Rose Blue for you - characteristics, where it is better to plant

Brief description, characteristics

Blue Fo Yu has crimson or white bases of the inflorescence petals, the top of the petals is lilac-blue, the middle of the flower is white, the stamens are golden-yellow. Thanks to the combination of these colors, the color of the bud appears blue. The color shade may vary depending on external factors (lighting, weather, planting location, composition and type of soil).

Rose Blue Fo Yu

The height of the compact branched bush is 60-200 cm; width – up to 120 cm; the diameter of conical or flat-cupped buds distributed evenly throughout the bush is 4-9 cm; the number of petals per bud is 9-20, green semi-glossy leaves are medium in size. Shoots with sharp thorns are directed vertically. Rose flowers are grouped into clusters, each with 3 to 7 buds. There are Blue Fo Yu stamps.

Features of the variety

Rose Ice for You (Eyes for You)

Description of the hybrid tea rose “Empress Farah”

Eyes for You is a Floribunda rose variety of English selection. Bred by Peter James in 2008 in the UK. This complex hybrid was obtained by crossing the Persian Rose, or Persian Hulthemia persica (Rosa persica, Hulthemia persica) and the 'Blue for you' variety.

The bush is compact and dense, reaches a height of 75 - 130 cm, a width of 70 cm. The shoots are vertical, straight, with prickly thorns. The leaves are medium-sized, bright green in color with a glossy sheen.

The flowers are large, semi-double, two-colored, 7-10 cm in diameter, containing about 20 wavy petals. Collected in lush brushes consisting of 3 - 7 buds of different sizes. Distributed evenly throughout the bush. The shape of the flowers changes during flowering from a conical bud to a flat cup-shaped one. The unopened bud is yellow-cream in color with a pinkish tip. When blooming, the flowers are lavender-pink with a purplish-violet center and orange stamens. Roses are very fragrant, with a slight scent of citrus and rose oil.

Flowering is abundant, continuous, and begins in June. The flowers quickly fly away, but soon others bloom, so the bush is never empty. The flowers close at night and open again in the morning. Cool days are favorable for Ice Fo Yu, because it is in such weather that the flowers are most contrasting. Also, on long cloudy days, the rose may not open the flowers that have already bloomed. But as soon as the sun appears, the flower immediately blooms. With shading and lack of sun, the basic color of the petals may change and the light pink tint will disappear. This variety is like a chameleon - its color directly depends on external conditions (weather, planting site, lighting, soil).

Eyes for You is suitable for growing in central Russia, provided it is covered for the winter and planted in a place protected from cold winds. Frost resistance is average: USDA zone 6b (up to minus 20 °C). But in different climatic conditions the plant behaves differently.

Disease resistance is high. This rose is not susceptible to powdery mildew and black spot.

Ice Fo Yu prefers fertile, well-drained (easily permeable to air and moisture) soils. It must be protected from direct sunlight. Regular feeding and fertilizing are required. It is necessary to prune shoots in spring and autumn and remove faded flowers.

Advantages of the variety: unique flower color, unpretentiousness, abundance of flowering, disease resistance.

Disadvantages: flowers quickly fly away, unpredictability of colors, demanding planting location, flowers can fade in the sun.

Other names for this rose: Blue Eyes, PEJbigeye, Pejambigeye.

Use in landscape design

When is the best time to plant roses in open ground?

Thanks to its advantages, the Blue For Yu rose has gained great popularity among flower growers. With proper care, rose bushes look symmetrical and elegant; the plant will become a real decoration of the garden.

Both borders, flower beds and small rose gardens, as well as containers and large pots, are suitable for growing. The plant is quite tall, so it can be used as a hedge. Pairs well with lavender and Liola, Rhapsody in blue, Amazing Grace and Queen of Sweden roses.

Growing in a pot

Mulching roses - what is it?

