Syngonium: planting and caring for tropical vines at home

Syngonium (lat. Syngonium) is a special type of vine with non-branching flexible stems - from a genus of evergreen, fast-growing, perennial large family of flowering monocotyledons. The family, numbering just over 3,300 species and about 117 genera, is called both Araceae and Aronicaceae. The genus itself of graceful, bright, but extremely unpretentious vines has about thirty-odd species. Their homeland is the tropics of the North American continent: its central and southern parts.

The word “syngonium” itself, if translated in detail from Latin, means a united ovule (“syn” and “gone”). The Latin name indicates the specific development of the plant - in the wild, after fertilization, the seed embryos turn into ovaries, which are reliably protected by the walls of the carpels of the flower.

The term “evergreen” means that throughout the year the leaves of the plant retain their bright color and their location on the stem. They do not fade or fall off. Only unfavorable conditions can affect the durability of the sheet and its appearance.

“Perennial” means the minimum period of the plant is two years. As for the syngonium, with good care it will also please our grandchildren.

[!] Indoor syngonium is represented by only two or three species and the varieties coming from them.

The color of the spectacular, rapidly growing foliage of the decorative, that is, indoor, syngonium is very diverse. However, like the shape of the leaf itself: depending on age, variety and type. Young whole leaves, reminiscent of a heart, spear or arrows in their configuration, become dissected into several sections or segments as they mature. Pink and white-greenish, bright green and whitish, spotted and even chocolate-reddish... But this is not the limit of the characteristics of a deciduous perennial: both lobed and arrow-shaped foliage coexist quite freely on the same stem. In addition, to the touch it ranges from smooth-glossy to gently velvety.

There is also a feature that unites all syngoniums - a characteristic vein stretching parallel to the edges of the leaf to its apex.

The stem of the plant, as a rule, is strewn with a large number of web-like roots - this is the nature of the vine, it must curl, clinging to the support with its aerial roots. While the syngonium is young, the non-branching stem is flexible and green (branching occurs only when the shoot is damaged). With age, the stem tissue loses color, darkens (even brown), becomes woody and loses its original elasticity - cracking is possible if strongly bent.

In its native habitat, Syngonium throws out a spectacular flower-cob with an original hood. But under artificial growing conditions, flowering is extremely rare. Only as an exception can a perennial vine produce a barely noticeable greenish flower with reddish tiny leaves on the peduncle.

What does syngonium look like and where does it come from?

Syngonium is a plant from the Araceae family, which is found in the humid tropics of America, in particular Brazil, Guatemala, Panama and Mexico. This is a very spectacular flower, growing in nature both as a liana and as an epiphyte, entwining trees and forming numerous aerial roots.

Syngonim leaves look like arrowheads

A special feature of this tropical vine is the unusual shape of its leaf blades, which look like arrowheads. In addition, the plant is capable of changing its color with age.

Under natural conditions, the plant blooms very unusually. Its flowers form an inflorescence in the form of a spadix with a white-pink veil. However, it will not be possible to see this “in captivity”, even if the syngonium is provided with all the necessary conditions and proper care.

Young syngoniums have a bright light green color and solid leaf blades; over time they become darker and dissected into several lobes. A characteristic feature is a thick vein located parallel to the edge of the leaf blade.

Unfortunately, syngonium does not bloom at home

Growing syngonium at home is not difficult. The flower does not require excessive care. By following just a few rules, you can get a magnificent and large plant.

Important! Syngonium is poisonous, like all plants of the Araceae family. Its milky juice can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes.

Types and varieties

Botanists identify about 30 species of syngonium that grow in natural conditions. Only a few of them are used as houseplants, but breeders have developed magnificent varieties that are impressive with their extraordinary foliage color.

  1. Syngonim eared is found in nature in Haiti, Jamaica and Mexico, and grows in both the tropics and mountainous areas. The shoots of this vine are quite thick (about 2 cm in girth). The leaves are glossy, bright green in color, and their shape changes over time and different leaf blades can be observed on the same vine.
  2. The Wendland Syngonium is native to Costa Rica. This is a vine with a green stem. A distinctive feature of this species is that the surface of the leaf blades is velvety to the touch. The leaves of adult specimens are divided into three segments.
  3. Syngonium legifolia (podophylfolia) is a representative of the flora of Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico. Its dark green leaves are also shaped like an arrowhead when young. Over time, they become dissected into 5–11 parts. This plant is most often grown indoors.

Several spectacular hybrids and varieties have been bred based on Syngonium aurica:

  • Syngonium variety Emerald Gem has fleshy dark green leaf blades;
  • plant of the Emerald Gem Variegated variety is a small compact bush with thin leaves covered with spots of white and light gray;
  • the flower variety called Imperial White has almost completely white leaf blades;
  • The syngonium of the Green Gold variety is very beautiful, the leaf blades of which are painted dark green and have light green veins.

Species diversity of syngonium in the photo

The synonym eared is found in nature in Haiti, Jamaica and Mexico

Syngonium Wendland is native to Costa Rica.

Syngonium legifolia (podophylfolia) is a representative of the flora of Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico. A spectacular liana of the Emerald Gem variety with fleshy dark green leaves

The leaves of this Emerald Gem Variegated variety have an unusual color. The peculiarity of the variety is light green veins on the leaves.

Reasons why Syngonium leaves dry out

As already mentioned, several types of syngonium and their hybrids are popular among indoor plant lovers. It does not bloom or bear fruit (the fruits of a wild plant are very fragrant and edible), but it fits almost any interior and is not too difficult to care for; growing quickly.

