They gave you a flower in a pot: it’s too early to rejoice - according to signs, this is a bad sign

A flower in a pot is a budget-friendly and very original gift, especially for people who are interested in growing indoor flora. But there are many folk signs and superstitions associated with plants, which are worth knowing about in order not to get into an awkward position and to take certain measures if you become the owner of such a gift.

Failures of the previous owner

Re-gifting indoor plants has become almost a tradition: the flower doesn’t take root, but it’s a pity to throw it away. And “green decorations” wander from house to house!

Popular signs say that plants wither from negativity, quarrels and failures. The danger is that such plants transmit troubles and negative energy to new owners.

You should not take “old” plants for yourself, because you do not know what kind of energy and in what quantity it is saturated. In addition, flowers get used to a certain environment and, most likely, will die in a new place.

How to give a potted plant as a gift

How to give flowers in a flowerpot correctly - it is important to know which ones you can present and which ones you should refuse. First, we must remember that you should not give the following plants:

  • Decembrist - he can “drive” a man out of the house when his family is sick - the flower will only aggravate the patient’s condition, even leading to death.
  • Cacti - when there are a lot of prickly “pets” on the windowsills, this will bring more than one conflict and discord between households.
  • Ivy - young girls are not recommended to accept it as a gift, as it will scare away all potential gentlemen from home. She is married - the plant can lead to divorce.
  • Callas are beautiful flowers, but it is not recommended to place them on the windowsill at home; they bring grief and many troubles into the house.

At the same time, there is a list of plants that can and even should be given as an amulet, a living talisman:

  • The first thing to highlight is the crassula or money tree - it brings prosperity to its owners and opens up financial flows.
  • Fern - brings a positive attitude, helps households develop intuition.
  • Women's happiness helps not only to establish personal happiness, but to preserve the family, bring peace and tranquility.
  • Anthurium, or in common parlance, male strength, helps a man maintain his own strength and attractiveness for many years.
  • Azalea and geranium - help to “drive away” depression and prolong life, clear the space around from dark entities.
  • Ficus helps a couple to quickly conceive a beautiful, healthy baby, but violet helps to improve family relationships between children and parents.
  • Myrtle - helps single people find their mate, helps married couples harmonize relationships, strengthens marriage.
  • Lemon and all citrus fruits protect the smallest members of the household from negativity, and the orchid brings prosperity to the family.

Important! All these plants will serve as reliable helpers in the house.


Even if everything is fine with the gifted flower at first glance, it is worth remembering that diseases and illnesses are transferred to the new owners of the plant. So, if the donor or members of his family suffer from illnesses and, even worse, give with malicious intent, with a desire to cause harm, be careful.

A houseplant as a gift for a sick person would also be out of place, especially if the soil in the pot is wet.

According to popular belief, this is a wish for death (to grow into the ground, like the roots of a plant). Wet soil is associated with a grave, cemetery.

Replace the soil with a special soil mixture - this way you will avoid an awkward situation and leave no reason for negative judgments and thoughts.

Gave a flower in a pot, how to remove negativity

If someone gave you a houseplant in a pot and you are afraid that it will have a negative impact on you, or the person who presented it could be planning something bad, in the end the plant spoke to attract negativity to you, you can perform the following rituals.

Pay off. As with receiving a mirror as a gift, give the gift giver a few coins. This way you are already purchasing the item rather than receiving it as a gift.

Cleanse the plant of negativity . To do this, sprinkle it with holy water and read the Lord’s Prayer over it several times. Rest assured, this will help remove any possible negativity that could transfer to the plant. As a last resort, you can re-gift your gift. However, this method is quite cruel, because you will give away the negativity that the donor might have left on you.

In general, there is nothing wrong with such a present. There are negative signs associated with house plants, but there are also positive ones. In addition, many indoor flowers have a positive effect on both the owner and the overall atmosphere in the room. Therefore, if a person has nothing against it, feel free to give him such a gift.

When appropriate

Despite all the signs and superstitions, friends and acquaintances will rejoice at a beautiful flower when they receive it for their birthday.

It is better to find out in advance what kind of flowers the birthday boy likes, whether he is sick, and whether he believes in such signs. If you are healthy and ignore signs and are not superstitious, then your gift will bring joy and good mood.

But if a person is sick, there is no need to make such a surprise - a flower can both take away strength and charge with energy. It's impossible to predict, so give something else.

What flowers to choose as a birthday gift?