A simple and beautiful solution for mulching rose bushes

First, it’s worth understanding what mulch for roses actually is. Essentially, these are just piles of different materials covering the soil around the bushes. Their thickness may vary, but with proper mulching, a whole range of problems can be solved.

The need to mulch rose bushes

The next step is to understand why you need to mulch roses at all. In fact, the benefits are quite varied:

  • Moisture is retained after heavy watering or rain.
  • Improves drainage of clay soils.
  • The risk of weed germination is reduced.
  • Insect pests attack bushes less often.

Therefore, there is no doubt - the use of mulch provides many advantages and should definitely not be neglected.

Pros and cons of the height of mulch layers

In general, you need to approach the choice of the optimal layer height very seriously - mulch that is too low, as well as too high, will not be able to efficiently cope with its function, and sometimes can cause harm.

For example, if the layer is too thin (about 2-3 cm), then a strong gust of wind may well blow it across the entire area. This will reduce its attractiveness, and at the same time leave the roses without protection.

Attention! Light-colored mulch, such as sawdust, should be used carefully on hot days - reflecting the sun's rays, it can cause the roses to overheat. On the other hand, a layer of dense mulch that is too thick (10-15 cm) will lead to a deterioration in the air supply to the soil. This means that the plants will develop poorly, begin to wither, and may eventually die

This means that the plants will develop poorly, begin to wither, and may eventually die

This means that the plants will develop poorly, begin to wither, and may eventually die

On the other hand, a layer of dense mulch that is too thick (10-15 cm) will lead to a deterioration in the air supply to the soil. This means that the plants will develop poorly, begin to wither, and ultimately may die.

It is better to stick to the optimal height without rushing from one extreme to another. Most experts believe that a layer of mulch of 4-8 cm is correct.

Growing a flower, how to plant it correctly in open ground

Rose Chippendale - characteristics of the varietal shrub

There are some requirements for planting in open ground.

In what form is planting carried out?

Growing many hybrid roses from seeds and cuttings is a difficult and expensive task. It is better to purchase high-quality seedlings from a botanical garden or nursery.

Two types of seedlings are sold for planting:

  • with open roots: the root system is treated with hydrogel to protect it from drying out. Seedlings take a long time to take root; most often the rose produces its first flowers only in the second year after planting;
  • Closed-root: Ideal for first-time rose breeders, although they are more expensive than bare-rooted plants. The roots are in a special soil, from which the necessary nutrients are constantly obtained. The rose blooms in the first year.

What time does boarding take place?

Planting of seedlings should be done in well-warmed soil. The best time for this process is spring, but you can plant a rose in early autumn.

Selecting a location

Partial shade is the best place to plant Blue Fo Yu; lack of light or direct sunlight can harm the plant. You should not choose places near groundwater and blown by the wind.

How and where to buy Blue Fo Yu roses

Rose seedlings of the Blue Fo Yu variety can be purchased in specialized stores and nurseries. Flower growers with little experience in growing garden plants should choose seedlings with a closed root system. They practically do not get sick after transplantation, quickly adapt to new conditions and do not require additional care.

Blue foo rose bushes are organic in any landscape. They can also be grown in large garden containers. Delicate, exquisite flowers will become a worthy decoration of your garden.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Loamy soil with humus and good artificial or natural drainage is the best soil for planting this unusual beauty.

Before planting, the root system of the rose must be shortened by 30 cm and placed in a growth-regulating composition.

Step by step landing procedure:

  1. Dig planting holes approximately 60 cm deep and 50 cm wide, the distance between neighboring plants is 1 meter;
  2. Fill the holes halfway with prepared soil, place drainage at the bottom;
  3. Enrich the top layer of soil from the garden with mineral fertilizers, ash, humus, leaf soil, sand and chalk. Then fill the hole with the resulting composition.


Rose Red Eye: description and characteristics

Rose Red Eye is the epitome of a fresh and bold take on hybrid varieties.

