For low humidity: 6 indoor plants that are not afraid of dry air in the apartment

Ficus elastica

f2.8 / Shutterstock
Unlike its relative Ficus benjamina, Ficus elastica is very easy to care for. True, you won’t get flowers from him: for this he needs certain conditions, which are almost impossible to achieve in an apartment or even in a greenhouse at the dacha. But it is very good even without flowers.

How to care

Light . Ficus grows best in good light, so try to place it near a window. But not on the windowsill: direct sunlight can damage the leaves. You can also place the ficus in the shade, but then the bottom row of leaves may fly off.

Water . It is recommended to water the ficus when the top layer of soil is completely dry. In summer and spring you need to do this a maximum of twice a week, and in autumn and winter once is enough. You cannot fill the ficus with water, otherwise it will get sick and the leaves will fall off. In the warm season, you can spray ficus leaves from a spray bottle.

Transplant . While the ficus is young, it needs to be replanted every year. And an adult bush - as needed. You can understand that the ficus has become crowded by the amount of water in the pan: if after watering there is too much of it, it’s time to replant.

What else do you need to know . In nature, ficus grows up to 30 meters in height. In an apartment he is not capable of such feats, but he is quite capable of becoming a meter-tall tree. To maintain its decorative appearance, trim the tops. The procedure should be carried out in the spring.

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