Description of varieties and types of mint with names, what kind exists

Plant varieties

Unpretentious, medicinal and aromatic mint grows in every garden and is often found in natural conditions. This perennial herb belongs to the Lamiaceae family and has more than twenty-five varieties. The most common types are the following:

  • pepper (English) - cultivated for use in medicine, cooking, and in everyday life;
  • longifolia - grown on plantations to obtain essential oil;
  • meadow - a wild plant that can often be found in gardens;
  • curly - has a delicate aroma and the absence of a sharp cooling taste;
  • Japanese - distinguished by large purple flowers.

Different types of this plant have differences in their composition, but all of them can be used for treatment and in cooking. Catnip (catnip) and its lemon scent are special. Catnip is unique in that it is very attractive to cats (including large predators). This herb is widely used in cooking, perfumery, and medicine.

Indoor plant

There are three known types of indoor mint. The houseplant will adapt to any conditions and bring benefits with its presence. Among the many types used indoors are:

  • prayer tree;
  • Scandinavian ivy;
  • Plectranthus Ertendahl.

Indoor moth mint is best known and grows as a potted plant. It actually releases phytoncides that repel not only moths, but also other insects.

The varieties of spice culture presented in the material do not exhaust the diversity. There are many more plants of this species not included in the description. But they all differ in their useful properties, decorativeness and application in different spheres of human activity.

What is made from mint?

It’s easier to say what they don’t make from it - enter any hypermarket, and this plant and its derivatives will literally surround you. Fresh herbs, mint syrup, chewing gum, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, dishwashing liquid, tea mixtures with mint, dried herbs in the spices section, semi-finished lamb fillet in mint marinade, mint gingerbread, candy, and for fans of bad habits - mint liquor and menthol cigarettes. The situation is the same in the pharmacy: peppermint tincture, herbal infusions, cough drops, dandruff remedies - and this is not a complete list.

In cooking, mint is used mainly in fresh and dried form - both for flavoring dishes and giving food certain flavor shades, and simply for decoration, like any other greens. The easiest way is to brew mint tea - read more about the benefits and harms of this drink below. Perfumers also love to use mint - from its primitive use in household chemicals, where mint fragrance can qualitatively cancel out the not always pleasant original odors of substances in gels and aerosols, to the high art of composing fashionable fragrances.

Moroccan mint

Moroccan mint or Mentha spicata crispa Moroccan is nothing more than curly mint. The special name is of French origin and dates back to the times when Morocco, among other North African provinces, was a colony of France. The spices, fruits and plants brought from this country seemed strange to Europeans.

Moroccan mint, grown in a hotter climate than in the Old World, contained more essential oils and menthol, and also had unusual corrugated leaves, which is why it deserved its name.

Varieties for home

Types of plants that can be grown at home on windowsills or in greenhouses.

Home (Plectranthus or Spurflower)

The indoor plant is represented by several species, but all of them have strongly branching stems and closely growing leaves of light or dark green color. The leaf blades are oval, with carved edges. During the flowering period, corollas appear, the color of which depends on the species - blue, blue, white or lilac. The aroma is close to mint.

Plant grown in a pot


It was bred by Dutch breeders, and its distinctive feature is the aroma of chocolate and a brown tint on the leaves. The smooth stem can grow up to 50-60 cm. The shape of the leaves is semicircular, elongated, slightly corrugated and with veins. Small purple flowers are collected in inflorescences, in the place of which black mint seeds are formed.

Chocolate mint has brownish-purple leaves.

Additional Information! You can feel the chocolate aroma well from the leaves located in front of the inflorescences.


This is a mint herb with wide, pointed green leaves with yellow veins growing on straight stems. It blooms with pink or purple flowers that gather in spikelets. This type does not contain menthol.

Can be grown on the window and balcony, planted in small pots or containers in the spring. She loves loose, fertile soil. It can be propagated by seeds, cuttings or dividing bushes. To grow, you need good lighting and a warm climate. All varieties of mint love plenty of watering and spraying.

Exotic varieties


Popularly called ivy bud or dog mint, the plant has a persistent aroma. It grows in Eurasian fields in areas with temperate climatic conditions. It has a bitter and pungent aftertaste and does not leave a cold aftertaste. This medicinal plant can be classified as a melliferous plant. Widely used due to its anti-inflammatory, choleretic, healing effects. The leaves are actively used to make various tonics.

The height of a mature plant reaches a maximum of 40 centimeters, its stems actively creep over all surfaces, they are supplemented with bare or pubescent short hairs. The main vegetative organ of the plant is numerous and takes root. Its leaves contain long petioles and are distinguished by their shape in the form of buds or roundness, located opposite. Small flowers with a purple or bluish tint are collected in inflorescences and can be enjoyed until mid-August.

The mint plant found its use in medicine in ancient China. It stands out for its regenerating effect. It is also used for bile stagnation, as a remedy against hyperhidrosis, or even as a deodorant. Oil is made from this variety of mint, which is optimal for treating the skin of the eyelids.

Cat variety

This type of plant is distinguished by a strong, uncharacteristic smell of lemon, which attracts all the stray cats in the area. Mint mainly grows in forest clearings, wastelands, weedy places, on slopes or along the side of the highway. Most often it grows close to apiaries, because it is considered a valuable honey plant.

The plant has found its use in perfumery, in soap making, in the confectionery shop and, of course, in pharmacology. The dried leaves and inflorescences of the plant help overcome gastrointestinal diseases, they are brewed for severe migraines, and the extract is rubbed onto areas of the skin affected by rashes or allergic reactions.

This type of mint is a perennial representative of the flora, capable of growing up to a meter in height. Its roots are like woody species with straight and strong stems. The flowers are off-white in color and may be pinkish or purple. The entire inflorescence is collected into a specific umbrella at the tips of the vegetative organs of higher plants.

Types of mint, photos with names of varieties

All studied species of this plant have an aroma unique to it. Mint is unique, since all its varieties are actively grown and used in various areas of life. There are many types of menthol herb, the most popular varieties are provided below, photos of the plant will help you see them clearly.

The British developed this variety of herb by crossing three species: spike grass, water grass and wild grass. The plant is not at all whimsical, but it begins to develop poorly when there is an abundance of weeds. After 3 years, the shrubs need to be replanted, as they age and lose their attractive decorative appearance. During the flowering period, it is an excellent honey plant. The plant contains about 4.5% menthol oil, which is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

This variety is also commonly known as flea mint. It can be found in large quantities in Russia, the Caucasus and Ukraine. It reaches a height of up to 50 cm; oblong leaves are located on the branched shoot. Flowering begins in July and ends in mid-September. The inflorescences are collected in dense rings located around the shoot. The leaves of the plant contain 2% menthol. Dry leaves and stems are used as a seasoning in cooking, and it is also included in medicines.

House herb is one of the most common indoor plants. It has the same aroma and beneficial properties as all other members of this family. The spicy plant is unpretentious and grows well in a home pot. It releases essential oils that repel a variety of insects. It can be used for making tea, dessert and other dishes.

