How to form a money tree at home

Why do you need to form the crown of a money tree?

At home, Crassula can grow up to 100 cm in height. There are several main reasons why a plant requires regular pruning and pinching of shoots:

  • making the crown more decorative;
  • increasing bush stability;
  • trunk strengthening;
  • creating an open space inside the crown, thanks to which air easily circulates between the branches, preventing excess moisture from accumulating;
  • preparation for transplantation, during which long branches can interfere with the procedure and break.

An overgrown money tree looks very attractive

Without pruning, Crassula branches can reach quite a long length and bend incorrectly. The weight of overgrown shoots with thick leaves puts too much pressure on the trunk, which is why it cannot maintain a vertical position, and the flower easily turns over along with the pot. Timely implementation of procedures for shortening the branches of the crassula helps maintain the balance of the crown.

How to do it right

Violating the rules of pruning and pinching can cause irreparable harm to the flower. This is why it is important to know how to form a money tree.

You can begin a new procedure for shortening Crassula shoots only after it has recovered from the last pruning. In this case, all curved and strongly branching shoots are pruned so that a straight branch is obtained.

The resulting sections must be disinfected with special means. Often a manganese solution or crushed activated carbon is used for this. Cut parts of the plant can be used for propagation.

Note! The age of the plant should also be taken into account: the lower branches and leaves of a young bush are completely cut off, while an adult plant requires deeper thinning of the crown.

Activities to maintain the beautiful appearance of Crassula

Pinching is not the only procedure necessary to form the crown and maintain the beautiful appearance of the plant. There are also events such as:

  • Providing tree nutrition by selecting a soil mixture;
  • Optimal care;
  • Choosing the right pot for planting;
  • Plant pruning.

Only an integrated approach will allow you to get a beautiful specimen of the Crassula and maintain its health.

Rules for the procedure

An experienced gardener forms the crown of a money tree when the crassula is a cutting. To form new branches, the owner pinches. The work is carried out when the plant reaches a height of 20 cm, and the young specimen has 8 leaves. The owner removes the apical bud using tweezers.

The work is carried out carefully so as not to injure the leaves. The procedure can be carried out regardless of the time of year.

Biologists do not recommend removing the apical bud in the winter months, because the fat plant is dormant. Pinching should not be carried out if few new leaves have appeared - only 4 or 6 pieces. In this case, the buds are formed in insufficient quantities and are located at a close distance from each other.

Lateral cuttings begin to lag behind in growth because they receive insufficient nutrients. Flower growers make a big mistake when they remove the apical bud after the formation of 10 or 12 leaves. In this case, the long and thin trunk is deformed, unable to withstand the weight of the new branches. Removing the apical bud after the formation of 8 leaves is the best option for pinching. If time for work is missed, the gardener trims the trunk of the Crassula.

He takes a pruner and removes the top part of the plant, leaving 1 cm from the base of the 8th leaf. The cut area is treated with activated carbon powder.

The formation of the tree crown begins at a time when the branches bend under the weight of the leaves, and the grower has to insert additional fasteners into the pot to support the heavy branches. The leaves of the money tree become small, dry, and change color.

In order for the fat plant to acquire a beautiful crown, the following conditions must be observed: care for the root system, trunk and supporting branches. The tree quickly develops surface and tap roots. They affect the growth of a thin, tall, fragile trunk.

Crassula (money tree) should not be planted in a narrow flowerpot. The size of the container is equal to the length of the crown; the depth of the pot should not exceed 10 cm.

Crassula must be grown indoors at a temperature of +22...+28˚С. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Treatment of wounds

The cut must be sprinkled with activated or charcoal, or ground cinnamon to prevent rotting.

New shoots will appear near the cut, which will need to be pinched in the same way, giving it a framed shape.

Forming the crown by pinching

This method involves the timely removal of Crassula growth buds at the right time and in a certain place.

First of all, you need to take into account that all crown formation operations should be carried out during the season of active growth : at the beginning of the growing season - in the spring or at its height - in the summer, so that the money tree has time to grow leaves from new buds stimulated by pinching.

It is best to pinch Crassula in the initial stages of growth, when developing from a rooted cutting .

four pairs of leaves have grown on this young succulent stretching upward and a new growth bud appears between the leaf blades of the fourth pair, it is this that should be plucked off, being careful not to damage the existing leaves. This is how the first branch of the trunk is formed.

