How to plant aloe: tips for beginner gardeners

  • July 23, 2019
  • Houseplants
  • Ksenia Stepanishcheva

Many indoor flower lovers plant aloe at home. This plant is known for its medicinal properties, so it is often used in folk medicine. However, not everyone knows the intricacies of cultivation. How to plant aloe is described in the article.

The plant is also called agave. It is part of the succulent family. There are over 500 species of aloe. Some of them are grown at home. Aloe vera is often grown on windowsills. Planting is carried out according to certain rules, subject to which the color will be healthy and beautiful.

What kind of land is required?

Under natural conditions, aloe grows in poor sandy desert soils. Succulents are also found on rocky soils at low plateau heights. How to grow aloe at home? A special substrate is required, including:

  • humus soil - 1 part;
  • coarse and fine river sand - 2 parts each;
  • perlite – 1 part;
  • vermiculite – 1 part.

The plant feels comfortable in this soil mixture and develops normally. But for adapted plants, a gentle and fertile composition can be used, including:

  • turf soil - 6 parts;
  • greenhouse soil – 1;
  • leaf humus – 2;
  • peat – 2;
  • sand – 2.

You can choose a store-bought mixture “For succulents and cacti.” A 2-3 cm layer of drainage should be placed in the container. Plants are replanted every year. It is advisable to do this in the spring at the beginning of the growing season, although aloe normally tolerates transplantation at any time, with the exception of the rest period.


When considering how to grow aloe, you should delve into the issue of choosing a pot. The plant has a small root system and heavy, fleshy leaves. You should not choose narrow and tall containers for it. This vessel will fall under the weight of the leaves.

But low, ceramic and clay wide pots are perfect. In a plastic pot, the soil mixture takes a long time to dry compared to a clay pot. For a succulent, it is necessary that moisture in the ground does not remain for long.

Medicinal properties of aloe

Aloe pulp and the juice obtained from it are used to treat diseases of the digestive system, relieve inflammation in the mouth and throat, and treat skin diseases (including difficult to heal wounds, burns, eczema, acne). The nourishing and regenerating properties of aloe vera are also used in many cosmetics, such as creams and hair balms.

Many, of course, grow aloe at home and use it in various traditional medicine recipes.

A modern house is an aesthetically attractive house. And indoor plants should decorate it. As for aloe, you can very often see that its leaves are not very fleshy, do not look very attractive, and the bush itself can be very elongated and disproportionate. With improper care, aloe rarely dies; it is very tenacious, but the aesthetics are very poor. And a vicious circle - it seems like you should keep such a useful plant at home, but it looks ugly.

And the secret of growing aloe is actually simple. Just 3 conditions will help you grow a beautiful, healthy plant.

Landing. Rules and nuances

How to plant aloe? First you need to inspect the roots. Damaged and rotten ones must be removed, and the cuts must be sprinkled with activated charcoal or charcoal powder. Cinnamon is also suitable for this. Dead roots form during dormancy; they should not lead to panic in the grower. They should also be eliminated.

Place drainage in the container with a 3-4 cm layer of expanded clay, medium-fraction pebbles or crushed stone. Then it is sprinkled with soil mixture, the root system is placed, straightening it. You need to add soil mixture on top between the roots, compacting it a little. The plant must be kept well in the substrate. But it is important not to overdo it - the roots are fragile, so they can be easily damaged.

The root collar is considered the most vulnerable area of ​​a succulent; it must be at the same level with the soil and not go deep into the ground, otherwise it will rot. Small decorative pebbles are placed near it as mulch to protect against waterlogging.

When planting, the plant should be watered moderately, but then not watered for several days. This is necessary for firmly anchoring the roots. Only a week later the succulent needs to be watered for the first time after planting. You should feed no earlier than a month later.

Aloe propagation methods

Agave in nature reproduces by children - daughter bushes that already have their own formed roots. This method is often used among plant owners, but there are other methods to be aware of.

