Folk signs about mushrooms: why are there a lot of mushrooms in the forest, a lot of porcini mushrooms, picking mushrooms in a leap year, mushrooms in a flower pot, on a grave, a witch’s circle?

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We can talk endlessly about signs, but whether they are true or not is the question. Maybe these little signs in our lives can help us. I have one sign - if I stumble when going to work, then I know that there will be some kind of mistake. Maybe someone who knows will share what is really a sign both in magic and in personal life and what is just a fantasy of grannies?

Share22010-10-25 23:17:22

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Maybe someone who knows will share what is really a sign both in magic and in personal life and what is just a fantasy of grannies?

Everyone has their own signs, in addition to the well-known ones, sometimes so funny that they are ashamed to voice them. Some signs are like a black cat - just like self-hypnosis can happen, you program yourself for failure, and some are just like bells that need to be heard and recognized in time.

Share32014-05-29 15:23:07

  • Author: Edviga
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By the way, I’ll share a sign about a black cat, and not only about a black one. My grandmother told me this sign, and she has been tested by me in life, she always warned me accurately. And so is the sign itself.” If you are walking down the street, on an important matter, or just on business, or just thinking about something, in general, if you come across a cat, no matter what color it is - black, white or motley, look in which direction it crosses your path, from left to right - it won’t burn out, or what you think it’s unlikely that it will happen, and it could just be a bad day. If you run from right to left (towards the heart), it’s a good sign, things will work out, or there will be a result, and it will be a good day. When I’m walking down the street, I see a cat sitting , I look after her, if she runs away from the “heart”, I stop and wait for someone to pass by or overtake someone, then I move on. The most important thing here is that the cat runs to the “heart”, and it doesn’t matter what kind of cat she is there will be suits.

Types of mold

When faced with a problem such as mold in a flower pot, how to get rid of it depends on its type and the reasons for its occurrence.

Black mold

Black mold occurs due to high humidity. It can have different shades.

When this type of mold appears, you should immediately begin the process of getting rid of it, since it is the most dangerous for humans

. Interaction with it can lead to an allergic reaction and breathing problems.

White types of fungus

White mold often appears in the soil, on trees and plants. The most common species, which mainly appears in flower pots.

In appearance, this fungus is similar to salt stains. They differ in structure. Salt deposits are microcrystalline formations that do not lose their shape. Mold can easily be rubbed in your hands.


If a coating in the form of white, grayish or green spots is noticed on the soil, then this may be efflorescence - the result of chemical reactions and has nothing to do with mold. It negatively affects not only the outer part of the soil, but also penetrates into the inner layers.

Signs about mushrooms

Autumn time is famous not only for the beauty of nature preparing for hibernation, but also for its gifts. And we will not talk about what we grew in our garden, but about what our forests are rich in. Namely, about mushrooms. Moreover, these amazing creatures of nature are associated with a lot of folk signs and superstitions that mushroom pickers have noticed.

You can eat all mushrooms, but only some of them - only once in your life. Many signs about mushrooms are not familiar to modern people, but everyone knows this one. The point is that you should never take mushrooms that you don’t know. It is very easy to get poisoned with this delicious dish. But it's not just about that. There are mushrooms that you can eat for a year, two, three, and then suddenly get very sick and even die. These mushrooms include pig mushrooms. Previously, they were collected, salted, pickled and eaten with pleasure. But today it has already been proven that they are poisonous, only their poison does not act immediately, but accumulates in the body for several years, and then it can “shoot” so that it is no longer possible to save a person.

If mushrooms grow on the wall of a house, then the person who lives in it will become rich. It has been noticed that often what a person believes in with all his soul necessarily comes true. But in this case it is completely unrelated to this sign. You can believe that you will become rich if you get fired from your job, but if you don’t believe it with all your heart, then nothing will work. So, for those who listen to signs, but do not blindly believe in them, it should be noted that mushrooms that have grown on the wall of a house will bring nothing but the destruction of the walls. If you have to renovate a wall, or even build a new house, will you really become richer? It’s best to get rid of this wall disease right away, otherwise you can end up with a lot of everyday problems.

