Fern planting and care in open ground in autumn

To fill shaded areas in the garden, for example, under the sloping crowns of trees or on the north side of buildings, the cultivation of certain plants is required. How to properly plant and provide further care in open ground or in a flowerpot for various varieties of ferns known for their shade tolerance will be described in detail in the article.

Description of the crop, its known varieties and varieties

About 200 of these wonderful plants are known in the world, most of which are inhabitants of tropical forests. If you look in general at the various types of ferns, you can note the following biological features of the plant:

  • Perennial herbaceous shrub.
  • Externally, a fern can look like either short grass or a rather impressive tree.
  • Under the ground there is a medium-sized creeping rhizome.
  • Above the surface is a dense stem consisting of wire tissue.
  • The crop does not have real leaves. The so-called fronds - primitive leaf plates - extend from the stem. Their formation occurs in the roots in the spring.

fern bush

  • Reproduction occurs with the help of spores located in brown bulges, clearly visible in the photo of the underside of the leaves.
  • Ferns make ideal plants for shady corners.
  • Planting is possible both in open ground and in flowerpots.

Attention! Growing heat-loving representatives in the middle zone is possible only in a room.

The following species and varieties thrive in open ground in temperate climates:

  1. The common ostrich is the most common type of fern found in gardens. This species requires minimal care.
  2. Common bracken - young shoots of this species are eaten.
  3. Male shieldweed - often found in the forests of the middle zone.
  4. Nomad fern - most of its varieties have an unusual reddish color. For example, Burgundy Lace leaves are wine-colored. These varieties look especially striking in the fall.

    Nomadic fern

  5. Multi-row - in gardens you can find two varieties: Brown's fern and bristlecone fern.
  6. Leaflet - Japanese and scolopendra varieties. They are distinguished by low growth and very delicate leaves.
  7. Adiantum are common varieties of lady's hair and stop-shaped. They do not tolerate cold winters. It is recommended to grow them in open ground only in the southern regions.

How to plant a plant and care for it

Although the plant is not a capricious plant, to obtain beautiful, lush bushes, certain requirements must be met.

  • The place in the open ground where planting will take place should be in the shade. In the sun, the plant withers and can quickly die.
  • The soil in the place of planned cultivation should be loose, since the roots of the plant are demanding of the presence of air.

Advice. If fern shoots are dug up in the forest, you need to take some soil from the same area and pour it into the planting hole.

  • Absolutely all varieties prefer moist soils. Therefore, caring for the plant should include abundant and frequent watering. At the same time, stagnation of water is unacceptable. Planting must be accompanied by good drainage. Mineral fertilizer can be added to the water for irrigation 2-3 times per season.

Fern spores

  • It is advisable to plant ferns in a flowerbed in open ground in the spring, as soon as the fronds begin to bloom. In warm weather, with good care, the plant takes root well.
  • Planting should take place immediately after digging up the shoot, so that the roots do not have time to dry out and the leaves wither.
  • The main care for ferns is timely watering. You especially need to monitor this in the first year after planting and during hot, dry periods.

It is very good if it is possible to mulch the soil under the plant with pine needles. This will keep the soil loose and moist, which will have a positive effect on strengthening the root system. Of course, maintenance includes regular removal of old or broken leaves. This will not only give the plant an aesthetic appearance, but will also contribute to the growth of new vines.

Varieties such as leaf and kochedednik are not particularly frost-resistant. For the winter they need to be covered with leaves or a small layer of peat.

Fertilizer, fertilizing, and methods of fern propagation

On fertile soils there is no need to feed ferns. It is best to apply fertilizer on depleted soil in advance, when preparing the flower bed in the fall. Organic and mineral complexes containing nitrogen are suitable.

When planting a fern, you can pour a little peat into the hole, which will act as a fertilizer and soil loosener at the same time.

Gardeners propagate ferns using three methods:

  • separation of root suckers;
  • budding;
  • disputes.

Fern loves moist soils

The first method is the fastest and easiest. It is most often used for propagation of all varieties. The main thing here is good watering after separation of the shoot.

The second method is more labor-intensive and is suitable only for some species, for example, multi-row, which is capable of forming buds on the leaves. They are detached and germinated in damp moss. A fairly common method is reproduction by spores. They are collected by scraping from the leaf, dried and scattered over the surface of the substrate. Care consists of daily spraying. After a month, the spores germinate and next season the plants can be planted in the ground.

What plants do ferns combine with in the garden and what diseases and pests threaten them?

Thanks to the beauty of openwork leaves and bushes in general, ferns occupy a place of honor in the design of the site. Photos of such compositions turn out very natural and beautiful.

Attention! The rhizome of the fern quickly spreads across the area, so it is necessary to install limiters.

The combination of ferns with lilies and arrowheads near the pond will give the area a special charm. In shady rock gardens, you can place low varieties next to flowering creeping plants, such as periwinkle.

You don’t need to feed the fern

We can say that the combination of ferns in the garden is possible with any shade-tolerant plants: hostas, astilbe, snotweed, etc.

The plant is not affected by diseases if the rules of care are followed. Pests include slugs and caterpillars that damage leaves.

A fern can be called a bright decoration for a shady area that does not require much attention. Its cultivation is accessible to absolutely everyone, even gardeners with no experience.

Growing ferns in the garden: video

Ferns are considered ancient plants that began to grow on earth many thousands of years before the appearance of humans. It can decorate the landscape of a garden plot.

According to legend, the fern blooms once a year and has mystical properties. In fact, this plant never blooms.

Popular types

There are more than 10,000 species of this plant, so when decorating their garden, summer residents have a wide choice. There are ferns that grow on trees and on the ground.

