Isadora violets: description of the variety, features of planting and care

Dancing on tables

She left school before she was thirteen and began educating herself.
Classical dance lessons led nowhere. Rigid rules, clear movements, a certain order of steps - all this was not for her. So ballet lessons from the famous ballerina Mademoiselle Bonfanti quickly ended. The twenty-year-old dancer went to London in 1898. There Isadora quickly gained a circle of admirers, shocking the prim capital. She danced on the tables, half naked, in a short robe similar to an ancient Greek chiton. They paid well for such a curiosity, and soon Isadora had money.

Landing rules

To grow Isadora you will need a container filled with special soil for violets. Self-prepared soil is also suitable, which includes:

  • sand;
  • leaf soil;
  • peat;
  • wood ash;
  • sphagnum moss.

A small, narrow pot with a diameter of 10-12 cm is suitable as a container for planting. You should not take a smaller container, because crowding will cause the buds to wither, but a large pot will not be beneficial either. A place not occupied by roots will become swampy, and this will lead to:

  • the appearance of fungus;
  • rotting of the root system.

Clay and ceramic pots are ideal. It is not advisable to take plastic products. Although they are lightweight and durable, they do not allow air to pass through.

Replanting is carried out by completely replacing the soil or by transshipment. The first option is used if the plant is sick or the soil has become hard and does not allow moisture to pass through. Transshipment is carried out when you need to increase the size of the pot.

How to propagate at home

The African flower is unpretentious. Le Isadora does not require more attention than other Saintpaulias. It is not difficult to care for her.

For Saintpaulias, including Les Isadoras, the “golden rule” of flower growers is especially relevant: “it is better to under-water than over-water.” Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged and water to stagnate in the pot. This leads to diseases and rotting of the roots and stem. You need to water as needed, which can be determined by the dried top layer of soil. The frequency of watering depends on the time of year. In summer, when the soil dries quickly, you need to water every other day or two, and in winter less often - about 2 times a week.

It is not recommended to water the violet with cold tap water. The liquid must be warmed to room temperature. It is best to let the water collected from the tap sit for three days. This way it will heat up a little and cleanse itself, as harmful light impurities will evaporate, and heavy ones will settle to the bottom.

There are 3 ways to water Saintpaulia:

  1. Top, or into the pot: pour water carefully along the edge of the pot, trying not to get on the leaves or in the center of the rosette.
  2. Bottom, or in the pallet. You can use a wide container of water into which the pot is immersed for half an hour. Then you need to let the excess liquid drain. The advantage is that there is no danger of the soil becoming too wet. The plant will take as much water as it needs.
  3. Wick method: water flows through a wick (a cord made of synthetic fabric), one part of which is placed at the bottom of the pot under the roots, and the other hangs from a hole at the bottom into a container of water over which the pot is fixed. The advantage of this method is that it eliminates the possibility of waterlogging and drying out of the soil.

Important! In winter, in a cool room, wick watering should be abandoned. In such conditions, the roots may rot

Fertilizer application

It is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the fertilizer, because at different periods of development the flower needs different nutrients. Young bushes and children need fertilizer with a high nitrogen content, which helps to grow green mass. And when the rosette produces buds and blooms, it already needs more potassium and phosphorus, and the amount of nitrogen is reduced to a minimum

And when the rosette produces buds and blooms, it already needs more potassium and phosphorus, and the amount of nitrogen is reduced to a minimum.


Saintpaulia Le Isadora does not need pruning. But to improve the appearance, you can pinch the lower leaves. They are removed because they lose the brightness of their color and take away from the plant the strength necessary for flowering. For the same purpose, you should get rid of children, yellowed leaves and flower stalks with faded buds. Usually, excess elements are not cut off, but torn off.

  1. On the mother bush, the children are cut off with a sharp knife and the largest of them (about 4 cm in length) are selected for planting.
  2. The selected cuttings are placed in cups with settled warm water and placed in a sunny place.
  3. When the roots appear, you can transplant them into the smallest pots with violet substrate.
  4. It is advisable to water using the bottom method.

Propagation by leaves is carried out in a similar way:

  1. In the rosette of an adult Saintpaulia, select a healthy leaf without a defect and break it off or cut it along with the petiole. The upper leaves are not suitable, only the lower ones.
  2. A cut is made on the petiole of the selected leaf at an angle of approximately 45°C and left for 20 minutes to dry.
  3. The leaf is placed in a glass of water with the stem down and sent to a sunny place.
  4. When the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in a small pot with a special substrate.

Cut leaves can be immediately planted in a planting container with soil for violets. In this case, the rooting process goes faster if you create greenhouse conditions by covering the pot with a plastic bag or glass.


"Isadora" can be propagated by leaves and rosette cuttings. In the first case, the healthiest leaf is selected and cut off along with the petiole. Keep in mind that you should only take the lower leaves; the upper ones are not suitable for propagation. An oblique cut is formed on the petiole, left to dry for half an hour, after which it is placed in a glass with the stem down and sent to a well-lit place. As soon as the roots appear, the leaf is moved to the substrate so that rooting continues in it.

Propagation by cuttings has a similar technology. The carefully removed rosette is kept in a container of water, and after the first roots appear, it is planted in a permanent place.

How to grow a violet from a leaf is described in the following video

LE-Isadora is a beautiful and unpretentious variety, however, like other Saintpaulias, it has its own growing characteristics. In order for the violet to grow an even rosette and bloom with a lush head, it is necessary to select suitable conditions for its maintenance and provide proper care.

Violet, description and photo LE-Isadora (E. Lebetskaya)

Violets from breeders of the CIS countries - “A” (LE).

LE-Isadora (E. Lebetskaya).

LE-Isadora, LE-Aisedora (E. Lebetskaya).

Large semi-double and double white flowers with pink prints, studded with fuchsia fantasy touches.

Dark green smooth foliage. Standard. The rosette is large, the leaves are large. In intense light, the leaves droop slightly.

An original variety with double lush flowers, white and pink. Dark purple, blue and crimson strokes and dots are scattered on the pink field. The flowers are large, double and semi-double, fringed, white with lilac prints and strokes and dots of raspberry fantasy. Unfortunately, fantasy fades over time.