This medicinal herb is popularly known as lemon balm or honey mint. It blooms throughout the summer, and its aroma attracts bees, so mint is an excellent honey plant. This variety contains unique essential oils that are widely used in medicine. Melissa is unpretentious, it tolerates cold well and does not require additional fertilizer. The height of the stems can reach more than a meter. The spicy plant is valued for its aroma and excellent taste, which is why it is widely used in cooking. Lemon balm is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

This variety is a representative of peppermint. A distinctive feature is considered to be a more pronounced and rich aroma of menthol. The height of the stems exceeds 50 cm; elongated leaves are located along it. Menthol mint is resistant to a variety of pests and diseases, so it grows well. It is often used for cosmetic purposes, for cooking, as well as in folk and traditional medicine.

It is better to collect the spicy plant outside the city, where it is environmentally friendly. Many people specially plant it on their plots so that later it can be harvested. Any variety of mint must be collected during active flowering. During this period, it is filled with essential oils and beneficial components. Cut the stems and lay them out in the fresh air, under a canopy, to dry. Dry raw materials are crushed and placed in a glass jar, tightly closed with a lid. The medicinal herb must be stored in a dark place.

The medicinal plant can be frozen. An instant decrease in temperature will preserve all the essential substances and beneficial components of mint.

Description of the plant

The genus is represented by perennial plants that grow both in the wild and on cultivated lands. Inflorescences of small flowers form on the stems forming compact bushes. The most decorative phase continues throughout the summer. All varieties of mint - Pennyroyal, Spearmint and others - vary in height. Bushes can grow from 30 cm to 1 m, and the shoots of some species can grow even higher.

Catnip photo

Another name for this plant is catnip. It has a lemon scent and attracts cats. For people in magic, the grass attracts love and courage. The plant is used to create pharmaceutical gardens and rocky compositions. Catnip attracts with its decorative effect and long flowering. The plant loves moderate watering and does not tolerate stagnant water. It has no diseases or pests.

Second name: catnip

It got its name because of the thin lemon juice that attracts the active attention of cats.

In gardening it is cultivated as a decorative garden decoration. An erect shoot can reach 1 meter, quite fluffy (but not like the Korean one in the next photo). The leaves are triangular-ovate, sharp.

Used in cooking as a spice. Used in soap making and perfume industry. Widespread in medicine.

Refers to powerful antiseptic and cooling products. Prescribed for anemia, replenishes vitamin deficiency in the body.

Photo of peppermint

The cultivated plant was obtained by crossing wild mint, watermint and spearmint. It was obtained in England, hence its other name, English mint. In total, 25 species have been created based on peppermint, and 15 are cultivated in our country. The plant is a good honey plant, and the aroma is retained in the product. Peppermint leaves contain up to 4.4% oil. It is this variety of herb that is often grown in the apothecary garden at the dacha. The plant is unpretentious, but does not like the presence of weeds. After 3-4 years, the site needs to be replanted, as the old bushes lose their decorative properties. Mint is used in landscaping as a background plant; its height reaches a meter. This species is cultivated to produce menthol on an industrial scale. Menthol oil is in demand both in its pure form and as an ingredient in perfumery. Menthol serves as the basis for some dosage forms.

Mint varieties

All varieties of mint have differences in flowers, leaves, and household uses. The list below is useful for gardeners who have not yet decided exactly what kind of mint to grow.


Decoctions from this plant are drunk for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract; they can also be used to treat thermal damage to the skin. Peppermint tea is used for headaches and respiratory infections.

In everyday life it is used in perfumery, soap making, and aromatization of cosmetic products.

Korean mint

  • tetrahedral shoots;
  • the leaves are long, palm-sized;
  • the plates are round, elongated, jagged, light green.

This is a bush up to 1 m tall, with straight stems. The miniature flowers are white or tinged with blue and grow in a “spikelet.” Flowering continues all summer, seed fruits appear in September. The aroma has hints of anise.

Description of dognip with photo

The foliage is bright green, kidney-shaped in shape. The flowers are small, grow in bunches, and their hue is purple. Flowering begins in June and continues until mid-July, after which the plant bears small brown fruits (about 2 mm)

Longleaf mint

This plant reaches 80 cm in height, has a strong branched root and spreading shoots with 4 edges. The leaves grow on short petioles and are elongated. This variety begins to bloom in June and the process continues until October. The flowers are small, collected in bunches, forming a flower “spikelet”, tapering upward.

Cat mint

Decoctions and teas from the leaves of catnip basilio are used as a sedative, improve sleep and appetite, and stabilize mood.

Moroccan mint

The leaves are ovoid, sharp at the ends, light green. The flowers are white or pinkish, collected in bunches, and the flowering period lasts from mid-summer to August.


  • straight;
  • smooth;
  • a little over half a meter in height.

They contain oval-shaped leaves opposite each other. The shoots are spreading, less often - ordinary, covered with fluff at the bottom. The leaf blades are located on the cuttings, elongated, tapering at the ends. The leaves themselves are folded, up to 4 cm in length. At the top they are light green, at the bottom the color becomes less rich, to gray.

Horehound bears fruit with small, lumpy seed nuts. The fruits are yellow, lumpy, and ripen from mid-summer to early autumn. Small whorl-shaped flowers are found among the leaves.

Ginger mint

It is popularly used as a medicine for inflammatory infections and gastrointestinal diseases. Has a calming effect. Shoots can reach 1 m, smooth, spreading, densely covered with leaves. The foliage grows on short cuttings, the blades are up to 8 cm long, the tips are sharp. The leaves are teardrop-shaped.

The plant is also grown as a decoration, since the fine mint has a bright range of shades of yellow and emerald. The flowers are small, collected in bunches, which create spikelets of a delicate lilac hue. Flowering continues from early summer to October. The plant practically does not produce fruit.

Mexican mint

  • bright green;
  • big size;
  • in the form of a pointed drop.

A variety with dark purple flowers is often grown. They are collected in a spicate group.

Gardeners actively grow mint. This crop improves the appearance of the site, is pleasing to the eye, and is easy to care for. The beds of Chinese mint fill the air with a refreshing aroma, which is especially pleasant in the heat. Traditional medicine welcomes this plant, as does cooking - the crop can be used to prepare decoctions, teas, syrups and for confectionery purposes. Substances released by mint culture cleanse the air of toxins and harmful impurities and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole. Therefore, having decided to grow mint on his plot, the owner receives both a pleasant green decoration and a truly multifunctional useful product.



In other words, this variety is called indoor mint, moth tree, plectranthus and even spur flower. The plant can be either annual or perennial and grows in the tropics and subtropics. If you care for it carefully, it can even grow inside the house.

Mint grows as a bush. Its leaves contain essential extracts that have a complex chemical composition, thanks to which it gets its pleasant aroma. Can be used as a medicinal product, for decoration purposes, or as a culinary herb (leaf or root vegetables). The plant has a specific aroma, therefore it repels various insects: small butterflies, mosquitoes and others.

The trunk grows from thirty to one hundred centimeters. The stems are pubescent or bare. The flowers of the plant are small in size; they also have bract leaves that create a special umbrella. The fruit contains four nuts.

Menthol plant

It is peppery and has a high concentration of menthol and a rather intense, persistent, and intense odor. The plant is resistant to pests and protects against various diseases, and has the best winter hardiness.