The most common types of this plant include:

  1. Common ostrich . The plant can be seen in many parts of the planet; it is called so because of its feathery leaves, reminiscent of an openwork pattern of ostrich feathers, reaching 1.5 m. With the onset of spring, the foliage of the fern is curled up in the form of a cocoon; with warming, it blossoms and turns into a magnificent cone . Its vertical root system requires that it be periodically loosened and mulched in the fall. This most spectacular perennial species forms lush thickets.
  2. of the common bracken reaches 70 cm; it grows well on dry and “poor” soil. The appearance of the plant's horizontal long leaves resembles an eagle's wing. It is dangerous for pets due to the presence of toxic substances, but will not cause harm to humans.
  3. Female Kochedyzhnik . The plant is characterized by dissected leaves collected in bunches. Under natural conditions, it forms hummocks in swamps. The size of the plant will depend on its variety (30-70 cm), the root system is thick and short. It can grow without being transplanted to another place for more than ten years.
  4. Male shieldweed . In nature, it grows in the forest in a shaded place, reaching a height of 30-150 cm. Spores appear on the underside of the leaf, and they are covered, like a shield, with kidney-shaped spathes.

In the photo is a common ostrich

The listed garden fern species are frost-resistant plants and do not require shelter in winter.

Tropical fern species are best grown indoors.

Heat-loving species of fern, such as holoculus and Linnaeus's shield, require protection from the cold in winter.

Varieties of ferns

There are many varieties of this amazing plant, but they all require similar conditions: a moist and shaded place, space. Garden fern - cultivation does not require special knowledge, in addition, under favorable conditions it will go into the wild form and will grow well without human intervention. Garden stores today offer a good selection of ferns, but not every type of this plant can survive in any climate zone. For cold and temperate regions, the following varieties are preferred:

Maidenhair fern

The most suitable ferns for the climatic zones of Russia are the Adiantum stopovidensis and Venus hair ferns. The first subspecies takes root especially well in the Far East, in the forests of the Amur and Primorye regions. As for Venus hair, it feels favorable in the Crimea and the Caucasus near mountain rivers and reservoirs. Venus hair is considered one of the common species that grows well on private farms, as well as in natural conditions. It is distinguished by its openwork dissected leaves, which grow on petioles that look like thin wire. The leaves, like tufts, grow from a powerful root stem. Its height does not exceed 0.5-0.7 m. There are spore sacs on the bottom of the leaves; they look like dark spots.

Male shield fern

It has a wide variety of subspecies and can grow in any territory of Russia. Humidity conditions will be more suitable for it. It’s good if there is a body of water nearby. A perennial plant in maturity reaches no more than 0.5 m. It has a short but thickened rhizome, covered with scales on top. The color of the leaves is close to dark green. On their reverse side there are black spores arranged in a row. The leaves have an elongated shape. They are attached to erect petioles.

bracken fern

It is an extremely useful plant. It will always come in handy at home. Many home garden owners prefer this particular fern. It has an attractive aroma due to its high tannin content. Due to this property, fern leaves are used to store garden crops. Vegetables, fruits and berries are laid on Orlyak leaves, then the crops are covered with them. The shape of the branches of the bracken fern is lush and spreading. The leaves are hard, three-pinnate. Its height is no more than 0.5 - 0.6 m. The root is branched and horizontal. The plant is unpretentious by nature and can grow even in the most depleted areas. Below, if you look closely at the lower pairs of leaves, you can see a nectary. It attracts ants. The spores are located on the bottom of the leaf; its edges are curled for additional protection.

Ostrich fern

This species is characterized by vertical, erect leaves. They are quite dense and can reach a height of 2 m. The leaves grow in rows in a circle. In the center there are smaller ones - spore-bearing ones. Dark spore points are attached to their back. The root system is underground and rapidly developing. There are several types of Ostrich fern: Oriental and Common. The common Ostrich is not afraid of frost, which cannot be said about the Eastern Ostrich. The fragile plant does not tolerate winds and needs constant moisture. The shape of the fern resembles a bouquet of ostrich feathers, hence its name. Gardeners often grow this species for its ornamental value. Leaves look great in flower arrangements.

Nomadic fern

There are several types: Women's, Chinese, Nippon, Burgundy Leys. All ferns from this subspecies are shade-loving and can grow in one place for up to 10-15 years. The soil must be well-groomed and fertilized in advance. Kochedyzhnik is not afraid of frost. Female Kochedyzhnik has green shoots. They are very delicate to the touch and have a feathery complex shape. The petioles grow up to 1 m in length. The root of the plant is short and thickened. The Chinese Kochedyzhnik, like the female one, reaches a height of 1 m, but the color of its leaves has an unusual reddish tint. The Nippon variety of the plant also has an exotic purple color. Burgundy Leys is shade-loving. The darker its habitat, the richer the wine color of the leaves. It is characterized not only by the reddish color of the foliage, but also by the burgundy color of the petiole.

There are many other varieties of fern.

Landing conditions

It is important to decide on a place for the fern before planting. Gardeners consider shaded areas to be the most suitable. The soil should not be too heavy and well moistened.

Such parameters will create ideal conditions for growth. If you plant a fern in a sunny place, it will not reach the required size and will be weak. A well-chosen place and proper care will allow you to grow a beautiful plant.

Ferns require virtually no fertilizer. It can be safely planted in an area where other flowers do not take root. For giant species, up to 30 cm should be left between holes intended for planting. This distance can be either increased or decreased.

The photo shows a fern planting

When planting, pay attention to whether other plants will interfere with the fern's growth.

If it has extensive roots, then it is better to provide a spacious area, and also put restrictions for root growth, decorated like an ordinary fence.

When the planting site has already been chosen, it is necessary to prepare the soil and the plant itself for planting. Ferns are also planted in the fall; before planting, a pot with rhizomes is placed in the hole.

After the air bubbles disappear, you need to pull out the root and plant it in the ground. The hole is also moistened before planting. Make sure that some of the soil in which the plant previously grew remains on the rhizome. If the plant grew at home, the soil is taken from a flowerpot, if in the forest, then the soil will be forest soil.

By choosing the right soil, you “help” the plant to take root faster. It is better not to touch the foliage so as not to disturb the decorative appearance of the fern.

Having straightened the roots in the hole, you need to cover them with soil and water them with settled water. Plants in pots, planted throughout the year.

