Violet dancer, description, care features, types of reproduction

Violet Lady in Red (P. Sorano/LLG)

Gorgeous violet Lady in Red.

Varieties of foreign breeders occupy a special place in the world of violets. As a rule, such plants are quite easy to maintain . Lady in Red (P.Sorano/LLG) is a fairly large standard. The leaves are dark green, with a reddish underside. Exquisite semi-double flowers in a red wine shade with a delicate pinkish border look stunning.

The most popular varieties: description and photo

Below you can see photos and descriptions of wonderful varieties such as: YAN-Pasha, YAN-Zabava, YAN-Skazka and others.

I would like to draw attention to the name of the varieties - they are not complicated, but very succinctly, accurately and succinctly define both the appearance of the violet and even the character of the “heroine”. It is worth paying attention to the most popular collector varieties, which are extremely popular among amateur flower growers.


Such a capricious young lady, in a creamy white dress, buried in greenish lace, which lies in beautiful waves along the edge of the petals. It blooms with a cap, a very beautiful rosette. The leaves match the flower - slightly wavy, as if quilted, with white variegation. And if the violet doesn’t bloom, it still looks elegant. This variety grows very slowly, but it blooms for a long time , without requiring much attention, and there are no difficulties in care.


Violet seems to be frozen in an ancient French dance, as if she is trying to rise up. So young and graceful, she threw her hands up, striking those around her with her slimness and grace. This variety is very popular among violet lovers.


A very popular variety among collectors . This violet is really elegant, like a gypsy. Dark pink wavy bright flowers with whitish-green teeth - bells along the edges - are associated with this temperamental girl. The leaves are round, dark green, with a serrated edge. Violet charges with energy, excellent mood and enthusiasm. A small rosette, the flowers resemble a rich bouquet. Let your soul become festive!


Reminds me of a confused girl in a bright little pink-coral dress. There is no pomp and splendor of flowering, but this makes the violet look so sweet and touching. And the light green leaves emphasize the tenderness, sweetness, and modesty of the young creature.


Dazzling whiteness and purity of colors. They resemble terry flakes of white snow on a wonderful winter day. “Frost and sun – a wonderful day!” Violet blooms in layers and luxuriantly, and is unpretentious in care .


One of the most popular varieties. He is bright and categorical, without unnecessary frills and bows. He is a ruler, a master, unpredictable and stubborn, this is evidenced by his blue outfit, reminiscent of the folds of an expensive oriental robe with a chic white border. It is rich, buried in the luxury of quilted green leaves, decorated with white variegated leaves along the edges. Blooms profusely, with a lush cap.


Another very popular variety of violet. “Well, would you call it differently?” - this is how Natalya Alexandrovna comments on the name of her creation. The white variegated leaves of the boats look like a perfectly starched napkin, it emphasizes the solemnity of the occasion, and the double soft pink flowers on the fruit-bearing supports resemble glasses. The flower blooms slowly and impressively, it is in no hurry. Demonstrating his importance and importance, he is serious and focused. Beautiful flower!


Violet with a romantic name. The flower is very similar to the Shakespearean hero of the Renaissance - a ruffled shirt, a dark green frock coat. And sky blue is the color of deep morality, peace, enlightenment, holiness. Blooms moderately, blooms with bright and large flowers. Blooms for a long time.

"YAN–Fairy Tale"

This violet is truly magical, it changes as it blooms. When it first blooms, it resembles an elegant white-pink coffee cup; greenish lines appear along the edges of the petals, which gradually turn into magical “feathers”. But isn't it a miracle?

The leaves of the fairy violet grow in the shape of a boat with rather large teeth along the very edge and elegant white and green variegation over the entire surface of the leaf. On frosty December days, you need lighting right next to the glass, and then the violet will give its magic for a long time.


The violet resembles a bright sugar candy , coral pink, with a wide cherry-pollinated border. Some pallor of the green foliage sets off the violet's outfit. Such delicious fun at the fair! This violet grows quickly, forms many buds, its flowering continues abundantly and brightly, uplifting the mood and strengthening vitality.


Such a variegated violet resembles a lilac-blue fireworks display of stars and fancy comets and constellations. The socket is light green, very convenient and compact. The leaves are quilted and toothed. Abundant and somewhat spreading flowering is associated with an unknown fantastic planet.


The color of this variety of violet is simply amazing: the voluminous double peach-pink flowers darken at the ends, shading and emphasizing the entire chic appearance of the flower, reminiscent of a very impressive multi-layered bouquet. Dark green foliage fits harmoniously. It blooms for a long time, decorating the house, adding the necessary color.


