How to use ZeoFlora to grow orchids?

Plants » Flowers



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Kira Stoletova

The root system of Orchids needs light nutritious soil. This is Ceoflora for orchids - a granular product characterized by good breathability and high-quality moisture conservation.

Application of Ceoflora for orchids

general description

Zeoflora (ZeoFlora) is a ready-to-use soil that is suitable for growing flowering indoor plants, incl. for species of the orchid family.

It is used as an independent monobase for planting plants, and as an additional component to ready-made soil mixtures.

It has sorbing and cation exchange properties and is suitable for growing orchids both using drainage and in a closed system.

It is characterized by an increased ability to retain moisture, which accumulates inside the granules and is consumed by flower roots as needed, giving away as much water as required.

Release forms

The substrate for orchids is available in granular form in packages of 2.5 - 5.0 liters. The diameter of the granules varies from 0.5 to 0.9 mm. The color is light brown.

Cost - 330 rubles for 2.5 liters.


The granular soil mixture consists of a natural material - zeolite, which has undergone a firing procedure under high temperatures.

It contains additives important for the health of flowers:

  • silicon, necessary for flower crops for proper development of the root system and resistance to external factors;
  • nitrogen, which acts as a source of active formation of green mass and abundant flowering;
  • potassium, which ensures intensive shoot growth.

Rich in useful elements, Ceoflora eliminates additional feeding.


  • The air permeability of individual granules saturates plant roots with oxygen, which is important for their full development.
  • The accumulation of water in the granular structure of the soil mixture protects the root system of home flowers from waterlogging, provides a dosed supply of moisture as required and reduces the need for frequent watering.
  • The sterility of the granulate creates reliable protection against the ingress of pathogenic microflora and protects orchids from the appearance of infectious diseases and pest damage.
  • The rich mineral composition acts as a source of consumption of orchid substances useful for development and replaces other feedings.
  • The soil is non-toxic and absolutely safe for humans and animals.
  • Does not require disposal after the death of the plant contained in it. We will use it more than once. It retains its beneficial qualities for a long time and can be reused after preliminary calcination in the oven.
  • Simplifies planting and subsequent care of orchids


  • The silicon-rich composition is presented in a form that is quickly absorbed by indoor flowers.
  • An environmentally friendly product for growing plants.
  • A high content of micro- and macroelements necessary for the proper formation and growth of orchids.
  • Zeolite forms immunity to fungal diseases, pests and pathogens.
  • Increases the stress resistance of flowers when growing conditions change (temperature difference in the room, humidity change), transplants.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the growth of young orchids, promotes their development, and gives rich color to leaves and flowers.

Rules of application

The additive does not harm the substrate

Instructions for use depend on the method of growing orchids.

  • With drainage. The granules are pre-soaked in water heated to room temperature for 1 hour. The potting container is filled with soil mixture to 1/3 of the main volume. An orchid is placed in the central part and sprinkled with the remaining granules until the pot is completely filled.
  • In a closed system. Does not require pre-soaking. The planting technology differs in the need for watering after transplanting the flower. The water requirement is 1/3 of the volume of the pot.
  • From seeds. To sow seeds, the granulate is pre-soaked in water for 1 hour, poured into a container for germinating seed material, holes up to 2 cm deep are formed and the seeds are sown. Sprinkle a thin layer of granulate about 1 cm thick on top.

For the greatest effectiveness and benefit to flowering plants, flower growers mix Ceoflora with moss, pine bark and coconut shavings. These natural additives do not reduce the quality characteristics of the substrate and do not affect its shelf life.

Advantages and disadvantages of use

Growing orchids in Ceoflora has many benefits. It is sterile, therefore it does not contain harmful microorganisms and does not lead to infection of the plant with fungal diseases. This material is lightweight, so it does not harm the root system of the flower. Other advantages of using granulate are also important:

  1. The granules absorb moisture and retain it, making the area where the root system is placed safe for the viability of the flower. The accumulation of water helps reduce the frequency of watering.
  2. The rich composition of the product allows it to be used as an additional supplement. An orchid grown in Ceoflora becomes less demanding when it comes to fertilizing.
  3. The silicon and nitrogen contained in the composition promote active healthy growth of the plant's root system.
  4. Using such a product reduces the stress of replanting a flower.

