English rose Abraham Derby: photo and description, reviews, when and how it blooms. rose Abraham Darby: reviews, photos, growing features

Flower propagation

The Derby variety is propagated by layering and cuttings.
The choice is made in favor of the most convenient method. When should rose bushes be propagated? The optimal time for harvesting cuttings is June, and they take shoots without buds at the ends, 10-12 cm long. Layers are bent to the soil in early spring, but they can only be transplanted from the mother bush a year later.

A rose cutting starting to grow

Detailed description:

  • The lower leaves of the cuttings are cut off, and the upper ones are shortened by half.
  • The lower tip of the cutting is dipped in Kornevin, and then buried in loose soil. The top must be covered with a transparent cap to protect it from drying out.
  • In fact, the cuttings are cared for for a year like young seedlings, only the established specimens being transplanted to a permanent place next summer.

Under the layering, holes 10 cm deep are dug next to the bush, where the branches are bent and covered with earth. Then you need to water them regularly for a whole year. If successful, each layer will produce an independent bush.


By layering

The side shoot is bent to the soil, secured with a wooden slingshot and dug in. Regular watering is required until rooting. In the spring, the seedling is separated and transplanted to a permanent place.


At the very beginning of flowering, semi-lignified cuttings up to 10 cm long are cut off. The lower leaves are torn off from the cuttings.

Important: the cut is made at an angle of 45°, 0.5 cm below the bud.

The cuttings are buried in special soil and covered with film. The seedlings overwinter in greenhouse conditions, in a bright place at room temperature. Planting of seedlings in open soil is carried out every other year, in the spring.

Growing rules

Since this variety is not designed for cultivation in the vast expanses of the Russian Federation, gardeners need to take care in advance to create certain conditions

To grow a proper and beautiful bush with a lot of flowers, it is important to be careful about planting

In what form is planting carried out?

It is possible to purchase varietal seedlings exclusively in a specialized nursery, where deliveries are made from European garden centers. The optimal age of planting material is 2-3 years. Such a bush is able to overwinter well and quickly adapt to a new place.

Seedlings with open or closed root systems are available for sale.

When purchasing, pay attention to the condition of the shoots and roots. The roots should not be overdried, and there should be no suspicious spots or signs of rot on the shoots

The living root does not crunch or break when bent. Some of the shoots may be woody, but the rest are covered with green bark.

Note! If you don’t want to limit yourself to exact planting dates, you should purchase a seedling with a closed root system in a container

Landing dates

The Abraham Derby rose variety can be planted both in spring and autumn. Spring seedlings take root better and give the novice gardener the opportunity to observe their development

It is important to get rid of excess buds on the plant before planting, leaving only 5-6. This will allow the bush to devote all its strength to vegetative growth and increase winter hardiness.

When planting, it is recommended to ensure good drainage in the holes and strictly follow the planting pattern. The plant grows both upward and to the sides, so the minimum distance between bushes should be 4 meters.

Selecting a location

The site must be selected carefully. It must meet the following requirements:

  • good diffused lighting;
  • protection from gusts of wind and drafts;
  • elevated location.

A bush planted in a suitable place will bloom profusely.
If there are no hills on the site, it is recommended to raise the soil level by filling them yourself.

Criteria for choosing a seedling

The key to successful establishment of a rose is the correct choice of seedlings. It is recommended to give preference to two to three year old specimens. This is a period of high levels of winter hardiness and vigor, therefore the survival rate increases. It is preferable to choose green stems, without wrinkles or drying out.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Before planting, the soil should first be dug well twice - six months before and 4-6 weeks before. Liming is not necessary, but it is recommended to add some organic matter.

When preparing a seedling, you need to cut the stems down to 4-6 buds, remove damaged and dry roots, and sprinkle the cuts with charcoal. After this, the plant is kept in water for 3-4 hours.

Step-by-step boarding procedure

After the preparation is completed, you can begin planting the rose. The sequence will be like this:

  1. In the selected area, dig a hole 2 shovels deep.
  2. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the hole, covering it with a layer of nutritious soil on top.
  3. The seedling is placed in a hole, deepening the root collar 5–6 cm below the ground level and carefully straightening the roots.
  4. The hole is covered with earth and pressed down with hands.
  5. The seedling is watered abundantly.

Note! It is advisable to mulch the space around the bush

Important Tips

  1. For better growth of the root system, seedlings must be soaked for at least 5-8 hours before planting. The roots in the water straighten well and are saturated with moisture, which improves the transfer of nutrients to the stem.
  2. Fungicides are added to the water. They prevent fungal diseases and prevent further development of infection.
  3. After soaking, the root system is thoroughly inspected. Sick, broken and damaged roots are cut off. The rest are pinched 2-3 cm to speed up the growth of the bush.
  4. The bush is placed in the central part of the hole, the roots are carefully distributed and covered with soil so that there are no voids left. The soil is compacted from above and watered abundantly. Even a small seedling requires at least 5-8 liters of water.
  5. Within a week, the bush can wither and weaken, so it needs moisture. To preserve it, the soil at the roots is sprinkled with mulch. Small sawdust, freshly cut grass, and hay are suitable.