Violet flowers look like cups, and the green leaves with teeth resemble a motley tablecloth - a self-assembled flower, a very cozy and warm flower. The large pink spots on each petal whisper so pleasantly, welcomingly and softly: “Turn your gaze on me.” And immediately there is a breath of peace and tranquility, warm tea poured into such elegant cups with pink peas, fragrant jam, such a pink dream that you involuntarily want to smile and relax. The violet grows quite quickly and blooms for a long time, bringing peace and joy to the house.

Our experts have prepared materials for you describing the characteristics of other types of violets:

  • Optimara;
  • Chanson;
  • Saintpaulias from the Makuni spouses;
  • pansies;
  • Fairy;
  • Frosty Cherry and Winter Cherry;
  • varieties of breeder S. Repkina;
  • Isadora;
  • Bronze Horseman.

Features of violet care

So, in the case of varietal violets, it is important to know certain care rules . Having created the necessary conditions, you can regularly admire the lush head of flowers:

  • The first most important point is the composition of the soil . Saintpaulias do not tolerate heavy substrates - the root system in them will certainly rot. The best option is high-moor peat with:
  • 70% perlite;
  • 30% foam balls.

    For good flowering, Saintpaulia needs to be properly cared for.

There is no need to add vermiculite - it has a moisture-retaining property, which can lead to rotting. If we are talking about wick irrigation, the ratio of peat and ripper changes to 50 to 40, respectively;

  • The second important aspect is lighting. This particular variety does not tolerate a lack of light. In low light conditions "Lady in Red":
    • Will pull out leaves;
    • And the pink border on the flowers may disappear.

  • The variety is suitable for shelving or for a south-east window. In this case, direct sunlight should not fall on the plant to avoid stains;

  • Watering is done carefully. As soon as the soil dries 1 centimeter, you can carefully spill the container with a small amount of water. If the plant is a little dry, add water in small portions, literally drop by drop. If the violet is flooded, it is necessary to urgently change the soil. You can see problems with watering by:
  • It is especially important to monitor watering for those who have cold windows (if the flower is kept there) - a combination of drafts and overflow = rotting of the roots. Carefully seal cracks during the cold season;

  • As for humidity , both excessive dryness and strong humidity harm the flower. If dry spots or cracks begin to appear on the leaves, you should place a jug of water or a humidifier nearby. If the ground becomes covered with mold and practically does not dry out, you need to think about draining the room;
  • Fertilizer is applied strictly according to the instructions on the package; it is advisable not to overfeed Saintpaulia with nitrogen fertilizers - in this case, you may not get flowers;
  • The variety does not tolerate heat and cold well - the flowers become smaller and the border disappears. The optimal temperature is from 16 to 22 degrees;
  • Periodically any violet should be washed. Yes, yes, she responds great to bathing! It is important not to flood the soil and leave the flower in a dark, draft-free place until it dries completely.

    Violets must be washed to remove dust.

  • When pests, such as ticks or scale insects, appear, it is better to use industrial preparations - they are much more effective than traditional methods.

    Caring for a plant at home

    The variety must be grown on a windowsill , and it is important to provide additional lighting. Also, pots of Saintpaulia look great on shelves.

    Proper watering and fertilizing

    The socket is large. The evaporation area is quite large, and the violet needs regular watering. It is necessary to give water if the top layer of soil becomes dry.

    The plant can be kept on wick watering. You can also water at the root. Violet needs regular feeding. Before flowering begins, fertilizers with a predominant nitrogen content are applied.

    After the rosette begins to produce flower stalks, they begin to add potassium.

    Lighting and air temperature

    Loves good and long-lasting lighting . It's best if it's a fourteen-hour day. The violet pot should be placed on the windowsill, and it is advisable to organize additional lighting. A lamp with a power of 36 W is sufficient.

    If the plant is very dark, it immediately begins to lift its leaves up. The variety is also prone to stretching flower stalks. If Saintpaulia is not given the required amount of light, the rosette will lose its decorative appearance.

    In cool weather, the outlines of fantasy inclusions are clearer. Also, fading occurs later.

    Air humidity

    This figure should be between 50 and 60% . If the humidity is too high, fungal diseases will develop on the outlet, and a low moisture concentration can lead to the appearance of thrips.

    To correct the situation in winter, when central heating is on, bowls with water or damp sphagnum moss are placed near the violet.

    Soil composition

    A properly selected composition is the key to successful violet growing . The substrate should contain perlite, charcoal, vermiculite, nutrient soil, pieces of sphagnum moss, and peat.