Such granulate has no disadvantages. Its use is effective in combination with additives (coconut, moss, pine bark, etc.) and it will not change its qualities over a long service life. It is also important that this granule does not need to be disposed of after the death of the plant. It can be calcined on the stove and reused.

The only thing that can hinder the purchase is the difficulty in finding the product. It is found less often on store shelves than analogues of other brands. But this product is new and has not yet gained the same popularity as the more expensive Seramis or other granules. However, in terms of its qualities it is not inferior to them.


  • Kekkila (Finland). The cost is about 600 rubles. Volume 1.4 kg. Suitable for all varieties of orchids. The composition contains components for good aeration - expanded clay, charcoal and bark. Humic acids are available as growth stimulating additives.
  • Geolia (Russia). The cost is about 60 rubles. Volume 2.5 l. Aimed at prolonging the flowering stage and development of the root system. Contains charcoal, sphagnum, pine bark.
  • Living World (Belarus). The cost is about 180 rubles. Volume 315 g. Universal composition for some varieties of orchids. It contains river sand, clay, high peat, vermiculite, chalk, perlite and fertilizers. Has good breathability and moisture absorption.
  • Effect Bio (Russia). The cost is about 230 rubles. Volume 2.0 l. It is presented in a line of 4 fractions, differing in granule sizes, which range from 8 to 47 mm. Has a shelf life of 2-3 years.
  • Seramis (Germany). The cost is about 900 rubles. Volume 2.5 kg. Designed for all varieties of orchids. The composition contains clay granules, tree bark, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Let's reapply.

Pros and cons of the finished substrate

The advantages include:

  • No time is wasted on production.
  • There is confidence in the quality of the prepared substrate, since all the ingredients were purchased independently.
  • The purchased soil is quite light and packed with fertilizers. In addition, it has increased moisture capacity.


  • There is no confidence in the quality of the products. Not all manufacturers indicate on the packaging the exact amount of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen, which can have a detrimental effect on the plant in the future (if, for example, there is a lot of nitrogen, the orchid will grow green mass, but not bloom).
  • Some mixtures contain peat, which affects the acidity level. Indicators may be overestimated or underestimated.

Important! Be sure to make a trial purchase - do not try to buy several bags of soil at once. Especially if you are doing this for the first time. You must first indicate the manufacturing date on the packaging so as not to purchase an expired product.

At home, the contents of the package need to be carefully examined: it should contain mold and large plant debris, larvae, and spores. It should not smell musty or musty. If, after drying, salt crystals or a whitish coating are visible on the surface, this product is clearly of low quality.

Composition of soil for orchids: mix the components

You can make soil for orchids with your own hands by combining several ingredients to give the composition certain properties.

Bark – component No. 1

Cut pine or spruce bark is usually used as the base of the substrate. It has excellent drainage properties and allows air to circulate freely around the roots.

Bark is an organic material; over time, it begins to decompose and crumble into dust. Therefore, once every 2-3 years, the old bark in the pot must be replaced with fresh one.

Pieces of bark can be of different sizes:

  • 3-6 mm - for seedlings and growing orchids in a flask;
  • 6-9 mm - for young specimens;
  • 9-12 mm - for young and mature medium-sized varieties;
  • 12-18 mm - for mature ones and requiring increased aeration;
  • 18-25 mm - for large mature orchids that require more air for the roots.

The rougher the bark, the faster it dries and the better it allows air to pass through.

Very often, epiphytes are grown in pure bark without using any additives. At the same time, the bark can be mixed with any of the components described below.

Sphagnum moss

Moisture-absorbing component with antibacterial properties. Accumulates and retains excess moisture, gradually releasing it to the plant. To reduce the frequency of watering, it is enough to add 5-10% moss to the soil.

It is traditional to distribute sphagnum over the soil to slow down the drying of its top layer and moisten the aerial roots of the epiphyte.

Sphagnum moss laid on top of bark substrate

Solid sphagnum moss as a substrate is used for growing baby orchids and resuscitating orchids without roots.

Sometimes healthy adult orchids are also kept in pure moss. However, it should be understood that moss cannot provide high aeration for the roots of adult plants. In combination with increased moisture capacity, this can lead to rotting of the root system. Therefore, moss as a substrate, of course, has its place, but it requires experience and is not suitable for beginners.