If you saw a small mushroom and left it to grow further, then it will not grow anymore. People believe that a mushroom grows only as long as no one sees it. Any look of a person is an evil eye that does not allow him to grow further. Of course, centuries of human observations cannot be ignored. But no one sat and watched every little mushroom that they saw. Maybe someone cut off a grown mushroom, and another, small one grew next to that place. After all, they grow very quickly. Where there was nothing two days ago, today there may be a magnificent forest creature.

Effective methods of control

When identifying a strange coating in a flower pot, it is important to understand what conditions led to the development of mold fungi. Only after eliminating the provoking factors will the risk of soil mold become minimal.

Ten rules for successfully combating mold in a flowerpot:

  • check the temperature and humidity in the room.
    Install a lamp closer to the plants if it is cold at home, stop excessive watering if moisture accumulates;
  • remove the top layer of soil 2–3 cm thick:
    harmful fungi should not be allowed to penetrate into the deep layers of the soil;
  • replace the removed soil with a substrate with bactericidal properties, enriched with nutrients.
    Peat, charcoal, sphagnum moss, and special mixtures from a flower shop are suitable. Many gardeners recommend adding a couple of crushed tablets of activated carbon to the soil. The sales consultant will advise you on the best option for each plant;
  • prevent further development of the fungus.
    Experienced flower growers recommend a solution of Fundazol (2 g of the drug per 1 liter of water). Carry out watering according to the instructions for the antifungal agent;
  • carry out preventive watering.
    A solution made from available components will help prevent the appearance of mold on the soil: ½ tsp per 250 ml of water is enough. citric acid. Water your indoor flower with the product twice a month. A simple operation will slow down the spread of the fungus that lives in the soil;
  • treat the soil with a special antifungal compound
    if there is root rot (“black leg”) in the soil. The danger of this type of mold is the late detection of a fungal disease. Flower growers learn about a serious plant disease only by rotting leaves and stems. When identifying root rot, chemicals will be needed: citric acid is powerless here. At an early stage, a solution of potassium permanganate helps well; in case of severe fungal infection, the affected plant is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture, cuproxate or colloidal sulfur;
  • loosen the soil.
    This operation prevents moisture stagnation, improves oxygen access to the roots, and normalizes gas exchange between the soil and roots. Dense, “heavy” soil is the fastest way to salinization and the development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • replant the plant.
    If there is a large accumulation of mold on the surface and in the ground, or if the flower is severely infected, replanting it in a new pot or completely replacing the soil is the only way to save your pet. Carefully remove any lumps of soil and wash the roots with a fungicide solution. In the new pot, arrange a proper drainage system (cover the holes in the bottom with pebbles of a suitable size), add high-quality soil, plant the plant, sprinkle peat or charcoal on top;
  • disinfect the soil.
    If for some reason it is impossible to purchase new soil, you can disinfect the soil. The method is simple but effective. Carefully collect the soil from the roots, remove it from the flowerpot, put it in a wide container, and pour over it with boiling water. The next step is to fry the soil in the oven. Also pour boiling water over the pot or place it in the oven for disinfection (if the material allows). Before replanting the plant, the roots must be thoroughly washed to remove soil residues and rinsed with Fundazol solution;
  • Take better care of your indoor plant.
    Poor care, infrequent loosening, stagnation of moisture with excessive watering often provoke the appearance of mold. Flower shops offer useful books on caring for indoor flowers. A lot of relevant, interesting information for beginners and experienced flower growers is easy to find on the Internet.

For an overview and rules for using shampoos against lice and nits for children, see the page.

Go to the address and read about where fleas come from in your apartment and how to get rid of them.

History of signs with mushrooms

Folk signs have been formed over centuries. Mushrooms were closely observed by ancestors because they were one of the food sources. In years of crop failure, epidemics, war, and pestilence, they saved them from hunger. During fasting days they served as food for the clergy and common people, replacing meat.