In addition, it is interesting to observe how the appearance of the flower changes as it grows: a young syngonium has completely different leaves from an adult. In a young plant they are arrow-shaped and not cut. Old specimens are distinguished by incised or even separated leaves.

The photo shows an indoor syngonium:

To understand how to properly care for syngonium at home, you need to remember where the flower grows in nature and provide it with a similar environment. Originating from the hot countries of Central and South America or the islands of the Caribbean archipelago, being a domestic flower, syngonium has certain temperature requirements: warmth, not lower than 15 ° C, warm soil - necessary conditions for the health of the plant.

But, despite this, it should not be provided with an excessively hot location: light or semi-shaded, without sun. Too bright sun is the first reason why syngonium leaves begin to dry out.

In summer, it is enough to place the perennial in partial shade, in winter - to provide a sufficient amount of diffused light. It can be adjusted using phytolamps.

The houseplant shown in the photo is a healthy syngonium, receiving optimal lighting, it has shiny, glossy leaves:

Tropical origin also dictates what air humidity should be for successful flower growth: high, it is necessary to spray the syngonium daily so that spots on the leaves or tarnishing do not appear. You can increase the humidity by placing a container filled with water next to the pot. The same requirements apply to watering: with softened water, do not allow the substrate to dry out.

The water must be filtered, settled and boiled, and at room temperature. It is important that it does not stagnate in the tray, otherwise the root system of the flower will suffer.

In summer, the frequency of watering and spraying is higher due to warming air and accelerated evaporation of moisture: in the hot season, the plant needs to be sprayed at least once a day, and in winter it is enough to wipe the surface of the leaves with a damp rag.

The frequency of watering is adjusted according to the rate of drying of the top layer of soil in the pot. In addition, in winter the flower should be kept away from heating sources: radiators and heaters.

Syngonium is undemanding to the substrate: a flower soil mixture with a small amount of peat is a sufficient condition for the normal development of the flower. The soil must be loose to allow both air and moisture to pass through; You can add a small amount of coconut fiber. Feeding is carried out regularly: every 2 weeks during the growth period, in the spring and summer.

With the onset of autumn, the frequency is reduced to once. The flower is suitable for organic or liquid mineral fertilizers that contain a small amount of calcium.

Table: conditions necessary for syngonium

Spring SummerSyngonium prefers high air humidity. In summer, it is recommended to frequently spray the flower with warm water, and wipe the leaf blades with a damp cloth or sponge to prevent the appearance of pests. The most comfortable temperature is +18–24 °C.The plant is shade-tolerant and does not like direct sunlight; syngonium needs soft, diffused lighting. The best option for placing the flower would be an east-oriented window. It can also be placed inside the room, placed on a shelf or table.
Autumn winterThere is no need to spray the syngonium. It is enough to place it in a tray with wet expanded clay or peat if the flower is located near a heating radiator. The temperature of the syngonium should be at least +17–18 °C, however, the plant can tolerate a short-term drop of up to 10 °C, but you should not expose the flower to hypothermia for too long.Additional lighting is required in the morning and evening hours so that the shoots do not stretch too much and become brittle and brittle.

Description of Syngonium as a species

Syngonium is a fast-growing herbaceous representative of the aroid family (Araceae), an evergreen epiphyte. In botany, the existence of 33 varieties is known. Syngonium has thin stems with aerial roots, reminiscent of a liana. Its leaf blade is arrow-shaped or heart-shaped, plain or variegated green in color. Shades can vary from dark to almost white. The leaf is entire, has a marginal parallel vein; as the plant matures, it can be divided into segments. Syngonium does not bloom in indoor conditions. When grown outdoors and in nature, a white-pink cob-shaped inflorescence may appear.

Syngonium is a unique plant with a variety of colors

Important! Syngonium is poisonous. Therefore, it should be kept away from children and animals.

In its natural environment, Syngonium grows in the tropics of Central and South America. It prefers to settle in tropical forests, where it entwines large plants and, with their help, reaches out to more light.

Syngonium is an unpretentious plant. If you follow the basic rules of care and provide the necessary support at home, a tropical flower will delight you with its elegance and effectiveness for many years.

Plant care


Syngoniums do not like intense lighting. In bright light, plant leaves turn pale, lose turgor and wither. Windows with an eastern orientation are best suited for them; they can also grow well inside a room, away from a light source.

Syngoniums should not be placed near light sources

Watering mode

Syngonium is a “water drinker”; it requires abundant watering throughout the year. In this case, you need to ensure that water does not stagnate in the pan (excessive dampness can lead to rotting of the roots).

After each watering, drain excess moisture from the pan.

In winter, watering is required abundantly, but not very often; moisten the plant a day after the top layer of soil has dried (about once a week).

Fertilizer application

The liana responds to feeding with excellent growth and bright, juicy foliage. Fertilizers should begin to be applied two months after planting. Until this time, the syngonium has enough nutrients, which it receives from fresh substrate.

Any complex fertilizer is suitable for feeding syngonium.

Fertilize the syngonium in spring and summer twice a month with a solution of special mineral fertilizer. Any preparation for decorative foliage plants is suitable (it is especially convenient to use liquid forms). With the onset of autumn, stop fertilizing completely.

Shaping and trimming

The syngonium can be formed in the form of a neat bush, an ampelous plant, or the vine can be allowed to grow upward, wrapping itself around a support.

How to form a lush bush

To form a lush bush, the flower must be periodically pinched above the fifth or sixth leaf. They do this year-round, as soon as the shoot begins to grow.