Coconut fiber (coir)

Made from the husks of coconut palms. Thin, moderately dense fibers ensure looseness of the substrate and air access to the root system of the plant. They absorb moisture and dry quickly, keeping orchid roots in moist but not damp conditions.

Coir ensures maximum air circulation around the orchid roots

Use: as a substrate additive or as a stand-alone medium. When growing orchids in lattice baskets, the fibers are laid on the bottom so that the main substrate does not spill out. They are also indispensable in block culture, for wrapping the roots and fixing the orchid on the block.

Coconut chips

Cut pieces of coconut, similar in appearance to bark. Very light, provide a constant flow of air to the roots. A distinctive feature is increased moisture capacity. Before use, coconut chips are filled with water, after which they increase in size by about 2-3 times.

When growing orchids in coconut chips, you should take into account their moisture capacity and carefully monitor watering, avoiding overwatering.

Coconut substrate retains moisture longer than bark


A medicinal component and a real savior of orchids from infections and diseases. It has antiseptic and absorbent properties that prevent the appearance of mold and fungal deposits in the plant pot.

It is used as an additive in pieces 1.5-2 cm in size. Usually used in small quantities, up to 5-10% of the total soil volume (maximum 20%).

Expanded clay

Porous, lightweight granules. They are inorganic materials, therefore they do not decompose and do not compact. They absorb water well and increase the moisture capacity of the substrate. Allows you to reduce the number of waterings and evenly distribute moisture inside the pot.

Expanded clay can be used as a component of the substrate or its only component. Often large pieces are used to form a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.

Expanded clay can be mixed with any other components. It goes well with bark, foam glass, perlite


Neutral, non-water-absorbing material. During watering, water flows over the pieces of foam without wetting them. For orchids, foam is used to form a drainage layer and as a fixative in unstable environments. Often a piece of polystyrene foam is placed under the root collar of orchids to prevent it from becoming waterlogged and rotting.

Foam glass

Crushed glass, which under the influence of high temperatures turns into a porous material.

Advantages: high level of water and breathability due to the light and moderately loose texture, neutral pH level, long-lasting storage of the material, which does not deform or deteriorate over time. The material is resistant to mold, plaque, midges and fungal diseases.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the roughness of the surface (in some types of orchids, if improperly cared for and replanted, damage is noted on the roots, trunk and arrows), lack of nutrients in the composition (not suitable for young orchids that are just beginning to develop and damaged plants), the need to maintain optimal humidity if the plant is located in a room with dry air.

Before use, foam glass must be soaked in water, preferably for a day.


A light volcanic rock with high porosity. Its surface is completely occupied by pores, creating a “breathing” environment around the roots of the orchid. Moreover, the pores absorb not only air, but also water - up to 50% of the weight of pumice.

Pumice can be used as a single composition or in a mixture - with sphagnum moss or bark.

Pumice goes well with other ingredients and is often found in ready-made inorganic substrates, such as Lechuza Pon


Material of natural, inorganic origin. Lightweight, does not decompose and does not compact. Promotes soil friability and prevents plant rotting due to improper watering (either too much water or drought).

Used as a leavening agent in peat soils for orchids or fine-grained substrates.

Seramis granules

Clay granulate of the Seramis brand. Homogeneous granules made of porous material absorb water and nutrients like a sponge. And then, gradually, they give everything accumulated to the plant. Seramis provides air flow and retains moisture in the soil, that is, it creates ideal conditions for growing orchids.

The granulate can be used as an independent substrate or mixed with other suitable components, for example, bark.

Seramis is an innovative clay granule from the German manufacturer Westland Deutschland GmbH

To make it easier for you to decide on a set of components, watch a video with an overview of the organic and inorganic components of soil for orchids:

How to determine the quality of purchased soil?

Most often, defective soil can be found on sale due to improper storage or delivery. When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to the following important points:

  1. The label should indicate that the substrate is universal or can be used exclusively for epiphytic orchids.
  2. The components may contain expanded clay, bark, marsh moss and any nutritional or moisture-retaining elements.
  3. In opaque packaging, the size fractions should be no more than 3 cm, which can be checked by touch.

Upon visual inspection, the soil is a non-black mixture consisting of medium and large fractions present.

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