Instead of the removed bud, the plant will form two, sometimes three, new buds , which will give rise to the first two (three) branches.

only one kidney appears at the site of the removed one . In this case, it is also removed, ensuring that exactly two sprouts appear.

In the future, these growing shoots are dealt with in the same way: they pinch off the growth bud that forms between the leaves of the fourth pair on each branch

As a result of such controlled branching, the shoots do not grow too long and retain sufficient strength.

to turn from time to time so that the growth occurs evenly, without “overweight” on the more illuminated side.

leaves can be retained on a formed trunk, even when it becomes woody . With age they will disappear on their own.

Why should you pinch 4 pairs of leaves?

It is correct to pinch the trunk of the money tree after the appearance of 4 pairs of leaves. Why is it important? Is it possible to pinch earlier or later? The ideal number for pinching is exactly 4 pairs of leaves.

If you pinch after 2 or 3 pairs of leaves, then the available buds will be few. In addition, they are located close to each other. Therefore, there will be little space for growing side shoots; they will interfere with each other.

If you start pinching a tree after 5 or 6 pairs of leaves, the trunk will be too long before branching begins. In a young plant it is not thick, so it can break under the weight of growing branches.

If it was not possible to pinch the money tree after 4 pairs of leaves, the moment was lost ; the situation can only be corrected by trimming the tree trunk. Using pruning shears or a sharp knife, cut off the top of the tree 1 cm above the 4 pairs of leaves. It is recommended to sprinkle the cut with activated carbon.

Shaping by trimming

How to prune a money tree at home? This method is used for adult fatworts .

Pruning of the fat plant is carried out in the active growth phase - in the spring-summer period. Is it possible to prune Crassula in winter or autumn? - No. When pruning, carefully select the place where branching will begin.

It is best to follow the “golden rule”: count four pairs of leaves and cut the stem-trunk right above the fourth pair, trying not to leave a noticeable stump , as it will remain in the future.

The cut surface can be treated with charcoal or ground cinnamon , and the cut parts can be used as cuttings .

New shoots will appear near the cutting site, which will give rise to young branches. These shoots will need to be pinched, achieving uniform branching and the formation of a beautiful crown of the money tree according to the same pattern: pinching after the fourth pair of leaves.

Pruning stimulates growth and in order for the fat plant to form new shoots correctly and the leaves on them to develop well, you need to provide the appropriate conditions - bright light, moderate watering - and from time to time turn the container with the succulent, achieving a uniform increase in green mass.

When is pruning necessary?

There are several reasons why your money tree may need to be pruned:

  • giving an attractive decorative look;
  • removal of diseased and fungal-infected shoots;
  • stimulating growth;
  • inhibiting plant growth.

It is necessary to remove excess shoots if the flower becomes too tall or wide for the space allotted to it. Branches or leaves protruding from the top of the tree spoil the appearance and create an uneven shape. As soon as these appear on the flower, it's time to prune them to change the shape of the crown. Pruning also helps stimulate the growth of new, healthy shoots. From time to time it is useful to rejuvenate the plant, but this should be done during a strictly designated growing season.

It is not worth pruning the Crassula during flowering, as then all the color will fall off.

There is only one justification for the procedure during this period: the crassula is sick and immediate removal of shoots affected by bacterial rot is required, otherwise the entire flower will die. Remove brown or wilted leaves regularly. If a grower notices dry, wilting or brown shoots, you can remove them without worrying about the tree. Such changes in appearance may be a sign that the indoor air is too dry, or the plant is in a draft, perhaps not getting enough natural light, or it is falling directly on the foliage, burning it.

Crassula undergoes the procedure at any time of the year when infected with bacterial rot. This disease cannot be treated, there are no effective remedies, so the only thing that can help save the plant is timely pruning. It also requires pruning of any new branches on the tree that grow downward: this is how the crown forms correctly. Remove branches that intersect or are at the wrong angle. Pruning is needed to create an open space, thanks to which the air blows well over the crown, moisture does not collect in it and, accordingly, the foliage does not rot.


The height of aesthetic perfection when growing Crassula will be the formation of a bonsai from it - a dwarf tree of exquisite shape .

