Rose Lavender Ice - floribunda characteristics

A miniature shrub strewn with large flowers is the dream of many gardeners. And this is exactly what the Lavender Ice rose is, which can decorate any area. It amazes not only with the large size of the buds, but also with their lavender-lilac color, as well as an attractive aroma.

Due to its compact size, Rose Lavender Ice is more suitable for growing in the foreground of a flower bed.

The emergence of the Lavender Ice variety

It is believed that the Floribunda Lavender Ice rose is the result of the painstaking work of Rosen Tantau specialists.
At the same time, they managed to complete a rather difficult task - to obtain a plant with fairly miniature bush sizes and very impressive saucer-shaped flowers. However, its main feature is its unique shade - soft lavender, with a bluish-silver tint of thin ice. This is what gave the variety its exquisite name, which can be roughly translated as “lavender ice.”

Lavender ice shade

Like many other varieties bred in the Rosen Tantau nursery, Lavender Ice (another name is the Lavender Lace rose) is distinguished by quite abundant flowering and a high degree of resistance to both pests and diseases, and to adverse weather conditions. Seedlings of this variety take root well even in the northern regions of Russia and delight owners with delicate buds that look like they came out of a fairy tale.

History of selection

In 2008, as a result of the painstaking work of the German breeders of the Rosen Tantau company, an amazing plant was born that combines two seemingly incompatible qualities - miniature size and impressively sized buds. And this was the floribunda rose variety Lavender Ice, which not only looks compact, but also has an original coloring of the buds. Its soft lavender flowers shimmer with a bluish-silver tone in the sun, which is why it was given the name “lavender ice.”

Attention! Despite the fact that many gardeners classify the Lavender Ice rose as a floribunda group, the originators themselves claim that the variety belongs to the patio group.

Rose El Toro: brief description, characteristics

El Toro rose flowers have petals with a terry structure and carved edges. Their color is deep red. A distinctive feature of the variety is the change in shade of the petals during flowering. They can vary from scarlet, fiery and dark orange to dark cherry color. At the end of flowering, all inflorescences have a dark burgundy color.

Appearance of hybrid tea rose El Toro

The bushes are formed straight, their height does not exceed 1 meter, and there are practically no thorns on the stems. The flowers are characterized by a cup-shaped shape, the diameter reaches 10 cm. Each flower consists of 30-40 petals. During flowering it exudes a pleasant and moderately rich aroma. If the rules of agricultural technology are observed, the crop blooms from late spring until the first frost.

Important! The El Toro variety is a frost-resistant rose that can withstand temperatures down to -25 degrees

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rose Eltora, as it is sometimes called, has the following advantageous features:

  • When cut, flowers and leaves do not fade for a long time.
  • There are practically no thorns on the stems, which simplifies caring for the plant.
  • Pleasant and unobtrusive aroma.
  • Large buds are formed.

Among the disadvantages, gardeners note that the color of the petals fades in the sun, as well as the need to constantly loosen the soil, since the bushes do not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Use in landscape design

Torero rose is a real queen of the garden, which does not tolerate proximity to other plants. Bushes are planted separately or in a small compact group in combination with other varieties of roses. The rich, bright color looks great against the background of green leaves.

Using the El Toro rose in landscape design

Rose lavender ice encyclopedia of roses

Rose Lavender ice (lavender ice) is highly decorative. With proper care, it blooms almost continuously from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn.

Gardeners should definitely pay attention to this new variety of flowers, because it has a number of advantages

Rose Lavender Ice

Lavender ice rose is a wonderful garden plant that is quite popular among gardeners due to its amazing decorative qualities.

After all, the fairly miniature bushes of this variety are decorated with beautiful flowers, as close as possible to the dream of any professional breeder - the blue rose.

Rose Lavender Ice belongs to a fairly large group of rose floribunda. In turn, this variety is the result of crossing hybrid tea and other roses, which made it possible to obtain plants that are very resistant to various unfavorable conditions. For the same reason, during flowering, Floribunda roses have an incredibly attractive scent.

Features of Floribunda roses

This variety of roses includes quite a few varieties and continues to enjoy great love among gardeners (both amateurs and professionals).

Moreover, many of them advise starting the development of your own rose garden with Floribunda, since it has an excellent combination of good aesthetic parameters with high frost resistance and immunity to most diseases characteristic of roses.

Such qualities are associated with a very extensive pedigree of the flower - during its selection, specialists used material from hybrid tea, musk, and polyanthus roses.