The buds open for a long time, maintaining the shape of a rose for a long time. Only after 2 weeks the flower opens completely. A newly opened flower has a variable green border, which later disappears.

The variety blooms readily, the violet always has a head of flowers. The flowers are from 4 cm to 5.5 cm. There are 3-6 flowers on the peduncle. Abundant flowering, however, the flowers quickly wither, especially in hot and winter times. That is, the bouquets that I saw always had several flowers that had changed color due to age. The peduncles are not tall, but not very strong, and do not hold the weight of the flowers.

Prolific and not capricious, it blooms quickly. Gives very attractive sports - pink and beautiful soft purple color with a white edge.

Isadora Duncan is an American innovative dancer and the founder of free dance. She developed a dance system and movement that she associated with ancient Greek dance. Wife of the poet Sergei Yesenin.

Do you know that…?

Chimera flowers look incredibly beautiful and unusual. The corollas of chimeras consist of differently colored sectors, rays extending from the center of the flower. To put it simply, there is a stripe of contrasting color running down the center of the petal. It can be continuous, in the form of spraying or in the form of streaks. Chimera flowers come in simple, semi-double and double varieties, combining chimeric and fantasy designs. For example, the main color of the petal is white or light pink, and the stripe along the petal is a rich blue, dark blue or crimson color; in addition, along the edge of the petal there may also be a coating in the form of strokes or dots of blue color - fantasy. Chimeras obtained from varieties with a contrasting border can also retain it.

Before you buy the violets listed below, carefully read the forums about their behavior on the windowsill. Many of them are very beautiful flowers. However, these can be large rosettes with large and fragile leaves, with leaves rising up or hugging the pot, forming many stepsons that interfere with the formation of a neat rosette, pulling the stem up and growing into a Christmas tree, bending the trunk, rare flowering with long breaks, fallen flowers or they last little and quickly wither, very long and recumbent peduncles, the color of the flower fades quickly, they do not like bright lighting on the windowsill, they are afraid of the slightest drying out or waterlogging, a large percentage of them go into sports or darken the flower.

Are they suitable for your window sill and the conditions that you can create for them? You will look at the flowers for several months, and the rosette will always be in front of your eyes. There are many beautiful flowers, there are much fewer beautiful and neat rosettes, look first at the rosette! Search and you may find a dozen violets with the same flower color if you are not interested in the smallest details as a collector.

• — Annushka (Lebetskaya); • — Arabesque (Lebetskaya); • — Harlequin (Lebetskaya);

Temperature and humidity

The optimal temperature for violets is 20-24 degrees. In such conditions, plants bloom for a long time, large flowers stay on the peduncle for a long time. Violet is a resilient plant that can withstand temperatures down to 5 degrees.

It is important to remember that in summer you need to avoid temperatures above 30 degrees for more than 5 days. And in winter - at low temperatures - it is necessary to reduce watering. Isadora is a violet for which dry air is harmful

It must be sprayed systematically. But it should be remembered that high humidity also leads to the development of fungal diseases

Isadora is a violet for which dry air is harmful. It must be sprayed systematically. But it should be remembered that high humidity also leads to the development of fungal diseases.

To date, about several hundred varieties of violets have been created. Breeders regularly develop new varieties. Each species amazes gardeners with its own characteristics. Violet "Isadora" is distinguished by a beautiful and delicate combination of white and pink, as well as the presence of fuchsia touches and the large size of its flowers. This variety can be called unpretentious, but for proper flowering a number of conditions must be met.

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Advantages of the variety

The main advantage of this variety, of course, is the beautiful flowers of marvelous colors. After all, if you look at the photographs, it may even seem that this flower is fantastic. A marvelous combination of white and pink, fuchsia touches and petals that look like ruffles are quite up to the task of impressing the observer. In addition, this variety can be called unpretentious.

In order to see this Saintpaulia bloom, you do not need to create additional conditions or carefully regulate the temperature.

Of course, the minimum requirements must be met, but in general Isadora is very easy to care for. In addition, in addition to being easy to care for, there should be absolutely no problems with the reproduction of this violet. If we take into account the beautiful flowers of this variety, as well as the minimum requirements for living conditions, it will be clear that this variety is an excellent choice for both an experienced gardener and an inexperienced amateur.

Growing conditions

Despite the unpretentiousness of the “Isadora” violet, it is necessary to devote a lot of time to caring for it, as it has some features. Experienced breeders share their experience and recommend paying close attention to the issue of watering and fertilization. By following some simple tips you can grow a healthy and beautiful flower.

The soil

The soil for each variety of violets is selected individually. First of all, it must be loose, breathable soil with good moisture holding capacity. For this variety, a suitable substance includes high-moor peat, vermiculite, perlite, charcoal and antibacterial swagnum moss. The latter is very important as a disinfectant and antifungal property.


Temperature is an important component of proper care. For violets of any variety, temperature means a lot. “Isadora” is a very heat-loving plant; it is recommended to keep the room temperature at 23 degrees Celsius.

Temperatures below are strictly prohibited. At night, temperatures above 18 degrees will be acceptable for violets.


The lighting must be correct. If you want the flower to be healthy and beautiful, you need to provide “Isadora” with at least 12 hours of light baths.

But at the same time, it is necessary to exclude direct sunlight from hitting the plant if it is standing near a window, as they can simply burn it.

The first sign of improper lighting in the room where the violet is located may be yellowing of the leaves. It occurs due to overheating of the plant. In this case, we can only recommend one thing: do not place the plant on the sunny side, not only during the flowering period, but also after it.


It is necessary to select a pot for a plant with skill. Since the rhizomes will be in the upper layers, it means that a container with low stems and a diameter of about 10 cm is acceptable for the plant. If the container is smaller, the plant will be cramped, this will provoke its poor development. As well as regular flower replanting.


Watering requires special attention. “Isadora” is recommended to have nutritious and loose soil, saturated with oxygen and moisture. But the plant cannot tolerate excess moisture, as well as stagnant water, which can cause diseases in violets.