On the one hand, the positive effect of pruning on the plant itself and the ease with which new growth centers are formed on it make it easier to create a bonsai. On the other hand, weak, brittle stems and leaves complicate this task.

In order for the bonsai to be a success, first of all, carefully select the container for the future tree.

The container should not be too large and shallow - this is the main condition. Depending on the shape of the bonsai, it can be elongated or round. It must have drainage holes of sufficient size: stagnation of water is harmful to the fat plant, as it is to any succulent native to arid areas.

If a bonsai is grown from a rooted cutting, it is planted in a small and shallow pot, and then, as it develops, it is transplanted into a larger, but still shallow container. The main task of such small dishes is to stop excessive upward growth, because the deeper the main, tap root penetrates, the more actively the sprout rises. To prevent the future bonsai tree from stretching, pruning of the root system - especially for the taproot. If the roots are too developed, they are shortened by a third. After pruning, the root system needs to be air-dried for 24 hours and only then placed in a container and covered with soil.

The crown of the Crassula bonsai is formed by pinching (when grown from cuttings) and pruning (in the case of an adult plant), following the basic rule - pinching or pruning immediately after four pairs of leaves.

Such a common technique among bonsai craftsmen, such as growing a bizarrely shaped trunk and fixing it in a wire frame , is used very rarely for Crassula. This is a risky undertaking, since the stem-trunk of Crassula is not strong enough.

Some hobbyists still grow miniature money trees with slight bends of the trunk in the horizontal direction, very gradually tilting the tree and carefully wrapping it with wire until the stem-trunk becomes lignified.

An advantage when growing a bonsai tree is its rapid growth - you don’t have to wait for decades for the result, as when creating bonsai of ordinary trees - as well as ease of propagation : in case of failure, you can take into account the mistakes, root a new cutting and start all over again. By planting several cuttings in a shallow, long container, you can form an entire grove of bonsai trees.

Crassula-money tree responds positively to pruning and pinching, and here the interests of the plant and man coincide: properly formed succulents retain strength and dense foliage, and flower growers decorate the interiors with low trees with many shiny leaves-coins, which, moreover, according to the ancient Chinese tradition, bring financial abundance to their owners.

Forming a succulent crown like a bonsai

In order for the tree to grow in bonsai form, it must be trimmed, leaving a thick central trunk. The upper branches should hang down. To arrange a money tree in this form, multi-level pruning and pinching are carried out.

Formation is carried out already at a young age. First, the central trunk is strengthened. Regularly trim off excess lower shoots and pinch out the upper part so that the bush does not grow too heavy a mass of leaves. Water and fertilize the flower well so that the trunk becomes wider. Within 3 years, separate pairs of thick branches are grown, then the central trunk will also become wider. After this, these branches are cut off.

After the trunk is formed, the formation of the upper crown begins. To do this, the top shoots are cut off, and the ends of the side shoots are removed. Pinch off all the upper and outer buds and leaves so that the shoot begins to grow only towards the lower side. From time to time, the bush needs to be trimmed with excess shoots and leaves at the bottom of the trunk.

Important! To grow a bonsai tree, you must replant the plant in a new pot every spring.

Without proper care it will not be possible to grow a beautiful and spectacular flower.

Schemes of crown formation in Crassula

How to plant a money tree at home

It is recommended to carry out the main pruning in the spring. Subsequent corrective procedures usually occur in the summer, when the shoots actively branch and form many new fleshy leaves.

Flower growers have developed several basic schemes for pruning the crassula - how to form a crown is described below:

  • The bonsai technique involves the constant removal of lower shoots and leaves from the central trunk, due to which it becomes stronger and more powerful.
  • Creating a fairly tall tree with a thick bare trunk and a lush crown is only possible by pruning the young plant. Formative procedures are carried out regularly throughout the life of the flower, during which all side shoots and leaves are completely cut off. Removing branches from an adult bush will not give the desired result, but can only harm the plant.
  • The formation of a neat rounded lush bush of small height is possible by removing new leaves from the trunk and shortening the growing branches.
  • A spreading crassula is obtained by pinching the tips of the branches in a timely manner, due to which shoots from the lateral buds begin to grow.

The flower can be given almost any shape

After the pruning procedure, it is necessary to apply fertilizing to help the flower recover.

