed to develop only about twenty varieties of these beautiful indoor flowers in half a century.

Many experts believe that the first variety of tulip-shaped pelargonium was born not thanks to the efforts of breeders, but due to an accidental mutation of pelargonium varieties with flat pistils.

All varieties of tulip-shaped pelargonium differ from each other in appearance and size. There are tall specimens of such pelargoniums, in which the height of the stems can reach 0.8 m, but there are also miniature tulip-shaped pelargoniums that seem to be real dwarfs. These varieties differ in the speed of growth, color, shape of flowers, as well as the number of petals in each flower inflorescences. Each corolla can contain up to 9 petals, the shape of which can be round, smooth or jagged at the tips. The inside of the flowers is more intensely colored than the outside. Each inflorescence contains from 22 to 40 half-opened flowers.

The shape of the flowers can be oval, like an egg, or elongated, like a glass. The colors of tulip pelargonium flowers are varied, and the foliage is elongated and bright emerald green.

Due to the fact that this plant is extremely heat-loving, it is not possible to grow it in open ground in our country.

general characteristics

Pelargonium inflorescences look elegant; the flowers have elongated petals that tightly surround the stamen. The color variations are varied and depend on the plant variety, but the appearance of each is charming and sophisticated in its own way.

The unusual form of pelargonium was achieved artificially, through a long process of hybridization, in which zonal geranium with a simple flat corolla was taken as a basis. However, there is a version that the curved shape of the petals was obtained through the process of natural mutation.

Pelargonium tulipaceae

Geranium is very difficult to hybridize; during the growth process, it tends to return to its original appearance. However, breeders from the American nursery Andrea managed to develop 14 varieties of a luxurious flower with an amazing semi-open bud shape, which remains unchanged throughout the entire flowering period.

Description of the plant:

  • bush height – ranges from 30 to 75 cm, depending on the variety;
  • color – from beige to rich dark red;
  • leaves are dark, green, hard, with a slight shine, with veins, one side is darker than the other;
  • each flower contains 7-9 petals;
  • the edges of the petal are smooth or jagged;
  • the petals of the flower are curled up, tightly covering the stamens, which makes plant selection difficult;
  • on each stem there are up to 50 flowers, collected in aerial inflorescences.

Interesting. The plant is not only luxurious, but also useful. By releasing phytoncides, it disinfects the air; geranium oil helps with headaches and repels insects. Tea with pelargonium petals has a calming effect.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

Beautiful, healthy and tasty kale collard greens

Geranium is not protected from disease. The main signs of flower ailments:

  • The appearance of white circles on the leaf blades of geraniums. This is the first sign of rust disease.
  • Gray loose spots on the bottom of the leaf. This symptom indicates infection with gray mold.
  • The stems and leaves take on an unhealthy red tint if the flower is frozen.

Signs of geranium diseases
Most often, pelargonium is affected by the following pests:

  • whitefly butterfly;
  • spider mite;
  • mealy worm.

Remember! When the first signs of the disease appear, immediate treatment is necessary.

How to deal with them

In the event of an invasion of any harmful insects, treatment with a soap solution or spraying with insecticides will help save the plant. The most effective means:

  • Fitoverm;
  • Fufa Nova;
  • Aktara.

New generation products perfectly protect flowers not only as a preventive measure, but even during illness. If signs of disease are detected, it is imperative to remove all infected leaves.

Pelargonium tulipaceae

The tulip-shaped subspecies of geranium requires care and careful attention, but following all the rules will invariably allow you to grow a beautiful flower with the most abundant flowering. The huge caps of inflorescences of this amazing species will not leave anyone indifferent.

Diseases, pests and their control

Marbasca Tulip pelargonium suffers from the same diseases as other varieties of this plant:

  • gray mold - gray mucus appears on the leaves;
  • rust - affects leaves with brown spots;
  • black leg - young twigs and petioles turn black, leaves fall off.

Pelargonium Pink Rambler

Having discovered signs of disease on the plant, remove the affected areas and treat them with appropriate pesticides.

Of the pests that attack the cutting shoot of pelargonium:

  • mealybug;
  • whitefly;
  • spider mite

Important! If you do not follow the rules of agricultural technology, the exclusive plant will turn into an ordinary geranium.

When pests appear, the plant is washed with soapy water, but it is better to use insecticides - it is more effective and reliable.

The half-opened buds of tulip-shaped pelargonium look very elegant, this distinguishes them from other varieties of geranium. Bright inflorescences will bloom all year round, in winter they will decorate any balcony and window sill, and on warm days they will fill the summer veranda with a feeling of elegance and celebration.

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Common problems

Pests and parasites. Aphids or whiteflies can settle on a pelargonium bush. Parasites will suck all the juices out of the plant, which will lead to the death of the plant

It is important to treat the bush with insecticides. Plant disease. Most often, the plant is damaged by gray mold.

When mold appears, it is important not to water the flower. Yellowing and drying of leaves. The plant lacks moisture. Perhaps the water is not getting to the roots. Mulching will help. The leaves are withered and fall off. Excess moisture. Thinning the plants can help. Doesn't bloom. This may be due to lack of light and feeding. It is important to ensure the presence of bright, diffused color and regularly apply mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. The flowers are drying. Perhaps there is a fungus. Treatment with Fitosporin or watering with 5% Bordeaux mixture will help. The presence of rusty, gray spots and white fluff on the leaves may also indicate a fungus. It is important to ensure loosening of the soil for air intake and antifungal treatment. Bacterial infection. Brown spots will appear on the plant. It is important to replant in another soil and apply fungicides.