Despite the fact that syngonium is a vine, it can be grown in the form of a bush

Ampelous plant in your home

When forming a syngonium in the form of an ampelous plant, it is not necessary to pinch the shoots; they are allowed to grow to the desired size. A flower of this shape looks great in hanging baskets and plant pots.

The ampelous shape is natural for syngonium

Plant entwining a support

The syngoniums entwining the support are very decorative. This can be any wooden cutting, wrapped in moss or coconut fiber.

Syngoniums entwining the support are very decorative

The support should be installed in the container during transplantation. For this:

  1. Place drainage and soil at the bottom of the container and stick a stick into it.
  2. Position the plants by spreading the roots around the support.
  3. Fill the voids with substrate and compact it.

The vine shoots will curl along such a support, resulting in a spectacular plant reaching two meters in height.

Video: syngonium care

Transplanting syngonium at home

The first transplant is done 2 weeks after purchase. Then after a year, and then depending on how quickly the plant develops the soil. The signal for replanting is the appearance of roots in the drainage holes. But every year it is advisable to remove the top layer of soil and add fresh soil.

The new pot should be 2–3 cm larger in diameter than the old one. The depth of the pot should be sufficient to place 3–4 cm of drainage material and freely accommodate the root system of the syngonium (4).

“Singonium is grown in 3 ways – as a lush bush, as an ampelous plant or on a vertical support,” says houseplant collector Elizaveta Starostina. – To grow as a bush, they plant several plants, often different varieties, in one pot, and pinch out the tops of the shoots every spring. To grow in a hanging culture, the plant is planted in a hanging pot and a cascade of several shoots is formed by pinching. To grow on a vertical support, place a stick wrapped in coconut fiber or sphagnum moss in the center of the pot and secure it with expanded clay and soil. Then the plant is planted and its shoots are directed to the support. In the future, the vine itself will cling to the support with its aerial roots. In vertical culture, they also practice planting two plants with different leaf shapes and colors in a pot.

Possible care errors: why they appear and how they can be corrected

ProblemPossible reasonBug fix
The leaves acquire a yellow tint, unusual for the variety, become small, and the variegated pattern on the surface disappears.There are not enough nutrients or the plant is too crowded in the pot.
  1. Transplant the syngonium into fresh substrate.
  2. Fertilize with a high-nitrogen fertilizer.
The tips of the leaves turn yellow and then turn brown, the leaf blades curl and fall off.Too dry air in the room, insufficient watering.
  1. Adjust the watering regime, the soil should be moist all the time.
  2. Spray the plant with warm water.
The color of the leaves becomes pale.Insufficient lighting or excessive watering.
  1. Move the flower to the west window.
  2. Reduce the number of waterings. The soil should be moist, but not soggy.
Droplets of moisture appear at the tips of the leaf blades.This is the usual state of syngonium, so the plant removes excess water.There is no need to specifically reduce humidity; you can limit the number of sprays.
Leaf petioles and shoots become smaller and turn black.Root rot due to overwatering.
  1. Cut off healthy shoots and root them.
  2. Keep the plant in conditions that are comfortable for it, avoiding excessive moisture and drying out of the soil.
The stems stretch and become thin.The plant does not have enough light.Move it to another place, and illuminate it with a fluorescent lamp in winter.

How to plant and replant syngonium?

Young specimens need to be replanted annually; for adults, changing the soil and pot every two to three years is sufficient. The replanting procedure is carried out in the spring months by the method of transshipment without destroying the soil coma.

According to most gardeners, syngonium prefers flat containers. When replanting, you should choose a pot slightly larger than the previous one. It is necessary to have a drainage hole and a sufficient drainage layer, which is used as expanded clay, pebbles, crushed shards and other similar materials.

The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral, light and loose in structure. As a substrate, ready-made soils for aroids are used or they are made independently from leaf soil, turf soil, coarse sand and peat in a ratio of 1:1:1/2:1.

To increase the decorative effect of syngoniums, a support should be installed in the pot.

Transplant procedure:

  1. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball.

    Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method without disturbing the earthen coma.

  2. Place a support in the center of the pot.
  3. Place a few centimeters of drainage at the bottom.
  4. Add a third of the amount of soil.
  5. Set the plant up and straighten out the loose roots.
  6. Add the missing soil around the earthen ball, lightly compacting it.

Table: diseases and pests of syngonium

Name of pest or diseaseSignsTreatmentPrevention measures
Root rotAt the base, the leaf blades turn black, the same happens with the petioles, they are easily separated from the shoot. The stem becomes limp and turns black. Replant the plant in fresh soil. When replanting, cut off all rotten roots, shoots and leaves and treat them with a solution of any fungicide.
  1. Water the plant properly and avoid excessive dampness.
  2. After moistening the soil, immediately drain the water from the pan.
  3. When transplanting and planting plants, disinfect the soil.
Shield aphid (scale insect)Brown plaques appear on the leaf blades, then the leaves dry out and fall off.Wash them off with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution. Treatment with a soap solution containing tobacco dust also helps. Such procedures should be carried out several times, but they do not guarantee complete disposal of the scale insect; after a while the insect may appear again. If this happens, spray the syngonium with Actellik. If necessary, carry out another treatment after a week. Periodically humidify the air around the plant and check neighboring flowers for scale infestation.
MealybugThe top of the leaves becomes deformed and changes color. Whitish flakes appear on the surface of leaf blades and soil. Wipe the leaves with a cotton swab dipped in ethyl alcohol. Spray the syngonium with Aktara or Actellik. A total of three procedures will be required at an interval of two weeks.
  1. Inspect the plant regularly.
  2. Monitor the humidity level in the room and avoid dampness.
TripsYellow spots appear on the leaf blades of syngonium, sometimes in the form of streaks. Leaves die and fall off. The only way to get rid of thrips is with insecticides. Treat the plant with Fitoverm, Vermitek or Actellik. Carry out at least two treatments a week apart. Do not allow the soil to dry out, moisten the air around the plant.