Common mistakes

Some gardeners, relying on the unpretentiousness of the tree, do not pay enough attention to it and do not care at all about how proper care is provided. Mistakes made can lead to illness, and in the most severe cases, to the death of the plant.

Disproportionate pot

If the dimensions of the pot are chosen incorrectly and the dimensions of the tree are not taken into account, it grows poorly. There are several features of choosing a container:

  • A very deep pot - the trunk and main root are greatly extended. During transplantation, you will need to pinch the root. Restoring a beautiful appearance occurs independently, but it takes a long time.
  • The pot is too small and the flower falls. The plant is simply not able to independently support a greatly expanded and large crown.

Unsuitable air temperature

If the air temperature is too high, the trunk begins to become exposed and leaves drop. Such conditions are absolutely not suitable during the rest period. Shading or lowering the temperature helps the tree recover.

Lack of drainage

Many gardeners do not pay attention to drainage. But this little detail is very important for the fat plant and is a prerequisite for ensuring the calm and prosperous existence of the flower.

In the absence of drainage, moisture begins to stagnate. As a result, the tree becomes sick and the roots rot. Regardless of the time of year, replant the plant immediately and be sure to place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot.


Drought is much better for Crassula than overwatering.
With excessive watering, the root system begins to rot. Watering is carried out strictly as the soil surface dries. If the substrate becomes waterlogged, watering is postponed until the soil is sufficiently dry. When this measure does not help, immediately replant the tree in new soil.

What to do for lush branching of the crown

You can grow a lush, branched money tree only by following the correct agricultural practices:

  • periodically removing excess branches and leaves;
  • by regular watering;
  • fertilizing the plant with special nitrogen fertilizers that promote the formation of new leaves;
  • maintaining the necessary air humidity and temperature in the room and providing sufficient illumination to the flower;
  • taking timely measures to prevent and combat diseases and harmful insects.

How to transplant a money tree at home

The young plant grows very actively, so it is replanted annually in the spring, choosing a larger pot. Crassula requires loose, breathable soil, under which a drainage layer must be placed. The bottom of a capacious pot should have special holes to drain excess moisture.

Important! When planting a fat plant, organic matter and minerals are immediately added to the soil to strengthen the root system and more active growth of greenery.

Due to increased soil moisture, the money tree stops growing, its foliage becomes dull and takes on a sickly appearance, and the roots and trunk may rot.

A weakened plant is susceptible to pest attacks. Therefore, watering the plant should be regular, but without stagnating moisture in the soil. It is recommended to carry out it twice a week on hot summer days and no more than once a week in winter.

If the indoor air is too dry, Crassula needs a refreshing spray. In addition to increasing the humidity level, this procedure will help rid the leaves of accumulated dust.

Excess shoots should be trimmed at the very base

The money tree loves good lighting, but it should be shaded from direct sunlight. If this is not done, black burn spots may appear on the fleshy leaf blades. You should also turn the plant towards the light so that all parts of the crown receive their share of lighting.

The most suitable temperature for Crassula is considered to be +16..+20 °C; when these indicators increase, the plant may begin to shed its leaves.

Note! The composition of fertilizers for Crassula must include phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

Necessary conditions for home cultivation

Proper and regular care allows you to grow a strong, beautiful and completely healthy money tree. To do this, create optimal conditions for it.

Placement and lighting

The culture is thermophilic. Place the tree in areas with good lighting. Always make sure that the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise it will adversely affect its growth and appearance.

The ideal place for growing Crassula is a south or south-east window sill. It is also believed that it is in these rooms that the maximum amount of energy accumulates, helping to attract financial well-being to the home.


Crassula feels great at normal room temperature within +22...+28˚С. In summer, you can take the pot outside to the garden, veranda or balcony. If this is not possible, it is enough to move the plant to the floor, since it is cooler there than on the windowsill.

The plant benefits from changes in temperature throughout the day.

The soil

It’s easy to prepare the substrate yourself:

  • humus (fresh) – 1 part;
  • sand (pre-calcined) – 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • turf soil - 3 parts.

The soil should be loose, perfectly permeable to air and water. The acidity of the soil is neutral - within 6.5-7.0 pH.

You can also use ready-made soil mixture. A universal type of soil is suitable. The ideal option is a substrate designed for succulents. If you are using a universal mixture, add sand in a ratio of 1:4.