Which propagation method is suitable for rosebud geranium

Geranium can reproduce in two ways:

Since with the seed method new plants do not inherit all the properties of the parent, rosebud geranium is propagated by cuttings. The best time for this is from early spring to mid-summer. To do this, a small cutting with several internodes is cut from an adult plant.

For planting cuttings, prepare light soil with the addition of peat. Or they prepare special tablets for rooting the formation of roots.


  1. The cuttings are dried for 60 minutes.
  2. Remove the lower leaves.
  3. They are buried in the ground so that one internode is in the soil mixture.
  4. The peat around the cuttings is slightly compacted.
  5. The container is placed in a bright place at a temperature of about +20ºС. If the days are cloudy, it is necessary to organize sufficient artificial lighting.
  6. Watering is moderate, carried out away from the trunk.

If all conditions are met, roots will appear within 15-20 days.
If the plants were planted in tablets, you can place them in glasses for further growth. When there are more roots, the cuttings are transplanted into a flower pot. Whether or not to cover the cuttings with polyethylene is up to each gardener to decide for himself. This circumstance does not affect the speed of rooting.

If it was customary to use a bag on top, you need to make sure that excessive amounts of moisture do not collect under it. Rosebud geranium cuttings, when properly cared for at home, are well accepted, allowing you to obtain new plants.

The cuttings for planting must be chosen correctly. If an immature shoot is cut off, without semi-woodiness, such a cutting will rot in most cases.

Pelargonium rosebud is an attractive flowering plant that is distinguished by its elegance and unusual beauty. This variety of geranium is chosen for propagation by true connoisseurs who are ready to care for a plant with unusual beautiful flowers.

How to propagate geraniums from cuttings at home

Before the mother plant gives birth to new offspring, it must be prepared. Some hobbyists recommend propagating the plant in the fall, after flowering has stopped. However, the majority believes that young plants develop most successfully when cuttings are taken in February from a mother bush prepared in winter.

Geraniums are propagated by cutting cuttings with a sharp, clean knife under the leaf. In this case, the top should have 2-3 or more healthy leaves after the petiole is exposed. If the stem allows, then cuttings can be cut from the lower bare trunks, but there must be dormant buds there, from where a new plant will begin to grow.

How does geranium propagate if it is stubborn and the cuttings do not take root? There is a radical method with a full guarantee of survival. On the bare trunk, you need to make circular cuts along the entire stem two weeks before separating the branch from the mother plant. Incisions are made through the kidney. At the sites of injury, gum appears, containing the rudiments of roots in tubercles. The cuttings take root and grow quickly.

The cuttings need to be dried for several hours, then the sections are treated with activated carbon or Kornevin. This stimulation promotes the rapid formation of horse primordia.

For rooting to be successful, the cuttings must be germinated in a special environment. Substrate requirements are sterility and breathability. The soil composition includes universal soil with the addition of a third of vermiculite and sand. The soil is spilled with boiling water or hot potassium permanganate. Expanded clay or pieces of foam plastic are placed in the container on the perforated bottom, and soil is poured on top.

The cuttings are deepened into the ground by 2 cm, kept in the dark for 3-4 days, then placed in a cool window with shade from the sun. Watering is moderate, through a tray, so as not to wet the cuttings. The plant is covered with a jar only if the leaf turns yellow and the cuttings wither. In a few days the tugor will recover. The main danger at this time is excessive moisture of the soil.

It is much easier to drive out the roots when propagating geraniums by cuttings in water. The whole process takes place before our eyes. The pre-dried cuttings with the lower leaves removed are placed in a jar with water and activated carbon. Roots will appear within two weeks. When they grow, rooting is carried out in the usual composition of the soil in a permanent place.

What you need to consider when cutting geraniums at home:

  1. All operations for separating cuttings and preparing them are carried out under sterile conditions. Knife, scissors and all utensils must be clean.
  2. You need to water the new plants with warm water, so that the water does not get on the plant.
  3. Only wilted plants need to be covered.
  4. Rooting is carried out at a temperature of 15 degrees.
  5. Geranium propagation takes place all year round, but the process is most effective in the spring.
  6. Group planting of young plants at a distance of 15-17 cm for rapid flowering.

New seedlings take root differently, depending on the variety. Zonal and ivy-leaved varieties take root quickly. It takes a month for the royal varieties to take root; the fragrant variety will show its first leaves in a month and a half. Royal geraniums will bloom only next year, just like angelic ones.


In order to plant an adult plant on a site during the warm period, you need to do this using the transshipment method. That is, remove the entire lump of earth, captured with roots, from the pot and plant it in the ground.

Before you begin the planting process itself, you need to trim off the shoots that are strongly branched. The days in February and early March are suitable for such work. After the procedure, the pelargonium is placed on the sunny side and watered more often (preferably in a tray). Planting is done when real warmth sets in.

If the bush remains at home, it still needs to change its habitat, since the existing soil is depleted.

Work on planting in the new land is carried out in April.

You can purchase fresh soil for pelargonium in the store or make a suitable composition yourself. The substrate is prepared from a mixture of peat, perlite, sand, turf soil, and humus.

In order for a new beautiful plant to appear in the house or garden, cuttings are planted and cut from March to July. You can take one that is half woody and contains up to five internodes. The leaves are removed and the cut is dried for half an hour.