Paying attention to this, it is recommended to pour drainage into the pot with the plant. For drainage, pebbles or expanded clay may be suitable, but the best option would be a mixture containing:

  • 1/2 - leaf soil;
  • 1/5 – sand;
  • 1/3 – peat.

Attention! Violets do not tolerate overwatering; this can lead to the death of the flower.

Isadora (violet): care features

Violet is one of the most common indoor flowers. A plant with flowers of amazing shape and unusual coloring is finding more and more fans. Violet flowers with five petals are collected in brushes. The leaves are fleshy, round and fluffy - covered with villi. The leaves come in different shapes - pointed or rounded. The violet stem is shortened. The fruit is a capsule with small seeds.

Currently, there are several hundred varieties of violets. “Violet fashion” keeps up with the times, and every year breeders pamper flower growers with new species. Classics, of course, please with bright colors. But each new variety evokes a special thrill in the soul.

Isadora violets relatively recently “respected” flower growers with their attention, but have already won the hearts of many of them. And for good reason

Large double and semi-double flowers, fringed along the edges with bright lilac strokes and crimson specks.

The variety pleases with abundant flowering for a long time.

Despite the fact that Isadora is an unpretentious violet, caring for it has some peculiarities. By following them, you can grow a healthy and beautiful flower.

Soil and container

Violet prefers nutritious and loose soil, permeable to air and moisture. Violet does not tolerate excess moisture, and stagnation of water can lead to plant disease. Taking this fact into account, pour drainage into the pot - a layer of pebbles or expanded clay. The most suitable soil composition for a plant is a mixture of:

  • 5 parts – leaf soil;
  • 1 part – sand;
  • 3 parts – peat.

Additionally, charcoal and moss (sphagnum) can be added to the soil; light soil will promote the development of the plant, since Isadora is a violet that is responsive to good care.

The roots are located in the top layer of soil, so a low container with a diameter of 6-9 cm is suitable for the flower. In a smaller pot, the roots will be cramped and the plant will not develop well.

And frequent transplants interfere with the good development and growth of the flower.

Temperature and humidity

The optimal temperature for violets is 20-24 degrees. In such conditions, plants bloom for a long time, large flowers stay on the peduncle for a long time. Violet is a resilient plant that can withstand temperatures down to 5 degrees.

It is important to remember that in summer you need to avoid temperatures above 30 degrees for more than 5 days. And in winter - at low temperatures - it is necessary to reduce watering

Isadora is a violet for which dry air is harmful. It must be sprayed systematically. But it should be remembered that high humidity also leads to the development of fungal diseases.

Violet of Le Isadora. Description and features of irrigation

It is important to water the violet correctly and do not forget that excess moisture can destroy the plant. Therefore, the flower should be watered as the soil dries out.

Use warm water, as the plant simply will not tolerate cold watering.

It is recommended to leave tap water for 2-3 days or pass it through a filter. Violets require careful watering; for this you need to follow the rule: water should not get to the growing point of the flower, that is, to the center of the plant.

Therefore, watering can be done in 3 ways:

  • Through the pan - you need to pour into it exactly as much water as the soil absorbs. Drain off excess 30 minutes after watering.
  • Watering from above is the most common and convenient method, but with violets it requires care. Using a watering can or container with a straw, pour water in a thin stream without getting on the leaves of the plants.
  • Wick watering - pass a piece of fabric through the drainage hole in the container: lower one end into a container with water, the other remains on the surface of the soil.

Diseases and pests

Isadora is a violet that practically does not get sick if you maintain optimal humidity in the room. Replanting or adding new soil can lead to late blight.

You can notice it by brown spots on the leaves. It is difficult to get rid of this disease, so superphosphate must be periodically added to the soil. Violet is susceptible to damage by nematodes and thrips.

You can get rid of pests using nematicides.

Violet Isadora: description of the variety and growing conditions

violet Isadora: photo

Violet Isadora is a variety of violet that has inflorescences colored in light pink or white shades. A distinctive feature of this variety is that the flowers have decorative, contrasting spots, which are colored in purple and dark lilac shades. All this greatly decorates the flowers; they are not boring, but stand out against the background of many other plantings. The flower generally looks incredibly decorative both as a single planting and as part of a flower arrangement

It can decorate absolutely any residential or office visit, becoming a pleasant and bright accent that will definitely attract attention from gardeners. Isadora violet became very popular thanks to the Ukrainian breeder Elena Lebetskaya, and very soon spread to many other countries, including becoming very popular among Russian flower growers

It was Elena Lebetskaya who gave several characteristics to this variety, calling the flowers semi-double, but at the same time lush and bright. We will dwell in more detail on the varietal characteristics of this unusual, but very attractive plant.

The peduncles are formed quite short, but at the same time they are very dense; each peduncle contains from four to six attractive buds. For a long time they do not bloom until the very end, and it takes about two weeks to fully open. The color of the peduncles is light, attractive and clean. Only the petals that have just bloomed can be colored greenish. Basically, this is a delicate greenish edging, which disappears after a few days when the entire plant reaches the flowering stage. The rosette of this variety is medium in size, its shape is quite standard, and does not stand out among other varieties and plantings. The leaves are smooth and attractive. The variety can be propagated by cuttings, and the planting materials will retain all the properties and most of the characteristics of the mother bush. Thanks to cuttings, you can also increase the fertility of violets and make their flowering even more abundant.

Violet LE-Isadora is a variety that belongs to the category of selectively bred. This means that gardeners have worked hard to get an attractive and very interesting plant. In addition, this variety can have the so-called Isadora violet sports.

Isadora violet sports are flowers that may appear, but they will not be characteristic of this particular variety and this plant variety. To avoid this, not one, but several rosettes should be brought to flowering at once, so that one of them does not begin to grow in random order and exhibit some other characteristics of other varieties of violets, not the Isadora variety.

