Minimum temperature for indoor flowers on the loggia

Many of us grow indoor flowers in our apartments. And many have balconies, although the greatest luxury for a gardener is a sunny loggia that can be turned into a blooming garden. But balcony floriculture is somewhat different from ordinary indoor flower growing and care.

First of all, on the balcony and behind the balcony, you can grow ordinary garden flowers, annuals and perennials. The range of balcony colors depends on the lighting on it (south side or, for example, east) and on the design of the balcony (closed, open). There are a number of annuals growing on the balcony of almost any orientation, even on the shady side, but the flowering will not be too abundant. But we’ll talk about garden plants on the balcony in another article.

Flowers on the balcony - an island of beauty and freshness

Spring is the time for gardens and balconies to flourish! Flowers on the balcony are not only a decoration for a single apartment, but also for the house as a whole. Most of all, many indoor flowers desire access to the balcony. In the fresh air and natural light they will become much more beautiful.

What indoor flowers can be placed on the balcony in early spring?

During the period when the air temperature at night is still sharply different from the daytime, not all indoor plants can be left “overnight” on the balcony. Subtropical plants tolerate such a change of environment most easily. These are mainly shrubs with dense leathery leaves - aralia, myrtle, laurel, oleander.

Among the blooming indoor flowers:

  1. Geranium (pelargonium). On the balcony it will bloom with lush and large white, pink, red umbrellas.
  2. Fuchsia. She looks elegant thanks to her large earrings, the variety of colors and shapes of which is simply surprising.
  3. Orchids also withstand temperature contrasts well.

When to place flowers on the balcony depends on some factors besides the air temperature.

1. Is your balcony glazed?

Not all house flowers (and annuals) tolerate drafts. For example, tropical ferns, ficus, and begonia prefer to stay in the shade and in a windless place.

2. How well lit is the balcony?

If the balcony is on the south side, then the flowers must be shaded from the sun. All winter they were under artificial light, and with a sudden change in the situation, the leaves could burn. And to prevent the roots of the plants from overheating, the pots must be placed in a box with sand.

3. If the balcony is very high and not glazed.

In this case, decorating the balcony with flowers is not the best idea. But, if you really want to, then the most suitable option is unpretentious, low-growing annuals - marigolds, marigolds.

Temperature for pepper seedlings on the balcony

The daytime temperature for pepper seedlings should be +22..+25 degrees, the night temperature - +11..+14 (slightly higher than that of tomatoes). Moreover, until the sprouts appear, it should remain within the range of +25..+28°C. After the pepper sprouts, you need to lower it to +20°C for literally 2 or 3 days, then raise it to +22..+25°C and then maintain it constantly at this figure.

On non-sunny days, it is recommended to reduce the temperature to +18..+22°C. Just like tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper seedlings need to be hardened - taken out to the balcony if the air temperature does not drop below +15°C.

How to plant flowers on the balcony

If you are lucky enough to have a large loggia, then in the summer you can make a whole greenhouse out of it.

In order for a blooming balcony to become a real decoration and a source of pride, it is necessary to take into account some rules for selecting and planting flowers.

  1. separate shade-loving flowers from light-loving flowers;
  2. take into account the nature of growth;
  3. by color;
  4. flowering time and duration of flowering;
  5. plant height.
  6. curly or ampelous.

How to choose flowers for a balcony by color

Flowers on the balcony should look beautiful not only from the side of the apartment, but also from the street. Therefore, select flowering plants in such a way that they are in harmony in color with each other and with the color of the walls of the house. Plants in the same color scheme look very beautiful.


  • Geranium has many shades of red and pink.
  • Nasturtium - from bright yellow to orange.

If such a choice seems completely boring, then to create a flower garden on the balcony, select flowers in a harmoniously contrasting color. A combination of blue and orange, yellow and purple flowers looks good, white flowers, silver ones will be combined with almost all flowers, no matter what color they are.

In spring, seedlings of balcony flowers fill all markets and hypermarkets. By purchasing flowers from seedlings, you can accurately decide on the color scheme of the future flower garden on the balcony.

Be sure to check out:

Temperature for cucumber seedlings on the balcony

You need to take cucumbers out onto the balcony only when the air temperature during the day stabilizes within the range of +22 to +28 degrees during the day and from +15 to +20 degrees at night.

There is no need to cover cucumber seedlings with film, since cucumbers usually tolerate the sun well. However, if at night the temperature drops to +15 degrees or lower, then in such a situation it is advisable to bring the cucumbers into the house or cover them with an opaque film.

Hardening of seedlings on open balconies and loggias takes place in conditions similar to those outside, and in some cases even more severe, for example, the wind is stronger on the balcony. Continue hardening off in garden plots by keeping the seedlings for two to three days on tables placed outdoors, first leaving them in the shade and then bringing them out into the sun.

On the balcony our seedlings receive more light than on the windowsill in the room. In such conditions, the plants are strong, stocky, and hardened.

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How to plant flowers outside the balcony

To begin, select boxes that are wide enough to accommodate 2 (or even 3) rows of flowers:

  • The first row, the outer one, is planted with hanging (twisting) flowers (or low-growing ones). For this you can use petunia (urban beauty), climbing geranium, and low-growing nasturtium. They bloom all summer, and nasturtiums until late autumn.
  • Second row, medium-height flowers: marigolds, carnations, gillyflower. Marigolds will delight you until the first frost.
  • If space permits, plant the third row with climbing flowers. They will rise up and create pleasant coolness on a hot day. In addition, with their beauty they will also provide protection from road soot and dust. Climbing nasturtium, sweet peas or Turkish beans will help you with this. Very often, perennial vines are planted on the balcony - virgin grapes, clematis (it is advisable to cover them for the winter).

Balcony flower boxes and pots surprise with a variety of shapes and colors, which makes the choice much easier. You can also use hanging flowerpots or original pots for balconies, which are installed without fastening.

Garden flowers for a balcony on the west/east side

According to the lighting conditions - sun in the first or second half of the day, most garden plants are suitable for eastern and western balconies.