    The soil mixture should be light and loose, allow air to pass through and retain moisture.

    Coconut fiber, perlite or sphagnum are used as a leavening agent

    For homemade mixtures, it is worth using deciduous soil, which is located under the trees. It is better if it is linden or birch.

    The composition should also contain high-moor peat and coniferous soil .

    You can also successfully grow violets in commercial soil mixtures. It is best to use a special soil for violets, but universal mixtures are also suitable.

    Plant pruning and hygiene

    The variety is not prone to sprouting , and the rosette does not need constant monitoring. But at the same time, it is necessary to care for Saintpaulia. First of all, you should remove flowers that have been blooming for a long time and have lost their rich shade.

    You should also pay attention to the condition of the leaves and rosettes . At the first suspicion of disease or pest infestation, the bush is quarantined. All plants that are located on this windowsill are treated with special means.

    If these are insects, then after treatment each plant is placed in a transparent bag and closed for a day. This will make it more likely to kill insects.

    To avoid the appearance or spread of diseases, you should keep all newly acquired specimens on a separate windowsill. It is advisable if this is a room in which there are no other plants.

    Advice! When re-treating with drugs, it is advisable to use products with different active ingredients.

    Also, predatory Amblyseius mites have proven themselves well . After acquisition, they are released into the outlet and left. One such insect eats at least three larvae per day. In such cases, they do without chemicals.

    It is also worth noting that diseases and pests are most often caused by improper agricultural practices . Too high or low humidity in the air or soil is the first to promote the development of diseases or insect colonies.

    Methods of propagation of the variety

    Propagated by cuttings. Gives a large number of children, takes root well, rarely goes into sports.

    Rules for plant transplantation and rejuvenation

    The variety needs regular replanting. Only if the soil is frequently replaced can it produce full flowering.

    If the bush has formed a tall stem, the top is cut off and rooted in water. After young roots form on the surface of the stem, the plant is planted in fresh soil.

    Transplantation and rejuvenation

    After flowering or if the plant ages, it needs to be replanted . The container should be small; violets grow well in 100 ml plastic cups. For aesthetics, it can be placed in a beautiful flowerpot.

    A typical transplant involves replacing the substrate. And if the trunk is exposed, then it needs to be cut from the bottom , like a carrot, stripping the surface to the green base. Tear off the lower leaves. After this, the plant is planted in light soil, but it is important not to bury the growing point too deep. If leaf turgor is lost, it is better to place the plant in a greenhouse.

    Saintpaulia needs to be replanted once a year.


    If you decide to keep your violet on wick irrigation, then the composition of the soil also changes - 40 to 60 peat and cultivators . Make sure that the plant was planted on a small hill. You cannot use threads made from natural materials - they will rot.

    Reproduction by leaves and stepsons

    How to propagate violets? There are several ways :

    • Leaf;
    • Or a stepson.

    In the first case, you need a healthy cutting from the middle row. Never take leaves that are too small or too large! The cutting is cut at an angle of 45 degrees with a sharp blade and then placed in a plastic cup with soil.

    There is another way - wait for rooting in water . As practice shows, the method with earth ends successfully in 90 percent of cases. The main thing is not to flood the soil.

    After planting, the leaf is watered from a pipette and placed in a greenhouse. Enough lighting and warmth - within a couple of weeks the leaf will take root, and in a month or two it will produce babies.

    The stepchildren are simply separated from the mother plant and also planted in light soil . It can take up to 10 months from planting the cutting to the first flowering. Lady in red is a rather slow developing variety.


    Elena - “The Lady in Red” was sent to me by a friend on the violet growers forum, in the form of a stepson. I don’t think twice and plant all the violets in purchased soil, adding a little perlite. There's just no time for dancing with a tambourine. The plant began to bloom within a couple of months, growing by leaps and bounds. The flowers are very beautiful, rich wine color"

    The variety has many positive reviews.

    Maria - “Personally, the variety seemed very problematic to me. Either the leaves stretch out, then the flowers are small, or the roots rot. Apparently, my conditions did not suit him. I gave it to a friend, she seems to be in bloom.”

    Elizaveta - “I really liked the variety. However, I don’t have a shelving unit and all the violets grow on the window. I don’t like capricious varieties, I get rid of them quickly. “Lady in Red” has become my favorite - the flowers are simply stunning. But sometimes the flower stalks can’t stand it.”