Rose Lavender Ice

There are a huge number of Floribunda varieties, and each of them has a unique appearance and aroma. Among them, the miniature rose Lavender Ice deserves special attention. This variety has a relatively recent history, but at the same time it has already managed to fall in love with quite a few flower growers.

The emergence of the Lavender Ice variety

It is believed that the Floribunda Lavender Ice rose is the result of the painstaking work of Rosen Tantau specialists. At the same time, they managed to complete a rather difficult task - to obtain a plant with fairly miniature bush sizes and very impressive saucer-shaped flowers.

Plant care

Any profusely flowering plant requires special care. Without timely implementation of the required care procedures, the rose bush will not be able to grow and develop normally.

Well-groomed shallot bushes delight with abundant flowering

Watering rules and humidity

A very young rose bush is watered every 2 days, gradually increasing the frequency to once a week.

It is important to remember that excess moisture in the soil can lead to rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

In the spring, when the green mass is actively growing, abundant watering is also required. In summer, an adult bush is watered no more than once every 2 weeks, increasing the procedure only in hot weather.

Fertilizing and soil quality

The English rose Lady of Shalott is fed three times a season. In this case, you should adhere to the following scheme:

  1. At the beginning of May, nitrogen-containing and phosphorus-potassium compounds are added to promote the formation of young leaves and the development of the root system.
  2. After 2 weeks, when the bush begins to gain color, it is fed with potassium and phosphorus.
  3. 3 weeks after flowering is completed, the rose is fertilized with superphosphate, potassium salts and organic matter so that it can form flower buds for the next season.

Pruning and replanting

Spring pruning is carried out to renew the rose bush and stimulate its subsequent flowering. At the same time, I remove all dried and damaged shoots, and the remaining branches are shortened quite a bit.

The autumn procedure is designed to prepare the plant for wintering. The bush is given the desired shape, the cuts are smeared with copper sulfate, and dried leaves are removed from the stems.

Features of wintering a flower

Although the Lady of Shalott can withstand frosts down to −27⁰C, it is recommended to additionally cover it. Before wintering, the plant is sprayed with a fungicide and the soil around it is loosened. After this, the rose is spudded, covered with spruce branches and a non-woven fabric is pulled on top.

Plant characteristics

This variety was obtained by crossing tea and polyantha roses. The history of the flower is connected with the name of the Danish breeder Svend Poulsen, the founder of the famous company Poulsen Roser and the creator of a new garden group of floribunda roses.

Blooming Rumba

Description of the bush

Grows up to 1-1.5 meters in height and up to 0.5 meters in width. The shoots are numerous, with dark green, sharp leaves. The spines are poorly developed, not sharp. Inflorescences of 3-15 buds are formed at the top.

Rose Rumba floribunda has a cheerful, cheerful color. The flower is characterized by a light pleasant aroma and a change in shades during flowering: from bright yellow with orange tips at the beginning of flowering to cream with crimson edges at the end. The diameter of the rose is 5-7 cm.

Important! One of the first to bloom, one of the last to fade. Gives two waves of flowering per season with a slight break

Advantages and disadvantages

Rumba has a number of advantages:

  • catchy unusual coloring;
  • continuous abundant flowering all season;
  • compact bush shape;
  • Widely used in landscape design.

There are also disadvantages:

  • does not tolerate frosts of more than -23 degrees and frequent rains;
  • susceptible to powdery mildew and black spot;
  • requires preventive measures to protect against diseases.

Application in landscape design

The plant is popular in countries with warm and temperate climates.

Thanks to its catchiness, it immediately attracts attention. Rumba looks impressive both in flower arrangements and alone

It is used to revitalize lawns, borders, and garden paths. Goes well in compositions with coniferous plants. Its climbing rose variety, Rumba Climbing, curls beautifully around arches, attics, and summer gazebos.

Decoration of garden paths

Rose Lavender Ice - what kind of variety is it

Rose Lavender, as it is called in Russia, was bred by breeders of the Rosen Tantau company. Experts managed to create a small miniature bush on which giant, lush buds are placed.

Border varieties of roses have always been a big favorite among gardeners

Brief description and characteristics

Rose Lavender Ice has the following characteristics:

  • the height of the bush is from 30 to 50 cm, rarely the rose reaches 1 m;
  • leaves are delicate green in color with a glossy surface;
  • flowers up to 10 cm in diameter;
  • the aroma is delicate, well expressed;
  • the color of the buds is a calm shade of lavender with a silvery and bluish tint, like the surface of ice.