Purchase and transplant

Growing ferns at home is not that difficult.

It is better to plan the purchase of seedlings in the spring . A plant purchased in autumn or winter often dies because it cannot adapt to changing conditions.

After purchasing, replant the plant in new soil and a spacious pot.

The fact is that for transportation of those grown in greenhouse conditions, a special substrate is used, which differs from normal, nutritious soil. You can't leave it like this.

What soil should I plant in?

Fern is a forest plant. Therefore, the soil for it should be as close in composition as possible to forest soil.

The soil needs to be loose , with a large amount of rotted leaf mixture and crushed pine needles. Another condition is increased acidity.

To improve aeration properties, add sand and humus.

Transfer rules

The procedure is recommended to be carried out annually. The fern quickly increases its root mass and becomes cramped in the pot, which means the plant will stop producing new shoots.

In order not to unnecessarily injure the roots, the fern is transferred into a new container. This is done in the spring, as soon as the growing season begins. Take a pot 2-3 centimeters larger than the old one. After transplanting, water the plant generously.

How to properly replant a fern, watch the video below:

Reproduction methods

Fern propagation is possible in 3 main ways:

  1. The easiest way is to divide the bush . It is based on dividing the bulbs and then planting them on a marked area. It is preferable to carry out such work in the spring. When storing a divided bush over the winter, not all specimens can survive it.
  2. Reproduction by rhizomatous tendrils . In this way, species of ferns that grow tendrils are planted. Thus, cordifolia nephrolepis has the appearance of above-ground shoots that spread along the ground. They are buried 8-12 cm into the ground, watered intensively and soon a new plant appears.
  3. Reproduction by brood buds . This is the most time-consuming and least productive method. For planting, separate the buds (these are small tubercles on the bottom of the leaf), place them on peat soil or moss, moistening them daily. Then each spore is covered with a jar and put in a warm place. Within a short period of time, the “babies” take root, and after a month they are planted in the soil as a full-fledged plant.

Fern propagation by brood buds

The video explains how to plant ferns correctly:

plant seedlings

It is better to plant seeds in open soil that have previously been grown to the desired size. A peat-earth mixture is most suitable for fern growth, because from it it will receive the necessary components in order to grow and develop the root system.

Different varieties are planted in each box and additional nutrients are added. Different types of plants need appropriate fertilizers - compost, nitrogen, chalk and other substances.

Each package with a certain variety has an inscription indicating suitable minerals and can be purchased at a garden store. If the gardener collected spores himself, you should not apply any fertilizer.

If the plant species is unknown, it may react unpredictably.

The soil is heated; for this purpose, the vessel with it is placed on water vapor and heated repeatedly. It is recommended not to deepen the seeds, but only sprinkle them with soil on top.

Types of reproduction


To grow this way, you need seedlings. First, we collect fern spores from the bottom of the leaves and sprinkle them directly into a box of soil. There is no need to sprinkle them with soil. The main condition for root formation is daily watering and warmth. We moisten the spores with a spray bottle. To prevent water and heat from evaporating, we cover each spore with a jar. When it reaches a couple of centimeters in height, we plant it in open ground.


Many types of ferns produce tendrils from which new bushes are formed. We buy them in specialty stores or dig them up in the forest. It is better to do this in the spring, and after a year there will be a full-fledged bush in the garden, which, if necessary, is also divided into several parts and planted in other places.

By dividing the rhizome

To get several from one bush at once, it is enough to divide it into several parts. The fern rhizome has the structure of interlocking bulbs. Each part along with the stem can be planted separately.

When purchasing a plant, you should not buy seedlings with dark, damaged leaves. The younger the plant, the faster it will take root. If you choose between tall and small fronds - leaf-like organs, then it is better to give preference to the latter. Often, garden stores sell varieties of ferns that do not suit the climate of the region. Before purchasing, you need to inquire about what temperatures are comfortable for the plant.

How to care for a plant

Garden fern is an unpretentious plant and is easy to care for. The plant requires abundant watering and mulch, that is, it must be sprinkled at the base with sawdust or stale leaves to a depth of 3-5 cm.

It is especially recommended to sprinkle with sawdust or dead leaves in the fall, since then you will protect the fern from the cold and from pests. In spring, such a “blanket” will become a good fertilizer for fern plants. Young shoots will be able to break through this cover.

Will amaze you with its beauty

Garden rose hips: planting and care

for bushes in the conditions of a summer cottage, propagation methods and other subtleties of cultivation in the material on our website.

Here you can find a drawing of a sliding gate for making it yourself, as well as a step-by-step master class with detailed photos.

Pruning Tips

Such plants do not need pruning even in autumn and spring. This is because the leaves cover the ground, creating additional protection. By spring they dry out and can be used as fertilizer.

Shoots that are broken or affected by some disease need pruning to prevent its spread.

Top dressing

Ferns do not need to be fed with fertilizers. But fertilizers provide plants with useful minerals and also promote good growth. Ferns are usually fed with the onset of spring, as well as the appearance of the first shoots.

If you notice wilted, dried or yellowed leaves, there is no need to replant the plant immediately. It may not have enough nutrients, so you should purchase any type of mineral fertilizer.

It is better if it is liquid, then when watering it will be easy to add to the soil.

During periods of drought, you need to increase the watering rate, which will prevent the leaves from withering. Plant care can also be supplemented with loosening. To do this, you need to have special devices, but you should not deepen it too much, so as not to damage the large root system of the fern.

Preparing for winter

In winter, only heat-loving plant species, such as holocaria, shield grass and others, are covered. They protect from the cold in those regions that are characterized by cold and long winters, using peat and dry leaves for this.

If the plant is not frost-resistant, it is covered with a film on top, covered with leaves or spruce branches are placed on top.

Main diseases of ferns.

Infectious diseases of ferns caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses are widespread. The most common forms of these diseases are:

  • plaque on the surface of leaves, shoots (gray rot, etc.),
  • leaf curling,
  • rotting of roots and stems.