The leaves of the plant are of a semi-double variety. The shade can be different - there are medium green leaves, and there are also dark green leaf colors, which also look incredibly interesting and attractive

On the back side, the leaves have a bright pink color, which is very pronounced, and which just indicates some feature of this plant, which is also worth paying attention to. This variety is also characterized by the phenomenon of variegation - the leaves will not be painted in a pure green shade, but will have marble inclusions or streaks that will make the flower even more attractive and decorative, if we consider planting from the point of view of enhanced decorativeness

Many people want to make the Isadora violet a bright accent among many other plantings that will attract special attention. Therefore, the LE-Isadora violet is perfect for growing violets as a single crop, as well as growing them in group plantings. The leaves are shaped more like hearts, the edges are jagged, the roots are exactly the same - slightly jagged. Therefore, sometimes the leaves may look like they have been torn a little, but in fact this is only one of the features of this variety and its external characteristics. Further in the article we will look at some of the subtleties of agricultural technology and caring for this plant, which should be taken into account in order to obtain an excellent and attractive planting in the future. Only well-groomed violets that feel supported by gardeners will be able to demonstrate excellent external qualities, and are also less likely to be subject to diseases or attacks from pests and bacteria.

Violet Le Isadora: Agricultural technology (watering, fertilizing, propagation)

photo: violet Le Isadora

Care is a very important part of the life of any planting. If a gardener can choose the right agrotechnical tactics, he will certainly get wonderful planting results. In order for the Isadora violet to please the gardener for as long as possible with its flowering and attractive appearance, it is necessary that the gardener himself creates all the most suitable and favorable conditions for the plant, a microclimate. It is worth immediately emphasizing that violets, which belong to the Uzambara group, are whimsical, and their disposition is rather capricious. And that is why caring for a plant can take quite a lot of time, so the gardener should be patient and take into account some of the nuances and subtleties. In our article, we will help you sort all the numerous information into shelves so that it is easier for the gardener to navigate the large amount of information.

Temperature and lighting

The Isadora violet variety stands out because it responds very well to heat, and in general the planting is considered particularly heat-loving when compared with some other plants. It is for this reason that in the room where the violet lives, it is worth maintaining a comfortable air temperature, and at any time of the year in the daytime the temperature should be from 22 to 24 degrees, and at night the temperature can be reduced to 18 degrees, but not lower. Only in such temperature conditions can a violet grow very healthy and attractive, the bush will be very strong, and its inflorescences will be incredibly bright and attractive - all this will greatly please the gardener himself, but he should try very hard to create the most favorable conditions. If the temperature is below the limits we have indicated, then this can lead to the development of diseases, and in general low temperatures are not allowed at all if we are talking about any violets of any variety and variety. The plant immediately begins to lose its attractiveness, becomes quite weakened, the flowers themselves may not form at all, and even if inflorescences have formed, they are unlikely to be sufficiently attractive and decorative.

The plant also reacts very negatively to sudden temperature changes, sudden gusts of wind, and drafts. That is why you should not place violets on window sills where windows, balcony doors or vents are constantly opening nearby. Otherwise, the flower will again weaken, with its entire appearance it will demonstrate that it is very uncomfortable and, as a result, the planting will be as ugly as possible. Next, I would like to address the question of what lighting should be for planting.

In order for the LE-Isadora violet to demonstrate full development and growth, it requires at least 12 hours a day to receive good lighting. If the plant lacks lighting, this will primarily affect its growth and development. In regions where natural sunlight cannot be achieved in such quantities due to climatic and other conditions, it is worth trying to additionally illuminate the plantings. Ideally suitable for this are phytolamps and fluorescent lamps, which are mainly designed to imitate sunlight. As for lighting with phytolamps, they must have a special yellow spectrum, which is best perceived by plants. You should also avoid direct sunlight on violets, especially on rosettes. If the plant experiences an excess of light, the leaves will gradually lose their attractiveness, they will droop, and there will be a risk that direct sunlight will cause burns to the leaf part. this will affect not only the external characteristics, but also the health and general condition of the plant.

It is in connection with such subtleties in lighting that the optimal place for growing Isadora violets is window sills with east or west orientation. If you install containers with a plant on the north side, then it will not have enough sunlight, especially in the autumn-winter and early spring periods. If the LE-Isadora violet is placed on a window sill facing south, the scorching sun will very quickly destroy the planting. However, the gardener can safely shade the windows and stick a film on the glass that will reflect light. You can also hang tulle on the window, then the light will be favorable and diffused. In general, in diffused warm light, the violet feels most comfortable, will produce excellent results of growth and development, and will show beautiful decorative inflorescences that will surprise both the gardener himself and the guests who visit his home and look at the violets.

Like any other Saintpaulia, the Isadora violet responds very well to regular watering, which at the same time must be moderate so as not to cause some damage to the plant. The soil should be moistened about twice a week in the warm season. When the plant enters a dormant state, the period of which falls on October-February, the frequency of watering can be reduced - it will be enough to add moisture once a week for the plant to continue to function normally even in a state of almost complete dormancy. Due to excess moisture, and also if there is not enough water for the plant, the violet will show with all its appearance that it feels very bad, and such manifestations can affect it in the most detrimental way. The leaves begin to fade, flowering suddenly stops altogether, which becomes the first signals that it is better to change something in the care, and most likely this “something” is precisely the schedule for adding moisture to the soil.

Violet Isadora: photo

How to water the Isadora violet variety

For irrigation, you should use only settled water at room temperature; it should be soft and warm. Melt water and rainwater are also suitable. If water is taken from a tap, it is first either left to settle for several days, or filtered several times to remove all harmful salts and components from its composition. Watering must be very careful, since under no circumstances should moisture be allowed to get on the leaves, inflorescences or the growth point itself - that is,. Inside the outlet itself. In general, in order to water the Isadora violet variety, the gardener can use several basic irrigation methods, which, by the way, will also be relevant for watering some other varieties and varieties of the crop.

Let us list these irrigation methods and point out some of their features and characteristic features:

  • water supply from above - it is recommended to use a watering can with a very thin spout to water directly under the root and not touch the leaf part and rosette
  • moistening the violet through a tray - in this case, the pot with the violet is placed in a container filled with water and left in this form for fifteen minutes or half an hour - depending on the size of the container with the plant itself, as well as on how dry the earthen lump is. Only after this should all liquid be removed from the pan. Such watering perfectly saturates the plant, but you should not overdo it, since waterlogging does not have the best effect on the planting, especially on the root system - the roots gradually begin to rot
  • wick method of watering violets - in this case, watering is carried out drip-wise using a cord, one end of which is brought into the water, and the other end is directed into the substrate. This method has the advantage that the violet will take exactly the amount of moisture it needs at a specific period of time, which means there is a low risk that the plant and soil will be waterlogged.