Syngonium pests in the photo

When scale insects appear, immediately wash the plant with soapy water.

You can get rid of thrips only with the help of insecticides

If mealybugs appear, treat the plant with insecticides.

Diseases, pests and treatment

Syngonium is a resistant plant and it can suffer not from infections, but from errors in care.

Insufficiently humid air, excessive watering, or too high or cold temperatures can affect the appearance of the plant. Lead to changes in foliage color, drying out or rotting of roots. Therefore, you should not neglect the rules for caring for this vine.

Syngonium is not very attractive to parasites either. Rarely, thrips or scale insects can visit a home vine. To get rid of them, ready-made broad-spectrum insecticides and simple home remedies are suitable: infusions of tobacco or garlic, soap solution.

Features of reproduction

It is very easy to propagate the vine. This is done through apical cuttings or pieces of a stem with a bud, as well as aerial roots. The procedure is simple, so even a novice florist can handle it.

Reproduction by shoot division - step-by-step description

  1. Divide the stem into several parts. Each of them must have at least one kidney. It is very good if there are aerial roots on the shoot, so rooting will take place much faster. Make the bottom cut at an angle (just below the bud or aerial roots), and the top cut straight.
  2. Plant the prepared cuttings in a substrate of peat, sand, turf and leaf soil (all ingredients in equal quantities).
  3. Moisten the plantings and cover them with a transparent plastic bag.
  4. Place the box with the cuttings in a warm place.
  5. Ventilate the greenhouse and water it daily.
  6. Under these conditions, roots will appear within a week.
  7. After 14 days, place the new specimens in separate containers.
    This method allows you to obtain a large number of young specimens

Propagation by apical cuttings - step-by-step description

  1. Cut off the apical cutting with two or three leaves.
  2. Powder the cut with crushed activated carbon.
  3. Place the prepared cuttings in water. It takes root very quickly. After 2-3 days, small roots will appear, and after two weeks it can be planted in a small container. The substrate required for planting a rooted cutting is the same as for an adult plant.

    Syngonium cuttings quickly take root in water

Reproduction of syngonium - video

Syngonium propagation

Syngonium easily propagates vegetatively. For this, apical cuttings or shoots are used, the length of which should be about ten to fifteen centimeters.

There must be at least two buds on the shoot for propagation.

Cuttings are cut in the spring, which allows the mother plant to send out lateral branches. Rooting of cuttings is carried out in water or soil mixture. It is recommended to add an activated carbon tablet to the rooting water for disinfection.

You can prepare a mixture for rooting cuttings by choosing one of the following compositions:

  • peat and sand;
  • peat and vermiculite;
  • sphagnum moss and sand;
  • sand.

The end of the cutting is immersed a couple of centimeters in the wet mixture, having first sprinkled the cut with a growth stimulator. The cuttings are covered with a transparent bag with holes made for ventilation. The container is placed in a room with a temperature of 24 to 27 degrees.

When the cuttings take root, they are planted in a pot. A layer of expanded clay is poured onto the bottom, and the prepared earthen mixture is sprinkled on top. If the cuttings are planted one at a time, then a container with a diameter of seven to nine centimeters is suitable. Planting multiple cuttings together will require a larger pot. Then they lower the cutting, carefully straightening the roots and sprinkling them with soil. The soil on top is lightly compacted. After planting is completed, water with a small amount of water. You can feed it after a couple of weeks.

The planting method is chosen based on how the plant is intended to be grown. Several cuttings are planted when you want the syngonium to grow as a compact bush . To obtain a climbing vine, one cutting is planted, having previously placed a support and strengthened it in the drainage, sprinkled with earth. It is recommended to wrap the support with coconut fiber or sphagnum moss. This will allow the aerial roots to gain support. To increase the humidity around the vine, we recommend moistening the moss on the support with water.

As young shoots grow, they are pinched above the sixth leaf, which causes the plant to send out side shoots.

To obtain decorative compositions, it is recommended to plant cuttings of different varieties, with leaves of different shapes and different colors, in one container (pot, flower box).

Reviews from flower growers

Many people grow this plant, love it, but do not know that its scientific name is Syngonium. The plant is native to the tropics. Syngonium is a hanging plant that grows like a liana. It reproduces easily - the plant forms aerial roots, which, once in moist soil, germinate and the branch takes root. Syngonium loves moisture and frequent spraying of leaves. Cannot tolerate excessive heat or cold. Attention: the flower is poisonous and it is advisable to place it away from children and animals.