A mixture of soil suitable for pelargonium and vermiculite is best suited for planting.

Before the procedure, they are mixed in equal proportions.

The pot is pre-disinfected. The size of the container should be slightly larger than the roots. If the dish is too large, you won’t get flowering, but in a small container the pelargonium will wither.

After planting the cuttings, light watering is carried out at regular intervals. After 3 weeks the cutting will take root. This will be indicated by the new shoots that appear on it. When the bush grows, you can give it symmetry by pruning.

If the bush grows in open ground, it needs to be watered when the soil under it dries out. It’s easier to be a little late with watering than to do it frequently and abundantly. Such generosity of pelargonium is useless. Because of this, the root will rot and the plant will die. It is necessary to moisten the soil early in the morning. The same approach is practiced in relation to the beautiful pelargonium growing at home.

Before you start watering, just touch the soil with your fingers. If marks remain on the skin, you should not rush to moisturize.

In order for a flower to please its owners with lush buds for a long time, it needs to be fed correctly. While the parade of roses is observed, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil once a month.

These are complex compounds with a high content of phosphorus and potassium.

Nitrogen fertilizers are not needed during this period. If the bush is supplied with this particular substance, it will direct its power to increasing the green mass, and flowering will stop. Such fertilizers are good for pelargonium in the fall, when it is being prepared for winter.

In winter, the flower enters a dormant period. At this time, the bush should be placed in a shaded corner with a temperature of about +14 degrees.

It should be borne in mind that pelargonium loves light, but not direct sunlight. If the light intensity is too high, the plant's leaves dry out and the stems turn yellow and become limp. Increased watering will not solve this problem.

To ensure that burns do not appear on the leaf plates and that the flower looks healthy and blooms, it is necessary to create conditions for diffused lighting. This does not apply to bushes growing outdoors.

The leaves of domestic flowers should be periodically wiped from dust with a damp cloth to prevent rot from developing on the plant.

Pelargoniums and geraniums (all about them) Collectors of geraniums and pelargoniums


Angelina, your pelargoniums are simply a sight for sore eyes!

Lilian Andrea is beautiful! Pac Shocking Pink - no competition! It’s good that you still have this variety, mine died. Pelfi Barock is good! Toscana Chris, Bonito – SUPER. My favorite color! I love colorful ones!


Sasha, I read, of course, but mostly quickly and briefly; it’s not always possible to answer right away, since there’s not enough time for anything. Today I took a break, I’ll try to give a detailed answer to your questions, maybe someone else will be interested. Let me start with the fact that the group of zonartists is starting to disappoint me somewhat, for several reasons. I’ll say right away that all conclusions are based only on my observations. Firstly, I noticed that this group blooms only once per season, in early spring, before the heat sets in. Secondly, they are all quite capricious, instantly react by yellowing the lower leaves, both to the slightest drying out and to excessive watering, and are not resistant to our summer climate, although they are considered to be natives of Australia. Well, the third thing is that, unlike the zonal ones, this group is susceptible to tick damage. It seems to me that the varieties that have been bred are, of course, beautiful, but almost all of them are unfinished. Now separately for each variety that was or is in my collection:

Unicorn Zonartic Rose is one of the best and most resistant to all of the above factors, probably because it is one of the first zonartics, and everything that sings is usually the best. Lara Marjorie - I agree that one of the most beautiful, but also the most capricious of all that I have had and still have. It also bloomed for me only in the second or third year, but even so far I have not seen super-abundant flowering or flower stalks from it, a maximum of 3-5 flowers. Lara Mandarin - in second place in terms of whims after the previous one, with great difficulty we managed to revive a cutting that came from the last Belgian order and today I have three takes, over which I just don’t dance with tambourines, I haven’t seen full flowering yet, now on the buds, like It will bloom, I'll show you. Lara Susan is the tallest of all that I have seen, the flower stalks alone were almost half a meter long, it had already bloomed and was difficult to shape. Lara Alf is a fairly compact variety, more or less amenable to shaping, but it needs to be started at an early stage. Lara Prince - I grew up both in a large pot as a rather large bush, and in a small, rather compact one, in the ground last year it was almost a mink. Lara Rita - as it seemed to me, the most compact zonartik that does not require shaping, but maybe it was just an impression.


Sasha, I’m sorry, but it seems to me that even “conditionally” is inappropriate here, this is a completely different variety, Eras Ylva, pay attention, the leaf is similar to the leaf of the Bold Limelight variety without a zonal ring. It’s better to ask the collector from whom you purchased what kind of variety it is; if he doesn’t tell you for sure, then it’s better to remain nameless, although it’s beautiful, of course, in its own way, that’s for sure


Natalya, thank you, my Pac Shocking Pink died before yours, this year one very wonderful girl gave me this pelargosh, and I am very grateful to her for it.


Sasha, does this variety have large caps? And the variety itself is standard or dwarf, if possible, please give your assessment of this variety.


BOLD DIAMOND WEDDING. First flowering. Fluffy with both a cap and a bush. Two more flower stalks are on the way. Leaves with a dark zone.


WENDY READ. One of the first pelargoniums that I wanted to buy. Got it. For two years, maybe more, I was proud of her. And now I’m proud of it – the most abundant flowering in huge caps, responsive to pinching. Lovely. Angelina brought me down to earth. This is NOT Wendy Read! As an expert, I trust Angelina. I asked her to inspect my small collection if possible. To the girls who purchased pelargonium from me under this name, I apologize for the unwitting forgery. I have no idea what to call my beauty now. I will still love her! I will never part! Photo from today. The hat is the size of a baby's head. The whole bush is in flower stalks.