The plant, thanks to its unique composition, has found its application in many areas: it is used by cosmetologists and cooks; It has an anti-inflammatory, choleretic effect, is used as a medicine for inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, and improves digestive processes. The leaves of the plant are even used as spices; they make excellent cocktails, such as, for example, a mojito.

Depending on the lighting in the area, the size of the plant can reach sixty centimeters, while its stems grow straight and stand out for their dark shade and power. Flowering begins in the middle of the second - early third month of summer. Small purple flowers form perfect inflorescences.

The very name of the genus, which has become so popular all over the world, comes from the name of the female goddess. According to Greek beliefs, she was the beloved of the god of the underground, and his lawful wife turned her into grass.


This type of mint is considered the most purchased and frequently used. She grew up as a hybrid of two opposite varieties. It is actively used to complement the taste of dishes and becomes the basis for pharmacological agents. It is a valuable honey plant. It does not grow on its own in nature. It stands out for its pungent taste, which is why it was named accordingly.

Healers use this mint as a medicinal plant, it stands out for its soothing and regenerating properties. It is not recommended for use by people who suffer from low blood pressure at the moment of maximum heart contraction. This variety belongs to the class of herbaceous perennial plants. Its stems are hollow, erect, branched, and can reach a meter in height.

The flowers are a light purple or pinkish hue, all intertwined in an inflorescence at the top of the stem. Flowering begins at the end of the second month of summer and lasts until autumn. The fruits appear extremely rarely; they consist of four nuts.


Mint, which is similar in its characteristics to the type described above, is called curly mint. Curly, spikelet-shaped, mint - all these are synonyms of the same variety. The composition includes the enantiomer linalool, as well as carvone, due to which the plant has a sweet smell and specific taste.

Surprisingly, spearmint contains virtually no menthol, and therefore the leaves do not have a cold aftertaste after eating them. The essential oils of this plant are of higher value than those of the variety described above. It is used not only in pharmacology and cooking, but also for soap making, and becomes the basis for tobacco and confectionery products.

The flowers of the plant have a harmonious pinkish-purple hue, with the shortest pedicels, which are collected into shoots covered with a seed plant. The plant begins to bloom from the second month of summer until the beginning of autumn. The seeds ripen by mid-autumn.

For maximum preservation of the described mint variety, choose bags made of paper or natural linen, which are placed in dark, cool and dry rooms.


This type of mint appeared in Northern Asia; it was originally grown as an ornamental, spicy or medicinal plant, which stands out for its effect on rejuvenation and general strengthening of the body, and it also normalizes blood pressure in the arteries. The dried plant, ground into powder, can be found in pharmacological agents that improve the composition of red blood cells; they are also used for lung and liver ailments.

This mint is considered the best variety that has a beneficial effect on human immunity. That is why, in the East, it is considered the main rival of ginseng. The essential oils of the plant have bactericidal properties.

The plant's visual characteristics resemble a perennial shrub that can grow up to one hundred centimeters. Mint stems have four sides and grow straight. The plant blooms in mid-June or early September. Its smell is simultaneously reminiscent of mint, anise, and oregano. The fruits fully ripen in early autumn, and the variety is quite frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures down to minus twenty.

Origin and characteristics of the plant

Central Asia is considered the birthplace of the medicinal plant. The culture gained species diversity at the beginning of the 17th century thanks to English breeders. At this time, the fragrant perennial began to be cultivated on an industrial scale to obtain essential oil. Subsequently, various varieties of mint began to be grown on the territories of 5 continents. The shoots of the spicy culture are used in cooking, perfumery and medicine.

Botanical description

The aromatic plant belongs to the Yamnotaceae family. Mint bushes are formed by erect stems up to 1 meter high. The leaves have a pointed shape with a thickened base. The front side of the plate is painted a rich green color, the back is usually paler. The length of the leaves is 3-6 cm.

Annual mint stems are green or brown in color depending on the variety. The tops of the main and lateral shoots end in spike-shaped mint flowers, collected in false whorls.

The root system of the fragrant crop develops close to the surface of the earth. The branched, woody roots have thickenings, from which new shoots grow every year. Root buds begin to grow with the arrival of the first thaw at a temperature of +2-3°C.

Where does mint grow?

The medicinal perennial is cultivated on an industrial scale in more than 40 countries around the world. In Russia, the main part of mint plantings is located in the Krasnodar Territory. It is possible to grow the plant in sunny areas even in the northern regions of the European continent.

Regardless of the variety, mint prefers moist soil with close groundwater. Under natural conditions it grows in lowlands, swampy places, and near water bodies. Artificially bred varieties place more demands on the structure and composition of the soil.

Garden mint prefers loose, light, well-drained soil. Cultivation requires moderately fertile soil with weak acidity. A decrease in pH levels leads to a decrease in the aroma and amount of essential oil in the composition of the grass shoots. The perennial plant tolerates winter temperatures down to -15°C without shelter. But spring frosts pose a danger. Early seedlings die if the temperature drops below -5°C.

Types of mint for the garden plot

What kind of mint there is for planting in open ground is worth considering in detail.


The garden variety was obtained by crossing two species - water mint and spearmint. What does peppermint look like? The bushes of the plant are low, usually 30-40 cm. The stem is bare, it bears oval leaves, pointed towards the edge, on short petioles. They grow crosswise, have jagged edges and visible veins. Many have seen garden mint bloom. Small pale purple flowers are located at the end of the stem and are collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence. The fruits appear rarely, but look like four single-seeded nuts.

Peppermint blossom


A variety of peppermint with a creeping root system. The young stem is green, but turns red with age. In favorable conditions it can grow up to 1 m. The leaves are oval, bright green. The lower ones grow on short petioles, and the upper ones are attached to the stem at the base. It blooms with small purple flowers in mid-summer. It has a high menthol content.

Curly (curly)

Botanical name: spearmint. The leaves have the shape of an elongated oval, rounded towards the edge. The leaf plates are strongly corrugated, shaggy, with carved edges. Small pale pink flowers are collected at the top of the main stem, the inflorescences look like spikelets.

This is what curly mint looks like

Lofant anise

A bush plant of the Agastache genus, it belongs to the rank of Mints. Botanical name: Fennel plant. The leaves are arranged opposite each other on a branched stem. Pink or purple flowers are collected at the top in spike-shaped inflorescences. In the northern regions it is grown as an annual species.

Note! It is almost impossible to find Anise lofant under natural conditions.

Lemon Balm

It looks like mint, but it doesn't belong to the species. It belongs to the Lamiaceae family, but is of a different genus - this is the main difference between the plants. The correct name is lemon balm.

Melissa looks very similar to mint

It grows in the wild in Europe, southwest Asia, northern Africa and America, and the Caucasus. Loves humus-rich soil with low acidity and moderate humidity. A perennial with a branching root, it has a stem with small hairs, to which oval or rounded leaves, pointed at the top, are attached by petioles.

The inflorescences are ring-shaped, containing 6-10 flowers with a blue corolla. Melissa blooms in mid-summer. The fruits are small, consist of single-seeded nuts, and ripen by the end of summer.

