A new product for growing orchids - a Crown pot with vertical slits and a tray

Plants » Flowers



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Kira Stoletova

A home orchid is one of the most delicate and elegant flowers. But its beauty requires a reverent attitude, good care, care and attention every day. An important factor is how and where it grows. A special crown pot for an orchid will solve many issues related to care and watering.

Features of the Crown pot for orchids


  • This container is specially designed to bring home growing conditions for orchids closer to what they are used to. This design allows you to properly maintain the plant, practically avoiding the possibility of water stagnation thanks to the tray where drainage can be made.
  • They also allow you to easily saturate the roots of the flower with oxygen, because the pot has through holes, despite which the substrate remains inside the container.

Reference! Flower growers who use such a pot note that orchids grow and bloom in them much more actively than in ordinary ones, because, as mentioned above, this container can “recreate” the wild conditions in which almost all types of orchids are accustomed to growing.

What it is?

The Crown pot is made of transparent plastic and is a “needle-shaped” end-to-end structure made of flexible rods arranged in a circle with small gaps and holding back the soil. The pot comes with a special tray that can be used to create drainage.

Features of the pots

This pot is designed specifically for growing orchids in accordance with their needs and allows you to create conditions for the flower that are as close to natural as possible. The bright and modern design of the structure makes it suitable for both home and office, and the presence of a convenient tray with special fastenings to the bottom of the pot allows you to hang the plant in a flowerpot.

Pros and what's bad about it

The undoubted advantages of the Crown include the following:

  • Thanks to the unique design, the plant's roots receive enough light to carry out photosynthesis, are well ventilated and do not rot from excess moisture.

  • The transparent walls of the pot make it possible to easily monitor the condition of the substrate and the roots of the orchid, allowing the grower to notice and eliminate the problem of drying out or rotting in time.
  • If you make drainage in the tray from water, pebbles and sand, the evaporation will make the air in the pot more humid and comfortable for the plant.
  • The Corona pot is safe because it does not emit toxic substances, unlike acrylic products.
  • The simple and stylish design of the pot fits into any interior.

However, the product is not without its drawbacks:

  • Quite large holes in the bottom of the container, due to which the substrate spills into the pan and the roots grow through the pot.
    Help: it is better to use a coarse substrate, this will prevent root germination, and to avoid it spilling out of the pot, sphagnum is suitable for the bottom layer.
  • For the same reason, the water drains too quickly, exposing the root system and causing it to dry out, so the plant requires more frequent watering.
  • When transplanting a flower, there may be a risk of damage to the roots, which often grow through the through walls of the pot.

What types is it suitable for?

Basically, such a pot is designed for varieties of orchids in which the roots take an active part in the process of photosynthesis (in particular, Phalaenopsis and Vanda) - these flowers require access to light to the root system.

Other types of orchids (Cattleya, Dendrobium, Brassia, Oncidium, Miltonia, Cambria), which have pseudobulbs on the roots, do not require a lot of lighting, so it is preferable to choose opaque ceramic pots for them. Read more about which pot to choose—transparent or not—here.

Advantages and disadvantages

Today, there is no container that could be considered the most convenient and practical for growing orchids, except for the crown of the Pot. The huge color palette and minimalistic appearance allow you to place the container anywhere, because it will fit into almost any interior.

For a beginner in gardening, the Crown pot is an ideal option , as the drainage system can make caring for the plant easier. The use of such a container ensures that the roots do not rot or dry out, because through the translucent walls you can monitor their condition and take measures to eliminate problems almost immediately. It also helps to immediately establish proper watering.

Thanks to the through gaps, liquid evaporates quickly, causing the air around the plant to become humid. It is in such conditions that orchids feel very good and comfortable.

Using the Corona pot is completely safe for both humans and plants, since the acrylic from which it is made does not emit any harmful substances.

And now about why it’s bad. Due to the fact that most of the roots are exposed due to through holes, the plant's substrate dries out quickly and therefore it needs more frequent watering. Also, due to the rather wide holes, problems with replanting may arise : the roots wrap around the rods, which is very problematic, because as a result of a couple of awkward movements they can easily be damaged.

Transfer to Corona

The transplant is done into a washed flowerpot. The substrate is poured onto its bottom, which will take up 1/3 of the volume. Then the plant is placed in the center. The root system and all shoots are gently straightened in different directions. If they do not fit and look out, they should not be forced into the structure. They may break. It's worth leaving them outside.