In the most illuminated places, for example, in hanging boxes behind the balcony, you can grow flowers recommended for the south side, and shade-tolerant plants will feel good in the depths of the balcony.

The selection of colors for the east/west side can only be limited by the type of balcony and the floor on which it is located.

For an open balcony, you cannot choose plants that are afraid of drafts . In addition, strong winds can break tall plants, dry out the soil and cause moisture to evaporate from the leaves. This has a particularly negative effect on hanging species with long hanging stems. Therefore, starting from the 6th–7th floor, it is recommended to plant low-growing plants on open balconies.

Hydrangea is especially suitable for the eastern side - a beautiful plant with spectacular flowers.

A beautiful plant with large inflorescences is the best option for the western side. The choice of colors and varieties of verbena is simply huge.

Please note that this flower will require daily watering and loosening once a week.

On the western side, climbing plants will feel good : virgin grapes, dolichos, morning glory, climbing roses, hops.

On the eastern and western sides the following will grow well: petunia, sweet peas, nasturtium, calibrachoa, viola, marigolds, calendula, lobelia, gillyflower, daisies, heather, pelargonium, matthiola, asters, dahlias, etc.

Flowers on the balcony depending on the direction of the world

Flowers on a sunny balcony, south side

Light-loving flowers include petunia, leftover, geranium, snapdragon, nasturtium, and carnation. However, these flowers will also suffer from the direct scorching rays of the sun. Therefore, you will need to monitor watering especially carefully.

Balcony on the southwest or southeast side

There is sunshine here in the mornings and evenings. During the day, partial shade reigns on the balcony. In such conditions, sun-loving flowers will take root well, as well as some indoor flowers - tradescantia, chlorophytum, begonia, fuchsia. Among the annuals - fragrant tobacco, marigolds. Perhaps these are the best conditions for growing flowers on the balcony in the summer.

Balconies on the north side, or shaded by neighboring buildings

In this case, the choice of balcony colors is not large. You should not grow climbing flowers, so as not to further shade the room. To make the northern balcony a decoration, plant red pelargonium. Its large flowers will be visible from afar and will add brightness and joy. You can plant nemesia and begonia. Flowers for the northern balcony, such as mignonette, impatience, and daisies, will look good up close.

Which colors should you prefer?

To create a beautiful flower garden on your balcony, it is important to choose the right crops for planting. Balcony plants should be low-growing, resistant to frost and drought, bloom for a long time and retain bright green foliage.

Indoor plants look great on balconies, which can be taken out of the premises into the open air in summer. Fuchsia and various types of pelargonium bloom beautifully and profusely in such conditions. Pre-prepared cuttings of these indoor flowers can be rooted and planted in balcony boxes in the spring.

Many indoor flowers develop better in summer on northern balconies, but on the southern side they often suffer from overheating.

The location of the balcony plays a big role in the selection of plants. When landscaping a balcony space, the following problems may arise:

  • constant wind, strong drafts;
  • insufficient lighting (on north-facing balconies);
  • too strong sun (on southern balconies).

Flower garden on a shaded balcony

Most plants prefer bright light and grow much worse on the north side. However, there are many shade-tolerant crops that do well in partial shade or partial shade.

Of the annuals, viola, marigolds and balsams, nasturtium, tuberous begonias, ageratum, and daisies feel great on a shaded balcony. Perennials develop and grow well with a lack of light: aquilegia, primrose, astilbe, doronicum. They are planted in deep containers. And in winter, in mild climates, they insulate it and leave it for next year. But in regions with frosty winters, plants on the balcony may freeze; it is better to move them to the basement. The design of the flower garden can be supplemented with ivy and shade-loving host.

Decoration of sunny balconies

It is quite difficult to grow plants on southern balconies. Most of them cannot tolerate high temperatures and scorching sun. The soil in pots dries out instantly, even if you water the flowers abundantly in the morning and evening.

Sunny balconies should be landscaped with drought-resistant species and succulents that can accumulate moisture in their leaves. Purslane and kermek (statice) tolerate heat best. Nasturtium, sweet pea, and thunbergia respond normally to exposure to sunlight. From flowering plants you can try growing ageratum, pelargonium, and matthiola. Some indoor plants feel good on sunny balconies: yucca, laurel, dracaena, aloe, agave, cacti.

Geranium loves heat and sun very much, it develops well on southern balconies, and plants placed nearby are not attacked by spider mites.

Plants for balconies with strong winds

To ensure that the plants are stable and do not fall, gardeners place large, heavy stones on the bottom of the planting containers, and group the containers, securing them together and tying them to the balcony railings.

Plants with dense, fleshy leaves, flexible shoots, and basket-like inflorescences are suitable for decorating ventilated balconies. You can plant ivy, rudbeckia, Mexican ageratum, calendula, verbena and begonia, gazania, and daisies on such a balcony.

Which indoor flowers love shade and which ones love sun?

Some indoor plants are afraid of direct sunlight; these must be shaded. These are, for example, dracaena, ferns, ivy, fittonia, zamioculcas, spathiphyllum, anthurium, violet. This does not mean that the listed plants need to be completely isolated from the sun - simply providing them with diffused light is enough.

For some plants, contact with direct sunlight can cause severe sunburn. These are, for example, orchids of the genus Phalaenopsis.

In contrast, cacti, ficus, aloe, chlorophytum, dieffenbachia, monstera and crassula tolerate the sun very well.

Houseplant lovers claim that plants that love the sun generally have dense, thick leaves.

Temperature for tomato seedlings on the balcony

The optimal temperature for growing tomato seedlings on the balcony is from +23 to +26 degrees in the morning and from +16 to +18 degrees at night. In the first few days, it is recommended to cover the seedlings with a transparent film so that the tomato can get used to direct sunlight.

If, after taking the plant out to the balcony, a light purple coating has formed on the leaves, then the seedlings should be immediately brought into the house or into some warm room, since a change in color indicates mild frostbite, which can negatively affect the health of the tomatoes.