Descriptions and photos of subvarieties

Next you can read the descriptions of the subvarieties and their photos.

Benjamin Britten

The variety is unpretentious and disease resistant. The height of the bush is up to 1 m. The buds are cup-shaped. The flowers are lush, rosette-shaped, red in color.

William Shakespeare

It differs in the duration of flowering. The bush is tall, up to 1.5 m in height. Stems are erect. The flowers are purple.

The variety is winter-hardy. The bush is lush, up to 1.5 m high. The flowers are double, rich yellow, the edges of the petals are pale yellow.

When and how?

It blooms in early summer, flowering continues until mid-September. The flowers are double in structure, large, up to 12 – 14 cm in diameter. The center of the flower is apricot color, the edges of the petals are pink. Petals are wide, up to 70 pcs. The variety has a persistent, rich fruity aroma.

Care before and after

To stimulate flowering, phosphorus fertilizers should be added to the soil. Water abundantly before and during flowering. During flowering, the plant should be fed with a solution of potassium sulfate. Withered flowers and buds are removed from the bush immediately. Before wintering, all leaves and unopened buds must be torn off.

What to do if it doesn't bloom?

Perhaps the bushes do not have enough light, in shady places the stems stretch out and buds do not form. It is necessary to examine the bushes for the presence of garden pests and viral infections that slow down flowering.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Rosa Omage Barbara

Rose Abraham Darby is a tall, lush and rounded perennial shrub, the length of erect shoots reaches 1.5 m. If the Abraham rose is well cared for and the climatic conditions are favorable, then the stems can reach a height of more than 2.4 m.

Derby rose, bred by the British breeder Austin, grows very actively, so in the park area it is often used as a climbing plant. Up to three buds can form simultaneously on one shoot.

Rose Abraham Derby

The buds of this rose are double, fully bloomed buds in a radius can be up to 7 cm. These perennial bushes bloom from the first ten days of June until the last ten days of September, and new buds appear continuously. To ensure active and abundant flowering, it is recommended to constantly remove fading flowers. The aroma of this rose is rich fruity with a predominant scent of lemon.

But this variety has average resistance to various diseases characteristic of rose bushes, as well as to attacks by “harmful” bugs. Also, the Abraham rose reacts very poorly to the rainy season - in such weather, new flowers do not appear, and buds do not bloom.

Where to plant a rose

This rose, alas, was not intended to be suitable for growing in our latitudes, so to achieve the best results you should adhere to a few simple rules.

Lighting and terrain

The Austin rose "Abraham Derby" does not tolerate shade at all, so the best place to plant it would be a place under constant sunlight.

This flower is extremely unstable to wind and drafts, under the influence of which its petals and buds begin to fall off, and therefore the planting site must be well protected from them on all sides.

Did you know? Rosehips, which are a wild variety of rose, contain more vitamin C than citrus fruits, which makes decoctions from it an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

In addition, the place where planting will take place should not be excessively wet or low-lying, since excess moisture can cause significant damage to the roots of the plant.

It is not recommended to plant in areas where the same crop was previously grown, since characteristic pests and pathogens could remain in the soil.

Soil type

Almost any soil is suitable for this type of rose, it is only desirable that it be developed. It is possible to further improve the soil by digging it up and then loosening it. If the soil is too sandy, you can add a small amount of humus to it. Additional liming of the soil before planting is usually not critical.

Disease and pest control

This variety of roses has average resistance to various pests and diseases, so with proper care it should not cause you any trouble in this regard. However, it is worth knowing that among the diseases this plant is most susceptible to powdery mildew, rust and black spot. All these diseases can be cured by removing the affected parts of the plant and treating with various fungicide solutions.

Bushes can also be attacked by various insects, including spider mites, roseate leaf rollers, thrips, roseate sawflies and green roseate aphids.

This can be evidenced by any damage to leaves, buds and shoots - holes, twisting, partial or complete drying, deformation and entanglement in cobwebs. This scourge should be combated by removing all affected parts of the plant and subsequent treatment with various insecticide solutions.

Landing Features

The rose can be planted as separate bushes or a support can be built for it. When grown for a long time in one favorable place, roses on a support can reach 300 cm in length.

In order for the root system to take root well, it is necessary to dig a deep hole up to 50 cm in length. The width of the pit is at least 70 cm. A drainage layer is made at the bottom with expanded clay, finely crushed brick or sand. To provide the bush with nutrients during rooting, humus or a special soil mixture is added to the hole. To stabilize the acidity of the soil, add 2 cups of wood ash.

