Violet variety “Chic Poppy” - history of the variety, features of care and propagation

Description of violet Chic poppy

The leaves form a rosette, the color from the center of the plate to the periphery turns from green to white, there are also pure white ones.

Flowers on tall peduncles reach 8 cm in diameter. In the first years, they bend under the weight of the buds and fall, then the plant grows stronger and this does not happen. Flowering is long lasting. The petals unfurl slowly. Fringed at the edges. The pink young buds then take on rich brick hues. It can be propagated by leaf cuttings, which root well and produce up to 3 rosettes, but this requires a lot of light.

When and how does it bloom

Homemade bullfight violet - description of the flower

Like any violet, this plant also has its own flowering time and flowering period, which are described below.


Most often, the flowers have raspberry and pink shades, in rare cases scarlet. The leaves themselves can be dark and light green, turning white towards the edges. Sometimes you can find violet with completely white foliage.

Violet with pink flowers and green and white leaves


Violet Chic poppy has larger flowers compared to other species. Their size can reach 7 cm. The petals are wavy and slightly curled inward. The leaves of the plant are also not small - up to 15 cm. From the outside you can see that they have small white grains of sand, reminiscent of white powder.

Flowering period

The first flowering of this variety takes quite a long time. In the first year of life, the petals of the flower, due to their heaviness, lie on top of the leaves. After a couple of blooms they will get stronger and begin to grow upward.

For your information! After flowering, the violet leaves small boxes of seeds from which new plants can be grown.

Planting and growing conditions for violets Chic poppy

A chic poppy requires special treatment and increased attention to itself; it is difficult to create suitable conditions, but its appearance is delightful and worth all the effort.

Parameter Conditions
LocationA lot of light is needed, but keep out of direct sunlight to avoid burns. West or east side is the best location. From the south, the flower will have to be covered in the summer.
LightingNecessary for flowering and preserving the beauty of rosettes. When there is insufficient lighting, the cuttings stretch. If there is excess, the lower leaves become curled, which also leads to loss of decorativeness. There is at least 12 hours of daylight, so additional lighting is indicated in winter.
TemperatureOptimal - +19…+23 °С. Avoid sudden fluctuations.
HumidityNot lower than 50%. During the cold period, additional air humidification is necessary. You can place water in an open container near the flower.
Priming A specially prepared substrate is available for sale, but various mixtures can also be prepared:
  • Leaf soil, peat and sand (5:3:1), perlite or vermiculite is used instead of sand;
  • High peat and perlite 3:1 or 2:1;
  • Wick peat and perlite 1:1.

Use slightly acidic soil (up to 6.5) or neutral 7.0.

The soil is replaced approximately once a year.

To protect against fungal diseases, mix activated carbon or sphagnum moss into the soil. To destroy fungal spores and other pests, before planting, the soil is heated in the microwave, in the oven, or poured with boiling water.

Pot3 times smaller than an outlet. You don't need a lot of land. A plastic one will do, but if there are holes in the bottom of the pot for drainage, which is necessary to prevent stagnation of water and the development of rot on the roots. It can be expanded clay, pebbles, small crushed stone, broken brick. Frequent replanting into a more suitable pot is required.

Possible problems in growing

Despite the seemingly easy process of growing this beautiful flower, many gardeners have many problems with it. And they are not always associated with pests. Even due to improper care, the plant can die.

What do leaf problems indicate?

Most problems arise from poor care. Most often, the plant may die due to excessive watering or temperature fluctuations. An equally rare problem is the sun, which simply burns the violet leaves, causing them to dry out. Also, sometimes a violet can contract a disease due to contact with other diseased plants on the windowsill.