I managed to purchase a cutting of a real Wendy Read. Descendant of Angelina Wendy. Let's see if I will be inflamed with the same love for the real one.

In the photo there is a large flower of my Wendy and two smaller ones of the real one.

Varieties of indoor plants

Geranium varieties are distinguished by their lush flowering and a wide palette of colors. Not only flowers, but also leaf blades of some varieties can have a decorative appearance.

A huge number of rosebund pelargoniums have been bred

  • Rose of Amsterdam

"Rose of Amsterdam" is one of the miniature, fast-growing varieties. Terry inflorescences are painted in white and pink shades. As the plant ages, the buds become more and more vibrant.

"Rosebud Supreme" is distinguished by rich crimson, densely double flowers with white undersides of the petals. Under proper conditions, flowering can continue year-round.

For reference! Supreme typically enters the flowering season later than similar varieties.

  • Apple Blossom

"Apple Blossom Rosebud" is one of the oldest varieties of pelargonium. It has, as the name suggests, a delicate apple green coloration with a rich pink edging.

The variety is quite whimsical and requires shading, frequent fertilization and pruning.

“Vectis Rosebud” is a miniature zonal variety with large wine-red buds and a light underside of the petals. Lush, disheveled inflorescences last a long time. The leaves are dark green.

  • Red pelargonium "Rosebud Red"

Pelargonium Rosebud Red with deep red flowers. The inflorescences are densely packed and form almost continuously throughout the year. Does not require molding.

Pelargonium with double, apricot-colored buds with a lighter, almost white edging. The leaf blades are green, darkening towards the central part.

For reference! Beverly Park - suitable for those who prefer a non-standard red color scheme.

  • Princess Mary

Compact early flowering variety. The leaves are uniform green. The inflorescences are dense, greenish-white. As they fade, the petals turn pink.

  • Rushmoor Golden Rosebud

Rushmoor Gold features bright pink flowers that are not too densely packed. The leaf blades are light, golden-green in color.

Features of reproduction

Pelargonium propagates in two ways: seeds and cuttings. We have already written about planting seeds in the article above. But as for cuttings, you need to know about the following:

  • The length of the stalk should be no less than five centimeters and no more than seven.
  • Before planting, the cuttings should be left outdoors for 24 hours.
  • It is planted only in loose, moist soil, which needs to be watered periodically.
  • The cuttings should be kept in the open air; they should not be covered with film or hidden in a dark place.
  • When the cutting takes root, it needs to be planted in a pot.

Pelargonium Andrea is a plant that, despite its capriciousness, pleases the eye of the gardener. It has a rich palette of colors and reminds everyone of their favorite tulips. You need to care for the plant carefully, then it will please the eye all year round.

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Star pelargoniums are propagated by cuttings. The seed method is rarely used at home due to the unguaranteed inheritance of parental species characteristics by plants. To put it simply, star pelargonium grown from a seed most often turns out to be an ordinary plant without the characteristic features of stellars. Next, we will consider in detail the algorithm for propagating star pelargonium by cuttings.

  1. In this case, cuttings are cut in spring or summer, using adult, well-developed uterine specimens. Keep in mind that the shoot cut for propagation must be semi-lignified, since green young shoots usually rot before they have time to take root.
  2. It is important that there are from three to five internodes and at least four leaves per cutting. The lower leaves must be removed, since this part of the cutting will be underground.
  3. After cutting, the cuttings are dried in the open air (in paper) for a couple of hours, after which they take root in the ground or in water. The latter option seems simpler, however, in this case the cuttings often rot before rooting.

  4. It is important to provide the cuttings with a warm temperature and enough light: in this case, most of the cut shoots usually take root. After 2-3 weeks the shoot gives roots, after which it can be transplanted into a separate pot.

  5. Keep in mind that the diameter of the pot for a young plant should not be too large - 7-9 cm is enough. Otherwise, pelargonium will not be able to bloom early.

Note that one specimen of pelargonium retains its decorative and healthy appearance for two to five years , so the plant population will have to be renewed regularly. It takes about one year to get a full-fledged adult, actively flowering plant from a cutting. And although cuttings rooted in spring usually bloom in the same summer, they will only be able to show their full potential the next year.

Features of home care

There are no fundamental differences in caring for tulip-shaped geraniums from other types of geraniums.


Pelargonium tulip prefers a warm atmosphere; the optimal temperature for keeping it in the summer will be 21...26 ° C

It can easily tolerate higher temperatures, but provided that the soil in the pot does not dry out. Attention! In winter, while the plant is dormant, the temperature should be lowered to 15 °C

The soil

Geranium loves fertile, loose soil that does not interfere with free gas exchange. A suitable substrate can be purchased at a flower shop or made yourself. Mix:

  • one part sand;
  • two parts of humus;
  • two parts of peat;
  • two parts of leafy soil.


It is better to add the first nitrogen complexes in the second half - end of February, shortly before the appearance of buds. To increase the flowering period, it is better to add potassium-phosphorus mineral complexes.

Immediately after transplanting into a new pot, the plant should not be fed either - fresh substrate contains enough nutrients for the development of geraniums.

Important! During the winter months, when the bush is dormant, it is strictly forbidden to apply fertilizers - this will not allow the geranium to gain enough strength to produce new flower stalks, since it will not rest in the winter.