Syngoniums are a very unpretentious and elegant decorative foliage plant. During the period of my great passion for plants, I learned that they are not only green and white-green, but also reddish and pink, and I decided that I urgently needed these varieties. I like syngoniums because they can be used to form a beautiful vine on a stick or on a wall or stand. Or a beautiful bush if you trim it in time. In addition, there are varieties that tend to be more bushy than liana-like, which is good news, since I like bushes more. What is required to care for syngonium? Almost nothing. So: 1. You need to plant in universal soil, be sure to put expanded clay or some other drainage on the bottom. Humus can be added to the soil.2. The size of the pot should not be too large, so it is very convenient to hang the flower in a flowerpot. Somewhere around 1.5 l.3. Water regularly as it dries. The plant cannot be dried, as it loses its decorative effect and the tips of the leaves begin to dry out or even die off.4. You can fertilize, if desired, with fertilizer for decorative foliage plants or natural fertilizers, if that’s what you do. On average, I water all decorative foliage plants with mineral water once every two weeks.5. Lighting. Not a south window, the bright sun can burn the leaves. But even in the dark, the plant will not be as strong, colored varieties may lose some of their color, and the leaves will become smaller. The result is moderate lighting on the western and eastern windows, possibly on the northern ones.6. It is advisable to frequently spray and wash the leaves in the shower.7. Rooting. Segments with aerial roots or root division. Propagates very easily.8. It does not tolerate heat - it can wither and turn yellow, the same goes for cold weather. ATTENTION! Syngonium is poisonous. The juice of the plant should not get on the mucous membranes or into the oral cavity. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the plant away from cats and children.


My syngonium appeared at home as a small piece of stem with a leaf. I placed it in water, then planted it in sand, it took root, in principle, this plant has a survival rate of 80–90%, out of 20 cuttings, 17 subsequently took root. Among syngoniums there are creeping and climbing species. It is this plant that I curl onto a support and it feels great.


I took the sprout of this plant from my mother; it was one leaf, almost without roots. Having planted the baby in the ground at home, I didn’t expect much, since flowers rarely took root after moving, but this one agreed to live with me and grew stronger before my eyes every month. Syngonium likes diffused light, abundant watering, and it likes moisture, but without excess. I assigned it a place in the bathroom, it’s always humid there, and I don’t forget to water it. They write that the older the Syngonium, the larger the stems and leaves should be, but my flower somehow decided to grow as a bush for now, maybe, of course, at an older age he will want more, but for now, so will I, and, apparently, everything suits him! There are several varieties of this flower, but mine, apparently, is the “White Butterfly” variety, as I learned from the Internet in comparison. So I recommend this bush to flower lovers, especially since it not only decorates the room, but also, as experts write, purifies the air in it!


I wanted this flower for a long time, and finally one day I bought it. I bought it very small - only two leaves. The leaves reminded me of the shape of hearts. I would never have thought that this plant, one might say, requires no care at all, well, apart from, of course, watering. Syngonium loves where there is light, but not much, and non-sunlight, so I put it in the bedroom. If there is a lot of light, the leaves will be dull and pale. I sprayed it with water every day. After about two weeks, the number of leaves began to increase, when there were already 20 leaves, I decided to replant the plant. The roots of the syngonium were very long, I cut them off, left the youngest ones and planted them in a larger pot than it was. Two months passed and the plant began to curl. Now I already have three large pots with this beautiful flower, because they reproduce very easily. The other day I bought another plant like this, only in a different color.


Syngonium varieties

Basically, home flower beds are decorated with two types of evergreen representatives of the araceae:

Syngonium auricularis , also called auricular (lat. Syngonium auritum) is a fast-growing vine (up to 90 cm per year with good care) with long climbing stems up to 2.5 cm in diameter. Prefers the average temperature of its habitat. Its large foliage, resembling three, and sometimes five, drooping ears - up to 3.5 decimeters in length and 2 inches in width - is elastic and glossy. The predominant color of the “ears” growing on a 30-40-cacentimeter petiole is bright green;

Syngonium auricata

Syngonium podophyllum (lat. Syngonium podophyllum) is a medium-growing, heat-loving perennial with a multi-meter stem, initially strewn with arrow- or spear-head-like, and then stop-shaped leaves (up to 3 dm in length and 1 dm in width) in the shape of a multiply divided elongated ellipse. In a year, it can grow a maximum of 60 cm. Segments of a smooth leaf, growing as a single unit on a long petiole, are somewhat reminiscent of an orchid flower.

Syngonium peduncle

Based on these species, breeders developed other varieties of syngonium. Fans and connoisseurs of tropical origins give particular preference to:

  • Wendland syngonium is a slow-growing, absolutely unpretentious vine with velvety leaves (up to 19 cm in length and up to 8 cm in width), similar to arrows, the tip of which is divided into three parts;
  • Gray's syngonium is a miniature vine with long tendrils spreading along the ground. Its velvety, pointed, elongated leaves are colored deep green. In the middle of the leaf there is an expressive silver stripe;
  • Syngonium Silver Moon is a compact plant with slightly elongated rounded leaves of emerald color, into the core of which a milky white spot is “spilled”;

  • Syngonium Holly M is a non-climbing perennial with silver-white leaves elongated into arrows;
  • syngonium Gold Allusion - a slowly climbing yellow-golden vine with contrasting bright pink veins on medium-sized leaves;
  • Syngonium Cream Allusion is a basal bushing perennial whose leaf color varies from silver to soft cream. The veins of the foliage can be either pale or deep pink, and on young leaves they are almost ruby;
  • syngonium Mango Allusion - a climbing plant with rounded leaves of a soft light green color, the middle of the leaf is painted pale pink;
  • Syngonium Neon Pink is a vine with heart-shaped pinkish leaves with a pale light green edge. The characteristic vein is the color of a young peony;
  • Syngonium Pixie is a dwarf perennial whose glossy leaves resemble an elongated ellipse-heart. The color range ranges from light green to silvery green. The prevailing shade of the inner and side veins is milky green;