Common diseases

Most often the plant is affected by:

  • powdery mildew. This is a disease in which the leaves become covered with white spots. Most often it occurs due to excess humidity and low temperature. Plants should be treated with regular sulfur powder;
  • late blight It mostly affects the leaves and roots of the plant. Due to late blight, brown spots appear, leaves begin to rot and fall off. It is advisable to remove all damaged areas during illness, and if the disease is advanced, leave only one cutting;
  • gray rot. This disease spreads to violets from other flowers. It looks like gray dust on top of leaves and flowers. All diseased areas should be removed and the flower treated with a fungicide.

Sick violet with gray rot


Of the parasitic insects that attack the violet:

  • spider mite With this disease, the leaves become covered with gray spots, and a small cobweb appears on the flower. The plant itself does not die, but stops blooming and growing. It is best to treat the plant with a soap solution and chemicals;
  • thrips. These parasites cause the flowers to fade and begin to fall off. The best medicine is actellik and actara;
  • mealybug. It looks like a cotton wool-like coating covering the roots. It sucks the juice out of the plant, causing the violet to die over time. The plant should be treated first with a soap solution and then with Aktar.

Other problems

Many gardeners often ask why violets don't bloom? This is a common problem that occurs due to improper care. If the flower does not develop and does not open buds, it is worth changing the temperature, light, amount of moisture and size of the pot.

Violet Chic poppy is an unusual and rather finicky plant. But, despite this quality, many gardeners are willing to give a lot of time to grow this small but very beautiful plant. And all because the flower has an unusual appearance, which is uncharacteristic for the family.

Mr. Summer Resident warns: proper watering for violets Gorgeous poppy

This plant does not tolerate overwatering or drying out of the substrate.

If you overwater it in hot weather, it can die from a bacterial infection that quickly spreads through the leaves.

The tender parts of the flower are also affected when water gets on them. Therefore, the following watering measures must be observed:

  • the water must be settled or filtered;
  • hard soften with oxalic acid 0.5 tsp. for 6 l.;
  • be sure to fill the drainage before planting;
  • do not allow liquid to stagnate in the container under the pot;
  • violet cannot be sprayed.

Watering methods:

  • From a watering can on top, but avoid getting any drops on the plant.
  • Bottom watering: the pot is placed in a pan of water for half an hour, after which it is removed.
  • Through the wick. During planting, stretch part of the cord through the drainage and the ground and plant the flower. Then place the pot over a container of water so that the wick is in the liquid and the bottom is not in contact with it. As a result, soil moisture will be maintained at an optimal level.


Cuttings of this seedling take root easily and, as a rule, produce many children. Sometimes there are difficulties with rooting cuttings. It is better to root in good light. The variety blooms quite early and profusely. Blooms often. Flowering is long lasting. As the flowers age, they take on a brick-orange hue.

Many collectors note weak peduncles during the first or second flowering, which is why the flowers fall on the rosette. As the socket matures, this drawback disappears.

The rosette, despite its surprisingly beautiful and persistent variegation, is far from ideal. There is an opinion that when there is too much lighting, the plant hugs the pot. Some collectors combat this by regularly tearing off the lower tucked leaves and frequent replanting. You can also often find rosettes with disproportionately long leaf petioles. If you choose optimal conditions, the outlet becomes smooth and beautiful.

Requires abundant watering and grows well on a wick.

Feeding violets Chic poppy

It is carried out with ready-made liquid fertilizers. During the flowering period it is necessary to apply every week. If appropriate conditions are not provided in winter: temperature and light conditions, once every 30 days is sufficient.

Young violets require nitrogen compounds during the growing season, while mature ones preparing for flowering require phosphorus and potassium compounds.

If the violet has been properly cared for, watered and fed in a timely manner, but the plant is still depleted, you need to check the acidity of the soil. If you deviate from a slightly acidic reaction in one direction or the other, Saintpaulia’s ability to fully absorb nutrients from the soil is lost.