Novice gardeners often complain about poor flowering of Abraham Derby. The reason lies in low-quality planting material. It is recommended to purchase rose cuttings of this variety only in specialized stores. The seedling must be at least 2 years old. By this period, the future bush has already developed winter hardiness. After planting, this material takes root well. By this time the stems become woody, but remain fresh.

You can recognize a seedling disease by its drooping appearance, yellowness of the stem and wrinkling. Planting material obtained by grafting has the best flowering.

Important Tips

  1. For better growth of the root system, seedlings must be soaked for at least 5-8 hours before planting. The roots in the water straighten well and are saturated with moisture, which improves the transfer of nutrients to the stem.
  2. Fungicides are added to the water. They prevent fungal diseases and prevent further development of infection.
  3. After soaking, the root system is thoroughly inspected. Sick, broken and damaged roots are cut off. The rest are pinched 2-3 cm to speed up the growth of the bush.
  4. The bush is placed in the central part of the hole, the roots are carefully distributed and covered with soil so that there are no voids left. The soil is compacted from above and watered abundantly. Even a small seedling requires at least 5-8 liters of water.
  5. Within a week, the bush can wither and weaken, so it needs moisture. To preserve it, the soil at the roots is sprinkled with mulch. Small sawdust, freshly cut grass, and hay are suitable.

With proper care, the bushes bloom beautifully. To make flowering more abundant, fading flowers are carefully picked off. Three days after each watering, the ground around the bush is thoroughly loosened and weeds are removed.

Fertilizer application

Spring feeding. It is carried out immediately after circumcision or when the buds are swollen. Mullein or special fertilizer for roses is placed around the perimeter of the bush, 10-15 cm thick. During the bud formation stage, the bush can be fed with rotted grass.

Summer feeding. It is carried out after the first flowering, but no later than July 20. Complex fertilizers will help maintain the vigor of the bush. Nitroammophosphate contains three important components - potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. For one bush, 75 grams of the substance is enough.

Autumn feeding. In early September, the last fertilizing is carried out before winter.

During this period, it is important to enrich the soil with potassium. Up to 15 grams of substance are scattered per meter

Be sure to stabilize the acidity of the soil with wood ash (1-2 cups). Before filling under the root, the ash must be sifted.

Fertilizers are not applied to cooled soil. At this time, the root system of roses is preparing for winter, and the processes of nutrient absorption are significantly suspended.

Preparing for winter

For the winter, the variety must be insulated. When a steady cold snap sets in, a shelter is built over the rose bushes. First, the plant is covered with sand or dry grass. The use of straw or peat is excluded, since these materials quickly absorb moisture: the bushes simply dry out. Before frost sets in, shoots that are too long or thin should be pruned. And also in late autumn all foliage is removed.

As soon as stable cold weather sets in, roses are wrapped in any covering material. You can build a frame from sticks or iron rods and put suitable material on it.

The beautiful “Abraham Derby” will certainly become a real decoration of your garden. The variety blooms for a long time, and the buds exude a delicate aroma. By following fairly simple agricultural techniques, growing strong and brightly flowering bushes is not particularly difficult.

History of origin

Rose Abraham Derby was bred in the 80s. 20th century English scientist David Austin by crossing yellow polyanthus and bright pink double climbing roses. The variety was named after the famous industrialist - English metallurgist Abraham Derby.

The Abraham Derby variety with a classic flower shape has become widespread along with goblet-shaped hybrid tea roses (find out the history and characteristics of growing hybrid tea roses here). What is the difference from other types of roses? The variety is distinguished by dense buds and voluminous flowers. The color of the inflorescences varies depending on the lighting. The flowers can be pink with a yellowish or peach tint.

Proper planting of seedlings

The key to successful and productive growth is the correct and timely planting of seedlings. The overall process is fairly straightforward and is similar to planting almost any bushy plant.

Rose amazes flower growers not only with its beauty, but also with its variety of varieties. You can decorate your flower garden with the following varieties: Sophia Loren, Falstaff, Pierre de Ronsard, Pink Intuition, Blue Perfume, Graham Thomas, Mary Rose.

Criterias of choice

It is recommended to purchase seedlings whose age does not exceed 2-3 years, since it is these seedlings that have the greatest winter hardiness and vitality, and therefore have the highest survival rate after planting.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the condition of the stems. Several of them should have a woody structure, and the rest should have a green, fresh appearance.

Wrinkling and drooping of young stems may be evidence of drying out of the seedling or the presence of possible diseases.

As a rule, there are two types of seedlings on sale: on their own roots and grafted. The former are usually weaker in their development, so before purchasing, be sure to ask the seller what type of product he is offering.