How to feed indoor flowers and treat them against pests

Fertilizing plants usually alternates with their processing: the interval between them should be at least 10 days. One treatment with anti-pest drugs over the summer will be quite enough. Plant leaves can be treated with green soap two or three more times. Fertilizer feeding is carried out once every two to three weeks, depending on the intensity of the product chosen for this purpose. As practice shows, in this regard it is better not to engage in amateur activities and choose proven products from manufacturers created for a specific group of plants, focusing on the price that you can afford.

Aspirin for indoor flowers: watering

All housewives must sometimes think about how to increase the durability of flowers. How to increase their life and help them grow up beautiful, big and healthy. However, few people know that to grow healthy flowers it is not necessary to purchase expensive fertilizers. Most of them can be found freely at home! The secret to a beautiful garden or indoor greenhouse is proper feeding of your plants. There are a large number of simple and inexpensive remedies that can help revive flowers and make them produce new leaves and buds. Aspirin comes first. For indoor flowers, this is a multifunctional remedy for maintaining their immunity. Aspirin - acetylsalicylic acid - can be bought at any pharmacy at a minimal price. Few people know that it can be used not only for its intended purpose - for therapeutic purposes, but also as a folk remedy for healing, stimulating the growth and formation of new buds in indoor flowers. Read our article on how to water flowers with aspirin.

What indoor plants can be taken outside (to the balcony)

There are a number of indoor plants that can be taken out onto the balcony or even outside in the summer - and they will calmly continue to live and develop without any harmful consequences for them. These include ficus Benjamin, aspidistra, boxwood, crassula, aloe, Kalanchoe, begonia, primrose, hydrangea, hibiscus, azalea.

Indoor plants that do not tolerate drafts include spathiphyllum and some types of orchids.

Some plants are quite capable of living on the balcony in the summer, but it is better not to take them outside. These are anthurium, arrowroot, monstera, zamioculcas, dracaena.

Indoor plants and flowers in apartments. Summer move to the balcony

Greetings to all admirers of various green spaces and not only them. Today we’ll talk about indoor plants and flowers in apartments , or rather, moving them to a balcony or loggia for the summer.
There is no reason for them to be beautiful and tormented by stuffiness. I have already written a general article - “Balcony. What is it and why do we even need it? It talks about beautiful balconies, their landscaping, order, cleanliness, and so on. But, regarding the topic of landscaping and improvement of balconies and loggias, I would like to continue this topic a little.

Many people have flowers in their apartment, and they also have a balcony or loggia, so why not combine these two concepts. Why should flowers and indoor plants languish on windowsills, in the sun, and even in a stuffy apartment? Everyone goes to the balcony, or “almost everything.” That's what we'll talk about.

If you left, but the flowers remained...

How to organize watering of indoor plants during vacation, when they are left to their own devices because the owners are not at home?

Firstly, you need to first follow several rules.

About two weeks before departure, refrain from fertilizing your houseplants, as flowers will require more moisture than usual immediately after fertilizing.

Two days before the flowers are left alone at home, cut off all their buds and flowers: they take away moisture.

The day before, remove the plants from the windowsill and place them in a cool part of the room close to each other, if possible providing them with a temperature of 18 to 23 ° C - this will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil in the pots.

There are several ways to keep the soil in your pot moist while you're away.

You can water your indoor flowers well before leaving, so that a little water remains in the pan.

Flowerpots with plants can be removed from the tray and immersed in a basin of water so that its level reaches approximately half of the pot. However, with this method you risk exposing the roots of the flowers to rotting, and the flowers themselves to the pests that may appear as a result of this procedure. Wet drainage under the flowerpot has the same effect.

Storing flowers in a flower shop. Methods for storing flowers

During long-term dry cold storage of flowers at a temperature of 0...1°C at the barely colored bud stage, it is necessary to tightly close the packaging bags to better isolate the flowers from the external environment. If flowers are stored in the stage of half-dissolution and full dissolution at a higher temperature (2...10 ° C), on the contrary, holes are made in the bags for gas exchange and removal of moisture and ethylene released by the flowers.

The best result during storage is obtained if you create a stepwise temperature regime, i.e., gradually move from cold storage conditions to room ones. In this case, it is advisable to place the flowers either in another refrigeration chamber with a temperature of up to 10 ° C, or in a sorting department (basement) with a temperature reduced to 10 ... 15 ° C, increased relative humidity (70 ... 90%) and natural or forced ventilation .

During storage, various damage to flowers is often observed, especially when the temperature drops below the freezing point, which for most plants is in the range from minus 2 to minus 0.5 ° C.

Cut flowering shoots of most types of flower crops can be stored in a horizontal position, except for those that can change the shape of the stem in this position (gladioli, snapdragons).

Wet cold storage

Cut flowers can be successfully stored not only dry, but also wet and cold. For example, wet cold storage of cloves is possible for up to 30 days at a temperature of 0-1˚C in solutions containing: boric acid and adenine - 0.2 g/l each, sugar - 50 g/l or succinic, oxalic and ascorbic acid - each 0.2 g/l, HMC (maleic acid hydrazide) – 0.05 g/l, sugar – 50 g/l.

At the same time, the life expectancy of flowers after storage increases, compared to storing flowers in clean water, from three to ten days. The main component of nutrient solutions is sugar, which serves as an energy source for metabolism in cut flowers.

Flowers cut in buds require more sugar, while flowers that are fully open require less. Such a long period of flower life after storage is also explained by the fact that under the influence of solutions of the specified composition in plant tissues, the water content increases (from 82 to 84%). In addition, the processes of breakdown of protein substances in plant tissues are slowed down.

When storing in a wet manner, shelves are installed in refrigeration chambers on which vessels with grates are placed to support the stems.

To prolong the decorative effect of flowers after cold storage, the use of preparations such as “Bud” and “Bud-2” is also effective. This increases the safety of cut carnation flowers by more than two times, narcissus and tulip by two and one day, respectively, roses and chrysanthemum by three and four days.

However, the life span of cut flowers after storage in solutions of this composition is shorter, six and four days, respectively.

Cold wet storage of carnation flowers can be carried out at a temperature of 0...1°C and in clean water without compromising their decorative qualities, but not more than 15 days.