As measures to combat infectious diseases of ferns, it is recommended to remove and destroy the affected parts. Chemical plant protection products should be purchased only in special stores, not forgetting to take instructions for use. The liquid drug in the ampoule should be checked for transparency: if a sediment appears, most likely the effectiveness of the drug leaves much to be desired. The same can be said about expired drugs. If there are few pests, then you can sprinkle the plants with infusions and decoctions of onions, garlic, and white mustard.

Fern diseases with photos and descriptions.

Anthracnose fern

Signs: dark spots appear on the leaves of plants, dark brown streaks appear at the ends of the leaves.

Control measures: remove and burn affected leaves, treat the plant with a systemic fungicide, do not spray the leaves for a week and reduce watering as much as possible.

Root rot

Signs: the leaves turn yellow and then darken and the plant dies. The disease develops due to waterlogged soil.

Control measures: reduce watering.

Spotting on fern leaves

Signs: wet brown spots on the leaves; with severe damage, small spots increase in size and merge.

Control measures: remove affected leaves, burn them, spray the plant with a systemic fungicide. Do not water or spray the plant for several days.

Gray rot

Signs: gray fluffy mold on leaves, stems and soil. Gray rot fungus affects the entire plant.

Control measures: effective control of gray mold begins with preventive measures: do not place plants too closely together, often ventilate the premises when watering, avoid getting water on the leaves, as well as fertilizers with a high concentration of nitrogen. Too much nitrogen causes cell walls to become soft, making the tissue susceptible to infection. At the first signs of fern infection with gray mold, all affected parts should be immediately removed to reduce the possibility of the disease spreading to healthy plants. Acute infection can be treated with effectively applied special fungicides against gray mold.

How is the plant used in landscape design?

The plant can be dwarf (no more than 3 cm), or large, reaching the size of a tree. But even a low specimen has a spreading root system.

Landscape designers take this factor into account when planting other plants nearby. They must be compatible in size, that’s when the fern will stand out among them.

In a summer cottage, a plant will always find its place

Using this plant, gardeners create beautiful landscape compositions from its different varieties, combining different shapes and color shades. If there is a pond on the site, the fern will look great next to it in a composition with other flowers (lilies, arrowheads).

Marsilia fern can be planted in water at a depth of 50-70 cm. Its openwork leaves will add charm to the water surface. The plant will perfectly decorate an alpine hill.

Fern is planted on the site on the northern, shady side, as it does not tolerate temperatures above 25 degrees. For example, they can decorate the walls of a house.

Some of the plant species have medicinal qualities and can be used in cooking. To do this, use young shoots of the plant, which are boiled for 10-15 minutes before use.

The less gardeners disturb and replant ferns, the more luxurious they grow.

Garden fern, which is easy to plant and care for, is an excellent crop that gives a finished look to any landscape composition. A representative of the department of vascular plants, which witnessed the life of dinosaurs and other extinct species of flora and fauna, is loved by many gardeners and landscapers.

How to plant ferns

In general, this representative of the flora is unpretentious. Planting a fern is easy - like with capricious roses, you don’t have to fuss with it. Nevertheless, a number of recommendations will have to be followed in order for the plant to take root and delight with lush bushes.

In open ground

Ferns can grow very strongly, capturing new territory. Then it is recommended to plant them so that they do not crowd out other plants. Planting and caring for outdoor fern in the garden has several important points that require attention:

  • Shadow. In active sun, ferns die. Therefore, it is better to choose shady places for them. In the case of the Nippon nomad, you need to choose a corner where only the first rays of the sun will fall; otherwise, it also requires protection from the sun.

  • Loose soil. It will not work to replant a fern haphazardly. It cannot be planted in compacted soil. It actively “breathes” the root and will suffocate in hard soil. The soil should be loose, not trampled.
  • Frequent watering. Without exception, all types of ferns love moisture. This means they are planted by abundantly watering the planting hole. In the future, they ensure constant maintenance of humidity in the place where the bush grows. At the same time, the water should not be allowed to stagnate. It is important to build good drainage at the roots.
  • The time is right. It is better to plant ferns in open ground in the spring, while the fronds are young. This increases the chances that the plant will take root.
  • Don't delay. The dug up sprout needs to be replanted as soon as possible. You cannot leave it in the air for a long time, otherwise the roots will begin to dry out.

In the pot

The street fern lives in the country for several years. Nothing lasts forever, and sooner or later the plant dies. However, if you take its sprout into a pot in the fall and take it home and grow it over the winter, then in the spring you can plant a mature seedling in your dacha. He will have a better chance of adapting to a new environment.

This fern planting has its own nuances:

  • Moderate lighting. The pot should not be pushed into the far corner. The house will be too dark for him. This is just as harmful as the burning rays of the sun. It is better to choose a room where the fern will stand near the window, but will not receive direct sunlight.
  • Watering. All ferns love water. Therefore, sometimes you can give the plant a small shower. Be sure to ensure that the soil at the roots does not dry out and remains moist.
  • Pot size. Ferns in the garden usually grow large, not dwarf. They have a powerful root system, which is important to consider when choosing a pot. It’s better to take the larger one so that the plant definitely has room for growth.
  • Temperature. There is an opinion that ferns need coolness, so the room with the sprout must have a temperature no higher than 15 degrees. This is mistake. This representative of the flora will be quite comfortable at 22-23 degrees Celsius.
  • Humidity. Dry air harms this plant, so during the heating season there is no need to keep it near radiators and heaters. It would be a good idea to humidify the air in the room or spray the fern with water; in the rain, open a window to increase the humidity naturally.

Interesting. There are species of Ferns that can generally be grown at home. These include the house fern Nephrolepis

You can also transplant the common bracken into a pot and take it indoors (in this case, the above recommendations will work).

Types of ferns to grow in the garden

Ferns representing the Aspleniaceae family number more than 10 thousand species, which are classified according to their habitat.