Chic Poppy (seedling by K. Morev). Photo by T. Lysikova:

Gorgeous Poppy (Seedling Morev). Photo by Svet Lana:

Chic Poppy (seedling by K. Morev). First flowering. Photo by Svet Lana:

Gorgeous Poppy is the first flower. Photo by Svet Lana:

Chic Poppy (seedling by K. Morev). Photo by T. Lysikova:

First flowering:

Transplanting violets Gorgeous poppy

Done in early spring and October. Flowering plants should not be replanted. In case of excessive watering and slow growth, an unscheduled procedure is performed. You don’t need a lot of soil; the pot is 1/3 the size of the rosette. 24 hours before transplanting, water the violet. Then the healthy plant is transferred with a lump of earth into the prepared pot, into moist soil. If there are rotten roots, old, diseased leaves, then they are removed. After transplantation, do not water for 48-72 hours. It is allowed to place the flower under a jar to maintain high humidity.

Violet Black Pearl

The spectacular violet Black Pearl, in the photo, was bred by E. Korshunova and received many flattering reviews both at Saintpaulia exhibitions and from ordinary lovers of these plants. The variety stands out both for the size of its large, densely double star-shaped flowers and for their rich velvety color, with tints of violet and purple shades. The rosette is formed of standard sizes, the foliage is dark green, oval, on long strong petioles.

When propagating the Black Pearl violet, flower growers sometimes encounter unusual mutations, sometimes leading to uniquely beautiful flowers, as in the photo.

Features of flowering, growth and reproduction

Development at home

If the house is warm, there is a bright windowsill and the opportunity to water the flowers on time, then feel free to start a Le-Macho violet. The remaining conditions are easy to fulfill - provide shade on hot days, organize a stand for the pot in winter, you can even place it next to it:

  • Humidifier;
  • Or a tray of wet gravel.

How long does it take to grow an adult plant?

A plant that is considered fashionable for adults is:

  • With a well-developed rosette of leaves;
  • And blooming for the second or third time.

From the moment the starter, or baby, is planted, until full development usually takes about 10 months.

Advice! To ensure that the rosette grows evenly on all sides, it is good to turn the pot a little clockwise every day.

How are varietal characteristics transmitted?

The Le-Macho variety produces many children, or stepsons - tiny new plants between the leaves, right on the stem. If you do not plan to propagate the violet, such shoots are removed in order to:

  • They did not draw strength from the mother plant;
  • And they didn’t thicken the bush.

When several babies grow on one stem, flowering stops and a tough battle for water and light begins. This looks ugly and the plant suffers.

To reproduce, the baby is carefully broken off by hand. The baby should be planted in a separate pot, in moist soil for violets with good drainage. To make it take root easily and quickly, you can build a greenhouse from:

  • Plastic cup;
  • Or a regular plastic bag.

When the leaves begin to grow, the greenhouse is no longer needed.

If you managed to get or order only one leaf for propagation, you can root it in two ways - the first way is to plant it directly in the ground, like a baby. The second way is to place it in a glass of clean water on a bright windowsill and wait for the roots to appear. Both methods give good results.

Most often, Saintpaulias are propagated by leaves.

If the cutting begins to rot from the root, there is still a chance to root it - you need to cut off the top third of the leaf and plant it in a pot directly with the cut cut into the ground, pressing the edge tightly to the soil, and support the rest with a match or toothpick. After 3-5 weeks, a sprout will emerge from the ground and a new plant will begin to develop. This is possible because there is a growing point in every vein of the violet leaf.

Important! With any rooting method, it is very advisable to make a mini greenhouse from a bag or a glass pot.

Features of flowering, growth and reproduction

The rosette grows well and quickly, closer to a year you can get the first buds, and a 1.5-year-old individual can be considered an adult.

When propagating, flower growers can use the method most convenient for themselves; varietal characteristics are transmitted approximately equally - the percentage of sports is approximately equal.

Violet flowers:

  • They rise on strong peduncles;
  • 4-5 pieces each;
  • Reach up;
  • And most often they form a beautiful head of flowers, or at least a bouquet (especially the first flowering).

Attention! The flowers last a long time and fade quite aesthetically.