For your information! The name of the variety translates as “lavender ice.” Ice - not only because the color contains the cold silvery shade of the ice crust, but also because this rose is highly frost-resistant.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The rose is loved by gardeners for a number of its advantages:

  • ease of care;
  • strong immunity that resists diseases and parasites;
  • excellent decorative characteristics.

The only negative is the size and height of the bush, which limits its use in landscape design.

Use in landscape design

Lavender rose is small, so it is most often planted along borders and in open areas of the garden. It combines with other flowers, sprawling shrubs and even coniferous trees. You just need to plant it in the foreground.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Like any other plant, Lavender Ice has its advantages and certain disadvantages. The popularity of the variety is based on the fact that the positive aspects of growing these roses are much greater than the negative ones. These include:

  • relative ease of maintenance;
  • significant degree of resistance to various diseases;
  • good degree of adaptability to low temperatures;
  • excellent aesthetic parameters.

As for the disadvantages, they include only the small height of the bushes, which makes them suitable only for growing in open areas, borders or in containers.

Rose Floribunda Lavender Ice is an excellent choice for any garden plot. Moreover, in order to successfully grow it, it is enough to have an average level of theoretical and practical training.

This plant has excellent decorative qualities and, with proper care, can delight with its tenderness and beauty for a long time and turn into an exquisite decoration of even the most presentable garden.

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Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

The Lavender Ice rose can be attacked by insects such as aphids, roseate sawflies, and spider mites. They are controlled using acaricides and insecticides.

Rust and gray rot appear less frequently. The affected leaves are removed, the shoots are treated with iron sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

Important! The variety is resistant to powdery mildew and black spot, which makes it extremely attractive to most gardeners. Lavender Ice can transform an ordinary plot into the most exquisite garden

Having previously studied the theory, even a novice gardener can grow a rose. Considering that this variety is not yet very common, by growing this rose you can greatly surprise other flower lovers and neighbors in the countryside

Lavender Ice can transform an ordinary area into the most exquisite garden. Having previously studied the theory, even a novice gardener can grow a rose. Considering that this variety is not yet very widespread, by growing this rose you can greatly surprise other flower lovers and neighbors in the country.

Description of rose Lavender Ice and characteristics

It is not for nothing that the Lavender Ice rose is classified as miniature, because the height of the bush occasionally exceeds 50 cm. Only with good care and favorable climatic conditions can you find a plant that has reached 1 m. In width it grows up to 60 cm.

There is a moderate amount of green mass, while the leaf blades are not large, but with a pleasant olive tint. The edges are slightly serrated and the surface of the leaves is glossy. The shoots are erect, strong, the apex is rosette-shaped. From two to five buds are formed on one peduncle. Their shape is similar to a saucer, the diameter varies from 7 to 9 cm. The bush is especially beautiful at the peak of flowering, when the buds are in full bloom. The outer petals have a light, soft lilac hue, and the center is a brighter purple. When burned in the sun, the flower fades, acquiring a grayish-pink color with an ashen tint. And, despite the fact that the Lavender Ice rose belongs to the floribunda group, it has a delicate and very attractive aroma.

Flowering is abundant, often repeated. And the last wave occurs in autumn, with the flowers remaining on the bush until the first frost.

The bush's resistance to frost is quite high; it is also worth noting its immunity to powdery mildew and black spot. But the rose shows a negative character in response to heavy rainfall. The petals fall off faster and the opening of the buds decreases.

The Lavender Ice rose is unpretentious in care, but it is best not to ignore the standard growing rules so that the plant enjoys abundant and longer flowering.

Plant care

An adult bush is undemanding and unpretentious, but the Lovely Lydia rose variety cannot be ignored. Timely watering and subsequent loosening of the top layer of soil are required to improve aeration. Fertilizing is applied in spring and summer. Sanitary cleaning of bushes and removal of faded buds are also important.

Fertilizing and soil quality

Roses are considered one of the most responsive and grateful plants for fertilizer and watering. During different periods of growth, bushes require different nutrients.

In spring, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of nitrogen for the developing vegetative mass. In summer, development requires the use of complex fertilizer with a full range of micro- and macroelements. In autumn, phosphorus and potassium are needed for better ripening of shoots.

Important! No fertilizing is needed in the first year after planting.

Pruning and replanting

The ratio between the above-ground and underground parts of the plant is regulated by pruning. But you need to trim it correctly and in a timely manner.

Ensuring long-term flowering is not easy. If the pruning is done lightly, flowering will occur early and the growths will be thin and elongated. Roses of this group bloom on the shoots of the current year. Therefore, the abundance of flowering depends on pruning.