The bush grows compactly, as a rule, its height rarely reaches 60 cm, usually stopping at 40-50 cm. Thanks to the large amount of leathery foliage, the bush seems neat and fluffy.

Attention! Red Eye rose, according to landscape designers, should be planted with a group of low-growing plants, for example, carnations or dahlias. Brief characteristics of Red Eye rose:

Brief characteristics of Red Eye rose:

  • During flowering, dense buds of scarlet (red) color with a bright green core are formed.
  • The variety is more intended for landscaping parks, gardens and public gardens, rather than for decorating flower arrangements.
  • The bush is capable of reaching a height of 0.6 meters.
  • The aroma is weak.
  • The bush blooms continuously.
  • The diameter of the flower reaches 8-10 cm.
  • Disease resistance: excellent.
  • Rain resistance: high.

Important! Some novice flower lovers misread the Latin name of the plant. The result is a Red Ice rose.

This flower name is incorrect!

Plant care

The main points in caring for the Blue Fo Yu rose are weed control, mulching and loosening the soil.

Watering rules and humidity

The flower needs to be watered once a week; one adult plant needs about 10 liters of water. In hot weather, it is recommended to increase the amount of watering.

Fertilizing and soil quality

During the flowering period, the Blue Fo Yu rose is fertilized with special nitrogen compounds. In August, it is advisable to introduce potassium-nitrogen mixtures.

Important! These rules do not apply to flowers in the first year of planting.


In spring and late autumn, rose bushes need to be pruned, especially weak shoots to promote future growth.

Weak shoots need more intensive pruning. You should not shorten the shoots too much in the spring - this will slow down the onset of flowering. Before wintering, the plant can be pruned more radically. After the procedure, the bush should reach only 30-40 cm in height.

All buds and immature reddish shoots are removed from the plant. They also carry out sanitary pruning, removing damaged and dry fragments. In the spring, attention is paid to formative and repeated sanitary procedures. In summer, faded buds are removed from the plant - this promotes longer flowering.


Features of wintering a flower

Blue Fo Yu roses can withstand frosts down to -20 degrees.

In the fall, after pruning, the plant must be covered: completely covered with sand or peat. If a harsh winter is coming, it is advisable to cover the top of the tubercle with spruce branches.

Description of the variety

Pink spray or rose spray: description, varieties, planting and care

Rose For Yu grows in the form of a shrub, the height of which reaches 130 centimeters and the width is no more than 70 centimeters. The shoots of the seedling are erect, growing in a vertical position, each with prickly thorns. The foliage is medium in size, green with a glossy tint.

The flowers are quite large, double, and most often occur in several shades of color. The diameter of the bud is about 10 centimeters, each can hold up to 20 wavy petals. The inflorescences are collected in small bunches of 5-7 buds of various diameters. On the bush they are distributed evenly. The shape of the bud is not constant, it changes depending on the stage of flowering. Initially, its shape is cone-shaped, and when blooming it becomes flat and cup-shaped.

The unopened bud is painted a soft cream color, and its top has a pinkish tint. And the blossoming flowers acquire a lavender-pink color, a purple center and yellow stamens located in the middle of the flower. The aroma of this variety is pronounced, similar to the smell of citrus or rose oil.

Flowering begins in June and does not stop throughout the summer, and even in autumn the plant continues to bloom until cold weather sets in. After the buds open, after some time the petals begin to fall off, but soon new inflorescences bloom, which is why the shrub is considered continuously blooming. With the onset of night, the flowers close, and in the morning they open again and continue to enchant with their beauty.

Coolness does not have a negative effect on the flowers, but makes their color even more saturated. However, if there are cloudy days for a long time, then the rose may not open its bud at all during this time. And when the sun appears, they will immediately bloom. Some gardeners consider this variety to be a chameleon, because its color depends entirely on weather conditions, lighting, and care in general.