This is interesting! Melissa is often confused with other plants of the Lamiaceae family - catmint and Turkish mint (snakehead).

Mint - types and varieties with descriptions and photos

There are many types of Mint that can be purchased from herbal centers and herbalists. A fragrant collection of, for example, six varieties of mint will add much more variety to your garden, as well as your food.

The taste and smell of the widespread mint (Mentha spicata) is associated with chewing gum.

All types of mint have the same cultivation requirements. All have spike-shaped inflorescences of small bluish-pink or purple flowers that bloom in late summer. Since the flowers are not very attractive, it is best to trim them with scissors to encourage foliage growth. Many varieties of Mint have been created, which are useful to get to know better.

Applemint (M. x rotundifolia) is also known as round-leaved mint and has hairy stems and rounded, wrinkled, hairy leaves.

It is sometimes called M. suaueolens. "Variegata" (variegated apple mint) is sometimes called pineapple mint. Its leaves are mottled with creamy white spots and speckles, and some leaves are sometimes almost completely white. The reference to the pineapple scent is somewhat controversial, but was probably made up to differentiate it from apple mint.

Apple mint, especially its variegated form, is a compact plant about 30cm tall, making it suitable for planting at the front of a border or in a container.

Foxtail mint (M. x villosa var. alopecuroides). Some consider it a hybrid of M. spicata and M. rotundifolia, since it has rather large, rounded, pubescent leaves without stems.

It is a vigorously growing plant that tolerates dry soil better than other types of mint. Although this plant is not popular commercially due to its rapid decline after harvest, it makes an excellent mint sauce.

Spearmints are hybrids with curly, wavy or curled leaves.

The curly leaves add nothing to the culinary properties of the mint, but they do add variety and impact to a garden's collection of mints.

Cologne mint (M. x piperita var. citrata) is an erect plant with thin, smooth leaves, purple shoots and flowers.

When exposed to full sun, mint produces a strong cologne aroma. The whole plant in the sun has a purple bloom, and in the shade its color becomes closer to copper. The plant is used as an aromatic herb in dry aromatic mixtures or for preparing drinks sweetened with honey. Its taste is not suitable for mint sauce.

Ginger mint (M. x gentiles) is similar in aroma to spearmint.

Leaves with short stalks are pointed at both ends. Its variegated form is grown more often and is easily recognized by the yellow stripes along the veins of the leaves.

Longleaf mint (M. longifolia) has grayish and heavily pubescent long leaves.

They smell slightly musty, so they are not recommended for use in cooking.

Peppermint (M. x piperita) has thin, pubescent leaves on stalks.

Two forms of the plant are widespread: black peppermint, with dark purple stems and leaves about 6 cm long, and white peppermint, lighter green and with leaves about 7.5 cm long. The distinct smell of peppermint cannot be confused with the smell of others species. Peppermint makes a delicious, refreshing tea.

What does mint look like?

Mint is a plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is represented by a perennial herbaceous shrub up to 100 cm high with oval leaves and an inflorescence of small lilac flowers.

How mint blooms

The shape of the flowers and the color of mint differ slightly among different hybrids. The general description of the flower in all varieties is a small, 4-petal, lilac, light purple bud. The inflorescences of different forms may look different; they are collected in a spikelet or an incomplete ball.

The flowering of the plant lasts from June to September. Depending on the variety, this period may differ. The highest concentration of beneficial elements before flowering. Therefore, leaves for medicinal and food preparations are harvested before the buds bloom.

Inflorescence of menthol culture

Medicinal properties of mint

Mint leaves contain a large amount of essential oils, which are used as a squeeze to treat various ailments. From the juice of the plant, a substance is obtained to prepare tincture and oil.

Important! A person who takes herbal pills for a long time becomes a sleepyhead. Herbal preparations should not be taken by persons whose work requires high concentration of attention

With the help of inhalations with menthol water, bronchitis and wheezing in the lungs are treated. Aromatherapy with menthol oil calms excited nerves, relieves headaches, and restores appetite. Ointments are used to treat burns, treat cuts, and relieve muscle spasms.

Peppermint teas are drunk for a diuretic effect, but abuse can lead to dehydration, as enzymes actively expel fluid from the body.

The fresh cooling taste of pepper grass freshens breath after a hangover

Tablets and mint-based drinks are a contraindication for drivers, as they reduce attention

In addition to the beneficial properties of the plant, there are a number of contraindications:

  • Treatment is contraindicated in children under 5 years of age. Large concentrations of menthol cause spasms in the respiratory tract in infants;
  • People with low blood pressure should not take medications based on mint raw materials. Such medications relax the heart muscle and reduce vascular tone;
  • The plant is also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Ordinary mint herb can have both a healing effect on the body and lead to a deterioration in well-being. You need to delve into the characteristics of the plant before deciding to take a medicine based on a natural component.

Mint tea

Briefly about the history of appearance

According to legend, mint is named after the nymph Minta, who was turned into a fragrant plant for her connection with the king of the underworld. Mention of the plant is found in Egyptian culture. The unique properties of the plant were used in Assyria to treat diseases and lift mood. In Europe, mint herb began to be grown in monastery gardens in the Middle Ages.

Note! Harvested herb can retain its aroma for several years

The difference between mint and lemon balm

At first glance, these two plants seem the same, but if you look closely, you can see the difference.

The main difference is the shape of the inflorescence. Melissa has lilac flowers collected in rings of 5-8 buds; mint has a purple inflorescence shaped like a spikelet. You can also distinguish a bush by the outline of its foliage. Melissa smells like lemon, while the menthol variety gives off a sharp, cooling aroma. The first shrub has light green, round leaves with a velvety surface. The menthol leaf is pointed, oblong, and smooth to the touch.

Important! Melissa and mint belong to the Yamnotaceae family, but that’s where their similarities end. The chemical composition and appearance of plants differ

Melissa leaves are used as a seasoning to enhance the taste of meat. Medicines based on its raw materials help in treating colds, relieving spasms, and fighting depression. The essential oil content is negligible compared to the menthol plant.

Melissa bush

Everyone who has been outdoors in the fields and forests of the Middle Zone has seen mint thickets. Thanks to the article, it is now clear that the plant is represented by many varieties with beneficial properties. An ordinary wild flower can treat diseases and can be used in cooking. The main thing is to choose the right type.

Mint propagation

The perennial herb belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is so unpretentious that growing mint is not particularly difficult even for novice gardeners. It can be found in absolutely all countries with a temperate climate. You may ask: how to care for mint and what fertilizers to use? The plant does not need any specific care or feeding. It thrives in the sun and shade, loves moderate humidity and will be content with even occasional rain.

When it comes to propagating mint, cultivation is also not particularly challenging. All you need to do is plant at least one plant in your garden. The rest of the worries will be taken on by the roots, which grow very quickly.

This representative of the flora reproduces by cuttings and division of roots. Reproduction by leaves, which quickly take root in the soil, is also allowed. However, we strongly recommend fencing the area where the mint is growing. This is a necessary measure to prevent the roots of this plant from extending beyond the site. For this purpose, a sheet of slate or ordinary roofing material is buried in the ground. Already in the first year of planting, you can safely harvest the crop in the form of leaves.