They also contain lecithin, which destroys bad cholesterol, and phosphoric acid, which normalizes the body's energy metabolism. It is not recommended for children under 5 years of age to consume them, as they are difficult to digest food.

Mushrooms have many false subspecies, and if you are mistaken, it is easy to get poisoned. The extreme caution with which people treated their favorite gifts of the forest gave rise to many legends and superstitions. Particularly disconcerting was the ability of mushrooms to appear out of nowhere. Various explanations were given for the frightening phenomenon: a cruel joke of nature, lightning striking the ground, the tricks of witches. People learned to distinguish between edible and poisonous species, and their collection quickly acquired the status of a mass outdoor activity. Since then, existing signs have been rapidly expanded every year.

Folk signs about mushrooms

Below are some tips from experienced mushroom pickers:

  1. Whoever is not too lazy to bow to the earth will not leave the forest empty. It’s quite logical, because just walking through the forest and looking around, you won’t get a full basket. It is necessary to bend down, look under bushes, foliage, and go down into ravines.
  2. To tear a mushroom out of the ground means to ruin it forever. The damaged mycelium dies and there will be no more harvest in this place.

A mushroom uprooted violates the integrity of the entire mycelium and destroys it.

What does mushroom harvest mean?

Avid mushroom pickers take omens seriously and put them into action. For example, in order not to come home with an empty basket, they put a blade of grass in their pockets and hide small twigs in their headdress.

Midges appearing in the forest are the first sign of a mushroom pore. A stable harvest that lasts all summer foreshadows a long winter. Good “catch” in the fall - they report a late winter. The continuous growth of boletus mushrooms promises a grain-bearing year.

Lovers of quiet hunting even have a list of signs of the mushroom year, starting with winter:

  • the roofs of the houses are abundantly covered with snow - it will be a mushroom year;
  • March 14 is a clear day - milk mushrooms are harvested;
  • April 7 rain - expect a lot of mushrooms;
  • the rowan tree is blooming - in a week there will be mushrooms;
  • June fogs promise a mushroom harvest;
  • the rye has started to spike - go into the forest and pick a basket full;
  • Russulas went ahead of boletus mushrooms - don’t expect mushrooms;
  • yellow pollen is falling from the pine trees - there will be countless butterflies;
  • rains in July - mushroom growth is ensured for several months;
  • Ivan-tea grew in abundance - boletus and boletus harvest.

Beginning mushroom pickers should remember that in damp weather mushrooms should be looked for in clearings, but in hot weather it is better to look under foliage, bushes, and stumps.

The growth of mushrooms is caused by moisture, so in hot weather they are more often found in the shade of trees and grass

Plastic containers do not allow air to pass through and, as they “suffocate,” they release substances that can cause poisoning. A wide handle on the basket will be a good bonus, as it will not cut your hand. And from rain, falling leaves and needles, it is recommended to cover the mushrooms with a cover.

What do mushrooms at home mean?

The sign states that mushrooms growing near the house portend news. Edible species promise good news, while poisonous ones promise bad news.

Another sign connects their appearance near the house with an improvement in their financial situation or an addition to the family.

Mushroom spores carried by the wind, once in the ground, take root and mushrooms appear. You should not get rid of forest migrants if they do not interfere with passage and do not spoil the appearance. If the mycelium has grown and blocked the passage, then the ground should be dug up. A damaged mycelium will no longer be able to revive.

What does a lot of porcini mushrooms mean?

According to legend, the abundance of porcini mushrooms warns of a meager harvest next year. It is quite logical if you consider that the mycelium periodically degenerates and cannot produce a large harvest regularly.

White specimens appear following morels in June. But if there were no morels, this is a sure sign that there will be no boletus mushrooms either.

What do mushrooms on a grave mean?