Ice Fo Yu is an excellent option for growing in central Russia, but during harsh winters it needs additional shelter. It easily tolerates frosts down to -20 degrees, but this depends on the climate zone in which the plant is planted. In addition, the seedlings are resistant to powdery mildew and black spot.

It prefers to grow directly on fertile soil with sufficient permeability of moisture and air. It is recommended not to plant the plant in an area with direct sunlight. The plant needs to be fed and fertilized several times a season, and pruned in spring and summer.

The rose variety Ice Fo Yu has a number of the following advantages:

  1. Unique color scheme in the color of the bud.
  2. Easy to care for.
  3. Long and abundant flowering.
  4. Resistance to diseases and pests.

This variety has fewer disadvantages than advantages. The only downside is that the petals quickly fall off during flowering and the seedling can burn out from direct sunlight.

We invite you to watch a video describing the characteristics of this variety:

Rose blossom

Rose Blue Fo Yu blooms with unusual double flowers and emits a unique fruity aroma.

Period of activity and rest

The flowering period of Blue Fo Yu lasts from June to October. The rose blooms in two (sometimes more) long waves, each time a large number of buds bloom. The rest of the time the rose rests.

Care during and after flowering

During the flowering period, it is necessary to remove faded buds from the flower, do not forget about watering and loosening the soil.

What to do if it doesn’t bloom, possible reasons

Important! There is no need to worry if the Blue Fo Yu rose does not bloom in the first year of planting.

If this happens next year, you need to find out the reasons, which may lie both in the quality of the seedling and in the actions of the gardener himself. Much depends on the landing site. In the absence of space, in the shade, near groundwater and in poor soil, the plant most likely will not bloom. It is also necessary to pay attention to the rose’s neighbors, who can take away the necessary nutrients. Improper care and pruning, pests and infections also affect flowering.

Photos of roses Eyes for You

Several photos of Ice Fo Yu are in this section of the encyclopedia of roses. We hope you can get an idea of ​​the color changes of flowers during different flowering periods and enjoy the play of shades. If you have your own photos, publish them on your page (available after registration - click the social network button) or write a review attaching a photo to it. Any additional information will be useful to those who choose the best varieties of roses for their garden.


The height of the Ice fo Yu rose bush does not exceed 1-1.2 meters, the width of an adult plant is about the same. Strong, tall shoots with peduncles at the ends are formed only towards the end of the season; most of the time, shorter peduncles and lateral branches bloom, which are formed in large numbers all summer. Thanks to this, the bush is constantly strewn with flowers, the intensity decreases briefly in the first ten days of August, but Aiz fo Yu will soon bloom again and will delight you until the first serious frost.

In partial shade and with the onset of autumn, the flowers take longer to bloom to the middle and remain in a half-open state, but the foliage does not suffer from diseases, even if the summer was very rainy and most other roses shed their leaves. The winter hardiness of the Eyes for You variety is also very high; the rose overwinters well under a regular shelter made of non-woven material.

Disease resistance

  • Resistant to powdery mildew
  • Resistant to black spot

  • Rust resistant

Resistance to climatic conditions

  • Flowers do not fade in the sun
  • Flowers are not damaged by rain
  • Tolerates spring frosts without damage

Flower propagation

Blue Fo Yu, like most floribunda roses, is propagated using cuttings.

When is it produced?

Roses of the Blue Fo Yu variety are particularly sensitive to air space, light and heat. Therefore, it is best to plant cuttings in the spring in a pre-prepared place with good lighting and protected from the winds.

Detailed description

From a shoot that has already become lignified, branches about 8 cm long are cut above the bud. The upper cut is straight, the lower is oblique. After this, the cutting is placed with the lower cut to the middle in the prepared planting groove. The distance between the grooves should be 15-30 cm. After planting, the plant is covered with polyethylene. Proper care of cuttings consists of loosening the soil, airing, fertilizing, watering and covering for the winter. When buds appear, they must be removed urgently, otherwise the root system may develop incorrectly, which will lead to negative consequences in the future.