Dry air

Pelargonium does not respond well to spraying; it is recommended to carry it out only to prevent the appearance of parasites and the development of diseases.

There is also no need to additionally humidify the air around the geranium; it receives all the moisture it needs from the soil. But watering should be done frequently (every 2-3 days) and the soil should not be allowed to dry out.


Geranium is photophilous, but does not tolerate constant contact with the sun's rays. For a good growing season, a couple of hours in the open sun is enough for it; the rest of the time, only diffused bright light should fall on the bush.

What is needed for flowering

For a bush to enjoy long-term flowering, it is important:

  1. Pick up a pot. It should be a little larger than the root system, but not too spacious, otherwise the pelargonium will devote all its efforts to filling the space of the pot with roots.
  2. Provide a loose, breathable, nutritious soil mixture.
  3. Apply fertilizing in a timely manner.
  4. Trim the bush.
  5. Give pelargonium time to rest in winter.

Pruning and shaping the bush

Pruning is carried out before the geranium begins to bloom, but no later than March, otherwise the appearance of flower stalks can be greatly delayed.

Formative pruning is usually carried out, its purpose is to form a beautiful shape of the bush. Usually the cut is made at the level of 7–8 leaves with a sterile sharp knife.

Attention! Dwarf varieties can be pinched, since they practically do not grow during the winter.


Tulip geraniums are painful to transplant, so they should not be done too often and only when it is really necessary.

For example, the pot can no longer accommodate an overgrown bush, the plant is affected by diseases or has been attacked by pests.

How to plant?

Choosing a location and lighting

Like all other representatives of pelargoniums, they love well-lit places. However, let us remember that there should, of course, be a lot of light, but you still need to hide the flower from the scorching rays of the sun. During the hot period, pelargonium is shaded using various devices. This could be a sheet of paper on the windowsill and, if we are talking about open ground, then you can use a net.

It would be good to take care of artificial lighting in winter. This way the plant will survive the winter better, and with proper care it will also delight the grower with its flowering.

Experienced gardeners strongly recommend avoiding growing this plant in the shade . Since in this case the flower does not receive all the nutritional components, and therefore does not develop fully. The first sign of a lack of light is pale and weak shoots that stretch upward. And the second sign is that the buds are not fully open.

Soil selection

In order to plant tulip pelargonium, it is best to use a ready-made substrate, which can be purchased at any flower department. But you can prepare the soil at home. To do this, you will need to take equal parts peat and garden soil. And then river sand is added to the finished mixture. This is necessary in order to make the soil more air and water permeable.

Reference! Do not forget also about the drainage layer, the height of which should be approximately 3-4 centimeters. It is best to use expanded clay stones for this.

Popular varieties

Varietal differences in tulip geraniums are based on the difference in the structure of the inflorescences.

Happy birthday

A compact plant with a straight stem and conspicuous purple buds forming a dense inflorescence. The leaves are dense, whole, with a small velvety fluff and a beautiful wavy edge.

Mrs Charles

A miniature variety with an interesting bud color - a crimson hue with small light spots on the outside of the petals. It is distinguished by its endurance and can easily endure winter in apartment conditions.

Marie Louise

This variety has beautiful glossy leaf blades of deep green color with light pubescence of yellowish fibers. The flowers are also noteworthy - pale pink with a white edging and wavy edge.

Marbacka tulpan

Marbasca tulip pelargonium is a very beautiful flower of a soft cream color. The buds are strongly curled and have a terry edge. The leaf blades are also slightly curled, have slight pubescence and teeth along the edge.

Victoria Andrea

Unpretentious, but very beautiful compact variety. It features red buds with small white streaks. The stems are straight, low, with dark green shiny leaves.

It stands out with red semi-double buds and dark whole leaves.

Patricia Andrea

Medium-sized variety with dark carved and wavy leaf blades and red-pink corollas. There are faint white veins on the outside of the petals.

Red pandora

It is distinguished by a thick and voluminous inflorescence of red-pink color. The leaf blades are solid, wavy, velvety to the touch.

Pink pandora

This variety has an unusual flower shape - a barrel. The color is light pink with burgundy veins, the inner side of the petals is noticeably darker than the outer.


This variety has barrel-shaped flowers, like Pink pandora. They are distinguished by a deep pink color, which is darker on the inside of the petal than on the outside.

Linnea Andrea

A compact bush with a beautiful purple inflorescence of 10-15 buds on a dark-colored peduncle. The leaf blades are dense, matte green, with slight pubescence.

Emma Fran Bengtsbo

Pelargonium tulip-shaped Emma is perhaps the most elegant variety. Its inflorescences are painted pastel pink and have an elegant, slightly pointed shape.

The leaf blades are slightly curled and painted in lighter shades of green than other varieties.


Pelargonium rosebud is often called geranium by gardeners. These are really plants from the same family, although they do not resemble each other either in leaves or the main decorative part.

Wild geranium can be seen in the forest. It attracts attention with its modest blue flowers. There are also special varieties for the garden with flowers ranging from white to almost black (through the red spectrum). The plant is resistant to cold.

Pelargonium is a resident of the southern regions. In Russia, it often lives indoors. Only in the summer they decorate balconies and verandas.

And even if they are planted in the ground, by the end of the warm season they are returned under the roof.

Blooms with beautiful umbrellas. You can find a green beauty with white, pink or deep red buds. It does not have blue flowers. The bush reaches a height of 80 centimeters.