Planting dates and scheme

Planting roses is possible in two periods - spring and autumn. The first period is better suited for beginners, since planting at this time allows the seedling to develop better and, as a result, better survive the winter. However, experienced gardeners recommend planting in the fall; in this case, it is necessary to correctly guess the weather and time.

Before planting, the seedling should be trimmed, leaving 4-6 buds, since too many buds can weaken the vegetative growth of the plant during the summer period, which will lead to the inevitable death of the plant during wintering. The roots also need to be trimmed, removing the damaged parts and lightly trimming the remaining ones. Thanks to this treatment, the bush will acquire a more powerful and branched root system.

Before planting, a hole 1.5-2 shovels deep is dug, at the bottom of which some kind of drainage and a small layer of fertile soil, or a nutrient mixture consisting of peat, sand and humus are placed. Next, the seedling is placed in the hole so that all its roots are straightened. After this, the hole with the seedling inside is filled with earth, which should be compacted a little at the very end.

Important! The root collar of the plant should be located deep in the soil at a distance of 5-6 cm. Next, you should mulch the soil around the young bush with freshly cut grass or hay and water the plant thoroughly

Next, you should mulch the soil around the young bush with freshly cut grass or hay and water the plant thoroughly.

Features of the plant

A dense, powerful, fast-growing, well-leafed bush of a rounded shape, reaches a height of 1-1.5 m with a width of up to 1.2 m. If you form it as a climber, then under favorable conditions and the presence of support it will be long, thin, flexible and fairly strong shoots can stretch up to 3 m. The leaves are medium in size, the leaf blade is glossy, rich bright green, dense, leathery.


Bushes of the Abraham Derby variety are among the first to bloom, in May - June. It is distinguished by repeated, almost continuous and abundant flowering throughout the season, lasting until September. The flowers are arranged singly or collected in compact inflorescences-tassels, consisting of 2-3 pieces.

Large goblet-shaped buds of apricot color open into densely double cup-shaped flowers with a diameter of 12-14 cm, numbering up to 140 petals, painted in delicate pastel pink-peach tones.

The flower repeats the classic shape of an ancient rose, but is larger in size and has a rich aroma.

The color of flowers changes depending on external conditions: in cool, cloudy weather, bicolor appears more clearly - they are soft pink with soft yellow in depth, and with increasing temperature there is a predominance of more monochromatic apricot-cream shades. The petals are very delicate, satiny, pink at the base, with a golden-white underside and lightened edges. The inner petals are darker, the outer petals fade to pale pink. Flowers of the Abraham Derby variety are distinguished by a very strong, pronounced fruity-strawberry aroma with notes of rose oil and citrus.

Under the weight of the flowers, the shoots may droop, so it is advisable to strengthen them on a support. During prolonged rains, the petals often stick together, when they bloom, they do not fall off for a long time, sometimes they turn brown and dry out right on the bush. In such situations, experienced rose growers advise pruning flowers that have lost their decorative effect, so as not to overload the plant.

Options for using Abraham Derby roses in the landscape

David Austin roses are used for decorating personal plots and landscaping city squares. The Abraham Derby variety can be grown on a trunk, as well as in the form of a climbing or spreading shrub. Solitaire and composition plantings are used. The plant looks interesting near forged fences, garden columns and arches.

Decorating the fence

Flower bed Solitaire planting

Rosary Decoration of a garden arch

Group planting

Planting dates and scheme

Planting roses is recommended in two periods - autumn or spring. In the second case, the seedling has time to take root and gain strength over the summer, which will make the work easier for beginners and novice gardeners

However, experienced gardeners advise planting seedlings in the fall, but in this case it is important to choose a day suitable for weather conditions

Before planting, the branches are cut to 6 buds, since a large number of them weakens the plant. The roots are also trimmed, removing damaged and too long ones. This way the bush forms a powerful root system.

A hole for planting is dug to a depth of 1.5 shovels, and drainage must be placed at the bottom. Crushed red brick is best suited for these purposes. Then a layer of humus, a little sand and peat are poured into the hole.

The seedling is placed in the hole, the roots are well straightened and carefully sprinkled with earth, compacted around the bush and watered well, ending the planting activities at this stage. The soil is mulched with mowed grass or hay.

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Planting and care

In order for the plant to delight with its beauty for as long as possible, it must be correctly placed in the garden plot, taking into account all the preferences of this species:

  1. You should not plant shrubs in a draft; it is best to choose a sunny place protected from the wind;
  2. The plant should not be placed in low-lying areas where precipitation and melted snow accumulate;
  3. It is also better not to plant where the same crop previously grew, because pests and pathogens can move onto it.

Experienced gardeners recommend purchasing seedlings only from trusted nurseries that sell high-quality planting material.