When planting floribunda roses in spring, severe (short) pruning is used. This helps produce long, strong flower stalks for cutting. However, combined pruning is more often used:

  • light pruning of stems to obtain early flowering and strong pruning for later ones;
  • slight shortening is carried out in the fall;
  • strong shoots on old branches are cut into rings or up to 5 buds are left. This technique opens the center of the bush.

Note! After pruning, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate 100 g per 10 liters of water or a 1% solution of nitrafen

Features of wintering the bush

Covering variety. They are not replanted for the winter; they are left in the ground.

Preparations for wintering begin in the fall:

  • stop watering;
  • stop cutting flowers.

Before the first frost, the bushes need to be covered with earth or peat to a height of 20 cm.

In October, it is recommended to carry out sanitary pruning, after which all remaining healthy shoots should be shortened to 30-40 cm. When the soil first freezes, the roses are completely covered.

Growing a flower, how to plant it correctly in open ground

You can grow El Toro rose from seeds, but this is a labor-intensive process, and a favorable outcome is not guaranteed, so seedlings purchased from a specialized store are mostly used. The most suitable time for planting them is from the end of March to the end of May, when the soil is already warmed up and the likelihood of frost is low. In autumn you can also plant rose bushes in open soil. This should be done in September and October, but not later, since the planting material must take root before frost.

Appearance of a healthy rose seedling

The algorithm for planting El Toro seedlings is as follows:

A hole with approximate dimensions of 60x45 cm is dug in a suitable area. A drainage layer of expanded clay or broken stone is placed at the bottom of the hole, and a soil mixture enriched with fertilizers is poured on top. A seedling falls into a hole

It is necessary to carefully straighten the root system, and place the root collar so that it is at a level of 5-7 cm below ground level. The plant is covered with soil. It is evenly distributed between the roots; at the end the soil must be compacted a little. Water the plant generously at the root itself, avoiding moisture on the leaves or buds.

This is what a rose seedling looks like when planted in open ground

Note! If after abundant watering the soil has settled a little, then it is imperative to add some soil.

Features of growing roses Lavender Ice

Rose Lavender Ice belongs to the floribunda group of roses. The plant is able to grow well in both dry and warm climates and cool and humid climates.

It is better to choose a place for planting Lavender Ice roses so that the beauty can be seen both from the house and when simply passing by the site. This plant needs to be admired without hindrance.

Rosette will be grateful for sunny places, especially those filled with sun in the mornings or evenings. Too intense, extended sunlight can burn the petals. The place should be well ventilated, without stagnation of cold air.

Chernozem is the best soil option for planting. Loams will have to be enriched with organic fertilizers. Groundwater must be located at least a meter deep. The roots penetrate quite deeply and the proximity of groundwater leads to black spot disease.

Light acidity with a pH of 6 to 6.5 is welcome. Added peat or manure helps to acidify the soil. You can reduce acidity by using ash or by liming the soil.

You can place from 6 to 8 seedlings per 1 m2.

Planting begins in late April, early May. In autumn, planting is permissible only after allowing the seedlings to take root well before frost.

Caring for Lavender Ice consists of:

  1. Carrying out regular loosening of the soil around the bush, weeding.
  2. Disease prevention work.
  3. Fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers in the summer.
  4. Water 15–20 liters. once a week for each bush, 2 times during drought. Watering stops with the beginning of autumn.
  5. The first year, the emerging buds are completely removed, leaving a pair of flowers on each shoot in August.
  6. Full pruning in the spring (with the beginning of swelling of the buds), in the summer to regulate flowering (removing the faded inflorescence with the tip) and in the fall for prevention (sanitary pruning).
  7. To create a shelter when stable frosts occur at t-7C. To do this, the earth around is heaped (avoiding peat, sawdust, sand) with compost, humus or just earth. The bush is pruned. Next, everything is covered with spruce paws, a frame is installed with a gap of 0.2–0.3 m above the plant. The frame is covered with insulation, then with film (leaving air holes). Ventilation should begin in March - April. Removing the top film in the spring will speed up the appearance of buds.

Rose “Lavender Ice”:

Beautiful Lavender Ice from Tantau

In my review, I want to share my experience of growing a beautiful rose from Tantau. Lavender Ice is my favorite. And I grow them not in the country, but on the balcony!

I bought the flower via the Internet in joint purchases of our city. I choose seedlings of varietal roses from nurseries that have received awards and quality marks.