The violet variety LE-Isadora loves high air humidity, but it is recommended to spray the air from a spray bottle at a sufficient distance from the plant itself. In addition, you can turn on a humidifier in the room; you can place several containers filled with water near the containers with violets so that the moisture evaporates and humidifies the air around the plantings. It is strictly forbidden to spray bushes close, as this can lead to diseases developing on the leaf part, and the plant simply cannot withstand them - the result will be the death of the plantings.

Violet Isadora: photo

We fertilize the violet variety LE-Isadora

Violet varieties Isadora are very demanding on regular fertilization. Fertilizing can be done with the help of minerals, as well as with organic fertilizers. They can be alternated with each other, while doing this very carefully so that the plant does not suddenly experience shock and get sick. In general, you should focus on the general condition and appearance of the plant, and based on this, draw up a planting schedule, sometimes changing it. If the grower adds nutrients in a timely manner and in the correct quantities, flowering will occur throughout the year, and the plant will feel great. In addition, fertilizing directly affects the level of immunity of the planting, as well as its stress resistance to some not always favorable manifestations. Experienced gardeners recommend fertilizing every 10-14 days, but much will depend on what life phase and cycle the violet is in - here the composition of the fertilizer may also change. For example, young violets need the gardener to add components with a high nitrogen content, since it is this microelement that helps ensure that the green mass of the plant grows as quickly as possible and is bright and abundant.

When the Isadora violet begins to form buds, as well as during flowering, the plant needs nitrogen components to be kept to a minimum. The main emphasis at this time should be on the application of potassium and phosphorus-containing fertilizers. They directly affect the decorativeness of flowering, its duration and bright properties. The most important thing, of course, is to follow the instructions for use, do not apply too much fertilizer at a time, otherwise the plant may simply not withstand it, painful signs will begin to form, which will indicate that the gardener has somehow violated agrotechnical requirements , and it is necessary to change the intensity of fertilizing and the schedule of their application, so as not to make the planting even worse.

Different varieties and types of violets require different soil mixtures. But there is also a general requirement for the soil mixture - it must allow air to pass through well, because the root system must be saturated with oxygen in order to be healthy and give the plant strength to develop as it should. If we talk specifically about the Isadora violet variety, then it largely prefers a soil mixture that includes peat, perlite, and vermiculite. You can add a small amount of crushed charcoal. It is also worth adding a little sphagnum moss, as it perfectly disinfects the soil, being a natural antiseptic, it can help the plant fight fungal growths, and in general this moss is an excellent antibacterial component that is really very useful for the plant. Also, the soil must be well-drained, because stagnation of moisture in the soil and its waterlogging leads to the development of very dangerous diseases in the root system and, as a result, the plant can get sick, lose immunity and die after a while.


Compact and fairly narrow containers for planting are ideal for violets. It is optimal to take pots with a diameter of about twelve centimeters with low sides. If the container for planting is smaller, then there is a high probability that very soon the plant will become very cramped in such a pot, since the root system of young violets grows and develops very intensively. Due to the fact that the plant will be crowded, it will begin to wither. But if, on the contrary, the pot is very wide, then this will also not lead to anything good - the whole point is that the violet has a tendency to entangle with its roots the entire earthen lump in which it grows. If the root system develops very abundantly, then the plant will not have the strength to increase green mass. There is one more point: in the ground, which is covered by the root system, abundant accumulation of moisture begins, and the soil becomes waterlogged. This can lead to the fact that putrefactive formations begin to develop inside the root system, and the roots simply begin to die. The whole plant will die along with them, so you should also be very careful when choosing a container for planting and not ignore such subtleties and nuances. As for the materials from which containers for planting violets are made, it is best to use ceramic or clay pots. Their structure is porous, which means they will allow oxygen to pass through to the root system. The violet will feel most comfortable in them and, accordingly, will develop correctly.

Violet Isadora does not respond very well to transplanting into another container. But if it happens that the plant has grown out of its pot, then it may become very cramped in the container, which is why it will no longer look like a healthy plant and will gradually fade and wither. In this case, it is necessary to transplant the violet into a larger pot, but here, too, follow some rules and regulations. It is worth keeping in mind that, unlike many other indoor crops that require regularly scheduled replanting, as well as replacing the top layer of soil with fresher ones, violets can react very negatively to such manipulations, and they will end very badly for the plant itself and, of course, for the florist. The roots of violets are located close to the surface, so if the grower changes the top layer of soil, there is a high probability that he will injure the root system and the plant will die after some time.

Depending on the purpose for which the gardener planned to transplant Saintpaulia, it can be organized not in one, but in two main ways:

- complete replacement of the old substrate - this measure is considered necessary when the plant has contracted a disease, or the soil has deteriorated over time, become depleted and poor, hard, and no longer allows moisture and air to pass through. In this case, it is recommended to very carefully remove the flower from the container, clean the roots from the soil that has stuck to them, and do all this very carefully. Dead or damaged elements of the root system must be cut off, and the cut areas are immediately treated with ash to disinfect them. After this, the violet should be placed in a pot, which is first filled with fresh soil mixture

- transshipment - this method of transplanting violets is required when the plant has become cramped in an old pot and needs to be transplanted into a larger container. In this case, the violet is removed along with the old lump of earth and carefully placed in a new pot prepared in advance, all empty spaces are filled with fresh substrate. It is also necessary to install a drainage layer at the bottom of the container. The growing point should be at ground level, and in general you should also be very careful with transshipment so that the roots do not come off along with the earthen lump.

How does the Isadora violet reproduce?