There are a great variety of potted plants in the assortment of specialized flower plants. Which one should you choose so that the gift brings true pleasure, turns out to be durable and does not bring too much trouble for its owner in the future with care? Let's outline several directions:

A woman really loves flowers , understands them, and is ready to tinker with soil, fertilizers and fertilizing. For such a connoisseur and lover of flowers, you can safely choose flowering plants such as cyclamen, hibiscus, azalea, achimenes, crossandra and many, many others. Consult the seller: some flowers are very unpretentious, but at the same time they bloom willingly - for example, koleria. Others require high humidity and warmth - roses, episcia, orchids, but tuberous cyclamens prefer a cool, even cold room. Remember that not all store-bought plants strewn with flowers will bloom just as readily at home - many of them are grown on a special nutrient substrate, concentratedly fed and designed for one-time flowering: once they have bloomed, they are discarded.

Choose flowering plants in the store with many unopened buds - this way they will delight the birthday girl longer, and she will enjoy the full flowering process

For decorative decoration of a living space or office, it is better to give plants from the category of decorative foliage. These are non-flowering plants, but have gorgeous leaves: large, openwork or with a beautiful exotic pattern, spots, etc. Such potted plants, as a rule, are unpretentious, grow well even in conditions of lack of sunlight, in low or, conversely, high temperature. The most popular decorative foliage trees include all kinds of dracaenas, monstera, dieffenbachia, arrowroot, croton, asparagus, schefflera, numerous ornamental palms and false palms. When choosing such a plant as a gift, take into account the availability of free space in the room, since some representatives of decorative deciduous plants can grow to gigantic sizes and require placement in a floor tub.


If the birthday girl loves flowers, but does not really want to bother with caring for them and growing them, in this case you can give flowers in a pot that are one-time bloomers: hyacinths, primroses, daffodils, forcing tulips. Due to the location of the bulbs in the ground, such plants will delight the eye much longer than in a bouquet, but after losing their decorative value, they will have to be thrown away.

If you want to give a very unusual plant, choose a cactus! In fact, giving a cactus for a birthday is not at all a stupid idea: the plant is extremely unpretentious, will survive the forced period of drought due to lack of watering, and with proper care will also begin to bloom beautifully and often in a very original way. And the cactus memory of this birthday will last for a long time - cacti on the windowsill live not just for years, but for decades , and many reproduce well with children.


What exactly not to give

The world of indoor plants is so diverse and beautiful that it is easy to get lost when choosing a gift.

It is unacceptable to present 4 types:

  • any climbing plants (ivies, vines, etc.);
  • monstera;
  • cacti;
  • Decembrists.

It is believed that climbing plants predict loneliness, especially for women. For married people, their relationship with their spouse deteriorates, and everything can end in separation. Loaches discourage admirers from young girls.

Monstera is a tropical plant from the Brazilian forests. Incredibly beautiful, but very dangerous for humans. Popular beliefs say that it can break up a family, leaves girls as old maids, sucks out strength, and poisons the air.

Cacti bring quarrels and strife into the house. The relationship between the giver and the one to whom the flower is presented deteriorates. Cactus needles discourage suitors from girls. The men start drinking.

Decembrists - forest cacti, came to us from the southern Brazilian forests. Decembrist blooms at the beginning of winter, on Catholic Christmas.

Flowering at other times of the year brings a lack of money to the house, disruption of plans, and problems at work. Men leave the house where the Decembrist is. The death of a flower predicts illness and death.

Giving a houseplant

You can’t give houseplants based on signs alone. Others believe that it is possible, but with some conditions. Many people are sure why you can’t give flowers in pots. Their arguments are based on certain superstitious beliefs, with negative consequences for the recipient. They are afraid of family discord, deteriorating health, and financial troubles. That's why they don't give flowers in pots.

But, nevertheless, you can give indoor flowers by paying a ransom for them in order to bypass the bad omen. Superstitious people probably know which flowers in pots are best to give as gifts. Each of the “right” species is capable of attracting love, happiness, prosperity and success into the owner’s life. Bamboo and anthurium are indoor flowers that are given to men. Myrtle will help the lonely. For couples wanting to conceive children, use ficus.

You can give flowers in pots by choosing the right flower and paying a coin. But, most importantly, an optimistic attitude and positive thoughts. And then, giving or receiving a houseplant, it will bring even more joy, happiness and prosperity.

What to do

But don't get discouraged in advance. Our ancestors had some advice for us:

  1. If you can’t refuse a gift, neutralize the negative energy by sprinkling the flower with holy water and reciting the Lord’s Prayer.
  2. If the plant does not take root, consider that it has taken away all the negativity and simply “bury” it.
  3. Pay with a coin for the gift of a potted flower or give a gift in return.