The similarity between pelargonium and geranium is that they have almost identical seed pods.

Pelargonium rosebud appeared in the 19th century in Europe thanks to a mutation. The fashion for growing such wonderful roses originated in England. They were used to make bouquets. At the same time, amazing bushes were brought to Russia.

There are about 250 species of pelargonium. They are divided:

  • for hanging ones - with flexible stems that beautifully hang down or curl over surfaces;

  • zonal - straight bushes with dense foliage and small flowers;

  • dwarf - small-sized plants, most suitable for use in the home;

  • ivy hybrids that combine the properties of all three varieties.

Among the most striking and popular varieties are the following.

  • Vectis Rosebud. A miniature shrub with clusters of small bright red roses. It blooms luxuriantly for several months. Allows you to easily form a crown.

  • Pink rambler. A strong-looking bush with corrugated leaves and rich pink flowers. The petals are beautifully shaped, lighter on the inside. Easy to care for, throughout the warm season it pleases with the beauty of its buds.

  • Monseruds Rosen. Blooms with red flowers with a purple tint. Because of this color, the buds give the impression of being heavy and rich in appearance. There are also Monseruds Rosen with white specks on the petals. This variety is not easy to grow because it produces many side shoots. Crown formation requires constant attention.

  • Apple Blossom. It is a perennial bush, on the tops of which beautiful dense umbrellas of double white flowers with a pink border grow. The bush is growing quickly. It needs to be constantly trimmed. If this is not done, the shoots begin to stretch greatly, losing foliage. Because of this, the plant loses its attractiveness.

  • Supreme. It blooms late with lush red bouquets of small roses. The bush is not difficult to care for and can easily be formed into a crown.

  • Millfield Rose. Hybrid pelargonium with large pink buds collected in dense inflorescences. It is often used for landscaping because it tolerates temperature changes well. It begins to bloom in the second year of life.

  • Unicorn Zonartic Rose . It is a bush of compact size with large - up to 8 cm - double flowers of pink-red color. The variety is unpretentious, the bushes provide lush flowering.
  • Jubilee Rose. The rich purple or fuchsia petals have a texture reminiscent of corrugated paper with wavy edges. This pelargonium pleases with colorful voluminous caps of lush flowers. The plant itself looks like a strong bush with leaves close to each other.

  • Ice Rose. A bush of rich green color with shiny thick leaves. It grows slowly. White roses reach 6 centimeters in size.

  • Grainger's Antique Rose. A plant with rounded leaves characteristic of pelargonium. It blooms with unusually large roses with a silky texture, collected in beautiful caps.

  • Brookside Rosa. An unusual miniature bush of a zonal type. It has bright leaves and rich pink petals. It grows quickly and bushes. Therefore, it is necessary to trim the elongated shoots in time.

  • "Australian Pink Rosebud." A hybrid that appeared in Australia through the efforts of local breeders. The plant resembles a real bush rose and requires gentle handling. It has pink buds of the correct shape, as if they had not fully opened. Leaves of rich green color serve as an excellent frame for the roses themselves, collected in large inflorescences.

The bush looks strong, with a large number of side shoots.

  • Marbacka Rose. The plant stretches quickly as it grows, does not need pruning and does not require special efforts to maintain it in a healthy state. The fluffy flowers, collected in large clusters, have pink buds of a delicate shade, and also have a tone close to the skin tone. This pelargonium blooms almost continuously and takes root easily.

  • "Night Rose". It is a bush about 30 centimeters in height. Leaves are brown. The pink-violet buds are collected in large spherical inflorescences. If pelargonium is properly cared for, it will delight you with flowering all year round.

  • "Millfield Rose" It is a bush with voluminous and heavy-looking pale pink buds, similar to real roses. The stems of the plant are branched and have many leaves. This variety is in great demand among gardeners.

  • Bornholm. A massive bush with bright red terry, as if satin, buds, collected in beautiful brushes. The petals open slowly and not completely. But the flowers that appear delight with their appearance for quite a long time. The plant requires close attention, because if it grows too much, it will not be able to bloom.

How to properly care?

Despite all their decorativeness, pelargoniums are very unpretentious in care. It is enough just to water on time and provide the correct light conditions.


In summer, it is necessary to moisten the soil a little more often than in cold weather. More specifically, in summer pelargonium is watered approximately 3-4 times a week, in winter - only once every seven days. When moistening the soil, be sure to ensure that water does not accumulate in the pan. As soon as you discover this, immediately drain the excess liquid. Since its stagnation can lead to damage to the root system, and subsequently to the complete death of the plant.

Top dressing

Pelargonium is usually fertilized during the period of active growth and development, this occurs from early spring to mid-autumn. During dormancy, the plant does not require feeding. It is necessary to choose ready-made complexes for fertilizer; it is advisable that they be in liquid form - this will make it easier to apply them to the soil. Give preference to complexes that contain nitrogen at a minimum level. Otherwise, there will either be no flowering at all, or it will be very sparse.


Tulip pelargonium needs regular pruning and pinching of new shoots. All this is necessary in order for a beautiful, even bush to form. In addition, pruning has the following advantages:

  • lateral shoots are activated;
  • Inflorescences are formed faster and in greater numbers.

The result of pinching is the correct shape of the bush and abundance of flowering

It is also especially important not to forget to remove faded buds, as they take away nutrients from the entire plant and prevent new buds from forming

As soon as the florist notices that the buds have begun to open too wide and at the same time lose their tulip shape, such inflorescences are removed so that subsequent buds do not become “infected with similar behavior.” After removing the “wrong” inflorescences, new shoots with the correct colors will begin to grow. In general, this fact suggests that during breeding, species characteristics were poorly fixed in the plant’s genes.