Usually mushrooms do not grow in a cemetery, but spores brought from nearby forests can germinate there too. Sometimes the grave is completely covered with mushrooms, but there is nothing to rejoice at - you cannot eat them. According to signs, everything taken out of the cemetery brings death. In addition, along with them you can bring the spirit of a disturbed deceased into your home.

The sign also has a completely logical explanation. Mushrooms collected at the grave contain a high concentration of corpse poison, absorbed from the grave soil. When consuming them, severe poisoning that can lead to death cannot be avoided.

Some signs claim that mushrooms grow on the graves of people who died from the disease. Therefore, eating them will cause trouble or serious illness.

What do witch circles in the forest mean?

People considered mushroom circles a meeting place for witches, and avoided them

The ancestors gave the mushrooms, growing in a closed ring, in the center of which there is withered dry grass, an impressive name - “Circle of Witches”. The people believed that the circles were formed by a gathering of witches who flew to the Sabbath, and they tried to avoid them, for fear of disturbing the raging evil spirits.

People have noticed that the rings increase in size every year, and most often consist of fly agarics, chanterelles, champignons, and meadow mushrooms.

The "Witches' Circle" has given rise to many legends. Daredevils claimed that it pointed to the burial of a treasure, which can only be found by picking an enchanted herb that blooms for several minutes on the night of Ivan Kupala. For anyone who manages to read a prayer before the flower closes, the grass will open his eyes, and he will see the place where the treasure is hidden. It is known that such searches were attempted, but no treasures were found.

The Dutch believed that the circles were the result of the activity of devils churning butter. In this regard, they did not allow their cows near them, fearing that the milk would spoil.

The northerners believed that the circles appeared after the witches had left after bathing in the rain.

In fact, the signs are wrong. Mushroom rings are just growing mycelium. Dry grass in the center appears as it gradually dies and moves to another place.

What do mushrooms near the threshold mean?

Mushrooms found near the threshold are a bad omen.

When removing, you must use a sheet of paper or a rag. After which they are taken away from housing and thrown away.

It would not be superfluous to turn to a strong magician for protection and make an appointment with a nephrologist. Judging by the signs, mushrooms cause damage to the health of the genitourinary system.

What does it mean to pick mushrooms on a leap year?

Signs recommend not picking mushrooms during a leap year, otherwise death cannot be avoided. Elderly people believe that the better the harvest, the more coffins will be sent to the cemetery, so they avoid going into the forest.

Mycologists have their own signs. Due to the degeneration of the mycelium, the yield is poor. Picking mushrooms at this time is monkey work. Also, when mycelium degenerates, there is a high probability of poisoning even from edible species. Therefore, if a leap year coincides with the process of dying off of the mycelium (mycelium), you should not go to the forest.

What do mushrooms on the wall mean?

According to signs, mushrooms growing on the wall of a house are a good omen. They promise their owners well-being, wealth, and happiness. The roots of the sign come from times when division according to phallic characteristics was accepted and the sudden appearance of mushrooms was associated with pregnancy. That is why the signs acquired such a cheerful meaning. If we think sensibly, this is most likely explained by a wood disease and it is better to get rid of it before active destruction of the wall begins.

Edible species indicate spores that accidentally landed on the wall

The harvest can be eaten, and the mycelium can be removed and the growth site can be disinfected to prevent rotting of the tree.

Why do you think there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest?

Signs say that a lot of mushrooms mean war, disaster, death or destruction. Internal problems in the country are also often associated with mushroom abundance.

Gambling mushroom pickers treat the belief with irony, but older people are afraid of omens. The prediction is relatively “young” and appeared after the end of the 2nd World War. People compared the colossal mushroom harvest of 1940 with the rapid growth of chanterelles and boletus in June 1941 and drew disappointing conclusions. As if confirmation, I recall the unprecedented abundance of mushrooms on the eve of the Russo-Japanese War.

Cynics do not like this sign; they are happy to collect full baskets and make preparations for the winter. Others superstitiously consider it a bad sign.

