How to grow a lady's slipper orchid at home - tips and tricks

Lady's slippers used to belong to one genus, but today they belong to two different but related genera - Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium.

The second group of orchids can be cultivated in open ground and used in container gardening, but Paphiopedilum Orchids are grown only as an indoor crop and are one of the most popular and widely known representatives of orchids due to their unusual flowers that really look like women’s shoes.

The natural environment of representatives of this genus (about 60) is in areas of southeast Asia, where they grow in various conditions: at low altitudes above sea level, in warm and humid tropical forests, on the slopes of the Himalayas.

Knowing where your orchid comes from helps determine its needs in a home growing environment. But by providing a comfortable existence for your green pet, you will be able to enjoy its spectacular flowering, which can last 2-3 months.

Lady's slipper orchid

Description of the flower

This culture is found in the European part of Russia, in the south of Siberia and in the Crimea. Also common in Japan, Mongolia, northern China and Europe.

The rhizome of the variety is thick, but short; on the main root there are many small root shoots. The maximum length of the stem is 60 cm, but most often it does not exceed 35 cm. Leaves grow in numbers of 2-10 pieces. The leaf blades are wide with narrowed ends, yellow-green in color. The edges of the foliage are even and smooth.

Attention is attracted not only by the original shape of the flower, but also by its pleasant subtle aroma. The color of the petals is lemon or bright yellow, the perianth is red-brown.

Peak flowering occurs in mid-summer. Flowers are pollinated by bees, insects and hoverflies. The flower has 3 sepals and 3 petals. The strange shape of the buds helps spiders set traps for their chosen victims.

Distinctive features of Paphiopedilum

The diameter of the flower ranges from 5-20 cm. Nature has endowed the Lady's Slipper with bright, memorable colors, in which you can find shades of green, yellow, red and white. There are also dark inclusions on the petals of this variety. Flowering lasts about 4 months.

The buds of some varieties are covered with wax or light fluff. And in other types of paphiopedilum, the flowers are round, wavy, and the petals may differ in length.

Orchid peristeria tall

Continuing our “bird” theme is the national flower of Panama – tall peristeria. Belonging to the Orchidaceae family, it is somewhat similar in appearance to other varieties, but its main feature is that the gynostemium (the central part of the flower) resembles a dove in appearance. For this, it received its popular name - the dove orchid.

Peristeria talla grows in Central America and northern South America, but even there it is on the verge of extinction. The plant is currently listed as a threatened plant under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

Popular varieties for indoor growing with photos


The most common species among amateur gardeners. It is considered a rather whimsical variety, but when optimal conditions are created and regular care is provided, it grows actively and produces buds profusely during the flowering period. A decrease in temperature is easily tolerated.

The front side of the petals is glossy, and the back has a light fluff. The side petals and lips are shiny, waxy in texture and honey-colored.

Malaysian Gold, Rothschild or Kinabalu Gold

In nature, it blooms only after 15 years of development. The leaf blades are rich green, fleshy and glossy. Up to 6 buds are formed on the peduncle (its length is 0.5 m). The average flower size is 15 cm, but there are specimens whose flower diameter reaches 35 cm.


Tubers of this variety are easy to find in Vietnamese markets. The diameter of the flower is 10 cm, the shade of the petals is coffee or lilac, the lip is always a contrasting color.


The flowers are deep yellow, almost orange inside. White species are rare. The leaves are bright, eye-catching, their length is 15 cm.


A miniature variety, reaching only 26 cm in height. With active growth, it forms several leaf rosettes at once, from which leaf plates 15 cm in length grow.

The foliage is bright green above and covered with burgundy spots below. Usually no more than 2 snow-white flowers are formed on the peduncle, in the center of which there is light crimson pollen. Flower growers say that caring for this species is moderately difficult.