The most famous rose nurseries

Kordes (Germany), Tantau (Germany), Lens (Belgium), Davis Austin and Harkness (England), Guillot and Meilland (France)

Why I chose a rose from Tantau:

— German originators have achieved success in breeding varieties that are resistant to common diseases and at the same time winter-hardy;

— roses bloom almost continuously, at least two waves of flowering;

- many plants have flowers that are completely unique in shape and very densely packed

- there are dwarf varieties suitable for balconies

Features of the Lavender Ice variety:

belongs to the floribundas, a low compact bush. I’ve had the rose for three years now, during which time its height has remained around 60 cm.

The shoots are directed upward, which is important if there is not enough space on the balcony. delicate lilac color. When the heat lasts for a long time, the flowers become grayish-pink, slightly ashen. the buds do not rot in rainy weather, they just wait for the sun to bloom in three waves, as a rule

Even when Lavender Ice was attacked by mites, it still continued to bloom. Winters without problems under cover.

I call her my smart girl. No matter what happens, she always pleases with large, densely packed flowers.

The most common question I hear is “what to do with them in winter?” Since I live in Siberia, leaving roses on the balcony, even under insulation, is not an option. Severe frosts in the region of thirty degrees are not uncommon in our country, but rather the rule. In order to preserve the root system of roses, we dig them into the ground at a friend's dacha, usually at the end of October.

I will share my method of arranging roses for the winter.

— We buy covering material “Agrotex” and prepare an “air cushion”. For us, these are dry oak leaves collected in an oak grove nearby. I know that many people use spruce branches, but we feel sorry for breaking trees.

“Then I remove the leaves and remaining buds from the plants, but do not trim the branches. After all, in the spring you will have to cut off frozen shoots in any case (usually from 2 to 10 centimeters).

— A trench is dug at least fifty centimeters deep, and roses are placed in it at an angle of 45 degrees, right in the pots. Sprinkle leaves on top. Cover everything with covering material.

We usually dig up roses in late spring, around the end of April. As a rule, the branches are green and have many buds. This means that the plant has woken up and is ready for the new season.

My hobby has inspired my family and friends. And my mother began to perceive dacha work differently when joy appeared on the plot in the form of lush rose bushes.

Lavender Ice

Other name options: Lavender Ice, TAN04249.

Belongs to the Floribunda group.

Can be grown in containers.

Repeat-blooming, that is, it blooms several times per season with short breaks.

I got Lavender Ice a few years ago. Now I no longer grow it. This is due to the fact that I take cuttings of roses and root them for subsequent sale. There were problems with this one. It didn’t take root in me at all.

In general, she is not very capricious. It is resistant to frost (at minus 25 it winters calmly). Truth made a shelter for her from shields in the form of such a hut. Very comfortably.

In the summer it can be hot and it can be rainy. In general, she is not afraid of such weather conditions, but during very heavy rainfall her petals rotted a little.

It blooms with flowers of a somewhat unusual color: they are pink, but when there is no sun in the place where she sits, they turn out to be soft lavender. Such a chameleon.

I have never treated this rose for diseases: they are simply not terrible for it. But I watered it once a week quite generously.

Maybe someone managed to root it? At what time did you take it from cuttings (if you propagated it by cuttings)? I would like to analyze it, maybe I made mistakes somewhere.

Cuttings of this variety take root well if they are cut in the fall, placed in a secluded place on the ground and left to overwinter. In the spring (immediately after the snow melts) you can begin rooting.

Brief description and characteristics

Spray rose Lydia (lat. Lydia) has the following characteristics:

  • bushes are compact, 50-60 cm high, erect, densely leafy, without thorns;
  • leaves are dark green, oval;
  • flower color from soft pink to juicy crimson;
  • goblet-shaped flowers are collected in inflorescences, one with up to 10 buds. Each such brush is already a wonderful bouquet;
  • flower diameter up to 4 cm;
  • Flowering is long, from early June to September.

What does Lovely Lydia look like?

For your information! The peculiarity of the variety is the dark middle of the flower.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the variety:

  • valued for continuous flowering, abundant and long-lasting;
  • clusters of flowers are very impressive;
  • upright bush. No thorns;
  • ease of care;
  • frost resistance down to −23 °C;
  • Rose Love Lydia has good immunity.

There is only one drawback - weak aroma.

Use in landscape design

In garden design, this low spray rose looks gorgeous in group plantings and in flower beds. The bush rose Lovely Lydia rightfully occupies a place in the foreground of the flower garden, and it is especially beautiful against the backdrop of conifers. Used as a border along paths, and in tall flowerpots it is simply irresistible. Fits perfectly into an alpine slide.

