How to plant roses according to all the rules? Should the graft be deepened or not when planting?

Planting a grafted rose

Before you start planting a seedling, you need to decide on the timing. Most gardeners prefer to plant grafted roses in the spring. At this time of year the weather is warm, and the bush will quickly take root in its new location.

What does a healthy rose bush look like?

But you shouldn’t be afraid of autumn plantings. If the work is carried out at the right time, then by winter the seedlings will have time to take root, and in the spring they will begin to actively grow. The optimal planting time in the fall is from the beginning of September to the first ten days of October in the middle zone. In summer, a rose is planted only in extreme cases.

Note! Another important point is that before planting in the ground, the seedling must be carefully examined. If the stems and root system have dried out, the rose should be placed in water for several hours.

What do nursery staff recommend?

To avoid misunderstandings, it is enough to refer to the instructions that nursery employees follow. David Austin became famous thanks to his breeding work, and thanks to his efforts, about 169 varieties of roses were born.

His followers are considered adherents of deeply deepening the grafting sites, and experts of the world-famous rose garden advise immersing the grafting site into the soil by 8-12 cm. A similar recommendation applies to cold and warm climate zones.

Employees from the Peter Beale nursery agree with their colleagues on the need to deepen the grafting site, but there are some discrepancies regarding the issue of its maximum immersion.

They consider the optimal depth to be from 2.5 to 5 cm, while their German colleagues consider the optimal value to be 5 cm.

Basic mistakes

When is the best time to plant roses in open ground?

Mistakes when planting:

  • close occurrence of groundwater at the planting site. The culture does not like wet soil. If the soil does not dry out for a long time, this leads to rotting and death of the root system. In addition, in winter, the wet substrate cools more strongly, and this leads to freezing of the roots;
  • planting roses in the shade. These plants are photophilous and heat-loving, and sunlight has a decisive effect on the growth of the flower and its resistance to fungal diseases. The longer the rose is in the sun, the better;
  • the grafting site is very deep. This can lead to bud rot and death of the bush;
  • the soil was not treated and prepared before planting. Before you plant a rose in the ground, you need to prepare it. The soil is dug up to a depth of 15 cm, all weeds are pulled out and fertilizers are applied. You can also water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. These measures will help prevent the appearance of pests and destroy pathogenic microorganisms in the soil;
  • high level of substrate acidity. Roses prefer neutral soil. Acidity should be between 6-7. In such soil it is easiest for flowers to absorb nutrients;
  • planting a flower in a draft. As mentioned above, roses are heat-loving plants, and cold drafts can destroy them;
  • It is not recommended to plant the crop under the canopy of trees. Trees will not only block the rose from sunlight, but also deprive it of water and nutrients.

Important! An important factor is the subsequent care of planted bushes. If you do not apply fertilizers, organize watering and regularly loosen the soil, it will be more difficult for the rose to take root in a new place.

What happens if you leave the graft at soil level?

It is believed that if you plant a rose and the grafting site is at ground level, then it will soon appear above the ground surface.

Why does this happen? The soil settles with watering, winds and precipitation, exposing the roots of the plant. And when the graft is exposed to the rays of the sun, there will be a possibility of growth of the rootstock (rose hips).

As it grows, it takes away valuable nutrition from the main plant; when flowering, the buds become smaller.

The mother plant degenerates and the quality of the variety is lost. Also, the open root collar is dried out by the sun and sways in strong winds, which prevents the plant from forming new roots. Subject to attack by small rodents.

How to plant a grafted rose correctly

Lupine as green manure - when to sow and when to bury

If the bush and the place for planting it are ready, you can begin the main process. It takes place in several successive stages.

When choosing a site for a bush, you need to remember that it will have to be covered for the winter. Grafted roses have a weaker above-ground part, and even slight frosts in winter can destroy the bush.

How to plant a grafted seedling

Note! If you are planting roses in the fall, first shorten the shoots to 5-8 buds and tear off all the leaves. Pruning helps awaken the buds, which in the future produce strong skeletal shoots.