  • Forest - a group that prefers acidic, moist soils and is characterized by tall growth.
  • Rocky - low-growing representatives, differing in different requirements for soil and lighting, depending on the specific species
  • Swamp - this class of ferns can be found on the banks of reservoirs where soil moisture is very high.

Forest ferns are usually cultivated as garden ferns.

Among the most popular species and varieties, which are particularly decorative, the following deserve attention:

  • Adiantum foot-shaped - a common representative, reaching a height of 30 cm, has horizontally arranged yellow-green openwork leaves (fronds).
  • Japanese leaf is a kind of fern with fronds of different directions, creating a special randomness that gives the landscape composition extravagance.
  • Ostrich is a tall variety that can reach 1.5 m in height and is well known to many gardeners. Fronds in the form of light green ostrich feathers are distinguished by their grace and high decorative qualities, which will decorate any area.
  • Kochedyzhnik is a variety that combines ferns of not only green, but also red flowers, which perfectly complement a landscape composition made with a predominance of burgundy - for example, the red wine-colored variety Burgundy Lace.
  • Centipede is an excellent plant for alpine slides and other stone art objects, having a creeping root system that allows the gardener to independently set the direction of development for the fern.

Ferns in garden design with other plants (photo)

Spectacular forest aliens add the natural mystery of a virgin corner of nature to the atmosphere of any garden.

The plant looks great on the shore of a reservoir, along garden paths, in the tree trunks, ideal for creating rutariums or rockeries, for decorating the northern shaded slopes of alpine hills.

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Excellent partners for ferns in creating beautiful garden compositions are various varieties of hosta, bergenia, lungwort, heuchera, astilbe, as well as conifers - junipers, thujas, fir, cypress.

Mystical ferns are able to give the garden the character of a forest natural corner and enchant every traveler with the openwork curve of the airy emerald foliage.

Planting in open ground

When carrying out planting work, it is necessary to take into account such important points as preparing holes, choosing a place and time.

Site selection and soil preparation

In order for the culture to develop well, it is necessary to select a shady area with light and moist soil, where there is plenty of free space.

The fern does not need preliminary soil preparation if its structure is loose enough. In the case of heavy soils, humus and river sand should be added when digging.

How and when to plant?

Perfectly adapting to new conditions, the fern survives planting throughout the entire growing season.

When landing, adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. A hole is dug, the dimensions of which depend on the root system of the planted specimen.
  2. A drainage layer is placed in the hole and lightly crushed with excavated soil.
  3. Next, the fern with a clod of earth is immersed, which allows the plant to take root faster.
  4. Free spaces are filled with a substrate of excavated soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1.
  5. The soil around the plant is compacted and well moistened.

Attention! When planting, it is necessary to carefully handle the fronds, damage to which leads to the plant losing its decorative properties.

Fern planting

If a fern bush is dug out of the forest, then the soil for planting can be taken from there. For a plant purchased or grown from spores, we use compost, peat and sand (all parts of this soil must be equal).

Before planting, we dig a hole in the ground, up to 15 cm deep, up to 30 cm in diameter. Keep the distance between the bushes at least 30 cm. This size will allow the bushes to grow. Planting is carried out in the spring before the formation of fronds or in the fall, when the period of reproduction by spores is over.

Before placing the bush in the hole, lower its rhizome into water for a couple of minutes, when air bubbles stop coming out of the earthen lump, the fern can be planted. Fresh soil after planting also needs to be moistened.

At the same time, we do not deepen the bush by more than 1 cm. After immersing the fern in the hole, it is enough to sprinkle the earthen ball with earth or peat and compact the soil a little.

Garden ferns: care

Garden fern is an undemanding crop, so taking care of it will not cause the gardener much trouble.

Watering and soil moisture

One of the main parameters is soil moisture, which must remain loose, preventing water from stagnating. During the period of active growth, the fern is watered to maintain the required level of humidity. To retain moisture for a longer period, you can mulch the area around the plant.

Feeding and fertilizers

Fertilizer application is not a mandatory agrotechnical measure. But to obtain a beautiful, lush bush that will decorate shady recreation areas, in early spring the fern is fed with organic or mineral fertilizers.

Fern is a perennial crop

Most ferns are perennial crops. Only some aquatic fern species are annuals. For example, floating salvinia, growing in small ponds and reservoirs, dies off in the winter and leaves special buds, from which the fern appears again the next season.

Features of growing fern

You won't need any special knowledge or skills to grow ferns in your garden. But you will have to follow some mandatory measures for planting and caring for the plant. By the way, sometimes, under suitable conditions, a fern transforms into a wild-growing form, and then it grows completely independently and without your attention.

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Types and varieties of fern

There are approximately 10 thousand varieties of fern. Only hardy varieties are grown in the garden. These are the ones I recommend you plant.

How and when to replant ferns?

The plant can be replanted throughout the season, but the optimal time is considered to be early spring, when the shoots have just begun to develop.

During the procedure:

  1. A hole is prepared of such a size that it allows not to restrict the straightened roots of the transplanted specimen.
  2. The hole is filled with water, into which the fern and a lump of old soil are immediately dropped.
  3. The plant is buried in such a way that the root collar rises 1-2 cm above ground level.

Interesting facts about fern

Ferns grew on Earth no less than 400 million years ago, back in the era of dinosaurs. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then, a lot of ice has appeared and melted, but the fern continues to live. There are currently a great many different species of this unique plant found on the planet – more than 10 thousand. Among them are both herbaceous and tree ferns. Most of them are terrestrial, but there are also those that grow on rocks, in lakes and rivers, or on tree trunks and branches.

We are all accustomed to seeing ferns with dissected leaves - by the way, they are called fronds. But it turns out that among ferns there are also species with ordinary - whole - leaves.

Actually, these are not leaves at all. In reality, a frond is a branch (shoot) with leaves. But ferns simply do not have leaves as such. Just like the stem we are used to. The stem of these amazing plants is the rhizome, which is located in the ground. Adventitious roots extend from it. New fronds also grow from it.

