How to plant a ficus shoot: step-by-step instructions

Ficus is one of the few house plants that can be found in almost every living space. This popularity is due to its attractive appearance, as well as ease of care. In addition, there is a belief that ficus promotes family well-being, as well as the birth of children in the family. If you saw someone's gorgeous ficus Benjamin while visiting, you will definitely want to grow something similar at home, which is why you need to know how to plant a ficus shoot.

Rules to help you choose a healthy shoot

If you want to independently separate a shoot from a ficus, then you need to choose only strong and healthy plants, for example, you can take a cutting when cutting the crown of an adult ficus. However, before doing this, you need to make sure that the selected branch has leaves. The length of the process should be at least 10-15 centimeters. All actions must be performed with a sharp knife or blade. The cut must be made at an oblique angle. And under no circumstances should you use scissors, much less break a twig, as you will only injure the plant, which will result in delayed rooting and further development.

If you have chosen a large-leaved species for cultivation, then in order to grow a flower at home, it is enough for the cuttings to have 3-4 leaves. In this case, it is advisable to trim the lower one, since a large number of leaves will contribute to excessive evaporation of moisture. When growing small-leaved ficus, the lower leaves also need to be trimmed, but their number can be more than 3-4.

After the procedure of trimming the leaves and the shoot itself, the plant can release white sap. If you don't wash it with water, it dries out very quickly. This cannot be allowed. Therefore, after the shoot is cut, the juice should be washed off with warm water or placed in a container with water for several hours. It is also recommended to treat the cut area with charcoal.

Before planting a ficus shoot, you need to dry it or simply change the water several times. There are two methods of planting: cuttings from roots and without them.

Tips for choosing a scion

Despite the fact that propagating ficus by cuttings is the most popular method, not every shoot is suitable. To obtain the best effect, the cutting must be taken from an absolutely healthy, strong flower. Such a cutting can be obtained by pruning the crown of an adult tree.

Another prerequisite for success is the presence of buds with several leaves on the shoot that is taken. Cut the cutting at least 10–15 cm long, this way you will ensure its optimal development in the future. The time suitable for cutting is March or April. This way, the ficus Benjamin will have enough time to take root properly, and low temperatures in winter will not be scary for it.

How to root a shoot correctly

Previously, it was said how to properly separate a shoot from an adult plant so that the ficus grows healthy. But this is not enough. It is also necessary to properly root the prepared cuttings into the ground. However, there are ways that will tell you how to plant a ficus shoot without roots.

The cutting should be planted immediately after it is separated from the adult plant. To do this, you need to prepare a mini-greenhouse, which should have good lighting, and also purchase some fertilizer. Plant the stem in the prepared soil, then cover it with a glass jar or cut plastic bottle. During the rooting period, the plant must be looked after. Care consists of regular watering and ventilation of the plant. Within 2-3 weeks the first leaf will appear, which is direct evidence that the cutting has taken root. Then you don’t have to replant it.

How to choose a pot for a plant

The choice of pot is one of the important factors, since if you choose the wrong shape and volume, in particular, the ficus will not be able to fully develop. Therefore, before planting a ficus shoot, it is recommended to make a choice based on the size and degree of development of the roots. The container should not be too large; to plant a shoot, it is better to take a pot with a diameter of no more than 10 centimeters, and you need to make sure that there are drainage holes at the bottom. If there are none, then you need to make them yourself. The height of the pot should not be small; the roots should be at least 2 centimeters higher from the walls and bottom of the vessel.

Step-by-step instruction

The best time to plant a ficus shoot is spring; summer sunny weather is better for rooting and subsequent adaptation of the plant. If the shoot is planted in the fall, the young plant will not have time to prepare for winter frosts and may simply die.

Before planting a ficus benjamina shoot, you need to select a cutting 10 centimeters long, which has previously been rooted into the ground. Further, all actions occur in several stages:

  1. Prepare all the necessary materials described earlier.
  2. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot to avoid excess moisture in the soil, since a large amount of water can lead to rotting of the roots.
  3. Fill the pot with the prepared earthen mixture, then make a small depression in the center, about one and a half to two centimeters high.
  4. Place the rooted cuttings in this hole and sprinkle a little with the mixture, then water generously.

Now the ficus can be placed on a windowsill or a special flower shelf, and the plant also needs special care to keep it healthy.

Features of reproduction

Instruments used to work with the plant must be sterile. To do this, the cutting part is treated with an alcohol solution or other antiseptic. If cuttings are taken from different bushes, then disinfection must be carried out after each flower. This will prevent infection of healthy flowers.

In the ground

For rooting in the ground, a substrate is prepared from turf soil, sand and peat. All components are disinfected in the oven by heating. After this, they are mixed and introduced into the planting container.