Important! The cuttings take 2 years to strengthen in the ground; in the third year they can be planted in a prominent place as a garden decoration.

Reproduction methods

Description and subtleties of growing the Berkutovskoye apple tree
You can propagate the Ice rose using ordinary cuttings up to 20 cm long; for this, a neat cut is made under the bud. The resulting cuttings are carefully examined for visible damage and disease. The cuttings are rolled up in newspapers, moistened with water, and then placed in a cool place for rooting; the desired result occurs after 4 weeks.

Propagation of roses by cuttings

The resulting seedlings are placed in open ground, the process is no different from the usual one. The planted young plants are covered with a plastic bottle, resulting in a kind of greenhouse where the seedlings will actively develop until the beginning of summer.

In the autumn, the perennial can be spread by cuttings and rooting young shoots. The optimal time for this procedure is the beginning of October, so that the first roots can form on the shoots within a month. For this purpose, a small trench is dug near the bush, with a maximum depth of 15 cm, where the rose shoot is placed so that the center enters the trench. Using strong wire checkmarks, the shoot is bent to the ground, and all foliage is removed from the middle of the shoot. The dug hole is covered with soil. The following spring, the established cuttings are transplanted to a permanent place; in winter, do not forget to cover them with the remaining foliage.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Rose Blue For You resists many infections well. For prevention, you can use water sprays with the addition of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. Possible flower diseases:

  • black spot – black spots appear on the leaves, the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off. Reasons: high air humidity and sudden temperature changes. Prevention: spraying with chemicals (Profit, Skor, Topaz, Fitosporin), a weak solution of mullein, nettle infusion or horsetail decoction. Remedies: Removal and destruction of infected leaves;
  • rust - bright orange tubercles on shoots and leaves, which subsequently darken and their number increases. Reasons: increased air humidity. Prevention: the same as for black spotting. Methods of elimination: removing and burning infected bushes;
  • powdery mildew - the appearance of powdery plaque on shoots, leaves and buds. Reasons: lack of lighting, too dense plantings and (or) excess nitrogen in the soil. Methods of elimination: remove infected plant fragments, then spray with mullein infusion or water, followed by application of wood ash, after two hours, rinse the plant.

The main pests of Blue Fo Yu:

  • bronze beetles are large, bright green-golden beetles that feed on petals, pistils and stamens. Control: collect and destroy pests early in the morning;
  • The roseate sawfly is a black-brown, bee-like insect that destroys stems, buds and flowers. Control: cutting and burning damaged plant fragments;
  • Green rose aphids are small insects that attack roses in numerous colonies. They settle on leaves, peduncles, buds and shoots. As a result of damage, the shoots become bent, the leaves curl, and the buds do not open. Fight: spraying with a weak soap solution with the addition of a decoction of wormwood, infusions of tomato tops, garlic, yarrow, hot pepper or tobacco. If these measures do not help, you need to treat with insecticides: Aktary, Aktellika, Antio, Inta-Vira, Fitoverma, Fufanona

Important! Floribunda rose Blue Fo Yu is loved by both experienced gardeners and beginners. It adapts well to different climate conditions. Despite its unpretentiousness, the plant pleases with long and lush unusual blue flowering. The rose is beautiful both alone and in a group with other plants. This beauty is a real decoration of the garden.

Protecting plants from diseases and pests

Aphids and caterpillars are the main enemies of flower beds. Not only plant leaves, but also buds suffer from the invasion of these pests. Future flowers become deformed, fall off, and the bush slows down in growth.

Modern antifungal drugs and insecticides will help protect roses from diseases and pests. Flower beds are sprayed in early spring, during the first set of buds of the season, then immediately after flowering ends. Among the chemicals used, Iskra, Bordeaux mixture. From folk remedies - onion decoction.