The size of the hole for bushes is on average 70 centimeters in depth and width. At the bottom it is necessary to make drainage from expanded clay or other available means, then add a soil mixture consisting of:

  • 3 parts humus or rotted manure;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 2 parts of fertile (top) layer of soil;
  • 200 grams of complex fertilizers for roses;
  • 400 grams of wood ash.

Before planting the Abraham Derby seedling, it must be soaked in water.

Before planting, the seedling needs to be prepared, namely, soaked in water for several hours, remove all damaged roots and lightly trim the main ones. This procedure will stimulate the plant to grow and take root as quickly as possible.

During planting, the bush is placed on a previously prepared mound and carefully sprinkled with earth. After all work is completed, the rose is watered and mulched.


Proper care of a rose consists primarily of frequent and timely watering. To form a powerful and branched root system, the plant is watered once a week, using 10-15 liters of water. If you neglect this procedure, the roots of the bush will rise to the top and can easily be damaged. Watering stops at the beginning of autumn.

In order for the bush to receive the required amount of oxygen, the soil around it is regularly cleared of weeds and loosened.

Top dressing

Fertilizers begin to be applied from the 2nd year of the plant’s life, using the following scheme:

In early spring, immediately after the snow meltsBird droppings in the proportion of 1d20 or cow manure in the proportion of 1d10
With the appearance of the first buds and until the end of flowering, every 2-3 weeksComplex mineral fertilizers for roses
End of AugustThe rose is treated with potassium sulfate

It is best to fertilize the plant in the evening, immediately after watering.

Pruning rules

Abraham Derby bush pruning scheme

Depending on the purpose of use, a rose of this variety requires different types of pruning:

  1. Climbing plants can be left intact and only damaged branches removed;
  2. To obtain a lush bush, the tips of the vines are slightly trimmed at the beginning of each season;
  3. If the bush should look neat and compact, all shoots are cut by 2/3.

All work is carried out in early spring, and the cutting angle should be 45 degrees.

Pests and diseases

The most common diseases of Abraham Derby roses are black spot and powdery mildew. They arise due to waterlogging and violation of the watering regime.

For preventive purposes, the plant should be sprayed with a soap solution. In autumn, in preparation for wintering, the bush is treated with copper sulfate.

In case of powdery mildew, the affected shoots must be removed

Preventive treatment with fungicides is carried out 2 times a year - before flowering and in autumn. This will protect the bush from fungi and bacteria.

Common pests of the English park rose Abraham Derby are:

  • aphid;
  • slobbering pennies;
  • sawfly;
  • leaf rollers;
  • roseate cicadas;
  • spider mites.

The most effective method of insect control is insecticide treatment. It is carried out 2-3 times with an interval of 3-7 days, depending on the properties of the drug.

Soil preparation and proper planting

Unfortunately, the variety is not suitable for growing in the middle zone, therefore, in order to achieve lush flowering, simple recommendations should be followed.

This climbing rose does not like shade very much, and therefore it is advisable to choose the most sunny area for planting it, well protected from drafts. You cannot plant seedlings in lowlands, in flower beds where other types of roses grew.

If we talk about soil preferences, then the presented variety is completely unpretentious in this regard and can grow well on any soil. If the soil is sandy, humus should be added to the hole prepared for the rose. The key to proper growth of a future beauty is proper planting.

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To do this, you need to choose seedlings no older than 3 years old that have the greatest frost resistance and strength.

When purchasing, pay attention to the branches and roots, which should be fresh, without signs of disease.

Selection of seedlings and planting

When purchasing seedlings, you do not need to choose those that grew on their own root system - they do not take root well. Preference should be given to grafted bushes. You can ask the salesperson at the store.

Healthy plants have juicy and fresh green stems, in some cases partially woody (central shoot). Limp and wrinkled bushes indicate the presence of diseases.

Beginning gardeners are recommended to plant in the spring so that the seedling can take root during the summer and survive the winter. Experienced rose growers already know the specifics of choosing the necessary conditions, so they can safely plant bushes in the autumn.

Planting roses is done as follows:

  1. Before planting, the plants are pruned; about 5 buds should be left on them - this amount is optimal for the normal development of the bush. If there are more buds on the plant, it may weaken and wither. The roots are pruned: healthy ones are cut by 2-3 cm, and dry and deformed ones are removed completely - this pruning helps stimulate the development of a strong root system.
  2. The bushes are placed in a container with water for 4 hours.
  3. The planting hole must have sufficient width and depth so that the root system can expand well. A drainage layer (stones, pebbles, broken bricks) is laid at the bottom, and nutritious soil, which consists of humus, peat and sand, is poured on top. You can also add special baits for roses to this composition, taking into account the instructions.
  4. The bush is placed in a hole, deepening the root collar 6-8 cm into the ground. The top layer of earth is slightly compacted.
  5. The soil around the rose is mulched with sawdust, straw or mown grass - this will promote the development of the plant. Mulch will provide the root system with the required level of acidity and the required amount of moisture, protect it from frost and prevent the spread of weeds.
  6. The soil around the bush must be watered abundantly.