Longer storage in water without nutrient solutions contributes to the disruption of water balance and metabolism in plant tissues and causes rapid withering of flowers. For example, after storing flowers in cold water for 30 days, their life expectancy is only two days, and after the same storage for 45 days, the flowers die on the same day.

At the same time, long-term wet cold storage of carnation flowers (up to 45 days) is still possible. To do this, flowers must be placed in a solution of the drug “Bud” or “Bud-2”. The lifespan of flowers after storage in such conditions is five and a half and six and a half days, respectively.

Moving rules

Be careful, aphids!

Warm spring, sunny summer - the time of awakening of nature. However, not only beautiful flowers wake up, but also their numerous pests. They penetrate apartments even through open windows, and there is no need to talk about unglazed balconies. Watch the plants - aphids and spider mites can settle on them. The best way to prevent such troubles is to take a regular shower: from time to time, bring plants into the house and rinse them in the bathroom with water. This procedure is replaced by abundant spraying in the morning and evening.

Be careful, aphids!

Warm spring, sunny summer - the time of awakening of nature. However, not only beautiful flowers wake up, but also their numerous pests. They penetrate apartments even through open windows, and there is no need to talk about unglazed balconies. Watch the plants - aphids and spider mites can settle on them. The best way to prevent such troubles is to take a regular shower: from time to time, bring plants into the house and rinse them in the bathroom with water. This procedure is replaced by abundant spraying in the morning and evening.

From +15 in the morning. Many indoor plants need to be moved out of apartments and into fresh air in the summer. However, the climate of our homes is very different from the weather conditions outside. You need to get accustomed to the “wild” reality gradually. We take out the flowers when the temperature outside the window reaches a stable +15 °C in the morning.

We start with a walk. At first, indoor plants cannot be on the open balcony around the clock. They need to be taken out for a “morning walk” and brought back into the house at noon. After all, it is at this time that the sun is too active and can harm plants that have become weaned from bright light over the winter.

Spring nights are also dangerous for indoor flowers - they are still too deceptive and not warm enough. In addition, flowers do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, which are typical just for the beginning of spring (and then for autumn).

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On the picture:

Pots on mobile stands help to move plants from the house to the balcony “for a walk” (with the onset of spring), from the balcony to the house (on cold nights), or into the shade (from the scorching midday sun).

Ready to move! Starting with a few hours a day, we increase the time spent in the fresh air to a full day. But only after the difference between day and night temperatures is minimal.

Create a shadow. While plants can be accustomed to the coolness of the night, the bright midday sun becomes more and more dangerous as summer approaches. To protect green pets, the possibility of shading should be provided: using curtains, blinds, curtains. Open sunny balconies can support succulents, palm trees, yuccas, hibiscus, and citrus fruits. However, in this case it is better to play it safe and create a shadow.

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On the picture:

On the balcony, on the loggia with the winter garden, the possibility of shading the plants should be provided in order, if necessary, to protect them from the hot rays of the sun.

Return to the apartment. You need to bring plants indoors depending on the weather (as soon as it drops below +15° at night). It is difficult to name the exact month of “return”: some years August will be cold and rainy, but it can be warm at the end of September. Not only the cold, but also prolonged rains cause damage to plants: during this “wet” period, fungal spores multiply. After returning the plant to the apartment, be sure to strengthen the immune system of the patient. For autumn processing it is better to use Zircon.



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Whom to take out?

Ideal plants for the balcony. The list of indoor plants that can and should be used to decorate a balcony is quite large. For example, these are subtropical palms, yuccas, orchids, indoor roses, oleanders, hydrangeas, bougainvilleas, citrus fruits, clivias, laurels, myrtles, indoor pomegranates, euonymus, hibiscus.

They do not care. They feel equally comfortable in the warm season both at home and on the balcony: aloe, sansevieria, dracaena, pelargonium, fuchsia, zamioculcas.

They do not like moving from home to street: Uzambara violets and many types of cacti.

  • 1 of 1

On the picture:

Plants for the balcony look stylish in standardized pots. And if these are special pots with a reservoir for storing water, the normal well-being of the plants even during the absence of the owners is ensured: the upper part of such a pot contains soil with the plant, and the lower part is filled with water that feeds the plant through nylon tubes.

At what temperature do cut roses freeze? Storing dormant seedlings

Dormant seedlings must be stored at temperatures from -4° to 3°. When such conditions are created, the rose will be dormant and will remain perfectly preserved until spring.

Depending on the grower’s capabilities, you can use a cellar, basement, loggia or refrigerator for storage. Below we will look at each option in more detail.

Cellar or basement

Before lowering seedlings into the basement of a house or cottage with a low positive temperature or cellar, they must first be properly prepared. If you purchased roses with an open root system, then all the roots need to be carefully examined, damaged and rotten areas should be cut out, and the sections should be treated with brilliant green.

We suggest you read: How to properly grow onions in the country

After this, the seedlings are wrapped in paper or newspapers and placed in a plastic bag, which must have holes for air access. During storage, planting material must be periodically checked and not allowed to dry out or become waterlogged.

Loggia or balcony

With this storage method, seedlings are processed in the same way as before placing them in the cellar or basement of the house. After this, they are wrapped in paper, wrapped in plastic bags and placed in cardboard boxes, which can then be placed on a loggia or glazed balcony, where a low positive temperature is maintained throughout the winter.


If you plan to keep a small number of seedlings, 1 or 2, until spring, then you can use a refrigerator for these purposes. Preparing roses for such storage is carried out in the same way as for storing them in a cellar at home or on a loggia. The planting material, processed and packaged accordingly, is placed in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, usually at the most suitable temperature for storage.

To what temperature can indoor flowers be kept on the balcony?

Every gardener who dreams of having his own greenhouse at home is looking forward to the warm season to bring his flower garden to the balcony. Indeed, in conditions of fresh air and good ventilation, as well as a sufficient amount of sunlight, almost all indoor ornamental plants feel great. But it is important to remember to what temperature you can keep flowers on the balcony, and with the arrival of autumn, send your home garden back “to winter quarters” in time, i.e. bring it into warm rooms on the usual windowsill.