RM-Faberge is very temperature dependent:

  1. In hot conditions (above 21°C) – buds planted in this mode will give a bright color to the flowers, there will be little white color, and a clear fantasy pattern;
  2. In a cool room, when the buds bloom, they will produce paler flowers, in which a white tint predominates, and the fantasy is less pronounced due to the small percentage of pink color, and the dark spots on it increase.

Violet RM-Faberge (N. Skornyakova)

Isadora (violet): specific care features of
RM-Faberge, a variety of Uzambor violet from the genus of hybrid Saintpaulias, which belong to the Gesneriev class. Bred by breeder N. Sornyakova.

Faberge's fabulous violet.

The rosette is standard in size and type of growth. The leaves are not very large on elongated cuttings. The plate is slightly wavy along the edge with a clear vein pattern. The color is light green, becoming lighter as it grows (young leaves can be bottle-colored).

Violet flowers:

  • Large;
  • Terry;
  • Very clear;
  • And beautifully shaped.

Petals slightly wavy, but not corrugated, wide

The color is very exciting and attracts attention with its fantasy

Three colors are intertwined on the flower:

  • The main one can be considered fuchsia pink;
  • It is diluted with white in the center of the flower and a small rim around the edge;
  • And the palette is complemented by fantasy blue, which splashes onto the pink.

Important! Depending on care, the amount of white can vary, from a small spot in the center, to white petals with a pink print (on which the fantasy is preserved).

The variety has no fixed sports. But taking into account the external parameters of the flowers, there is a possibility of getting a baby with white and pink flowers without fantasy, or plain petals of one of the colors. Sometimes such varieties produce chimeric sports, but this is rare.

Selection of variegated violets

If you have joined the army of fans of these unusual and incredibly beautiful plants and decided to acquire one or several specimens at once, you should familiarize yourself not only with the names of the varieties, but also with their descriptions. Beginning flower growers can be advised to buy an adult plant right away, and not try to grow it from a shoot, because, as mentioned above, variegated leaf is an extremely capricious and picky plant.

Here are a few examples of the most famous varieties.

The flower has pink petals with double edges. The rosette is quilted, variegated, dark green in color.


The leaves are cone-shaped, olive-colored with a light edge. The flowers are miniature, delicate lilac and bluish in color. Dark rays emanate from the middle of the flower.


This is a whole series of violets. Their distinguishing feature is their wavy foliage. A very capricious variety. Reacts negatively to the slightest temperature fluctuations and lack of light.

Here are a few titles from this series.

Apache Favorite Huge flowers of bright scarlet color with fringed edges. The leaf is slightly wavy, with pinkish edges.

Apache Freedom. The flowers are similar to "Pansies" - mauve, lighter in the middle, gradually darkening towards the tips. The underside of the leaf is red, the front side is green, with pink and white splashes.

Apache Magic. The flowers are large, deep blue. The rosette of the leaf is pinkish-beige. Leaves are ribbed, with pinkish edges

The variety is very impressive and immediately attracts attention.

Apache Midnight. This variety is also quite large, the flowers are dark purple, with white ragged edges

Leaves with a beige tint.

Apache Primrose. The variety blooms very profusely, the flowers are pink, darker at the edges than in the middle. The leaves are pale green with a hint of lemon.

Apache Shadows. The flowers are wavy, red or purple, the shade is deep, rich. The foliage is variegated, with white and pinkish spots.

Apache Skybird. The flowers are white, with a blue mesh pattern. The foliage is corrugated, pale green in color.

"Ice Rose"

The flower combines 3 shades at once: white, light green and burgundy. The real decoration of the flower is its corrugated fringe.

"Chic poppy"

The flowers are large, rich pink in color, and exude a pleasant aroma. The color of the leaves is also uneven: a smooth transition from light green to thick emerald.

Vintage Wine

The flowers are deep burgundy, the leaves are light with a white edge. Over time, the edge changes color to beige or pink.