Preparing for winter

As winter approaches, you need to carefully take care of preparing the plant for the cold. First you need to hill up the root zone of the rose. Sand and earth are used for this. Peat should not be used, because it can create a greenhouse effect and the roots of the plant will rot over the winter. The stems need to be trimmed and all remaining foliage removed.

To properly prepare for hibernation, the bush should begin to limit watering from mid-August. Watering is halved and completely stopped in September. Before the onset of cold weather, you need to carry out two more feedings of the roots. Superphosphate, potassium and boric acid are suitable for this.

Be sure to create a convenient frame for the covering material. You can build it yourself or buy it at a garden store. Most often, such frames are metal arches in the form of tunnels, which remain throughout the summer. The following are often used as covering materials:

  • rags or burlap, which is not very convenient, but effective;
  • spunbond, agrofibre - they allow moisture to pass through and will last a very long time;
  • polyethylene film is a cheap material, but it does not allow air to pass through, so you will have to make small holes in it.

Description and history of selection

This rose was first obtained in 1965 by crossing two modern varieties - the polyanthus rose with yellow petals, “Yellow Cushion” and the red-pink double climbing rose variety “Aloha”.

Did you know? Natural rose oil is one of the most expensive and valuable in the world. Its price exceeds the cost of gold and platinum. To obtain one liter of such oil, about three tons of fresh petals are needed.

When the flowers of this variety bloom, they take on the classic shape characteristic of all bush roses. The buds have a soft pink color closer to the center and a slightly yellowish tint closer to the periphery. One of the characteristic and unusual features of this flower is the dependence of color on environmental conditions. The buds, like chameleons, are able to change their color - from pink with a slight touch of yellow around the edges to peach.

The bush is distinguished by its rather large size (up to 1.5 meters in height), splendor and roundness. With careful care and favorable environmental conditions, it can reach a height of up to 2.5 meters. Learn more about the intricacies of planting and caring for English, Canadian and Dutch roses.

Rose Abraham Darby: description + photo

The variety was obtained in 1965 by crossing two varieties:

  • polyanthus yellow rose Yellow Cushion;
  • climbing pink-red rose Aloha.

The resulting result went on sale under several names in addition to Abraham Derby: AUScot, Candy Rain, Country Darby.

General information about Austin roses

All varieties of roses, bred by British breeder David Austin, are perennial shrubs and stand apart from other similar flowers. The bushes of these plants are tall with erect shoots about 1.5 m long and higher, the buds have a classic goblet shape and a delicate original aroma, inherent in all varieties bred by this breeder.

David Austin decided to “reanimate” old varieties of bush “queens of flowers”; his goal was to use them to develop plants that would be highly resistant to diseases, would bloom several times per season, would have beautiful shapes, and could grow in regions with different climatic conditions. conditions, and the flowers would be beautiful and have a pleasant aroma. In addition, this breeder sought to develop roses whose bud petals would be yellow or orange in color.

Rose Abraham Derby

Almost all varieties bred by Austin are still popular among flower growers and gardeners in most countries of the world, despite the fact that more than half a century has passed since the appearance of these varieties.

The Abraham Derby variety was bred in 1965, its “parents” were the polyanthus rose Yellow Cushion, the flower petals of which have an intense yellow color, and the climbing double rose Aloha, the color of the buds is pink with a red tint.

Interesting! Natural oil made from rose petals is one of the most expensive and valuable in world cosmetology. To get just a liter of this valuable product, more than 3 tons of freshly picked petals are required.

The flowers of the English rose Abraham Derby are densely double and have a classic cup-shaped shape, which is characteristic of all bush “queens of flowers”. The color of the bud petals in the central part is soft pink, and the outer petals are yellow. The originality and unusualness of these flowers is that they can change color depending on climatic conditions. These flowers are like chameleons, they can start out pink with a slight hint of yellow and then change color to a soft peach.

History of selection

The Abraham Derby variety was developed in 1965 in England. The breeder is the famous British breeder David Austin. He developed more than 150 new ornamental varieties, most of which are actively cultivated by gardeners around the world.

Rose David Austin Abraham Derby is the result of interspecific crossing. During breeding work, the varieties Aloha and Yellow Cushion were used.

The rose is named after British metallurgist Abraham Derby III, who is famous for building the world's first cast iron arch bridge. This building is located near the breeding station where David Austin worked.