  • Syngonium White Butterfly is a fast-growing and, perhaps, the most common variety of unpretentious syngonium with elongated spear-shaped leaves of a variety of colors. They can be green, light green, milky, yellow, creamy pink. At the same time, an expressive web of lighter veins runs across the entire surface of the leaf;
  • Syngonium Salvadoran is a variety that is sharply different from the rest. The rich green leaves have an elliptical, elongated shape. Leaf veins are paler, the central vein is clearly visible;
  • syngonium Imperial White - the shape of the leaves of the plant is characteristic of syngonium, the difference between the variety is in the color of the leaves - a chaotic white-green pattern;

  • Syngonium Christmas is a magnificent variety, one of the most interesting types of syngonium. The rounded leaves have different colors on the upper and lower sides. The upper side of the leaf is soft green with pinkish veins, the underside is deep pink with darker veins;
  • syngonium Pink Splash - like the previous variety, the leaves of syngonium Pink Splash are pink-green: creamy-pink spots are randomly scattered on a grass-green background;
  • syngonium Dr Birdsey - this variety is distinguished by a geometric and rather strict pattern on the leaf plate - the elongated leaves of the plant are painted bright green, the main and lateral veins contrast with light gray.

This is only an incomplete list of syngonium varieties, the exact number of which is quite difficult to count. Syngonium is one of the favorite plants of breeders. That is why more and more new types of magnificent home vines are appearing on sale.

Syngonium – photo

Syngonium is a simple, unpretentious, but at the same time very beautiful vine. It’s impossible not to pay attention to its decorative leaves!



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Syngonium flower. Description, features, types and care of syngonium

Forecaster in the world of plants. Syngonium is able to predict the weather. In particular, the plant predicts rain. A few hours before, drops of water appear on the leaves of Syngonium, hanging on the sharp groove-shaped tips of the greenery.

The phenomenon can be explained scientifically. Syngonium plant is a liana. When settling on trees, it does not always reach the ground with its roots. Therefore, the hero of the article has adapted to absorb water over its entire surface. Before the rain, the air is excessively humid.

In the photo, the syngonium is pedunculated

Instead of penetrating into the leaf cells, water remains on their surface. Here are the droplets that are the harbingers of precipitation. However, Syngonium is “invited” into apartments not as a weather forecaster, but as a decorative foliage plant. Let's get to know him better.

Description and features of Syngonium

The Syngonium flower belongs to the Araceae family. There are 172 genera and 3,000 plant species. All of them are monocots, that is, they consist of an embryo of 1 lobe. Other families have angiosperms with 2.

Among the vines, the hero of the article is a perennial. Growing on other plants defines the flower as an epiphyte. If Syngonium drew sap from the house tree, it would be a parasite. But this is not about the hero of the article. He climbs powerful tropical trees only for the purpose of support and proximity to the sun. In the forest canopy there is not enough light for the vine.

Reaching towards the light, Syngonium gives an increase of 50-60 centimeters per year. Consequently, the liana is a fast-growing liana, suitable for fast-paced landscaping projects.

For example, the hero of the article is capable of transforming an apartment in a new building into a Garden of Eden in a couple of years. It is enough to plant a few bushes. Identical plants in them do not necessarily look the same.

There are varieties with plain and variegated leaves. There are greens in pink, red, yellow, and silver tones. Over the years, the color fades, but in young shoots it is rich.

In the photo is Syngonium White

The shape of the plates is also different in the leaves of Syngonium. In young vines they are usually arrow-shaped. But, with age, the leaves are divided into segments. Some species of Syngonium have 5 of them, while others have 7. Let’s count by looking at the photo.

Syngonium differs from other Araceae by a vein that runs along the edge of the leaves, like a frame. The lateral veins join it. The result is a grid pattern.

Indoor Syngonium , like the wild one, forms only 1 trunk. You can provoke branching of the vine by pinching the top of the shoot. A scar forms at the site where the last leaves are removed.

The Socs cannot break through it, rushing around. As a result, 2 new shoots emerge from the grooves of the last leaves. If you do not pinch the vine, but create a lush bush, it is logical to place several plants in 1 pot.

Aerial roots of Syngonium are also formed in the internodes. Here it is done without pinching. If the vine is climbing up a base, such as a rock wall, the roots will help to grab onto it.

The hero of the article blooms with such cobs. There are 6-10 of them on a plant. The inflorescences are arranged vertically, whatever the varieties of Syngonium . The buds are collected in spikelets and covered with a so-called “blanket”.

It shows the buds to the world only for 3 days, falling off during the pollination of flowers. Afterwards, the blanket again envelops the ear, due to which it becomes like an ear.

Pictured is Syngonium Butterfly

The result of Syngonium pollination is a fruit with seeds. They are cylindrical and reach a centimeter in length. One fruit contains 50-100 grains. However, it is problematic to get them in apartments.

At home, Syngonium refuses to bloom. Since the buds do not shine with decorativeness, flower growers put up with this, appreciating the plant for its beautiful foliage, unpretentiousness and benefits for the atmosphere of the house.

It’s easier to breathe next to a vine because it frees the air of formaldehyde. This is the name given to harmful gases released in the exhaust, coming from linoleum, dyes, and plastic.

The signs and superstitions associated with Syngonium are also positive . Some of them are based on the characteristics of the vine. Thus, the ability of a plant to change the shape of its leaves with age is the basis of the belief that Syngonium brings changes to people’s lives. Therefore, the hero of the article is advised to conservatives and those who are afraid to move away from the well-trodden “paths”.

Having become a symbol of change for the better, Syngonium appears at home during the illness of the owners. The flower is planted to reverse the course of the disease. At the same time, the vine drives away bad dreams and helps to master new knowledge.