    Kira - “I received this violet as a bonus for my order. Since the colors did not inspire me at all, I simply planted the leaf in the ground, without any greenhouses. Imagine my surprise when the variety gave birth to babies before anyone else! I currently have 2 plants grown from the same leaf. One stands in the room on the dressing table as a decoration (while blooming non-stop), and the other is in the kitchen. No problems, I just fertilize it once a month and replant it in fresh soil every six months.”

    Antonina - “The variety is a classic, but I didn’t like it. Very spreading rosette, few flowers. I couldn’t determine the optimal watering - I constantly dried it out, then flooded it, while trying different frequencies and amounts of water. Perhaps I just don’t have enough experience.”

    It's winter outside, but summer outside!

    Hello my dear like-minded people! Our winter began abruptly, unexpectedly as always, and covered us with snow in earnest! As always in Kyiv, and not only, snow is a natural disaster, roads are not cleared, icicles on houses have grown by a meter, in general - winter has taken its toll!

    Looking at these photos, it’s hard to say that this is the very center of our bustling city, but it really is. On the way home today, I couldn’t resist capturing the winter landscapes of the old university botanical garden.

    These are the piles of snow that grew on his fence, rickety from old age!

    Barberry berries turn red under the snow, and people run past about their business, not noticing them at all!

    There is this tree growing next to the building where I work.

    It was for advertising purposes that they hung umbrellas, and they were covered in quite a bit of snow!

    Everywhere you look, it’s white and white!

    And at home there is a summer mood on the window - my violets are blooming!

    The shelf on the kitchen window has been making me happy for a long time!

    Clementine and Wedding Bells have been blooming non-stop since summer!

    And Playful Kisses blooms continuously - my favorite!

    I was also pleased with the Ramblin`s Peach trailer purchased at the exhibition.

    True, his flowers are not very durable, they are very delicate, as they say - thin, ringing and transparent!

    On another window the LiK-Venetian night is pleasing to the eye

    Even though her flowers fall off, they last quite a long time. Two children have blossomed according to the variety, the rosettes are not great, but these peas have their own charm!

    But the second variety Lazarenko LiK-New Year's Tale did not please me with its varietal flowering, unfortunately, only one child survived and it turned out to be a sport

    The flowers turned out big, but they weren’t even close to fantasy, they were supposed to be pink with blue and purple fantasy with a crimson eye, but they turned out to be completely fantasy colors.

    But I really liked the starter LE-Slight sadness

    Very beautiful violet!

    The Music Box Dancer variety, which in my experience is very early ripening, continues to please me; the rosette is really large and I got a helicopter-like rosette, but the flowers are awesome!

    Of my old ladies, Octavia pleased me again

    Senk`s Big Bells has been making me happy all summer, and now I’m even hooked

    and even released a flower within a flower!

    K-Heavenly blue bloomed for a very long time, and now it’s on vacation

    And from the new ones, the very long-awaited Irish Cream bloomed for the first time, I waited a year for the baby from the leaf, but the baby itself didn’t think very long and blossomed with such lace

    The flower stalks turned out to be uneven, perhaps due to the lack of light; it is standing on a shelf on a slope without lighting.

    Carnival was also pleased with the first flowering; the flowers turned out to be very delicate and with a mesh, just right!

    And these beauties showed their first flowers on a window rack with lighting, it had a beneficial effect on them, many became well-colored, and others began to grow buds!

    This is how interesting my Golden Autumn blossomed!

    The long-awaited Buckeye Icebreeker has blossomed

    At one time I really wanted to get the Cosmic Blast variety, I was looking for it for a long time, but its first flowering did not impress me yet, only two flowers, and the rosette turned out to be huge and stretching my arms up, I’m waiting, maybe it will improve under the lamps!

    LE-Adagio, burdock-burdock, is not very impressive yet! True, now the variegation of leaves has begun to appear on the rack and the rosette is becoming more neat, buds are climbing, and maybe it will become less crowded!

    And finally, my doll, Raffled Skies-2, produced only two flowers, but they are like pompoms, so terry, and the rosette is like half-mini and so neatly curly, just lovely!

    That's all for today, my flowers, as we say: “dali bude”

    Features of variety development

    The lady in red does not tolerate :

    • Sudden temperature changes;
    • And drafts.

    All this will negatively affect both the root system and the condition of the flowers. There are known cases when violet simply dried out all the buds under inappropriate conditions.

    Lady in red very often drops flower stalks , in addition, the flowers do not last long. Collectors usually consider these factors to be disadvantages.

    Another feature is a fairly spreading rosette . It is important to focus on potash fertilizers for full flowering. Large amounts of nitrogen lead to:

    • Lengthening cuttings;
    • And an increase in leaves.
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