Pour the substrate into the remaining space. Tamping is not necessary in this case. But the flower must stand firmly and firmly in one position, without staggering or bending.

Light wire and twine can be used as temporary support, securing them along the edges.

Do not water for 3-5 days. It is better to spray at this time. Complete rooting will occur in 2 weeks. To speed up the process, the flower can be covered on top with a light airy cloth and placed so that the sun does not shine directly on the transplanted plant.

In the future, water in the usual way or by immersion.

How to choose?

In order to properly purchase a flower pot, you only need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. The height of the orchid and the height of the pot should be at least approximately the same (but in no case should the pot be taller than the flower!), and, accordingly, its width should accommodate the entire root system.
  2. The gaps between the rods of the pot should be smaller than the thickness of the roots so that they do not wrap around the rods, which can damage them during replanting.
  3. It is very important to choose the right size, since orchids do not like either crowded conditions or a large amount of substrate. You need to choose one in which the root system will fit freely with a little space around the edges.

How to plant?

  1. The first step is to fill the basket one-third full with coarse soil.
  2. Next, the orchid is very carefully placed in the center of the pot.
  3. The next step is to evenly add the substrate, carefully holding the flower.

There is one more important nuance. Flower growers recommend that for the first time after transplanting to a new “home”, not water the orchid, but spray it leaf by leaf .

In conclusion, I would like to note that the Orchid, although a very whimsical plant, is quite capable of growing and delighting with its beauty within the walls of a house. And the main assistant in this can be the “Crown” pot.

This is a worthy replacement for ordinary flower pots in their classic form. It copes well with the assigned tasks, such as sufficient ventilation of the root system, good moisture circulation, as well as the right amount of light. If you follow all the recommendations and advice, then there is every chance of a comfortable existence of a beautiful orchid.

Where to buy and what is its approximate cost?

The main manufacturer of such pots is Moscow. The price in their online store is approximately 300 rubles, and the standard height of the pot varies from 8 to 13 cm, diameter from 10 to 13 cm.

Residents of the capital can easily buy such pots in specialized stores, while those from other cities will have to order them from an online store. For example, one of the most popular is Ozon.ru, but this will be somewhat more expensive: the 12x13 option (standard size) will cost about 450 rubles. In less popular stores you can find it for 150 - 300 rubles, but the size will be slightly smaller.

Consequences of wrong choices and their prevention

most people make when choosing a pot for an orchid is the wrong size. There is no need to look for “growth.”

Important! The orchid is characterized by unhurried and measured growth, so there is no need to rush. It is extremely important to choose one in which the orchid will feel comfortable.

  • Choosing a pot that is too large can result in stagnation of moisture in the substrate and further rotting of the plant roots. A large amount of soil simply will not have time to dry out within a certain period of time (7 - 10 days), even despite the wide gaps between the wall rods.
  • In turn, a small pot can create a lack of moisture, since a small amount of soil will dry out very quickly, and the roots will not be able to fit in such a small space, which can lead to their drying out.

Thanks to the Crown pot, which was specially designed taking into account all the features of growing orchids, this process has become very simple even for beginners in this business, because such a container will easily provide the flower with sufficient light, a moderate amount of moisture and air.

Full growth and development of an orchid is impossible without a properly selected container. Find out whether it needs a transparent pot and how to plant the plant on a block or in a glass container. We also invite you to evaluate the ready-made balanced soil for Seramis epiphytes.

Description of the pot

Under natural conditions, the orchid is attached by its roots to stones or branches. Therefore, at home it is better to plant it in a pot with holes to remove excess moisture and provide good ventilation.

The Crown pot will be a good choice because it was designed specifically for orchids, taking into account all the characteristics of the plants.

The device can be described as follows:

  • disc bottom base;
  • in a circle (along its radius) there are pegs, like a picket fence;
  • there are gaps between the pegs for ventilation;
  • coupling with a pallet in the form of grooves.

A feature of this design, and unlike other conventional flower pots, is excellent ventilation of the root system. It is ventilation that prevents the development of root rot in epitaphic representatives of the genus.

The container is installed above the level of the bottom of the pan, into which water is poured and gradually evaporating, providing the necessary moisture. This design creates a good humid microclimate around the entire flower. The crown is suitable for the following lithophytic species:

  • phalaenopsis;
  • Wanda;
  • dendrobium;
  • Cattleya;
  • and so on.
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