Reference! Small pots are suitable for rooting 1-2 cuttings. If there are more blanks, it is better to use a rectangular container with appropriate parameters.

After cleaning the milky juice, the shoot is buried into the soil mixture by 2-3 buds. The soil is lightly compacted and moistened using a sprayer. To create a greenhouse effect, sticks are placed along the edges of the container, and a transparent plastic bag is fixed on top of them. The frame should be higher than the planting material. Successful rooting requires a warm environment and moderate humidity.

In water

Rooting cuttings in water is considered less troublesome. It is enough to place the blanks in a container with liquid. The container should not allow light to pass through, so when using a glass vessel, gardeners wrap the outer wall with foil or thick dark fabric. It is also necessary to build something similar to a greenhouse on top of the cuttings. The simplest option involves fixing a plastic cup.

When the cuttings are rooted in water, the microclimate is established close to the natural habitat conditions of ficus trees. This is a temperature within 25° and an average level of humidity.

Maintenance of an improvised greenhouse is kept to a minimum:

  • 2-3 holes are made in the bottom of the plastic cup for free passage of air;
  • As the water evaporates, make gravy;
  • After the roots appear, the structure is dismantled for subsequent transplantation of the shoot.

Ways to stimulate rapid growth and root formation

After planting the rooted shoot in a pot, roots are formed in the callus tissue of the plants. This happens through mechanical damage to the stem, as a result of which the root system of the ficus is formed. To speed up this process, you can make a few small cuts on the stem yourself before planting the shoot.

Better growth of ficus is facilitated by the use of special chemical fertilizers. They will improve the formation of the ficus root system. Treatment with growth stimulants is carried out as follows: the shoots are soaked in the prepared solution before planting, or the cut of the cutting is treated with a preparation that comes in powder form.

Planting cuttings

If ficus benjamina propagation

transferred in water with rooting, then it is planted in a pot. Planting is carried out in accordance with the following steps:

  • choose a pot or flowerpot with holes at the bottom and fill the bottom with a layer of drainage made of expanded clay, small pebbles, fragments of brick or tile;
  • fill the pot with a layer of prepared soil, leaving 2-3 cm to the top;
  • moisten the ground, make a hole and place the cutting in it, having previously cut the roots to the same length;
  • The roots are covered with soil, without compacting them too much, as this can damage the delicate root system of the plant. The soil itself will be brought down to the desired level by watering.

Young ficus benjamina

requires a ventilated, moisture-permeable and nutritious substrate. If it is not possible to buy a ready-made earthen mixture for ficus in the store, then it is created independently from soil, turf, peat, sapropel, sand and perlite collected under leafy trees.

Features of caring for cuttings

After you have successfully planted a ficus shoot, the plant will require careful care, in particular, it needs to be sprayed with water at room temperature every day, especially if the apartment is heated. It is better to place the pot with the plant in a bright place, since the leaves will be better colored in this case, but the light should be indirect.

Knowing how to properly plant a ficus shoot is not enough without knowledge about care. Watering with soft warm water is required twice a week. Before each subsequent watering, you need to make sure that the soil is slightly dry, since excess moisture can lead to rotting of the roots, and also because the leaves will fall off. The roots themselves should not be allowed to be in water, but there should also not be a lack of moisture, since the protective reaction in this case would be to completely get rid of the leaves.

If you plant three ficus shoots in a pot, then as they grow, you can give them a rather attractive shape, for example, braid several young plants at once. You can force the ficus to branch in the direction you want; to do this, just use a soft wire and tie the stem to it.

When growing, remember that ficus benjamina can be affected by mealybugs and scale insects. However, the biggest problem remains leaf fall, which can occur due to lack of moisture and moisture, as well as as a natural process as it matures.

If you pay due attention to the ficus, then in just a few years ficus Benjamin will grow on your windowsill, which you can give to any shape.

When can ficus benjamina be propagated?

Ficus is one of the popular house plants used to decorate the interior. Intensive growth of shoots and bright green foliage will transform a room for any purpose. Culture looks great in a small apartment and a large country house. This exotic beauty won the hearts of flower growers not only with its high aesthetic qualities, but also with its undemanding care. The culture also has beneficial properties, which are expressed in the ability to purify the air from dangerous chemical compounds (benzene, trichlorethylene, phenol, etc.).

The flower is easy to propagate using one of the available methods. It is better to plan these events for spring or summer. In autumn there begins a period of rest. Until spring comes, the plant rests and gains strength. At this time, the production of new shoots and foliage is reduced. You should not injure the ficus by cutting cuttings or leaves; there is a high probability of weakening the protective function.

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Reference! The favorable time for transplanting ficus is considered to be the period from May to August.

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