Note! Can also be grown as a cut garden crop

Application in landscape design

The compact rose Lavender Ice is most often used by landscape designers to decorate flower beds in the foreground. It goes well with many garden plants that bloom in delicate and brighter colors.

Due to its miniature size, Lavender Ice is planted along borders, in elevated areas and even in containers.

The prickly pink shrub Lavender Ice feels good when planted among coniferous trees.

Recommendations for cultivation

Thanks to the varietal characteristics, planting, growing and caring for this variety are quite simple. In this case, the description of all the necessary recommendations for planting seedlings is reduced to the following list:

The optimal place to place a patio rose will be an open area with a sufficient degree of illumination. In this case, it is desirable that direct sunlight falls on the plant in the morning and evening. The possibility of ventilation and the absence of cold air currents (especially in winter) are also important. The best soil for planting Lavender Ice roses is black soil.

At the same time, it is very important not to make a mistake with the groundwater level - it should be at least a meter deep from the surface of the earth. It is desirable that the soil has a slightly acidic reaction. If this is not the case, you can use such “feeding” as peat or humus. The optimal time for planting the above variety is the end of April and the beginning of May.

It is also possible to carry out this activity in the autumn, but in this case it is necessary to make all the necessary recommendations before the onset of frost on the soil so that future bushes are well rooted in the ground.

Important! In order for plants to develop properly, it is necessary to provide them with sufficient area: approximately six to eight seedlings should be planted per square meter of land. As for the rules for caring for Floribunda, they are practically no different from working with other roses

To ensure normal conditions for roses it is necessary:

As for the rules for caring for Floribunda, they are practically no different from working with other roses. To ensure normal conditions for roses it is necessary:

  1. Regularly loosen the soil around the bushes and weed it from weeds.
  2. Prevent major diseases.
  3. Apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers in a timely manner.
  4. Also, do not forget about watering. To do this, it is enough to use from one to one and a half buckets of water, do it once a week, and during severe droughts - no more than two.
  5. Three times a year (spring, summer and autumn) it is necessary to prune the bushes. It is also necessary to remember the need to completely remove all buds in the first year. In August, no more than two flowers are left on each of the new shoots.
  6. With the onset of the cold season, roses are covered. To do this, the ground around the bushes is hilled up using soil, humus or compost, and the plants themselves are pruned. Next, the structure is covered with a special frame, spruce branches, insulation and film.

Note! In the process of covering the bushes, it is necessary to leave holes in the film (the so-called “vents”). Also, from March (or, depending on weather conditions, from April), the plants are ventilated, and the top layer of the film is completely removed to speed up the pipping of the buds

Rose blossom

The rose blooms throughout the summer, from June until the last days of August and early September.

Period of activity and rest

Rosa Minerva - growing floribunda

As soon as the rose finishes blooming, it begins a dormant stage, which lasts from September to March.

Care during and after flowering

During flowering, it is necessary to increase watering and promptly trim off faded buds so that new ones appear. After flowering in autumn and spring, before buds appear, sanitary pruning is carried out to remove weak and damaged shoots.

What to do if it doesn't bloom

The lack of flowering or its scarcity is associated with soil poor in minerals. Lavender will not bloom due to abundant or, conversely, poor watering. To improve flowering, you need to adjust the care of your rose.

Note! The lack of flowering may be due to the wrong location of the rose, where it receives direct sunlight all day.

Plant care

The soil around the plant needs to be weeded periodically. During the spring-summer period, disease prevention is carried out.

Watering rules and humidity

Rose loves moisture, so water it once a week with 15-20 liters of water.

During dry periods, watering is carried out 2 times a week.

Important! In autumn, the plant does not need additional moisture. Top dressing

Top dressing

In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the bush, and in the summer, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied.

All buds that appeared in the first year of the plant’s life are cut off, only in August several buds are left on each shoot.

In an adult plant in the spring, during the period of swelling of the buds, all the buds are cut off. In summer, only faded inflorescences are removed and the tops are trimmed.

In the fall, sanitary pruning is carried out - it involves removing diseased and dried branches.

Features of wintering a flower

Shelter is organized when the outside temperature drops below -7°C.

The soil around the bush is covered with compost (no peat, sand or sawdust is used). The shoots are pruned and covered with spruce paws.

A frame is installed around the plant, which is covered with insulation and film (with ventilation). From the beginning of March, the plant can begin to be ventilated.

Growing and care

Lavender Ice rose seedlings are planted in late April, early May. Before this time, preparatory work must be carried out.