The top layer of soil can be covered with mulch. This not only slows down the evaporation of moisture, but also gives the tree a more beautiful decorative appearance. Wood chips and bark, crushed stone, pebbles, nutshells, dried leaves and straw are great for this.

Crassula needs good drainage - a layer of 2 to 10 cm. It all depends on the age and size of the plant.


A characteristic feature of the money tree is that the root system is close to the surface of the soil. Choose a shallow but wide pot.

The diameter of the container directly depends on the size of the crown - the container should be slightly wider than the crown. This ensures excellent stability and the pot will not accidentally tip over.

A ceramic container will help highlight the exotic beauty of the Crassula. A plastic pot will also work. Terracotta or brown dishes go well with the beautiful shade of the plant's leaves.

How to pinch Crassula

Not every gardener knows how to form a crassula into a beautiful tree. In addition to timely pruning, the plant requires pinching, in which the upper parts of the branches are removed. This procedure prevents the shoots from growing in length. In addition, it allows you to obtain the desired shape of the bush, making it spreading, round or creeping.

Money Tree - how to plant it correctly to make money

The procedure does not require special tools - the tops of the shoots can be shortened manually. The most common method is to shorten the lower and upper branches with fingers, so you can decorate the tree in bonsai style.

Important! This procedure not only adds decorative value to the flower, but also relieves it from thickening the crown, that is, it also has sanitary purposes.

The tops of the shoots are pinched with clean hands.

When to do the first pinch

For the first time, the procedure is carried out after the appearance of the 4th pair of leaves. You can leave more paired leaf plates, but it is worth considering that then the overgrown crown will turn out to be too heavy.

The plant is pinched until it takes on a certain appearance. You should not spare small leaves that require pinching, as they will subsequently interfere with the plant itself.

How and when to do preventive pinching

The young plant does not yet have a large number of large, heavy branches. Therefore, in the first years of life, Crassulas often try to form a strong tree with a powerful and stable trunk that can hold the crown in the future.

The top of the shoot is removed with clean fingers or disinfected tweezers, grabbing the outermost pair of leaves at the very base. The movement should be precise, slightly twisting, not jerky. If the leaves are not completely pinched off, they will continue to grow, although they will be deformed.

When should you do pinching?

You need to pinch the money tree from the very beginning, then it will be much easier and more painless for the fat woman, and there won’t be much stress for her.

If you want a miniature plant, then pinching the trunk should be done this spring; the growth of the trunk in height will stop and begin to thicken.

More information about pinching timing:

  • the first pinching is done after 4 pairs of leaves appear on the plant (the height of the trunk at this moment is usually 15–20 cm);
  • the second stage of pinching occurs after the appearance of 3–4 branches of the first order and 4 pairs of leaves on each of them;
  • the third time a tree is formed when branches of the second order and 3–4 pairs of leaves appear on each of them.

If you pinch the fat plant before 4 pairs of leaves appear, the buds formed will not be enough, and they will be too close to each other.

If you want to grow the tree taller, then trim only the stray branches. Further pinching of the plant is carried out when new shoots appear.

Pruning Crassula

Before you undertake this procedure, you should study in detail how to properly prune a money tree. A plant that is accustomed to the annual shortening of shoots will be easier to recover from them in adulthood. This is the only way to get a healthy flower with a beautiful crown of the desired shape.

Note! All procedures for shortening plant shoots are recommended to be carried out in the morning.

At a young tree

Pruning can only be done with a sharply sharpened tool, otherwise you can harm the tree. At home, they usually use the following step-by-step technique for pruning young Crassula:

  1. The lower small shoots, as well as single branches, are completely cut off.
  2. The lateral shoots are pinched.
  3. The outermost pair of leaves is removed from mature woody branches.
  4. Cut off the upper branches that stretch in height.
  5. All sections are moistened with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.

A money tree that is not pruned in the first years of its life grows branchy and actively bushes.

Note! The branches are shortened by no more than 1/3, and the cut is made at an angle of 45°.

After proper pruning, the plant develops a powerful central trunk.

By the old tree

A money tree older than 5 years especially needs to shorten its branches. Otherwise, its central trunk may break, unable to withstand the weight of powerful shoots and thick leaves. An overgrown adult Crassula is pruned as follows:

  1. The widest and strongest central trunk is determined.
  2. Trim all shoots from the bottom of the plant.
  3. All thick ones are cut off.
  4. Remove large leaves, as well as small shoots in the upper part of the bush.
  5. The sections are disinfected and lubricated with garden varnish.