Flowers are about 5 cm in diameter, the color of aged wine. The leaves are dark green with a thin white edge, as if lightly dusted with snow.

You will learn more about caring for violets in the video below.

How to cut a leaf for rooting?

There is an opinion that it is enough to tear off a violet stalk and simply plant it in the ground. Then wait a little, and a gorgeous flower will grow. This is a mistaken opinion, since violet requires more polite treatment. To get started you need:

Prepare a sharp knife or blade for work. Instruments must be sterile. They must be treated with alcohol

To do this, wipe the knife or blade with a disk soaked in alcohol. After the procedure, you need to carefully cut the selected violet leaf, making an oblique cut, maintaining an angle of 45°. The length of the leg should be three to five centimeters. Next, the cut leaf is left to dry.

The leaves can be stored for 2-3 hours. If there is a need for a longer storage time, they can be placed in a glass jar with a lid or in damp film. On the parent plant, you need to sprinkle the fresh cut with crushed activated carbon.

During this procedure, you need to try not to damage the leaves closest to the cut.

Caring for violets at home

The brightness and abundance of flowers directly depend on the rules for caring for violets, which are the same for almost all types and varieties.

Location. Lighting

Violets are light-loving plants. Their growth directly depends on lighting, and therefore if the room is dark, then you should not start growing violets, even if the desire is very strong.

If pots of Violets are placed on the windowsill of a south-facing window, they will receive sufficient light, but will suffer from direct sunlight, and therefore the flowers will need to be shaded. The most favorable place is the eastern and western windows. With the onset of winter, violets are transferred from the windowsill to a nearby table or stand. This will protect the roots from hypothermia.

If Violets lack light, their leaves will become pale and lethargic, and harmonious development will be disrupted.

It is important that the daylight hours for flowers are 14 hours, and then on short winter days the violets should be additionally illuminated. The light must be soft and diffused


Favorable temperature is +18°С…24°С. In winter, the room temperature can be reduced to +10°C...+15°C, but not lower - this will be detrimental to the plant. A sharp change in temperature and drafts are not recommended, and therefore violets should not be grown on the balcony.

Air humidity

Since in the wild Violets grow in conditions of high humidity, they need to create similar conditions in the apartment. If the indoor air is dry, you can place a humidifier near the plants. If this is not available, a tray with wet expanded clay or pebbles is installed. Immersing the pot in water is not recommended, nor is spraying the plant. The fact is that droplets accumulate on the leaves, and this leads to fungal diseases.


Violets should be watered with soft, settled water at room temperature. It is better to carry out the watering procedure in the following ways: drip watering, through a tray, immersion and using a wick. It is impossible to water under the root of the Violet: water, if it gets on the growth buds, will lead to fungus and death of the flower.

Soil composition

You can buy soil at a flower shop. You should purchase a substrate intended for Violets. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself. To do this, garden soil is mixed with sand, which is taken in small quantities. In order to disinfect the resulting mixture, it must be calcined.


Violets need feeding in the spring, when the process of bud formation begins. No further feeding is needed. It is better to use nitrogen and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, which promote leaf growth and abundant flowering.

Choosing a pot

Since Violets have a small root, the plant does not require a spacious pot. The violet should be three times larger than its pot. If the pot is large, the root system will begin to actively develop, but there will be no flowering.


The transplantation procedure must be carried out in the spring. It is carried out in the following cases:

  • purchasing Violet in a store that requires quarantine and replanting;
  • if the soil is covered with a white coating - a sign of a fungal infection;
  • the plant has become lethargic, the foliage has begun to turn yellow, and fertilizing does not help - soil depletion;
  • planting a new rooted cutting.

When replanting, do not forget about the drainage layer, which will prevent stagnation of water in the pot and rotting of the roots.