It must be ventilated, since stagnant air can cause the development of diseases and pests on tulip-shaped pelargonium

However, it is important to ensure that ventilation does not turn into harmful drafts

Sometimes it happens that tulip-shaped pelargonium loses its specific characteristics and becomes an ordinary representative of its family. To avoid this, you should adhere to the following simple rules:

  1. promptly remove faded buds;
  2. regularly pinch out regrown shoots;
  3. get rid of inflorescences that acquire incorrect species characteristics;
  4. limit the plant from drafts and scorching sunlight.

Agricultural technology

The tulip flower is unpretentious and does not require special maintenance conditions, but there are requirements that must be adhered to.

The soil

Pelargonium Fischers Appleblossom

The composition of the soil is not particularly important, but it should not be clayey. Any universal primer that is sold in specialized stores will do. To make it loose, it is mixed with sand 5:2 and a small amount of wood ash is added.

At the bottom of the flower pot, be sure to place drainage from shells or small pebbles, otherwise excess moisture will accumulate, which will lead to rotting of the root system.


On a note. During the growing season, Linnea Andrea pelargonium requires light for 15-17 hours a day.

In a place where there is not enough light, pelargonium will stop blooming and quickly wither. She needs a lot of light to develop to her full potential. In winter, it is advisable to place a fluorescent lamp above it, especially if the flower pot is not on the windowsill.

In the summer, natural light is sufficient for geraniums, but it must be protected from direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will burn. The best place for a flower will be a loggia or balcony where there is enough light.

Air temperature

Pelargonium Lilian Andrea does not tolerate drafts; when ventilating the room, the flower pot with geranium should be removed from the windowsill.

Temperature conditions depend on the seasonal time of year:

  • in summer - about 25 degrees Celsius;
  • in winter – 18-19 degrees Celsius.

Important! Tulip geranium suspends the growing season when there is a sharp change in temperature. Heaters and other heat sources have a bad effect on the growth and flowering of shrubs. In addition, they provoke the development of diseases in geraniums.


An excess of moisture causes the roots of the plant to rot; if there is too little, the plant withers, stops blooming, the leaves turn pale, and brown spots appear on them. Pelargonium prefers moderately moist soil; it is watered:

  • in summer - when the air is dry, water the flower little by little, but daily;
  • In winter, it is enough to moisten the soil 2-3 times a month.

For irrigation, tap water is left to settle and added whenever the soil dries out, doing this strictly at the root, avoiding splashes on the leaves and buds.

You cannot spray the bush with a sprayer, this leads to deformation of the leaves and the appearance of spots on them. To ensure that moisture regularly reaches the root part, add a little water to the pan. Dust that has settled on the leaves is wiped with a damp cloth.


Need to know! If you feed pelargonium with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, the green part of the plant will begin to grow rapidly, and the buds will stop forming.

The soil is filled with nutrients when planting a flower, then liquid fertilizers intended for this type of plant are added 2 times a month. Any complex mixtures that contain potassium and phosphorus are suitable.

The shrub is fed intensively during the period of active flowering, when the flower has a break in budding - no more than 2 times a month.


For good development of ornamental shrubs, no special care is required. Enough:

  • comply with all of the above conditions;
  • pick off dried leaves;
  • pinch out elongated branches in time to form a beautiful plant shape.

Pinching is done before the growing season above the 6th leaf, this promotes more abundant flowering of pelargonium.


Important! During flowering, the shape of the flowers may change. Such flowers must be removed immediately. If buds of irregular shape appear again, the plant is cut off at the root and a new bush is formed.


Geraniums are propagated in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Propagating pelargonium by seeds is extremely simple and does not require much effort.

Seeds are sown in mid-winter according to the following scheme:

  • before planting, they are slightly traumatized and a cut is made on each with a knife;
  • kept in a growth stimulator for 3-4 hours;
  • spread on a clean cloth to dry;
  • prepare a shallow container, pour fertilized soil into it;
  • Seeds are placed at a distance of 4-5 cm, not immersed deep into the soil, lightly sprinkled with earth, watered and covered with film to create a greenhouse effect.

Important! As soon as 2 leaves appear on the sprout, it is transplanted into a pot to a permanent place of growth.

Cuttings of tulip-shaped pelargoniums can be done at any time of the year.

Cuttings of pelargonium are easy:

  • break off a small strong shoot on a bush, about 7 cm long;
  • place in a jar of water until roots appear;
  • the cuttings with roots are planted in prepared soil, it takes root quickly and in any conditions;
  • place the pot in a sunny place;
  • care for it like an adult plant.

Need to know! To avoid counterfeiting, you should purchase seeds of hybrid varieties of tulip-shaped pelargonium in specialized stores and nurseries.

Diseases and pests of geranium

The main danger should be expected from the eternal enemies of ordinary geranium, namely:

  • whiteflies;
  • spider mites;
  • gray rot;
  • rust;
  • mealybug.

All treatment procedures should be carried out in the first stages, otherwise the plant may die. The plant should be immediately rid of the affected parts, and in the case of scale insects, it is best to replant it in fresh soil. It is not recommended to use seeds of plants that have suffered the disease for seedlings.