Short description

The double flower of 70 petals has a classic cup-shaped shape for old park roses. The petals are colored copper-apricot in the central part of the corolla, and pink closer to the edges. A powerful bush with a height of 1.2 to 3.05 m can be pruned into a compact and rounded bush, up to 1.5 m in diameter. Or you can give it the appearance of a climbing rose. But in any case, the rose bush will be strewn with flowers.

The foliage is abundant, green, shiny. Flowering occurs in alternating long waves.

Rose corollas are changeable in color. In the heat, their shade becomes apricot, and in cool weather it turns into a rich pink. Shedding is reluctant. Among English roses, Abraham Derby is considered the largest; its buds in full bloom reach 15 cm in diameter.

Forcing occurs at the ends of annual shoots in clusters of 1-3 flowers. The strongest aroma has typical rose, strawberry and fruity notes.

Note! The prickliness of this variety is medium. Therefore, when caring for a rose bush, it is advisable to wear gloves made of thick material.

Description of the bush

Rose Abraham Derby often grows as a shrub, but in warm climates it can produce lashes up to 2 meters. If there is support, this variety can be used as a climbing variety, especially since some of its flowers turn downwards under their own weight and this height is most comfortable for perception. Most gardeners will be content with more modest sizes: the maximum height will not exceed 120-150 cm, and the width of the bush will be within 1 meter.

The reddish shoots of Abraham Derby are very prickly, but they bend well and are elastic enough to withstand even strong gusts of wind. The foliage is dark green, shiny and remains that way all season until frost.

Features of the variety

Rose Abraham Darby is a tall, lush and rounded perennial shrub, the length of erect shoots reaches 1.5 m. If the Abraham rose is well cared for and the climatic conditions are favorable, then the stems can reach a height of more than 2.4 m.

Derby rose, bred by the British breeder Austin, grows very actively, so in the park area it is often used as a climbing plant. Up to three buds can form simultaneously on one shoot.

Rose Abraham Derby

The buds of this rose are double, fully bloomed buds in a radius can be up to 7 cm. These perennial bushes bloom from the first ten days of June until the last ten days of September, and new buds appear continuously. To ensure active and abundant flowering, it is recommended to constantly remove fading flowers. The aroma of this rose is rich fruity with a predominant scent of lemon.

But this variety has average resistance to various diseases characteristic of rose bushes, as well as to attacks by “harmful” bugs. Also, the Abraham rose reacts very poorly to the rainy season - in such weather, new flowers do not appear, and buds do not bloom.

Features of growth

The rose grows quickly and is often used as a climbing plant. On one stem of Abraham Derby there are usually about three flowers up to 14 centimeters in size. The variety is considered to be bushy and is moderately resistant to infections and insects.

The rose blooms for a long time: from the first days of summer until the end of September. At this time, the garden is filled with a bright aroma with light notes of citrus. However, precipitation causes the buds to shrink and do not open until the rain stops.

Features of flowering

Bushes of the Abraham Derby variety are among the first to bloom, in May - June. It is distinguished by repeated, almost continuous and abundant flowering throughout the season, lasting until September. The flowers are arranged singly or collected in compact inflorescences-tassels, consisting of 2-3 pieces.

Use in landscape design

Abraham Derby roses often form tall thickets, are used as hedges, and are planted along borders. The variety looks good in group plantings with coniferous and evergreen shrubs. Tall bushes harmonize with phlox, aconite, and sage. In flower beds and flower beds it is recommended to plant in the background, against the backdrop of tulips, hyacinths, and peonies.

Rose Abraham Derby does not tolerate bright, direct sunlight.

Bushes should be planted on the east and west sides of the house. From the midday sun on the south side, spots may appear on the leaves - burns, flowers lose their brightness, and burn out.

It should be noted that daylight for this variety should be at least 5–6 hours per day.

Strong gusts of wind and drafts cause buds and petals to fall off; the planting site should be protected and quiet on all sides.

The litter is not picky when choosing soil. The main condition is fertility and permeability. Rotted manure, compost or manure should be added to the soil. Part of the turf soil is added to sandy soils. Regular loosening of the soil and removal of weeds.

In warm climates, seeds are sown directly in open ground in mid-autumn.

  1. A shallow trench is dug.
  2. The seeds are evenly distributed.
  3. The sowing is moistened and sprinkled with substrate (sand, peat, garden soil in equal proportions).
  4. The top of the crop is covered with leaves and coniferous spruce branches.
  5. In winter, a frame is formed and covering material is fixed on top.
  6. In spring the cover is removed.
  7. Grown seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place.

You can grow seedlings in a greenhouse:

  1. First, the seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours. The seeds are sown in small containers.
  2. The sowing is covered with film and ventilated daily.
  3. Content temperature – 20 – 22 °C. The lighting is bright, watering is regular, in small doses.
  4. The seedlings, after a month, must be moved to the basement. Air temperature – 8 °C.
  5. In spring, seedlings are transplanted into open ground.