Propagation of Saintpaulia

Violet "le magenta": description and agricultural technology

An important stage in the life of a plant is its reproduction. You need to carry out this procedure correctly and try to avoid mistakes. For violets, it is better to use methods of cuttings or separating the children. The chic poppy reproduces well, and the daughter rosettes easily adapt to independent life.

It is advisable to separate the stepchildren during a planned transplant or purchase. Having separated the children with roots, they can immediately be placed in separate pots.

Propagation using leaves is also a simple method.

To do this you need:

  1. Separate the leaf from the bottom of the flower; the stalk should be at least 2 cm long.
  2. Place it in a container with settled water.
  3. After the roots appear, plant it in a pot with prepared drainage and soil.
  4. Cover with a bag or jar and place in a warm, bright place.

The sprout must be opened and ventilated daily. Moisten the soil as needed

After the leaves appear, carefully remove the main ones;

Propagation of Saintpaulia

The process is not difficult, but it requires a lot of patience. The cuttings may remain in the ground for a long time without changes, or they may begin to wither. The main thing is not to get upset, because these are natural processes, and in the end everything will work out. The plant will definitely take root.

Violet LE-Macho (E. Lebetskaya)

Aquamarine violet: photo and description, features of growing at home

Usambara violet or Saintpaulia. Family Gesneriaceae. Genus Saintpaulia hybrida (Saintpauliahybrida). Afrikan violet saintpauliahybrida.

It is no coincidence that the variety begins with the prefix LE - this is the trademark of the author Elena Lebetskaya (Ukraine, Vinnitsa).

The variety was bred in conditions close to central Russia, and is therefore well adapted to these conditions.

Differences from RS-Macho

If you have a violet that somewhat resembles Le-Macho, but with a white center and very terry edges, you have the RS-Macho variety.

The white border on the petals is not so pronounced; it gradually dissolves into the main color of the bud. There are flowers of more delicate tones than those of Le Macho. The RS-Macho variety was bred by S.N. Repkina.

Violet RS-Macho S.N. Repkina.

Photo and description of the variety

Attractive, bright flowers of rich wine color with pale cream or white edges. Flowers:

  • Dark;
  • Large;
  • Shades from burgundy to dark purple.

Violet Le-Macho forms a rather large, strong rosette of leaves with corrugated edges, with a fine pattern of veins, on long petioles.

Beautiful Saintpaulia LE-Macho by Elena Lebetskaya.

Attention! A healthy plant blooms with a cap.

Video: winter flowers - comparison: PRIMUSES or VIOLETS?

Many breeders say that the leaf stalks of the Chic Poppy variety are too long. However, it all depends on care and environmental conditions. If you ideally monitor watering, lighting and temperature, as well as humidity, then the violet will not bother the owner with problems.

The average number of children is two or three. The leaves are often white. The main thing when growing is excellent lighting of the flower. This original species is not the easiest plant to care for. But its beauty makes all the effort worth it.

Flowers sometimes reach seven or even eight centimeters and begin to become double. The only drawback is that they “lay” on the leaves. However, with good light and watering this will not happen.

Wick watering

The capricious beauty of the violet does not tolerate waterlogging, drying out of the soil, or water getting on rosettes, leaves and flowers, as the delicate tissues of the plant rot. In this regard, the usual methods of watering are not used here, but, as already mentioned, wick watering is practiced, which has proven itself in the cultivation of Chic Poppy.

The method consists of using a wick rope connecting a container with water and a pot with a planted plant. When planting violets, pull a small piece of cord through the drainage hole of the container, lay it on the backfilled soil, and then plant the plant. A pot of violets is placed in a pot of water so that its bottom does not touch the water and the tip of the wick is in the water.

With this method, soil moisture will be constantly maintained at a normal level. Chic Poppy is not sprayed, like other varieties of Saintpaulia, but it is preferable to maintain a good level of humidity by placing containers with wet pebbles on the windowsills or using home humidifiers.


Violets at home grow well if they are provided with a sufficient level of light without an excess of sunlight, especially midday. Therefore, before planting, you need to decide where the pot will stand.