The key to the successful development of the plant will be the choice of location for the future bush. It is best to give preference to an open area, but so that at noon the bush is located in partial shade, and the sun warms it up in the morning and evening hours. It is also advisable to protect the rose from draft winds.

Black soil is considered the ideal soil for the Lavender Ice variety. If loam predominates on the site, then the soil must be enriched with organic fertilizers. In this case, acidity should be at a low level, ideal would be within 6-6.5 pH. You can reduce its indicator using lime or ash.

After planting the Lavender Ice rose, timely watering is carried out. This variety loves moisture, so the soil needs to be watered at least once a week at the rate of 10-15 liters per bush. If the weather is dry, then the amount of irrigation should be increased to twice a week.

After watering, be sure to loosen the soil and weed around the bush. These procedures will provide better aeration and prevent the occurrence of diseases that can cause weeds.

After planting, you don’t need to feed the Lavender Ice rose for the first 1-2 years, but after that you should pay more attention to fertilizing the soil. It is best to apply nitrogen-containing complexes in the spring, and in the summer you can limit yourself to potassium and phosphorus preparations.

Pruning is performed about 3-4 times per season. As a rule, sanitary cleaning of the bush is carried out in spring and autumn, removing all frozen and dried shoots. In summer, only faded buds are removed.

Important! In the first year of life of the Lavender Ice rose, it is important to remove all the buds that have formed; you can only leave flowers in August, several per shoot.

In an adult Lavender Ice rose bush, the buds are swelling; all developing buds are cut off so that the plant gains more strength.

It is necessary to cover the rose if the winter is very frosty and long. For this, spruce spruce branches and non-woven material are used. First, sanitary autumn pruning is carried out, then the bush is covered with soil, then the frame is installed and covered with film. Be sure to make several holes (vents) for ventilation. Starting from the end of March to mid-April, the covering material is temporarily removed to ventilate the plant, and with the onset of stable warm weather, the insulation is removed altogether.

Growing a flower: how to plant it correctly in open ground

The plant is very decorative and unpretentious. Flower petals do not fade in the sun and do not fade from rain.

In Russia, roses classic Lydia and Lovely Lydia are propagated by cuttings. From these seedlings are grown throughout the year.

Type of bush

The most favorable time for planting seedlings is spring.

Important! Transplanting adult bushes is more favorable for the plant in the autumn period from September to October

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The area for planting rose bushes should be prepared in advance. Work can begin a month before.

The main stages of preparing a landing site:

  • clearing the area of ​​weeds;
  • deep digging to the height of the humus layer;
  • preparing holes for planting;
  • preparation of nutrient substrate for laying in pits.

Basic recommendations for preparing seedlings for planting:

  • Before planting, the seedlings are pruned, stems with mechanical damage and dry branches are removed;
  • shortening the root system by 1-1.5 cm;
  • soaking the roots in a solution of biostimulants.

Step by step landing procedure

Patio roses, which include Lovely Lydia, are not picky, although they love black soil.

Landing stages:

  1. Before planting, the hole is filled with a prepared nutrient mixture consisting of turf soil, peat, sand and mineral fertilizers.
  2. The seedling is covered with soil strictly up to the root collar.
  3. Watering is carried out immediately. You need at least 10 liters per bush.

Note! The development of roses depends on the planting density. Life and longevity depend on external factors

Description of the Minerva rose variety: how to care for the Belgian bush, flowering

A rose variety with a rare blue color, the name of which is dedicated to a car company, was invented by the Belgian M. Visser. His goal was to grow a disease-resistant variety. The features of this rose are its strong aroma and unusual shade.

Brief description and characteristics

The flower belongs to the floribunda group. It is resistant to any temperature. A special place in the description of the Minerva rose is occupied by its color, since it is its highlight.

What is the rose Minerva?

For your information! Although it is called blue, it is actually a dark purple hue. It amazes with a large number of wavy petals that form a lush inflorescence.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantages of the variety are:

  • unusual color;
  • strong aroma;
  • disease resistance;
  • beautiful flowering.


  • does not tolerate prolonged rain;
  • does not grow next to juniper.

Use in landscape design

Rose Minerva in combination with other plants creates a beautiful landscape design. Its unusual color harmoniously complements any composition.

Rosa Minerva in landscape design

Growing a flower: how to plant it correctly in open ground

Rose Larisa (Larissa) - what kind of floribunda is this

Flowers are planted using seedlings. Seedlings that are too young should not be used; they may not bloom. It is recommended to give preference to last year's.