In the embryonic state, this shoot (in botany called a “preshoot”) is twisted in the form of a spiral.

As it grows, it straightens more and more until it turns into a flat frond.

Pests and diseases - how to treat them?

Ferns are rarely attacked by harmful organisms.

However, sometimes the plant exhibits:

  • whitefly;
  • aphid;
  • spider mite;
  • mealybug;
  • and scale insects.

They must be dealt with immediately. Insecticides, the solution of which is used to spray the crop, are effective means.

Among the diseases that can develop on ferns are rot caused by the plant growing in constantly moist soil with poor drainage. At the beginning of the development of fungal diseases, it is possible to carry out treatments with fungicides, which are powerless in a neglected state.


An important aspect that precedes the planting itself is the choice of an appropriate place for the fern. The best will be considered any darkened areas, as well as not too heavy and well-moistened soils. The combination of these two qualities will be simply ideal for excellent growth. But sunny meadows are completely unsuitable for ferns.

It will not require a large amount of fertilizer, so if there are areas of land at your dacha in which other flowers do not take root at all, you can safely plant a fern there. There is no optimal landing distance that would be strict. In each case, it is important to be guided only by the size to which it will grow. If it belongs to the giant species, then it is rational to maintain at least 30 cm of distance between each hole intended for planting. If necessary, this figure can be increased or decreased. It is only important that no other plant interferes with its development and growth. For those individuals that have extensive roots, it is better to immediately provide a large enough area so that it does not become a hindrance for other flowers. Or, already at the planting stage, provide artificial limiters for root growth. They can be decorated to look like a regular fence.

Some summer residents, for whom planting a fern in the fall is also not difficult, recommend placing the pot with it in water before immersing the rhizome in the hole. As soon as air bubbles stop rising, you can pull out the roots and start planting. By the way, the planting hole will also need to be pre-moistened.

It is important to always ensure that when planting on the rhizome, there remains a certain amount of soil in which the plant grew before.

This could be either potted soil or forest soil if the fern was dug up there. This is necessary so that the plant quickly takes root in a new place and ensures that the petals do not fade.

When immersing the root into a hole, it is better not to touch the fronds (leaves) at all. They are very easy to damage, which can affect the decorativeness of ferns. After the roots are straightened in the hole, you can cover them with soil and water them with settled water.

By the way, if some gardeners are suddenly late with the spring planting of fern roots, then do not be upset. Buy potted plants - they can be planted throughout the year.


Many gardeners wonder what is the best way to plant ferns in the country. After all, it reproduces in three main ways:

• Dividing the bush. The simplest method, compared, for example, with planting spores. It involves simple separation of the bulbs and their subsequent planting along a pre-prepared perimeter. It is best to carry out work on dividing the bush in the spring. After this, you can immediately begin planting. If you store the bush, divided in advance, over the winter, then some specimens will not survive the storage period;

• Rhizome tendrils. Not every type of fern can be planted in this way, since not all ferns grow tendrils. For example, in the heart-leaved nephrolepis they look like above-ground shoots spreading along the soil. If you bury them in the ground and carry out intensive watering, you can soon get a new plant;

• Brood buds (spores). This method can be considered perhaps the most labor-intensive and least productive. To plant, you will need to separate the leaves from the upper parts, place them on peat soil or moss and moisten them daily. Immediately after this, it is important to cover each spore with a jar and put it in any warm place. Soon the “babies” will take root and after a month they can be planted as a full-fledged plant.

Growing seedlings

In order to understand how different the methods of cultivation are by dividing or buying ready-made rhizomes and germinating spores yourself, you need to consider all aspects of this action.

Before sowing the spores in a prepared container with soil, it is best to thoroughly disinfect the latter. You only need to plant in warm soil! To do this, you can place the dishes with it in a water bath and heat it up a little. When planting, it is better not to deepen the seeds, but just sprinkle them a little on top. The entire container must be covered on top with polyethylene material, and then installed on the windowsill. Watering should only be done when the soil begins to dry out, but it is still not worth keeping it excessively wet all the time. After a couple of weeks, a greenish coating can be detected on the ground. There is no need to get rid of it, since this is exactly what sprouted spores look like. The only thing that may be required at this stage is picking. The most optimal distance between each spore will be 1x1 cm.

After they have germinated and increased by about 6 cm, you can start spraying them using a spray bottle with warm water. This procedure must be repeated weekly. Petals in this case appear on about 10 days. Since they will constantly grow, it will be necessary to carry out picking regularly.

You need to remove the film from the container only after the stems have become stronger and reached about 8 cm in size. But after a few minutes they will need to be covered again. Such ventilation should be regular. At the same time, the spraying procedure increases to 3 per week.

The method of germinating spores is indeed quite long. And when choosing such a method, you may additionally need special knowledge. That is why it is recommended for gardeners, especially beginners, to choose a different method of planting ferns.

Garden fern, planting and caring for which is quite easy even for a novice gardener, is one of the most unpretentious plants. In addition to abundant watering, the process of caring for it will include, for example, creating mulch. It is especially important to do it in the fall in order to provide good natural protection both from the cold and from various pests. But at the same time, in the spring there is no need to rush to remove last year’s mulch. The leaves used in its creation will become a good fertilizer for ferns. There is no need to worry that young shoots will not be able to break through the cover of them. After all, it has been proven that the weak-looking young stems of this plant easily penetrate even through asphalt.

Ferns, as a rule, do not need pruning even in the autumn and spring periods. Why? Leaves, covering the ground, create additional protection. By spring, they will have completely dried out and will become the same fertilizer as those that were used as mulch. It will be necessary to trim off broken shoots or those that have been affected, for example, by some kind of disease, so that it does not spread further.

Feeding with fertilizers is optional, but it is important in order to provide the plant with the necessary substances and thus promote good growth. It is best to apply various fertilizers in early spring, at a time when shoots are just beginning to emerge. Moreover, they tolerate both inorganic and organic types of fertilizers equally well. Be sure to keep an eye on how it grows. If signs of wilting, yellowing or drying of the leaves appear, there is no need to rush to immediately replant the plant. Perhaps he simply does not have enough nutrients in his new place. In this case, purchase any mineral fertilizer (preferably the liquid type) and apply it to the soil when watering.