Violet Isadora: photo of the variety

I would also like to talk a little about the propagation of violets of the Isadora variety. It can be propagated using leaves, as well as using rosette cuttings. If the gardener has chosen propagation by leaves, then you should select the healthiest and most viable leaf of all, then carefully cut it off along with the petiole. The cuts are made with a tool that is sharpened and disinfected in advance. It is also worth keeping in mind that you only need to take the leaves that are located below, and the upper leaves are not suitable for further propagation of violets - they do not have the growth force that is required in this case. An oblique cut is made on the petiole and left for about thirty minutes so that it dries a little. After this time, you need to place the leaf in a glass with the stem down and send it to a place that will be well lit. As soon as the leaf produces its first root shoots, it is necessary to place it in a ready-made substrate so that the planting materials can take root there and so that the bush gets used to its permanent place. If we talk about the cutting method, the technology is approximately identical. The rosette is carefully removed, kept in water, and after the first roots appear, it is planted in a permanent place. If you follow all the subtleties and rules, then even a gardener who does not have much experience in this matter will be able to cope with planting and propagation. You can also watch some training videos, from which it also becomes clear how to propagate plantings correctly. Videos are found in a variety of video resources, as well as on forums.

Variety of species

Planting and care

Botanists have divided the diversity of the natural world of irises into 2 types: rhizomatous and bulbous. Rhizomes, in turn, are divided into bearded and non-bearded or beardless. Each species has its own characteristics and growing conditions. Let's look at each type in more detail.

Bearded irises are the kings of the garden

The large group of charming irises includes tall, standard, low and dwarf plants.

Distinctive features of bearded irises:

  • Coloring. You can find flowers ranging from snow-white to dark charcoal. Breeders have not developed only one variety of irises - there is no pure scarlet color.
  • Texture. The petals have both a translucent and dense structure. You can find petals with a waxy texture
  • Form. Thanks to breeding work, you can buy flowers of a classic shape, and if you want something original and unique, then you have the opportunity to have varieties with beautiful, foamy lace of openwork petals in your garden. Such flowers look like a soaring bird.
  • Size. Among a wide range of low-growing and tall varieties, you can choose one that will be appropriate in landscape design and that will be attractive in appearance.

Beautiful varieties of bearded irises - worthy garden decoration

A wave of new varieties of bearded irises simply swept the country in the early 90s. Mass distribution played a cruel joke, turning against the flowers themselves. It was generally accepted that the newest varieties were inferior in quality to the older ones. However, this is an exaggerated opinion, so you should not give up beautiful varieties of irises for the sake of someone else’s opinion.

Among the huge variety you can find not only bearded irises, there are also Dutch and reticulated irises, which bloom in early spring from a planted bulb.

Dutch irises (xyphiums)

Elegant tall plants reaching a height of up to 50 cm. These are hybrid varieties bred by Dutch breeders. Planting material is represented by bulbs covered with scales in several layers. The color of the flowers can be snow-white, blue, yellow, blue, orange.

Representatives of the Dutch selection. Can be grown from bulbs. They bloom very early and delight with flowering for more than a month

You can find purple irises. Flowering begins in mid-May and continues until early June. By the end of August the foliage dries completely. Dutch irises are frost-resistant, but the bushes must be covered to avoid freezing.

They prefer sunny areas with fertile soil and neutral acidity. They look beautiful when cut and can be grown in flower beds and flower beds.

Reticulated irises (iridodictiums)

This group belongs to dwarf plants, not exceeding 10-15 cm in height. Such low-growing varieties are used to decorate borders, in flowerbeds, and look beautiful in flower beds.

Reticulate irises

However, low foliage is only before flowering. When the specimens fade, the foliage reaches a height of up to 50 cm. They bloom very early. Due to such early flowering, people also call them snowdrops.

Currants: description, planting in open ground, care in spring, summer and autumn, propagation, popular varieties (23 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Features of the variety

Hydrangea paniculata bobo is a new variety of this species that deserves special attention for its beauty and features of its content.

The height of the bush is about 70 cm. Abundant flowering begins in July and ends in September. The color of the petals changes during flowering from light yellow to pale pink. The inflorescences are large, dense, cone-shaped. The leaves are dark green, oval in shape.

IMPORTANT: The variety is winter-hardy, but young bushes need to cover the roots with a mulch layer during frosts.

Hydrangea paniculata Bobo is great for small gardens, borders, and flower beds. Ideal for growing in small flowerpots on terraces or balconies. Can be used both for single plantings and creating beautiful groups.

Care and planting

Caring for this variety of paniculate hydrangea is easy. It is enough to follow the general rules for caring for these plants, and then from year to year you will be able to admire the luxurious caps of white inflorescences.

Landing place

The best place to plant the Bobo variety will be an area with slight partial shade, well protected from gusts of wind. In places constantly illuminated by the sun, the inflorescences become smaller and the plant slows down its growth.

The soil

Hydrangea paniculata Bobo prefers acidic, fertile soils with good drainage. The color of the petals will be more saturated when grown in more acidic soil.


This plant loves moist soil and does not tolerate drought at all. In summer, watering should be done with rainwater, and in winter, melt water is ideal. It is necessary to ensure that the water for irrigation does not contain lime, this can lead to flower disease.


At the beginning of summer, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out. Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are well suited for these purposes. The plant should be fertilized to improve flowering and subsequent formation of flower buds.

Reproduction methods

This plant is easily propagated by several vegetative methods:


This propagation method is very popular among gardeners.

To do this, in early May, young branches from a growing bush are bent and pressed to the ground. At the bottom of the shoot, located close to the soil, make an oblique cut and insert a match or wood chip into it. This technique will speed up the formation of roots in this place. Next, the incision site is lightly sprinkled with peat and regularly and abundantly moistened. After the formation of their own roots, the cuttings are separated from the mother bush and planted for growing.

2.By dividing the bush

This method is the simplest and most reliable.

It is necessary to carefully dig up the hydrangea and divide it into parts.

It is important to ensure that there are new growth buds in the division. The roots are shortened slightly when replanting.

You need to add compost, peat, and organic fertilizers to the planting holes. After planting, the bushes are watered abundantly. If the bush is divided in the spring, then by autumn the new plants will take root perfectly.

3.By cuttings

Branches pruned in spring are well suited for cuttings.

