Beautiful violet Frosty Cherry (K. Morev) - photo and description


This plant variety is one of the most beautiful and rare. This is due to the fact that its flowers have the ability to change their color depending on growing conditions.

History of the variety, who bred it

Frosty cherry was bred in 2005 by the famous breeder Konstantin Morev. In order to achieve perfection, he worked on creating this uniquely beautiful variety for more than 11 years.


The Frost Cherry rosette consists of pointed, simple, oval, standard-sized leaves. The leaf blade is covered with delicate villi. As for the color of the leaves, it changes with age: young leaves are painted a soft green color, and as they get older, their color gradually changes to dark green.


The real decoration of violets of the Frosty Cherry variety are their beautiful flowers. Their diameter ranges from 4 to 5 mm. If the plant blooms for the first year, its flowers are smaller. In the second and third years of flowering it increases. The petals have a terry covering.

The color scheme is based on a rich cherry color, along the edge of which there is a wide white stripe. The central part of the flower is white. In the central part of the flower there are yellow stamens.

Differences from other varieties

A distinctive feature of the Frosty Cherry variety violet is that over time the color of the petals tends to change: sometimes it becomes saturated, sometimes it fades.

The change in color depends on many factors, for example, on the temperature of the room where the container with the plant is located: when the temperature rises, the color of the petals becomes deep red, and when the air temperature drops, the petals become pale pink.

Among the factors influencing the color intensity are also the flowering period of the plant, stability and level of lighting, and time of year.

It is also worth noting that the flowering period of violets of this variety begins quite early.

Photo of the variety “Frosty Cherry”

Growing conditions

Violet Frosty cherry is a light- and heat-loving plant. In order to achieve the flowering characteristic of plants of this variety, it is necessary to observe certain growing conditions.


To grow violets, it is recommended to use special soil, which can be purchased at a flower shop. But you can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you need to use the following components:

  • turf soil;
  • peat;
  • leaf soil;
  • needles;
  • raising agents.

If we are talking about soil that is used for rooting cuttings, to prepare it, you can mix equal parts cultivator and peat.


To grow violets, it is better to use small plastic containers. Plants do not like large diameter pots. This is due to the fact that its roots are located in the upper part of the soil. It is necessary to make small holes in the bottom of the container to allow excess liquid to drain.

Important! If there are no such holes, it is possible that excess moisture will accumulate in the soil, which will lead to rotting of the root system.


Frosty cherry is a light-loving plant: its daylight hours should not be less than 12 hours. In winter and autumn, plants need additional lighting.

If the violet does not receive enough light, its leaves gradually droop down. When direct rays of the sun hit the leaf blades, burns will form on them, which will appear in the video of brown spots.

The shape of the Frosty Cherry bush also depends on the amount of incoming light. When there is insufficient lighting, the cuttings of the leaves are stretched and turned towards the light. If there is excess lighting, they are located closer to the central part of the outlet.


This variety of violet is extremely demanding on temperature conditions. For growth and development, this figure can be within 10 – 16 degrees. For the active flowering period to begin, the room temperature should be from 20 to 26 degrees.

Important! If the temperature drops to 5 or rises above 30 degrees, the plant will simply die!

There should be no drafts in the place where the pots with violets are located. This has a negative effect on Frost Cherry blossoms.


The watering regime is no less important for violets. When overwatering, there is a high probability of death of the entire plant. If the soil ball is dry, this affects the appearance of the leaves: they wither and droop.

As for the water temperature, it should not be cold. The most optimal water for watering Frosty cherries is considered to be at room temperature.

It is necessary to water the soil along the edge of the pot. Excess liquid will flow out through the holes in the container and remain in the pan. 1 - 2 hours after watering, excess water from the pan must be drained, preventing it from stagnating.

Bush formation

In order for the Frosty Cherry to form a beautiful rosette, certain conditions must be met: sufficient lighting, moderate temperature, high-quality fertilizers, timely watering, etc.

Expert opinion

Nesterenko Ilona Mikhailovna

Florist, specialist in indoor plants. The owner of a country house with a garden and vegetable garden

Since flower stalks form in the axils of the leaves, the more leaves, the more abundantly your violet will bloom. But do not forget that much does not mean beautiful. The leaves should radiate away from the center without gaps or gaps, like tiles. Then your pet will look beautiful and well-groomed.

There is an opinion that the lower leaves need to be torn off. Yes, but only if they look painful and not aesthetically pleasing.

Also, do not forget to remove old flower stalks, while sprinkling the cut area with activated charcoal or charcoal.

Healthy! If you have formed an “incorrect” rosette, it is better to remove the leaves and give it a beautiful and correct shape. You shouldn't regret something that can't be fixed.

When trimming the lower leaves, the trunk is exposed and does not look beautiful. To avoid this, when replanting, the plant is buried in the soil to the lower cuttings.

And between transplants, new soil is sprinkled, also covering the bare trunk.

Saintpaulias “Chimera” and “Raisin” can also decorate your collection. Read more about them in the materials at the links.

Planting and propagation

To preserve maternal characteristics, Frosty cherry is recommended to be propagated by cuttings. To do this, a healthy and durable leaf is cut off at the root. Then it is placed in a cool place (refrigerator) for 2 - 3 hours. During this time, you can prepare the pot and container.

The diameter of the planting container should not be more than 6 cm. This promotes active growth of the root system.

It is better to prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing garden soil, peat and sand (3: 3: 1).

The cutting goes deep into the soil to a depth of 2 - 2.5 cm. After this, the sheet is covered with a glass jar. After 30 - 40 days, the first cutting will take root.

Tips from flower growers

Caring for the Cherry Blizzard, although not difficult, requires many nuances.
Only in this case will the plant be healthy and delight you with lush flowering. It is very important to do everything correctly from the moment the violet appears in the house.

The plant must spend the first month in “quarantine”, since the risk of infection of planting material can never be ruled out. The flower pot, as well as the soil, must be sterilized before use. It is advisable not to take soil from greenhouses and greenhouses - the likelihood of any infection in them is high.

Immediately after purchasing the Cherry Blizzard violet, it is sent to quarantine.


For normal growth and development of the Frost Cherry, it needs to be provided with certain care. Otherwise, the plant will grow slowly and the flowering period may not occur.


The plant does not tolerate waterlogged soil and drought. It is recommended to water violets as the soil dries. Excess liquid, which is removed through the drainage holes, is removed after each watering.


An adult plant must be replanted twice throughout the year. This must be done with a lump of old earth, carefully removing it from the old container.

If there are no signs of disease on the plant, the old soil is not replaced with new soil, but only added to a new pot of larger diameter.

If there is the slightest sign of disease, the old soil is carefully shaken off the root system. To disinfect the roots, I place them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 10–20 minutes.

Tips from flower growers

Caring for the Cherry Blizzard, although not difficult, requires many nuances. Only in this case the plant will be healthy and will delight you with lush flowering.

It is very important to do everything correctly from the moment violets appear in the house.

The plant must spend the first month in “quarantine”, since the risk of infection of planting material can never be ruled out. The flower pot, as well as the soil, must be sterilized before use. It is advisable not to take soil from greenhouses and greenhouses - the likelihood of any infection in them is high.

Immediately after purchasing the Cherry Blizzard violet, it is sent to quarantine.

Fertilizer and feeding

This variety of violets does not respond well to dense and overly nutritious soils. This can lead to slower growth of the plant, loss of attractiveness, and stopping the flowering process.

As a top dressing, it is better to use special fertilizers, which can be purchased at flower shops. You should not fertilize Frosty cherry more than 1 - 2 times over 30 days.

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