During dry periods, it is best to increase watering rates. In this way it will be possible to prevent the leaves from wilting. Additionally, loosening can be carried out. This measure is also not considered mandatory. For loosening it is better to use special devices, but still you should not deepen them too much. As mentioned above, ferns have a huge root system, and therefore there is a risk of damaging them.

Only some varieties that are not resistant to frost need to be covered for the winter. For example, these include heat-loving species such as shield grass and holocacrid. This measure may also be required in areas characterized by long, harsh winters. Peat and dry leaves are suitable as covering materials. As a rule, this is enough. But if you are very concerned about the safety of a plant that is not frost-resistant, then cover it with additional film on top, cover it again with leaves or add spruce branches.

Features of reproduction

The fern reproduces by dividing the bush and spores that form on the back side of the frond.

Dividing the bush

When transplanting, the bush is divided, in which:

  1. The day before the procedure, the area around the fern is moistened.
  2. An adult plant is removed from the soil and divided into several parts, each of which must have at least one apical shoot.
  3. The cuttings are planted in prepared holes and covered with substrate, after which they are watered abundantly.

Reproduction by spores

You can get new plants by sowing spores in early January as follows:

  1. A plastic box with drainage holes at the bottom is filled with a calcined substrate with a 4 cm layer of sand, peat and leaf soil in a ratio of 1:1:2.
  2. Spores are distributed over the soil surface.
  3. The container is covered with cellophane and moved to a warm, bright place, where bottom watering is provided to the crops.
  4. After the shoots emerge, the cellophane is removed.
  5. At the end of winter, the plants are transferred to a greenhouse, from which they are transplanted into open ground after the onset of stable warmth and the disappearance of the threat of return frosts.

Botanical portrait

The oldest plants on the planet, ferns are extremely diverse and differ in their shapes, sizes, structural features and life cycle.

They don't have true leaves. What everyone calls leaves is more correctly called flat branches, or fronds, which are a whole system of pagons located in the same plane.

There are no flowers; they reproduce by spores or vegetatively - using fragments of rhizomes, fronds, buds, aphlebia (leaf-like processes at the base of the frond) and other methods, in particular by sexual reproduction in some varieties.

The spores, which are mistaken for fern seeds, are usually located on the underside of the frond.

Main problems when growing

As a rule, growing garden ferns is not difficult.

However, there are situations when a gardener notes the following:

  1. Spotting of shoots is a manifestation of rot, the development of which is associated with stagnation of water in the soil.
  2. Withering, yellowing and drying of leaves is due to too poor soil or an incorrectly selected place where the destructive rays of the open sun fall.

Thus, the garden fern will become an exquisite decoration of the garden plot with minimal care, which will not require enormous effort from the gardener.

Ferns can be found from coniferous forests to the tropics, in almost all natural and climatic zones. The garden fern is most often a native inhabitant of the same area where the garden plot is located.

This selection of crops allows you not to worry about acclimatizing plants and creating special conditions for them. In addition, ferns growing in Russia are no less decorative and attractive than tropical species, but they are much easier to care for.

Which garden ferns should you choose? Are there species in our forests worthy of decorating an alpine hill, flower bed or group planting of conifers?

Where are ferns found in nature?

They live in shady forests at the foot of tree trunks.

Some grow like epiphytes on the branches of large giants, adapt to cling to rock ledges, prefer wet banks of rivers and lakes, swamp hummocks, and even manage to perch on the walls of city buildings.

Ferns live everywhere, but their greatest diversity is in the humid tropics and subtropics.

However, there are many species that grow in temperate climates. Many of them are used in cultural cultivation. Among gardeners they are known under the common name - garden fern.

Ferns in the garden: unpretentious species

If at home gardeners often grow exotic species, then in the garden there is a perfect place for plants that are more adapted to frosty winters, hot summers, cold autumn rains and other vicissitudes of the Russian climate. And there are many such species of ferns that adapt to planting and caring for the dacha.

One of the first can be called asplenium. Although many ferns belonging to this genus are quite thermophilic, there are varieties whose openwork leaves tolerate wintering well in the middle zone. Plants prefer partial shade, where they readily form rosettes of medium-sized but very attractive leaves that remain decorative from early spring until snow falls.

Low-growing woodsia is a medium-sized garden fern that in nature prefers to settle on rocky ledges and even on old walls. The height of the crown of small fluffy leaves, depending on the species, reaches only 5–20 centimeters. Moreover, the plant belongs to the long-growing ferns, and in one place it exists perfectly for up to three decades.

Kochedyzhnik forms a dense bush up to a meter high. The peculiarity of this fern growing in the garden is the constant formation of new foliage.

Bracken is rightfully considered one of the most widespread ferns in the world. Its clumps can be found in the Arctic lands and in Australia. For the middle zone, this native species is perfect as a garden crop. The trifoliate carved leaves rise high above the ground level and can become a refuge for early bulbous plants. When planting a fern in the garden and caring for it, bracken is able to grow quickly. Therefore, it is important to immediately take measures to ensure that the crop does not go beyond the boundaries of the area allocated to it.

Osmunda or Chistoust is the largest representative of the family in central Russia and the south of Russia. In nature, it can only be found in the forest zone of the Caucasus and eastern Asia. And in a garden where a fern grows, it will become the center of a flowerbed located in a damp corner.

Another unpretentious garden fern will find a place on the alpine hills. This is a bladderwort - a small shade-tolerant plant with graceful foliage that disappears in the winter.