Important! The plant is planted in mid-spring. The air temperature during landing should be above 10 °C

Selecting a location

In order for the Minerva rose to bloom profusely, it is necessary to choose loose, nutritious soil. Soil acidity should be average. If desired, you can use clay, having previously enriched it with a nutrient mixture and soil.

Note! The flower needs a lot of bright light and fresh air.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The seedling must first be cleared of soil. Then you need to prepare a vessel with liquid and place the root and grafting of the seedling there. Keep in liquid for half an hour to two hours.

Step by step landing procedure

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Dig up the soil and dig a hole about half a meter deep so that the root fits freely.
  2. Pour manure or humus into the bottom.
  3. Plant the plant and water it generously

Plant care

Rose Lavender Ice - floribunda characteristics

There is no need to water the flower often. It blooms in moderate humidity conditions. The plant does not tolerate long rains, so in case of heavy rainfall it is necessary to protect it from water.

Features of wintering a flower

The flower is frost-resistant; it easily tolerates cold temperatures down to −20 °C. If the thermometer drops below, then the plant must be insulated.

Rose blossom

Rose New Fashion - characteristics of floribunda

Rosa Minerva is a perennial plant. Usually it blooms until mid-autumn, and then there is a rest period. In greenhouses, the flower can bloom all year round.

Note! In greenhouse conditions, it is necessary to ensure sufficient air circulation

Care during and after flowering

During and after flowering, caring for the plant includes getting rid of dried and diseased leaves, cultivating the soil and fertilizing.

Care is important

What to do if it doesn't bloom

Sometimes a rose may not bloom. There may be several reasons. Perhaps the seedling chosen was too young. Also, a rose may not bloom due to unfavorable weather, lack of light, insufficient soil fertilization, or disease. In order for it to bloom its buds again, the cause of the non-flowering must be eliminated. You may need to replant the plant or trim the bush.

Flower propagation

Minerva propagates vegetatively - by cuttings. The process takes place in September. The starting point for cuttings is the fall of the plant's petals.

First, a mature shoot about 15-20 cm long is cut off from the plant, removed from the thorns and placed in a bag of soil. The seedling is stored in a dark place. Then a rootstock is grown from the rose hips and the grafting is waited for to strengthen.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Minerva is a rose that is quite disease resistant, but can still be affected by illnesses from time to time. So, the plant can get black spot. In order for the plant to recover, it is necessary to cut off diseased leaves and treat the soil with fungicides.

Aphids are also an enemy of the plant. To get rid of it, you need to purchase special products from gardening stores.

Thus, the blue rose variety is quite unpretentious and can decorate any garden. The main thing is to plant the seedling correctly and provide it with decent care.

Flower propagation

The bush is propagated using cuttings.

Detailed description

Cuttings are the best way to propagate roses, which preserves all the characteristics of the variety. How to carry out the procedure:

  1. Select branches that have buds for cuttings.
  2. Under the lower bud, make a cut at an angle of 45°, above the upper bud, cut at a right angle.
  3. Immerse the cuttings in any biostimulator for 10 hours.
  4. Pour fertile soil with sand into a container, lower the cuttings into it, water it and cover with film or a plastic bottle.
  5. Every day, ventilate the soil for 20-30 minutes.

The roots appear in about 1-1.5 months, after which the rose can be planted in another place.

Important! The root collar of the rose must be above the ground so that the stems above the graft can actively develop


During the season, Rumba blooms 2 times: 1st period - end of May-June, 2nd period - July-August. The dormant period is short and not noticeable, since the flowers constantly replace each other.

Note! The withered petals of Rumba do not fall off, but dry up on the bushes. For this reason, the appearance of the plant becomes untidy, and flowering weakens.

Therefore, gardeners must remove faded inflorescences in a timely manner.

Lack of flowers

In the first year of bush development, this is normal for Rumba. Otherwise, you need to establish the cause and solve the problem:

Poor landing site (little sun, many drafts)Replant the bush, remove the shadow
Depleted soilApply fertilizer
Trimming the bush too shortAllow the bush to develop

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Lavender is a strong variety that is not prone to disease. The only thing that can happen is root rotting due to excessive watering. To restore the bush, it is necessary to remove damaged roots and normalize watering.

Lavender is ideal for those gardeners who want to highlight their plot, giving it some flair.

Aphids may attack bushes. To get rid of it, roses are sprayed with a soap solution. In advanced cases, insecticides are needed.

Lavender is a beautiful border rose with lush blooms and large delicate buds. Despite the modest size of the bush, they will create a bright accent in a flowerbed or summer cottage.

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