A bountiful harvest can also be a harbinger of:

  • changes in power;
  • epidemics and serious diseases;
  • the approaching time of famine.

Why do you think a mushroom grew in a house flower?

Mushrooms in a flower are the result of fragments of mycelium that have fallen into the soil.

Will it be accepted in case the mushroom grew in a flower pot, no. Purchased soil or garden soil may contain small particles of fungal spores that germinate when exposed to abundant and frequent watering. It is impossible to get rid of traces of mycelium, and sometimes phytosporin does not cope. The only way out is to completely change the soil and container.

Reasons for appearance

Harmful plaque appears in a flower pot, regardless of the type and age of the plant. Spores of pathogenic fungi are often found in the air or fall into a flowerpot with contaminated soil.

Most often, the appearance of a dangerous fungus on the soil is provoked by flower growers. Improper plant care, inappropriate temperature conditions, and excess humidity activate the growth of fungal microflora.

Often, lovers of indoor plants believe that soil moldiness is observed only where the flowers require abundant watering. This opinion is wrong. Unfortunately, harmful white coating often affects the soil in flowerpots with cacti, ficus and violets.

Provoking factors:

  • waterlogging of the soil due to excessive watering;
  • high air humidity;
  • poor soil quality;
  • watering the plants with cold water;
  • the house is too cold for a certain type of indoor flower;
  • collecting low-quality soil from the nearest flower garden, rather than purchasing it from a specialized store;
  • stagnation of moisture due to improper arrangement of the drainage system.

Note to owners!

Many gardeners have noted that mold appears on the soil surface more often in spring and autumn, when the room temperature drops, moisture evaporates less, and conditions are created for the soil to become waterlogged. During these periods, you need to move the plants to the warmest room, add artificial lighting to provide additional heating, and check whether the drainage holes are clogged.

How to avoid what is predicted in omens

Not all predictions should be taken seriously. Worrying about trifles often attracts trouble much more powerfully than prophecy. However, it is worth listening to signs that promise death or illness, since this can easily happen when poisoned by old, wormy or unfamiliar mushrooms.

If you strictly follow the following rules, poisoning can be avoided:

  1. Do not collect overgrowths - they contain a lot of toxic substances.
  2. When it’s hot, don’t go foraging for mushrooms—it’s easy to get poisoned by picking up forest gifts in the heat. In all types, incl. Edible ones contain microscopic doses of arsenic and hydrocyanic acid, the concentration of which increases in the heat. Heat triggers the aging process, and the products of fungal decomposition are similar to cadaveric poison.
  3. Heat immediately, but no later than 4-6 hours after collection.
  4. Do not ignore the process of sorting before cooking - this will help ensure that there are no old, wormy, damaged or poisonous specimens.
  5. Cut smaller – the pieces will cook better, and well-softened mushrooms are easier to digest by the digestive system.
  6. You need to boil it twice. During the first cooking, toxins contained in forest products are released into the water. The liquid is poured out and the pan is thoroughly rinsed. Repeated cooking lasts until they settle to the bottom.
  7. Salting is allowed only in wooden containers.
  8. You should not resort to airtight sealing - this can provoke the production of a toxin that causes botulism.
  9. When opening a jar of pickles, you should not eat the marinade. Its role is to absorb toxic substances. After drinking this brine, you can go to another world.
  10. People suffering from diabetes, as well as those with diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines or gastrointestinal tract are prohibited from eating mushrooms. An exception is chronic gastritis with low acidity, in which mushroom broth stimulates the production of gastric juice.

Danger to plants

Why it is necessary to get rid of mold and not allow it to spread:

  1. The plant begins to get sick, as mold prevents nutrients from reaching the stems, leaves and flowers
  2. The root system does not receive enough oxygen.
  3. Fungus in the soil can cause various flower diseases.
  4. Due to increased humidity, the roots of the plant may begin to rot.

If you do not fight the mold fungus, the plant will rot and die.

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