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Mint can be consumed in dried or fresh form. Like any other greens, mint is dried on separate saucers or trays. It is spread out in a thin layer and left for some time in a dark but well-ventilated room. For storage, it is best to use glass containers with a tight lid. Ceramic is also suitable.

Curly mint

Spearmint, curly mint or Mentha spicata crispa is a variety of mint with a specific foliage shape. Although this attractive plant was found in the wild only in certain areas of Asia, southern Europe and northern Africa, mint quickly moved to regions with temperate climates and is cultivated not only in European countries and Russia, but also on the North American continent.

The height of the perennial plant is from 30 to 100 cm, the stems are powerful, erect, planted with compressed, serrated along the edges, bright green leaves. The flowers of curly mint differ little from the flowers of related species; they are pale pink or white in color and are collected in whorled inflorescences.

What diseases does it help with?

It is consumed fresh (if possible), and dried is also widely used. Pharmacies stock essential oils, alcohol tinctures, dried herbs and other ready-made dosage forms. Peppermint is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal spasms, bronchitis, flatulence; it has a diuretic and choleretic effect.

The therapeutic properties of this plant help get rid of angina, nausea, headache, heartburn, nausea. As an external agent it is used for:

  • treatment of dermatological diseases;
  • improvement of facial skin;
  • strengthening hair and fighting dandruff;
  • it also helps reduce toothache.

Menthol has a strong sedative effect, but in certain cases it can harm sexual function.

Catnip is used as an anthelmintic for humans and cats. It is used for coughs, hysteria, and to improve appetite.

Mexican mint

Mexican mint, most species of which grow on the North American continent, is included in the same family and even group with garden mint, but has a different name. This plant is better known to botanists and gardeners as lofanthus, polygonum or Agastache scrophulariifolia.

This is a spectacular perennial that forms bushes up to one and a half meters high and has a rather strong aroma, which gives rise to the name of the plant Mexican mint.

Lofant is grown in Russian regions as an attractive ornamental crop, an excellent honey plant and a medicinal plant. True, in order for Mexican mint in the European part of the central zone, in Western Siberia and the Urals to survive the winter, the crop needs shelter and a guarantee that the roots of the plant will not end up in water in the spring.

In one place, the polygonum grows well for up to 6 years. Today, many varieties have been developed with flowers of various shades from lilac and deep blue to orange and crimson.

Mint harvesting and storage

Cutting young stems with leaves can be done when the plants reach a height of 10-12 cm. On adult plants, the foliage is removed before flowering. During this period, the leaves have the highest content of essential oils and other beneficial substances.

The cuttings are washed under running water, laid out in a thin layer on natural burlap or other moisture-absorbing material, you can use loose paper.

To ensure that the plants retain their color, they are dried in a dark, well-ventilated area. The material is constantly stirred and turned over to prevent it from becoming moldy.

When the leaves are well dried, the dried mint is stored in glass containers with a ground stopper or in bags made of natural fabric. Store in a dark, dry place.

Properly dried mint can be stored for 1-2 years and used as needed for making teas, drinks, as part of medicinal mixtures or as seasonings for first and second courses. To prolong the use of fresh leaves, they are frozen, stored in the refrigerator for some time and used when necessary.

Dear readers! Mint is very easy to grow. It does not require complex agricultural technology. By planting mint in your garden, you will always have an aromatic spice and medicinal material for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Exotic forms

There are also a number of representatives of the genus with extravagant names, derived from the natural habitat of growth, distinctive parameters (taste, aroma, structure of leaves, flowers). Despite the fact that all varieties have medicinal qualities, the effect of each type is different. From the shoots of some, pain-relieving decoctions are prepared, and from others, infusions are prepared to enhance immunity.

Cat mint

A popular species that got its name because cats love to escape. The latter have a strong lemon aroma that attracts animals. The plant is valued not only for its medicinal qualities, but also for its high decorative value. The height of the stems reaches 1 m. Branched shoots in the shape of tetrahedrons form a neat bush. The stems are covered with oblong, oppositely arranged leaves with slight pubescence. Because of the color of the inflorescences, the culture is called “white mint”. The plant is widespread and does not require special care. It is frost-resistant.


Mint, native to Morocco. The most delicious variety of all. Thanks to this characteristic, it has found wide application in cooking, where it is used to season many dishes. The shoots are harmoniously combined with various types of tea leaves. The plant also has medicinal qualities. Scope of application: treatment of gastrointestinal dysfunctions.

Dognip with photo

An exotic species can be found in Eurasian fields. In botany it is also known as ivy bud. The plants have a bitter and pungent taste without menthol. Mint shoots are used to create tonics with a healing effect. The stems have a creeping type of development and do not exceed 40 cm. The leaves are attached to the stems using long petioles. Small flowers are painted in a bright purple tone.

Flea, aka swamp

The development of shoots in mint plants of the same species may differ. There are specimens with erect stems up to 40 cm high, as well as with creeping ones. The leaves are smooth, oval in shape. An important feature is the high content of pulegone in the green mass, which gives it a pleasant smell and antiseptic qualities. However, the use of a large number of shoots can provoke premature birth in pregnant women.


It's also called bog horehound. The shoots develop vertically and are intensely pubescent. The maximum height is 60 cm. The foliage characteristic of the crop is attached to the shoots using petioles; the shape is oval. On the underside, the leaf blades have a small amount of villi. With prolonged flowering from the beginning to the end of summer, flowers bloom, the color of which can be lilac or light pink.

For your information!

The species grows in sunny areas. But the soil is unimportant for it: it can be found in clearings, forests, ravines, wastelands and even landfills.


A perennial crop represented by bushes of erect, branched stems. Leaf blades with serrated edges are elongated. Vegetable mint “Vorozheya” has a rich smell. Greens in fresh and dried forms are added to salads, used as a seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes, and to flavor drinks. Collect mint for drying in the budding phase 1-2 times during the growing season.

Mexican mint

Herbaceous perennial up to 1.5 m tall with a pleasant aroma of anise and mint. It has excellent qualities of a honey plant, as well as a complex of useful properties - decorative, healing, culinary. Leaves and inflorescences are used to flavor drinks, add them to salads, and use them in meat and fish dishes as a seasoning. An infusion of the herb is used to prevent diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and colds.

Mint for women and men

The benefits of mint for women have been tested and confirmed by many generations of women who have used the analgesic and sedative properties of this herb:

  • to relieve pain during menstruation;
  • to relieve symptoms of menopause;
  • to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • to reduce body hair growth.

Modern women have at their disposal an extensive list of medications for these purposes, but medicinal mint still does not lose popularity among the fair sex - after all, a natural remedy is always healthier than a synthetic one. In addition, this herb has become actively used by those who want to lose weight - since mint tea, due to its high content of essential oils, dulls the appetite and is not harmful to the female body even with constant use, it can be drunk generously while on a diet.