It is important to have 4-5 buds on the stem. The cuttings are immersed in the Kornevin solution for two days and then planted to a depth of two buds in loose, fertile soil.

For young seedlings, shading and constant soil moisture are important. When new leaves appear, the shading is removed.

Flower pruning

For this variety of hydrangeas, pruning is a prerequisite in order to form a correct and beautiful bush. Pruning is carried out between February and April. This is the perfect time for new shoots to gain strength and be ready for further flowering.

Old, weak and thickening shoots are trimmed. They leave several strong shoots, both old and young. Regular strong spring pruning promotes abundant and long-lasting flowering.

In autumn, faded inflorescences should be trimmed. This is due to the fact that hydrangea paniculata Bobo has rather fragile branches that can break during snowfalls.

What conditions should be created at home?

Despite her elegance and chic appearance, Le Isadora is not capricious and undemanding. Still, it needs certain conditions. Then she willingly and abundantly produces buds.

The birthplace of Saintpaulias is the African continent, where it is always warm and sunny. This explains Le Isadora's need for plenty of sun for at least 12 hours. She will be comfortable in a sunny place, but not in direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves and flowers.

A suitable place for a violet in an apartment can be the windowsill of an east or west window. If only a south window is available, then in the summer during the midday heat it should be covered with curtains to protect the flower from sunburn. The north window is not suitable as there is not enough light there. Because of this, Saintpaulia will not want to bloom. If there is no brighter place in the room, you will need to take care of artificial lighting using a fluorescent lamp.

How to properly care?

Toothed buzulnik is not too demanding to care for. Its cultivation is carried out without intensive intervention from the owners of the site

It is only important to maintain a precise watering schedule and periodically fertilize the plantings. Weeding is important only in the first spring months and early summer

Then the overgrown leaves will prevent the growth of weeds. For the winter, the buzulnik is pruned, removing tall peduncles. The rosette of leaves is maintained, providing the roots with additional shelter in winter.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that during winters with little snow, it is better to additionally mulch. In spring, fallen leaves and mulch are carefully removed


Regular application of moisture is of great importance for this crop. It's all about the large area of ​​buzulnik serrated leaves, which loses a lot of moisture on hot days. In addition, the shallow root system is highly dependent on the level of soil dryness. In hot weather, ligularia requires watering twice during the day. In the morning and evening hours, the leaves can be sprayed or moisture can be added under the leaf rosette. Watering should not be done during the day, as the shoots will get sunburn.

You can maintain soil moisture by mulching the root area. It is carried out using dry hay, sawdust, and humus.


If the preparatory work was carried out correctly, the soil will remain quite fertile for a long time. It will be necessary to fertilize soil rich in humus initially no earlier than 2-3 years from the moment of planting. In the future, timely feeding will help maintain the brightness of the leaves and abundant flowering. It should be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • plants are watered abundantly;
  • 2-3 times a season, an infusion of cow manure is applied in a concentration of 1 to 10;
  • To enhance the effect, wood ash or about 50 g of superphosphate is periodically added to the solution.

Top dressing must be root feeding. If fertilizer gets on leaves, it can damage them.

About planting, growing and diseases

This plant is very sensitive to the composition of the soil when planting. She prefers acidic soil compositions. Therefore, the base must be peat.

If you choose the option with clay and heavy soil, the plant will unfortunately die. The soil should be light, airy and permeable. It is recommended to add vermiculite and perlite to the substrate. Which will absorb, retain and release moisture. Such additives should make up no more than 50% of the total mass.

The growing process also has its own characteristics.

It is very important to take care of the right pot. Adviсe:

  1. The diameter of the container should be 3 times smaller than the outlet itself.
  2. Use pots with a stand; they will be more stable.
  3. Make holes in the pot so that excess water can escape.
  4. For planting, it is best to use plastic containers. A clay pot retains water, which can lead to mold.

Violet is often exposed to various types of diseases; let’s take a closer look at the most common ones:

  1. Root-knot nematode. A disease that leads to the rapid development of root shoots, in which worms eventually grow. There is no point in fighting the nematode. You will have to remove the affected plant. Wash the pot thoroughly.
  2. Spider mites. To combat it, you need to treat it with an insecticide intended for indoor plants: Omite, Magus, Nissoran, Apollo.

Anyone who is thinking about growing violets at home, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with such varieties as the amazing “Chanson”, the well-known “Pansy”, the lily-of-the-valley “Greenhouse Effect”, the lovely “Cherry”, the lushly blooming “Isadora” and “ Bronze Horseman”, exquisite “Blue Mist”, as well as the famous varieties of violets of the “Optimara” series.

It is the “Fairy” type of violet that attracts lovers with its luxurious and lush blooms, which can be admired for ages. But for all its beauty, this flower requires increased attention, because if it is not cared for properly, it will stop blooming, then begin to wither and, as a result, the plant will die.


Violets are one of the most common indoor flowers, which captivate more and more fans and breeders with their variegation and beauty, and this means the regular breeding of new varieties. So, for example, in 2011 the variety “LE-Isadora” appeared, which will be discussed.

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Description of the variety

As a rule, “Isadora” is a violet of light pink or white shades with more contrasting hot pink, purple or lilac spots.

The violet of this variety belongs to the Gesneriev family - Saintpaulia. The petals of violet buds are fleshy, round in shape and soft - covered with villi.


“LE-Isadora” was bred by breeder from Ukraine Elena Lebetskaya. This variety, like almost all varieties from this breeder, is a very delicate and graceful flower.

Its distinctive features are its fairly large size and a coating on the petals that makes the flowers seem like velvet. Elena Lebetskaya herself described the flowers as semi-double.

Interesting! Single and semi-double white stars with pink prints, studded with fuchsia fantasy touches. Green smooth leaves. (Description by E. Lebetskaya)


The bud opens for a long time, remaining in the form of a rose for a long time. Full disclosure occurs in about two weeks.

A green border can be seen on a newly opened bud, which disappears over time.

The flowers are on average 4-5 centimeters in diameter. There are from three to six buds on the peduncle. Despite the fact that the peduncles are short, they do not have a strong build.