Violets take root well on the windowsill or next to it, but only on the north side, where little direct rays of the sun reach.

Violets do not like direct rays

The Saintpaulia pot needs to be small, however, too much cramping will not do any good - the flowers and leaves will begin to shrink. As a rule, take a plastic container with a height of about 10 cm and approximately the same diameter (10 - 13 cm).

Usually, violets are grown from a leaf (we will talk about this in more detail in the next section of the article). It is transferred to a permanent pot at the rosette stage, transferred from the previous container along with an earthen lump. At the same time, a number of requirements are imposed on the soil:

  • Air permeability;
  • Ease;
  • Moisture capacity;
  • High content of trace elements and minerals (potassium, phosphorus);
  • Moderate amount of nitrogen;
  • Acidity within pH 5.5-6.5;
  • No pests in the mixture.

Violet with interesting star-shaped buds

Violets are not capricious enough and do not require special care

Saintpaulias also need good drainage. So, you need to fill almost half of the pot with expanded clay. You can also add a piece of charcoal. The store sells special mixtures for violets, but you can also use universal soil by adding organic fertilizer (1:4), a little ash 1.5 g per cm² and a handful of sphagnum moss.

Saintpaulias will become an interior decoration

Another soil option: black soil or leaf soil, peat and sand (5:3:1).

Violets are transplanted 1-2 times a year. The best time to move the plant is spring. A new pot is selected based on the size of the outlet: the diameter of the container should be 1/3 of it.

Violets are best replanted in spring.

Violet "Emergency"

Before transplanting, moisten the soil in the old pot so that the lump can be removed more accurately. The older the plant, the deeper it is buried in the ground, leaving a very small distance between the surface and the lower leaves.

If the plant begins to wilt, the soil has oxidized, or the violet has not been replanted for more than 2 years, the soil should be changed completely.

In terms of temperature conditions, homemade violets are not particularly whimsical

Reproduction by cuttings and layering

Growing bacopa from seeds is not difficult. But it is easiest to propagate in two ways: cuttings and layering. This is quite easy since bacopa has the ability to root well.

To propagate a flower by cuttings, you need to follow several steps. Harvesting material can begin in winter if the plant is brought to a warmer place. If not, then the best period for harvesting is the end of summer or the beginning of September. You need to take young branches that have not yet grown more than 10 cm. There should be 2 pairs of leaves on the stem.

First you need to remove the bottom pair of leaves from the cutting. Then the shoots need to be placed in water, adding a stimulating solution to it. After just 2-3 hours, the branches can be planted in the soil or transferred to a container with plain water.

It is important to properly prepare the rooting substrate. The soil must be made light, fertile, loose

The cuttings are immersed in it at the place where the remaining leaves begin to grow. After planting the cuttings, the pots are covered with film to ensure high humidity. This greenhouse can be removed periodically so that the soil with the plants can be ventilated and watered.

You can remove the film when new leaves appear. When 2 new pairs of leaves have already grown, the top of the cutting is pinched. Such an event is an excellent incentive for branching. Thus, later, when the cuttings are transplanted to a permanent place, they will be more voluminous and beautiful. Bacopa cuttings can be transplanted into open ground in early May.

Interestingly, better resistance to pests and diseases was noted in varieties with white flowers. Bacopa of other colors does not take root as well and is more susceptible to the negative influence of the external environment.

The propagation method with layering allows you to obtain new full-fledged plants in a fairly short time. This is not difficult to do.

To begin with, place a container with prepared fertile soil near the pot with the mother bacopa plant. After this, the long branches of the flower are laid out on the substrate. But they should not be dug in, but fastened with iron staples. Rooting occurs quite quickly. The condition of the roots can be checked by carefully digging up the attached branches.

If they are healthy and quite strong, then the shoots can be separated from the mother plant. The result of such an event is a new beautiful flowering bush.

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