How to plant grafted roses in a garden plot:

  1. Before planting the bush, you need to make a clay mash. Dilute the clay in water until it becomes creamy. Then dip the root system into the mixture. After this, they immediately begin planting, not allowing the clay to dry out.
  2. Dig a hole 60x60 cm with a depth of 60-70 cm. Fill the bottom with shallow drainage, then a layer of fertile soil. It is not advisable to add mineral fertilizers at this time. First you need to give the flower time to take root.
  3. Gently straighten the root system and fill the hole with soil. Lightly compact the soil and cover with another layer of soil. Deepening of the root collar is mandatory.
  4. At the end, the bush should be watered generously with warm water, even if the ground was wet.

In addition, the bush needs to be covered with earth to a depth of 10-15 cm. This will prevent the trunk from drying out and will help retain moisture in the soil.

Important! If planting was carried out in the fall, then before covering the bush for the winter, it is additionally hilled up by 30 cm. In the spring, when sprouts 2-3 cm long appear on the bush, the layer of soil is removed.

Preparing a planting hole for a rose

You can plant a grafted rose in the ground in spring or autumn. More often this is done in the spring, when active sales of seedlings begin in nurseries. Preparation of the planting pit begins a week or 10 days before planting. The preparatory process is as follows:

  • a hole with dimensions of 0.5 m * 0.5 m * 0.5 m is dug in the selected area;
  • drainage is laid at the bottom of the pit - a layer of expanded clay or broken brick;
  • in a separate container, a nutrient mixture is prepared for filling the pit: 2 parts turf soil, 1 part good compost, 1 part neutralized peat, 0.5 parts river sand or vermiculite;
  • the hole is filled with 2 buckets of water and left for 10 days for the soil to shrink.

It is not recommended to place fresh manure in planting holes for roses. As a starting complex that will provide the seedling with the necessary nutrition, only compost is used, to which 2 cups of bone meal and 2 cups of wood ash are added per bucket. You can replace the last two components with diammophoska. It is added 10-15 g per planting hole, mixing well with the soil (

Is it necessary to bury a rose graft when planting?

One of the important questions that needs to be decided is whether to bury the grafting site of the rose.

Flowers are like roses, but not roses - what are they called?

The rose is grafted depending on the region:

  • In the middle zone, in order to grow a healthy rose bush, you must bury the graft. If this place is above the ground, the bush may freeze in winter, even if it is covered;
  • the graft must be buried at least 5 cm;
  • in the southern regions, in order to grow rose bushes, it is not necessary to deepen the grafting.

If the graft was not buried during planting, you can hill up the bush before the onset of cold weather so that this place is underground.

For your information! Roses can be grafted onto other varieties and even onto rose hips.

How to grow a rose from a bouquet at home: step-by-step instructions

  • October 17, 2019
  • Flowers
  • Efimova Anastasia

A bouquet of flowers is a wonderful, but, alas, short-lived gift. Even the youngest buds lose their freshness after just a few days. Many people want to give cut roses a second life and try to root them. Most often it is unsuccessful, since the process of forming new roots requires special conditions.

And yet you can grow a rose from a bouquet at home. You just need to carefully follow the instructions, and everything will work out!

Is it necessary to bury the root collar of a rose when planting?

When planting a grafted rose for the first time, it will be difficult for novice gardeners to determine how deep to bury the root collar and graft.

To understand whether it is necessary to deepen the root collar, you should first understand where the graft is located and what the root collar of the bush is.

The root collar is a section of the stem 3-4 cm long, located above the branch of the upper root of the seedling. The grafting is located several centimeters above the root collar, so it needs to be buried.

An exception can be made for the southern regions, where it is customary not to bury the vaccine deeper. In this case, it is not recommended to bury the root collar too much. This helps slow down the growth of the flower.

Whether a rose should be grafted or not depends on the region

The planting depth of the flower should be such that the root neck of the shoot is completely covered with soil.