Description of the crop, its known varieties and varieties

About 200 of these wonderful plants are known in the world, most of which are inhabitants of tropical forests. If you look in general at the various types of ferns, you can note the following biological features of the plant:

  • Perennial herbaceous shrub.
  • Externally, a fern can look like either short grass or a rather impressive tree.
  • Under the ground there is a medium-sized creeping rhizome.
  • Above the surface is a dense stem consisting of wire tissue.
  • The crop does not have real leaves. The so-called fronds - primitive leaf plates - extend from the stem. Their formation occurs in the roots in the spring.

fern bush

  • Reproduction occurs with the help of spores located in brown bulges, clearly visible in the photo of the underside of the leaves.
  • Ferns make ideal plants for shady corners.
  • Planting is possible both in open ground and in flowerpots.

Attention! Growing heat-loving representatives in the middle zone is possible only in a room.

The following species and varieties thrive in open ground in temperate climates:

  1. The common ostrich is the most common type of fern found in gardens. This species requires minimal care.
  2. Common bracken - young shoots of this species are eaten.
  3. Male shieldweed - often found in the forests of the middle zone.
  4. Nomad fern - most of its varieties have an unusual reddish color. For example, Burgundy Lace leaves are wine-colored. These varieties look especially striking in the fall.

    Nomadic fern

  5. Multi-row - in gardens you can find two varieties: Brown's fern and bristlecone fern.
  6. Leaflet - Japanese and scolopendra varieties. They are distinguished by low growth and very delicate leaves.
  7. Adiantum are common varieties of lady's hair and stop-shaped. They do not tolerate cold winters. It is recommended to grow them in open ground only in the southern regions.

Planting and caring for garden ferns

To decorate the garden with ferns, plants from the neighboring grove and from the garden center are suitable.

But if in the first case, a carefully dug bush falls into the ground almost instantly, and the gardener may not take measures to additionally protect the roots, then the fern brought from afar is in danger of drying out and dying.

To protect the plant from loss of moisture, which is critical for the crop, before transporting the rhizomes, wrap them in damp cloth or moss, without disturbing the remaining earthen lump. If the leaves droop before planting, they will not regain their elasticity even after watering. To simplify further care, garden ferns are planted immediately.

The location is chosen so that the greenery does not suffer from direct sunlight, and the soil retains low moisture as long as possible. Plants are undemanding to the composition of the soil, the main thing is that the substrate is loose. Sandy loam mixtures with a high humus content are well suited.

If the plant is taken from the forest, it is useful to collect soil here and fill the planting hole with it. This will speed up the acclimatization of the fern in the garden.

In the future, it is important to water the plant regularly every 5–7 days. And fertilize using complex products that include both organic matter and mineral supplements.

The optimal temperature for garden ferns is 15–25 °C. On summer days, especially in well-lit areas, plants require more moisture, and they respond well to watering with foliage.

If a fern planted in the garden grows quickly, then after three years it may become overgrown and require thinning and limitation. This is done in early spring, carefully removing old specimens and dividing the bushes. At the same time, you should delineate the boundaries of the area intended for garden ferns by digging a special mesh, geotextile, slate or boards to a depth of at least 20 cm.

Features of care

In order for the plant to develop normally, it needs to be provided with complete and high-quality care.

Watering mode

When growing ferns in the garden, you should ensure timely soil moisture. Watering should be regular. It is carried out every 5-7 days. With the arrival of autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced, since at this time the plant does not require a large amount of moisture. Excess liquid provokes stagnation of water, which leads to rotting of the root system.

When watering, it is worth considering that not only the root system of the crop needs liquid, but also its leaves. This is why it is so important to spray the plant completely.

Preparing for winter

Forest fern does not need special preparation for winter. When growing a heat-loving crop in a region with a harsh climate, certain recommendations will need to be followed. In late autumn, the crop should be covered with old leaves, peat or spruce branches. Usually, only some varieties need insulation - multi-row, kochededzhnik, adiantum.

Loosening and weeding

It is recommended to loosen the soil periodically. This will help provide the root system with oxygen and nutrients. Timely removal of weeds is of no small importance.


It is recommended to move the fern in the spring. However, sometimes this procedure is allowed to be performed at other times - for example, in the summer. You should dig up the bush very carefully so as not to cause damage to the root system. There should be a lot of soil on the roots. After transplanting, the crop should be well watered. It is important to consider that soil always settles. Therefore, the culture will require a shallow hole.

It is recommended to place the plant in it and adjust its position. The top of the fern should be at ground level. Then the plant should be thoroughly watered and immediately covered with soil. This will help avoid the appearance of an air gap and strengthen the root system with soil.

Features of the structure and reproduction of ferns

In addition to dividing adult bushes, some ferns can be propagated by budding. This should be done in early autumn. A developed, healthy leaf blade is bent to the ground and sprinkled along the edges with moist soil so that the central vein remains exposed to the air.

A leaf of a garden fern that has overwintered in this way in the spring will give the gardener several tiny daughter rosettes. They should be separated very carefully, trying not to damage either the above-ground part or the root primordia. Plant small ferns in the garden.

If you use the structural features of ferns and their reproduction, you can wait until the spores on the back of the leaves mature.

First, the spores are dried well in paper envelopes, then, in the middle of winter, they are sown on top of the substrate collected where the fern grows. The spores will have to remain in moist soil for up to a month until the first signs of the emergence of new plants become noticeable. In February, the rosettes are transferred to a greenhouse, and when warmer weather arrives, they are transplanted into the ground to a permanent place.

Prevention of diseases and pests in ferns.

Even a decrease in air humidity and violation of watering rules is enough for pests and diseases . Therefore, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures: carefully inspect the ferns every week, water the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate once a year, and regularly ventilate the room. Timely detected diseases or timely noticed pests can often be eliminated without using chemicals. In any case, this is easier than fighting when fern pests have multiplied greatly.

Here are some helpful tips for caring for ferns:

  1. Do not bring contaminated soil into your home, and never use unsterilized soil when replanting ferns. Buy special disinfected soil, and if you prepare the soil yourself, then sterilize it.
  2. Carefully inspect newly acquired ferns and take necessary treatment measures before placing new plants with those already living in your home.
  3. Do not place plants between an open window and door, near a ventilation pipe, or on a TV or radiator.
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