Spicy herbs, vegetables and herbs on the balcony

In addition to garden flowers and indoor plants, you can grow herbs and greens - mint, rosemary, basil, sage, thyme, dill, parsley, etc. They are decorative and unpretentious. The leaves of many of them have different colors, which allows you to create colorful compositions of plants. A garden of spices and herbs can be placed even on a small balcony.

There are special varieties of vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc., which grow well on open and glazed balconies.

Plants in the balcony garden require careful care, especially fruit-bearing ones . They need to be watered frequently and in a timely manner and periodically fed.

If not cared for properly, plants can become sick; you can read about flower diseases here.

Now you know what flowers to plant on the balcony, depending on the side of the lighting. Decorating a balcony with flowers is always beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

By choosing the right plants and putting in a little effort, you can create a cozy corner of wildlife on your balcony that will delight you with its beauty from early spring to late autumn!

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All three windows of my apartment face the sunny side and this creates a big problem for me in growing indoor and balcony flowers. I solved this problem a long time ago. For about 15 years I have been constantly planting hanging petunias, or hydrangeas, and in my opinion, these are ideal flowers that delight me all summer until late autumn and do not require special care, except good watering in the evening and, of course, early spring planting in good peat soil. Which No matter how hot the sun is in the summer, my balcony is always fragrant with lush flowers, which pleases both me and passers-by.

What factors influence the “wintering” time of indoor plants?

There is no definite answer to what temperature you can keep flowers on the balcony - a lot here depends on various factors:

  • region of residence (northern or southern);
  • climate features, time of season change, average daily temperatures in the region;
  • the cardinal direction the balcony faces;
  • type and nature of plants (heat-loving, cold-resistant, light-loving, shade-loving, etc.);
  • presence/absence of glazing and additional heating of the balcony/loggia.

It is known that the region of residence is one of the important factors on which the characteristics of weather, climate, average daily temperatures and other data important for crop production depend. For example, if in the northern regions of Russia summer comes later, then in the south stable warm weather comes almost in April, which will allow a lover of exotic indoor plants to put his home garden on the balcony without fear of frost. Therefore, it is important to know the average annual temperatures in the region where you live.

The side of the world is another important indicator that affects the time of transferring plants from the room to the balcony. For northern and western loggias/balconies, even in summer there may not be enough sun, and in early spring the temperature in the shade will be lower than in the sun. This must be taken into account when planning to move indoor flowers to the balcony, as well as bring them back into the room.

And the last determining factor that influences when to bring flowers into the room or take them out to the balcony is the presence/absence of glazing and heating. It is clear that glazed balconies are safer in terms of temperatures, and if you have combined a loggia with a room and installed an underfloor heating system (“warm floors”) everywhere, then the question of when to move the plants disappears altogether.

But a standard city apartment has either a glazed or unglazed balcony or loggia. Consequently, the air temperature outside will have a direct effect on the plant.

We are planning to move

When the temperature drops to +10 degrees or below, you must immediately bring flowers into the house
. When planning to move pets from the balcony to the apartment, you should consider some factors that influence the growth of indoor flowers:

  • Region - it is very important what weather is typical in autumn for the specific region in which you live. In some regions of our country, stable night frosts begin already in early September, while in the southern regions the warmth remains until the beginning of November. The time for bringing indoor flowers from the balcony to a protected place directly depends on these climatic features of certain regions.
  • Resistance of plants to lower temperatures - not all green pets react negatively to lower temperatures, because indoor plants are divided into two types: heat-loving and cold-resistant. Therefore, it is important to divide existing indoor plants into groups according to resistance to cold, planning to bring pots of flowers into the house at different times. Of course, not a single house plant can survive on the balcony in winter, so it is important not to miss the moment when bringing flowers to a protected place.

You should not experiment with plants and keep them on the balcony when the temperature drops at night to +10 - +12C.

Many gardeners are wondering when to plan to move flowers from the balcony to a warm room? The answer is very simple - you need to add it depending on the prevailing weather conditions and climate zone.

It is advisable to bring heat-loving palm trees into the house as soon as possible

At what temperature should tropical plants be removed from the balcony? Pots are brought in when the night temperature drops to +12 C. Subtropical crops can be left outside until the first frost; lemons and tangerines even benefit from some cooling, which helps the formation of new buds.

Cacti and other succulents tolerate this temperature very well, but heat-loving decorative foliage and flowering indoor plants can suffer significant damage.

Temperature range for plant life on the balcony

The standard temperature range in which you can safely keep plants on a balcony without glazing is -10 – +40°C. Below -10°C it is not recommended to keep any plants, even cold-resistant ones, on the balcony. Most types of ornamental plants, especially exotic ones and flowering ones, are very sensitive to cold and may die. But this does not mean that they need to be kept under a cap, like the rose from The Little Prince. On the contrary, moderate cold may even be beneficial for some plant varieties and species. For example, for citrus fruits, slight cooling promotes the formation of fruit ovaries. Coniferous plants also feel great at -10°C.

Typically, you need to bring plants from the balcony into the room in the fall. The exact period of time is determined individually, based on daily temperatures in the region. For central Russia, temperatures down to -10 degrees are reached in late October – early November. For northern latitudes, the first frosts can begin as early as the middle of the first autumn month. For the southern regions, you can keep flowers on the balcony almost until the onset of calendar winter.

It should be remembered that the air temperature on the thermometer is not the only indicator that determines how many degrees you can keep plants on the balcony. On a glazed balcony, the temperature is usually 4-5°C higher than outside, so if the thermometer shows -10°, then the plants in the loggia will be warmer - -5°C. But for open balconies this principle does not work.

The most popular plants for balconies

When decorating balconies, special attention should be paid to the compatibility of colors and shades. Compositions made up of 2-3 primary colors and complemented by halftones look best. The task of selecting plants according to color scheme is very easy to cope with, because the choice of low-growing and climbing crops for growing on balconies is huge.