Rose Abraham Derby overwinters in open ground with shelter and can tolerate temperatures down to – 10 – 12 °C. The optimal air temperature for this variety is 20 – 25 °C. Does not tolerate heat well - flowers become smaller, fade, and petals may fall off.

Excessive soil dampness is unacceptable. Watering is moderate. Between waterings, the soil should dry out by 2 cm. Watering should be done early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. Irrigation method is sprinkling. Adult bushes require up to 10 liters of water, young seedlings are watered with less volume. It is recommended to use clean, settled, warm water. In autumn, watering is reduced. In winter, the bushes are not watered.

There is no need to fertilize the soil within a year after planting; the plant has enough nutrients.

In spring, nitrogen fertilizing is required to increase the green mass of the bush. During the formation of buds, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with complex fertilizers for roses.

At the end of summer, it is recommended to feed the bushes with potassium fertilizers. Feeding should be alternated. It is recommended to add bird droppings (1:20), liquid mullein (1:10). Only manure that has fermented for 7 to 10 days is used.

Fertilizers are applied in the evening. The soil is well moistened beforehand.

Pruning is carried out in the spring and before wintering. To form a compact bush, the stems are cut to 40–50 cm. If the stems are located on climbing supports, only the tops of the shoots are cut off in the fall. Stems frozen over the winter are removed. During transplantation, dry and damaged root shoots and unripe stems are cut off.

Transplantation is carried out in spring or autumn. Young seedlings and mature bushes with strong growth are replanted.

  1. The mother bush or seedling is cleared of soil.
  2. The tops of the stems and long shoots of the root are cut off.
  3. The cut sites are disinfected.
  4. The root is soaked in warm water for 7 hours.
  5. A bush is placed vertically in a hole with a diameter and depth of up to 50 cm.
  6. The hole is filled with soil, the bush is well moistened.
  7. After subsidence, soil is added to the tree trunk circle.

Soil for replanting: a mixture of sand, peat, humus in equal proportions.

Preparing for winter

In autumn, the shoots should ripen well; it is advisable for the flowers to fall off on their own, without pruning. At the end of November, leaves, flowers and shoots are pruned and removed.

In southern latitudes, shelter is required when temperatures drop to -10°C.

  1. Before covering, the soil must be hilled up.
  2. A frame made of plywood, foam plastic, etc. is built around the bush.
  3. The bush is sprinkled with leaves, shavings, spruce branches, and dry humus.
  4. When it gets cold, roofing material and film are laid on top of the frame.

For air ventilation, it is necessary to make small holes at the base of the shelter.

The top cover is removed in the spring, at 0°C.

Planting and growing procedure

When choosing a place to plant the specified rose variety, the following factors should be taken into account:

  1. The seedling must be planted in a sunny place.
  2. The root system of plants does not tolerate excess moisture, so it is necessary to look for a place that is not flooded by melt water.
  3. You will need to find a place protected from winds and drafts. These factors negatively affect the plant.
  4. You cannot plant a seedling in soil where identical plant varieties previously grew. This is due to the fact that various parasites and fungal infections can remain in it.
  5. The soil must first be prepared. It consists of eliminating weeds, loosening the soil and applying the necessary fertilizers.

Directly to introduce the seedling into the soil, you will need to dig a hole. It is made in the shape of a square with sides of seventy centimeters. You will need to select soil two and a half shovels deep.

Before introducing the seedling into the soil, it is necessary to soak the root system for several hours. This will speed up the development of the bush. It is also necessary to remove weakened or broken roots, and slightly trim the main part of the rhizome.

Subsequently, the seedling is brought into the prepared hole, the root system is straightened and gradually covered with soil. After this, it is necessary to water the bush abundantly and carry out further care.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rose Moody blues

Those who decide to plant Abraham Derby seedlings in their garden should learn more about all the pros and cons of the variety. The main advantages of this “queen of flowers”:

  • high decorativeness of flowering bushes, original and unusual appearance of blooming buds;
  • original and unusual two-tone color of flowers;
  • flowering period - over several summer months;
  • active use in landscape design in single plantings and in groups with other flowering annuals and perennials;
  • persistent pleasant citrus aroma.

But this perennial shrub also has some disadvantages:

  • resistance to most diseases and insect attacks is average;
  • cold resistance - average;
  • This shrub does not tolerate intense heat and rainy periods equally well, and may stop flowering in such conditions.

Despite the few shortcomings and troubles associated with planting and further caring for Abraham rose seedlings, this variety will be one of the main decorations of any garden plot due to the highly decorative nature of the flowering bushes.

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