It is recommended to plant fragrant herbs next to rose bushes that can repel insect pests with their pungent odor.

Application in garden design

In landscape design, Blue Fo Yu roses are planted together with other hybrid tea varieties of roses. English floribunda is also used for landscaping border areas or as flowering islands on the lawn.

Blue foo can be grown in flowerpots and terrace boxes. Bright, exquisite flowers of unusual color will not leave any gardener or guest of your garden indifferent. ru/tsvetushchie/roza-blyu-fo-yu.html

Pros and cons of the Blue for you rose

The exquisite color of the petals, the unique aroma, the duration and abundance of flowering are the undeniable advantages of the English variety. The disadvantages of a European beauty include:

  • The flower does not tolerate heavy rainfall; during the rainy season, it drops buds and flowers, and the petals fly to the ground.
  • The exquisite color of the petals may fade if the growing conditions are not met.
  • Requires shelter for the winter.
  • Needs additional mineral supplements.

In general, growing Blue Fox on a plot of land is not difficult; it is important to choose the right place for the English bush and carry out preventive treatment of plants against insect pests

Basic rules for planting and caring for hybrid tea roses

In order for the shrub to bloom profusely and delight with its wonderful aroma, it is necessary not only to choose the right place to plant the plant, but also to regularly care for it, since roses are the most whimsical flowers.

Let's look at the main points for caring for the plant.

Choice of lighting and location

The Blue Perfume variety will grow well only in illuminated areas. A location on the southeast side is ideal for it.

The plant needs good air circulation, so it is not advisable to plant it among dense bushes and trees.

But at the same time, if a small tree grows not far from it, which will not interfere with air circulation, but at the same time can protect the rose from strong winds, this will be an ideal place for planting.

Planting a flower

It is better to purchase seedlings in early spring. Store them in damp sand in a dark room (can be in the basement or under the bathroom).

It is recommended to plant roses in open ground in May, when the ground has already warmed up.

Landing occurs in the following sequence:

  1. In the selected location, dig a hole 0.5 m deep.
  2. Prepare vermicompost in advance at the rate of 3 liters of vermicompost per seedling. Add soil to this humus.
  3. Pour the mixture of soil and humus into the hole so that this mixture covers half the volume of the hole.
  4. Next, take the seedlings and soak them in water for half an hour.
  5. Before planting, the roots of the seedlings are shortened. High-quality seedlings have white roots inside.
  6. The prepared seedling is placed in a hole. The grafting site needs to be deepened a couple of centimeters.
  7. If the soil is dry, it is recommended to pour 2–3 liters of water into the hole to moisten it.
  8. Fill the hole and compact it a little.
  9. Water the seedling.

How to care for plants

There are basic rules for caring for hybrid tea roses. They make up a very small list:

  1. The ideal mulch for shrubs is manure mixed with rotted leaves and sawdust.
  2. In order for the root system to receive as much moisture as possible, the bushes are watered only in the evening.
  3. To protect the plant from pests and various diseases, marigolds are planted around rose bushes. Marigolds secrete substances that repel pests.
  4. Flowers need regular feeding. A top dressing that simultaneously contains elements such as magnesium, potassium and phosphorus is considered good.

Planting and care

Rose Ice Fo Yu needs good lighting, regular watering and fertilizing. Thanks to this, it will regularly produce beautiful and large flowers.

Conditions and terms of landing

The Ice Fo Yu shrub grows well on fertile, light soils with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction (pH from 6.0 to 7.0). The landing site is selected especially carefully. It must be protected from draft winds and at the same time completely open to sunlight. Another requirement is the absence of stagnant water (lowlands are definitely not suitable).

The root collar should go slightly underground

The Ice Fo Yu rose is planned to be planted in the garden in the spring - from the second half of April to the first ten days of May inclusive. If the deadline is missed, autumn planting is also allowed: no later than the end of September (you need to do it a month before the first frost).