The list of positive superstitions is overshadowed by the fame of the muzhegon. It unites all the vines and vines. It is believed that the reproduction of Syngonium interrupts the human race. They say that the flower drives husbands away from their families.

In the photo is the Imperial syngonium

However, reviews of the owners of the hero of the article on the Internet often do not confirm this. Experts consider rare comments about Syngonium’s guilt to be just a coincidence. However, that’s what superstitions are for, to doubt their verisimilitude.

Reproduction and planting of Syngonium

The absence of Syngonium seeds in indoor floriculture promotes propagation of the vine by apical cuttings. A middle section of the stem with at least one internode is also suitable. The apical cuttings must have at least 2 growing points.

Syngonium cuttings take root in water. You can add activated carbon to it. A tablet is enough for half a glass. You can also root the vine in sphagnum.

This is a type of moss. Sometimes cuttings are stuck into wet sand. If you take a piece of vine with already formed aerial roots, it will immediately take root in a permanent pot.

During rooting, the cuttings of the hero of the article are covered with glass or film. They will help raise the temperature in the pot. We need 24-27 degrees. When the seedlings begin to grow, the film is removed, moving on to the adult care program for the vines.

Caring for Syngonium

Caring for Syngonium is a reason to have it in offices, kindergartens, and clinics. Liana decorates public institutions, demanding “crumbs” in return. Syngonium species are content with partial shade, but can also stand under the scorching sun.

Pictured is Syngonium Imperial Pink

The abundance of light is especially good for variegated varieties. In the shadows they lose their uniqueness and darken. If you buy Syngonium deep green, direct rays of the sun will make it fade. So, we put the plant in the shade.

The temperature of the hero of the article is 20-23 degrees. In winter, the thermometer can drop to 16. Temperatures below are fraught with weakening of the plant. Dry air should also be excluded.

In an atmosphere with a lack of suspended water, the leaves of the vine turn yellow, dry out at the ends, and fall off. This leads to the answer to the question of whether it is possible to keep Syngonium near batteries at home. No.

The liana is not only moved away from heating devices, but also sprayed at least a couple of times a day. This treatment serves as a preventive measure against a number of pests, for example, scale insects.

Defeat by them is a popular answer to the question why Syngonium leaves turn yellow and dry . That is, an illness caused by a lack of moisture and a disease caused by insects have similar clinical pictures.

Spraying Syngonium can be replaced by wiping the foliage with a damp sponge. Use boiled or settled water. You can also add it to a tray with pebbles. On such a “cushion” the plant is constantly surrounded by water vapor.

At the same time, watering the hero of the article is moderate. The top layer of soil should dry out between drinking sessions. In winter, the time between waterings is further increased. An exception is wintering the vine in a dry and hot room.

In the photo wendland syngonium

The hero of the article is fed from mid-spring to autumn. They provide fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants. Syngonium requires mineral complexes in the form of solutions.

Calcium in fertilizing should be at a minimum. The element binds soil acids. This is good for plants that love an alkaline environment. Syngonium prefers a slightly acidic substrate.

In terms of design, the hero of the article needs either support, plucking, or complete freedom. In the latter case, the vine serves as an ampel plant, that is, it hangs freely from the pot.

Plucking allows you to give the plant a bush shape. If you put a vertical base, the description of Syngonium will come closer to a tree. In order to form it correctly, take into account that at home the vine stretches 2-2.5 meters.

Some gardeners have dwarf Syngonium bushes. Perhaps these are one-year-old plants. Up to 12 months, most vines of the genus produce a lush rosette of leaves, beginning to form a stem only in the 2nd year of life.

In adulthood, Syngoniums remain dwarf, usually with the help of inhibitors. These are substances that suppress physiological development.

The Syngonium is replanted until roots appear in the hole of the pot. This is a signal that they are filling the flowerpot. The roots of the hero of the article are growing as quickly as he himself.

Young vines are moved to new pots once a year, and aged Syngoniums once every 2 years. The soil selected is loose and nutritious. Typically, peat, river sand, turf and leaf soil are mixed in equal proportions.

Pictured is syngonium Panda

When forming a Syngonium tree, the vertical base is placed in the drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. Afterwards, a third of the allocated substrate is poured into the flowerpot. All that remains is to place the vine in the container, straighten its roots and carefully cover it with earth, lightly compacting it.

After transplantation, Syngonium is watered abundantly and the 2 week countdown begins. This is a moratorium on fertilizer. Fertilizing as planned begins to be given to the flower at least from the 15th day after changing the pot and soil.

Types and varieties of Syngonium

There are 4 main cultivated species of Syngonium. The diversity of plants is associated with the abundance of varietal forms. We will talk about them in addition to the species division.

So, the most common on window sills is Syngonium “Leaf-leaved” . In nature, it grows in the tropics of southern America. Representatives of the species are prone to branching stems. The species got its name because of the long petioles of its leaves.

Pictured is the Confetti syngonium

Of the popular varieties of the “Leaf-leaved” species, Syngonium “Butterfly” . It has almost white leaves. These require sun exposure. “Butterfly” is distinguished by its growth rate. The vine gains one and a half meters in just a year.

Syngonium “White” is also in demand among the varieties of the “Leaf-leafed” type of vine . Its full name is “Varigent”. It reflects the coloring characteristics of the leaves of the vine.

Botanists call variegant cells those that lack the ability to produce chlorophyll, a green pigment. Therefore, the White variety has snow-white spots. As a rule, they run along the edges of the leaves. There is a variety of the variety - Syngonium "Imperial White". The veins on its leaves are not snow-white, but creamy.