Up to 6 leaves grow in one rosette (their width is up to 7 cm and their length is no more than 20 cm). The peduncles grow up to 30 cm in length, are burgundy in color, slightly pubescent, and only one flower grows on them. The maximum diameter of the flower is 13 cm. The sail is white and pink striped, triangular in shape.


It grows naturally in Vietnam, Thailand and China. The best place for them is the shade of large trees. The average flower diameter is 10 cm. The petals are lilac-green, the buds bloom in the spring.

How an orchid grows in natural conditions photo: features of growth

Black Jack

The color of the petals is monochromatic, but very bright. The structure of the petals is waxy, glossy, the diameter of one flower is 8 cm. The sail is round in shape with a pointed tip. The side petals have wavy edges. The leaves are small - up to 15 cm in length, dark green, their upper part is covered with a marble pattern.


Miniature hybrid variety. The leaf blades are oval-shaped, small. The leaf pattern is marbled, but blurred. The peduncle is pubescent, short, no more than 2 flowers bloom on it. The shade of the sails varies from cream to pale olive. The plant is easy to care for.

Which one is better for a beginner?

It is better for beginners to give preference to paphiopedilum species. There are a lot of hybrid varieties, but breeders provide little information about proper care. It is recommended to get acquainted with the culture with the Gratrixianum and Bellatum varieties.

Vanda: features of the flower, its characteristics and varieties

In the wild, the Vanda orchid is found in China, India and Thailand. Its flowers are large in size, reaching at least 10 cm in diameter, painted in different colors.

In flower shops you can find orchids with different petals: blue, red-violet and pink. There are dark mosaic patterns across the entire petal area, making this flower even more attractive.

The characteristics of the orchid include the following parameters:

  1. The stem of the orchid of this variety can reach 1 m in height.
  2. The plant has a powerful gray-green root system, the surface of which is covered with dead cells of a porous structure that can absorb moisture even from the atmosphere, which protects the roots from dehydration.
  3. The leaves of the orchid are green, leathery, and arranged alternately.
  4. Peduncles grow directly from the axils of the leaves and produce from two to fifteen flowers, while the flower stalks themselves can be up to four on the stem.
  5. The fragrant and large flowers of Vanda are brightly colored and every day they become larger and brighter.
  6. Flowering lasts up to one and a half months, but if well cared for, it can bloom several times a year.

The Vanda orchid successfully crosses with related plants, which is actively used by breeders to breed multiple hybrids. Thus, work is currently underway to breed miniature plants.

The Vanda orchid has several varieties: blue, comb, Sanderiana, Rothschild, roller, checkerboard, tricolor, Hooker.

Not every orchid is suitable for growing independently in an apartment. The most suitable varieties include blue and Sanderiana.

These two species are the basis of almost all hybrids. With their help, many specimens have been grown, as well as many varieties grown for cutting.

Orchid: Vanda. Watering and fertilizing.

Paphiopedilum care at home

Placement in the house, lighting and temperature conditions

It is best to place the culture on the eastern sides of the room. Ideal for the Venus's slipper is diffused lighting. If you place the crop on the south side, you will have to protect it from direct sunlight (using white paper or reflective foil).

For orchids with green leaves, the optimal temperature is +15-+25 degrees. Moreover, in summer the air should be colder than in winter. And for varieties with variegated leaves, it is recommended to maintain the temperature at +20-+30 degrees.

Watering and ambient humidity

The soil should be constantly moist, but waterlogging should not be allowed. Experienced gardeners recommend inserting a stick into the soil as a moisture indicator.

It is better to water in the morning so that excess moisture is absorbed by the evening. It is better to take boiled or filtered water.

Important! Air humidity is maintained at 40%.


It is carried out every 2-3 years. When replanting, the root system is inspected, all damaged roots are removed, and the cut sites are sprinkled with crushed coal. The diameter of the pot is chosen to be several centimeters larger than the previous one.