Another open question related to mint is its harm to men. There is an opinion that the use of this herb, affecting the level of male hormones, reduces libido, which the stronger sex usually fears like fire. However, it can be argued that the harm from mint for men is at least greatly exaggerated: some specific effects can only be noticed with abundant and systematic consumption of this herb and its derivatives. The only exception is when trying to wash other, more delicate areas with mint anti-dandruff shampoo. In this case, the effect is felt with lightning speed.

The benefits of mint

Absolutely anyone can grow mint. In folk medicine, it is used as a remedy that perfectly calms the nervous system. Are you excited? Is it just “nerves” at work? Start your day with a cup of aromatic tea, but don't forget to add a few mint leaves to it. The relaxing effect will pleasantly surprise you!

Please note that real leaves must be added to the tea, and not a mixture with an unknown flavor. Often teas are flavored with menthol. It is obtained through the synthesis of chemicals and has nothing in common with natural mint.

Many medications for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases necessarily contain mint. The fact is that it is known as an excellent and very effective choleretic agent. And thanks to its diuretic effect, you can rid your body of accumulated fluid in a matter of hours. Use mint to maintain proper salt and water balance. This is especially true for those people who eat too much table salt.

There are cases where excessive consumption of tea with mint leaves even led to dehydration!

When a person has a cold, some types of mint are ready to help. This also applies to some other infectious diseases, as well as nausea and severe headaches. Modern perfumery and cosmetology have long adopted this plant. Today it can be found in many creams and ointments, as well as hair and skin care products.

Beneficial features

The healing properties of mint help in the fight against many diseases, which has found application in the creation of medicines. The herb has bactericidal, antiseptic, antispasmodic and vasodilating effects. Due to the content of a lot of useful substances, mint cures ailments related to various organ systems:

  • Digestive. The herb helps with nausea, belching, heartburn, flatulence, and cramps. Decoctions stimulate digestive processes and intestinal motility. It is advisable to use mint for metabolic disorders, problems with the gallbladder, and chronic cholecystitis.
  • Blood. Medicines prepared at home improve blood circulation and relieve attacks of angina and hypertension.
  • Nervous. Peppermint tea is indicated for insomnia, depression, stress, and neuralgia. Adding fragrant leaves to drinks reduces the intensity of migraines.
  • Respiratory. The culture has an auxiliary effect in the case of respiratory diseases such as asthmatic bronchitis, sore throat, colds, alleviating the condition.
  • Female genitalia. Relieves symptoms of menopause, cures inflammation of the genital organs. Weak tea with mint is indicated for pregnant women to lift their mood and relieve signs of toxicosis.

Areas of use:

  • Perfumery. Peppermint ether is often included in perfumes.
  • Pharmaceuticals. The extract and ether of the herb are a component of many mixtures, cough syrups, lozenges, and throat lozenges.
  • Cooking. Main direction: drinks and desserts.
  • Cosmetology. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is used in the manufacture of masks for acne and acne.

Before using mint for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Where does mint grow?

Mint grows mainly in wetlands, on river banks, along streams, and ravines. And also in the steppes, forest-steppes, and almost the entire European part of Russia. You can grow mint in your garden plot. Each species grows in different countries . For example: meadow is more common in Russia and the Far East. Garden mint is more common in the southwest. Spearmint grows in Asia and Africa. Sweet mint is widespread in the Mediterranean, Europe, and Asia Minor.

Lemon Balm

This variety also has the name lemon mint. Despite the fact that this herb belongs to the mint genus, it belongs to a completely different family. The plant got its name due to its pleasant and fresh lemon flavor, and most often it grows in southern Europe.

This type of plant is one of the most valuable. Mint received such recognition due to its high content of useful substances and vitamin C. The perennial plant blooms in the summer, and the fruits that form on it ripen by the autumn season.

The height of the bush reaches a maximum of 120 cm. The stems are quite straight. The leaves are slightly pubescent, egg-shaped, and dark green in color. During the flowering period, purple flowers form on the plant.

After flowering, the plant bears black fruits of a fairly large size; they will be suitable for sowing for several more years. This plant tolerates winter cold well, but for additional protection it is recommended to cover it with a layer of mulch.

The rarest and most expensive species

Some flower crops amaze the imagination with their smell, size, color or abilities that are unusual for the plant world.

There is a flower called Victoria regia. This is an unusual white water lily, which has leaves with a diameter of about 2 m, supporting a load weighing up to 50 kg on its surface. The flower lives for 5 years.

The largest flower on the planet reaches about 250 cm in height and at least 150 cm in width. This is Amorphophallus titanica. Many scientists consider the smell of this flower to be one of the most disgusting on the planet - it is a mixed smell of rotten eggs and fish. The uniqueness of the flower also lies in the fact that it begins to emit a scent only when it is touched.

Among the majestic peaks of the Andes, the Puya Raymond flower grows. This type of flower is considered endangered. It reaches a height of 10 m and about 8 thousand white flowers bloom on it at the same time. Flowers appear in the 80th year of life; after the fruits appear, the plant dies.

Tea with mint

Peppermint leaves can be used to make a wonderful soothing tea. One writer called this tea one of the best natural tonics. Peppermint is used in cooking and confectionery.

Since ancient times, various types of mint have been used in medicine, and now they occupy an important place in trade. Peppermint and spearmint are added to a huge number of products, from chewing gum to toothpastes.

Often, mint chooses sunny places with moist and moderately enriched soils as its habitat; sometimes mint can also grow in shade or partial shade. These plants reproduce underground using stems or shoots.

Real mint


Peppermint (Mentha × piperita), a hybrid of watermint and spearmint, is the most common, probably not only because of its availability, but also because of its aggressiveness. In my case, planted in a mixture with marsh, spicate and round-leaved pepper, within a year it strangled its neighbors, and accidentally growing in the thickets of lemon balm, it now occupies an area larger than the lemon balm itself. I feel that she intends to strangle her.

Peppermint has elongated leaves and pink-purple flowers. Peppermint has a strong smell and a sharp, pungent menthol taste. Its varieties are actively used for the production of essential oil, menthol, and medicinal raw materials.

Peppermint (Mentha × piperita).


Spearmint (Mentha spicata), unlike peppermint, has a milder taste, but no less bright aroma. It is also used to obtain essential oil and medicinal raw materials, including for children due to its mild taste.

The plant is bushy, the foliage is wide, curly, the inflorescences are lilac-pink. More frost-resistant than peppermint.

Spearmint (Mentha spicata).

Sweet mint

Sweet mint, or round-leaved mint (Mentha suaveolens) has a more refined taste compared to peppermint, without any pungency or excessive mentholiness. Its leaves are relatively rounded and it blooms with white flowers.

Sweet mint, crossed with long-leaved mint, produced a wonderful hybrid - apple mint, or confectionery mint (Mentha rotundifolia). This mint has a subtle, fresh green apple flavor without the cold sensation. It does not become bitter during heat treatment. The leaves are round, wrinkled, the flowers are purple or white. Heat-loving.

Sweet mint, or round-leaved mint (Mentha suaveolens).

Apple mint, or mint (Mentha rotundifolia).


Pennyroyal mint (flea mint, ombalo) (Mentha pulegium) differs from previous types by round whorled pink-purple inflorescences, relatively small leaves and a slightly different aroma, without which real Tkemali sauce and Khmeli-Suneli seasoning are impossible. And this mint is thermophilic and grows wild in the Caucasus.

Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium).

These are species and hybrids of mint that are grown quite often in gardens. And there are also “savages” who live in meadows, near streams and rivers. Water mint (Mentha aquatica) is one of the parents of peppermint, field mint (Mentha arvensis), long-leaf mint (Mentha longifolia) and their hybrids in all combinations are also used in cooking and as medicinal raw materials.

Water mint (Mentha aquatica).

Field mint (Mentha arvensis).

Longleaf mint (Mentha longifolia).

Pineapple mint 'Variegata'

Breeders, again, are not asleep. Varieties of mint are developed with all sorts of different exotic flavors - from banana to chocolate. And different colors, including variegation. And sometimes both - for example, pineapple mint 'Variegata' (Mentha rotund if o Na variegata) with an amazing aroma, white leaf edges and not growing so much.

Pineapple mint 'Variegata' (Mentha rotund if o Na variegata).


Herbaceous perennial plant with a subtle fragrant menthol aroma. The stem is like that of ordinary peppermint, 15-100 high. The leaves are oblong, pointed, ovate with serrated edges. Flowers of a lilac or pinkish hue are collected in whorls. Blooms all summer and autumn from June to October. Grows throughout Russia.

Field mint

Widely used in folk medicine, cooking and perfumery. It differs from other species by the presence of tall, hairy stems of a reddish color. The flowers are violet or lilac in color, and after flowering, the fruits look like smooth nuts. The stems and leaves are considered beneficial. They are used to prepare teas and medicinal decoctions that are beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

Longleaf mint

A perennial herbaceous crop that also has a number of beneficial properties. A low shrub with gray-green leaves and branched stems. Small flowers of light lilac color form cylindrical spikes. Longleaf mint is rich in vitamin C and essential oils. The smell can lift your spirits, which is why it is used in perfumery. As a spice, you need to use stems picked before flowering, otherwise they will be very tough.

Ginger mint

It has another name: “Ginger”. Perennial variety with a light ginger aroma. The leaves are bright, yellow-green in color, and the stems reach 60 cm in length. It has a calming effect on the nervous system and is also used in cosmetology, medicine and cooking.

Varieties of mint for growing in the countryside in open ground

In many countries around the world, fragrant grass is grown on an industrial scale. In order to have a mini-pharmacy on your site, you can plant a form suitable for growing in the ground.

These varieties are usually winter-hardy, with a powerful rhizome. The plant reproduces by seeds, caring for the crop is not difficult, the grass does not require shelter for the winter.


The most famous bush variety among gardeners. In general, few people do not know what peppermint looks like.

The bushes grow up to 1 meter high. Oval serrated leaves grow along the entire length of the stems; at the tops there are blooming flowers collected in fluffy spikelets for several months.

Pepper variety

Pepper grass has a powerful root system, and it is very difficult to remove it from the site. The plant tolerates any frost perfectly. Like all varieties of shrubs, this species contains many aromatic oils and spreads its aroma several meters from the plantings.

Despite the fact that mint, the herb of which is of high importance in medicine and perfumery, some gardeners do not like it.

Attention! This variety of mint has a well-developed root system. The plant quickly fills a large area

Many gardeners cannot get rid of it and consider it one of the worst weeds.

Menthol mint

The herb has a high menthol content, has an intense aroma, and is resistant to pests and diseases.

The menthol form of raw materials has enormous health benefits. It is actively used in cosmetology, cooking, and medicine, both traditional and folk.

The herbaceous plant reaches 60 cm in height, its leaves are dark green, elongated, slightly curled. The flowers are presented in purple inflorescences.

For reference! Garden menthol mint is a winter-hardy plant; it does not have to be closed for the winter.

Lemon Balm

This small herbaceous bush, up to 30 cm high, is valued for its intoxicating lemon scent and high medicinal properties. The juice of the flower contains a large amount of essential oils, carotene, and vitamin C.

The perennial grass was brought to Russia from Southern Europe. The leaves can be brewed; their tea drink has a pleasant sour taste.

Curly mint

The variety has an unobtrusive, pleasant menthol aroma; the crown is used to prepare tea drinks. The height of the grass is from 30 cm to 1 m, the leaves are light green.

Curly mint got its name from the special curly structure of its leaves.

Curly shape

Lofant Anise

The perennial is common in the gardens of America, Central Asia, and grows in the Crimea. The bush reaches 1.5 m in height, the leaves are oval-pointed, with large serrations.

The flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, which can be up to 10 cm in size. The way Lofant mint blooms amazes people unfamiliar with this variety.

Thanks to its rich vitamin composition, Lofant is used in folk medicine to treat various ailments. Raw materials are in demand in cooking and perfumery.

Cultivation care

In order for the spicy crop to be comfortable, it is fed every spring. Nitrogen-containing complexes or compost, humus, a solution of chicken or cow droppings are suitable as fertilizers.

The temperature in the open ground in summer is comfortable for the plant, but indoors in winter it is worth protecting it with a damper from hot heating radiators.

In summer, the spicy crop on the windowsill needs to be shaded in direct sunlight. In winter, on the contrary, mint should be illuminated with fluorescent lamps so that the daylight hours are at least 8 hours a day.

Watering the plant

Chocolate mint is demanding of soil moisture, so water it systematically as soon as it dries out. She also responds positively to spraying. This procedure helps maintain the necessary humidity and frees the surface of the plants from dust. After irrigation, the spicy crop becomes bright and well-groomed.

Mint grows well in areas with high dampness, which means it can be planted near bodies of water and in lowlands. The fact that the soil in these areas is highly acidic does not hinder the plant.

Spicy herbs in containers need to be well soaked. Excess moisture will be removed through the drainage holes. Next time, you should not allow the soil to dry out completely.


Weeding should be done when the need arises. Without this action, the mint will gradually wither and disappear. A crop growing in a garden bed needs to be replanted every 3 years because it is attacked by weeds.


Loosening the soil is also important for chocolate mint. It helps the plant roots receive more oxygen and retains most of the moisture.

In the photo there is field mint

Tibetan healers use this variety of mint to create mixtures for the treatment of tuberculosis. They also use this type of medicinal plant to treat the digestive system and for external rubbing or sprinkling. In traditional medicine, it is recommended to use field mint for use in gastritis with high acidity, liver diseases, and bloating. As a powder, mint stops vomiting and nausea goes away.

It has been noted and collected statistical data that if spearmint is used for weight loss, the effect is surprising. By inhaling the aroma of mint throughout the day, a person naturally and effortlessly reduces food intake by about 1,800 calories per day. The experiment was conducted in America on a large group of women.


All species have a branched rhizome located shallow in the ground. The tetrahedral stems can reach a meter in height, and the oblong green leaves can have a purple hue. In the second half of summer, panicles of purple flowers open, and the seeds ripen by autumn. All parts of the herb contain tannins, bitterness, vitamins and other ingredients, the main one of which is essential oil.

The composition of the essential oil of different types of mint may differ. The medicinal properties of peppercorn are due to the fact that it contains menthol.