Reproduction by apex

With proper care, aloe quickly grows upward and forms new leaves. In the meantime, the old ones can be cut off, otherwise they will fall off on their own. If you cut off the top of the main stem, it can be turned into a separate young bush. To do this, place it in a container of water, where roots will grow at the top. Then the plant is transplanted into a pot. This method of propagation is suitable for adult aloe plants, which find it difficult to grow with their own weight. It will also rejuvenate the plant, since only young leaves will remain on the new flower.

Reproduction by children and cuttings

Babies are young bushes that appear in large numbers every year. They grow next to the main trunk, but by the time of transplantation they have their own root system. If you do not separate them from the adult bush, they will quickly become cramped in one pot. There will not be enough nutrients in the soil for all the flowers, so they may get sick and wither. There are no special requirements for transplanting children. These flowers are already full-fledged plants, so all that remains is to carefully separate them so as not to damage the roots, and place them in a neighboring pot.

Leaf propagation

You can grow an entire bush from a single leaf. Medium-length leaves are suitable for this. They need to be cut off at the base and placed in the prepared substrate. The roots will grow already in the ground, while the aloe is periodically watered. Such aloe will grow no worse than those grown from cuttings. The only drawback of the method is that the leaf may not take root.

Aloe is not only a flower in a pot, but also a home medicine cabinet. It is easy to care for at any time of the year. It can be left for a long time without watering, and the plant will be in excellent condition. Within a few years, a full-fledged tall bush is formed, from which you can obtain medicinal juice or gel. Even young bushes that have reached 10-15 cm in height can be propagated.

From the shoot

It is not always possible to buy a flower. But the shoot can also be used for planting. How to plant aloe this way? Simple enough. Typically, the procedure is performed when a lateral shoot on the stem is used to produce a new plant. Planting is also carried out when the succulent grows and there is a need for its rejuvenation.

How to plant aloe without roots? The cuttings are left to dry for several days, placed on a clean cloth. The path will remain in a warm room in a dark place.

Rooting of the shoot occurs in wet sand or a mixture of garden soil and river sand. The cuttings must be watered from below. The resulting leaves on the top indicate the appearance of roots. After 3-4 weeks, you can plant aloe in a separate pot, which is filled with soil mixture. Then just wait for the plant to get stronger. These are all the nuances about how to plant aloe from a shoot.

How to properly plant aloe in a pot

How to water aloe correctly depending on the season

Planting aloe in a pot is easy. It is important to strictly follow the entire sequence of actions and prepare everything on time. The landing procedure is as follows:

  1. Before planting, it is important to carefully examine the roots of the plant. Be sure to remove damaged and diseased ones. They are cut with a sharp knife, and the sections are sprinkled with charcoal or activated carbon.
  2. Prepare the container and suitable soil. A drainage layer up to 2 cm high is poured onto the bottom of the pot (expanded clay is used). A small amount of soil is poured on top.
  3. The aloe root system is carefully straightened and the plant is placed in a pot. The earth is poured on top, pressing it down slightly. You need to do everything carefully; aloe has rather fragile roots that are very easy to damage.
  4. The root collar should not be under the ground; the flower is planted so that it remains above the top layer of soil. Otherwise, rotting of the roots and the entire plant is possible.
  5. After planting is completed, water the plant a little and leave it alone.

Important! Further irrigation and fertilizing are carried out after a few days.

From a leaf

You can do it differently. How to grow aloe from a leaf? The growing procedure is the same as for rooting. This method is rarely used by flower growers because it is more time consuming and troublesome. And the result is not always expected. Often the rooted leaf rots.

A healthy leaf with normal turgor, located at the bottom of the rosette, must be cut off with a sharp tool. It should dry for several days in a semi-shaded room. Then the cut is sprinkled with activated carbon powder.

The leaf needs to be rooted in damp sand, deepening it to 3 cm. Cover (film or glass vessel) is not required. Watering should be done regularly with a small amount of water so that the sand is moistened, but not wet.

After 5-6 weeks, 1 small leaf appears at the base of the buried leaf, and then a second one. Then a socket will be formed. When its leaves are 3-5 cm, the plant can be planted in a separate container. These are all the principles on how to plant aloe.

What to do if it doesn’t take root?