Cut parts of the Crassula are used for rooting as independent plants.

What measures should be taken and how to strengthen the trunk?

If you notice that the money tree is just starting to lean or is almost falling from the weight of the crown, you need to take the following steps:

  1. reduce watering (in summer it is recommended to water 2 times a month, in winter - reduce watering until the soil dries completely);
  2. pay attention to the pot in which Crassula grows and, if necessary, replant it (there must be drainage holes at the bottom for the free flow of water, and there must be sand and small pebbles at the bottom of the pot);
  3. pinch the shoots (usually pinch the shoot after the fourth leaf) and/or cut off heavy branches, treat the cuts with activated carbon or ash;
  4. to form a strong tree trunk, it is recommended to pluck the lower leaves of the fat plant to about half the desired height of the plant;
  5. place a support for the trunk.

If the red rose grows upward and tilts

If the money tree continues to grow, but tries to lean on its side, you need to:

  1. Reduce watering according to the scheme indicated above.
  2. Replant in a heavy clay pot, as plastic pots are too light for the plant and it can easily fall. First you need to remove the rotten roots. The plant easily tolerates transplants, so there is no need to worry about an “unscheduled” move.
  3. Trim excess branches and pinch young shoots, sprinkle the pruning areas with activated carbon or ash. If you do this systematically, the crown of the Crassula will grow evenly and can be given any desired shape.

With these simple steps you can grow a healthy, strong plant with a neat and beautiful crown.

What to do if a fat cat falls on its side?

If the plant has already fallen on its side on the windowsill, then the first thing to do is:

  1. Place a support in the form of a stick or branch to the trunk.
  2. It is advisable to trim heavy branches.
  3. Cover the surface of the pot with cobblestones to secure the trunk.

If the above measures do not help, then you need to transplant the plant into a larger pot.

Forming a succulent crown like a bonsai

The bonsai form is characterized by a powerful central trunk with branches hanging down. Such a plant can be obtained by regularly pruning and pinching shoots at different levels.

Formative procedures begin to be carried out on the young plant, while simultaneously strengthening the central trunk. To do this, in spring and summer, you should cut off unnecessary branches in the lower part of the trunk and shorten the upper ones. The flower is regularly watered and fed, then the trunk becomes stronger and wider.

For the first 2-3 years, the tree leaves the 2 thickest branches, allowing them to grow, after which they are shortened to the desired length. Next, the branches growing vertically are pruned, and the tips of the lateral ones are cut off. In addition, all the upper shoots are pinched off so that the branches continue to grow only in the downward direction.

As the shoots grow, all excess shoots should be trimmed in a timely manner.

Important! A real bonsai from a crassula can only be obtained if it is replanted annually in compliance with all the rules.

Further care after pruning

A succulent that has been pruned must receive proper care in order to recover well and quickly. The most important thing is to maintain the level of humidity and air temperature in the room where the flower is located.

Crassula responds gratefully to compliance with the conditions of detention

To make the pruning procedure painless for the money tree, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • treat the cuts daily with disinfecting compounds so that they can heal well;
  • provide the plant with sufficient lighting;
  • set the room temperature within +15..+18 °C, avoiding even short-term hypothermia below +6 °C;
  • regularly fertilize the soil in the pot with complex compounds for succulents;
  • spray the bush with a spray bottle and wipe dust from the leaves;
  • water the flower every 2-3 days, avoiding stagnation of moisture.

Note! Water for irrigation should sit for at least 6 hours and be at room temperature.

You can get a magnificent fluffy specimen of Crassula at home only through proper regular pruning of the succulent. An overgrown, well-groomed money tree will look very attractive and will be a wonderful addition to the design of the room.

Reproduction by leaves and shoot fragments

As for plant residues after pruning, there is no need to throw them away. Place the cut leaves or a piece of shoot flat on moist soil in a flowerpot with any flower. After a while they will take root, and you can plant them in a permanent place.

  • Indoor trees: care, choice, features

The more young plants you have, the more opportunities you will have not to experiment with them. If you like experiments, then the money tree will give you the opportunity to realize all your fantasies.

Go ahead and share your achievements with us.

All the best.

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