Planting a grafted rose is easier than it might seem at first glance. It is enough to follow all the necessary planting rules, and then the rose will delight you with its abundant flowering for a long time.

Step-by-step instructions for cutting roses

Select the strongest and healthiest flowers from the bouquet. The idea is to cut off all the buds on them.

Cut the stem into cuttings - each 20-25 cm long. An oblique cut is made at the bottom of the stem to increase the absorption surface. As a rule, the cut starts 1-2 cm from the lower bud. A straight cut is made from above - a couple of centimeters from the upper bud. Thus, each leaf must have at least two buds (growth points). Prepare the required number of cuttings.

Remove all lower leaves. Cut the top ones by 1/3. This will reduce moisture loss. There is no need to remove all the leaves. But the spikes can be sacrificed.

What do mistakes lead to?

The inconsistency of existing recommendations regarding growing roses forces many gardeners to experiment. As a result, they come to the same conclusions that experts in growing horticultural crops talk about. Statistics confirm that rose bushes with non-deepened grafts die much more often.

The explanations for this situation are logical and understandable. When watering, erosion of the soil inevitably occurs, which leads to exposure of the root system.

As a result, it becomes more susceptible to weather conditions and is less resistant to pests and various diseases. Roses with poorly buried grafting are more likely to produce shoots and have a slowly developing root system. Such specimens are characterized by slow development, grow poorly, often get sick and are characterized by a high risk of degeneration.

What soil should I plant roses in?

A prerequisite when planting roses is to mulch the soil. In addition, roses love frequent loosening and fairly fluffy soil.

What soil to plant roses in:

  • Please note that planting roses in shady places is not the best option. However, it is worth limiting its location in a draft or along the path of the top. It’s very bad if the rose is located in the shade; try to place the bushes directly in the sun.
  • Immediately after planting, for about two weeks, try to generally shade the rose from the sun using a cover. This is quite easy to do with the help of garden sheds.
  • Please note that the rose must be watered daily at the initial stage, immediately after planting. It is best to do this early in the morning or late in the evening, with warm water that has settled. Please note that after frequent watering, the neck of the roots may be exposed, which will facilitate the evaporation of moisture.
  • To prevent this from happening, be sure to use mulch. Sawdust can be used for this purpose. You need to carry out regular feeding, as well as bush formation. It is best to apply fertilizer only 2 years after planting the rose. This is due to the fact that the plant is very sensitive to fertilizers and it is quite difficult to calculate their optimal amount.


Care after landing

Their normal development and future flowering depend on proper and timely care of rose seedlings planted in spring.

High-quality care for roses consists of the following activities:

  • Prevention of diseases and pest damage.
  • Regular watering.
  • Loosening and weeding.
  • Mulching.
  • Fertilizer.
  • Bush formation.


Watering is carried out with settled water, the temperature of which is 20-30 degrees. Water roses first 2 times a week, then once a week.


Loosening also needs to be carried out regularly to improve the air and moisture permeability of the soil, as well as to remove weeds. This procedure is carried out after watering to prevent the formation of a crust, through which it is difficult for oxygen to reach the roots.


It is recommended to mulch the tree trunk circle (with compost, wood chips) so that the moisture evaporates more slowly. This way, it will be possible to reduce the number of waterings.


If some fertilizers were added to the planting hole during planting of roses, no more fertilizing is added in the first year of bush development.

If the soil has become less nutritious, then it is necessary to apply fertilizers to stimulate the growth and flowering of roses.


  • dry chicken manure - 1 handful;
  • a bucket of water;
  • stir and leave for 30 minutes;
  • filter;
  • per 1 sq. m consume 10 liters.

Important! This fertilizer cannot be stored, so it is prepared just before use.


  • urea -1 tbsp. spoon;
  • a bucket of water;
  • 1 liter of solution for each bush.

To saturate roses with nitrogen, they are sprayed with a urea solution (4 g of product per 1 liter of water).

There is a separate article on feeding roses on our website: Feeding roses in spring: how and what is the best way to fertilize for lush and long-lasting flowering.

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