If the plant does not take root, the following recommendations will help solve this problem:

  1. Use soil from the forest for planting. It is the most nutritious for plants.
  2. Plant a leaf with roots in dry soil and do not water it for 7 days, and then pour water into the pan.
  3. Do not water aloe immediately after transplanting. Then it will take root faster, and if you fill it with water, there is a danger of the roots rotting.

Growing aloe from a leaf without roots is a difficult task, but quite doable if you try hard. Taking into account the recommendations presented, you can successfully propagate aloe leaves, saving personal time and effort. And under no circumstances should you worry if this procedure is not successful the first time, because you can always try again.

From seeds

It is advisable to plant seeds in late February - early March. It is necessary to prepare the soil, pour it into a flat small container. The seeds are laid out on moistened soil and then sprinkled with sand. Agave should be planted to a depth of about 1 cm.

The container with seeds must be placed in the greenhouse. It is important that the temperature is +21 degrees. When growing aloe, moderate watering is needed. Do not allow the soil to dry out. As soon as sprouts appear, you need to spray them with water.

When 3-4 leaves appear, the children are transplanted into separate containers 5 cm high. After a year, the plants are moved to a container of suitable size.

Aloe planting dates

There are no clear dates for planting different parts of aloe without a root system - they are usually well accepted if suitable indoor conditions are created. However, some gardeners argue that the period of activation of natural sap flow processes, which occurs in early spring, is optimal for planting a flower.

At this time, the chances of rapid rooting are much higher (roots grow within 2–4 weeks), which makes it possible to obtain a strong and healthy plant as a result. If aloe is grown through seeds, it is best to sow in late February - early March.


When considering how to plant aloe, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of care so that the flower is well accepted. After planting, the plant should be placed in a dimly lit place and should not be disturbed for several days. You can put it on a bright windowsill only after 7-10 days. The first watering is carried out no earlier than a week later.

You need to feed only after 1-2 months. Watering should be done no more than once every 8-9 days, taking into account the condition of the soil. It is important that the soil dries out between moistening procedures.

The plant requires the necessary lighting. Aloe requires bright light, so it should be placed on a south or south-east window sill to avoid direct sunlight. Artificial lighting is suitable in winter

Temperature compliance is required. In summer, the flower can be left at room temperature, and in winter, when aloe is dormant, an indicator of no more than +14 degrees is needed. In summer, the plant is placed outdoors.

In order for the plant to develop normally, it is transplanted into a spacious container every 3-4 years. You need to place drainage at the bottom, then remove the flower from the old pot and shake off the soil from the roots. After this, place it in a new container. Then you should fill it with soil and water it.

In open ground

You can plant aloe in open ground only for the summer. If the spring in the region is warm and there are no frosts, then planting work is carried out at the end of May. It is necessary that the daytime temperature is 25-30 degrees, and the night temperature is at least 12.

Planting aloe in open ground is done as follows:

  1. First, a landing site is selected. It is important that it is well lit. But direct sunlight is harmful.
  2. You should also take care that the aloe does not get wet during the rainy season, otherwise it will rot.
  3. In the chosen location you should dig a hole, the size of which should be slightly larger compared to the depth of the pot.
  4. Sawdust or coal is placed at the bottom, and a layer of expanded clay is sprinkled on top. After this, the earth is laid.
  5. Place the plant in the hole and sprinkle it with soil mixture.

Where to put aloe

Choose a well-lit place for the plant, such as a western, eastern or southern windowsill. In the northern, especially shaded, aloe there will be little light, and over time the flower will stretch, shred and lose its decorative effect.

Do not place aloe in the shade; this plant needs good lighting. Photo: ek_kochetkova / Depositphotos

If the plant has been in the shade for a long time, do not move it directly to the sun's rays. Adapt to bright lighting gradually, leave it in the morning sun for half an hour to an hour at first, and then gradually increase this period.

From spring to autumn, aloe feels normal at normal room temperature. In warm months it can be taken out onto the balcony. Outdoors, choose a location where the plant will be protected from precipitation. Due to frequent rains, the soil in the pot will become swampy and the roots will begin to rot.

Comfortable winter temperature is 13–15 °C, but aloe can be kept at normal room temperature. During this period, it is advisable to provide additional lighting with lamps.

Grow up

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