  • Verbena. A low-growing plant with beautiful, albeit small, fragrant flowers, its appearance resembles a primrose. It loves moisture and responds well to fertilizing.
  • Petunia. The herbaceous annual, up to 25 cm high, is distinguished by abundant, long-lasting flowering, lasting until November. The peculiar bright flowers of petunia often become a decoration not only for the balcony, but also for the garden. Flower growers who grow these flowers in the country can give valuable advice on keeping petunia in balcony boxes.
  • Allisum white (honey). An annual plant about 20 cm high, it blooms throughout the summer with small snow-white flowers that exude a honey aroma.
  • Godetia. A beautiful annual that is often used to decorate flower beds and balconies. Large godetia inflorescences can be of different colors: white, red, pink. If faded buds are cut off in time, the plant will bloom again. The main growing conditions are bright diffused light or partial shade, fertile soil, good moisture. This is a frost-resistant plant that blooms early and delights with its inflorescences until the frost.

Petunias do not take root on balconies with constant drafts.


Climbing plants for the balcony will help to green the space and create a cozy green corner. The main thing is to make supports for them. For this you can use:

  1. thin and durable cords;
  2. frame made of slats;
  3. fine wire mesh
  4. metal rods.

Climbing plants are planted in deep and wide boxes (both sizes 25–30 cm) about a meter long. The soil must be fertile and light at the same time. The soil substrate can be purchased at the store or prepared independently by mixing equal amounts of leaf and turf soil and sand. To ensure good drainage, a layer of expanded clay should be placed on the bottom of the box.

The list of balcony climbing plants is extensive, but some species are especially popular among gardeners.

On northern balconies, climbing crops should be placed so that they do not block the light.

  • Clematis. A beautiful climbing and abundantly flowering plant is best grown on closed balconies located on the east or south side. Containers with planted plants should be placed in trays and ensure that water does not stagnate in them. Basic care consists of abundant watering, loosening and mulching the soil.
  • Morning glory (farbitis). A fast-growing annual plant with large flowers (up to 12 cm), it is not very demanding in terms of growing conditions; it likes abundant watering and sunlight. Flowering of most varieties lasts from July to September, and blue morning glory is decorated with beautiful buds until late autumn. Morning glory can be sown in a permanent place already in April - it is not afraid of frost.
  • Sweet pea. A fast-growing annual with fragrant, attractive flowers and shoots reaching 2–3 m in length. There are also low-growing varieties whose shoot length does not exceed 60–90 cm. Sweet peas are also cold-resistant species. It is better to sow peas directly into balcony boxes, since they do not tolerate transplantation well. To make the plant lush, the top of the shoot above the third pair of leaves needs to be pinched.
  • Maiden's grapes. A perennial plant that is grown in very deep (65 cm) and wide (60 cm) boxes. Regular fertilizing and updating the soil in containers every 2 years is important for the crop.
  • Nasturtium. The climbing crop blooms 40–50 days after sowing. Flowering lasts until frost. But on southern balconies or with insufficient watering, the plant may bloom by September. To have a lot of flowers, the soil does not need to be fertilized. Otherwise, abundant flowering will be replaced by lush greenery.

Mixed flower arrangements in balcony boxes, made up of annuals and perennials, will be a magnificent decoration for a balcony or loggia. Flower beds look especially impressive, in which each plant contrasts with its surroundings in shape and color. And if you choose the right crops according to their flowering time, you can admire the bright colors from the beginning of summer until the cold weather.

: How many degrees can they still withstand a drop in temperature? It is really necessary to bring flowers from the balcony into enclosed spaces on time.

Many indoor flowers are heat-loving and will not withstand wintering on the balcony

The magnificent flowering of plants on the balcony continues for a long time; often the riot of colors in the balcony boxes does not fade away throughout the first month of autumn. But night and daytime temperature changes begin to negatively affect plants, and some indoor plants begin to prepare for winter.

If you do not bring boxes with geraniums (pelargonium) into a warm room on time, then perennial plants begin to behave like annuals - their growth stops, their leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. When the location changes, plants caught in heat have a very difficult and long recovery, losing almost all their leaves.

Temperature changes in autumn also have a negative effect on catharanthus, hibiscus and other heat-loving plants.

Several rules for caring for plants in the off-season

In order to maintain the health of indoor plants, their ability to bloom and bear fruit, it is not enough just to maintain the temperature regime. Many growers worry about overcooling their flowers, forgetting that too high temperatures can also be detrimental to their green friends. Few indoor plants tolerate heat well, and direct sunlight is undesirable for most of them. Heat-resistant species include hibiscus, which blooms at temperatures of +50, bougainvillea, dracaena and other plants of tropical origin.

The rest of their brethren wither and die under the influence of high temperatures, begin to fade quickly, stop blooming, and darken their foliage. Therefore, if the housewife did not bring a pot of ficus or violet back into the house on time during a hot afternoon, then she should be prepared to lose her favorite flower.

As for watering, you also need to be very careful here. Moist soil after abundant irrigation has a lower temperature than the air. When the daily temperature outside decreases, and even more so with the onset of the first frost, abundant watering of the pot can lead to the death of the root system. But even during the heat, it is undesirable to water the plants abundantly, especially if drops of water fall on the leaves and trunk: they act like lenses and can cause sunburn in plants. Therefore, when caring for indoor flowers while they are “resting” on the balcony, you should always be careful and attentive.

What are the dangers of hypothermia?

When temperatures drop, flower pots experience severe cooling at night, this is especially scary for plants that have been watered abundantly.

Cold soil often leads to the death of the root system. The roots do not supply the plant with moisture, so it slowly dies. In this case, re-rooting a home flower will help, for which a warm room will be a relief from the cold.

Another danger with sharp fluctuations in night and day temperatures is the disease of indoor flowers with powdery mildew. This dangerous fungal disease develops under negative stressful conditions for growing indoor plants.

A coating appears on the leaves in the form of spilled flour, under which part of the leaf turns brown and dries out. It is difficult to get rid of the disease; you will need to promptly remove the flowers from the balcony and treat them with special preparations (Topaz; Oxychom).

A strong drop in temperature at night (frost) can lead to the death of the above-ground parts of indoor flowers (frostbite).