The flowering period is very long. The rosette is standard, medium in size with even stripes of leaves. One of the best types of propagation is cuttings. This method increases the fertility of violets. Being a type of fantasy violet, they can also have sports. To avoid this, it is recommended to bring several rosettes at once before flowering.


The leaves are large and may droop when there is plenty of light.

Foliage color varies between medium green and dark green. The type of foliage is simple, heart-shaped, quilted.

The reverse side of the foliage has a pink tint, and the edges of the leaves seem to be slightly torn, as they have jagged edges. Variegation is not typical for this variety.

Interesting! Since the variety is fantasy, this variety may have sports.

The soil

The soil for each variety of violets is selected individually. First of all, it must be loose, breathable soil with good moisture holding capacity. For this variety, a suitable substance includes high-moor peat, vermiculite, perlite, charcoal and antibacterial swagnum moss. The latter is very important as a disinfectant and antifungal property.


Temperature is an important component of proper care. For violets of any variety, temperature means a lot. “Isadora” is a very heat-loving plant; it is recommended to keep the room temperature at 23 degrees Celsius.

Temperatures below are strictly prohibited. At night, temperatures above 18 degrees will be acceptable for violets.


It is necessary to select a pot for a plant with skill. Since the rhizomes will be in the upper layers, it means that a container with low stems and a diameter of about 10 cm is acceptable for the plant. If the container is smaller, the plant will be cramped, this will provoke its poor development. As well as regular flower replanting.

Planting and propagation

Planting rules will depend on which plant propagation method you choose.

Reproduction can be carried out in two ways: through a rosette and through a leaf. Propagation through seeds is sometimes possible.

The simplest and most effective way is to plant a plant from a leaf. To do this, select a healthy leaf, cut the cutting at an angle of 45 degrees and dry the cutting for 20 minutes.

Next, we place it cut side into a darkened container (you can use a medicine jar) and place it in a warm place where the sun’s rays do not fall. You shouldn’t wait for the so-called “children” to appear. It is necessary to plant the leaf before small rosettes appear at the base of the leaf you have chosen.

Useful properties of violets

The splendor of colors and aesthetic pleasure are not the only advantages of the viola. forest violet, as well as domestic violet, have irreplaceable properties for the body in the treatment of many diseases. So, in what areas of medicine is this universal plant used:

  1. A decoction based on viola is recommended for bathing children. This remedy helps with various skin diseases such as eczema, dermatitis, and urticaria.
  2. An infusion of flowers helps cope with stuttering, insomnia, and irritability.
  3. To cleanse the body of waste and toxins, experts recommend syrup made from viola.
  4. To treat severe cough and bronchitis, you can also take several tablespoons of a steep decoction of the plant per day.
  5. To relieve inflammation and disinfect with sore throat and other infections of the nasopharynx, you can gargle with violet decoction.
  6. The plant also has laxative properties. The decoction can be taken half a glass twice a day for constipation.

It is necessary to use the medicinal properties of the plant wisely. Before using prescriptions, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. This will help avoid negative consequences. A magnificent viola will be a good decoration for your home and can always come to the rescue with some ailments.

Description of the variety

As a rule, “Isadora” is a violet of light pink or white shades with more contrasting hot pink, purple or lilac spots.

The violet of this variety belongs to the Gesneriev family - Saintpaulia. The petals of violet buds are fleshy, round in shape and soft - covered with villi.


“LE-Isadora” was bred by breeder from Ukraine Elena Lebetskaya. This variety, like almost all varieties from this breeder, is a very delicate and graceful flower.

Its distinctive features are its fairly large size and a coating on the petals that makes the flowers seem like velvet. Elena Lebetskaya herself described the flowers as semi-double.

Interesting! Single and semi-double white stars with pink prints, studded with fuchsia fantasy touches. Green smooth leaves. (Description by E. Lebetskaya)


The bud opens for a long time, remaining in the form of a rose for a long time. Full disclosure occurs in about two weeks.

A green border can be seen on a newly opened bud, which disappears over time.

The flowers are on average 4-5 centimeters in diameter. There are from three to six buds on the peduncle. Despite the fact that the peduncles are short, they do not have a strong build.


The flowering period is very long. The rosette is standard, medium in size with even stripes of leaves. One of the best types of propagation is cuttings. This method increases the fertility of violets. Being a type of fantasy violet, they can also have sports. To avoid this, it is recommended to bring several rosettes at once before flowering.


The leaves are large and may droop when there is plenty of light.

Foliage color varies between medium green and dark green. The type of foliage is simple, heart-shaped, quilted.

The reverse side of the foliage has a pink tint, and the edges of the leaves seem to be slightly torn, as they have jagged edges. Variegation is not typical for this variety.

Interesting! Since the variety is fantasy, this variety may have sports.

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Often the plant is hampered by diseases and pests. A common disease is phytomorphosis, which occurs when transplanting and using new soil. In this case, the leaves become covered with spots. Superphosphate is added for protection.

When pests such as thrips and nematodes appear, Biodan or non-manocides must be used.

One of the best types of propagation of this flower is cuttings; this method increases the fertility of violets. "Isadora" may have sports. To avoid this, several sockets should be brought to flowering at once.

A violet in a pot can be a wonderful purchase or gift. Before making a choice, we advise you to familiarize yourself with such varieties as the lushly blooming “Copper Horseman”, the graceful “Cherry”, the lovely “Blue Fog”, the fabulous “Fairy” and other varieties bred by the breeder Dadoyan, the famous “Pansy”, reminiscent of lilies of the valley “Greenhouse Effect”, bright “Chanson” and everyone’s favorite violets from the “Optimara” series.

Violet Lituanica

The delicate pink flowers of the Lituanica violet will not leave any lover of this indoor plant indifferent. The variety selected by Butene forms a standard rosette of pointed, medium-sized leaves of an even, green color.

Due to their elongated petals, double flowers resemble dahlias in shape, and the corollas are made more unusual by the richer color of the tips of the petals. A very beautiful plant, named Lituanica in honor of the plane that took part in the flight from America to Kaunas in 1933. Lituanica violet blooms profusely, but grows rather slowly as the rosette matures.

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