Pelargonium Emma fran bengtsbo is my favorite tulip pelargonium. Some write that she is too tall, too demanding, capricious, but I didn’t notice any special features.

So, Pelargonium Emma is quite tall, but still grows as a relatively compact bush. It needs shaping, pruning, pinching, but it responds to it quite well, reluctantly it still forms and sends out side shoots. It takes root, like all tulips, rather slowly and not always successfully, but it can still be rooted. I haven’t had any sports branches on Emma yet. I didn’t notice any growing peculiarities (it’s on the west window).

But I love it for its stunningly beautiful flowers and the shape of the inflorescences. Unlike, for example, Linnea Andrea, Emma fran Bengtsbo forms many large, dense large inflorescences. The flowers have a beautiful, I would say, perfect shape - elongated tulips. The petals of tulip flowers fit tightly to each other and do not open completely either in the hellish heat or in the bright sun. The color of the petals themselves is amazing - creamy pinkish, very delicate. Pelargonium Emma fran bengtsbo is beautiful!

Pelargonium Emma fran bengtsbo

Pelargonium Emma fran bengtsbo

Pelargonium Emma fran bengtsbo

Pelargonium Emma fran bengtsbo

Add to this beauty the fact that with proper nutrition (I fed it this summer and spring with almost every watering with inorganic fertilizers) it expels 2-5 caps at once!

Emma's leaves are large and glossy green. Not as dark as some other tulips. I noticed that for some reason they like to curl up. I would say that this pelargonium is a water drinker. I watered it often and the soil was almost always dry, while other pelargoniums that I watered at the same time still had some moisture left.


Good afternoon / I am regarding the purchase of pelargonium variety Emma fran Bengtsbo or its rooted cuttings. Can you sell several with shipping to Georgia? What will be the price of one cutting + postage? If you can send to Georgia, would you like to know how the cuttings will be packaged? If it is not possible to send it to Georgia, then maybe you can at least send it to Ukraine?

Elena, hello. Oh, Georgia and Ukraine are very far away. The cuttings may not survive the long journey.

Hello. I live in Krasnoyarsk. Can you send pelargoniums here? And where can I see the catalogue? I would transfer the money right now.

oh, Krasnoyarsk is very far away. I ship only within Belarus.

What care does rosebud geranium need?

With proper care of the plant in a greenhouse or at home, pelargonium pleases with its beautiful appearance and abundant flowering.
Basic requirements for caring for rosebud geranium:

  • shading from direct sunlight;
  • moderate watering.

Violation of these rules can cause a deterioration in the appearance of the flower and a decrease in the intensity of flowering. Do not flood a houseplant with water; it may die as a result. In winter, if the plant is not in the room, it needs to create a suitable temperature regime - not lower than +10ºС.

It is best to transplant a flower in mid-spring. In the future, care will be reduced to timely moistening of the soil. You can purchase ready-made soil designed specifically for pelargoniums, or you can make it yourself.

The soil mixture should contain the following components:

Maintaining the decorative appearance of the plant requires periodic renewal, which must be carried out no later than once every 5 years.

Indoor pelargonium, if possible, can be transplanted into open ground in the spring and summer. This will allow the plant to bloom beautifully and luxuriantly in the warm season. In the fall, the geranium can be replanted in a pot and brought indoors.

Features of plant flowering

In order for pelargonium to delight you with regular flowering, you need to follow the basic rules of caring for it:

  • regularly remove dried inflorescences and leaves;
  • carry out formative pruning and pinching of the bush;
  • protect geraniums from drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • If flowers of a regular shape appear (with fully opened buds), they should be removed.

Period of activity and rest

The time of active growth for geraniums occurs at the beginning of March and lasts until autumn. When planting buds, you need to apply nitrogen fertilizer complexes. During the flowering period, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are added.

The dormant period occurs in winter. No fertilizing is applied during this time period, and the temperature in the room where the plant stands is reduced to 15 °C.

Types and shape of flowers

Flowers of tulip-shaped pelargonium are distinguished by a variety of colors, but their shape is not too different.

Usually it is a bud curled inwards with dense petals, which resembles a rosebud or a barrel. Most similarities are with tulip flowers.

Appearance Features

Many gardeners consider stellars to be the most beautiful representatives of the pelargonium family.
Along with the unusual shape of the flowers, the plants also have very decorative leaves: also of an unusual shape, reminiscent of maple. Note that the foliage of stellars can be of different colors: from standard green to chocolate, golden, red and even two or three colors. We should also talk about the flowers of this plant. Their shape most closely resembles a small star. And considering that many varieties of stellars are double, the appearance of the plant as a whole turns out to be quite exotic .

Flower propagation methods

Rosebud geranium reproduces just like any other variety. Most often, two methods are used: cuttings and sowing seeds.

Cuttings can be immediately planted in the ground

Reproduction by cuttings

This method can be used at any time of the year. For germination, lateral shoots with 2-3 leaves are cut from the bush.

A cut of the cutting is dipped in crushed activated carbon and placed in a shaded place for several hours. After this procedure, the cuttings can be placed in water to germinate roots.

Propagation by seeds

Propagation of geraniums by sowing seed material is a rather labor-intensive process. But in this case you can get many young viable plants.

The seeds are planted at a distance of 5 cm from each other, kept in a growth stimulator. A greenhouse is built over the crops, placed on a lighted windowsill, after which it is regularly ventilated and watered by spraying.

Additional Information! To speed up the appearance of sprouts, the seeds can be rubbed on sandpaper.

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