. This substance:

  • has antiseptic and anesthetic properties;
  • activates nerve receptors;
  • causing a feeling of cold;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • calms down.

Where is menthol used:

  1. It is part of many pharmaceuticals and is added to anti-burn and dental products, toothpastes, and cosmetic products.
  2. Preparations with menthol are used to increase blood pressure, as an antispasmodic agent for cramps and stomach cramps.
  3. Inhaling its vapors reduces coughing and has a calming effect in cases of increased nervousness and nausea.
  4. External use is effective for inflammation, excessive skin sensitivity, bacterial and fungal infections, and helps get rid of bruises and swelling.

Peppermint has the highest content of this substance, but curly mint contains practically none. Essential oils of catnip and lemon balm also do not contain menthol; they contain geraniol, citral, limonene and other components. In addition, the feline species contains nepectalone, as a result of which the plant produces a stimulating effect on cats, but does not cause them harm.

Plant species

The genus Mint includes about 42 species of plants and various hybrids: Japanese, water, curly, peppermint, catmint, Korean. Each species has characteristics that distinguish it from others. Some species are used medicinally, others may not have medicinal properties. Plants of different varieties differ in leaf shape, color shades and flowering periods. Each variety has specific growing and care needs.

Representatives of some of the varieties belong to other genera, but to the same family. In Europe and Asia the most common are:

A more detailed description and methods of use will help you distinguish between varieties.

Field view

A crop called meadow or wild mint. Up to 3% essential oil (contains menthol) is extracted from the ground part, which is used to enhance and improve the aroma of cocktails, sauces, sweets and culinary dishes.

In medical fields, wild essential oil is used as a pain reliever. When treating frostbite, mint oil has a disinfecting and analgesic effect. Wild mint is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Menthol contained in the oil is used in the production of Valocordin, toothpaste and many cosmetic preparations.

The field variety is widely popular in Europe and Asian regions. Meadow mint grows on the banks of rivers and other bodies of water, in swampy places, damp meadows and fields. The plant does not require care; the bushes are frost-resistant, resistant to pests and diseases.

Wild mint can reach up to 100 cm in height, but is often a low-growing plant. The stems are branched, prostrate, and less often erect. The leaves are oval or round in shape, narrowed at the top. Pink or lilac-pink flowers on stalks are united in fragrant spherical inflorescences. Field mint blooms from early summer to mid-autumn. The fruit ripens from August to October. Wild - available for growing in the garden.

Fragrant variety

Round-leaved mint is an herbaceous plant with a strong, fresh aroma. Another name is fragrant, due to the strong odor of the leaves and flowers.

Distributed in Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean. It is grown as an ornamental or medicinal plant.

The plant most often looks like a bush 30-40 cm tall, less often the stems reach 80-90 cm. The leaves are rich green in color, have a strong aroma, are small, have a roundish shape with a narrowed top. The leaf blade is covered with soft fluff.

It blooms from July to September, with small fragrant flowers of white or light pink color, united in racemes.

It is used for aromatic procedures and in the production of medicines. Helps in the treatment of acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Used to dilate blood vessels and reduce pressure. Useful for stimulating digestion and eliminating nausea. Included in sedatives. Has analgesic and cooling properties.

Forest mint

Oregano is a herbaceous plant growing in Europe and Asia. Forest mint grows on the edges of thinned forests, on dry land, in meadows, and in steppe areas. In dry locations or areas with moderate moisture. Oregano tolerates winter well and is resistant to sudden climate changes, pests and diseases.

The plant is most often found in the form of bushes, 40-60 cm high. It has stems covered with reddish hairs. The leaves are oblong-oval, dark green at the base, light green at the top. The flowering period is from June to September. Flowers range from pink to purple, collected in small, pleasantly smelling inflorescences.

Widely used in home medicine, used to make infusions and other medicinal preparations. Used to relieve expectorant cough. Used as a pain reliever. It has a hemostatic effect, diuretic and choleretic properties.

Proper brewing of mint

  1. First you need to choose the right container for brewing. It is best to use a porcelain or glass teapot.
  2. Rinse the kettle with boiling water to help the mint leaves release their aroma.
  3. Wash fresh mint and chop. If dried mint is used for brewing, then no additional preparation is required.
  4. Place the mint in a teapot and add boiling water at the rate of 350 ml of water per 10 grams of mint.
  5. First, pour one third of the boiling water over the herb. Pour in the rest of the water after five minutes.

Is it possible to add flowers and not just leaves?

Mint is a storehouse of vitamins . Its stems, leaves and flowers contain:

  1. organic acids that normalize digestion;
  2. essential oil that has a lot of beneficial properties for our health - from calming to anti-inflammatory effects;
  3. tannins having antibacterial properties;
  4. provitamin A and much more.

From this we can conclude that you can brew tea with both mint leaves and flowers. And the presence of crushed stems in the teapot will not harm the body in any way.

Useful tips

  • The tea should be consumed immediately, due to the fact that the essential oils that bring the greatest benefits quickly evaporate after brewing. Thus, the tea becomes less healthy, and the taste is no longer so pleasant.
  • When brewing, mint can be mixed with green and black tea, as well as chamomile. The resulting drink can be served with honey and lemon.
  • In summer, mint tea will perfectly quench your thirst. To do this, add a few ice cubes to the freshly brewed drink.

Due to the fact that mint can be stored dried or frozen, you can enjoy freshly brewed aromatic tea all year round.

About the plant

Mint is difficult to confuse with other plants due to its unique smell. The leaves are bright green in shape and similar to nettles. This culture is familiar to everyone from childhood. Despite its widespread distribution in Russia, the birthplace of mint is Central Asia and the Mediterranean countries.

Among hundreds of species, the most popular are:

  • pepper;
  • feline;
  • lemon;
  • swamp;
  • garden;
  • horse;
  • longleaf;
  • garden

Biological features of mint

Under natural conditions, the most common species is field (meadow) mint . Its distribution area covers temperate and warm regions of Russia and other countries. In the wild, mint prefers light or slightly shaded, damp places along the banks of rivers, various bodies of water, and in damp meadows. Under optimal conditions, mint is characterized by the capture of free areas, sparsely overgrown with herbs, which is facilitated by a creeping rhizome.

Even without knowing this perennial plant by sight, it can be immediately identified by its specific, pronounced menthol smell. The ground organs of field mint contain more than 2.5% of essential oils in the leaves and up to 6% in the inflorescences, including menthol and terpenes, as well as other useful substances: organic acids, carotene, flavonoids, vitamins, glycosides, phytosterols, etc.

Field mint is distinguished by a branched tetrahedral stem covered (not always) with short bristles or softer hairs. Plant height is from 10 to 100-130 cm. The leaves are medium sized, opposite on short petioles. The leaf blade is ovate-elongated with a pointed apex and serrated edges.

Pollinators are attracted to the distinct scent of the flowers. The flowers themselves are small, pinkish with a lilac tint, collected in a false whorl in the axils of opposite leaves. Flowering is long - from June until almost the end of September.

The smell of mint, regardless of the type, repels mosquitoes. It is enough to rub open areas with leaves.

Garden varieties, their varieties and hybrids were obtained from wild mint using the selection method.

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