Among the varieties with whitish markings is “Panda.” Syngonium is distinguished by matte dark green foliage. Free-form white patches are scattered across the entire surface of the greenery. By the way, it grows faster than most other varieties of vines.

In the photo is the syngonium Neon Tetra

The second type of cultivated Syngonium is “Vendlanda” . In nature, it grows in the tropics of Costa Rica. Varieties of the species are distinguished by 3-lobed leaves.

The two parts face the stem with their pointed tips, and the central plate has a standard position. It turns out like a clover, only with unequal petals. Syngonium "Vendlanda" has a central one that is larger than the others.

"Vendlanda" is not distinguished by varietal diversity. They mainly grow the natural form of vines, which cannot be said about the “Eared” Syngonium. It is distinguished by its thick stem and trifoliate leaves similar to the blades of 'Vendlanda'.

However, the greens of the “Eared” type are denser and leathery. There are more than ten popular varieties of this species. Let's highlight Syngonium "Neon" . He is especially good when he is young. The foliage of young "Neon" is soft pink. With age, the plates turn green. Only the leaf veins remain pink.

In the photo the syngonium is pink

The “eared” variety “Singonium Red” is deep pink. This is the color of the top of the leaves. Their back side is green. The colors persist as the bush matures. The main thing is to keep the vine in the light. In the dark, Syngonium pink becomes uniformly green.

There are also splashes of pink on Syngonium “Confetti” . The leaves of the variety are creamy green. On top are spots of purple. The inclusions are frequent and varied in size. It looks like confetti is scattered, hence the name of the variety.

The fourth type of indoor Syngonium is “Large-leaved”. In nature, it inhabits the forests of Mexico and Ecuador. Varieties of the species are distinguished not by arrow-shaped, but by heart-shaped foliage. Accordingly, the green plates of the cuttings are rounded.

Pictured is syngonium ed.

From the name of the species it is clear that its representatives are large, like their leaves. The length of the plates reaches 30 centimeters. In room conditions, the figure is usually reduced to 20. However, the “large-leaved” vine cannot be called popular in culture.

Diseases and pests of Syngonium

Let’s figure out how not to confuse such manifestations of internal plant diseases and pest activity. Thus, Syngonium leaves may turn yellow, change shape, and fall off due to a lack of nutrients in the soil.

At the same time, the leaves of the vine become smaller. There are not enough resources to form large plates. They do not become stained, but lighten evenly. There is not enough energy to produce chlorophyll. If the tips of the leaves dry out, it’s probably due to the dry air.

In the photo, a syngonium leaf is drying

Another thing is the attacks of aphids, scale insects and thrips. With them, the greenery of Syngonium is covered with spots unevenly. Only the affected areas stop producing chlorophyll.

In addition, insects are visible, at least under a magnifying glass. Thrips sometimes reach a centimeter in length, so they are visible to the naked eye. The sharp-eyed will also be able to spot aphids and scale insects.

The principle of action of insects is the same. Parasites draw out the juices of the vines, disrupting the cellular structure. You can fight this with “Fitoverm”, “Decis”, “Aktellik” and their analogues. The preparations are complex, aimed en masse at all 3 pests of Syngonium.

Pictured is syngonium disease

The hero of the article is not susceptible to fungal infections. Accordingly, the root system of the flower is not in danger. Leaves can also suffer from waterlogging of the soil. The disease can be recognized by the loss of luster in greenery.

The color also partially disappears. Faded and dull leaves are not associated with pest activity. This is important to take into account so as not to poison the vine with chemicals once again. It is a necessity in case of infection. The use of poisons for preventive purposes is not recommended.

Syngonium itself is sometimes called poisonous. This is not due to the poisons and chemicals contained in the plant. It's harmless. The energy of the vine is considered poisonous. Fame is associated with the teachings of Feng Shui.

In the photo, the syngonium affected by thrips must be treated with an insecticide

All pointed objects have negative energy in it. This means that the arrow-shaped leaves of Syngonium are also dangerous. But, in the chapter “Species” varieties with leaves of smooth shapes are described. So, even if you are interested in Feng Shui and listen to superstitions, you can find your own version of Syngonium.

Signs about Syngonium.

Syngonium is useful for introverts and people whose character is not decisive enough to grow. It is believed that the plant reveals the talent of a speaker in a person, thereby pushing him to communicate with other people, and also helps to overcome complexes and fears. Syngnium, according to popular belief, makes its owner think positively and become optimistic. The plant is perfect for those who always look forward, discarding everything old and unnecessary. Perhaps the syngonium will be useful for older people, helping them to abandon conservative views and let something new into their lives. Syngonium will also have a beneficial effect on people of science and scientists, positively influencing mental activity. According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, syngonium is a plant with powerful energy. An indoor vine is quite capable of giving its owner such qualities as determination, activity and activity. However, you should not forget that only a healthy and beautiful plant has a positive effect. Well, if you don’t believe in superstitions and omens, just enjoy the beauty of the magnificent syngonium, because it is truly a royal plant that can bring a lot of joy to its owner.

Temperature for comfortable growth and development of the Syngonium plant.

In summer it can fluctuate from 20 to 25 degrees, in winter from 18 to 20. Only a slowly growing vine allows the temperature to drop to 16 degrees. Syngonium can even withstand a short stay in a room in which the temperature has dropped to 10 degrees - this is the maximum limit. But none of the types and varieties of decorative vines will want to be adjacent to heating devices (heating radiators, electric heaters) or stand in a draft. All this dries out the plant and causes various kinds of diseases.

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