In any case, the soil is dug up in advance and compost or humus is added in an amount of 5 kg per 1 m2. You should also add a glass of wood ash to the same area. If the soil contains a lot of clay, 500-800 g of coarse sand or sawdust is embedded in it.

How to plant correctly

Rose seedlings Ice Fo Yu are purchased from nurseries or other trusted suppliers. If the root system is closed (the plant is in a pot), it is replanted by transshipment, preserving the earthen ball as much as possible (you must first water it abundantly). If the roots are open, soak them overnight in a solution of Epin or another growth stimulant.

When planting roses Ice fo Yu, you need to act like this:

  1. Dig several holes with a depth and diameter of 60 cm, place the bushes at approximately the same interval (they are compact and do not take up much space).
  2. Lay a layer of expanded clay and pebbles 10 cm high.
  3. Prepare a fertile mixture - garden soil with peat and humus 2:1:1.
  4. Root the Ice Fo Yu rose seedling in the center and cover it with soil.
  5. I compact it so that the root collar goes a little (2-3 cm) underground.
  6. Give 10 liters of settled water for each seedling.
  7. Mulch with straw, sawdust, pine needles.


To grow a beautiful and long-blooming rose Ice Fo Yu, as in the photo and in the description, it is recommended to follow several rules:

  1. The plant requires regular watering, especially during dry periods. Water is given 10 liters per young seedling and 20 liters per adult bush at least once a week (if there is no rainfall).
  2. Fertilizing is applied several times per season. In April, use urea or ammonium nitrate (20 g per plant). At the stage of bud formation, complex mineral fertilizer (30 g per bush) or organic matter is applied. At the end of summer you can feed it with wood ash (100 g).
  3. The soil is regularly loosened, especially after watering, and weeding is carried out periodically.
  4. Cover the rose for the winter. To do this, install a frame and stretch burlap or agrofibre over it. The roots are mulched with straw and dry leaves. In this case, it is necessary to build a shelter only after the start of frost (-5 degrees and below).
  5. The Ice Fo Yu rose should be pruned every spring - first of all, you need to remove all weak, dead, dry branches. At the same moment, you can do rejuvenating and shaping pruning.

For lush flowering, the rose needs to be fed regularly. Attention! In the first year of planting a seedling, it is recommended to remove early buds, leaving only those that appear in August - a maximum of two on one flowering shoot.

This will allow the plant to adapt well to the new location.

Features of care

For blue foryu roses, important points in care are loosening the soil, pulling out weeds, and mulching. The plant needs watering - once a week the flower is filled with 10 liters of water. In extreme heat, watering is done more frequently.

With the arrival of autumn, the rose is watered less and less often, especially if it rains more often.

During active growth, the flower must be fertilized with nitrogen compounds recommended for roses. At the end of summer, the plant is fed with phosphorus-potassium mixtures. However, this does not apply to seedlings in the first year of planting.

In spring and before the start of winter, the bush should be pruned according to a special pattern.

Rose Blue Four Yu, photo and description

Rose blue fore yu is a variety of lilac roses, the color of which is closest to heavenly. At the base, the petals of the inflorescence are white or crimson in color, and higher up they are bluish-lilac.

In combination with yellow stamens, the bud appears blue.

A well-groomed bush looks elegant and symmetrical. The average height of a rose is 60-80 cm. The width of an adult plant reaches half a meter. The diameter of the open bud is 4-9 cm.

In addition to its exotic colors, the “blue” rose has become popular among gardeners due to its intense, abundant flowering. The variety pleases with flowers throughout the season, periodically fading and opening again. Under favorable conditions, flowering can continue until the first frost.

Rose Blue For You has an original fruity aroma. This distinguishes the plant from artificially colored blue roses, which have no scent at all.

The shoots of the plant have a vertical orientation. The thorns are sharp. The leaves of this exotic rose are medium in size.

You will learn more about the Blue Forth rose by watching the video:

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