In this case, overwatered specimens, which are watered at night and very generously, suffer greatly. Restoring frostbitten leaves is impossible; the bushes will lose their decorative appearance for a long time; radical pruning of the damaged parts may be required.

Treating balcony plants against diseases and pests

Diseases and pests are just as dangerous for balcony plants as they are for garden plants. Weakened immunity, crowding, dry air or, on the contrary, constant drafts and humidity - these and other factors lead to the fact that the flower becomes defenseless against spider mites, aphids, thrips or root rot. The risk of infection is especially acute for flowers on an unglazed balcony.

To reduce this risk, inspect your plants regularly, especially the lower parts of the leaves. Monitor the reaction to watering and fertilizing. At the first signs of pest damage, isolate the plant from other flowers and spray it with a soap solution (30 g of soap per 1 liter of water). If signs of disease appear, quarantine the flower and use more serious chemicals - insecticides, acaricides or fungicides according to the instructions.

Shade-loving and for the north side

It happens that a loggia or balcony is located in the shade of other buildings or on the north side. This doesn't mean you can't plant beautiful flowers there. In the shade, balsam, fuchsia, begonia, ivy, mimulus, cyclamen and others (lobelia, pansy, astilbe, dicentra) feel at ease. On the north side you can grow nasturtium. There are plenty to choose from!


The flower can grow on the sunny side, and will bloom in the shade until cold weather sets in. But for the shadow side, it is advisable to choose soft light pink or white flowers. For the winter, balsam needs to be brought into the house. Propagated by cuttings - just cut a piece of the stem and plant it in the ground. The cuttings will quickly take root without first soaking in water.

Care instructions


  • absolutely unpretentious to the soil ;
  • grows quickly, easily tolerates pruning and replanting;
  • ideal for growing in boxes.


  • the root system grows quickly, so periodically it needs to be replanted into a larger pot;
  • needs frequent, abundant watering .

Once every 2 weeks, it is advisable to fertilize the balsam with liquid fertilizer for flowering plants.

If the crown has lost its splendor, you can radically trim the flower and it will put out buds again.


A highly decorative flower, suitable for growing in hanging pots. Ideal for small and shaded balconies. Blooms from spring to autumn .

Advantages of fuchsia:

  • original shape and color of inflorescences;
  • unpretentious;
  • shade-tolerant , but if it is completely dark in your place, then you should think about buying a fluorescent lamp;
  • compact;
  • It tolerates acidic soil normally (this is rare for flowers).

Rules of care

  • Water regularly as it dries, but do not overwater the flower, otherwise it will drop all its buds.
  • Don't move the fuchsia pot - she doesn't like it.
  • The roots of the plant are sensitive to overheating, so it should not be kept in the sun.
  • For lush flowering, fuchsia needs to be fed (for example, with the drug “Bud”).

Roots sensitive to overheating are the main drawback of fuchsia. The optimal temperature for it is 16-22°C.

Since the plant has delicate roots, bait must be combined with watering.


An unpretentious flower that is easy to grow from seeds. There are low-growing and hanging varieties (reach 1.5-3 m in length). Climbing nasturtium can not only fall down, but also rise up, forming a beautiful living carpet on the wall.

Thanks to the variety of varieties and colors, nasturtium alone can create a lush flower garden on the balcony. Combines with calendula, zinnia, sage, marigold, cherry tomatoes.

Care instructions

Nasturtium, or capuchin, does not tolerate the scorching rays of the sun , although it loves light. Therefore, it is often planted on the north and north-west side.

Blooms continuously until frost , subject to regular watering and fertilizing.

Usually the capuchin is grown as an annual, but in an insulated extension it can live for several years.

There are about 80 species, the most popular of which are large or May nasturtium. There are dwarf varieties and long “vines”.

Benefits of the flower:

  • shallow root system, therefore ideal for growing in small pots ;
  • It blooms on the balcony earlier than in the open ground;
  • It blooms magnificently and variedly, has a light pleasant aroma;
  • actively used in folk medicine and even cooking.

Let's dwell on this point in more detail. Nasturtium leaves and flowers are added to salads (they are rich in vitamin C and improve digestion). The green seeds are pickled to create a delicacy similar to capers. An infusion of dried nasturtium flowers is used to strengthen the heart and is used for bronchitis.

Note! Nasturtium seedlings are very fragile, so when transplanting, transfer them to a permanent pot with a lump of earth. Do not use nitrogenous fertilizers - they increase the vegetative part and make the flowers smaller.


Begonias are bulbous plants artificially bred from several wild ancestors native to South America. They delight their owners with a variety of flower colors and decorative leaves. It is no coincidence that begonia is called the “queen of terraces and balconies .

Like nasturtium, it grows well on the north side , in shade and partial shade . Can be grown on the north, east and west sides.

Blooms from July until the first frost in October. With good care and on a glazed balcony, it can bloom from the end of May.

There are miniature species up to 25 cm and tall ones with thick stems and large flowers, reaching 60 cm, as well as hanging varieties.

Rules of care

  • Fertile acidic soil.
  • Good drainage and regular loosening.
  • Intensive watering (in the mornings and evenings in summer).
  • Warmth (tubers are very sensitive to low temperatures).
  • Fertilizer with special compounds for begonias.

Protect the flower from aphids, snails, powdery mildew and other pests.


A flower that will delight the eye with bright yellow and red flowers even in the absence of sun. Flowering occurs in June-July (sometimes even from the end of May). In August, only green twigs remain.

Mimulus is also called gubastik because of the whimsical appearance of the inflorescences. The sponge spreads along the ground, but some species are erect and stretch up to 70 cm.

Growing conditions and care

  • Loose sandy soil with a neutral pH level.
  • Partial shade (in the open sun the leaves will burn and dry out).
  • For intensive branching, remove wilted shoots and pinch.
  • Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers twice a month.
  • Water abundantly in summer (but do not overwater, so as not to attract slugs and snails, which are not averse to feasting on the sponge).

Tolerant of light frosts.

To avoid waterlogging, the soil in the pot can be mulched with sawdust.