Substrate and pot

The ideal soil for Lady's slipper consists of bark, to which perlite, peat, sphagnum moss and coal are added. You can also add dolomite flour or limestones to the mixture to increase the calcium content.

It is best to choose a plastic pot: it better regulates the level of humidity, and the roots do not grow into the surface of the pot. The size of the container should be 2-3 cm larger than the volume of the root system.

Ways to grow vanda

Taking into account the structural features of the root system and the conditions of keeping the Vanda orchid, there are three ways in which the flower feels comfortable.


You will need a large transparent plastic or clay container. The root system should not be crowded.

You need to make several holes in the bottom of the pot to ensure air circulation. The soil should contain pine bark, polystyrene foam, peat and charcoal. This substrate is sold in stores, but it can also be prepared at home.

Glass cylindrical vase

Only the root will be in the vase, because the upper part of the flower needs constant bright light. To water an orchid, you need to fill the vessel along the walls until the root system is completely immersed in water. After 30 minutes, drain the water. In this case, soil is not required. Thus, Wanda will organically fit into the interior.

Hanging baskets

There are also special hanging baskets for this type of orchid. In them, the plant is positioned so that the entire root system is free, that is, outside the container. The method is popular because of the ease of watering the plant: you need to completely spray the flower about 2 times a week. In summer you should do this every day.

Paphiopedilum flowering

Ways to stimulate flowering

To stimulate the crop to flower, it is recommended to stress it. To do this, stop watering and all air humidification for a while (up to 10 days) or reduce the air temperature by 20-30%. You can also place a flowerpot with a flower in a darker place.

Care during flowering

During the flowering period of paphiopedilum, fertilizing is stopped and the abundance and frequency of watering is slightly reduced. Otherwise, there is no need to change your care regimen.

Paphiopedilum after flowering

After the last bud has faded, you need to wait for the peduncle to dry, and then cut it off, leaving only a couple of centimeters from the root.

Description of the plant

The roots of a healthy plant should be brown and covered with fine fibers. When a period of active development begins, their tips become noticeably white. The rosette can be formed from leaves of different shapes, which can be belt-shaped or broad-linear. They have a beautiful, rich green hue, and you can even see patterns on some.

One rosette can bloom only once. The peduncle can have a length from 4 to 60 cm. Only one shoe is formed on it. Most species of this plant have very bright flowers and come in various shades of red, yellow and green. The lip especially stands out: it is the one that attracts insects, who like not only its brightness and beauty, but also its sweet honey aroma.

Diseases and pests

Low air or water temperatures and improper watering regimes lead to the following diseases:

  • anthracnose;
  • rhizoctonia;
  • late blight

If such a situation arises, the soil must be changed and the plant treated with a fungicide.

The main pests of the Lady's slipper:

  • spider mite - the plant is washed under a hot shower, the soil is changed and sprayed with Fitoverm;
  • mealybugs and scale insects - the leaf plates are wiped with a soapy solution and the insects are removed mechanically.

The Lady's slipper orchid is not easy to care for. But at the same time it looks very original, attracting the views of others.

Watering and humidity

All representatives of the genus require high air humidity (50-60%) and substrate.

A detailed description of the procedure for watering orchids can be read here.

Make sure that water does not get into the outlet or remain near the roots, as this can lead to fungal diseases and rotting of the root shoots. Place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles. In hot weather, you can spray the air, avoiding contact with the leaves.

Lady's slipper is sensitive to both complete drying of the substrate and stagnation of moisture.

Watering should be done after the surface has slightly dried, approximately once every 5-7 days from mid-spring to mid-autumn; on hot days it can be done more often, but in winter it is enough to moisten the substrate once every 10-12 days.

You can determine the optimal watering regime yourself by the condition of the substrate; the main thing is not to let it dry out completely, but also not to allow constant soil moisture. Watering should be done with demineralized water at room temperature with a small addition of tap water. The procedure in the morning will ensure uniform evaporation throughout the day.

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