Give gifts with love, a pure heart and thoughts! Peace to your home!

What flowers are given to men and women?

Probably everyone knows that there are special plants that can attract happiness, luck, joy, wealth, and so on. Of course, there are also flowers that attract separation, betrayal, and deception. So that there is always happiness and joy in your home, and the possible negative impact of donated flowers in pots is completely neutralized, you can keep such plants in your home.

  • Spathiphyllum - it is often called Women's Happiness, as it allows you to neutralize negative energy in the house and restores warm relationships between spouses.
  • Violet helps not only to maintain family comfort, but also to improve relationships between children and parents, and helps people overcome mental torment.
  • The Chinese rose symbolizes peace, tranquility, comfort, passion.
  • Myrtle is an ideal gift for a young family, as it will attract peace, happiness and understanding. However, it is also suitable for single men and women, as it will help attract a soul mate.
  • Chlorophytum will help you be more focused, calm, and easier to endure the difficulties of life.
  • For those who want to achieve well-being and material wealth, you need Dracaena Sander .
  • Money tree , or crassula, will also be a wonderful gift for a friend who has long dreamed of improving his financial situation.
  • Geranium and Azalea plants will help you live a long life, have good health, nerves of steel and material wealth .
  • Ficus is an irreplaceable gift for a couple who cannot conceive a child for a long time. This plant attracts good luck, helps preserve the family hearth and guarantees fertility.
  • Orchid is a plant that will bring prosperity to the home.

Why does a rose bloom in the house?

A rose blooming is generally considered a good sign. Depending on who has beautiful buds appearing in their house, the interpretation of the signs will be as follows:

  • A young married couple is about to add a new addition to their family.
  • For an unmarried girl , she will get married in a short period of time. It is possible that she will soon meet her betrothed or that a guy who has already known her will propose to her.
  • For a mature woman , her health will improve, she will feel rejuvenated, filled with strength and energy.
  • For older people , long-awaited guests will soon come to the house.

Only the blooming of the Chinese rose has a negative meaning. True, only if the buds bloomed earlier or later than expected. Then you need to prepare for troubles and misfortunes. They will appear suddenly and it is not known for certain from which side to expect them. Perhaps this will be the machinations of ill-wishers, the intrigues of colleagues, or health problems will begin.

Whether to grow a rose or not, everyone must decide for themselves. Despite many bad omens, many people still bring this flower into their home and never regret it in the future.

With proper care, the indoor beauty will actively grow, please the eye, protect from negativity and create comfort. The main thing is to give it due attention and make sure that the condition of the plant is always perfect. No negative changes will be observed.

Good omens

Some people see nothing wrong with giving the housewife who loves indoor plants an orchid, a decorative dwarf rose, a strelitzia or a Christmas star, as is customary in Norway and Britain. For those who are unhappy in their personal lives, many advise purchasing spathiphyllum or women's happiness - a beautiful plant with white flowers that resemble droplets. There is a belief that it will help you find love or get married successfully if there is a bride in the house.

Women who dream of motherhood are advised to keep a ficus tree in the house. It is believed that it will help overcome problems with conception and promote fidelity of spouses.

Very often, a flower given from the heart becomes a personal or family talisman. It protects the inhabitants of the house and, if it suddenly disappears or withers, it takes with it the evil energy of witchcraft. Therefore, you can give beautiful plants, especially if you really liked them and aroused admiration. For those who do not want to accept this gift in a pot of soil, experts advise replacing the soil with aqua soil or other means. Then you don’t have to worry that the flower will bring evil to the inhabitants of the house.

Plants that should not be taken

Due to the fact that most plants are susceptible, they are able to absorb negative energy into themselves; if they are taken to another house, they will spread it to new owners. Indoor plants quickly become accustomed to any environment, temperature, humidity, for this reason, changing their usual place, you can encounter quite obvious, and not supernatural, consequences: they may wither or even die, most of all this concerns not young plants. In addition, long-living plants store a lot of energy, and it is not clear what it can be, positive or negative. It is worth keeping in mind that you should not take sick plants home; this cannot lead to anything good. The plant is capable of drawing vitality from the owner.

According to signs, plants should not be accepted as gifts on Mondays. On this day, negative thoughts and fears can be transmitted with the plant. The best days for giving and receiving indoor plants are considered to be weekends.

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