After the flowering period in August (or earlier), cut off any wilted shoots. By autumn, mimulus will bloom again.

Plants propagate well by self-sowing and also by cuttings.

climbing plants

The good thing about vines is that they can be used to easily create a green oasis on the balcony. They grow quickly and densely, creating the illusion of a gazebo. In open extensions, climbing plants perform several functions at once:

  • natural shading;
  • slight decrease in temperature in hot weather;
  • protection from dust and exhaust gases;
  • hiding what is happening in the apartment and on the balcony from prying eyes;
  • beautiful design of the balcony inside and out;
  • masking architectural defects.

Climbing plants usually do not need a lot of soil (except for hops, clematis and a few others). Among them there are both annuals and perennials, flowering and decorative foliage species. The latter are less whimsical; the flowering ones require more care.

When growing climbing plants, it is important to provide them with good support. For annuals, it is enough to buy an inexpensive net that is hung on the wall above the pot. You don’t mind throwing it away so that at the end of autumn you don’t have to worry about unraveling dried shoots.

Sweet pea

A beautiful climbing herbaceous annual with delicate bright flowers. The lashes of some varieties reach 3 m. They quickly entwine the support, creating a fragrant green mantle. Blooms all summer until the first frost.

Another name for sweet pea is sweet pea. This is a very aromatic plant, of which there are more than a hundred varieties.

The fragrant china is not particularly demanding to care for , but there are still some nuances.

Rules for planting and care

  1. Sweet pea sprouts are planted at intervals of at least 25 cm.
  2. Young peas grow best in diffused lighting conditions.
  3. The annual plant should not be watered (watering 1-2 times every 7 days).
  4. To stimulate flowering, immediately pick off spent inflorescences. Then fruits will not form in their place.
  5. It is advisable to spray the plant and periodically loosen the soil.

Climbing varieties up to 2.5-3 m high are most suitable for creative vertical gardening . As they grow, they produce many antennae that cling to supports. The most popular varieties in this category:

  • Winter Elegance
  • Royal
  • Galaxy

Low-growing varieties reach a height of 20 to 45 cm. They can be used to create flowering mats. Top three:

  • Mammut
  • Bijou
  • Fantasia

Sweet peas can be combined with other climbing plants such as petunias or hops.

Polka dots are characterized by a wide color palette: from white and cream tones to purple and brown.

If you like the decorative properties of sweet peas, keep in mind that perennial varieties have recently appeared on sale.


Ivy is resistant to wind loads, but loves shade (the south side is not suitable ). But it takes root well on the north side. Popular due to its unpretentiousness and endurance. It can even survive the winter on an insulated balcony (it will dry out and sprout new shoots in the spring).

Care instructions

  • Ivy can be used as a background for flowering plants.
  • Needs pruning and shaping, otherwise it will go wild.
  • It is undemanding to soil composition, but soil rich in humus and lime is preferred. Likes to be sprayed with plain water. Watering is moderate.
  • In summer and autumn, it is advisable to feed ivy with liquid mixtures once every 2 weeks.
  • Propagated by shoots and cuttings.
  • Ivy looks impressive in rough wooden tubs.


For a balcony facing the highway, common hops is a suitable option for vertical gardening. This creeping plant is unpretentious, reaches 5-7 m in length, effectively decorating walls and parapet bars. Hops are perennial (live up to 15-20 years).

Tips for growing and caring

  • Plant hops in a large pot - they have large roots;
  • after the sprout appears, place a support so that it can curl;
  • watering - every other day;
  • annual pruning.

Hops on the balcony serve not only a decorative function. The yellowed cones are cut off in the fall to be used for washing hair and for other purposes. But this can only be done if the hops grow on the side of the courtyard, where there is less dust and car exhaust.


Clematis (clematis) is one of the most beautiful flowering plants for the balcony. Perennial. Colors range from white, salmon, pink to purple and violet.

The plant is capricious: heat-loving, does not tolerate frost. It requires a large volume of soil and, accordingly, pots (at least 50 cm in height and the same in width, if you take a square tub).

Rules for growing and care

  • Well-drained and fertilized soil;
  • abundant watering (the ground should be moist, but not flooded);
  • large equilateral pot , preferably wooden;
  • quiet place;
  • plenty of light (preferably south or east facing).
  • Choose only recommended fertilizers for the plant (ask your flower shop for which ones).
  • If you use soil from the garden, add peat, sand, and dolomite flour to it.
  • To prevent the soil in the pot from overheating and drying out, you can plant some plant with low soil cover next to the clematis.
  • In the first year of growth, clematis needs to be pinched so that it produces lateral shoots. After 3 years, the plant needs to be updated (replaced with one grown in the ground). If this is not done, the flowers will gradually thin out and become crushed.

Compact varieties up to 2 m long are ideal for balconies:

  • Rouge Cardinal, Ruitel, Madame Edouard Andre (red);
  • Valge Daam, Joan of Arc (white flowers);
  • Elegy, Negus, Texa, Lazurshtern (blue, purple);
  • Hegley Hybrid, Comtes de Boucho (pink).

Wild grapes

For the balcony, choose the “maiden grape” variety. This is a long vine with variegated leaves (they are green in summer and turn red in autumn). Shade-loving.

Maiden grapes are suitable for those who do not have the time or desire to carefully care for plants.

Growing instructions

  • “Prefers” soil rich in humus and well drained. But poor soil will also do.
  • You can replant the plant throughout the year, but the best time for this is spring. Moreover, young cuttings are first planted in plastic containers so that they gain strength, and then, together with a lump of earth, they are transferred to a pot.
  • The girl's grapes are blooming, but it is hardly noticeable. But then spectacular blue or black fruits (inedible) are formed.
  • This is not a complete list of plants suitable for a balcony or loggia. On them you can grow nemesia, Irish bell, tradescantia (the latter is often planted in the kitchen and taken out into the fresh air in the summer), primroses, nemophila, winged tobacco, cosmos, torenia, hydrangea, fern, myrtle and some conifers (araucaria).
  • Some flowers can be planted even in June (for example, nemesia, which blooms at the end of August).
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